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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auswirkungen der Passform alpiner Skischuhe auf skispezifische motorische Bewegungssituationen

Hecht, Robert 27 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Der alpine Skisport stellt in unserer Gesellschaft eine der beliebtesten Wintersportarten dar. Ausgehend von der Faszination der Berge in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde die Sportart nahezu für jedermann zugänglich und entwickelte sich zu einem bedeutenden Wirtschaftsfaktor. Die Komplexität des alpinen Skisports ist für die Vielzahl der Personen jedoch nicht unproblematisch und beinhaltet Risiken, welche sich nicht selten als Ursache von Verletzungen darstellen. Das Zustandekommen der sportlichen Leistung ist dabei von mehreren Faktoren abhängig und je nach Leistungsniveau unterschiedlich gewichtet. Aus der Studienlage heraus wird ersichtlich, dass mehrere leistungsbestimmende Komponenten existieren, die sowohl konditionelle als auch koordinative Fähigkeiten als wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Ausführung der Skitechnik umfassen. Zudem wird deutlich, dass die Bedeutung der Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit im Konstrukt der Leistungsstruktur eine übergeordnete Rolle einnimmt. Nach Meinung verschiedener Autoren ist die Qualität skispezifischer Bewegungen daher auch in Abhängigkeit zur Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit zu sehen. Der Stellenwert dieser koordinativen Fähigkeit muss außerdem in Verbindung entstehender Verletzungen genannt werden, wodurch ihr als Faktor im sportmotorischen Anforderungsprofil eine vorrangige Stellung zuteil wird. Besonders im Breitensport, in dem der Leistungsgedanke in den Hintergrund rückt, scheint daher die Überlegung einer Risikoreduzierung oder Sturzvermeidung in Abhängigkeit des Materials sinnvoll zu sein. Speziell der Skischuh stand im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen dieser Studie, da er als Ausrüstungsgegenstand entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Übertragung von Steuerimpulsen nimmt. Das Bindeglied zwischen Mensch und Material bestimmt maßgeblich die Bewegungsregulation, die unter anderem von der Wahrnehmung außen einwirkender sensomotorischer Reize abhängig ist. Der Einfluss charakteristisch unterschiedlicher Schuhe auf die Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit wurde bislang jedoch noch nicht untersucht und stellt daher das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit dar. In Abhängigkeit der differenten Schuheigenschaft wurde außerdem die Fußsensibilität beim Tragen alpiner Skischuhe untersucht. Die in den insgesamt 3 Einzelstudien verwendeten Skischuhe unterschieden sich hauptsächlich in der Leistenbreite. Verwendet wurde ein sportlich orientierter Schuh (Breite 98mm) und ein komfortorientiertes Modell (Breite 103mm). Zur Quantifizierung der Gleichgewichtfähigkeit wurde ein spezifischer Prüfstand verwendet, der aus einer flexibel gelagerten Ebene bestand, auf der der Proband mittels alpiner Sicherheitsbindung arretiert wurde. Zur Simulation der skispezifischen Bewegung bestand die Aufgabe darin, so ruhig wie möglich zu stehen. Mittels Vibrationserzeugers wurde zur Messung der Fußsensibilität die Vibrationsreizschwelle plantar bestimmt. Zusammenfassend kann aus den Ergebnissen geschlussfolgert werden, dass sich ein in der Leistenbreite schmalerer und damit scheinbar fest sitzender Schuh positiv auf die Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit auswirkt. Beeinflusst durch die mit diesem Schuh festgestellte bessere Vibrationsreizwahrnehmung ist somit von einer besseren Bewegungsperformance auszugehen, durch die das Verletzungsrisiko reduziert werden könnte.

Quantitative assessment of foot sensitivity: The effects of foot sole skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear / Der Einfluss der Temperatur der Fußsohle, des Blutflusses im Fußbereich und des Schuhwerks auf die plantare Fußsensibilität

