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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En jämförande studie av skogsstrukturer i olika skogstyper i Östergötland : och ett förslag på hur ett biologiprojekt som behandlar detta kan genomföras i gymnasiekursen Biologi 1 / A comparative study of forest structures in different forest types in Östergötland : and a proposal of how an excursion about this can be performed in upper secondary school

Carlsson, Evelina, Danielsson, Elsa January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka skillnader i skogsstrukturer det finns mellan olika skogstyper i Östergötland, samt att diskutera hur dessa skillnader kan påverka den biologiska mångfalden. De skogstyper vi besökt är; hyggen, skogar som är ungefär 40 år gamla, avverkningsanmälda skogar samt naturskogar som är bevarade som naturreservat. De skogsstrukturer vi undersökt är; trädarter, diameter på träd och död ved, nedbrytningsstadie på död ved, spår av brand samt antal håligheter i träd och död ved. Vår studie visade att alla skogstyper hade åtminstone någon av de strukturer som kännetecknar en skog med höga naturvärden och därmed högre biologisk mångfald.  Naturreservat var den skogstyp som hade flest skogsstrukturer som kännetecknar skogar med höga naturvärden. Detta tyder på att de hade en större biologisk mångfald gentemot de andra skogstyperna. Hyggen var den skogstyp som uppvisade minst skogsstrukturer som kännetecknar skogar med höga naturvärden vilket tyder på att den biologiska mångfalden var minst på hyggen. Syftet med studien är även att utforma en skoluppgift som liknar vår studie men är anpassad till biologiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan. För att göra detta har vi valt att återskapa vårt arbete som ett biologiprojekt för gymnasiekursen Biologi 1. Detta biologiprojekt innefattar en exkursion med förberedelser och efterarbete.

Théorie du développement territorial dans une économie de satiété / No title

Pirrone, Claudio 09 February 2012 (has links)
Partant du constat de la nature encore relativement ambiguë du concept de développement territorial, cette thèse en propose uneapproche à la fois plus rigoureuse et plus large que la simple identification de ce dernier avec le développement économique. Le chemind’analyse choisi s’articule en quatre phases, chacune traitée dans un chapitre différent.Tout d’abord, par le biais d’une brève analyse historique des relations entre la pensée politique, au sens de la gestion des affaires dela cité, et la pensée économique, ce travail met en lumière les raisons qui ont permis au fur et à mesure à la sphère économique de s’imposer,et de revêtir ainsi le rôle de finalité du développement quittant celui de simple instrument. Et, en effet, à certaines conditions, l’amalgamepeut être justifié, notamment en présence d’insuffisance des moyens de chacun pour assurer la couverture de ses propres besoins.Puisque le fait de faire reposer le développement des territoires sur l’aspect économique conduit implicitement à considérer commepérenne cette condition d’insuffisance, nous avons souhaité vérifier si les approches les plus courantes de la théorie économique étaient enmesure de prendre en compte les situations d’opulence. À cette fin, nous avons relâché l’hypothèse de non-satiété, qui est implicite tant dansla convexité des courbes d’indifférence en microéconomie que dans la « loi psychologique » de la Théorie Générale de Keynes.L’élargissement de la théorie économique à la condition de satiété, creusée sur le plan théorique et confrontée à la réalité au cours dela thèse, conduit à avoir un regard très éloigné des représentations habituelles des faits économiques. Et, une fois l’analyse élargie auxrelations entre territoires différents, on peut démontrer, à partir d’une perspective purement économique, la nature contradictoire des finalitéséconomiques du développement.Enfin, adoptant l’optique des territoires comme « construits sociaux », la thèse avance une proposition alternative, fondée sur leslibertés d’être et de faire et leur élargissement progressif, selon une logique voisine de l’approche par les capabilités d’A.Sen, sans pourautant s’y réduire. Cette démarche permet de mettre en cohérence l’économique et le non économique, dans une perspective qui intègrepleinement le concept de durabilité selon la proposition du Rapport Brundtland de 1987 et qui se cristallise dans un nouvel indicateursynthétique de développement, la « création d’espace de développement ». / As the concept of “territorial development” is still relatively ambiguous, this thesis proposes both a more rigorous and widerapproach than merely identifying it with the “economic development on a local area”. Our analysis goes through four distinct phases, each ofthem being dealt with in a different chapter.First, a brief historical analysis of relations between economic and political thoughts, in the sense of community affairsmanagement, emphasizes the reasons which allowed the economic sphere to progressively become more and more influential to the point toestablish itself as the finality of development and go over its status of a “tool”. Indeed, upon certain conditions, this shift can be justified,namely in presence of some scarcity of means in order to satisfy one’s own needs.Because making the concept of territorial development rely only on the economic aspect leads to implicitly consider the condition ofscarcity as permanent, we wished to verify if the current approaches to the economic theory were capable of taking into account the affluenceof developed countries. To this purpose, we relaxed the non-satiety hypothesis, which is implicit both in the convexity of the indifferencecurves in microeconomics and in the “psychological law” of Keynes’ General Theory.The extension of the economic theory to the condition of satiety, which was deeply looked into theoretically and checked against thereality all through the thesis, makes us gain a very unusual insight into economic phenomena. And, once the analysis was opened to therelations between different territories, we were able to demonstrate, from a purely economic point of view, the contradictory nature of theeconomic goals of development.Finally, taking territories as “social constructs”, the thesis suggests an alternative proposition, based on the freedoms to be and tomake, and their progressive enlargement, in a way close to Sen’s capability approach, yet not being a reduction of it. The proposed approachcouples coherently the economic and the non-economic spheres, in a development perspective which integrates completely the concept ofsustainability according to the proposition of the Brundtland Report, 1987, and it is summarized by a new synthetic development index, the“development space creation”.

