Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ungdomsverksamhet"" "subject:"ungdomsverksamheten""
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Är selektering alltid avsiktligt? : En studie av resursbrist i samband med tidig selektering inom svensk pojkfotbollNalic, Sandro, Wilhelmsson, Robert January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fotbollen är Sveriges nationalsport som attraherar många barn och ungdomar. Problemet är det att barn och ungdomar ofta blir offer för selekteringar trots de negativa konsekvenser forskningen tyder på. Föreningarna och kommunernas anläggningar är många med bra kvalitet, trots det finns det ett större behov utav fler anläggningar och utbudet möter i många fall inte efterfrågan. Kan man finna förklaringar till varför föreningarna selekterar genom att undersöka resursernas influenser på barn- och ungdomsverksamheten med ett fokus på ledare- och anläggningstillgängligheten? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om resurser, med ett särskilt fokus på ledare – och anläggningar, har en påverkan på hur svenska fotbollsföreningar bedriver selekteringsverksamhet i sina pojklag. Metod: Undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär, där tio stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförs för att samla in empirisk data. Annat material samlas in via relevant litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: En tydlig koppling mellan resursbrist, främst i form av ledare – och anläggningstillgångar, och tidig selektering gick att identifiera i breddverksamheterna.
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Var är ungdomarna? : En kulturanalytisk studie av kommunal ungdomsverksamhet / Where are the youth? : A cultural analysis of municipal youth activitiesDahlgren, James January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen Var är ungdomarna har till syfte att undersöka hur ungdomar och personer som arbetar med ungdomsverksamhet själva förstår och förklarar ungdomars deltagande i ungdomsverksamhet. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter är respektabilitet och identitet med utgångspunkt i ett kulturanalytiskt perspektiv. Materialet består av enkäten Lokal uppföljning av ungdomspolitiken, intervjuer med sju vuxna och sexton ungdomar samt av observationer utförda på två fritidsgårdar och en kulturverkstad. Ungdomarna menar att de inte har tid för aktiviteter inriktade på estetisk kultur. Det framkommer även att lokaltrafiken är problematisk och att kommunen behöver arbeta mer med sin marknadsföring av aktiviteterna. Resultatet av studien inbegriper förslag på förbättringar som kommunen kan genomföra för att öka deltagandet, exempelvis att flytta ut aktiviteterna i byarna, ha flexiblare verksamheter som uppmuntrar till spontant deltagande och att se över kollektivtrafiken. Slutsatsen är att genom dessa förändringar kan deltagandet öka då ungdomarna i studien visar intresse för att hitta fler fritidsaktiviteter. För att producera mer specifika lösningar krävs en utökad studie där fler ungdomar intervjuas och kommunens tjänstemän får komma till tals. / <p>Författaren vill rikta ett stort tack till samtliga informanter. </p>
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På gränsen : en undersökning av ungdomsverksamhet på Skara stifts- och landsbibliotek / On the edge : a study of youth activity in the public library of SkaraOttosson, Ann-Louise January 1996 (has links)
This master deals with the theme youth and public libraries. The essay is based on observationsand qualitative interviews with young people at the ages of 13 to 16 years old, whovisited the public library of Skara, employees at the library, and politicians in the community.The main issue in the study is; what is and what can be done to increase youth utilization ofpublic libraries. I have emphasized on the media stock, the organization of books, theenvironment and the staff of the library, marketing, specific target group, activities, andcooperation with both internal and external forces.Theories about youth culture and some projects concerning young peoples behaviour in librariesare also presented.
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”Man måste ju tycka om ungdomar” : Bibliotekariers syn på ungdomar och ungdomsverksamhet på folkbiblioteket / ”You have to like teenagers” : Librarians’ views on youth and youth programs in the public libraryMader Olsson, Johanna, Westerdahl, Sara January 2011 (has links)
In the paper we bring up and analyse the attitudes librarianshave towards youth and youth programs in the public library.The purpose is to raise awareness among librarians and tomake the process of change and development. We have usedsemi structured interviews in order to answer our researchquestions and conducted the interviews with five librarians incharge of the youth programs in different public libraries. Inthese interviews we asked about their views on youth as auser group, youth programs and how this affects theiropinions on the roles of the public library. We have also triedto see how the librarian’s opinions differ from how thelibrary runs their youth programs today.We have used two different models as theoretic framework.One of them has defined three different roles of the publiclibrarian and is constructed by Maj Klasson and the other is adeveloped version of Andersson & Skot-Hansen’s classicmodel of the roles of the public library made by Jochumsen,Rasmussen & Skot-Hansen. These models have been used tostructure the analysis of the material gathered from theinterviews.The informants in this paper show a positive attitude towardsyouth as a group and express a wish to make theirexperiences with the public library as good as possible.Overall they are satisfied with the way the youth programs intheir libraries work today but would like to develop it furthergiven more time and resources. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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”Man orkar väl inte liksom kolla vad det finns för utbud och grejer, på biblioteket”- en undersökning av ungdomars förväntningar på folkbiblioteket. / “I guess people don´t really feel like checking out what the library has to offer”- a study about young adult´s expectations of the public library.Eliasson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine what expectations young adults have of the public library andthereby determine the relevance of the library guidelines, Påbarns och ungdomars villkor (2003), for young adults. The empirical data is gathered through focus group interviews consisting of 18 participants between the ages of 16 and 17. The conceptual framework for this study is based on Lee´s motivation model for customers in the public library (2007). The model focuses on three conditions for motivation: expectation, instrumentality and valence.The results reveal that young adults in this study have low expectations of the public library. They express little need for public library services because they see the possibility of finding the same things that the library offers through other alternatives, such as the Internet. Limitations consisting of library staff with no knowledge of what young people want, inadequate economic resources and the idea that the library is reserved as a quiet place are also reasons why the participants´ expectations of the public library are not high. The study also shows that the guidelines, På barns och ungdomars villkor (2003), are still relevant, but that there is a gap between them and the participants´ experience of the library. