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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Firing-rate resonances in small neuronal networks

Rau, Florian 07 January 2015 (has links)
In vielen Kommunikationssytemen wird Information durch die zeitliche Struktur von Signalen kodiert. Ein neuronales System, welches rhythmische Signale verarbeitet, sollte davon profitieren, seine inhärenten Filtereigenschaften den Frequenzcharakteristika dieser Signale anzupassen. Die Grille Gryllus bimaculatus stellt ein einfaches biologisches System dar, für welches nur wenige, spezifische Modulationsfrequenzen verhaltensrelevant sind. Ich habe einzelne Neuronen im peripheren und höheren auditorischen System der Grille hinsichtlich einer möglichen Anpassung auf diese Frequenzen untersucht. Hierfür habe ich extrazelluläre Elektrophysiologie mit verschiedenen Stimulationsparadigmen kombiniert, welche auf amplitudenmodulierten Tönen basierten. Die Analyse der experimentellen Daten ergab, dass bereits in der auditorischen Peripherie einige der untersuchten Neurone Bandpasseigenschaften aufwiesen, da sie verhaltensrelevante Modulationsfrequenzen mit den höchsten Feuerraten beantworteten. Anhand einfacher mathematischer Modelle demonstriere ich, wie weitverbreitete, zellintrinsische und netzwerkbasierte Mechanismen die beobachteten Feuerratenresonanzen erklären könnten. Diese Mechanismen umfassen unterschwellige Resonanz von Membranströmen, aktivitätsabhängige Adaptation, sowie das Zusammenwirken von Exzitation und Inhibition. Ich zeige, wie eine serielle Kombination solcher elementarer Filter die deutliche Selektivität im Verhalten der Grille erklären könnte, ohne dabei auf ein dediziertes Filterelement zurückzugreifen. Allgegenwärtige neuronale Mechanismen könnten demnach eine dezentralisierte Filterkaskade in einem hochspezialisierten und größenbeschränkten neuronalen System begründen. / In many communication systems, information is encoded in the temporal pattern of signals. For rhythmic signals that carry information in specific frequency bands, a neuronal system may profit from tuning its inherent filtering properties towards a peak sensitivity in the respective frequency range. The cricket Gryllus bimaculatus is a simple biological system for which only a narrow range of modulation frequencies is behaviorally relevant. I examined individual neurons in the peripheral and higher auditory system for tuning towards specific temporal parameters and modulation frequencies. To this end, I combined extracellular electrophysiology with different stimulation paradigms involving amplitude-modulated sounds. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that—even in the auditory periphery—some of the examined neurons acted as tuned band-pass filters, yielding highest firing-rates for behaviorally relevant modulation frequencies. Using simple computational models, I demonstrate how common, cell-intrinsic or network-based mechanisms could account for the experimentally observed firing-rate resonances. These mechanisms include subthreshold resonances, spike-triggered adaptation, as well as the interplay of excitation and inhibition. I present how a serial combination of such elementary filters could explain the strong selectivity evident in the cricket’s behavior—without the need for a dedicated filter element. Pervasive neuronal mechanisms could therefore constitute an efficient, distributed frequency filter in a highly specialized, size-constrained neuronal system.

Die emotionale Verarbeitung und Akzeptanz des medikamentösen Schwangerschaftsabruches mit Mifepriston (Mifegyne®)

