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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A model for the sustainability of local suppliers in the South African automotive value chain

Nitschke, Christian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / What factors influence the economic sustainability of local suppliers in emerging markets in the automotive value chain? The answer to this question is not only influenced by the direct and indirect customers of the automotive component suppliers, but it is also influenced by factors on the macro-, meso- and micro-levels of the supplier‟s environment. In order to investigate the research objective, the South African automotive industry is chosen as a case study in the global automotive value chain. The literature review indicates that variables that influence the economic sustainability of suppliers can be found on the global and regional levels of the automotive industry, as well as on the industry and corporate value chain levels. As the theory does not offer a holistic approach for a problem solution, the identified factors are assembled in a conceptual model that measures the economic sustainability of automotive component suppliers with respect to financial dimensions. The conceptual model is structured according to the macro-, meso- and micro-level influences, and also recognises the impact of governance structures on the government, market, industry and corporate levels. The suggested conceptual model is subsequently tested for totality and alignment with industry features using qualitative methods and is furthermore validated by using quantitative modelling data from primary research in the supplier component industry. The analysis of the quantitative data shows that the majority of factors influencing the economic sustainability of local component suppliers can be found on the micro- and meso-levels (corporate value chain and industry value chain), whereas the qualitative data implies that economic sustainability is mainly influenced by factors on the macro- and meso-levels (industrial policy and labour market). This finding shows that there is a discrepancy between the measurable influences and the automotive component suppliers‟ perception of the research problem. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the conceptual model, as supported by the stakeholder group, can be used for further research. Alongside the development of the conceptual model, the industry data is used for a discussion about the status of the South African automotive component supplier industry in order to point out strengths and issues as well as to identify factors that should change or improve to enable a viable future for suppliers.


黃崇岳, Huang, Chung-Yaeh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過一個全新的產業矩陣架構,細膩翔實地檢視造成好萊塢電影產業現有形態的產業特性,讓相關產業決策者能夠看到好萊塢電影產業每個環節的意義,繼而思索未來發展的種種可能性,也希望這個研究能給國片市場的經營管理帶來一些參考價值。 分析研究的結果主要如下: 一、好萊塢電影產業成功的關鍵之一,在於其產出部份所面對的不僅是夠大的國內市場,還有可以為其帶來更多淨利的全球市場。 二、好萊塢電影產業在一開始就將電影設定為一種商業性產品,因此幾乎所有的投入價值單元(成本、演員、導演、科技、特效或獲獎消息等),一直到產出面的產品(戲院電影、電視電影、有線電視電影、錄影帶、授權商品)進入各種通路,和授權商品廠商間的異業結盟等,皆和「行銷」有所關聯。 三、各種環境前提,包括了美國文化意涵在全球透過各種不同媒介的高度湛入,和美國在國際政治、經濟、學術、商業地位上的重要角色,也助勢好萊塢電影產業的蓬勃發展。 四、反觀台灣電影產業,既然本身在有限的市場下無法形成像好萊塢電影產業這樣的規模,就應該用一個宏觀的角度去找出自身在全球電影產業中的位置,尋找自己可以扮演的角色;既然無法掌握所有的投入價值單元,就應該就本身的優勢,挑選有競爭力的投入價值單元,全心投入,成為全球電影產業價值鏈中能夠出色的一部份。