Schlee, Günther 29 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The human foot has been accepted over the years as an important source of afferent input, used not only in the recognition of the surrounding environment (e.g. hard and soft surfaces), but also in the fine regulation of common daily-live movements (e.g. gait and balance control). The performance of these movements is usually accompanied by fluctuations in foot skin temperature as well as reciprocal blood flow changes at the foot area. Moreover, both variables are likely to be affected by footwear usage. Although these three factors are constantly present during the performance of daily live movements, only little and partially controversial information regarding the effects of foot skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear on foot sensitivity can be found in the literature. Therefore, the goal of the thesis was to investigate the effects of foot skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear on plantar foot vibration sensitivity of healthy young subjects. Three single studies were performed in order to investigate each variable separately. The first study investigated the influence of foot sole skin temperature on plantar foot sensitivity of 40 healthy subjects. Vibration thresholds were measured at 200Hz at a initial baseline temperature and after cooling/warming the foot skin 5-6 °C. The second study investigated the influence of short-time lower leg ischemia on plantar foot vibration sensitivity of 39 young adults. Lower leg ischemia was evoked with a pneumatic tourniquet, placed about 10cm above the popliteus cavity. Vibration thresholds were measured at 200 Hz in three different cuff pressure conditions: baseline (0 mmHg), low (50 mmHg) and high (150 mmHg). Finally, the influence of footwear on foot sensitivity was investigated in the third study, using specific Formula 1 shoes. Twenty-five male subjects participated in the study. Plantar foot vibration thresholds were measured at 30 and 200 Hz in five different foot/shoe conditions (barefoot and four shoe conditions). In all studies, vibration thresholds were measured at three anatomical locations of the plantar foot: heel, first metatarsal head (MET I) and hallux. The main results of the three studies show that the analysed variables significantly influence plantar foot vibration sensitivity. Data from the first study show that 5-6 °C alterations in foot skin temperature significantly influence the foot sensitivity of healthy young adults, whereby skin cooling results in reduced foot sensitivity, whereas skin warming improves plantar foot vibration sensitivity. The results of the second study indicate that short-time lower leg ischemia; especially regarding the high cuff pressure condition (150 mmhg), significantly reduces plantar foot sensitivity. Data from the third study show that the footwear effects on foot sensitivity are frequency-dependent. While barefoot sensitivity is better than shod sensitivity at 30Hz, shod sensitivity is better than barefoot sensitivity when measured at 200Hz. In conclusion, foot sole skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear significantly influence the plantar foot vibration sensitivity of healthy young adults. The alterations in foot sensitivity caused by these variables have important consequences for future clinical as well as movement-related research. Future clinical applications of quantitative sensory testing should consider the influence of these three factors during the assessment of sensory data, in order to standardize the measurement procedures as well as to enhance the quality of the collected data. Regarding the movement-related research, further studies should try to identify the importance of foot sensitivity for the performance of different types of movements (including sport-related activities). Additionally, the combined effects of movement-related changes in foot skin temperature and blood flow should be analysed and integrated in the development process of functional footwear, which is able to fulffill the foot sensitivity requirements of different movements. / Die Rolle des menschlichen Fußes als wichtiger „Mediator“ sensorischer Reize wird zunehmen in der Literatur akzeptiert. Die vom Fuß aufgenommenen afferenten Informationen werden im Zentralen Nervensystem integriert und weitergeleitet, um die Regulation typischer Bewegungsmuster (z.B. Gang und Gleichgewichtskontrolle) mitzusteuern. Während der Durchführung derartiger Bewegungen werden oftmals Änderungen der Hauttemperatur oder auch des Blutflusses im Fußbereich provoziert. Diese werden wiederum durch das Tragen von Schuhen beeinflusst. Obwohl Hauttemperatur, Blutfluss im Fußbereich und Schuhwerk wichtige Faktoren bei der Bewegungsdurchführung darstellen, können nur wenige und teilweise konträre Informationen über den Einfluss dieser Faktoren auf die Fußsensibilität in der Literatur gefunden werden. Somit hat diese Dissertation zum Ziel, den Einfluss der Temperatur der Fußsohle, des Blutflusses am Fußbereich sowie des Schuhwerkes auf die Vibrationssensibilität des plantaren Fußes gesunder Probanden zu untersuchen. Um den Einfluss der einzelnen Parameter auf die Fußsensibilität untersuchen zu können, wurden drei Studien durchgeführt. Die erste Studie hatte zum Ziel, den Einfluss der Temperatur der Fußsohle auf die Vibrationssensibilität von 40 Probanden zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden die Vibrationsschwellen, - mit einer Frequenz von 200 Hz -, bei einer Ausgangsmessung sowie nach einer 5-6 °C Abkühlung/Erwärmung der Haut der Fußsohle gemessen. In der zweiten Studie wurde der Einfluss einer Kurzzeitischämie des Unterschenkels auf die plantare Fußsensibilität von 39 Probanden getestet. Die Ischämie im Unterschenkel wurde mit Hilfe eines im Bereich der fossa popliteal platzierten pneumatischen Tourniquets hervorgerufen. Die plantaren Vibrationsschwellen wurden mit einer Frequenz von 200Hz in drei verschiedenen Druckbedingungen ermittelt: Ausgang (0 mmHg), niedrig (50 mmHg) und hoch (150 mmHg). Schließlich beschäftigt sich die dritte Studie mit dem Einfluss vom Schuhwerk auf die Fußsensibilität. Fünfundzwanzig Probanden haben an der Studie teilgenommen. Die Vibrationsschwellen wurden mit Frequenzen von 30 und 200 Hz bei fünf verschiedenen Bedingungen gemessen (eine Barfuss- und vier Schuhbedingungen). In allen Studien wurden die Vibrationsschwellen im plantaren Fußbereich unter der Ferse, dem Metatarsalkopf I sowie unter dem Hallux ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse der drei Studien zeigen, dass die analysierten Parameter einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die plantare Vibrationssensibilität der Probanden haben. Die erste Studie zeigt, dass eine 5-6° C - Schwankung der Hauttemperatur der Fußsohle die Fußsensibilität signifikant beeinflusst, wobei die Erwärmung der Haut eine Zunahme der Fußsensibilität verursacht und die Abkühlung eine Abnahme der Fußsensibilität hervorruft. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie demonstrieren, dass die im Unterschenkel hervorgerufene Ischämie eine Verschlechterung der Fußsensibilität verursacht, insbesondere bei den Messungen der Hochdruckbedingung (150 mmHG). Die Daten der dritten Studie weisen darauf hin, dass der Einfluss vom Schuhwerk auf die Vibrationssensibilität des plantaren Fußes frequenzabhängig ist. Bei einer Vibrationsfrequenz von 30Hz ist die Sensibilität barfuss besser als die mit Schuhen gemessene Vibrationssensibilität. Hingegen ist bei einer Frequenz von 200 Hz die mit Schuhen gemessenen Sensibilität besser als die Sensibilität barfuss. Anhand der Ergebnisse der drei Studien konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Temperatur der Fußsohle, Blutfluss im Fußbereich und Schuhwerk einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die plantare Vibrationssensibilität gesunder Probanden haben. Daraus folgen wichtige Hinweise für zukünftige klinische- sowie bewegungsorientierte Forschung. Der Einfluss der drei analysierten Parameter sollte künftig bei der Beurteilung sensorischer Daten mit einbezogen werden. Dies würde zum einem eine Standardisierung der Messverfahren gewährleisten, zum anderen die Qualität der im klinischen Bereich gemessenen Daten erhöhen. Im Rahmen bewegungsorientierter Forschung soll die Wichtigkeit der Fußsensibilität bei der Durchführung unterschiedlicher Bewegungsformen, auch sportlicher Bewegung, näher untersucht werden. Weiterhin sollte eine gemeinsame Analyse der bewegungsbezogenen Änderungen der Hauttemperatur bzw. des Blutflusses im Fußbereich in künftiger Forschung angestrebt werden. Folglich können diese Änderungen in die Entwicklung funktionellen Schuhwerkes eingesetzt werden, um den Anforderungen der Fußsensibilität bei unterschiedlichen Bewegungsformen möglichst gerecht zu werden.