Integrated classification methods for spare parts : A case study on a mass production factory

Yesilkayali, Selin January 2020 (has links)
Inventory management is a complex system which involves different stakeholders from multiple areas in a company which creates a limitation when seeking information between involved staff. Having the right procedure of tracking regular and critical spare parts will give a better control and efficiency in the production process. It is important to have the right classification method to facilitate critical spare parts. The incorrect criteria classification can be achieved in case inventory management have the wrong systematic procedure. Classification methods have different purposes and achieve the highest utilization by combining a variety of methods. By integrating classification methods, set limits and combination of multiple criteria decision analysis can be performed. The study has conducted a case study to compare and evaluate the performance of inventory management in a trustworthy and efficient way. A theoretical framework is constructed with the intention on identify which classification methods can be combined and applied to a production factors criterion. Based on interviews with stakeholders from maintenance, warehouse, and production area related to spare parts and the company’s software system. Two perspectives were used to map the qualitative and quantitative measures. The results show 14 criteria were defined as parameters that measure the performance of criticality in spare parts. The conclusion of both perspectives suggests combining and implement an integration of AHP and ABC classification methods. A proof of concept is demonstrated on AHP analysis and ABC analysis to identify the critical spare parts and the criteria.

Mindre hackspettens (Dryobates minor) habitatanvändning i Karlstads kommun / Habitat use of the lesser spotted woodpecker (Dryobates minor) in the municipality of Karlstad, Sweden