價值鏈管理之探討 -- 以利豐貿易為例

史麗娜, Shih, Li Na Unknown Date (has links)
目前經濟的主軸環繞著三大趨勢:通聯資訊科技,貿易的全球化與知識經濟運轉。資訊決定議價能力,全球化使競爭更加激烈,「微利」為成熟產業的普遍現象。「模式創新」成為企業永續經營的惟一途徑。 利豐貿易,成立於1906年,一家歷經三代家族經營的代辦採買貿易公司,在80年代,歷經組織重組與營業模式的創新,發展成為目前旗下擁有香港最大的出口貿易公司,市值達數百億港元的大貿易商利豐貿易(0494)與經營供應鏈整合的利豐經銷與零售業(ok便利店與玩具反斗城)之利豐零售。 “利豐貿易”的發展與管理備受各界關注,《哈佛商業評論》主編瓊安.瑪格瑞塔(Joan Magretta)於編選《新經濟時代管理大師觀點》(Managing in the New Economy)時,將其與“戴爾電腦”(Dell Computer)並列為最佳觀念實踐的公司。 “利豐貿易”透過解構價值鏈與現代網路資訊科技的運用,將危機化為轉機,首創「分散式生產」模式,從其全球供應網絡中,找出最符合客戶需求的解決方案。此模式後來廣為其同業所採用,且有愈來愈多的大型製造業亦開始 採用此種作業模式。 本研究為探討性研究,透過學術界(主要為哈佛大學)對個案公司的訪談與案例 資料的研讀與整理、個案公司資料的收集與整理,歸納研究在目前這個被稱為新(資訊)經濟環境下,一個經營傳統產業的企業如何透過供應鏈的創新與現代化的管理,實現其價值訴求使企業營收成長並持續獲利倍增。 / The mainstream of the world economy currently are: Net Communication Technology, Trade Globalization and Knowledge Econolmy. Information decided the power of bargaining, globalization makes competition tougher than before, "No profit" or "tiny" profit becomes the general situation for any mutual industry, "remodelize your business type"is the only way for your enterprise's survival. Li & Fung Ltd. formed in 1906, after serveral restucture and remodeling,in the age of 80, becomes the largest trading company of HK, listed in HK exchange market (code 0494) with value more than billions of HK$, the family also own Li & Fung Retailing and Li & Fung distribution. The management and development of "Li & Fung Ltd" were eyecatching by different people, Joan Magretta, the editor of "Harvard Business Review" has classified it together with "Dell corporation" as the best practice company in her " Managing in the New Economy" "Li & Fung Ltd" by using modern information technology to destructure their value chain, turn their weakness to strength, initial "loose coupled control" manufacuring model, to provide theit customer best solution from their world wide supplier network. The supply model suddenly becomes the general model for the industry, and more and more large manufacture adopt such model. This report is a reasearch study, through reading papers, company's inforamtion and interviewed some peer companies to conclude that how a traditional company to make themself so successful in the "New Economy" environment and what can we learn from it.


邵曉峰, Shao,Justin Unknown Date (has links)
知識管理的發展,就目前而言,理論部分已經算是相當的完備,有許多外國與本國學者都注意到知識管理的重要性,並且對影響知識管理的因素、知識管理的運作等都有相當程度的研究。 但是在企業的真正落實上,卻還是有一段差距,雖然目前也越來越多企業家瞭解到知識經濟時代的來臨與知識管理的重要性,但其在落實上,卻還是不易找到一個真正的著力點。 以半導體產業做為例子,因為其價值鍊上各位置專業分工的不同,導致各專業分工都必須具有自己本身的核心能力,因此為了培養與加強本身的核心能力,知識的累積就顯的重要,是故,在知識分享的機制方面,就必須根據不同的核心能力所需不同的之事類型來作調整。 簡單的以知識類型與核心能力作一個分類,前端的IC設計廠商所必須具備的是晶片設計的能力,而這樣的能力主要多以員工本身為主要的存在容器,也就是所謂的隱性知識,並且因為通稱的經驗也佔有相當大的影響力,是故其顯性化就較不容易,因此其知識分享機制就必須以隱性知識為中心。 在中段的IC製造廠商本身業務算是價值鍊中最複雜的,因為他必須負責部分整合的工作,也就是說,除了自己本身的製造生產能力外,也必須有部分設計能力,和本身也必須投入資源在製程的研發上,進行高階的製程研發以求符合IC設計客戶的需求,因此其需要的知識類型不只有顯性、也有隱性。 後段的IC封測業務相較於IC製造就顯的較為專門化,主要在從事IC製造的產品作封裝與測試工作,因此整體來能來說,標準化、大量化、或品質控管能力等都是其核心能力,是故其需要的知識類型主要在於顯性知識的轉化。 當然,除了核心能力外,組織規模、領導者、工作內容、產業的獨特生態與個別特殊的策略性思維,都將是影響知識分享機制的因素。 / 『Knowledge Management』 is getting more and more important now. And lots of scholars had already realize the importance, then paid large attention doing research about the KM. But in practicing, many industries still did not good at the KM. They understand the value of the KM, but they cannot find a good way to make it perfect. Take IC industry for instance. We all know that each step in the value chain has its own business, including design, foundry, and package. As a result, they should own different core competence to fit their business. And creating core competence should depend on knowledge accumulating. So they should need different knowledge types. IC design industries should have tacit knowledge, and package industries should have explicit knowledge. The foundry, are more complex, they should have both. Besides of the core competence, the scale, the CEO, the business, and the policy all will affect the knowledge sharing.

