Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urval"" "subject:"erval""
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Skönlitteratur, inköp och folkbibliotek : en kvalitativ ansats / Fiction, purchasing and public libraries : a qualitative approachAndersson, Björn January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the Swedish public libraries acquisition processes when it comes to fiction for adults. The thesis focus on how the librarians responsible for acquiring view literary quality when they manage their collections and how their views coincide with that of the user’s explicit wishes. Furthermore this thesis looks at the librarians reading habits and how they coincide with that of their perceived users.The study uses literature pedagogic perspective theory to see how the librarians look at fiction and what they value in it. In order to get answers six librarians have been interviewed in this study that uses a qualitative approach to getting answers. None of the interviewed librarians’ expressed that they, or the public library where they are active have an expressed criteria when it comes to quality it’s rather the opposite. They all try to manage between satisfying the user’s requests and maintaining a balance of different genres in their collections.The interviewed librarians all feel that it is more important to them that their users read literature at all rather then what they read. Several of the interviewed librarians mean that if they keep supplying the users with what they ask for that in itself increases the possibilities of the librarian to steer them towards more advanced literature in the future. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Det är vi som ska läsa : En studie av skolelevers syn på delaktighet i ett skolbiblioteks beståndsarbete. / We are the ones who are supposed to read : A study of how students view their participation in the collection management of a school library.Forne, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how students in a Swedishjunior high school (grade 7-9) view their possibility to participate in thecollection management of their school library, and how the schoollibrary works to involve the students when purchasing media. The studyhas resulted in a model for easy and effective involvement of studentsin the collection development.To achieve this aim both quantitative and qualitative methods are used.A survey in three classes in the school, observations at the schoollibrary and a qualitative interview with the library assistant have beenperformed. The collection management at the school library isdescribed using the School Library Taxonomies developed by DavidLoertscher and two models for participation developed by Roger A Hartand Harry Shier. In the survey, the students are asked about their libraryand reading habits, their perception of their own participation in thecollection management of the library and their opinions of theimportance of student participation in the library.The results show that all students view the possibility of participation as something important, but not all of the students are willing to be active themselves. The proposed model for effective involvement of students in the library focuses on simplicity, voluntariness, distinct information and visible results. / Program: Masterprogram: Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, Digitala bibliotek och informationstjänster
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”Passar inte galoscherna kanske vi får hitta en stråhatt i samma storlek?” En undersökning om bibliotekariers syn på inköp av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek / “If the rubbers don’t fit we might have to offer a straw boater in the same size?” : A study of librarians’ views on purchasing fiction literature in public librariesJergefelt, Helen, Säbrink, Sabina January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to accomplish an understanding for how librarians purchase fiction literature in public libraries. To answer these questions, we have performed four qualitative interviews with librarians in three Swedish municipalities. We have also performed a smaller document study to give us an overview of the used guidelines at the selected libraries. The results of our survey have been analyzed on the basis of our revised version of Sanna Talja’s model The Interpretative Repertoires of the Music Library. Our findings show that the librarians in our study are using several documented guidelines and standards in their work. The standards considered to be most important appear to be the librarians own experiences, while the library’s cultural documents and library plans are their primary source for guidelines. The purchase process is handled differently in all of our examined libraries, and because of the literary institution’s constant change, there could be several problems concerning selection when it comes to quality. The public’s demand for literature is considered a priority when the interviewed librarians make their selection, which is also influenced by the librarians’ own tastes.