Quantitative assessment of foot sensitivity: The effects of foot sole skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear

Schlee, Günther 30 August 2010 (has links)
The human foot has been accepted over the years as an important source of afferent input, used not only in the recognition of the surrounding environment (e.g. hard and soft surfaces), but also in the fine regulation of common daily-live movements (e.g. gait and balance control). The performance of these movements is usually accompanied by fluctuations in foot skin temperature as well as reciprocal blood flow changes at the foot area. Moreover, both variables are likely to be affected by footwear usage. Although these three factors are constantly present during the performance of daily live movements, only little and partially controversial information regarding the effects of foot skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear on foot sensitivity can be found in the literature. Therefore, the goal of the thesis was to investigate the effects of foot skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear on plantar foot vibration sensitivity of healthy young subjects. Three single studies were performed in order to investigate each variable separately. The first study investigated the influence of foot sole skin temperature on plantar foot sensitivity of 40 healthy subjects. Vibration thresholds were measured at 200Hz at a initial baseline temperature and after cooling/warming the foot skin 5-6 °C. The second study investigated the influence of short-time lower leg ischemia on plantar foot vibration sensitivity of 39 young adults. Lower leg ischemia was evoked with a pneumatic tourniquet, placed about 10cm above the popliteus cavity. Vibration thresholds were measured at 200 Hz in three different cuff pressure conditions: baseline (0 mmHg), low (50 mmHg) and high (150 mmHg). Finally, the influence of footwear on foot sensitivity was investigated in the third study, using specific Formula 1 shoes. Twenty-five male subjects participated in the study. Plantar foot vibration thresholds were measured at 30 and 200 Hz in five different foot/shoe conditions (barefoot and four shoe conditions). In all studies, vibration thresholds were measured at three anatomical locations of the plantar foot: heel, first metatarsal head (MET I) and hallux. The main results of the three studies show that the analysed variables significantly influence plantar foot vibration sensitivity. Data from the first study show that 5-6 °C alterations in foot skin temperature significantly influence the foot sensitivity of healthy young adults, whereby skin cooling results in reduced foot sensitivity, whereas skin warming improves plantar foot vibration sensitivity. The results of the second study indicate that short-time lower leg ischemia; especially regarding the high cuff pressure condition (150 mmhg), significantly reduces plantar foot sensitivity. Data from the third study show that the footwear effects on foot sensitivity are frequency-dependent. While barefoot sensitivity is better than shod sensitivity at 30Hz, shod sensitivity is better than barefoot sensitivity when measured at 200Hz. In conclusion, foot sole skin temperature, blood flow at the foot area and footwear significantly influence the plantar foot vibration sensitivity of healthy young adults. The alterations in foot sensitivity caused by these variables have important consequences for future clinical as well as movement-related research. Future clinical applications of quantitative sensory testing should consider the influence of these three factors during the assessment of sensory data, in order to standardize the measurement procedures as well as to enhance the quality of the collected data. Regarding the movement-related research, further studies should try to identify the importance of foot sensitivity for the performance of different types of movements (including sport-related activities). Additionally, the combined effects of movement-related changes in foot skin temperature and blood flow should be analysed and integrated in the development process of functional footwear, which is able to fulffill the foot sensitivity requirements of different movements. / Die Rolle des menschlichen Fußes als wichtiger „Mediator“ sensorischer Reize wird zunehmen in der Literatur akzeptiert. Die vom Fuß aufgenommenen afferenten Informationen werden im Zentralen Nervensystem integriert und weitergeleitet, um die Regulation typischer Bewegungsmuster (z.B. Gang und Gleichgewichtskontrolle) mitzusteuern. Während der Durchführung derartiger Bewegungen werden oftmals Änderungen der Hauttemperatur oder auch des Blutflusses im Fußbereich provoziert. Diese werden wiederum durch das Tragen von Schuhen beeinflusst. Obwohl Hauttemperatur, Blutfluss im Fußbereich und Schuhwerk wichtige Faktoren bei der Bewegungsdurchführung darstellen, können nur wenige und teilweise konträre Informationen über den Einfluss dieser Faktoren auf die Fußsensibilität in der Literatur gefunden werden. Somit hat diese Dissertation zum Ziel, den Einfluss der Temperatur der Fußsohle, des Blutflusses am Fußbereich sowie des Schuhwerkes auf die Vibrationssensibilität des plantaren Fußes gesunder Probanden zu untersuchen. Um den Einfluss der einzelnen Parameter auf die Fußsensibilität untersuchen zu können, wurden drei Studien durchgeführt. Die erste Studie hatte zum Ziel, den Einfluss der Temperatur der Fußsohle auf die Vibrationssensibilität von 40 Probanden zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden die Vibrationsschwellen, - mit einer Frequenz von 200 Hz -, bei einer Ausgangsmessung sowie nach einer 5-6 °C Abkühlung/Erwärmung der Haut der Fußsohle gemessen. In der zweiten Studie wurde der Einfluss einer Kurzzeitischämie des Unterschenkels auf die plantare Fußsensibilität von 39 Probanden getestet. Die Ischämie im Unterschenkel wurde mit Hilfe eines im Bereich der fossa popliteal platzierten pneumatischen Tourniquets hervorgerufen. Die plantaren Vibrationsschwellen wurden mit einer Frequenz von 200Hz in drei verschiedenen Druckbedingungen ermittelt: Ausgang (0 mmHg), niedrig (50 mmHg) und hoch (150 mmHg). Schließlich beschäftigt sich die dritte Studie mit dem Einfluss vom Schuhwerk auf die Fußsensibilität. Fünfundzwanzig Probanden haben an der Studie teilgenommen. Die Vibrationsschwellen wurden mit Frequenzen von 30 und 200 Hz bei fünf verschiedenen Bedingungen gemessen (eine Barfuss- und vier Schuhbedingungen). In allen Studien wurden die Vibrationsschwellen im plantaren Fußbereich unter der Ferse, dem Metatarsalkopf I sowie unter dem Hallux ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse der drei Studien zeigen, dass die analysierten Parameter einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die plantare Vibrationssensibilität der Probanden haben. Die erste Studie zeigt, dass eine 5-6° C - Schwankung der Hauttemperatur der Fußsohle die Fußsensibilität signifikant beeinflusst, wobei die Erwärmung der Haut eine Zunahme der Fußsensibilität verursacht und die Abkühlung eine Abnahme der Fußsensibilität hervorruft. Die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie demonstrieren, dass die im Unterschenkel hervorgerufene Ischämie eine Verschlechterung der Fußsensibilität verursacht, insbesondere bei den Messungen der Hochdruckbedingung (150 mmHG). Die Daten der dritten Studie weisen darauf hin, dass der Einfluss vom Schuhwerk auf die Vibrationssensibilität des plantaren Fußes frequenzabhängig ist. Bei einer Vibrationsfrequenz von 30Hz ist die Sensibilität barfuss besser als die mit Schuhen gemessene Vibrationssensibilität. Hingegen ist bei einer Frequenz von 200 Hz die mit Schuhen gemessenen Sensibilität besser als die Sensibilität barfuss. Anhand der Ergebnisse der drei Studien konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Temperatur der Fußsohle, Blutfluss im Fußbereich und Schuhwerk einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die plantare Vibrationssensibilität gesunder Probanden haben. Daraus folgen wichtige Hinweise für zukünftige klinische- sowie bewegungsorientierte Forschung. Der Einfluss der drei analysierten Parameter sollte künftig bei der Beurteilung sensorischer Daten mit einbezogen werden. Dies würde zum einem eine Standardisierung der Messverfahren gewährleisten, zum anderen die Qualität der im klinischen Bereich gemessenen Daten erhöhen. Im Rahmen bewegungsorientierter Forschung soll die Wichtigkeit der Fußsensibilität bei der Durchführung unterschiedlicher Bewegungsformen, auch sportlicher Bewegung, näher untersucht werden. Weiterhin sollte eine gemeinsame Analyse der bewegungsbezogenen Änderungen der Hauttemperatur bzw. des Blutflusses im Fußbereich in künftiger Forschung angestrebt werden. Folglich können diese Änderungen in die Entwicklung funktionellen Schuhwerkes eingesetzt werden, um den Anforderungen der Fußsensibilität bei unterschiedlichen Bewegungsformen möglichst gerecht zu werden.