電子設計自動化技術對台灣半導體產業價值網的影響 / The Impact of EDA Technology to Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Value Net

林毓柔 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體產業由於產業群聚效應促成產業的興盛,2005年台灣整體的半導體產業產值已達新台幣一兆一千億元以上,更創造科學園區十萬員工的產業族群,而由於整體半導體產業的基礎深厚,台灣半導體產業在全球半導體產業可說是具有舉足輕重的地位,有著從上而下完整的半導體產業供應鏈,相當具有產業發展的優勢。 電子設計自動化技術可說是IC產業的源頭,但是在EDA產業裡,(Electronic Design Automation 電子設計自動化; 以下簡稱EDA),只有少數全球性的EDA廠商將研發資源投注在台灣;國內半導體產業賴以設計晶片研發的EDA工具幾乎完全掌握在外商手裡,對台灣半導體產業的整體發展實屬不利。 本研究利用價值鏈理論,來分析半導體產業各業者之間的互動關係與重要的價值創新活動,並利用價值網理論發展出價值網的動態模型,藉由動態價值網中各個廠商間所提供的價值分析,來瞭解EDA產業與半導體產業間的互動行為與競合關係,並分析EDA技術創新對於半導體產業價值網的影響,同時本研究發現,晶圓代工公司正積極扮演在半導體產業價值網中價值整合者的角色。 本研究的貢獻在於經由分析EDA產業與技術,得知EDA技術對半導體產業價值網有顯著的影響,首先是對IC設計公司的創新研發能力、成本控制能力、進入市場時機、合作網路關係、保護智慧財產等關鍵因素的價值創新有顯著的正面影響。再者對晶圓製造公司的創新研發能力、創造市場價值、成本控制能力、進入市場時機、合作網路關係、提升顧客服務等關鍵因素的價值創新均有非常顯著的正面影響。由於本研究歸納出價值網的動態模型,後續研究者可以利用動態價值網的模型,來分析產業價值網的動態變化。 / The prosperity of Taiwan semiconductor industry is facilitated by the industry cluster effect. In 2005, the total Taiwan semiconductor industry’s value had amounted to above 1.1 trillion NTD and IC industry creates one hundred thousand jobs opportunity in Science Park. Built on a structure that emphasizes horizontal division and vertical integration, the IC industry has delivered an economic miracle to Taiwan. Because Taiwan semiconductor industry has a well organized infrastructure and a complete supply chain, it plays an very important role in worldwide semiconductor industry with superiority. We may say that EDA (Electronic Design Automation; hereafter refers as EDA) technology is the beginning of IC industry. But in EDA industry, only few global EDA companies deployed R&D resources in Taiwan. The EDA tools which Taiwan semiconductor companies rely on developing IC design are almost completely being grasped in foreign EDA companies. This situation is very disadvantageous to Taiwan IC industry. Therefore, Taiwan government proclaimed that developing EDA talents and products will be the first priority plan in "National SoC (System on Chip) Program". This Program hopes to integrate EDA software, and to provide an outstanding design environment for the use of global systems design firms. This research is focusing on three major question groups as following: 1. How is the interaction among semiconductor industry companies in Taiwan IC industry value chain? What are important value creation activities among enterprises in Taiwan IC industry? 2. What is the roadmap of EDA technology? How is the EDA industry developing? 3. What is the influence of EDA technology regarding to the semiconductor industry value net? What are the interactions and relations between EDA industry and Taiwan semiconductor industry? What is the impact of EDA technology to the value creations of Taiwan semiconductor industry dynamic value net? First, this research uses Value Chain Theory to analyze the interaction and value creation activities among Taiwan semiconductor industry companies. Secondly, this research develops a “Dynamic Value Net Model” from Value Net Theory then to analyze Taiwan semiconductor industry. Third, this research analyzes the affiliation between each players in Taiwan IC industry dynamic value net and the interaction and co-opetition relationship between EDA vendors and semiconductor companies. Moreover, this research analyzes the influence of EDA technology innovation regarding Taiwan IC industry value net. There are four major findings in this research as below: 1. EDA Play an Important Role in IC Industry This research points out that EDA technology plays a very important role in IC industry, as it shows in Figure A-1. EDA is a necessary technology for IC design and PCB industry. The EDA software industry is located the most upstream position in IC design industry and IC manufacturing industry value chain. Through EDA technology, we may reduce the IC design cycle time and raise IC manufacturing yield rate which can enhance IC industry competitive advantage. 2. The Co-opetition Relationship in Taiwan IC Industry Value Net This research analyzes the IC industry co-opertition relationship in Taiwan IC industry value net. This research figures out the existing complicate co-opertition relationship including “customer-supplier” relations, “complementor” relations, “competition” relations between each players in Taiwan IC industry value net. 3. Taiwan IC industry Dynamic Value Net Model Analysis This research analyzes the interactions among EDA vendors, IC design companies and Foundries in Taiwan semiconductor industry value net through dynamic value net model analysis. This research discovers that Foundries are acting as value integrators in Taiwan IC industry value net aggressively. There are four major value creation activities in the value net: (1) e-Service. (2) Provide “IC design reference flow”, including DFM (Design for Manufacturing) support. (3) Build EDA alliance to provide design support. (4) CyberShuttle. 4. Impact of EDA Technology to Taiwan IC Industry Value Net The contribution of this research is acknowledging that EDA technology has positive influence to semiconductor industry value net by analyzing EDA industry and technology. First, to the IC design companies, EDA technology has positive influence to R&D capability, cost control capability, active market entrance capability, cooperation network relationship and intellectual property protection. Furthermore, to Foundries, EDA technology has positive influence to R&D capability, market value creation, cost control capability, active market entrance capability, cooperation network relationship and customer service value. Because this research induces the dynamic value net model, the following researchers may use the model to analyze the dynamic change in any industry value net if applicable. This research suggests that Taiwan IC industry should establish an outstanding design environment and services for global systems design firms, especially EDA software. These measures enable Taiwan to maintain its semiconductor manufacturing lead and grow the crucial design and design service business.

