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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1600-talets urvalsprocesser för tryckta verk : Produktion och distribution av böcker och dissertationer i Stockholm och Uppsala / Processes of Selection for Printed Works during the 17th Century : Production and Distribution of Books and Dissertations in Stockholm and Uppsala

Henriksson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
<p>During the 17th century the production and distribution of printed works increased in Stockholm and Uppsala. However, all works that the publisher wanted to print, did not reach the reader. This thesis aimed to show when, where and how printed books and dissertations did not reach the reader. To achieve this aim, aspects of several well known models showing systems of book production and distribution were combined and adapted to suit Swedish conditions in the 17th century. This combined model focused on processes of selection and was presented and used as a theoretical approach. Processes of selection in this paper are processes in which often a conscious choice was made of which books people produced and distributed. By using literature that had already been written about the chosen subject the paper examines what this material tells us about processes of selection during the selected period. Six processes of selection have been identified and discussed, three belonging to the production of works and three belonging to the distribution of works. During the production publishers’ motives and conditions for publishing and how this affected what they chose and did not choose to publish were discussed. Publishers with economical motives might publish fewer books which contained new ideas as reprinting popular books probably resulted in a higher profit. If a publisher wanted to use the publishing of a book as a way to further his career that probably could lead to fewer books containing offensive material being published. The state of the printing material and the economy of the printer and publisher were things that could affect which books that were printed. Books that came to Stockholm and Uppsala from other countries could be lost while being transported. The increase and decrease of the book collection at the university library in Uppsala affected the reader’s range of books to choose from. This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science.</p>

1600-talets urvalsprocesser för tryckta verk : Produktion och distribution av böcker och dissertationer i Stockholm och Uppsala / Processes of Selection for Printed Works during the 17th Century : Production and Distribution of Books and Dissertations in Stockholm and Uppsala

Henriksson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
During the 17th century the production and distribution of printed works increased in Stockholm and Uppsala. However, all works that the publisher wanted to print, did not reach the reader. This thesis aimed to show when, where and how printed books and dissertations did not reach the reader. To achieve this aim, aspects of several well known models showing systems of book production and distribution were combined and adapted to suit Swedish conditions in the 17th century. This combined model focused on processes of selection and was presented and used as a theoretical approach. Processes of selection in this paper are processes in which often a conscious choice was made of which books people produced and distributed. By using literature that had already been written about the chosen subject the paper examines what this material tells us about processes of selection during the selected period. Six processes of selection have been identified and discussed, three belonging to the production of works and three belonging to the distribution of works. During the production publishers’ motives and conditions for publishing and how this affected what they chose and did not choose to publish were discussed. Publishers with economical motives might publish fewer books which contained new ideas as reprinting popular books probably resulted in a higher profit. If a publisher wanted to use the publishing of a book as a way to further his career that probably could lead to fewer books containing offensive material being published. The state of the printing material and the economy of the printer and publisher were things that could affect which books that were printed. Books that came to Stockholm and Uppsala from other countries could be lost while being transported. The increase and decrease of the book collection at the university library in Uppsala affected the reader’s range of books to choose from. This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science.

Forskningsbibliotek och elektronisk publicering

Lidman, Roger January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att kartlägga de projekt för elektronisk publicering, där forskningsbiblioteken är inblandade. Detta genomfördes genom en studie över vad det är som styr utvecklingen av alternativa publiceringssystem. Det var både svenska och utländska projekt som undersöktes, fast tonvikten lades på situationen i Sverige och det nystartade DiVA-projektet. DiVA-projektet är ett projekt som bygger upp ett gemensamt biblioteksarkiv för vetenskapliga dokument, där man inledningsvis e-publicerar avhandlingar. Forskningsbiblioteken antar i dessa projekt en ny roll, den som förläggare av lärosätenas vetenskapliga information. Undersökningen gjordes dels genom en analys av artiklar, debatter o.d. om DiVA-projektet, dels genom en kvalitativ intervju med den ansvarige för DiVA-projektet vid Umeå universitet och dels genom en analys av artiklar, debatter o.d. om andra projekt för elektronisk publicering. Resultatet visade att det är forskarnas värderingar samt organisatoriska, tekniska och ekonomiska styrmedel, som är tänkbara orsaker till initieringen av projekten och utvecklingen av alternativa publiceringssystem. Forskarsamhällets värderingar för en fullgod vetenskaplig kommunikation, definierade av Robert K. Merton, säger att forskaren utan baktankar ska sprida sina dokument och få dem kritiskt granskade. Forskarsamhället i stort menar emellertid att de alternativa publiceringssystemen som finns brister i beständighet, tillgänglighet och tillförlitlighet. Därför fungerar inte den vetenskapliga kommunikationen som den ska. Detta tvingar mer eller mindre fram utvecklingen av alternativa publiceringssystem och forskningsbiblioteken måste ta sitt ansvar för att bidra till en lösning på problemen. Internet underlättar utvecklingen, i och med att informationssamhället mer och mer utvecklas till ett nätverkssamhälle, något som Manuel Castells poängterar. Nätverksorganisationer kan enligt Castells skapas, som tillsammans kan utveckla mer tekniskt utvecklade alternativa publiceringssystem och på samma gång sänka kostnaderna för spridningen och bevarandet av vetenskaplig information. Av de fyra drivkrafterna bakom utvecklingen av alternativa publiceringssystem verkar den ekonomiska drivkraften vara den allra starkaste ur forskningsbibliotekens synvinkel, eftersom dessa har mycket att vinna ekonomiskt genom denna utveckling och är därför mycket aktiva i utvecklingsarbetet.