Hemmerling, Anke 28 July 2004 (has links)
Einleitung: Nach einer kontrovers diskutierten Einführung von Mifepriston im Jahre 1999 in Deutschland weisen die niedrigen Anwendungszahlen auf eine zögerliche Etablierung hin. Aufgrund der aktiven Einbeziehung der Frau in die Durchführung des Schwangerschaftsabbruches wird oft eine erschwerte emotionale Verarbeitung vermutet. Wir untersuchten die psychische Belastung vor und nach medikamentösem und chirurgischem Abbruch. Methoden: 147 Frauen mit gewähltem medikamentösen und 72 Frauen mit chirurgischem Abbruch wurden vor und vier Wochen nach dem Eingriff befragt. Neben demographischen Aspekten, Beweggründen, Kriterien der Methodenauswahl und medizinischen Details wurden die deutsche Fassung der Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) und der Impact of Event Scale (IES) verwendet. Ergebnisse: Die demographischen Angaben zeigten keine Unterschiede zwischen den Anwenderinnen beider Methoden. Bei einem Vergleich der Ergebnisse der HADS vor und vier Wochen nach dem Abbruch zeigte sich ein signifikanter Abfall der Werte für Angst und Depression bei beiden Methoden. Die Anwenderinnen von Mifepriston wiesen jedoch deutlich seltener erhöhte Angstwerte vor dem Schwangerschaftsabbruch auf. Vier Wochen später zeigten die Werte für Angst und Depression keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen beiden Verfahren mehr. Auf den Skalen der IES wurde ein geringeres Ausmaß von erlebter Intrusion und Vermeidungshaltung bei den Frauen der medikamentösen Methode gefunden. Im Vergleich deutlich stärker waren die erlebten Blutungen, Schmerzen und Nebenwirkungen bei der Anwendung von Mifepriston. Dieses hatte jedoch weder einen negativen Einfluss auf die psychische Verarbeitung des Ereignisses noch auf die hohe Akzeptanz der Methode. Eine überwältigende Mehrheit der Frauen beider Methoden schätzte es als außerordentlich wichtig ein, zwischen verschiedenen Methoden wählen zu können. In einer hypothetischen Zukunftssituation würden sich 80,3 % der Frauen nach medikamentöser Methode und 62,9 % der Frauen nach chirurgischer Methode wieder für die gleiche Methode entscheiden. Schlussfolgerung: Unsere Untersuchung belegt die in anderen Studien allgemein geteilte Auffassung, dass die Beendigung einer ungewollten Schwangerschaft unabhängig von der durch die Frau gewählten Methode eine positive erste Konfliktlösung bedeutet. Die positiven Ergebnisse der psychischen Verarbeitung und die hohe Zufriedenheit der Anwenderinnen unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit einer Aufrechterhaltung der Auswahlmöglichkeit zwischen verschiedenen Methoden zur Schwangerschaftsbeendigung und einer verbesserten Zugänglichkeit zur medikamentösen Methode mit Mifepriston in Deutschland. / Introduction: After a controversial introduction of medical abortion with mifepristone in 1999 this method is still not widely available in Germany. Because of the active participatory role of the women many doctors fear a higher rate of psychological sequelae after an abortion with mifepristone. In our study we compared the coping process of women who chose the medical procedure to terminate an unwanted pregnancy with others who opted for surgical abortion. Methodology: Women were asked before and four weeks after the procedure to complete a questionnaire covering demographic data, motivation, medical details and social support. Additionally, the women completed the German Version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Impact of Event Scale (IES). The following evaluation compares the data of 147 women who chose medical abortion with the results of 72 women who preferred a surgical abortion. Results: No significant differences were found for the demographic background of the women using the two different methods. Comparing data before and a month after the abortion, our study shows a significant decline of both anxiety and depression for both methods. Women using the abortion with mifepristone showed significantly lower entrance levels on the anxiety subscale than the surgical group. There were no significant differences in post-abortion anxiety and depression levels. For the IES, women choosing medical abortion scored significantly lower on the intrusion and avoidance subscales than the women opting for surgical abortion. Women using mifepristone experienced significantly more bleeding, pain and other side effects. However, these side effects did neither show a negative influence on the psychological coping nor on the high acceptability of mifepristone. An overwhelming majority of women in both groups evaluated choosing between different abortion methods as being highly important to them. 80,3 % of the women after medical abortion with mifepristone and 62,9 % of the women after surgical abortion would chose the same method again. Conclusions: Our study supports the consensus view that termination of an unwanted pregnancy is a positive first solution to the conflict, regardless of the chosen method. The positive outcome and high satisfaction levels among the participants illustrate the importance of an ongoing and improved accessibility of medical abortion for women in Germany.

