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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-design package for civil servants’ public communication strategies

Bader, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Today’s emerging Co-design processes between citizens and civil servants in helixes groups, produces multiple challenges for the interaction designer. How can these challenges produce new merging roles and communication strategies for interaction designers for use in Co-design processes? This thesis focuses on the design research process outcomes from Co-design processes between civil servants and citizens in urban development processes. The tangible outcomes will be elicited through the merging of practice-based know-how as seen through the eyes of an interaction designer with a bifocal lens on Social psychology and Behavior economics. This research process produces tangible outcomes in the form of educational material, communication methods and strategies for interaction designers, civil servants in Co-design processes. Additional outcomes are digital communication strategies for city operations based on the need for increased citizen involvement in the urban development process.

Postindustriální město - Špitálka Urbanistická studie rozvoje města Brna na východ od centra / Postindustrial city Urban development study of Brno - east of the city

Mihaľák, Peter January 2018 (has links)
ŠPITÁLKA CONCEPT Urban design of Špitálka is trying to create a new residential neighborhood near the center. The combination of old residential and multifunctional buildings is logically complemented by a new one. New residential units replace the post-industrial parts of the emerging brownfield. This does not mean, however, an extensive rehabilitation of the historical building structure. Every object is thoroughly analyzed, considered for its new fulfillment. The basics are connections between old and new buildings. Keeping the high-rise building and many historic buildings creates a prerequisite for preserving Genia loci of that place to the fullest extent possible. At the same time, with new interventions, it is meaningfully and functionally clarified, logically linked, creating new specifications and qualities of space for a good living in the city. It is also about improving the cycling and pedestrian traffic to the city center, street views of Brno's dominant landmarks (Petrov, Kostel sv.), enlarging of the uncomfortably narrow Cejl street, or cultivating the public space with greenery (alleyways, parking lots, parks, . Individual urban blocks offer variable options for typological solutions. The place has the ambition to create a diverse residential neighborhood for private owners, tenants, social and cooperative housing. The goal is not to create formal gestures, but to adequately supplement and sensitively replace the broken parts of the neighborhood.

Hur bidrar projektet Hagastaden till Vision 2040 - Möjligheternas Stockholm? / How does the project Hagastaden contribute to Vision 2040- Stockholm of opportunities?