The sustainability of donor funded projects in the health sector / T. Mitchell

Mitchell, Therese January 2013 (has links)
The need for donor funding has increased significantly over the last decade. Without donor funding millions of people wouldn’t be alive today. Thanks either to research finding a cure, successful treatment, funds donated for food, aid toward building infrastructure, or giving people the opportunity to further their education. Donor funding thus facilitates a better future. A literature review was conducted to give background on the health sector and how these funds were distributed, ethical clearance, different types of reporting, the role project managers pays in a project and the sustainability of projects. Expenses in different countries were evaluated by gathering data from the internet, while two international funded projects are also used to state how funders divide their line items into different categories. The empirical study used a qualitative research approach by collecting and analysing data obtained from the MDG 2010 report and other freely available data on the web. The main findings from this thesis are: *The Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) influence donor funding as it gives donors a guide towards funding needs. Donors are also influenced by their own preferences or what poses a burden to them individually. *The different types of reporting required for funding received, delay a project and the bureaucratic structures thereof are a hindrance. *Ethical clearance plays a fundamental role in the outcome of a project, as without ethical clearance a project cannot commence. *The objectives of a project play a critical role when applying for funding. This can change the focus of a project. *Expenses differ from country to country and funders need to take this into account when giving funding to recipient countries. *Project Managers and community involvement plays a critical role in ensuring sustainability of projects. THE SUSTAINABILITY OF DONOR FUNDED PROJECTS IN THE HEALTH SECTOR *The MDG’s are not on track and aid are focus on singular goals instead of multiple goals, to ensure an overall improved result. There is a major gap between needed funds and given funds. A single injection of funds will not be the solution to our health problem; different sectors need to collaborate together as we are facing a multi-dimensional problem. Trade and reform must also form part of this aid, ensuring a sustainable progression in the life’s of people. Donor funded projects may have a sustainable future, when taking in account the abovementioned findings. With the world trend in reporting changing rapidly, cost and management accountants as well as financial accountants and project managers have to equip them to adhere to the new way of reporting, namely integrated and sustainability reporting. South Africa is way behind and needs to catch up fast if they want to stay competitive in the “global donor funding market”. The limitations in this study were that not all expenses were evaluated and only 15 countries were looked at. An indebt look was taken into Africa with the empirical review, while Asia is also combating poor health issues. Some African countries like Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe did not have sufficient data to compare with other countries. From the research conducted, the following topics were identified that require further research: *Why are most projects in Third World countries not sustainable? *What plans are put into action to ensure that the MDG goals are reached? *Investigate what works for First World countries health systems and consider how that can be applied to Third World countries to ensure that they also get the best health care available. *Do donors take into account the different costs of countries when allocating funding to that specific country? *Establishing models to evaluate the sustainability of pilot projects and normal projects. *Establishing a model on how to distribute donor funds across different needs and not only one specific need. / MCom (Management Accountancy), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

