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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Value creation in childhood obesity care and prevention

Känsäkoski, H. (Helena) 06 May 2014 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the thesis is to increase understanding about creation of value in health care. Value is created through knowledge processes in multiprofessional integrated care pathways (ICP) of childhood obesity and defined as health and well-being which benefits the patients, their families, health care organisations and society. An ICP is a practice among Finnish primary and special care which in this study is regarded as the value creating network. Knowledge processes take place in social networks of health professionals and families and information technology (IT) networks. The transdisciplinary study combines theories of Information Studies with theories of customer value in Business and Marketing research. The care and prevention of childhood obesity pursues permanent lifestyle changes through health counselling. Examination of value creation in networks based on knowledge processes has the potential to enhance health professionals’, patients’, and their families’ interaction in counselling. The qualitative case study involves the ICPs of two Finnish University Hospital districts. The empirical data, collected between 2009 and 2012, consists of semi-structured interviews of 30 health professionals in primary and special health care, of three children and their mothers, a family questionnaire (N=13), and care path instructions and memos of an ICP work group. The findings indicate that information practices and IT do not support knowledge processes and organisational learning in the ICP. Along with structural and IT-based boundaries in and between organisations, organisational culture confirms boundaries. Moreover, lack of time restricts the sharing of experiences. Knowing in health care is a complex phenomena; especially the care of childhood obesity appeared to include emotional aspects not addressed in previous research. Thus, the study contributes to theoretical knowledge by suggesting empathetic knowing to be included in the typology of knowing in the context of health care. Even if counselling was perceived well, it does not ensure permanent lifestyle changes. Actual value for the families is created in the everyday practices which should be supported by the environment. The theoretical framework can be tested further in similar constructions in health care organisations or in other ICPs to enhance Knowledge Management and value creation in health care. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimus pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä siitä, miten arvoa luodaan lasten lihavuuden hoitoketjun tietoprosesseissa moniammatillisessa yhteistyössä. Hoitoketju on perusterveydenhuollon ja erikoissairaanhoidon välille luotu käytäntö, jota tarkastellaan arvoa luovana verkostona. Arvolla tarkoitetaan hyötyä, joka syntyy potilaille, heidän perheilleen, terveydenhuolto-organisaatioille ja yhteiskunnalle. Tietoprosessit muodostavat arvoverkoston ammattilaisten ja perheiden sosiaalisten verkostojen sekä hoitoketjun tietoverkostojen kautta. Tieteidenvälinen tutkimus yhdistää informaatiotutkimuksen teorioita liiketalouden tutkimuksen teorioihin asiakasarvon luomisesta. Lasten lihavuuden tärkein hoito- ja ennaltaehkäisykeino on terveysneuvonta, joka pyrkii pysyviin elämäntapamuutoksiin. Tietoprosessien tarkastelu arvoverkostoina mahdollistaa ammattilaisten ja perheiden vuorovaikutuksen kehittämisen terveysneuvonnassa. Laadullinen tapaustutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa suomalaisessa yliopistollisessa sairaanhoitopiirissä. Aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2009–2012. Se koostuu 30 terveydenhuollon ammattilaisen, kolmen potilaan ja heidän äitiensä teemahaastatteluista, 13 perheen lomakekyselyvastauksista sekä hoitopolkuohjeistuksista ja kokousmuistioista. Tulokset osoittavat, että tietoverkot ja informaatiokäytännöt eivät tue tietoprosesseja ja organisaatioiden oppimista hoitoketjussa. Rakenteellisten ja informaatio- ja viestintäteknologian luomien rajojen lisäksi erilaiset organisaatiokulttuurit muodostavat esteitä tietoprosessien etenemiselle. Kiire estää kokemusten jakamista. Tietämys ja osaaminen terveydenhuollossa ovat moniulotteisia seikkoja. Tutkimus nostaa esille lasten lihavuuden hoitoon liittyvät tunteet, joita ei ole tarkasteltu aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa. Siten tulokset täydentävät teoriataustana sovelletun tietämisen typologiaa empaattisen tietämisen tyypillä terveydenhuollon kontekstissa. Perheet kokivat terveysneuvonnan hyväksi, mutta vaikutukset pysyviin elämäntapamuutoksiin eivät nouse vahvasti esille. Hoidon arvo muodostuu perheiden jokapäiväisen elämän käytännöissä, mitä myös ympäristön tulisi tukea. Tutkimuksessa sovellettua teoriaa ja viitekehystä voidaan testata vastaavissa yhteistoimintahankkeissa ja hoitoketjuissa. Niiden avulla voidaan kehittää arvoa luovia tietoprosesseja ja tietojohtamista terveydenhuollossa.