Semantic richness effects in visual word processing

Rabovsky, Milena 01 December 2014 (has links)
Lesen zielt darauf ab, Bedeutung aus geschriebenem Text zu extrahieren. Interessanterweise unterscheiden sich Wörter beträchtlich hinsichtlich der Menge mit ihnen assoziierter Bedeutung, und es wurde kürzlich gezeigt, dass eine hohe Bedeutungshaltigkeit lexikalische und semantische Aufgaben erleichtert. Die vorliegende Dissertation kombiniert ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs) und konnektionistische Modellierung, um einige offene Fragen zur Rolle der Bedeutungshaltigkeit bei der Wortverarbeitung anzugehen. Hierbei wurden EKPs verwendet, um den Zeitverlauf unabhängiger Einflüsse der Anzahl semantischer Merkmale und Assoziationen beim Wortlesen zu bestimmen sowie Einflüsse von Bedeutungshaltigkeit auf implizites Wortlernen zu untersuchen. Um die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen besser zu verstehen, wurden die Ergebnisse anschließend mittels eines semantischen Netzwerk-Modells simuliert. Es zeigten sich keine Einflüsse der Anzahl der Assoziationen, aber eine schnelle Aktivierung semantischer Merkmale, die das EKP bereits ab 190 ms beeinflussten - nur 20 bis 30 ms nach und zeitlich überlappend mit der Aktivierung orthographischer Repräsentationen, die durch N1-Lexikalitätseffekte angezeigt wurden. Im weiteren Verlauf ging eine hohe Merkmalsanzahl mit größeren N400-Amplituden einher. Zudem verstärkten semantische Merkmale Wiederholungseinflüsse auf die Akkuratheit lexikalischer Entscheidungen und N400-Amplituden, was einen ersten Hinweis auf Einflüsse von Bedeutungshaltigkeit auf implizites Wortlernen darstellt. Diese Ergebnisse stehen im Einklang mit merkmalsbasierten semantischen Netzwerk-Modellen. Simulationen legen nahe, dass semantische Aktivierung lexikalische Entscheidungen erleichtert, während Netzwerk-Fehler in engem Zusammenhang mit N400-Amplituden stehen. Da Netzwerk-Fehler psychologisch als implizite Vorhersagefehler interpretiert werden, deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass N400-Amplituden implizite Vorhersagefehler im semantischen System widerspiegeln. / Language ultimately aims to convey meaning. Importantly, the amount of associated semantic information varies considerably between words. Recent evidence suggests that the richness of semantic representations facilitates performance in lexical and semantic tasks, but much remains to be learned about semantic richness effects. The present dissertation combined event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and connectionist modeling to address several unresolved issues concerning the role of semantic richness in word processing. Specifically, ERPs were employed to investigate the time course of independent influences of the number of semantic features and associates during word reading (study 1) and influences of semantic richness on implicit word learning (study 2). Aiming at advancing a mechanistic understanding of the obtained results, both studies were subsequently simulated using a network model of semantic cognition (study 3). Results showed no influences of the number of associates, but fast access to semantic features, with influences of feature-based semantic richness starting at about 190 ms - a mere 20 to 30 ms after and temporally overlapping with the activation of orthographic representations as reflected by N1 lexicality effects. Later on, a high number of semantic features induced larger N400 amplitudes. Furthermore, the number of semantic features enhanced repetition priming effects on lexical decision accuracy and N400 amplitudes, providing initial evidence for influences of semantic richness on implicit word learning. These results are in line with feature-based network models of semantic cognition. Simulations with such a model suggest that semantic activation can facilitate lexical decisions, while network error closely corresponds to N400 amplitudes. In psychological terms, network error has been conceptualized as implicit prediction error. Thus, these results are taken to suggest that N400 amplitudes reflect implicit prediction error in semantic memory.

A Taxonomy of Inverse Priming Based on Stimulus Characteristics / Eine Taxonomie inverser Priming-Effekte basierend auf Stimuluseigenschaften

Krüger, Daniel 15 November 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Filtering of species specific song parameters via interneurons in a bush cricket's brain / Filterung artspezifischer Gesangsparameter durch Interneurone im Gehirn einer Laubheuschrecke

Ostrowski, Tim Daniel 17 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Gan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).