餐飲業之數位轉型與服務創新策略之研究: 以W個案公司為例 / The research on the digital transformation and service innovation strategy of the catering industry: take W case study company as an example

鄭榮輝, Cheng, Jung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
國內的餐飲業發展迅速、日新月異,各種風味特色、各種經營方式、各種組織結構的餐飲業星羅密佈。國內擁有博大精深的飲食文化和市場基礎,因此餐飲業就成了最為活躍而且最完全競爭的產業。目前,越來越多的餐飲業正在朝向著規模化的方向發展,跨地區發展的連鎖餐飲企業集團逐漸佔據主導的地位。隨著業務的迅速發展,規模龐大的連鎖餐飲業不斷地面臨了管理分支機構所帶來的經營成本、涵蓋範圍、標準化生產和服務管理等方面的巨大壓力。因此,連鎖餐飲業迫切需要一種異地安全互聯的經營管理方案,上傳財務資料,而且要將辦公資料和財務資料分離開來,並設法降低管理費用。同時,面對餐飲產業管理效率低落、決策欠缺系統化,以及供應鏈最佳化的問題、對外部市場的快速反應問題等,需要建立可以搭載IT (Information Technology) 系統的數位化系統,加強內部資訊的共享性、時效性、透明度,深化企業的內部管理,提升管理效率,從而最大程度地達到內部和外部資源的最佳利用,不斷地提升市場競爭力。 本研究在回顧國內連鎖餐飲業的發展現況和所存在的問題,以及數位轉型與服務創新在連鎖餐飲業的應用現狀之基礎上,分析了連鎖餐飲業價值鏈的架構和特色,闡明了國內連鎖餐飲業發展數位轉型與服務創新策略的可行性和必要性,提出了適合國內連鎖餐飲業發展的數位轉型與服務創新模式,並設計出了個案連鎖餐飲企業發展數位策略的整體規劃和執行方案。最後,本研究在對個案連鎖餐飲公司做SWOT 分析的基礎上,重點研究了個案公司數位轉型與服務創新的應用情況,並給出了針對其缺點的改進建議。 / The catering trade industry of Taiwan is developing vigorously with new, special-flavored catering trade enterprises of varying operation modes and organization structures spreading all over the country. As Taiwan owns a profound and deep catering trade culture and market base, the catering trade industry has become the most competitive industry in Taiwan. More and more catering trade enterprises are developing in large scale. Cross territorial chain catering trade enterprises are gradually leading the market. With the rapid development of catering trade business, large-scaled chain catering trade enterprises are facing a huge amount of pressure of operating cost, covering range, standardized manufacturing and information security resulting from managing the branches. Thus, the chain catering trade enterprises are in urgent need of an operating management scheme of cross territorial and security inter-connected to upload financial data. Meanwhile, the scheme should also be able to separate the administrative data and finance data. Considering the catering trade industry is in a situation of low managing efficiency, unscientific decision-making, internal optimization of supply chain and agile response to the external market, it needs an digital system that is able to build on MIS to reinforce the sharing and efficiency of internal information, deepen the internal management, upgrade managing efficiency. In this way, the chain catering trade enterprises can make full use of internal and external resources so as to improve the market response. On the base of reviewing the present situation, problems and digital application status in Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises, this paper Analyzed the form and feature of the value chain of the chain catering trade industry, clarified the feasibility and need of applying digitalization in chain catering trade enterprises, put forward the digital modes that are suit for the chain catering trade enterprises of Taiwan, devised a whole program and implementation of applying digitalization for Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises. At last, on the basis of SWOT analysis analyze and study the case study company, this research mainly analyze the digital application of the case study company and put forward to the suggestions accordingly.