Rouhi, Paula, Younes, Paula January 2020 (has links)
Stockholm är en stad som ständigt växer. I takt med befolkningsökningen har det skett ökad efterfrågan på bostäder och utbyggd samhällsservice, kompetens, kapital och investeringar med mera. Den kraftiga befolkningsökningen medför utmaningar vad gäller stadsplanering och växande sociala och ekonomiska skillnader mellan stadsdelar i Stockholm. Segregationen och inkomstspridningen har ökat och stockholmarna tenderar även att bo i allt mer socioekonomiskt homogena områden. För att alla stadens aktörer ska arbeta mot samma mål har Stockholm stad tagit fram en vision som ska uppfyllas till år 2040. Målet är att Stockholm blir en storstad som är mångsidig, hållbart växande och dynamisk samt smart och innovativ. Hagastaden anses av Stockholm Stad vara en viktig del av stadens förverkligande av visionen. Den nya stadsdelen ska bildas genom att sammankoppla Solna och Stockholm. Målet är att staden ska utvecklas till en inkluderade stadsdel för folk i olika livsfaser, med olika förutsättningar, behov och intressen. En utmaning med projektet benämns vara att det blir svårt att inkludera alla socioekonomiska grupper i staden, då nyproducerade bostäder är relativt dyra. Detta kan riskera att bidra till ökade sociala klyftor, ojämlika livschanser, utanförskap och minskad social sammanhållning i samhället. Denna utveckling är varken bra för enskilda individer eller för samhället i stort. Syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete har varit att, genom kvalitativa litteraturstudier och intervjuer, granska om projektet bidrar till ytterligare växande sociala och ekonomiska skillnader i Stockholm samt om bostadsbyggandet bidrar till en mer socialt inkluderande och hållbar stad. Resultatet visade att det har varit svårt att inkludera socioekonomiska grupper när det gäller bostad. Däremot inkluderas de genom att stadsdelen blir tillgänglig för fler och enkel att röra sig i. Hagastaden har lyckats med att bli en innovativ mångsidig och upplevelserik stad. Det finns en blandning av bostadsutbud, men eftersom det endast handlar om nyproduktion har inte låginkomsttagare råd att flytta dit. Det erkänns vara en utmaning att inkludera den socioekonomiska gruppen, men man pekar även på att den rådande bostadspolitiken är skälet till att situationen är som den är idag. / Stockholm is a city that is constantly growing. In line with the population increase, there has been increased demand for housing and expanded community service, skills, capital and investments etc.The rapid increase in population brings challenges in terms of urban planning and growing social and economic differences between districts in Stockholm. Segregation and income distribution have increased, and residents in Stockholm also tend to live in socio-economically homogeneous areas. Inorder for all the city's actors to work towards the same goal, the City of Stockholm has developed avision that will be fulfilled by the year 2040. The goal is for Stockholm to become a big city that isversatile, sustainably growing and dynamic as well as smart and innovative. Hagastaden is considered to be an important part of the city's realization of the vision. The new city will be formed by connecting Solna and Stockholm. The goal is to develop the city into an inclusive neighborhood for people in different stages of life, with different conditions, needs and interests. A challenge with the project is mentioned to be the difficulty to include all socio-economic groups in the city, as newly-manufactured housing is relatively expensive. This may contribute to increased social gaps, unequal life chances, exclusion and reduced social cohesion in the society. This development is not good for neither individuals nor for society at large. The purpose of this bachelor's thesis has been to, through qualitative literature studies and interviews,examine whether Hagastaden contributes to further growing social and economic differences in Stockholm and whether the housing construction in the city contributes to a more socially inclusiveand sustainable city. We have based on the goals that have been set for Vision 2040 and compared to what the project contributes to society. The results showed that it has been difficult to include socio-economic groups when it comes to housing. On the other hand, they are included by making the district accessible to anyone and easy to navigate through. Hagastaden has succeeded in becoming an innovative, versatile and experience-rich city. There is a mix of housing supply, but since the city only consists of newly-manufactured housings, low-income earners cannot afford to move there. It is acknowledged to be a challenge to include the socio-economic group, but it is also pointed out that the current housing policy is the reason why the situation is as it is today.

Strategies and Outcomes of Integrated Public Transport Planning : An Evaluation of Urban Development Strategies and Outcomes in the Tramway Line Extension from Ljura to Navestad in Norrköping

Ibenholt, Adrian January 2022 (has links)
Many researchers in planning have demonstrated the connection between land-use planning and transport planning. Mainly to describe how urban development can reduce emissions and congestion in cities. That public transport can be used as a tool in urban development is not as researched but is a general idea among planners and researchers. The theoretical approach of Transit-Oriented development has developed the idea of how urban development and transport planning can cooperate in an integrated planning process. This study has evaluated a tramway project conducted in Norrköping during the years 2006-2011 that extended tramway line 2 from Jura through Hageby to Navestad to deepen the knowledge about how public transport and urban development correspond. Transit-Oriented development has been used to evaluate the planning process preceding the tramway extension through a theory-based evaluation. This study uses a project logic to describe the planning strategies of the municipality in the planning process. Quantitative indicators have been used to map the outcome of the planning strategies. The study demonstrates that the planning process integrated the aims of urban development into the planning process of the tramway. Aims of a denser city, a city with mixed land use and active businesses in all parts of the city were included in the tramway project. The evaluation shows that the area along the extended tramway line has become denser with more varied land use and increased population density. The number of jobs in the area has increased mainly because of more jobs within the public sector. The number of jobs within the private sector has decreased in the area.