Development of a current to pressure (I/P) converter. System analysis of a current to pressure (I/P) converter through physical modelling and experimental investigation, leading to a design for improved linearity and temperature independence.

Saneecharaun, Jeet T. January 2014 (has links)
Current-to-pressure (I/P) converters are pneumatic devices which provide precise control of pressure in various industries – for example these devices are often used in valve positioner systems (typically found in the oil and gas industry) and tensioning systems (typically used in the packaging industry). With an increasing demand for such devices to operate in harsh environments all by delivering acceptable performance means that Current-to-pressure converters need to be carefully designed such that environmental factors have no or minimal effects on its performance. This work presents an investigation of the principles of operation of an existing I/P converter through mathematical modelling. A simulation model has been created and which allows prediction of performance of the I/P converter. This tool has been used to identify areas of poor performances through theoretical analysis and consequently led to optimisation of certain areas of the I/P converter through a design change to deliver improved performances, for instance the average percentage shift in gain at 1mA input signal (over the temperature range of -40°C to 85°C) on the new I/P converter is 2.13% compared to the average gain of 4.24% on the existing I/P converter, which represents an improvement of almost two fold. Experimental tests on prototypes have been carried out and tests results showed that improved linearity and temperature sensitivity can be expected from the new design.

Efeitos da vibração de corpo inteiro na sensibilidade cutânea, equilíbrio, variáveis fisiológicas e cargas de aceleração associadas