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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”Hatar gamlingar färg och att sitta skönt eller vad är problemet?” En kvalitativ studie av ungdomars uppfattning om folkbibliotek. / “Do old people hate color and to sit comfortably or what is the problem?” A qualitative study of young people’s perception of public libraries..Ringmann, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study 15 and 16-year-olds’ perception of libraries. Despite the fact that the youth is seen as a prioritized group when it comes to library work, the focus is often drawn to the children, and there is a risk that teens and their needs are set aside. My focus is the public library and how the young people in my study use it in their leisure time. The theory of the thesis is a model created by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Jochumsen and it highlights four possible rooms or functions in a library, concerning inspiration, learning, meetings and creativity. I have interviewed six teenagers in order find out how they perceive the library and its functions.My conclusions are that the teenagers consider libraries good and important, but that the interior as well as the activities can be improved. They want to interact with each other and take part in various creative activities. If the libraries change these functions according to the needs of young people they can transform the library into an attractive place for the youth. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Värdering och hantering av ungdomsverksamheten inom idrottsföreningarGustavsson, Emma, Severinsson, Stina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim with this study was to describe how the board members of athletic clubs view and value their youth program. A qualitative approach was used in form of interviews. The interviews were made face to face as well as being taped, this to facilitate the analysis. When the board members viewed their youth program to be in alignment with the overall club philosophy there was a discrepancy between their views and the “de facto” conditions of the youth program. It will also show that the board members viewed it as difficult to conduct broad-spectrum program for the youths. These difficulties were to a great extent due to external factors. When these difficulties became detrimental for the development of the clubs activities, then an alternative to the present day competition and rules system should be developed. Furthermore, there is a need for internal education in clubs to highten consciences dealing with how to value and run activities</p>
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Värdering och hantering av ungdomsverksamheten inom idrottsföreningarGustavsson, Emma, Severinsson, Stina January 2007 (has links)
The aim with this study was to describe how the board members of athletic clubs view and value their youth program. A qualitative approach was used in form of interviews. The interviews were made face to face as well as being taped, this to facilitate the analysis. When the board members viewed their youth program to be in alignment with the overall club philosophy there was a discrepancy between their views and the “de facto” conditions of the youth program. It will also show that the board members viewed it as difficult to conduct broad-spectrum program for the youths. These difficulties were to a great extent due to external factors. When these difficulties became detrimental for the development of the clubs activities, then an alternative to the present day competition and rules system should be developed. Furthermore, there is a need for internal education in clubs to highten consciences dealing with how to value and run activities
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Idrottsföreningars dubbla uppdrag : ett historiskt perspektiv på kampen mellan föreningslivets två fostransuppdrag / Sports Clubs struggle in the voluntary sectorGustafsson, Jim, Heiel, Thom January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation deals with two sports clubs and their operational development between the years 1946-1998. The research was made by a qualitative analysis of the annual reports and protocols that the clubs produced between 1946-1998. The two clubs are IFK Växjö and Växjö BK which are located in Växjö in Sweden. Our main purpose with this study was to analyze the operational development and in which way elitist drive affects the voluntary society content and culture. Results indicated that if a sports club starts with elitist sport it could have a bad impact on the voluntary sector. Elitist sport often results in more required work tasks for the members and also selection among younger athletes. A determining factor was how the clubs raised resources and how their choice of strategy in this respect affected the voluntary element in each club. The study of the development of the resources allocation, no matter if it is voluntary assistance or ready money, is a key to operate a sports club whether it is a club with elitist sport or not.
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Från högläsning till Partybibbla? : En kvalitativ studie av folkbibliotekens arbete med deltagarkultur och ungdomsverksamhetDegerman, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att studera folkbibliotekets ungdomsverksamhet genom att undersöka dess arbete med deltagarkultur som arbetssätt. Med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer intervjuas 6 yrkesverksamma personer som arbetar aktivt med ungdomar och/eller deltagarkultur i folkbibliotekssammanhang. I intervjuerna beskrivs folkbibliotekets verksamhet och roll i relation till ungdomar som otydligt definierat. Det råder även delade uppfattningar om vad som anses vara bibliotekets egentliga uppdrag. Både verksamhet med fokus på litteratur och informationssökning så väl som verksamhet med syfte att ge social samvaro och öka individens aktiva deltagande i kulturproduktion framhålls som en del i bibliotekets ungdomsverksamhet. Biblioteket som en aktör med ett socialt ansvar att erbjuda ungdomar en meningsfull fritid återkommer som tema i det empiriska materialet. Vidare framkommer att ungdomar vanligtvis inte ses som målgrupp för arbete med digital teknik, med resultatet att folkbiblioteket inte i någon större omfattning arbetar aktivt för att stärka individernas kompetens för att delta aktivt i digitala sammanhang.
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