Spelling suggestions: "subject:"uses"" "subject:"ses""
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O litoral do Maranhão, entre segredos e descobertas: a fronteira de expansão do turismo litorâneo na periferia do Brasil / The coast of Maranhão, between secrets and discoveries: the expansion frontier of the Coastal tourism in the periphery of BrazilCarlos Rerisson Rocha da Costa 28 January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa a expansão do turismo no litoral do Maranhão a partir da apropriação dos fundos territoriais induzida pelo Estado por meio de suas políticas de turismo. Nesse processo, estes espaços são tratados como estoques de território para a expansão da acumulação de capital, meio para futuras expansões de usos hegemônicos do território. Discute-se a particularidade do litoral enquanto espaço apropriado para o lazer, destacando a expansão de seu uso turístico e os processos relacionados à inserção do Maranhão em tal dinâmica. As políticas e os planos dedicados ao desenvolvimento do turismo são apresentados como instrumentos de indução do uso turístico do território, evidenciando o papel do Estado na expansão desta atividade em espaços periféricos. Os municípios de Barreirinhas, Guimarães e Carutapera, identificados como representativos do movimento de expansão em curso e caracterizados por configurações distintas nesse processo, dão base às análises realizadas acerca da apropriação dos fundos territoriais para o turismo no litoral do Maranhão. A análise proposta situa a atividade turística no âmbito do desenvolvimento geográfico desigual, na geografia histórica do capitalismo, tendo como realidade concreta a periferia, onde a expansão do turismo tem encontrado espaço para investimentos em infraestruturas, aplicação de capitais na aquisição de terras, ampliação do mercado de redes hoteleiras, companhias aéreas, agências e operadores de turismo, além de uma série de atividades de cunho especulativo. O uso turístico do território do Maranhão é proposto a partir dos anos 2000 circunscrito prioritariamente ao litoral. O processo de expansão do turismo litorâneo analisado direciona-se para além da capital, São Luís, e seu entorno, consolidando a exploração turística dos Lençóis Maranhenses e induzindo-a em ritmos desiguais aos demais municípios litorâneos, sobretudo àqueles com características ambientais amazônicas. Configura-se assim o Maranhão como a fronteira de expansão do turismo no litoral setentrional do Brasil, processo que se dá acompanhado de diversos problemas, conflitos e contradições. / This study examines the expansion of tourism on the coast of Maranhão from the appropriation of territorial stocks induced by the state through its tourism policies. In this process, these spaces are treated as territory stocks to the expansion of capital accumulation, a form of savings for future expansions of hegemonic use of the territory. We discuss the peculiarity of the coast as an appropriate space for leisure, highlighting the expansion of its touristic use and the process related to the insertion of Maranhão in such dynamics. Policies and plans devoted to the development of tourism are presented as instruments of induction for the touristic use of the territory, highlighting the state\'s role in the expansion of this activity in peripheral spaces. The municipalities of Barreirinhas, Guimarães and Carutapera, identified as representative of the ongoing expansion movement and characterized by different configurations in this process support the analysis about the appropriation of territorial stocks for tourism activity on the coast of Maranhão. This analysis places tourism activity in the context of uneven geographical development, in the historical geography of capitalism, which shows as a concrete reality the periphery, where the expansion of tourism has found room for investments in infrastructure, capital investment in land acquisition, the expansion of market chains linked to hotels, airlines, travel agencies and tour operators, as well as a number of speculative activities. The touristic use of Maranhão\'s territory is proposed since the 2000s, primarily restricted to the coast. The process of expansion of coastal tourism analyzed goes beyond the capital, São Luís, and its surroundings, consolidating the tourist exploitation of Lençóis Maranhenses and inducing it in uneven rhythms to other coastal municipalities, especially those with Amazonian environmental characteristics. So is configured Maranhão as the tourism expansion frontier in the northern coast of Brazil, a process that takes place accompanied by various problems, conflicts and contradictions.