Hultberg, Sarah January 2022 (has links)
Mindre hackspett (Dryobates minor) är en vanligen icke-migrerande fågel som är väldigt trogen till sitt hemrevir. Reviret bör vara minst 40 hektar och bestå av en dominerande andel lövträd samt innehålla död ved och grova träd. Studiens syfte var att undersöka den mindre hackspettens habitatanvändning i Karlstads kommun genom att bedöma antalet individer i förhållande till fyra ekologiska faktorer: mängd stående död ved och grova träd, trädskikt samt habitatstorlek. Data togs från en rapport från 2017 där en inventering hade utförts i 77 områden i Karlstads kommun. Rapporten registrerade antal mindre hackspettsindivider och flera ekologiska faktorer i varje område. Hypoteserna var att antalet individer skulle skilja sig i förhållande till: 1) mängden stående död ved, 2) mängden grova träd, 3) antal trädskikt, och 4) habitatstorlek. Resultaten visade att det fanns fler individer av mindre hackspett i områden med en riklig mängd stående död ved och grova träd jämfört med enstaka-och måttlig mängd. Områden med flera trädskikt resulterade även i ett högre antal individer jämfört med en-och två trädskikt. En positiv korrelation mellan habitatstorlek och frekvensen av individer noterades även. Den mindre hackspettens population minskar i Sverige och börjar närma sig att listas som sårbar på IUCN:s rödlista. Det innebär att förvaltare behöver ha ekologiska faktorer i åtanke vid bevaringsåtgärder. Utöver de välkända ekologiska faktorerna döda och stora träd i förhållande till mindre hackspett visade studien även att trädskikt är en viktig faktor att ha i åtanke. Dessutom var endast fem av de 77 habitatområdena i Karlstads kommun större än 40 hektar; vilket innebär att ett landskapsperspektiv är nödvändigt för att bevara konnektivitet mellan habitat, vilket är nödvändigt för en framgångsrik hackspettspopulation. / The lesser spotted woodpecker (Dryobates minor) is usually a nonmigratory bird with a high fidelity towards their home territory. The territory should be at least 40 hectares in size, consisting mostly of deciduous trees and containing dead wood and large-diameter trees. The purpose of this study was to explore the habitat use of the lesser spotted woodpecker in the municipality of Karlstad by assessing the number of individuals in relation to four ecological factors: the amount of standing dead wood and large trees, forest canopy layering and habitat patch size. Data was extracted from a 2017 report, where a field study was conducted in 77 areas in the municipality of Karlstad, Sweden. The report recorded the number of lesser spotted woodpecker individuals and several ecological factors in each area. The hypotheses were that the numbers of individuals would differ in relation to: 1) the amount of standing dead wood, 2) the amount of large trees, 3) forest canopy layering, and 4) habitat patch size. The results showed that there was a greater number of lesser spotted woodpecker individuals in areas with a rich amount of standing dead wood and large trees, versus low-or moderate amounts. Areas with a multiple forest canopy cover also resulted in greater numbers of individuals versus in single-or two-layer canopies. A positive correlation between habitat size and frequency of individuals was also noted. The lesser spotted woodpecker population in Sweden is declining and they are nearing vulnerable on the IUCN red list. This means that managers need to have ecological factors in mind when conducting conservation efforts for the species. In addition to the well-known factors of dead and large trees in relation to the lesser spotted woodpecker, this study also showed that forest canopy layering is an important factor to consider. Furthermore only five of 77 habitat patches in the municipality of Karlstad were larger than 40 hectares; thus, a landscape-level-perspective is required for maintaining connectivity among habitats, which is essential for a thriving woodpecker population.

Saproxylic beetles in Populus tremula fauna depots - how do you construct the best depot?

Selberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
The biodiversity of saproxylic organisms and in the case of this study, saproxylic beetles, is dependent on the amount and quality of course woody debris (CWD) in the environment. Over the past decades the quantity of CWD in Swedish forests has increased, yet the quality has decreased, forests are managed and exploited, and old-growth forests are rarer. To counteract this, fauna depots, artificial piles of dead wood, can be placed to increase the amount and quality of habitat for saproxylic organisms. This study measured fauna depots of aspen CWD placed in Uppsala municipality to find which combination of qualities resulted in the highest species richness and abundance (diversity). A total of 242 beetles across 26 species were sampled using a bark sifter and Tullgren extraction funnels. The CWD qualities; number of logs, log diameter, sun exposure and decomposition level were measured. Log diameter was confirmed to be positively correlated with species richness supporting previous research. Decomposition was also positively correlated with species richness, but this not supported by previous research. Some qualities, like sun exposure, were unexpectedly not correlated and number of logs was negatively correlated. Only one red-listed species was found across all samples. Overall results were somewhat inconclusive but provide hints towards better practice in saproxylic beetle conservation, such as placing larger logs in the depots.