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Folkbibliotek och TV-spel : En kvalitativ studie av hur införandet av TV-spel på svenska folkbibliotek relaterar till införandet av andra nya medier. / Public libraries and video games : A qualitative study of how the introduction of video games in Swedish public libraries relates to the introduction of other new medias.Edman, Karin, Engström, Olle January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study how the recent introduction of video games in Swedish public libraries compares to past introductions of other medias, namely music records, sequential art, manga (Japanese comics), and films on video. In what ways does the introduction of video games differ from the other examples of introductions and in what ways are they alike? In what manner have the medias been introduced? How does the librarians views on video games differ from their views on other medias? The purpose of doing this is that by investigating how new medias have been evaluated in the past, we might gain an understanding of how the introduction of video games links into that tradition. Theoretically, this thesis is grounded in Sanna Talja’s theory of the interpretative repertoires of the music library. Qualitative interviews have been used as the basic method alongside content analysis. The results show that some of the historical “new” medias were debated for some time at the time of their introduction, whilst others gained more immediate acceptance. The difference seems to lie in whether there previously existed a similar media in the public library. We call the first category “debated introduction” and the second “introduction of similarity”.Video games can be considered as belonging to the second category. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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”Världen är ju full av berättelser” : En undersökning av inköp av barn- och ungdomsfilm. / “The world is full of stories” : A study of the acquisition of film for children and young adults.Plath, Emelie, Åstrand, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how acquisition of film for children and young adults in public libraries is carried out. The aim is to investigate why the librarians think a library should have film, if the librarians are bound by acquisition policies and where they retrieve information about films. We also want to know where the films are bought, how the distributors are perceived and how the librarians see their own sphere of competence. The thesis is a qualitative study and is based on interviews with children’s librarians in six public libraries. The interviews were analyzed with the help of three phases established by George Rehrauer and four key words presented by Svensk Biblioteksförening. The results show that the librarians considered it a matter of course that their library should have films. It was their obligation to be up to date with new technology. Although most of the libraries had no official acquisition policy they often had an unofficial one that was implemented by staff media meetings. The librarians searched for suitable films by reviews in newspapers, magazines and on the Internet. Suggestions from patrons were also highly regarded. The distributors were seen as having improved, but still had not a satisfactory range of films. Only one of the librarians had had education about film acquisition. The others referred to lack of time. They felt, however, that their own sphere of competence was big enough.
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E-böcker på högskole- och universitetsbibliotek : En studie kring det digitala förvärvet / Ebooks on university libraries : A study about digital acquisitionHallquist, Gustaf January 2010 (has links)
This study aims to find out how the selection and acquisitions of ebooks made by university libraries is affected by vendors terms of sale. The empirical data is based on interviews with libraries working with selection and acquisition of ebooks. The interviews points out, according to Evans’ model of collection development, that the collection development doesn´t work the same way with printed and electronic books. The study also finds out that the complexity of the ebook marketplace implies the application of new method of ebook selection, by libraries.
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Synliggörandet av skönlitteraturen : exponering som förmedlingsmetod på folkbibliotek / Making fiction visible : the use of displays to promote fiction in public librariesGustafsson, Ann January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the fiction promoting role of public librarians through their fiction displays. The study covers three problems: What reasons do public librarians give for their selection of displayed fiction? How do public librarians view fiction displays in relation to other promotion strategies? How do public librarians think that promotion through fiction displays will evolve in the future?The results of the study have been analyzed using Jofrid Karner Smidt’s theory of how public librarians view their promotion of fiction. The concepts used are promotion due to public demand, actively recommending and informative promotion, and through dialogue. To account for the problems investigated in the study, eight librarians have been questioned through semi-structured interviews. Observations of fiction displays were also made at the time of those interviews.Through their selections, the librarians aim to support the users’ reading habits as well as to challenge and broaden those habits. According to the informants, displays affect the number of loans, but the book covers are also significant. The librarians see fiction displays as an opportunity to display fiction that corresponds to their personal tastes. Speculating about the future, librarians find it likely that the selection of fiction displayed online will be more influenced by users’ demand. For the future of physical libraries, librarians hope that libraries will work harder to display fiction that is often overlooked. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Censur och urvalsbegränsning : En undersökning om hur bibliotekens urval begränsas och de som önskar göra detta / Censorship and limiting the collections : a study of how the libraries’ collections are restricted and the people wishing to do soKarlsson, Pontus January 2012 (has links)