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Território, internacionalização e integração regional: as empresas no contexto da relação argentino-brasileira / Territory, internationalization and regional integration: companies in the context of the argentine-brazilian relationAline Oliveira Silva 21 December 2017 (has links)
Com o objetivo de compreender a internacionalização das empresas argentinas e brasileiras de um país ao outro considerando-a como parte do processo historicamente construído de integração bilateral entre estes países, percorremos dois eixos centrais de investigação: a-) análise do processo de internacionalização dos territórios nacionais, averiguando como o novo e o velho interatuam na conformação da atual dinâmica territorial argentino-brasileira. Para isto consideramos os múltiplos agentes que compõem historicamente a relação bilateral entre estes países, notadamente Estados e Empresas; b-) estudo dos usos do território praticado pelas empresas no Brasil ou na Argentina e de suas respectivas topologias. Para tal fim, produzimos um banco de dados específico para a pesquisa e a partir dele classificamos e operacionalizamos as diferentes estratégias de internacionalização adotadas por estes agentes, a saber: Investimentos Externos Diretos fusões e aquisições; filiais, subsidiárias e investimentos greenfield; joint venture e Novas Formas de Investimento- e-commerce e startups; franchising e licenças. As análises destas diferentes estratégias revelam a diversidade com que cada firma participa atualmente da dinâmica territorial argentino-brasileira que varia conforme a força, poder, tamanho, relação com o Estado de origem e emprego de variáveis chaves do período atual (técnica com conteúdo científico e informacional, etc.) que cada uma delas possui. / Aiming to understand the internationalization of the Argentine and Brazilian companies from one country to the other considering it as part of the historically constituted process of bilateral integration between these countries, we sought two central investigation axes: a-) analysis of the process of national territories internationalization, verifying how the new and the old interact conforming the current Argentine-Brazilian territorial dynamics. For this, we considered multiple agents that are historically part of these countries bilateral relation, notably States and Companies; b-) study of uses of territory performed by companies in Brazil or Argentina and its respective topologies. Finally, we produced a specific data bank to research and from it we classified and operationalized different internationalization strategies adopted by these agents, such as: Foreign Direct Investment mergers and acquisitions; branches, subsidiaries and greenfield investments; joint venture and New Forms of Investment e-commerce and startups; franchising and licenses. The analysis of these different strategies revealed the diversity which each company currently participate in the Argentine-Brazilian territorial dynamics that varies in strength, power, size, relation with State of origin and use of key variables of the current period (technique with scientific and informational content, etc.) owned by each of them.Aiming to understand the internationalization of the Argentine and Brazilian companies from one country to the other considering it as part of the historically constituted process of bilateral integration between these countries, we sought two central investigation axes: a-) analysis of the process of national territories internationalization, verifying how the new and the old interact conforming the current Argentine-Brazilian territorial dynamics. For this, we considered multiple agents that are historically part of these countries bilateral relation, notably States and Companies; b-) study of uses of territory performed by companies in Brazil or Argentina and its respective topologies. Finally, we produced a specific data bank to research and from it we classified and operationalized different internationalization strategies adopted by these agents, such as: Foreign Direct Investment mergers and acquisitions; branches, subsidiaries and greenfield investments; joint venture and New Forms of Investment e-commerce and startups; franchising and licenses. The analysis of these different strategies revealed the diversity which each company currently participate in the Argentine-Brazilian territorial dynamics that varies in strength, power, size, relation with State of origin and use of key variables of the current period (technique with scientific and informational content, etc.) owned by each of them.
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Metamorfoses dos usos do lugar: a revalorização urbana como estratégia de acumulação de capital / Metamorphoses of the uses of the place: urban revaluation as a strategy of capital accumulationNedir Fernandes de Almeida 06 September 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação discute como a revalorização da região central de São Paulo transforma os usos dos diversos lugares dessa região, estabelecendo conflitos entre os promotores desse processo e a apropriação desse lugar por seus usuários. Essa revalorização espacial sinaliza para o desenvolvimento da especulação imobiliária, a transformação dos espaços religiosos, o desenvolvimento do turismo e a expulsão, desse lugar, de quem não pode pagar por ele. Inserida dentro de um processo de reestruturação produtiva, essa revalorização conta com a atuação decisiva da iniciativa privada e dos poderes públicos, que concebem a cidade como uma máquina de produzir riquezas, incentivando estratégias de acumulação de capital. Por outro lado, existe quem resista a essas estratégias, transgredindo-as, demonstrando que o caráter criador da sociedade urbana aponta sempre para diversas possibilidades e uma delas é a de que o uso da cidade não esteja submetido a valores de troca do mercado. / This work analyses how the revaluation of São Paulo\'s downtown transforms the uses of this region several places, and creates conflicts between the promoters of this process and the appropriation of this place for its users. This space revaluation points out the development of real estate speculation, the transformation of the religious spaces, the development of tourism and the expulsion, from this place, of people who cannot afford to pay for it. Being part of a process of productive reorganization, this revaluation depends on the decisive performance of the private enterprises and of the government, which conceive the city as a machine for producing wealth through strategies of capital accumulation. On the other hand, there are individuals who resist these strategies by breaking them, what demonstrates that the creative character of urban society always points out several possibilities, and one of them is that the use of the city is not submitted to the values of market exchange.
