Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fisual sociology"" "subject:"avisual sociology""
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L'économie du quotidien : une étude de la précarité à travers l'exemple des pratiques agricoles domestiques dans le monde rural russe / The everyday economy : a study of precariousness from the example of the agricultural domestic practices in the Russian rural worldMainguy, Glenn 07 December 2016 (has links)
Après la crise des années 1990, le monde rural, à l’image de la société russe, est traversé, à partir des années 2000, par un processus de normalisation économique et sociale. Cette thèse étudie ce phénomène – par le bas – à partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée au sein des espaces ruraux russes, portant sur les pratiques de la vie quotidienne dans divers lieux et auprès de différents acteurs en situation de précarité. L’argumentation développée obéit à un double mouvement. Elle montre d’une part comment le développement de l’économie de marché a généré au sein de la population rurale des formes diverses de précarité et d’autre part que l’investissement des individus au sein de l’économie domestique peut être considéré comme un moyen de se protéger contre le risque de précarisation, en se reconstruisant des formes de vie stables et en réduisant par là-même l’incertitude de leur existence. D’une part, l’examen de l’organisation de l’économie domestique est centré sur la mise en place des mécanismes de protections rapprochées en réponse à la situation de précarité vécue par les acteurs. D’autre part, cette thèse met en évidence que le mouvement de repli des hommes vers la sphère domestique entraine une redéfinition de leur rôle au sein de la famille et comment leur intégration à un collectif de travail domestique permet à ceux-ci de retrouver une place légitime dans la société. Enfin, ce travail révèle la manière dont les logiques marchandes véhiculées par le développement du capitalisme sont retraduites dans les pratiques économiques ordinaires et comment elles expriment un mouvement conjugué de domestication du marché et de marchéisation de la sphère domestique. / After the crises of the 1990’s, like the overall Russian society, the rural world experienced a process of economical and social normalization. This thesis studies this phenomenon – from below – on the basis of an ethnography of the practices of everyday life carried in the Russian rural territories, in various places and concerning different people in precarious situation. The argumentation of this thesis follows a double movement. On one hand, she explains how the development of the market economy generated in the rural population various form of precarious situations, and on the other hand she demonstrates how the work of people in the household production can be interpret as a protection toward this risk and a way of rebuilding some stability and security into the conditions of their daily life. Firstly, the analysis of the organisation of the household economy is focusing on the constitution of the family solidarities and on the way they help people dealing with the insecurity of their daily life. Secondly, this thesis emphasis that the movement of retreat into the household experienced by the men lead to a redefinition of their role in the family and highlight how by their integration in the household production they manage to rehabilitate themselves within the society. Thirdly, this study shows how the market logics spread by the development of the capitalism economy are translated in the ordinaries economics practices and how these practices reveal the existence of a combine movement of domestication of the market and marketization of household economy Read more
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A semiotic multimodal analysis and South African case study: the representation and construction of masculinities in men's health (Sa)Cilliers , Christiaan Petrus 06 1900 (has links)
The main question of this study was: How and in what way can a multimodal semiotic visual analysis model be developed and used for contributing to the analysis and understanding of the manner in which the Men’s Health (South Africa) magazine – as a case study – represents and constructs masculinities in South Africa? The following three subsidiary research questions were formulated to address this topic:
• What is the literature revealing with reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts?
• How and in which way can a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model be developed with the purpose of contributing to the analysis of visual texts?
• What is the outcome of the visual analysis multimodal model with reference to the case study about the representation and construction of masculinities in visual texts in MH?
The first aim of this research was to establish an overview of masculinities and to explore the visual representation of masculinity with reference to mediation, reality, and ideology in the media. With reference to the media as producers of meaning in relation to masculinity and visual texts, a semiotic visual analysis and social semiotics were used to unpack culture as a site of the production of meanings. The media is one of the main sources from which men receive their entertainment and information about the world. In this sense, the media makes sense of the world. Mass media plays a key role in discourse and constructing the relationships between reality and ideology. During this construction, the media reflects on existing opinions and attitudes in society.
A quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic multimodal visual analysis were conducted on 27 visual texts purposively selected from MH to include editions from July 2010 to June 2011. This population covered 12 front covers, 12 editorials and three flip covers. The developed visual multimodal model was tested qualitatively on nine visual texts since these texts included the front covers, flip covers and editorials of the three editions with flip covers.
A second major aim of the study was to establish the way in which a semiotic visual analysis multimodal model needed to be developed and used for analysing visual texts, as well as for analysing the visual texts according to the multimodal model in order to understand how the multimodality and social semiotic resources were applied in MH to represent and construct masculinities. The rationale for the development and design of this model was based on the premise that a basic understanding of semiotics and visual language was needed. Without such an understanding, the vast amounts of visual messages that confront the reader would remain incomprehensible. Consequently, a productive dialogue in relation to visual communication cannot take place.