Sonza, Anelise January 2014 (has links)
O estímulo vibratório gerado pela utilização das plataformas vibratórias tem sido aplicado como método eficaz para promover desempenho esportivo e também na reabilitação de pacientes com diversificadas disfunções. Acredita-se que a vibração de corpo inteiro (VCI) é capaz de diminuir os déficits de ativação muscular voluntária através de reflexos de estiramento neuromuscular, tornando-se um meio eficaz e de fácil aplicabilidade para pacientes com maiores incapacitações. Resultados controversos na literatura, com relação aos benefícios dos estímulos vibratórios, tornam a escolha dos parâmetros do equipamento (frequência, amplitude, tempo de exposição e modo de vibração) um desafio na obtenção dos melhores resultados. Assim, o objetivo desta tese visa a avaliação dos efeitos fisiológicos agudos da vibração de corpo inteiro (sensibilidade cutânea tátil e dolorosa, equilíbrio, temperatura superficial da pele, transmissibilidade da vibração) e a construção de um mapa de percepção corporal da VCI. Foram utilizados diferentes parâmetros e marcas desses equipamentos. Para investigar cada variável, quatro diferentes estudos foram realizados separadamente. O primeiro estudo investigou os efeitos da VCI na sensibilidade cutânea vibratória medidos a 30 Hz (corpúsculos de Meissner) e 200Hz (corpúsculos de Pacini) e de toque-pressão dos pés de 20 sujeitos normais e o tempo de duração dos efeitos da vibração nesses receptores. Como principais resultados, foram constatadas que as descargas aferentes dos mecanorreceptores de adaptação rápida foram fortemente afetadas pela vibração assim como a sensibilidade de toquepressão. Após 10 min de exposição à VCI o tempo de recuperação para a sensibilidade voltar aos limiares basais nos pés foi entre 2 e 3 h. Para continuar elucidando os efeitos agudos pós-exercício com vibração, um segundo estudo foi realizado avaliando variáveis fisiológicas em quatro diferentes frequências de exposição de VCI (30, 35, 40, 44 Hz). Foram avaliadas pressão arterial, frequências cardíaca e respiratória, temperatura axilar e a temperatura cutânea através de termografia por infravermelho dos membros inferiores dos 24 participantes avaliados. Por fim, o equilibro desses indivíduos foi avaliado através das análises dos deslocamentos, da velocidade e da área do centro de pressão (COP), em uma plataforma de força. Os dados do segundo estudo mostraram que, para as frequências de 40 e 44 Hz do equipamento, houve uma alteração significativa para as variáveis velocidade e comprimento ântero-posterior do centro de pressão. Além disso, durante a vibração e 10 min após, a temperatura dos membros inferiores foi reduzida, provavelmente em virtude da vasoconstrição gerada. Na investigação da sensibilidade dolorosa um terceiro estudo foi proposto, tendo em vista que as vias dos mecanorreceptores de sensibilidade cutânea tátil diferem daqueles relacionados com a sensibilidade dolorosa. Um modelo de dor crônica com ratos Wistar foi realizado e os animais foram tratados com VCI, esteira e a combinação de esteira com VCI. Como principais resultados deste estudo, os grupos tratados com VCI mostraram redução significativa da sensibilidade de toque-pressão após todas as sessões em comparação aos demais grupos. Efeitos analgésicos através do tempo de latência medidos com o hot plate foram encontrados após o terceiro dia de tratamento com 5 min de exposição por dia à VCI, nos primeiros 5 dias e 10 min nos 5 dias subsequentes. Como finalização das variáveis de interesse, o último estudo combinou dados quantitativos advindos da acelerometria (com medições na cabeça, quadril e tíbia) com dados qualitativos através da escala de Borg. Sessenta e cinco adultosjovens foram avaliados e este estudo propôs um método para escolher os diversificados parâmetros da plataforma vibratória, para alcançar os efeitos desejados na reabilitação ou desempenho esportivo. Este estudo mostrou que os índices de percepção de severidade medidos através da escala de Borg corresponderam com os dados quantitativos da acelerometria e assim os parâmetros do equipamento podem ser escolhidos com base na sensação subjetiva proveniente da escala de Borg. Os níveis de desconforto no equipamento podem estar relacionados com a frequência de ressonância das diferentes partes do corpo. Futuros estudos devem considerar aplicações clínicas da plataforma vibratória em pacientes com dor crônica musculoesquelética utilizando o modelo para escolha dos parâmetros do equipamento proposto nesta tese. / The vibratory stimuli generated by the use of vibrating platforms have been used as an effective method to promote sports performance and also in the rehabilitation of patients with several dysfunctions. It is believed that the whole body vibration (WBV) is able to decrease the deficits in voluntary muscle activation by neuromuscular stretch reflexes making it an efficient and easy exercise method applied to patients with greater disabilities. Controversial results in the literature regarding the benefits of the vibratory stimuli make the choice of the equipment parameters (frequency, amplitude, time of exposure and vibration mode) a challenge in getting the best results. The goal of this dissertation involves the evaluation of the acute physiological effects of whole body vibration (skin tactile and pain sensitivity, balance, skin temperature and vibration transmissibility) and the construction of a WBV perception body map. Parameters settings and different brands of these devices were used. To investigate each variable, four different studies were conducted separately. The first study investigated the effects of WBV on fast adapting mechanoreceptors measured at 30 Hz (Meissner corpuscles) and 200Hz (Pacinian corpuscles) and touch-pressure sensitivity from the right foot of 20 health subjects and the duration of the vibration effects on these receptors. The main results show that the afferent discharges of the fast adapting mechanoreceptors are strongly affected by vibration and sensitivity of touch-pressure was also impaired. After a single 10 minutes exposure to WBV, the time required to recover baseline tactile sensitivity on the feet was between 2 and 3 hours. To further elucidate the acute postexercise vibration effects, a second study was conducted assessing physiological variables at four different WBV frequencies (31, 35, 40, 44 Hz). Blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates, skin temperature and balance were measured. Skin temperature was measured by an infrared thermography of the lower limbs of 24 subjects. Balance was accessed with a force plate through the analysis of the center of pressure (COP) velocity, area and displacements variables. The results from this study show that for 40 and 44 Hz of the device’s frequencies, a significant decrease in balance was found for the center of pressure variables velocity and anterior-posterior displacement. Also, during WBV exposition and 10 minutes post vibration, the temperature of the lower limbs was reduced, probably due to vasoconstriction. To investigate the variable "pain", a third study was proposed, considering that the pathways and receptors of the cutaneous touch-pressure and vibration sensitivity differ from those related to pain sensitivity, the C and A fibers. A chronic pain model was applied in male Wistar rats and the animals were treated with WBV exercise (vibration platform), a low intensity exercise (treadmill) and a combined treatment involving both. The main results show that the groups treated with WBV showed a significant reduction in sensitivity to touchpressure after every session compared to the other groups. Analgesic effects through the time latency measured by the hot plate were found after the third treatment day with 5 min of exposure to WBV during the first 5 days and 10 min next 5 days. As completion of the fourth variable of interest, the last study by deriving quantitative data from accelerometry (with measurements on the head, hip and tibia) was combined with qualitative data arising from the Borg scale. Sixty five health young adults were measured and the study proposes a method for choosing the parameters settings of the vibrating platform, to achieve the desired goals in rehabilitation or sports performance. Discomfort perception ratings measured by the Borg scale corresponded well with the measured acceleration magnitudes and so the parameters settings of the device can be chosen based on the subjective sensation from the Borg scale. The level of discomfort ratings might be related to the frequency resonance phenomena of body parts. Future clinical applications with vibration platform in patients with muscle-skeletal chronic pain should be considered applying the model for choosing the parameter settings of the device proposed in this dissertation.

Efeitos da vibração de corpo inteiro na sensibilidade cutânea, equilíbrio, variáveis fisiológicas e cargas de aceleração associadas