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Le verre romain en Gaule du Centre-Est, du IIe s. av. n. è. au IV e s. de n. è. : production, circulation et usages en contexte urbain et rural / Roman glass in East Central Gaul, of the 2nd century BC to the 4th century AD : production, circulation and use in urban and rural contextGougouzian, Aline 04 June 2014 (has links)
L'étude du verre, entre Anse et Mâcon, dans le cadre d'un mémoire de master, avait mis en avant ses origines diverses et l’approvisionnement complexe des sites de consommation de la basse vallée de la Saône. Ces conclusions appelaient à élargir l'étude de ce mobilier à l'ensemble de la Gaule du Centre-Est. Carrefour de voies fluviales et terrestres de première importance, cette région apparaît comme un point névralgique et une plaque tournante des échanges et du commerce en Gaule. Située à la croisée de plusieurs zones productrices d'objets en verre, elle reçoit aussi bien les produits de l'aire méditerranéenne, par le Rhône, que ceux des provinces septentrionales, par la Saône, ou ceux de l'Italie du Nord, par les voies traversant les Alpes. Outre sa position extrêmement perméable aux importations, les recherches de ces dernières années ont permis de mettre au jour plusieurs ateliers de verriers, à Lyon, Aoste et Autun, attestant d'une production locale, bien implantée à partir du milieu du Ier s. de n. è. L'inventaire réalisé pour cette étude a révélé de nouveaux indices d'artisanat, à Clermont-Ferrand et Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas. Leur production est cependant totalement inconnue. La reprise du mobilier des ateliers d'Autun et de celui, tardif, de la rue des Colonnes, à Vienne, n'ayant pas permis de déterminer leur production, seule, celle des ateliers lyonnais fournit une base comparative. Mais, s'il existe des points communs entre les formes fabriquées par ces derniers et celles mises au jour sur les sites de la région alentour, des divergences importantes mènent à penser que la production d'un atelier n'était pas, a priori, totalement destinée au marché local. L'analyse du mobilier en verre révèle, au contraire, un approvisionnement complexe, composé de productions locales, ou supposées telles, et d'importations à moyenne (Italie du Nord, Narbonnaise, Côte atlantique, Nord de la France) ou longue distance (Orient, Rhénanie, Mer Noire). Ces origines diverses, non seulement se mêlent au sein des mêmes contextes, mais évoluent au cours du temps. Outre la production, la circulation et le commerce du verre, cette thèse a permis d’aborder les aspects fonctionnels et sociologiques que révèle son usage, soit au regard d’autres matériaux, comme la céramique ou le métal, soit au sein du mobilier en verre lui-même, à travers les catégories morpho-fonctionnelles qu’il adopte. La comparaison entre les matériaux s'est avérée souvent impossible en raison des écueils méthodologiques, dus soit aux contraintes archéologiques, soit à celles liés au matériau lui-même. A contrario, la répartition du mobilier en verre selon ses fonctions et son contexte a montré assez peu de variations, malgré la large gamme d'usage qu'il présente. Que l'on soit dans une riche domus, une villa ou un quartier artisanal aux habitats modestes, la vaisselle en verre est le plus souvent commune et dévolue principalement au service de table. Les thermes ont livré une répartition similaire, le nombre de flacons dits « à parfums » n'étant que trop peu supérieur pour être significatif. La seule différence notable, observée dans ce contexte est la présence accrue de fragments de vitre. Les deux nécropoles étudiées ont fourni une quantité certes plus importante de balsamaires, mais sans atteindre les proportions de certaines zones funéraires, notamment lyonnaises. Enfin, l'examen du mobilier en fonction des contextes ouvre des réflexions sur l'intégration du verre au vaisselier, entre le IIe s. av. et le début du Ier s. de n. è. L'étude du mobilier de Vienne et de deux villages proches, à Saint-Laurent-d'Agny et Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas, révèle, pour des contextes comparables, de fortes divergences dans la présence du verre. En contexte urbain, les productions dites « précoces » sont bien attestées, tandis que dans les deux contextes ruraux, pourtant aisés et en apparence romanisés dans leur architecture, la vaisselle en verre y est soit très anecdotique, soit absente. / The glass study between Anse and Macon, as part of a master's thesis, had put in front various origins and complex supply in consumer sites in the lower Saône valley. These