Gestão de materiais no HCFMRP-USP: estudo de caso / Material management at HCFMRP-USP: case study

Mazeto, Luzimar Rosângela da Silva 05 December 2016 (has links)
Os hospitais, embora sejam instituições predominantemente fornecedoras de serviços, à semelhança das indústrias, também apresentam necessidade de gestão de materiais. A diversidade de itens de consumo vai desde gêneros alimentícios até insumos de alta especificidade, como por exemplo, os que são utilizados em sofisticados exames de biologia molecular. A gestão de materiais de consumo em um hospital de ensino, público e de nível terciário é ainda mais complexo, pois há uma relativa autonomia de cada área no planejamento de seus materiais, alta exigência na qualidade dos itens, com consequente seleção de marcas. É um incorporador, e criador de novas técnicas e tecnologias, e tem que obedecer a legislação vigente. Há ainda outras variáveis relacionadas, como a logística, orçamento escasso, falta de recursos humanos qualificados. O presente estudo descreveu os materiais de consumo de um hospital universitário de grande porte, classificou os materiais de consumo segundo o valor financeiro (ABC) e também quanto a criticidade (VEN ou XYZ) e propôs política de gestão utilizando estas classificações, com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho dos resultados das políticas de abastecimento. Trata-se de um estudo tipo relato de caso, que utilizou a coleta de dados, informações, além da pesquisa documental disponibilizados através de sistema informatizado para a analise dos materiais de consumo programados na instituição. O resultado foi a classificação dos itens através dos valores e também em relação a importância operacional dos itens em um dado processo .Através do cruzamento das duas classificações foi possível identificar os grupos de materiais que precisam de maior controle em função dos valores e criticidade. Assim como o acompanhamento dos processos de aquisição e a quantidade a ser estocada para a sua utilização em todas as atividades realizadas no hospital. / Hospitals, although mainly service-providing institutions, like the industries also have need for materials management. The diversity of consumable items ranging from foodstuffs to high specific inputs, such as those used in sophisticated molecular biology tests. consumption of materials management in a teaching hospital, public and tertiary level is even more complex because there is a relative autonomy of each area in the planning of their materials, high demands on the quality of the items, with consequent selection of brands, is one developer and creator of new techniques and technologies and have to obey the law. There are other related variables, such as logistics and meager budget, lack of skilled positions. This study described the material consumption of a large university hospital, ranked consumables according to the financial value (ABC) as well as the criticality (VED or XYZ) and proposed management policy using these classifications in order to improve the performance results of supply policies. This is a case study, which used data collection, information, and document research available through a computerized system for the analysis of consumables programmed in the institution. The result was the classification of items through the values and in relation to the operational significance of the items in a given .Through process the intersection of two classifications is possible to identify groups of materials that require greater control on the amounts and criticality. And the monitoring of procurement processes and the quantity to be stored for use in all activities in the hospital.

Metoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket efter den nya skogsvårdslagen / Methods for studying effects of nature consideration in forest management after the new forestry act