The multimodal model developed in this thesis highlights visual text layout, in conjunction with language-in-use, that does not occur in isolation and that is deeply reliant on other forms of making meaning. The heptagon multimodal model consists of concept maps of the six functions of the designed hexagon model. This multimodality approach includes analysing simultaneously occurring semiotics and their various roles in conjunction with detailed, all-inclusive discourses. In the quantitative content analysis and the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis, the six components of the developed heptagon model (visual grammar, positioning, typography, colour, modality, and iconography) are illustrated. The quantitative research supported the main research design, i.e. the qualitative multimodal semiotic analysis. It is envisaged that the development and construction of a multimodal semiotic model will make a contribution to the scholarly field of semiotic analysis.
By discussing the fluidity of the variations of masculinities and male identities, by giving a brief overview of the role of the media in constructing masculinities, and by focusing on the discourses that took place in MH, the researcher creates an awareness of the inherited patriarchal masculinities by recommending envisioned masculinities to be inclusive as a component of the solution. This approach is illustrated by the use and findings of the multimodal semiotic visual analysis. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et. Phil Read more
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"Juste un peu de vidéo" : la vidéo partagée comme langage vernaculaire de la contestation : Tunisie 2008-2014 / Just a little bit of video : shared videos as vernacular language of protest : Tunisia 2008-2014Riboni, Ulrike Lune 06 December 2016 (has links)
Du soulèvement survenu en Birmanie en 2007 aux révoltes qui ont traversé les pays de la Méditerranée en 2011, les usages de la vidéo partagée sur internet n’ont cessé de se développer au cœur des manifestations et des émeutes. À partir d’observations menées sur internet et d’une enquête de terrain en Tunisie, la thèse s’attache à décrire l’évolution des usages de l’image animée sur le temps long du processus révolutionnaire tunisien entre 2008 et 2014, et à questionner la place et le rôle de ces pratiques dans un monde social en ébullition. L’analyse des contenus mais aussi des tensions socio-politiques qui ont présidé et succédé au moment insurrectionnel, suggère que la prise d’images n’est pas seulement une pratique utilitaire et stratégique destinée à sensibiliser ou à produire une information alternative, mais qu’elle sert des objectifs complexes traversés par les enjeux de lutte qui ont animé les différentes périodes. Des premiers usages en période autoritaire aux productions en plan-séquence dans le temps de l’urgence insurrectionnelle, des montages et mises en scènes accompagnant les mobilisations pour la reconnaissance des acteurs de la révolte à ceux réaffirmant les revendications des populations marginalisées, la vidéo partagée s’est affirmée comme le langage vernaculaire de la contestation. / From the Burma uprising in 2007 to the revolutions of the Arab world in 2011, the uses of digital video have continued to grow, from the heart of demonstrations and riots to the internet. Based on observations conducted on the internet and on a field survey in Tunisia, the thesis describe the evolution of moving image uses in the Tunisian revolutionary process between 2008 and 2014, and interrogates the place and role of these practices in a social world in turmoil. Content analysis combined with analysis of the socio-political tensions that led and succeeded the uprising, suggests that taking pictures is not only a strategic utility practice to raise awareness or to produce alternative information, but that it serves complex objectives marked by the struggle issues of the different periods. From the first uses in authoritarian period to the uses during riots weeks, from edited clips for recognition of revolutionary actors to productions for the recognition of marginalized populations, shared videos revealed as the vernacular language of protest. Read more
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Identitätspolitiken multilokaler Nachtrennungsfamilien / Identity Politics of multi-local Families after Separation and Divorce Accomplishing Belonging and Solidarity within Shared Residence ArrangementsSchlinzig, Tino 29 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Modernisierungstheoretischen Annahmen zufolge sind soziale Beziehungen in Gesellschaften der zweiten Moderne keine gegebenen Größen mehr, sondern Gegenstand von Aushandlungsprozessen, handlungsleitende gesellschaftliche Wissensvorräte erodieren und das bürgerliche Kernfamilienmodell sieht sich zunehmend soziokulturell legitimierten Alternativen gegenüber. Zahlreiche Wandlungstendenzen von Familie lassen sich ablesen, unter diesen die Zunahme von Fortsetzungsfamilien nach Trennung und Scheidung und im Zuge dessen die Aufweichung der monolokalen Haushaltsbindung von Familie. Diese Dynamiken werfen die Frage nach der Ausgestaltung der Herstellungsleistungen von Familie auf, die mit Doing und Displaying Family im Rahmen einer praxistheoretischen Wende innerhalb der Familiensoziologie bereits angeschnitten sind.