Exigences environnementales et accès au marché : application au textile-habillement : le cas de la Tunisie / Environmental requirements and market access : application to textile-apparel : the case of Tunisia

Hasni, Radhouane 11 July 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est de déterminer l’effet des normes environnementales sur lecommerce du Textile-Habillement et d’analyser les stratégies adoptées dans ce cadre par lespays en développement, plus particulièrement, par la Tunisie. Les exigencesenvironnementales, volontaires et obligatoires, ont touché essentiellement la branche textile etpourraient se substituer aux instruments traditionnels de protectionnisme après ledémantèlement de l’Accord multifibres en 2005. Les résultats des analyses statistiques etéconométriques montrent un effet positif de la certification environnementale sur lesexportations de certains produits d’habillement vers le marché européen signalant ainsil’importance de cette nouvelle tendance. L’étude est affinée autour du positionnement desfirmes tunisiennes sur la chaîne globale de valeur du Textile-Habillement et des stratégiesadoptées afin de faire face à ces normes environnementales. Nos résultats montrent ladifficulté des firmes tunisiennes à réussir une remontée industrielle. Les exigencesenvironnementales inhibent leur passage de la sous-traitance à la co-traitance. Ellesaccentuent également leur dépendance envers les fournisseurs européens de textile. La thèses’interroge en dernier lieu sur l’intérêt du programme « Tunisian Ecolabel » et sur lesdéterminants de l’adoption de la certification environnementale par les firmes tunisiennes duTextile-Habillement. / The purpose of this thesis is to determine the effect of environmental standards on trade inTextile-Apparel products and to analyse the strategies adopted by developing countries, withspecific reference to Tunisia. Voluntary and mandatory environmental requirements havemainly affected the textile industry and could replace traditional instruments of protectionismafter the dismantling of the Multifibre Arrangement in 2005. The result of statistical andeconometric analysis indicates a positive effect of environmental certification on exports ofcertain apparel products towards the European market denoting the importance of this newtrend. The study is focused upon the Tunisian firms’ positioning in the global value chain ofTextile-Apparel industry and strategies which they will have to implement in order to be ableto meet environmental standards. Our results show the difficulty of Tunisian firms to besuccessful in industrial upgrading. Environmental requirements heighten their dependence onEuropean suppliers of the textile industry and prevent the transition from the originalequipment assembly to original Equipment Manufacturer. Lastly, the thesis discusses theeffectiveness of “Tunisian Ecolabel” program and the determinants for adopting theenvironmental certifications by Tunisian firms’ of the Textile-Apparel industry.