Polypropylene and Natural Rubber based Thermoplastic Vulcanizates by Electron Induced Reactive Processing

Mondal, Manas 28 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Thermoplastic Vulcanizates (TPVs) are itself a commercially high valued group of polymer blend. They render technological properties of conventional vulcanized elastomers with the ease of thermoplastic melt (re)processability. With ever growing market, TPVs have got plenty of applications among various fields. Here, the technological properties of these TPVs were tailored according to the purpose by interplaying physical parameters of polymers and advanced high energy electron technology. Electron irradiation, though a well-known technique for cross-linking in polymer industry, is only restricted to final product treatment. We take it to the next level by coupling a conventional internal mixer and a high energy electron accelerator. Polypropylene (PP) and natural rubber (NR) based TPVs have been prepared using this new reactive processing technology, named Electron Induced Reactive Processing (EIReP). Various electron treatment parameters were explored to maximize technological properties of TPVs. Effects of various polyfunctional monomers (PFM) were also studied. In an endeavor to develop a potential method for customization, deep insights of macroscopic and microscopic structure of these TPVs were presented with the help of various advanced scientific characterization techniques. Commonly faced difficulties like viscosity mismatch, cure rate mismatch, and incompatibility due to different molecular structures were furnished along with plausible solutions. Investigation of phase inversion from co-continuous matrix to thermoplastic matrix was dealt with special care as it helps to understand structure property correlation for all TPVs. To make the whole effort relevant, at the end of this thesis a summary of various technological properties has been given for the newly processed and commercially available TPVs.

Adjustable white-light emission from a photo-structured micro-OLED array

Krotkus, Simonas, Kasemann, Daniel, Lenk, Simone, Leo, Karl, Reineke, Sebastian 10 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
White organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are promising candidates for future solid-state lighting applications and backplane illumination in large-area displays. One very specific feature of OLEDs, which is currently gaining momentum, is that they can enable tunable white light emission. This feature is conventionally realized either through the vertical stacking of independent OLEDs emitting different colors or in lateral arrangement of OLEDs. The vertical design is optically difficult to optimize and often results in efficiency compromises between the units. In contrast, the lateral concept introduces severe area losses to dark regions between the subunits, which requires a significantly larger overall device area to achieve equal brightness. Here we demonstrate a color-tunable, two-color OLED device realized by side-by-side alignment of yellow and blue p-i-n OLEDs structured down to 20 μm by a simple and up-scalable orthogonal photolithography technique. This layout eliminates the problems of conventional lateral approaches by utilizing all area for light emission. The corresponding emission of the photo-patterned two-unit OLED can be tuned over a wide range from yellow to white to blue colors. The independent control of the different units allows the desired overall spectrum to be set at any given brightness level. Operated as a white light source, the microstructured OLED reaches a luminous efficacy of 13 lm W−1 at 1000 cd m−2 without an additional light outcoupling enhancement and reaches a color rendering index of 68 when operated near the color point E. Finally, we demonstrate an improved device lifetime by means of size variation of the subunits.