The role of business models in construction business management

Pekuri, A. (Aki) 02 June 2015 (has links)
Abstract Although the need for change was recognized a couple of decades ago, the construction industry is still struggling with its productivity development and customer satisfaction. Usually, construction improvement initiatives focus on developing practices related to project management and delivery processes. However, this study views the general underperformance of the industry from the perspective of how the construction business is managed and conceptualized in practice. The objective of this thesis is to understand the role of business models in construction business management. This objective is pursued by addressing specific research questions in four individual publications, two of which contribute to the research objective from a more conceptual and two from a more empirical viewpoint. The exploratory study follows the qualitative research tradition and exploits the case study approach. The primary method for data collection has been interviews. This study demonstrates the applicability of the business model concept to the analysis and development of the construction business. However, its use requires a comprehensive understanding of the concept and proper alignment of its elements in practice. The results of this study indicate that the current business models of construction companies are too similar to enable value-based competition. Indeed, the conventional business models neglect the customer perspective and thus revolve around internal efficiency rather than customer value creation. Consequently, construction businesses are usually managed on a project-by-project basis without the governing effect of specific customer-oriented business models and a clear long-term vision or business purpose that would go beyond the objectives of growing and surviving. A better understanding of business models provides a starting point for managers to reform the construction business and the whole industry. Explicitly defined business models provide a foundation for consistent management practice and process development. New possibilities for customer value creation can be exploited as the limitations of the current thinking are overcome and business models are approached from the viewpoints of the customer and value creation. / Tiivistelmä Rakennusalalla on edelleen vaikeuksia tuottavuuden kehittämisen ja asiakastyytyväisyyden parantamisessa, vaikka tarve muutokseen tunnistettiin jo pari vuosikymmentä sitten. Yleensä alan kehityshankkeet kohdistuvat projektien johtamiseen ja projektitoimituksiin liittyviin käytäntöihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa rakennusalan yleisesti heikkoa suorituskykyä tarkastellaan kuitenkin liikkeenjohdon näkökulmasta eli miten rakennusyrityksiä johdetaan ja miten liiketoiminta käsitteellistetään käytännössä. Väitöskirjan tavoitteena on ymmärtää liiketoimintamallien roolia rakennusliiketoiminnan johtamisessa. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi vastataan neljään tutkimuskysymykseen erillisten osajulkaisujen avulla. Kaksi näistä julkaisuista edistää ymmärrystä liiketoimintamallien roolista enemmän käsitteellisestä näkökulmasta ja kahdessa korostuu empiirinen näkökulma. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa hyödynnetään tapaustutkimusta. Aineistonkeruu on pääosin tehty haastatteluin. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan liiketoimintamallikonsepti soveltuu myös rakennusliiketoiminnan analysointiin ja kehittämiseen. Tämä kuitenkin edellyttää liiketoimintamallikonseptin laaja-alaista ymmärrystä ja sen elementtien asianmukaista yhteensovittamista myös käytännössä. Tutkimustuloksista voidaan päätellä, että nykyiset liiketoimintamallit, joiden mukaan rakennusyritykset toimivat, ovat liian samankaltaisia soveltuakseen arvoperusteiseen kilpailuun. Nämä tavanomaiset liiketoimintamallit eivät sisällä asiakasnäkökulmaa ja täten ne keskittyvät etupäässä sisäiseen tehokkuuteen asiakasarvon tuottamisen sijasta. Näin ollen rakennusliiketoimintaa johdetaan yleensä projektiperusteisesti ilman, että päätöksentekoa ohjaisi määritellyt asiakassuuntautuneet liiketoimintamallit, selkeä pitkäntähtäimen visio tai kasvu- ja eloonjäämistavoitteita pidemmälle asetettu päämäärä. Liiketoimintamallien parempi ymmärrys antaa lähtökohdan rakennusliiketoiminnan ja koko alan uudistamiseen. Selkeästi määritellyt liiketoimintamallit luovat perustan liiketoiminnan johdonmukaisuudelle ja prosessien kehittämiselle. Monia huomiotta jääneitä arvonluonnin mahdollisuuksia voidaan puolestaan hyödyntää, kun vältetään takertumasta vallalla olevan ajattelutavan rajoitteisiin ja suunnitellaan liiketoimintamallit toimiviksi arvonluonnin ja asiakkaan näkökulmista.