Internacionalizace podnikových činností - outsourcing a offshoring / Internalization of company processes -- Outsourcing and Offshoring

Tyll, Ladislav January 2006 (has links)
Outsourcing and Offshoring represent modern management tools used to increase the competitive advantage of the enterprise by a better focus on its core business, lower costs, higher flexibility or better quality of its processes. These benefits are basically achieved either by transferring some of company's non-core processes on an external provider or on a Daughter Company based abroad. The basic objective of this work is to provide management or scholars with a comprehensive view on above mentioned tools from the phase of adopting decisions about their application up to their final evaluation. To be highly objective and complete there are presented also the tax optimization models within Offshoring by using so called "Tax heavens". For better understanding what procedures and tools are available to managers to comply with current legislation when using these methods, there is added the transfer price issue as one of the possible tools for a tax optimization. Within the practical part of the thesis I tried to create a country evaluation model for international outsourcing based on multi-criteria analysis of localization factors. Doing so the biggest emphasis was laid on minimization of risk of failure from the side of process provider. The model was also enriched by commonly not often used ethic factors. The result of carried out analysis of chosen countries shows that even significantly lower labor costs can not weight on other localization factors in case they are of considerably worse levels. The last part of my work demonstrates the application of both examined methods in the Czech textile industry with a view to bring evidence that they are capable to lead to an improvement of its competitive position on foreign markets. Due to my vocational interests there was chosen Russian market as a sample. Objectives of this doctoral thesis have been achieved by extensive research of various information sources, incl. statistical data and available surveys carried out by reputable institutions and accompanied by personal expert experience from real practice.

Propositions de construction territorialisée de business inclusifs laitiers à l’aide de la gestion de la qualité du lait. Une approche multi-scalaire à partir d’un cas d’étude égyptien. / Proposals to construct territorialized dairy inclusive business using milk quality management. A multi-scalar approach based on an egyptian case study.