Out of the square? : Exploring the task of urban public space.A case: Studies of St: Johannesplan & Konsthallstorget

van Amersfoort, Anna January 2022 (has links)
In 2008, Malmö stad, together with Svenska kyrkan,announced an invited competition for designing S:tJohannesplan and Konsthallstorget in Malmö (Malmö Stad 2008). With its central location in the city andvarious options for activities, the area has become a major attraction point. White Architects proposal “Open stage” was announced as winner for its flexible function and close connection to historically aesthetic elements (Malmö Stad 2008). By 2014, the area had gotten a severe facelift. With the citytunnel, bus stops and cycle paths S:t Johannesplanand Konsthallstorget is today easily accessible. My thesis aims to shed light on how the task, described in the competition program, was fulfilled. A case study of S:t Johannesplan and Konsthallstorget has been conducted to explore how the emotional connection between the users and the square evokes social activity. The communication between user, square and built environment has been studied using observations, mapping, interviews and readings. Parallels are drawn to phenomenology as a part of exploring the mental tasks of the built environment. Squares as a historical phenomenon have briefly been studied to discover similarities and differences with the contemporary square. The thesis was founded in experienced based research, with my own experiences and emotional connection to square environments located in the central part of Malmö as a canvas. A toolkit consisting of mapping methods has been used for physically mapping participatory observationsin a scientific stance. In cooperation with literary research, interviews and mapping the regular user`s experience, an understanding picture of how the square is generally experienced is brought forward. The outcome from the gathered data is a design proposal for developments at the site which would benefit social activity and elevated sensual presence according to described existing needs. The question of meeting criteria is discussed whereas certain circumstances historically have governed this. The proposal is supported by existing theoretical idealsand strategies for urban planning and design. / 2008 utlyste Malmö stad tillsammans med Svenska kyrkan en inbjuden tävling för utformning av S:t Johannesplan och Konsthallstorget i Malmö (Malmö Stad 2008). Med sitt centrala läge i staden och olika möjligheter till aktiviteter har området blivit en stor attraktionsplats. White Arkitekters förslag ”Öppen scen”, utsågs till vinnare för sin flexibla funktion och nära koppling till historiskt estetiska element (Malmö Stad 2008). År 2014 hade området fått ett marginellt ansiktslyft. Med citytunneln, busshållplatser och cykelvägar är S:t Johannesplan och Konsthallstorget idag lättillgängliga. Mitt examensarbete syftar till att belysa hur uppgiften, beskriven i tävlingsprogrammet, genomfördes. En fallstudie av S:t Johannesplan och Konsthallstorget har genomförts för att utforska hur den känslomässiga kopplingen mellan brukare och torget framkallar social aktivitet. Kommunikationen mellan brukare, torg och bebyggd miljö har studerats med hjälp av observationer, kartläggning, intervjuer och läsningar. Paralleller dras till fenomenologi som en del av att utforska den byggda miljöns mentala uppgifter. Torg som historiskt fenomen har kort studerats för att belysa likheter och skillnader med det samtida torget. Uppsatsen grundades i erfarenhetsbaserad forskning, med mina egna erfarenheter och känslomässig koppling till torgmiljöer belägna i centrala Malmö som en canvas. En verktygslåda bestående av kartläggningsmetoder har använts för att fysiskt kartlägga deltagande observationer i ett vetenskapligt ställningstagande. I samverkan med litteraturforskning, intervjuer och kartläggning av den regelbundna användarens upplevelse lyfts en förståelse för hur torget generellt upplevs. Resultatet från den insamlade datan är ett designförslag för utveckling på platsen som skulle gynna social aktivitet och förhöjd sensuell närvaro enligt beskrivna befintliga behov. Frågan om att uppfylla kriterier diskuteras medan vissa omständigheter historiskt har styrt detta. Förslaget stöds av befintliga teoretiska ideal

Practices for co-productive planning modes: Urban development in Cape Town : A case study based on the implementation of a design and building development incubator / Tillämpning av samskapade planeringsstrategier inom stadsutveckling i Kapstaden : En fältstudie av implementeringen av en bygg- och designinkubator