Styrning och samhällsvärde : en studie med exempel från museivärlden / Management Control and Public Value : A study with examples from the museum world

Thomson, Kerstin January 2017 (has links)
In light of growing criticism towards New Public Management and its effects, interest has been directed at alternative management control concepts in the public sector. Whether Public Value Management is an alternative, possibly even a new paradigm, is being discussed on the research front. New Public Management and Public Value Management have evolved in parallel during the past decades. However, New Public Management has had greater impact, not least in governments’ control of state agencies. The aim of the thesis is to gain an understanding of how ideas about the creation of public value diverge between New Public Management and Public Value Management. Beyond the research question of whether management control meets the demands of efficiency and customer-orientation as addressed in previous studies on reforms influenced by New Public Management, this thesis deals with the issue of creating value for the benefit of society. In a qualitative approach, the research is based on interpretations of documents, observations and interviews with examples from state agencies in the museum sector. The result of the study shows that differences between New Public Management and Public Value Management are expressed in notions of accountability, results and proficiency. The time perspective differs, as do the means of financing and involvement of stakeholders. Reforms in line with Public Value Management call for the involvement or consideration of a larger circle of stakeholders, including future generations. The findings of the thesis suggest that the diverging perceptions of value creation does not rule out that elements from both concepts can be combined and complement each other. The main issue is to take into account the contribution made to public value, considering whether the mandate is a long-term government assignment in line with Public Value Management or if it involves activities well suited to New Public Management with prerequisites for market orientation. The dissertation contributes to research in the field of management control in the public sector and the issue of public value.

Värdeskapande i agil systemutveckling : En komparativ studie mellan mjukvaruverksamheter i Karlskronaregionen och om hur de ser på värdeskapande

Dennis, Rojas January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats analyseras fem mjukvaruverksamheter om hur de tolkar och hur de skapar värde i sina mjukvaruprocesser. Analysen tar upp hur modellen Software Value Map kan användas som hjälpmedel för olika besluttaganden vid värdeskapande. Syftet är att förstå hur olika beslutstagande påverkar värde utfallet i varje leverans och produkt. I uppsatsen söks svaret på hur de lokala företagen tolkar och levererar värde idag. Genom att studera ekonomi- och beslutsteorier förstår vi vilken betydelse och påverkan dessa har i värdeskapandet när produkter utvecklas. Resultatet av denna studie visar att de lokala företagen prioriterar kundbaserade värdeaspekter för att generera värde. Det visar sig även finnas likheter och skillnader om företagens personal och hur företagen värdesätter olika aspekter som genererar värde. / This thesis searches for the answer of how five companies interpret and deliver value in their software processes. The analysis uses the Software Value Map model that can be used as a tool for decision making in value creation. The purpose is to understand how different decisions affect the value of each delivery and product. By studying economics and decision theories, we understand the importance and impact they have in value creation when products are developed. The result of this study shows that local businesses prioritize customer-based value aspects to generate value. There are also similarities and differences in staff and how companies value different aspects that generate value.