findings called to extend the study of glass to the whole East Central Gaul. Intersection of primary importance rivers and land routes, this region appears as a focal point and a hub of trade and commerce in Gaul. Located at the crossroads of several producing glassware areas, it also receives many products in the Mediterranean area, through the Rhone, as the northern provinces, through the Saône, or Northern Italy, by routes through the Alps. In addition to its highly permeable import position, the recent research discovered several glass workshops in Lyon, Aoste and Autun, attesting to local production in the first century.This study revealed new craft indices in Clermont-Ferrand and Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas. Their production, however, is completely unknown like those of workshops of Autun and Vienne. Alone those of Lyon workshops provide a comparative basis. But if there are common point, we notice some oppositions which lead to believe that the production of a workshop was not totally for the local market. Analysis of glasses reveals, on the contrary, a complex supply consisting of local productions and imports average distance ( northern Italy, Narbonne, Atlantic Coast , Northern France ) or long one ( East , Rhineland , Black Sea ). These various origins mingle not only in the same contexts but evolve over time.In addition to the production, distribution and trade of glass, this thesis is interested in the functional and sociological aspects that reveals its use, in relation to other materials, such as ceramic or metal, or within the glass itself, through the morpho - functional classes it adopts. The comparison between the materials has been often impossible because of methodological pitfalls, due to archaeological constraints or those related to the material itself. In contrast , the distribution of glass according to its functions and context showed relatively little variation, despite the wide range of use it offers.Whether you are in a rich domus , villa or a artisan district with modest habitats, glassware is the most often common and devoted mainly serving table. The baths have delivered a similar distribution , as the number of perfume bottles is too few to be significant. The only significant difference observed in this context is the increased presence of fragments of glass windows. Both cemeteries studied provided an admittedly larger amount of perfume bottles but without reaching the proportions of certain burial sites, like in Lyon.Finally, glass studies based on contexts open reflections on the integration of glass between the second century BC and the beginning of the first century AD. The glass study in Vienna and two Villae in Saint-Laurent-d'Agny and Saint-Romain-de-Jalionas reveals, for comparable context, strong differences in the presence of glass. In urban context, early productions are well documented, whereas in both rural contexts, romanized in appearance in their architecture, the glassware is very anecdotal or absent.
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Att dela på Facebook : Vad har sociala funktioner för relation till delningsbeteende på sociala medier? / Sharing on Facebook : Social action and sharing behavior on social mediaHindemo, Frida, Griffel, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
This paper aims to examine what kind of relation social actions have to the sharing behavior on social media. The technology is developing rapidly and contributes to an information-rich society, which has many positive aspects. In contrast, a lot of shared information is old, biased, incorrect, or come from extreme sources, because people do not take the time to investigate the origin of the information. These negative aspects and the sharing behavior it leads to are examined in this paper to find out if they are related to the simplicity of sharing. The procedure for investigating this has been through two different methods. The first is a survey that was shared on Facebook, to get an understanding of what is primarily given and why. Based on the results from the survey interview questions were developed to be addressed to a number of Facebook users, to understand how they act on social media. Analysis of the results was carried out with the help of Uses and Gratification Theory as it focuses on how people consciously choose the media that satisfies their needs. The study concluded that people's past experiences create expected feelings, which then form the basis for the decision to perform an action, for example, to share information.