Warsame, Idil January 2019 (has links)
Together with a steadily increasing urban population, South Africa and the city of Cape Town is facing continuously expanding informal settlements and communities with no access to basic human services or adequate housing. There’s an urgent need to design, plan and implement alternative and creative approaches to help stimulate an equal, inclusive and sustainable urban development and strategic spatial planning. Integrating methods and processes that includes participation, communication and collaboration by incorporating civil society and local community members in urban planning practices is one way of promoting sustainable and equal spatial growth. Co-production is a concept used in urban development theory that embraces this in and can be described as a communicative form of spatial planning where state, planners and citizens mutually interact in the planning process. In consideration of these challenges, this thesis aims to apprehend how marginalized, local communities in Cape Town can be included in matters regarding urban development and spatial planning practically and if co-production can be used to define and explain this form of approach. Therefore, this thesis is based on a case study research of the Better Living Challenge (BLC) incubator, a two-week long project in Cape Town, which supported 15 informal builders in improving and developing their designing, building and marketing skills. The practical implementation of this incubator and its process has been examined to determine if the theory of co-production can be used to outline the project and understand the results emerging from it. The incubator proved to be successful in several ways and was met with impressive feedback from the stakeholders. It was also followed with difficulties and restrictions like power dynamics and tension. The conclusions that were made highlights that the incubator can be defined as an alternative and unorthodox co-productive approach based on the aim and lay-out of the process.

Urban Mutualism

Mestvedt Borgen, Sigrun January 2021 (has links)
The city of Stockholm has set the goal to build 140 000 new residential units by 2030 to meet the demand of a growing urban population. Simultaneously we are seeing a decline in biodiversity in and surrounding the city. Some of the main factors are climate change, pollution, overexploitation and habitat destruction. As cities grow, they have the potential to aid or accelerate these problems, depending on how this urban growth is approached.In current urban development projects in Stockholm, we increasingly see large scale, high exploitation projects that view efficiency and profitability as their main goal. Biodiversity is largely considered an afterthought. We are chipping away at natural habitats and infrastructure, which has dramatic consequences for other species and ultimately ourselves.This thesis is a study on the city’s impact on biodiversity, and how new developments in Stockholm relate to our surrounding ecosystems. It is an investigation of how we, as urban dwellers, can live with nature. It is also an exploration of how we, as architects and urban planners, can shape cities for urban mutualism.

Evaporative cooling strategies in urban areas: The potential of vertical greening systems to reduce nocturnal heat stress

Görgen, Fabian, Rossi-Schwarzenbeck, Monica 08 June 2023 (has links)
This research is part of a project that aims to create a simulation workflow to design adaptive facades to not only reduce the energy demand of buildings and provide a good level of indoor comfort, but also to mitigate the urban heat island effect. The anthropogenic climate change results in a steady increase of hot days, tropical nights and heavy rainfall, affecting the quality of human comfort, especially in urban areas not only in hot regions of the world but also in Central Europe. Vertical greening systems are often a first-choice mitigation strategy to im- prove the deteriorating situation. By combining the use of natural resources like rainwater and solar radiation, the greening evaporates water and provides natural cooling. This paper deals with the efficiency and feasibility of vertical greening systems towards a relief in heat stress by sim- ulating different constructions under local circumstances of three climate zones, focusing on the night-time. To carry out the simulations with microclimate simulation tool ENVI-met, an urban apartment complex was designed and provided with different kinds of vertical greening to in- vestigate the various positive effects resulting from the green façade. As a shading device, the greened walls showed a significant decrease of wall surface temperatures of up to 18K. However, restricted transpiration fluxes obstruct exploiting the full potential of evaporative cooling, espe- cially during night-time.