Applying Frugal Innovation to Serve the Bottom of the Pyramid in Germany

Mahr, Jöran, Imhof, Melissa January 2017 (has links)
In times of scarce resources, frugal innovation can be a driving engine for growth and market success, as it is a practical concept established in developing countries. Nonetheless, the available literature also emphasizes a potential importance for Western countries. Accordingly, our thesis and research add to the lack of literature that connects frugal innovation to developed countries and its specific underlying conditions. The review of available literature and further discussions led to the following research questions: 1. What is the current application status of frugal innovation in Germany? 2. What characteristics should frugal innovations have to serve the BoP in the context of the German market? A preliminary theoretical framework was created from the relevant literature streams stressing the fragmented nature of frugal innovation. As the concept and research addressing this issue are in a nascent stage, one unifying definition was not found. For the course of this thesis, the definition of frugal innovation was therefore chosen to be "thrifty, modest and affordable innovations, valuable for BoP customers”. One major derivation from the literature review is that frugal innovation can be of major importance in developed countries, not only for customers for getting access to certain products, but also for companies addressing untapped markets. The empirical investigation and explorative data collection was undertaken within the market context of Germany based on eight companies from different industry backgrounds. Therefore, interviews were held with representatives of companies that offer frugal products (thereafter also including services) according to the definition from above. Within the scope of the grounded theory analyzation techniques, the interviews supported our aim to gain rich and meaningful data to extend the substantive theory about the concept of frugal innovation. Our study results (based on our eight interviews) prove the existence of frugal products in the German market, while the term and the concept have previously been unknown. Even though frugal innovations were still to be confirmed, they were not labeled as such to connect them to the concept. The study also indicates the existence of a bottom of a pyramid in Germany, despite its original connection to emerging market population. Our findings resulted in a revised framework that connects relevant fragments to a logical comprehension of the concept of frugal innovation. Finally, characteristics for frugal products and requirements could be validated and improved to be economically successful in developed market contexts. The major contribution of our thesis is its general investigation of a rather unknown concept and its presence in other markets than originally laid down. The thorough literature review, the creation and revision of the framework and our study results will serve as a fruitful ground for further exploration of this innovation type.

Exploring design-driven innovation : A study on value creation by SMEs in the Swedish wood products industry

De Goey, Heleen January 2017 (has links)
Design-driven innovation, focused on the innovation of product meanings, provides a new perspective to better understand the contribution of design to innovation. Additionally, it enables new opportunities for value creation. At small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Swedish wood products industry there is a need for such new value creation in order to remain competitive. However, design-driven innovation is not yet common in this context. Furthermore, there is little research on the innovation of product meanings focused on value creation. Therefore, the aim of this research is to explore value creation through design-driven innovation, in the context of SMEs in the Swedish wood products industry. This research addresses what value might be expected from design-driven innovation, as well as what enables and hinders this value creation.  To address the aim, three studies have been conducted which are described in four appended papers. The studies consist of one systematic literature review and two case studies. The findings demonstrate that design-driven innovation contributes to value creation by focusing on product meanings, which intentionally addresses both tangible and intangible needs and therefore increases the perceived value of products. This research identified five facets of design-driven innovation which provide a structure to discuss what enables and hinders value creation. These are: (1) understanding new product meanings, (2) knowledge generation, (3) actors and collaborations, (4) capabilities, and (5) process. The facets can be seen as the origin of both enablers and barriers to value creation through design-driven innovation, depending on how they are addressed. Moreover, this research suggests that whether or not value is created is further influenced by the SMEs, their networks and the context in which they operate.