Mellan bildningsideal och besparingskrav : En studie av Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks styrdokument 1999-2013 / Between Ideals of Bildung and Economisation Requirements : a study of Uppsala University Library’s Documents of Rule and Regulation 1999−2013

Kotka, Agnes January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how structural changes are depicted as well as formally brought about in the documents of rule and regulation of Uppsala University and Uppsala University Library the years 1999−2013. Beside the documents of rule and regulation, also documents that is commenting on (or in other ways relates to) these are investigated. The study is based both in organizational theory and modern rhetorical theory. The results show that the University to a certain extent gained an increased possibility to micromanage the library’s working routines during the time span covered and the study traces the consequences this had on the library organization and reactions it evoked among the leaders and representatives of the library staff This raised a debate between representatives from the University library and its mother organization, the University, regarding at which level in the whole organization decisions regarding the library’s forms of funding and everyday praxis. In addition also the development at the University library at Lund University is more briefly surveyed, as a complementing picture. The thesis is a two years master’s thesis written at the Department of Archive, Library and Museum Studies at Uppsala University.

Bevarandet av bibliotekssamlingar : Samlingsförvaltning på några svenska universitetsbibliotek under 2000-talet / Preserving Library Collections : Collection Management at Some Swedish University Libraries during the 21st Century

Harju, Jenna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis in Library and Information Science (LIS) is to examine how five Swedish university libraries work with collection management using a critical discourse analysis (CDA). University libraries hold large, valuable and often unique materials in the collections. Making decisions on what to preserve has for centuries been a task that libraries have been relied on to perform. The thesis aims to discuss how the university libraries through policy documents work with collection management and preservation of library materials and if there is a need of a national preservation policy. The method used in this thesis is Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis (CDA) with its three dimensional analytical framework that focuses on the text, the discourse practice and the social practice. The qualitative methods used are interviews and a textanalysis of policy documents. The result of the analysis revealed that the majority of the libraries lack substantial policies in collection management. The focus has instead been on a more user-oriented approach regarding access and acquisition of library materials. A central conclusion is that there is a need of a national collection policy regarding preservation of library collections.

En utställning säger mer än tusen artiklar? : Utställningar som forskningskommunikation i universitetsbibliotek: metoder, attityder, effektivitet / An exhibition is worth a thousand papers? : Exhibitions as science communication in university libraries: methods, attitudes, effectiveness

Pelve, Maja Elisabeth January 2022 (has links)
This thesis presents a study on how four Swedish university libraries use exhibitions as a tool for science communication. I describe the methodology of the exhibitions, how they differ between libraries, and how working with the exhibitions is experienced by the librarians and researchers involved. A smaller part of the study describes how the exhibitions have been made visible online and in social media. All the exhibitions have used a modified version of the five-step model created by Forskarnas Galleri at Malmö University. The exhibitions use a mix of media and tools to present the research. The exhibition experience has happened both synchronously and diachronously, i.e., the visitor has taken part of the knowledge both by visiting the exhibition and by taking part of the literature presented afterwards. Except for during the vernissage, the visitors have experienced the knowledge transfer through indirect mediation, as neither librarians nor researches have been present as permanent guides at the exhibition site during its tenure. Both librarians and researchers agree in their view that the universities see the exhibitions as something positive and worthwhile, and both groups see them as something positive for them personally. The librarians were more unanimously positive to using a more image-based language, while the researchers varied in their responses. Some were more apprehensive and worried that their research message would be altered if it was simplified. Both librarians and researchers expressed that they would have liked to do more with the exhibitions, for instance using them as backdrop for lectures or doing tours. There was a consensus between both groups that it was very hard to assess how many people had visited the exhibition, and what the visitor's view of the exhibitions were. The exhibitions were all visible online and in social media to some extent, but the results varied greatly with some exhibitions being very visible while others barely showed up. Overall, the bibliographic footprint of the exhibition was small, with no traces in an altmetric analysis and only half of the exhibitions being published as 'artistic output' in an open archive. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Fjärrlån i den digitala eran : En fenomenografisk undersökning av fjärrlån av e-böcker på universitets- och högskolebibliotek / Interlibrary loans in the digital age : A Phenomenographic study of interlibary loans of e-books in academic libraries