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Intégration des usages récréatifs et de la biodiversité marine pour la gestion et l'évaluation des espaces côtiers. Application aux Aires Marines Protégées de Nouvelle-Calédonie à partir de suivis de la fréquentation et la biodiversité et d'un modèle d'aide à la gestion. / Integration of recreational uses and marine biodiversity for management and assessment of coastal areas. Application in New-Caledonian Marine Protected Areas from monitoring of the visitor number and the biodiversity and a modelGonson, Charles 16 May 2017 (has links)
Les espaces côtiers sont des socio-écosystèmes complexes où les composantes écologiques, humaines et décisionnelles présentent des relations multiples et réciproques. Du fait de la croissance démographique et du tourisme, ces espaces sont menacés en permanence par l’augmentation de l'intensité et de la diversité des usages récréatifs qui y sont pratiquées. Afin de mieux évaluer et gérer ces espaces, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte explicitement les usages qui s’y pratiquent et les modalités d’intervention de la gestion. L’analyse de données de suivi de la fréquentation sur une période de 10 ans, ainsi que d’enquêtes auprès des usagers a permis de montrer que le nombre d’usagers a particulièrement augmenté dans les AMP durant les week-ends et la saison estivale, avec aussi une fréquence et une intensité accrues des pics de fréquentation. Bien que les pratiques au sein des AMP soient moins impactantes car encadrées par la gestion, les pressions dues aux usages récréatifs y sont plus importantes du fait de la concentration des usagers dans ces espaces. On a constaté que l’état de santé de la biodiversité avait diminué et que la capacité de charge sociale était atteinte dans certains espaces récréatifs. Par ailleurs, dans les AMP, la qualité environnementale apparaît comme un facteur important de satisfaction pour les usagers, mais les impacts qu’ils engendrent entraînent une perte de la biodiversité au niveau des peuplements de poissons, des oiseaux et des habitats coralliens. De plus, la concentration des usagers et la diversification de pratiques parfois conflictuelles dégradent la qualité de l’expérience des usagers les incitant à se déplacer vers d’autres sites. En conséquence les pressions se diffusent vers des sites moins accessibles, souvent moins réglementés et donc plus vulnérables. L’ensemble de ces résultats a permis de définir un modèle décrivant les relations entre biodiversité, usages et réponse de gestion, et ce dans le but de tester des scénarios utiles à la gestion des espaces côtiers tout en identifiant les besoins en acquisition de connaissances. / Coastal areas are complex socio-ecosystem where ecological, human and decisional compounds show multiple and reciprocal relationships. Because of the growth of population and tourism sector, coastal areas are permanently threatened through increase of recreational uses and diversification of related activities. To better understand coastal areas functioning, it is necessary to take into account uses and their management. Monitoring data over a ten years period revealed that recreational uses greatly increased especially within Marine Protecting Areas (MPA), during week-end days and warm season resulting to higher and more frequent frequentation peaks. While, practices within MPA are managed to decrease impacts, pressures associated with recreational uses are higher because of the concentration of users within MPA. As a consequence, ecological state decrease and social carrying capacity has been reached in several sites. Environmental quality is an important feature of satisfaction for recreational users but their activity lead to ecological impacts on fish, bird and habitat diversity of reef ecosystems. In addition, users’ concentration and the diversification of sometimes conflicting practices decrease quality of experience of users and can lead to their displacement to other sites. As a consequence, pressures spread to less accessible sites, often not regulated and thus more threatened.Results allowed defining a model describing relationship between biodiversity, uses and management response. This model was used to test management scenarios, useful for integrated coastal area management and for identify knowledge gaps.