The Value of CSR for Czech Consumers / The Value of CSR for Czech Consumers

Faradji, Elise January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays consumers purchasing behavior is influenced by new factors such as the social and environmental implication of companies. This is why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a growing trend which companies need to look after carefully. However implementing an efficient CSR strategy is a complex process for corporations; especially since the core concept of CSR remain quite blurry. The goal of this study is to analyze the perception of consumers towards CSR to find out about the value creation that CSR produce for consumers and its impact on their purchasing behavior. This paper will ultimately help companies to implement their CSR strategy more efficiently. This study aims to contribute by conducting an in-depth analysis of consumers attitudes and behavior towards CSR. If most of researchers are using a quantitative approach this study means to deal with the issue with a qualitative perspective. Indeed twelve semi-structured interviews will support the findings. On top of those practical and physical interviews some theoretical knowledge will be added to the construction of the argument especially to bring a framework that shows the importance of all types of value creation (functional emotional and social). The findings of the thesis emphasize the facts already proven by other researchers; value creation is fundamental to make consumers care about CSR. However the study will show how much skepticism towards CSR can impact negatively consumers purchasing behavior. The research will help companies implementing more successful CSR strategy and develop new solutions to reach customers and influence their purchasing behavior through the creation of value for them.

Innovative management of management innovation (IMMI)

Chaniadi, Frengky January 2014 (has links)
The rapid convergence of collaborative technologies, democratisation of digital communication and consumerisation of Smart Grid infrastructure (i.e.: smart metering and distribution substation automation) have faltered the efficacy of centralised command-and-control and its insular sub-culture. For complex firms in today's creative economy, this infers that management innovation (MI)—“an induced managerial capacity to search for novel ways to create value”, is rapidly becoming liabilities unless it is innovatively managed for overcoming the inertia of discontinuity opportunities. The raison d'être of this thesis is to investigate the generative managerial processes through which MI can be fostered for experimentation and innovatively managed for acceleration. It comprises four qualitative case studies that involved in-depth interviews, surveys, public records and archival documentaries of four Canadian energy and utilities organisations. The conclusions are fascinating both expected and unanticipated. I found that many, if not most, of the contemporaneous routines of pyramidal target-setting and benchmark-driven cultures are ubiquitously evident. Business planning and risk management still function, albeit the objects of those tenets are different. These quasi-objects include, but are not limited to, organic structures, web-enabled paradigm, pragmatic mindset of middle-down-up crowdsourcing and fragmented evaluation of efforts to evoke the innovative management of management innovation (IMMI). Further adjacent to the quest for driving renewed growth, a new governing dynamic is hinging upon the IMMI that forges a pattern for resiliency and sustainability. Managers capitalise on the epistemic IMMI to regain competitive advantage while enduring endogenous fiefdoms and exogenous disruptions. They catalyse information semantically, harness collective capability effectively, stage prolifically faster MI experimentations and accelerate the cycle of MI more pervasively. I henceforth propose a unified managerial process, dubbed the "Cloverleaf 4S Model" (Strategise—Synchronise—Steward—Sustain). Implicit in this approach, managers believe that their finely-tailored practices epitomise an evolutionary process of deliberate selection in the pursuit for distinctive MI capabilities and expanding authority dynamics in the managership. This allows for self-adaptive mechanisms shifting from silos to swarming as well as the indigenous aspects of IMMI practices—exaptation, cognitive flexibility, speed to adaptation and executional excellence. The implication of this study presents heuristical insights to managers in galvanising perennial innovation and unlocking their IMMI to build an agile, intelligent enterprise.