Reichel, David, Arling, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
This Master thesis concerns Swedish Academic libraries current lack of ability to offer interlibrary loans of e-books to their primary users. Today it is possible for university-and college libraries primer user to make request of inter library loan for physical books, however, they cannot make such request for e-books. We will argue for that this problem should not be viewed as a simple inconvenience for the users. Our argument will be built on the assumption that access to information is an essential part of a well working democracy, and that libraries therefore should prioritize the question of inter library loans.  In our study we have interviewed librarians who is currently working with interlibrary loans and digital media. After that we have interpreted the transcriptions of those interviews with a phenomenographical perspective. Our aim with the study has been to examine how librarians experienced the phenomenon of interlibrary loan of e-books. We have therefore attempted to answer three research question: How do librarians work with inter library loans and which values do they connect to them? What difficulties and possibilities do they see in making inter library loans of e-books possible in the future? How do they view interlibrary loans in the digital era and how do they view the future of inter library loans of e-books?  We have found that librarians connect inter library loans with a will of sharing information and that they believe that libraries will have to cooperate to make inter library loans of e-books possible. Furthermore, we have found that our informants believe that interlibrary loans will still be needed in the near future, even though they might become irrelevant in far future due to increase in open access publications. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Forskningsbibliotekarier och öppen vetenskap : En kvalitativ studie om forskningsbibliotekariers kompetenser och strategier relaterade till öppen vetenskap / Research Librarians and Open Science : A Qualitative Study of Research Librarians Competencies and Strategies related to Open Science

Larsson, Helena January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is through the research librarians, to shed light on their perceptions, competencies and strategies related to open science at the Swedish research libraries. The transition to open science is ongoing nationally and globally and research librarians at research libraries at universities have extensive knowledge while constantly facing major challenges in the field which develops their competencies and strategies in open science. A valuable aspect in order to develop open science for the future is studying the individuals behind. Semi-structured interviews with five research librarians at two main research libraries at two stateowned Swedish universities were conducted, and the interviews were analyzed thematically. The theory of fenomenology is applied to the study for the purpose of throughly examine every individual – every research librarians perceptions, competencies and strategies related to open science. The analysis maps the empirical material and a selection of previous ones research on librarians and open science to put the study in a relevant context. Also the empirical material helps to identify the possibilities for the development of open science for the future. The study identifies several areas of interest. The results show that Swedish research librarians perceive open science as comprehensive, with many different challenges, unclear and transparent – overall open science is complex. Research librarians acquire skills in open science, primarily when they collaborate, read as well as when they apply open science. The open science strategies that are particularly prominent are partly the work with research support, partly the strategic work. The prerequisite for the development of open science is the human aspect in the life world of research librarians. Findings reveal that research librarians mainly educate themselves in open science. The prerequisite for selfeducation and to develop strategies is their driving force. The study also show that Swedish research librarians have a potential to influence the development of open science. It is important to highlight that open science needs to be supported and developed within the research community so that open science becomes a natural part of contemporary and future research culture. In the unstable situation of the world in times of permacrisis, it is even more urgent to share research. Open science can provide opportunities to change human rights such as equality, democracy, social development, climate and health for the better – naionally and globally. This is a two-year master´s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Men vad håller de på med? : En kvalitativ studie av fem svenska universitetsbiblioteks användning av Facebook och Twitter.