Analytical Query Processing Based on Continuous Compression of Intermediates

Damme, Patrick 02 October 2020 (has links)
Nowadays, increasingly large amounts of data are being collected in numerous areas ranging from science to industry. To gain valueable insights from these data, the importance of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) workloads is constantly growing. At the same time, the hardware landscape is continuously evolving. On the one hand, the increasing capacities of DRAM allow database systems to store their entire data in main memory. Furthermore, the performance of microprocessors has improved tremendously in recent years through the use of sophisticated hardware techniques, such as Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) extensions promising hitherto unknown processing speeds. On the other hand, the main memory bandwidth has not increased proportionately, such that the data access is now the main bottleneck for an efficient data processing. To face these developments, in-memory column-stores have emerged as a new database architecture. These systems store each attribute of a relation separately in memory as a contiguous sequence of values. It is state-of-the-art to encode all values as integers and apply lossless lightweight integer compression to reduce the data size. This offers several advantages ranging from lower transfer times between RAM and CPU over a better utilization of the cache hierarchy to fast direct processing of compressed data. However, compression also incurs a certain computational overhead. State-of-the-art systems focus on the compression of base data. However, intermediate results generated during the execution of complex analytical queries can exceed the base data in number and total size. Since in in-memory systems, accessing intermediates is as expensive as accessing base data, intermediates should be handled as efficiently as possible, too. While there are approaches trying to avoid intermediates whenever it is possible, we envision the orthogonal approach of efficiently representing intermediates using lightweight integer compression algorithms to reduce memory accesses. More precisely, our vision is a balanced query processing based on lightweight compression of intermediate results in in-memory column-stores. That means, all intermediates shall be represented using a suitable lightweight integer compression algorithm and processed by compression-enabled query operators to avoid a full decompression, whereby compression shall be used in a balanced way to ensure that its benefits outweigh its costs. In this thesis, we address all important aspects of this vision. We provide an extensive overview of existing lightweight integer compression algorithms and conduct a systematical experimental survey of several of these algorithms to gain a deep understanding of their behavior. We propose a novel compression-enabled processing model for in-memory column-stores allowing a continuous compression of intermediates. Additionally, we develop novel cost-based strategies for a compression-aware secondary query optimization to make effective use of our processing model. Our end-to-end evaluation using the famous Star Schema Benchmark shows that our envisioned compression of intermediates can improve both the memory footprint and the runtime of complex analytical queries significantly.:1 Introduction 1.1 Contributions 1.2 Outline 2 Lightweight Integer Compression 2.1 Foundations 2.1.1 Disambiguation of Lightweight Integer Compression 2.1.2 Overview of Lightweight Integer Compression 2.1.3 State-of-the-Art in Lightweight Integer Compression 2.2 Experimental Survey 2.2.1 Related Work 2.2.2 Experimental Setup and Methodology 2.2.3 Evaluation of the Impact of the Data Characteristics 2.2.4 Evaluation of the Impact of the Hardware Characteristics 2.2.5 Evaluation of the Impact of the SIMD Extension 2.3 Summary and Discussion 3 Processing Compressed Intermediates 3.1 Processing Model for Compressed Intermediates 3.1.1 Related Work 3.1.2 Description of the Underlying Processing Model 3.1.3 Integration of Compression into Query Operators 3.1.4 Integration of Compression into the Overall Query Execution 3.1.5 Efficient Implementation 3.1.6 Evaluation 3.2 Direct Integer Morphing Algorithms 3.2.1 Related Work 3.2.2 Integer Morphing Algorithms 3.2.3 Example Algorithms 3.2.4 Evaluation 3.3 Summary and Discussion 4 Compression-Aware Query Optimization Strategies 4.1 Related Work 4.2 Compression-Aware Secondary Query Optimization 4.2.1 Compression-Level: Selecting a Suitable Algorithm 4.2.2 Operator-Level: Selecting Suitable Input/Output Formats 4.2.3 QEP-Level: Selecting Suitable Formats for All Involved Columns 4.3 Evaluation 4.3.1 Compression-Level: Selecting a Suitable Algorithm 4.3.2 Operator-Level: Selecting Suitable Input/Output Formats 4.3.3 Lessons Learned 4.4 Summary and Discussion 5 End-to-End Evaluation 5.1 Experimental Setup and Methodology 5.2 A Simple OLAP Query 5.3 Complex OLAP Queries: The Star Schema Benchmark 5.4 Summary and Discussion 6 Conclusion 6.1 Summary of this Thesis 6.2 Directions for Future Work Bibliography List of Figures List of Tables

Effect of language task demands on the neural response during lexical access: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Gan, Gabriela, Büchel, Christian, Isel, Frédéric 28 November 2013 (has links)
This study examined the effects of linguistic task demands on the neuroanatomical localization of the neural response related to automatic semantic processing of concrete German nouns combining the associative priming paradigm with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). To clarify the functional role of the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) for semantic processing with respect to semantic decision making compared to semantic processing per se, we used a linguistic task that involved either a binary decision process (i.e., semantic categorization; Experiment 1) or not (i.e., silently thinking about a word's meaning; Experiment 2). We observed associative priming effects indicated as neural suppression in bilateral superior temporal gyri (STG), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), occipito-temporal brain areas, and in medial frontal brain areas independently of the linguistic task. Inferior parietal brain areas were more active for silently thinking about a word's meaning compared to semantic categorization. A conjunction analysis of linguistic task revealed that both tasks activated the same left-lateralized occipito-temporo-frontal network including the IFG. Contrasting neural associative priming effects across linguistic task demands, we found a significant interaction in the right IFG. The present fMRI data give rise to the assumption that activation of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) in the semantic domain might be important for semantic processing in general and not only for semantic decision making. These findings contrast with a recent study regarding the role of the LIFG for binary decision making in the lexical domain (Wright et al. 2011).

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