Mognadsgraden för värdeskapande och kontinuerligt lärande : En studie om internt utvecklingsarbete inom den privata tjänstesektorn / Maturity assessment of value creation and continual learning : A study of internal development in the private service sector

Söderström, Peter, Timocin Teoman, Duran January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: En kund köper inte varor och tjänster som inte skapar något värde, vilket är något företagen på marknaden måste ta hänsyn till. Utöver det är företagens mål att nå finansiella samt icke-finansiella vinningar från sin produkt. Det är stor konkurrens på marknaden vilket innebär att konsumenten kan välja och vraka något som företagen måste anpassa sig till. I tjänstesektorn är det kunskap som är den viktigaste faktorn för att locka till sig kunder och är på så sätt något tjänsteföretagen ständigt måste arbeta med om de skall överleva på marknaden. För att undersöka detta kommer företagens syn på värdeskapande, kontinuerligt lärande och de egna resurserna studeras i uppsatsen. Syfte: Att undersöka hur tjänsteföretag arbetar med värdeskapande, kontinuerligt lärande samt dess nedlagda resurser inom ramen för internt utvecklingsarbete. Vidare är syftet att jämföra tjänsteföretagens mognadsgrader med varandra för att därigenom se vilka skillnader samt var potential till förbättring finns. Metod: Uppsatsen grundar sig i den kvalitativa ansatsen med ett heremeneutiskt förhållningssätt. Den sekundärdata som samlades in var genom vetenskapliga artiklar, internetkällor och böcker. Fyra företag och fem personer deltog i uppsatsen vilka intervjuades genom en semi-strukturerad intervjuguide. Datainsamlingen analyserades med hjälp av ett organisatoriskt IQ-test. Resultat och slutsats: Företagen har en liknande grundsyn i sättet de tänker på värdeskapande och kontinuerligt lärande. Dock visar empirin att företagen skildje sig i konflikthanteringen samt att några av företagen hade svårigheter att förändra sig på lokal nivå eftersom de agerade på en global marknad. För att uppnå ett värdeskapande och kontinuerligt lärande lägger samtliga företag ner mycket resurser för att erbjuda en tjänst som möter kundens behov och krav. Hur mognadsgraden för värdeskapande och kontinuerligt lärande ser ut skiljer sig mellan företagen eftersom företagen var bra på olika saker. Det är även inom dessa områden potential till förbättring finns. Uppsatsens bidrag: I sin helhet ger uppsatsen en ökad kunskap om hur tjänsteföretag i den privata tjänstesektorn arbetar med värdeskapande och kontinuerligt lärande. Därutöver bidrar uppsatsen med ytterligare kunskap inom vilka områden tjänsteföretagen utmärker sig, deras mognadsgrad i värdeskapande och kontinuerligt lärande samt var det finns potential till förbättring. / Background: Customer do not intend to purchase a product or service that does not provide them with value and this is something that companies have to consider. At the same time companies aim to achieve financial or non-financial profits by selling their products or services. The market is very competitive and ultimately it is the consumers who have the power to pick and choose whatever alternative that fits them best. Hence, this is something companies have to take into consideration. The private sector provides services rather than products and it is this which is used to attract customers and therefore something companies continually have to work with in order to survive in the market. In order to investigate this, different companies’ view of value creation, continual learning and resources have been studied. Aim: To investigate how service companies work with value creation, continual learning and utilized resources (within the range of internal development work). The aim is also to compare company’s level of maturity and suggest where improvements can be made. Methodology: The study is qualitative with a hermeneutic approach. Data were collected from scientific articles, internet sources and books. Four companies and five persons in total participated in the study and were interviewed using a semi-structured interview form. The data was later analyzed with the help of an organizational IQ-test. Results and conclusion: Companies often have a similar ethos in the way they think about value creation and continuous learning. However, the empirical data shows that companies differ in regard to conflict management, as well as some of the companies having difficulties in making changes at the local level because they act in a global marked. In order to achieve value creation and continuous learning all the companies use a great deal of resources to meet the needs and demands from customers. However, the maturity level of value creation and continuous learning look different between various companies because the companies are good at different activities. It is in these areas there lies the potential for improvement. Contribution of the thesis: It provides increased knowledge in how the private service sector works with value creation and continual learning. It also provides further knowledge of how the service sector excels, its maturity grade in value creation and continual learning, and how they can improve.