Daburon, Annabelle 20 October 2017 (has links)
Des groupes agro-alimentaires se tournent vers les filières laitières artisanales pour assurer leur approvisionnement. De cette tendance émergent des business inclusifs (BI). Malgré l’engouement qu’ils suscitent auprès des acteurs du développement agricole, ils restent délicats à mettre en œuvre. Mais dans quelle mesure la coordination de ces BI relève de démarches inclusives ? Quelles sont les barrières à leur adoption et les conséquences sur leur durabilité? Un cas d’étude est analysé pour explorer ces questions, le projet DEEP (Danone Egypt Ecosystem Project). Initié en 2011 par le fond Danone Ecosystème, en partenariat avec Danone Egypte et l’ONG CARE, il promeut un business model réplicable de centres de collecte de lait (CCL) de vache auprès des petits producteurs, dans des coopératives agricoles publiques. Ce BI tente de sécuriser l’approvisionnement de la laiterie Danone et de contribuer au développement socio-économique des villages hôtes. Dans la thèse, un cadre analytique transdisciplinaire est élaboré ; la gestion de la qualité permet d’associer une approche chaîne de valeur (CV) et une approche système agroalimentaire localisée (SYAL). Des données socio-économiques sont collectées entre 2014 et 2016, individuellement et collectivement, auprès des acteurs directement ou indirectement impliqués dans ce BI. Si l’extrême diversité des activités, des objectifs et des ressources des acteurs qui « gravitent » autour du produit lait et du BI est mise en évidence, améliorer la qualité du lait semble être un but partagé. La distance et les asymétries de pouvoirs entre les partenaires limitent la promotion de stratégies répondant à la complexité et à la variabilité du contexte égyptien. Au dépend de la collaboration, des logiques d’intégration et de coercition s’installent dans la chaîne de valeur inclusive (CVI), pilotée en aval par l’entreprise avec l’ONG. Si la qualité sanitaire du lait fourni par les CCL s’améliore, la qualité compositionnelle se dégrade. L’entreprise rejette fréquemment les livraisons des CCL sans mécanisme de compensation et la CVI construite est fragile. Le BI est alors abordé en examinant l’évolution du SYAL laitier d’Halabeya. Après 6 années d’interventions, le CCL y est un acteur central des réseaux de collecte de lait. Il influence la qualité sanitaire via les institutions qui l’organisent (analyses de la qualité du lait, fixation des prix ou connaissances sur l’hygiène). La promotion d’un pôle concentrant l’offre de services agricoles pour les fournisseurs du CCL échoue. Une multitude d’entreprises familiales de proximité, organisées en réseaux spécialisés mais non coordonnés, l’assurent. Il semble que la généricité de la construction de CVI durable doive passer par la systématisation de processus de partenariat. En Egypte, une cellule de coordination villageoise pourrait être créée. Réunissant divers acteurs clef du SYAL, elle pourrait activer les ressources territoriales aux profits des habitants et du BI, en l’associant dans un comité de pilotage avec des représentants de l’état, de l’entreprise investisseuse et de l’ONG. Ce comité de pilotage s’attacherait à bâtir un business model adapté au territoire et aux besoins des partenaires, puis à piloter la CVI construite. L’utilisation de l’amélioration de la qualité du lait pourrait catalyser l’action collective. Par la sensibilisation des partenaires, l’implication de l’état, le recours à des facilitateurs et la possibilité pour les territoires de communiquer sur ces interventions, limiter les asymétries de pouvoir devient envisageable. Original par son utilisation de la gestion de la qualité comme un facteur d’inclusion, le cadre d’analyse permet d’aborder des échelles variées et plus ou moins distantes et pose les bases d’un cadre d’action favorisant la territorialisation des partenariats de BI. Ainsi, bâtir des CVI durables, c’est contribuer à l’émergence de territoires autonomes, voie prometteuse dans les pays du Sud comme du Nord. / Agri-food companies turn to traditional dairy sector to ensure their supply of milk. Inclusivebusinesses (IB) have emerged from this trend. Despite the enthusiasm raised among the playersof agricultural development, such businesses remain difficult to implement. But to what extentdoes IB coordination fall into an inclusive approach? What are the obstacles to the adoption ofsuch processes and the consequences for their sustainability? A case study is analyzed to explorethese issues, the DEEP project (Danone Egypt Ecosystem Project). Initiated in 2011 by the DanoneEcosystem fund, in partnership with Danone Egypt and the NGO CARE, it promotes a replicablebusiness model of cow milk collection centers (MCC) in public agricultural cooperatives targetingsmall producers. This IB’s aims are to secure the sourcing of Danone’s dairy and to contribute tothe socio-economic development of associated villages. In this thesis, a transdisciplinary analyticalframework is developed; the quality management has been used to link a value chain (VC)approach and a localized agri-food system (SYAL) approach. Socio-economic data were collectedbetween 2014 and 2016, individually and collectively, directly or indirectly from the playersinvolved in this IB. While the extreme diversity of the activities, objectives and resources of actorsevolving around the milk product and the IB is highlighted, improving the quality of the milk seemsto be a common goal. Both the distance and the differences in power between partners limit thepromotion of strategies responding to the complexity and variability of the Egyptian situation.Logics of integration and coercion take place within the inclusive value chain (IVC) drivendownstream by the company with the NGO, to the detriment of collaboration. If the sanitaryquality of the milk provided by the MCC is improving, its compositional quality deteriorates. Thecompany frequently rejects deliveries from MCCs, without a mechanism for compensation, whichlead to the precarity of such built IVC. The IB is therefore discussed by examining the evolution ofthe dairy SYAL from Halabeya. After 6 years of interventions, the MCC became a central playerwithin the milk collection networks. It influences milk sanitary quality through the institutions thatorganize it (milk quality analyses, pricing or hygiene knowledge). The promotion of a hubdelivering agricultural services to MCC suppliers fails. Numerous local family businesses, organizedin specialized networks lacking of coordination, ensure it. It seems that the genericity of theconstruction of sustainable IVC must go through the systematization of partnership processes. InEgypt, a coordination cell in the village could be established. Bringing together various key actorsof the SYAL, this cell could activate the territorial resources in favour of the inhabitants and the IB,by associating it in a steering committee with representatives of the state, the investing companyand the NGO. This steering committee would work on building a business model adapted to theterritory and to the needs of the partners, before piloting the IVC built. Using milk qualityimprovement could catalyze the collective action. By raising awareness of partners, involving thestate, using facilitators and giving the capacity for the territories to communicate on theseinterventions, therefore limiting the differences in power becomes possible. Through its use ofquality management as an inclusion factor, the analytical framework allows approaching distantscales, and lays the foundations for an action framework fostering the territorialization of IBpartnerships. Therefore building sustainable IVCs go hand in hand with the emergence ofautonomous territories, a promising path towards the Southern countries as well as the Northern.

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