This bachelor thesis has as its aim to investigate theSwedish librarians’ views and opinions about censorshipof their libraries' collections as well as buildinginformation about the context of challenges against thesame collections. In Sweden the public can't, unlike in theUSA, formally challenge material and are forcedto”complain” the subject with a librarian. What is deemedas controversial, both by the public and by the librariansthemselves are explored through qualitative interviewswith six librarians.The librarian's find that they rarely experience anythingthat can be called aggression or organized protests likethose found in the USA. The main arguments against partsof the libraries' collections seem to come from parentswanting to protect their children against what they deem tobe ”unfitting” themes, such as sex or sexuality or worksdeemed undignified, such as collections of jokes. Thelibrarians themselves are against censorship as a whole,but are very restrictive about the libraries' collections ofelectronic media. Video games and movies have to pass avery stern checklist to be procured resulting in a meagerselection for the libraries' visitors, compared to theselection of literature or magazines. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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Man vill ju inte bli tagen på sängen : Svenska folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av påverkan på urvalet, samt strategier för hanteringen av den / You don't want to get taken by surprise : Swedish public librarians experience of pressures on the selection as well as their strategies for managing itSandhu, Alice January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines public librarian’s views on collection development and selection censorship in the public libraries today and how they work to raise awareness so that it does not constrain the selection. The subject belongs to collection management in the public library field. The study aims to investigate the librarian’s perception of different pressures on Swedish public libraries collections today and where they come from. The three questions posed in this study are: what pressures and controversies can public librarian’s experience in their work with selection? Where and in what way does pressure on Swedish public libraries selection arise from, according to Jacobsen and Thorsviks model: from above, below or sideways? How does the public librarians rise awareness in the selection process to cope with subjective and outward pressure? The method is based on four interviews with operating public librarians, and their thoughts and experiences on the subject. The theory used in this thesis is a model by Dag I. Jacobsens and Jan Thorsvik, called Features for the three institutional pillars. It is used to trace where pressure originates from within an organization. Here it is applied to public libraries and the impact on the selection, studied from three perspectives; above, below and sideways. The results show that the selection is guided by democratic laws about diversity, laws against offensive content as well as libraries mission to purchase on demand. The librarians seldom or never experience any oppression, aggression or organized that challenge the libraries selection or censorship. The main pressures are of individual origin, they are library users that challenge both the librarian’s expertise and the selection principles. In the selection process librarians discuss that they are subjective beings and that they hence can affect the selection with their own involvement through subconscious values. Being aware of this process makes it less problematic. The librarians rarely have anything substantial to go by in the selection process, like a formal strategic media plan, it tends to be either inadequate to use, outdated or not practically useful. The informants for this study experience mediaplanning takes time and effort, at the same time they have less resources and time to do so. Which makes it problematic to examine and have quality selections, for example it could lead to oppression on the professional role of the librarian.
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Delade Meningar II : Slopad revisionsplikt och dess inverkan på SkatteverketIngerström, Johan, Andersson, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det finns idag långt framskridna planer på att avveckla den svenska revisionsplikten för små och medelstora aktiebolag. Med stöd i EG-rättens fjärde bolagsdirektiv tillsatte regeringen under 2006 en utredning av dåvarande justitierådet Bo Svensson att utreda vilka åtgärder som krävs för att avskaffa revisionsplikten för små- och medelstora aktiebolag. Förslaget presenterades i slutet på mars 2008 (SOU 2008:32) och stödjer ett avvecklande av revisionsplikten, vilket enligt utredningens beräkningar kan leda till kostnadsbesparing på 5,8 miljarder kronor för företagen.</p><p>SOU 2008:32 har dock möts av stark kritik från olika intressentgrupper inom samhället. Skatteverket är en intressent vilken i hög grad kommer att påverkas av en slopad revisionsplikt. SOU 2008:32 anser dock att Skatteverkets verksamhet inte kommer att beröras i nämnvärd utsträckning av det diskuterade förslaget. Utredningen fastställer att tex. den orena revisionsberättelsen, vilken enligt lag skall skickas till Skatteverket, är ett grundlöst verktyg inom verksamheten. Utredningen anser även att den indirekta effekten en företagsrevisor skapar genom att bringa ordning i företagens redovisning via revision, inte går att påvisa.</p><p>Undersökningens problemformulering lyder - Vilken nytta har Skatteverket av revision i den dagliga verksamheten? Syftet är att ur ett samhällsperspektiv undersöka vilken roll reviderade årsredovisningar spelar i Skatteverkets verksamhet, samt vad detta kan leda till för konsekvenser för samhället vid en slopad revisionsplikt.</p><p>Undersökningen bygger på intervjuer vilka genomförts med tre respondenter vid Skatteverket samt två respondenter från två olika Revisionsbyråer. De empiriska iakttagelserna tyder på att revisionsplikten idag utgör en viktig faktor i Skatteverkets verksamhet, både indirekt samt direkt. Nyttan av revisionsplikten är svår att värdera, och framförallt den indirekta nyttan. Dock anser respondenterna att den indirekta nyttan är stor. Den direkta nytta revisionen ligger till grund för baseras främst på den orena revisionsberättelsen. Denna används främst vid Skatteverkets arbete med att framställa urval och kan enligt en intern rapport vilken framkommit under undersökningen härledas till Skattefelet.</p><p>Konsekvensen av detta är att ifall revisionsplikten slopas kommer Skatteverket enligt egen utsago att behöva genomföra kompenserande åtgärder för att väga upp bortfallet av informationsunderlag, genom att dels den direkta nyttan och den indirekta nyttan kan försvinna.</p><p>Undersökningen når slutsatsen att den slopade revisionsplikten kommer att göra en stor inverkan på Skatteverket verksamhet. Detta är en motsättning av den slutsats SOU 2008:32 når, där revisionens inverkan på Skatteverket anses betydligt mindre.</p>
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