Sonza, Anelise January 2014 (has links)
O estímulo vibratório gerado pela utilização das plataformas vibratórias tem sido aplicado como método eficaz para promover desempenho esportivo e também na reabilitação de pacientes com diversificadas disfunções. Acredita-se que a vibração de corpo inteiro (VCI) é capaz de diminuir os déficits de ativação muscular voluntária através de reflexos de estiramento neuromuscular, tornando-se um meio eficaz e de fácil aplicabilidade para pacientes com maiores incapacitações. Resultados controversos na literatura, com relação aos benefícios dos estímulos vibratórios, tornam a escolha dos parâmetros do equipamento (frequência, amplitude, tempo de exposição e modo de vibração) um desafio na obtenção dos melhores resultados. Assim, o objetivo desta tese visa a avaliação dos efeitos fisiológicos agudos da vibração de corpo inteiro (sensibilidade cutânea tátil e dolorosa, equilíbrio, temperatura superficial da pele, transmissibilidade da vibração) e a construção de um mapa de percepção corporal da VCI. Foram utilizados diferentes parâmetros e marcas desses equipamentos. Para investigar cada variável, quatro diferentes estudos foram realizados separadamente. O primeiro estudo investigou os efeitos da VCI na sensibilidade cutânea vibratória medidos a 30 Hz (corpúsculos de Meissner) e 200Hz (corpúsculos de Pacini) e de toque-pressão dos pés de 20 sujeitos normais e o tempo de duração dos efeitos da vibração nesses receptores. Como principais resultados, foram constatadas que as descargas aferentes dos mecanorreceptores de adaptação rápida foram fortemente afetadas pela vibração assim como a sensibilidade de toquepressão. Após 10 min de exposição à VCI o tempo de recuperação para a sensibilidade voltar aos limiares basais nos pés foi entre 2 e 3 h. Para continuar elucidando os efeitos agudos pós-exercício com vibração, um segundo estudo foi realizado avaliando variáveis fisiológicas em quatro diferentes frequências de exposição de VCI (30, 35, 40, 44 Hz). Foram avaliadas pressão arterial, frequências cardíaca e respiratória, temperatura axilar e a temperatura cutânea através de termografia por infravermelho dos membros inferiores dos 24 participantes avaliados. Por fim, o equilibro desses indivíduos foi avaliado através das análises dos deslocamentos, da velocidade e da área do centro de pressão (COP), em uma plataforma de força. Os dados do segundo estudo mostraram que, para as frequências de 40 e 44 Hz do equipamento, houve uma alteração significativa para as variáveis velocidade e comprimento ântero-posterior do centro de pressão. Além disso, durante a vibração e 10 min após, a temperatura dos membros inferiores foi reduzida, provavelmente em virtude da vasoconstrição gerada. Na investigação da sensibilidade dolorosa um terceiro estudo foi proposto, tendo em vista que as vias dos mecanorreceptores de sensibilidade cutânea tátil diferem daqueles relacionados com a sensibilidade dolorosa. Um modelo de dor crônica com ratos Wistar foi realizado e os animais foram tratados com VCI, esteira e a combinação de esteira com VCI. Como principais resultados deste estudo, os grupos tratados com VCI mostraram redução significativa da sensibilidade de toque-pressão após todas as sessões em comparação aos demais grupos. Efeitos analgésicos através do tempo de latência medidos com o hot plate foram encontrados após o terceiro dia de tratamento com 5 min de exposição por dia à VCI, nos primeiros 5 dias e 10 min nos 5 dias subsequentes. Como finalização das variáveis de interesse, o último estudo combinou dados quantitativos advindos da acelerometria (com medições na cabeça, quadril e tíbia) com dados qualitativos através da escala de Borg. Sessenta e cinco adultosjovens foram avaliados e este estudo propôs um método para escolher os diversificados parâmetros da plataforma vibratória, para alcançar os efeitos desejados na reabilitação ou desempenho esportivo. Este estudo mostrou que os índices de percepção de severidade medidos através da escala de Borg corresponderam com os dados quantitativos da acelerometria e assim os parâmetros do equipamento podem ser escolhidos com base na sensação subjetiva proveniente da escala de Borg. Os níveis de desconforto no equipamento podem estar relacionados com a frequência de ressonância das diferentes partes do corpo. Futuros estudos devem considerar aplicações clínicas da plataforma vibratória em pacientes com dor crônica musculoesquelética utilizando o modelo para escolha dos parâmetros do equipamento proposto nesta tese. / The vibratory stimuli generated by the use of vibrating platforms have been used as an effective method to promote sports performance and also in the rehabilitation of patients with several dysfunctions. It is believed that the whole body vibration (WBV) is able to decrease the deficits in voluntary muscle activation by neuromuscular stretch reflexes making it an efficient and easy exercise method applied to patients with greater disabilities. Controversial results in the literature regarding the benefits of the vibratory stimuli make the choice of the equipment parameters (frequency, amplitude, time of exposure and vibration mode) a challenge in getting the best results. The goal of this dissertation involves the evaluation of the acute physiological effects of whole body vibration (skin tactile and pain sensitivity, balance, skin temperature and vibration transmissibility) and the construction of a WBV perception body map. Parameters settings and different brands of these devices were used. To investigate each variable, four different studies were conducted separately. The first study investigated the effects of WBV on fast adapting mechanoreceptors measured at 30 Hz (Meissner corpuscles) and 200Hz (Pacinian corpuscles) and touch-pressure sensitivity from the right foot of 20 health subjects and the duration of the vibration effects on these receptors. The main results show that the afferent discharges of the fast adapting mechanoreceptors are strongly affected by vibration and sensitivity of touch-pressure was also impaired. After a single 10 minutes exposure to WBV, the time required to recover baseline tactile sensitivity on the feet was between 2 and 3 hours. To further elucidate the acute postexercise vibration effects, a second study was conducted assessing physiological variables at four different WBV frequencies (31, 35, 40, 44 Hz). Blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates, skin temperature and balance were measured. Skin temperature was measured by an infrared thermography of the lower limbs of 24 subjects. Balance was accessed with a force plate through the analysis of the center of pressure (COP) velocity, area and displacements variables. The results from this study show that for 40 and 44 Hz of the device’s frequencies, a significant decrease in balance was found for the center of pressure variables velocity and anterior-posterior displacement. Also, during WBV exposition and 10 minutes post vibration, the temperature of the lower limbs was reduced, probably due to vasoconstriction. To investigate the variable "pain", a third study was proposed, considering that the pathways and receptors of the cutaneous touch-pressure and vibration sensitivity differ from those related to pain sensitivity, the C and A fibers. A chronic pain model was applied in male Wistar rats and the animals were treated with WBV exercise (vibration platform), a low intensity exercise (treadmill) and a combined treatment involving both. The main results show that the groups treated with WBV showed a significant reduction in sensitivity to touchpressure after every session compared to the other groups. Analgesic effects through the time latency measured by the hot plate were found after the third treatment day with 5 min of exposure to WBV during the first 5 days and 10 min next 5 days. As completion of the fourth variable of interest, the last study by deriving quantitative data from accelerometry (with measurements on the head, hip and tibia) was combined with qualitative data arising from the Borg scale. Sixty five health young adults were measured and the study proposes a method for choosing the parameters settings of the vibrating platform, to achieve the desired goals in rehabilitation or sports performance. Discomfort perception ratings measured by the Borg scale corresponded well with the measured acceleration magnitudes and so the parameters settings of the device can be chosen based on the subjective sensation from the Borg scale. The level of discomfort ratings might be related to the frequency resonance phenomena of body parts. Future clinical applications with vibration platform in patients with muscle-skeletal chronic pain should be considered applying the model for choosing the parameter settings of the device proposed in this dissertation.