Drivers and barriers for a sustainability transition of the current food and agriculture system of the city of Malmö : A case study of the sustainable urban farm and meeting place Botildenborg

Scharfenberg, Coline January 2021 (has links)
Humanity is facing massive sustainability challenges, such as climate change and the associated loss of biodiversity, water scarcity and food insecurity. Capitalist urbanisation drives furthermore profound transformations in rural and urban areas and thus in the agriculture and food systems, presenting both challenges and opportunities. Urban agriculture as a part of a local food system, where food is produced in an urban area and sold to consumers in that area, presents a new food production model, generating innovative tools to lower agricultural land use, improving resource use efficiency and biodiversity. Consequently, great potential can be attributed to a sustainable transformation of the agri-food system through urban agriculture.  Like many cities around the world, Malmö has recognised the need for sustainable development. Therefore, the city of Malmö has been addressing environmental, social and economic challenges for several years and is committed to a holistic and sustainable urban development. Although the city is aware of the benefits of small-scale urban agriculture, there are no policies that enable the upscaling of urban agriculture in the city. Botildenborg, a sustainable urban farm and meeting place in Malmö, on the other hand, has recognised the potential for sustainable business and development through urban agriculture for several years, by setting itself the goal to increase the local and ecologically produced food within the city through this form of agriculture. Botildenborg serves therefore as a case study of this research.  In order to be able to provide indications for policies to shape the transformation steps towards sustainability within the agri-food system in Malmö, structures and patterns, as well as possible drivers and potential obstacles of a sustainable transition, are examined in the course of this research. The empirical results from qualitative and quantitative data are systematically processed using the multi-level perspective in combination with the urban political ecology.  The results indicate that the identified barriers tend to be structural and are predominantly located in the economic and especially the political sphere. It seems that the non-monetary added value from urban agriculture is not perceived to its full potential by the city of Malmö. Botildenborg is stabilising itself mainly through knowledge sharing and network building, and thus will sooner or later be able, through the movement behind the network, to change the dominant agri-food regime. The rapidity of the transformation depends on the political ii willingness of the city of Malmö to explicitly integrate urban agriculture into its policies and regulations.

How to justify theimplementation of smart gridsfor a new neighborhood?

MULLER, DENIS January 2017 (has links)
Smart Grids technologies cover a wide range of applications, from energy efficiency to load adjustments. However, they still rise interrogations and doubts around their economic benefits and environmental improvements. Therefore, this thesis aims to understand and highlight the benefits of smart grids technologies applied to an urban development project of new neighborhood. For such a perimeter, it is first necessary to clearly define the smart grids considered, the stakeholders involved and the new tools that smart grids technologies bring. Therefore, this thesis highlights how, for an urban development project, the economic value of smart grids mainly lies in the reduction of infrastructure and tools to monitor and maintain energy performance of a neighborhood in its operational phase. Furthermore, the introduction of intermittent and decentralized production, facilitated by smart grids technologies, aims to extent the considered scale to tackle energy questions, from the building scale to the district scale. Therefore, new actors and governance practices may need to emerge in order to support Smart Grids technologies. / Smarta nät teknik täcker ett brett spektrum av tillämpningar, från energieffektivitet att ladda justeringar. Men de fortfarande stiga förhör och tvivel kring deras ekonomiska fördelar och miljöförbättringar. Därför denna avhandling syftar till att förstå och lyfta fram fördelarna med smarta nät teknik inom ett stadsutvecklingsprojekt av ny stadsdel. För en sådan omkrets, är det först nödvändigt att tydligt definiera de smarta elnät anses, berörda aktörer och de nya verktyg som smarta nät teknik medför. Därför belyser avhandlingen hur en stadsbyggnadsprojekt, ligger det ekonomiska värdet av smarta nät främst i minskningen av infrastruktur och verktyg för att övervaka ochupprätthålla energiprestandan i en stadsdel i sin operativa fas. Dessutom har införandet av intermittent och decentraliserad produktion, underlättas genom smarta nät teknik, syftar till att utsträckning anses skala för att ta itu med energifrågorna, från byggnaden skala till distrikts skala. Därför kan nya aktörer och förvaltningspraxis måste dyka upp för att stödja smarta nät teknik.

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