Eneland, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete har undersökt skillnaderna mellan den nuvarande skogsvårdslagen och den föregående. Undersökningen har bestått av två delar, där ena delen är en litteraturstudie av lagarna och den andra är en fältstudie av metoder för att mäta naturhänsynsförändring. Som komplement till fältstudien har en litteraturstudie av undersökningsparametranas naturvårdsnytta. Litteraturstudien av lagarna gick till på följande sätt, inledningen av båda lagarna och hänsynsparagraferna har lästs och jämförts. Fältstudie har gjorts efter metoder som har arbetats fram och sedan testats i fält. De undersökningsområden som har testats är stående död ved med undergruppen konstgjorda högstubbar, grova träd, hänsynsytor, trädslagsfördelning och boträd. Testningen skedde i trakterna kring Orsa i Dalarnas län. Resultatet blev att hälften av undersökningsområdena skulle kunna användas i en större studie efter några modifikationer. Andra hälften av undersökningsområdena kan det inte på grund av att referensdata saknas. Lagstudien visade att den största skillnaden mellan de båda lagarna ligger i att i den nuvarande har man jämställt miljömålet med produktionsmålet. Det finns även en attitydförändring till en större öppenhet mot naturvård i den nya lagen.</p> / <p>This work has examined the difference between the new forestry actand the previous one. The research has been divided in two parts, one is a literature study of the law and the other is a field study of methods for measuring the change in consideration of nature. As compliment too the field study a literature study of the research parameters nature conservation benefits. The examine of the laws were done in this way, the introduction of the laws and the nature conservation paragraphs were read and compared. For the field study methods have been worked out and tested in the field. The research parameters that have been tested are standing dead wood with subgroup man made snags, thick trees, consideration of nature areas, distribution of tree species and nesting trees. The field testing were made in the neighboring forest of the city Orsa in the administrative province of Dalarna.The results of the field methods are that half of the methods have a possible use in a larger study with some modifications. The other half are missing references data to be useful.The biggest differences between the laws are that in new law the goals for production and environment care are equal. There is also an change in attitude towards greater consideration of nature.</p>

Metoder för att undersöka effekterna av naturvårdshänsynen i skogsbruket efter den nya skogsvårdslagen / Methods for studying effects of nature consideration in forest management after the new forestry act

Eneland, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Detta arbete har undersökt skillnaderna mellan den nuvarande skogsvårdslagen och den föregående. Undersökningen har bestått av två delar, där ena delen är en litteraturstudie av lagarna och den andra är en fältstudie av metoder för att mäta naturhänsynsförändring. Som komplement till fältstudien har en litteraturstudie av undersökningsparametranas naturvårdsnytta. Litteraturstudien av lagarna gick till på följande sätt, inledningen av båda lagarna och hänsynsparagraferna har lästs och jämförts. Fältstudie har gjorts efter metoder som har arbetats fram och sedan testats i fält. De undersökningsområden som har testats är stående död ved med undergruppen konstgjorda högstubbar, grova träd, hänsynsytor, trädslagsfördelning och boträd. Testningen skedde i trakterna kring Orsa i Dalarnas län. Resultatet blev att hälften av undersökningsområdena skulle kunna användas i en större studie efter några modifikationer. Andra hälften av undersökningsområdena kan det inte på grund av att referensdata saknas. Lagstudien visade att den största skillnaden mellan de båda lagarna ligger i att i den nuvarande har man jämställt miljömålet med produktionsmålet. Det finns även en attitydförändring till en större öppenhet mot naturvård i den nya lagen. / This work has examined the difference between the new forestry actand the previous one. The research has been divided in two parts, one is a literature study of the law and the other is a field study of methods for measuring the change in consideration of nature. As compliment too the field study a literature study of the research parameters nature conservation benefits. The examine of the laws were done in this way, the introduction of the laws and the nature conservation paragraphs were read and compared. For the field study methods have been worked out and tested in the field. The research parameters that have been tested are standing dead wood with subgroup man made snags, thick trees, consideration of nature areas, distribution of tree species and nesting trees. The field testing were made in the neighboring forest of the city Orsa in the administrative province of Dalarna.The results of the field methods are that half of the methods have a possible use in a larger study with some modifications. The other half are missing references data to be useful.The biggest differences between the laws are that in new law the goals for production and environment care are equal. There is also an change in attitude towards greater consideration of nature.

En jämförande studie av skogsstrukturer i olika skogstyper i Östergötland : – och ett förslag på hur ett biologiprojekt som behandlar detta kan genomföras i gymnasiekursen Biologi 1 / A comparative study of forest structures in different forest types in Östergötland : and a proposal of how an excursion about this can be performed in upper secondary school