Efeitos da vibração de corpo inteiro na sensibilidade cutânea, equilíbrio, variáveis fisiológicas e cargas de aceleração associadas

Sonza, Anelise January 2014 (has links)
O estímulo vibratório gerado pela utilização das plataformas vibratórias tem sido aplicado como método eficaz para promover desempenho esportivo e também na reabilitação de pacientes com diversificadas disfunções. Acredita-se que a vibração de corpo inteiro (VCI) é capaz de diminuir os déficits de ativação muscular voluntária através de reflexos de estiramento neuromuscular, tornando-se um meio eficaz e de fácil aplicabilidade para pacientes com maiores incapacitações. Resultados controversos na literatura, com relação aos benefícios dos estímulos vibratórios, tornam a escolha dos parâmetros do equipamento (frequência, amplitude, tempo de exposição e modo de vibração) um desafio na obtenção dos melhores resultados. Assim, o objetivo desta tese visa a avaliação dos efeitos fisiológicos agudos da vibração de corpo inteiro (sensibilidade cutânea tátil e dolorosa, equilíbrio, temperatura superficial da pele, transmissibilidade da vibração) e a construção de um mapa de percepção corporal da VCI. Foram utilizados diferentes parâmetros e marcas desses equipamentos. Para investigar cada variável, quatro diferentes estudos foram realizados separadamente. O primeiro estudo investigou os efeitos da VCI na sensibilidade cutânea vibratória medidos a 30 Hz (corpúsculos de Meissner) e 200Hz (corpúsculos de Pacini) e de toque-pressão dos pés de 20 sujeitos normais e o tempo de duração dos efeitos da vibração nesses receptores. Como principais resultados, foram constatadas que as descargas aferentes dos mecanorreceptores de adaptação rápida foram fortemente afetadas pela vibração assim como a sensibilidade de toquepressão. Após 10 min de exposição à VCI o tempo de recuperação para a sensibilidade voltar aos limiares basais nos pés foi entre 2 e 3 h. Para continuar elucidando os efeitos agudos pós-exercício com vibração, um segundo estudo foi realizado avaliando variáveis fisiológicas em quatro diferentes frequências de exposição de VCI (30, 35, 40, 44 Hz). Foram avaliadas pressão arterial, frequências cardíaca e respiratória, temperatura axilar e a temperatura cutânea através de termografia por infravermelho dos membros inferiores dos 24 participantes avaliados. Por fim, o equilibro desses indivíduos foi avaliado através das análises dos deslocamentos, da velocidade e da área do centro de pressão (COP), em uma plataforma de força. Os dados do segundo estudo mostraram que, para as frequências de 40 e 44 Hz do equipamento, houve uma alteração significativa para as variáveis velocidade e comprimento ântero-posterior do centro de pressão. Além disso, durante a vibração e 10 min após, a temperatura dos membros inferiores foi reduzida, provavelmente em virtude da vasoconstrição gerada. Na investigação da sensibilidade dolorosa um terceiro estudo foi proposto, tendo em vista que as vias dos mecanorreceptores de sensibilidade cutânea tátil diferem daqueles relacionados com a sensibilidade dolorosa. Um modelo de dor crônica com ratos Wistar foi realizado e os animais foram tratados com VCI, esteira e a combinação de esteira com VCI. Como principais resultados deste estudo, os grupos tratados com VCI mostraram redução significativa da sensibilidade de toque-pressão após todas as sessões em comparação aos demais grupos. Efeitos analgésicos através do tempo de latência medidos com o hot plate foram encontrados após o terceiro dia de tratamento com 5 min de exposição por dia à VCI, nos primeiros 5 dias e 10 min nos 5 dias subsequentes. Como finalização das variáveis de interesse, o último estudo combinou dados quantitativos advindos da acelerometria (com medições na cabeça, quadril e tíbia) com dados qualitativos através da escala de Borg. Sessenta e cinco adultosjovens foram avaliados e este estudo propôs um método para escolher os diversificados parâmetros da plataforma vibratória, para alcançar os efeitos desejados na reabilitação ou desempenho esportivo. Este estudo mostrou que os índices de percepção de severidade medidos através da escala de Borg corresponderam com os dados quantitativos da acelerometria e assim os parâmetros do equipamento podem ser escolhidos com base na sensação subjetiva proveniente da escala de Borg. Os níveis de desconforto no equipamento podem estar relacionados com a frequência de ressonância das diferentes partes do corpo. Futuros estudos devem considerar aplicações clínicas da plataforma vibratória em pacientes com dor crônica musculoesquelética utilizando o modelo para escolha dos parâmetros do equipamento proposto nesta tese. / The vibratory stimuli generated by the use of vibrating platforms have been used as an effective method to promote sports performance and also in the rehabilitation of patients with several dysfunctions. It is believed that the whole body vibration (WBV) is able to decrease the deficits in voluntary muscle activation by neuromuscular stretch reflexes making it an efficient and easy exercise method applied to patients with greater disabilities. Controversial results in the literature regarding the benefits of the vibratory stimuli make the choice of the equipment parameters (frequency, amplitude, time of exposure and vibration mode) a challenge in getting the best results. The goal of this dissertation involves the evaluation of the acute physiological effects of whole body vibration (skin tactile and pain sensitivity, balance, skin temperature and vibration transmissibility) and the construction of a WBV perception body map. Parameters settings and different brands of these devices were used. To investigate each variable, four different studies were conducted separately. The first study investigated the effects of WBV on fast adapting mechanoreceptors measured at 30 Hz (Meissner corpuscles) and 200Hz (Pacinian corpuscles) and touch-pressure sensitivity from the right foot of 20 health subjects and the duration of the vibration effects on these receptors. The main results show that the afferent discharges of the fast adapting mechanoreceptors are strongly affected by vibration and sensitivity of touch-pressure was also impaired. After a single 10 minutes exposure to WBV, the time required to recover baseline tactile sensitivity on the feet was between 2 and 3 hours. To further elucidate the acute postexercise vibration effects, a second study was conducted assessing physiological variables at four different WBV frequencies (31, 35, 40, 44 Hz). Blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates, skin temperature and balance were measured. Skin temperature was measured by an infrared thermography of the lower limbs of 24 subjects. Balance was accessed with a force plate through the analysis of the center of pressure (COP) velocity, area and displacements variables. The results from this study show that for 40 and 44 Hz of the device’s frequencies, a significant decrease in balance was found for the center of pressure variables velocity and anterior-posterior displacement. Also, during WBV exposition and 10 minutes post vibration, the temperature of the lower limbs was reduced, probably due to vasoconstriction. To investigate the variable "pain", a third study was proposed, considering that the pathways and receptors of the cutaneous touch-pressure and vibration sensitivity differ from those related to pain sensitivity, the C and A fibers. A chronic pain model was applied in male Wistar rats and the animals were treated with WBV exercise (vibration platform), a low intensity exercise (treadmill) and a combined treatment involving both. The main results show that the groups treated with WBV showed a significant reduction in sensitivity to touchpressure after every session compared to the other groups. Analgesic effects through the time latency measured by the hot plate were found after the third treatment day with 5 min of exposure to WBV during the first 5 days and 10 min next 5 days. As completion of the fourth variable of interest, the last study by deriving quantitative data from accelerometry (with measurements on the head, hip and tibia) was combined with qualitative data arising from the Borg scale. Sixty five health young adults were measured and the study proposes a method for choosing the parameters settings of the vibrating platform, to achieve the desired goals in rehabilitation or sports performance. Discomfort perception ratings measured by the Borg scale corresponded well with the measured acceleration magnitudes and so the parameters settings of the device can be chosen based on the subjective sensation from the Borg scale. The level of discomfort ratings might be related to the frequency resonance phenomena of body parts. Future clinical applications with vibration platform in patients with muscle-skeletal chronic pain should be considered applying the model for choosing the parameter settings of the device proposed in this dissertation.