Criação de valor compartilhado em negócios sociais: estudo com clínicas populares de saúde preventiva / Shared value creation in social business: study with popular preventive health clinics

Rafael Toniolo da Rocha 09 August 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento humano tem ocorrido de forma desequilibrada: a maximização da riqueza econômica, paradoxalmente, maximiza a desigualdade social e a degradação ambiental. As organizações são os principais agentes do capitalismo, de modo que a estratégia das companhias interferem no desenvolvimento socioambiental e econômico. Neste contexto, a abordagem da criação de valor compartilhado (CVC) parece ter potencial para minimizar este paradoxo do desenvolvimento, ao considerar a geração de valor socioambiental como core business da organização. No entanto, existe sobreposição deste conceito com o conceito de negócios sociais. Assim, este estudo busca compreender como a estratégia de CVC está integrada aos negócios sociais em clínicas populares de saúde preventiva, a fim de identificar como a CVC e os negócios sociais podem contribuir para o equilíbrio do desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental. Para atingir este objetivo, foi conduzida uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva desenvolvida por meio do método de estudo de múltiplos casos com dois negócios sociais que atuam no ramo de clínicas populares de saúde. Utilizou-se a entrevista em profundidade, o questionário e a observação direta. Os dados coletados foram comparados, buscando encontrar padrões comuns e aspectos conflitantes em cada um dos casos. Privilegiou-se a análise de conteúdo como técnica do estudo. Os casos foram classificados e comparados num continuum de negócio sociais, que varia de lógica de mercado a lógica social. Como resultado, verificou-se que os negócios sociais estudados criam valor compartilhado, apesar da limitação conceitual dos entrevistados. Notou-se que o continuum de negócios sociais não é suficiente para delimitar um negócio social, de modo que qualquer organização, independentemente do modelo, pode ser classificada entre lógica social e de mercado. Ademais, foram identificados dezenove fatores essenciais e periféricos para a CVC em negócios sociais, de modo que sete são essenciais e doze periféricos. As conclusões apontam que CVC e negócios sociais apresentam propósito semelhantes, mas se diferenciam em sua concepção. Observou-se que a CVC, assim como os negócios sociais, podem contribuir para o equilíbrio do paradoxo do desenvolvimento, mas não são suficientes para eliminá-lo. A resolução deste paradoxo depende de mudanças de paradigmas que vão além dessas estratégias. / Human development has occurred in an unbalanced way: maximizing economic wealth, paradoxically, maximizes social inequality and environmental degradation. Organizations are the main agents of capitalism, so that companies\' strategies interfere with socio-environmental and economic development. In this context, the shared value creation (SVC) approach seems to have the potential to minimize this development paradox by considering the generation of socio-environmental value as the organization\'s core business. However, there is overlap of this concept with the concept of social business. Thus, this study seeks to understand how the SVC strategy is integrated into social business, in order to identify how the SVC and social business can contribute to the balance of economic, social and environmental development. In order to achieve this goal, an exploratory and descriptive study was carried out using a multiple case study method with two social businesses that work in the field of popular health clinics. The in-depth interview, the questionnaire and the direct observation were used. The data collected were compared, seeking to find common patterns and conflicting aspects in each case. Content analysis was privileged as study technique. The cases were classified and compared in a social business continuum, which varies from market logic to social logic. As a result, it was verified that the social businesses studied create shared value, despite the conceptual limitation of the interviewees. It was noted that the social business continuum is not sufficient to delimit a social business, so that any organization, regardless of the model, can be classified between social and market logic. In addition, nineteen essential and peripheral factors were identified for the SVC in social businesses, so that eight are essential and eleven peripherals. The conclusions indicate that SVC and social businesses have similar purposes, but differ in their conception. It was observed that the SVC, as well as social business, can contribute to the balance of the development paradox, but they are not enough to eliminate it. The resolution of this paradox depends on paradigm shifts that go beyond these strategies.

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