Danielsson, Elsa, Carlsson, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka skillnader i skogsstrukturer det finns mellan olika skogstyper i Östergötland, samt att diskutera hur dessa skillnader kan påverka den biologiska mångfalden. De skogstyper vi besökt är; hyggen, skogar som är ungefär 40 år gamla, avverkningsanmälda skogar samt naturskogar som är bevarade som naturreservat. De skogsstrukturer vi undersökt är; trädarter, diameter på träd och död ved, nedbrytningsstadie på död ved, spår av brand samt antal håligheter i träd och död ved. Vår studie visade att alla skogstyper hade åtminstone någon av de strukturer som kännetecknar en skog med höga naturvärden och därmed högre biologisk mångfald. Naturreservat var den skogstyp som hade flest skogsstrukturer som kännetecknar skogar med höga naturvärden. Detta tyder på att de hade en större biologisk mångfald gentemot de andra skogstyperna. Hyggen var den skogstyp som uppvisade minst skogsstrukturer som kännetecknar skogar med höga naturvärden vilket tyder på att den biologiska mångfalden var minst på hyggen. Syftet med studien är även att utforma en skoluppgift som liknar vår studie men är anpassad till biologiundervisningen i gymnasieskolan. För att göra detta har vi valt att återskapa vårt arbete som ett biologiprojekt för gymnasiekursen Biologi 1. Detta biologiprojekt innefattar en exkursion med förberedelser och efterarbete.

Gestão de materiais no HCFMRP-USP: estudo de caso / Material management at HCFMRP-USP: case study

Luzimar Rosângela da Silva Mazeto 05 December 2016 (has links)
Os hospitais, embora sejam instituições predominantemente fornecedoras de serviços, à semelhança das indústrias, também apresentam necessidade de gestão de materiais. A diversidade de itens de consumo vai desde gêneros alimentícios até insumos de alta especificidade, como por exemplo, os que são utilizados em sofisticados exames de biologia molecular. A gestão de materiais de consumo em um hospital de ensino, público e de nível terciário é ainda mais complexo, pois há uma relativa autonomia de cada área no planejamento de seus materiais, alta exigência na qualidade dos itens, com consequente seleção de marcas. É um incorporador, e criador de novas técnicas e tecnologias, e tem que obedecer a legislação vigente. Há ainda outras variáveis relacionadas, como a logística, orçamento escasso, falta de recursos humanos qualificados. O presente estudo descreveu os materiais de consumo de um hospital universitário de grande porte, classificou os materiais de consumo segundo o valor financeiro (ABC) e também quanto a criticidade (VEN ou XYZ) e propôs política de gestão utilizando estas classificações, com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho dos resultados das políticas de abastecimento. Trata-se de um estudo tipo relato de caso, que utilizou a coleta de dados, informações, além da pesquisa documental disponibilizados através de sistema informatizado para a analise dos materiais de consumo programados na instituição. O resultado foi a classificação dos itens através dos valores e também em relação a importância operacional dos itens em um dado processo .Através do cruzamento das duas classificações foi possível identificar os grupos de materiais que precisam de maior controle em função dos valores e criticidade. Assim como o acompanhamento dos processos de aquisição e a quantidade a ser estocada para a sua utilização em todas as atividades realizadas no hospital. / Hospitals, although mainly service-providing institutions, like the industries also have need for materials management. The diversity of consumable items ranging from foodstuffs to high specific inputs, such as those used in sophisticated molecular biology tests. consumption of materials management in a teaching hospital, public and tertiary level is even more complex because there is a relative autonomy of each area in the planning of their materials, high demands on the quality of the items, with consequent selection of brands, is one developer and creator of new techniques and technologies and have to obey the law. There are other related variables, such as logistics and meager budget, lack of skilled positions. This study described the material consumption of a large university hospital, ranked consumables according to the financial value (ABC) as well as the criticality (VED or XYZ) and proposed management policy using these classifications in order to improve the performance results of supply policies. This is a case study, which used data collection, information, and document research available through a computerized system for the analysis of consumables programmed in the institution. The result was the classification of items through the values and in relation to the operational significance of the items in a given .Through process the intersection of two classifications is possible to identify groups of materials that require greater control on the amounts and criticality. And the monitoring of procurement processes and the quantity to be stored for use in all activities in the hospital.

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