Auswirkungen der Passform alpiner Skischuhe auf skispezifische motorische Bewegungssituationen

Hecht, Robert 26 February 2013 (has links)
Der alpine Skisport stellt in unserer Gesellschaft eine der beliebtesten Wintersportarten dar. Ausgehend von der Faszination der Berge in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde die Sportart nahezu für jedermann zugänglich und entwickelte sich zu einem bedeutenden Wirtschaftsfaktor. Die Komplexität des alpinen Skisports ist für die Vielzahl der Personen jedoch nicht unproblematisch und beinhaltet Risiken, welche sich nicht selten als Ursache von Verletzungen darstellen. Das Zustandekommen der sportlichen Leistung ist dabei von mehreren Faktoren abhängig und je nach Leistungsniveau unterschiedlich gewichtet. Aus der Studienlage heraus wird ersichtlich, dass mehrere leistungsbestimmende Komponenten existieren, die sowohl konditionelle als auch koordinative Fähigkeiten als wichtige Voraussetzungen für die Ausführung der Skitechnik umfassen. Zudem wird deutlich, dass die Bedeutung der Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit im Konstrukt der Leistungsstruktur eine übergeordnete Rolle einnimmt. Nach Meinung verschiedener Autoren ist die Qualität skispezifischer Bewegungen daher auch in Abhängigkeit zur Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit zu sehen. Der Stellenwert dieser koordinativen Fähigkeit muss außerdem in Verbindung entstehender Verletzungen genannt werden, wodurch ihr als Faktor im sportmotorischen Anforderungsprofil eine vorrangige Stellung zuteil wird. Besonders im Breitensport, in dem der Leistungsgedanke in den Hintergrund rückt, scheint daher die Überlegung einer Risikoreduzierung oder Sturzvermeidung in Abhängigkeit des Materials sinnvoll zu sein. Speziell der Skischuh stand im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtungen dieser Studie, da er als Ausrüstungsgegenstand entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Übertragung von Steuerimpulsen nimmt. Das Bindeglied zwischen Mensch und Material bestimmt maßgeblich die Bewegungsregulation, die unter anderem von der Wahrnehmung außen einwirkender sensomotorischer Reize abhängig ist. Der Einfluss charakteristisch unterschiedlicher Schuhe auf die Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit wurde bislang jedoch noch nicht untersucht und stellt daher das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit dar. In Abhängigkeit der differenten Schuheigenschaft wurde außerdem die Fußsensibilität beim Tragen alpiner Skischuhe untersucht. Die in den insgesamt 3 Einzelstudien verwendeten Skischuhe unterschieden sich hauptsächlich in der Leistenbreite. Verwendet wurde ein sportlich orientierter Schuh (Breite 98mm) und ein komfortorientiertes Modell (Breite 103mm). Zur Quantifizierung der Gleichgewichtfähigkeit wurde ein spezifischer Prüfstand verwendet, der aus einer flexibel gelagerten Ebene bestand, auf der der Proband mittels alpiner Sicherheitsbindung arretiert wurde. Zur Simulation der skispezifischen Bewegung bestand die Aufgabe darin, so ruhig wie möglich zu stehen. Mittels Vibrationserzeugers wurde zur Messung der Fußsensibilität die Vibrationsreizschwelle plantar bestimmt. Zusammenfassend kann aus den Ergebnissen geschlussfolgert werden, dass sich ein in der Leistenbreite schmalerer und damit scheinbar fest sitzender Schuh positiv auf die Gleichgewichtsfähigkeit auswirkt. Beeinflusst durch die mit diesem Schuh festgestellte bessere Vibrationsreizwahrnehmung ist somit von einer besseren Bewegungsperformance auszugehen, durch die das Verletzungsrisiko reduziert werden könnte.

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