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Le politique et son blog en campagne électorale : de la production et des usages en France et en Roumanie dans les années 2000. / Politicians and their blogs during election campaigns : on the production and uses in France and Romania in the 2000sVlasceanu, Madalina 14 October 2013 (has links)
En période électorale et plus globalement dans un contexte de crise démocratique, le politique investit souvent un ou plusieurs outils d’autopublication en ligne. En prenant comme cas particulier le blog, nous tâcherons de comprendre pourquoi et comment le politique utilise cet outil. De manière plus spécifique, notre travail interroge la notion d’« usage communicationnel ». Peut-on envisager une« construction » et une « forme » de cet usage ? Dans quelle mesure peut-on parler d’une autonomie du politique concernant l’usage du blog ? Qu’en est-il de la communication entendue comme relation, échange ? Pour y répondre et rendre compte d’une dynamique sociotechnique, nous convoquons une approche systémique à l’égard du blog. À travers une analyse qualitative à la fois synchronique et diachronique (2008-2011), nous mettons en parallèle quatre blogs dont deux appartiennent à des politiques français (Dominique Bertinotti et Bertrand Delanoë) et deux à des politiques roumains (Diana Tusa et Dragos Dinca). En dépit de leurs différences, ces blogs - en l’occurrence les usages qui leurs sont attribués - reflètent un certain nombre de ressemblances regroupées autour du concept de « logique de l’usage ». Nos études de cas relèvent la présence de deux types de logiques. La première est la « logique de diffusion », une logique qui demeure dominante et pour qui le rôle des médias reste prépondérant. La deuxième, la « logique de participation » est bien plus visible en période électorale. Par ailleurs, en creusant le fil d’un échange entre le politique et les internautes, l’enquête révèle une véritable problématique d’ordre identitaire concernant les politiques, éditeurs des blogs. / During an election period, and more generally in the current context of ademocratic crisis, politicians often invest one or several self-publishing tools online.Taking the blog as a special case, we will try to understand why and how politiciansuse this tool. More specifically, our work questions the notion of “communicative use”.Can we consider a “construction” and a “form” of this use? To what extent can wespeak of a politician’s autonomy regarding the use of his blog? What aboutcommunication understood as a relationship, an exchange? To answer these questionsand examine a socio-technical dynamic, we need a systemic approach regarding theblog. Through a qualitative analysis, both synchronic and diachronic (2008-2011), fourblogs were studied in parallel: two belong to French politicians (Dominique Bertinottiand Bertrand Delanoë) and two to Romanian politicians (Tusa and Diana DragosDinca). Despite their differences, these blogs – and more specifically the usesattributed to them - reflect a number of similarities grouped around the concept of "thelogic of the use". Our case studies showed the presence of two types of logic. The firstis “the logic of broadcasting”, which currently prevails and is largely influenced by themass media. Second, “the logic of participation” is more visible during elections. Also,looking deeper into an exchange between politicians and Internet users, the surveyreveals a genuine identity problem regarding those very politicians.
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“You Know Who I Am, Don’t You? I’m the One They’re Writing About in the Newspapers and on TV”Crane, Casey Killen 28 June 2017 (has links)
News media play a key role in U.S. society, helping to inform members of the public as gatherers and reporters of information, as well as by serving as government watchdogs. In the ongoing search for and reporting of information, media professionals must be aware of how they report on crime by being cognizant of how they represent killers, victims, and their families, and by being aware of how they represent any gratifications those groups may receive from the media coverage. This study considers the interactions between serial killer Dennis Rader, investigators and media organizations, and how some of these groups may use the media as a tool to gratify or achieve their goals, as reported or represented in newspaper articles. This analysis will examine news stories concerning one of the most well-known serial killers in American society through a mixed-methods approach study that includes a qualitative thematic analysis and a limited quantitative content analysis.
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Podcast use motivations and patterns among college studentsChung, Mun-Young January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / Seong-Hun Yun / Despite its increasing use and potential benefits for college education, podcasts have been little studied in the literature of the use and gratifications theory. To explore podcasts use among college students, this study investigated their motivations to use and their use behavior/attitude with respect to the medium. Based on a survey sample of 636 college students at a Midwestern university, this study found that students may have six motivations for podcasts: 1) Voyeurism/Social interaction/Companionship, 2) Entertainment/Relaxation/Arousal, 3) Education/Information, 4) Pastime/Escape, 5) Habit, and 6) Convenience. Of the six identified motivations, Education/Information clearly showed that podcasts have become widely used among students as an appealing medium for their school work. Moreover, as similar as the cellular phone study, this study identified a Fashion motivation for podcasts use. Lastly, this study found and discussed noticeable differences and similarities between podcasts and television regarding users' motivations, the interrelationships among motivations, and the predictive relationships between motivations and use behavior/attitude.
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Soldiers' and civilian employees' use of Command Information mediaBlackmon, April M. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / William Adams / Fort Riley, KS, has several command information (CI) products – a Post newspaper, a weekly television news show, Channel 2, and two Web sites. This uses and gratifications study aims to expand on a 2002 Fort Riley study to better understand the CI media sought by soldiers and civilian employees and their level of satisfaction with those products. A total of 158 Fort Riley soldiers and civilian employees were surveyed. Results supported previous CI studies, which indicated the Post newspaper and Web site are the most utilized and valued CI products. Results also showed slight changes in CI product usage from the 2002 study.
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