Wiklund, Alexis January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine and evaluate how five Swedish university libraries use Facebook and Twitter. The paper is intended to determine what reasons there are for university libraries to use social media, what information they intended to convey through them, and whether different media was used for different purposes. The libraries idea of how they used social media is then correlated to the information published and how the libraries communicated through Facebook and Twitter. The theoretical framework consists of the base and convergence model of communication and Gummessons relationship marketing theory. The method contained four different parts; an examination of the library's Facebook and Twitter profiles, a web survey, a qualitative content analysis of the libraries published Facebook and Twitter posts during the fall semester 2015 and a content analysis of the library's media policies. The results of the survey shows that the libraries use Twitter and Facebook for different purposes. Facebook was used primarily to promote the university libraries as well as to communicate with and build relationships towards the users. Twitter, on the other hand, was used to communicate with researchers and external monitoring. The content analysis showed that university libraries have an overall accurate idea of how they published material on social media but lacked de- tailed knowledge. The libraries also exhibit a lack of an strategy of how they should advertise through social media and how to initiate a two-way communication with their users. The analysis revealed that the libraries contact attempts over Facebook and Twitter primarily results in one-way communication. Passive user feedback, like Fa- cebook likes and web traffic, were common whereas active user feedback as comments and private messages were rare. University libraries seemed perplexed of the reasons behind the target groups' communicative disinterest and appeared unsure of how to respond. The author draws conclusions concerning the university libraries attitude towards marketing and communi- cation through social media. The analysis shows that academic libraries seems to consider marketing synonymous with providing information about the library resources. Such a mindset might set limits to the libraries marketing strategies and restrict innovative thinking about how social media can be used for public relations. Libraries also seem to want to establish a dialogue with their users, but what kind of communication the dialogue should consist of and what subjects it should contain seem to be unclear to them. The thesis ends with a discussion about how university libraries can use relationship marketing, social media etiquette and brand development for strategic marketing and to engage the library users on social media.

Undervisning i informationssökning – Vad, hur och varför? : En kvalitativ och didaktisk studie av Uppsala universitetsbiblioteks undervisning i informationssökning / Teaching about information searching – What, how and why? : A qualitative and didactic study of Uppsala university library’s teachings about information searching

Rosén, Nils January 2020 (has links)
The thesis aim is to get an understanding of how Uppsala University Library teaches about information searching and with this gain an insight on positive and working aspects in the teaching and how it can be developed for the better. To achieve these aims, three didactic questions were used as an overall theme and as a base for the research questions. These questions consisted of what (content), how (methods) and why? (goals and purposes). The methods consisted of observations and semi-structured group interviews that were conducted from December 2017 to April 2018.  Another method that was used is a directed content analysis of legal texts and guidance documents that the informants deemed important for their work. In regard of what, the result showed that lectures were more basic on earlier semesters, and more advanced later into the education. The content was also adapted to students by subject-specific databases, search examples and exercises that reflected students’ subject, future profession and everyday life. However, I could also see signs of less adaption in some search examples and because certain content was more frequent and used on several occasions. For example, many lectures focused on going through databases, source evaluation, reference management, various types of material and the meaning of scientificity. Also, many informants meant that they were generalists and did not have time to familiarize themselves with students' subject in a greater extent. In the question how, it became apparent that active actions were frequent as well as adaptation in teaching. This was shown in the form of exercises, own search time, regular use of questions and that an active dialogue occurred with students and was deemed important. Various rhetorical aspects of the teaching were that the frequent use and need of computers made the informants’ eye contact and body language less apparent and limited. The informants often seemed well prepared on the content. Some exceptions from this occurred a few times where some signs of uncertainty in body language and speech were shown. In regard of this, most informants indicated that they had sufficient planning time; however, they could also have other tasks that took priority. Regarding the question why, many goals and purposes could be identified. The most common ones focused on information sources. Many informants, law texts and guidance documents emphasized the importance of getting knowledge about different types of materials, their advantages and disadvantages, using appropriate databases and to being able to search, evaluate and find information. The conclusions of the thesis are that the informants recognize and use many positive and working aspects that pedagogical literature and research says is important. Some examples are that they adapt the content in various ways to the students, let the students be active under the lessons, ask many questions, use evaluations and integrate guidelines. Regarding how the teaching could be developed, a conclusion is that it could be more adapted, advanced and more subject-specific if there was more time for librarians to teach and plan lectures. This could also contribute to a better relationship with the students, more time for collaboration with their teachers, being able to develop pedagogical methods and become familiar with the student’s subject. To achieve this, it could be appropriate that some librarians have a more dedicated role as well as prioritized tasks as library educators. This is a two years master's thesis in Library and information science.

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