Hier setzt das Forschungsinteresse der vorliegenden Arbeit an: (1) Bereits vorliegende empirische Erkenntnisse und theoretisch-konzeptuelle Überlegungen maßgeblicher Forschungsfelder werden zusammengeführt und diskutiert. (2) Aus praxeologisch-wissenssoziologischer Perspektive richtet die Empirie der vorliegenden Studie ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die Rekonstruktion familialer Identitätspolitiken und der Herstellung von Gemeinschaft im sogenannten paritätischen Wechselmodell, in dem Kinder regelmäßig und zu gleichen Teilen an den Orten der getrenntlebenden Eltern wohnen.
Mit den Befunden kann gezeigt werden, dass eine von Eltern und Kindern geteilte Differenzthese zentraler Ankerpunkt für die Identitätskonstruktionen der untersuchten Familien bildet. Zwei Familienkerne stehen sich nach der Relokalisierung eines Elternpaares im Zuge der Auflösung ihrer Zweierbeziehung als zwei Familienwirklichkeiten mit je unterschiedlichen Behauptungen sozialer Ordnung gegenüber. In diese müssen sich die Kinder aktiv einpassen bzw. regelmäßig durch die monolokalen Familienmitglieder re-integriert werden.
Die Behauptung und Stabilisierung der lokalen Ordnungen wird über fünf Formen physischer und symbolischer Schließung als Teil familialer Identitätspolitiken abgesichert: (1) kommunikativ, (2) räumlich, (3) personell, (4) materiell und (5) habituell. Zwischen materieller und habitueller Schließung zu verorten, wurde das Olfaktorische als Medium der Vergemeinschaftung identifiziert. Das empirische Material eröffnet zudem einen Blick auf die Normalisierungsstrategien der untersuchten Eltern und Kinder im Umgang mit extern herangetragenen Markierungen von Andersartigkeit, Abweichungsvermutungen und der Normalisierungsmacht des bürgerlichen Kernfamilienmodells.
Der Studie liegt ein qualitatives multi-method Design zugrunde. Der Materialkorpus speist sich aus problemzentriert-narrativen Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen, ego-zentrierten Netzwerkkarten sowie fotografischen Alltagsdokumentationen der aktiv multilokal lebenden Kinder aus insgesamt fünf Familienensembles. Die Materialien wurden auf Grundlage der dokumentarischen Methode der Text- und Bildinterpretation analysiert. / According to modernization theory social relationships in second modernity are no longer a given quantity but are subject to negotiation processes. Guiding social knowledge is eroding and the nuclear family model is increasingly confronted with sociocultural legitimate alternatives. There are numerous transformations of the family observable – among these increasing numbers of families after separation and divorce, and in consequence the dissolution of the monolocal household family in favour of multi-local family arrangements.
These dynamics raise the question of Doing and Displaying Family practices, addressed within the framework of a practice turn within family sociology. Main aim of this paper is (1) to discuss existing empirical findings and theoretical/conceptual considerations of relevant research fields, and (2) by employing a praxeological approach, to focus on identity politics as a means to establish and stabilize family identity and belonging within shared residence arrangements where children regularly shuttle between their separated parent’s households.
Data suggest that passive multi-locally living parents and their partners oscillate between referring to the other household on behalf of the active multi-locally living children to create a cross-spatial sense of commonness and belonging and at the same time applying territorialisation practices to promote a place-bound social order and family identity. This includes processes of communicative, spatial, personal, material, and habitual closure. Moreover, in a way between material and habitual closure, the olfactory was identified as a medium of identification and distinction.
However, children face the challenge to merge both residential places and family nuclei into a coherent whole and simultaneously need to distinguish between different family sociotopes. Moreover, the empirical material provides insights into the normalization strategies of parents and children in dealing with externally applied difference markers, deviance attributions and the normalization power of the nuclear family model.
The basis of the empirical research is a multiple methods comprising qualitative research design. Narrative interviews, group discussions and visual methods were employed. Data are analysed by means of the documentary method for text and picture interpretation within a qualitative reconstructive approach. Read more
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A neighbourhood through the viewfinder : an autodriven photo-elicitation of a housing estate undergoing renewalAltenberger, Iris January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores the ongoing regeneration of Raploch council housing estate, in Stirling, focusing on the lived experiences of the established residents who reside in the pre-regeneration council housing estate, or had family or historical links with the area, as well as new residents, who have moved into the new owner occupied houses that were built in the regeneration. Key informants who have worked in a professional capacity in the area were also consulted to broaden the perspective. The regeneration was a response to a long history of deprivation, segregation and stigmatisation, which led to the demolition of council housing on one side of a main road within the area. The demolition site was redeveloped by a partnership of private developers and a social housing provider. As a consequence of the regeneration there were various physical and social changes in the area, caused by the construction of new homes, as well as other changes to the built environment, and the influx of owner occupiers into the new housing. A visual research method, 'auto-driven photo elicitation', was utilised, which allowed an insight into these changes from a unique perspective. Participants made photos of the area, of places they wanted to discuss, which became the starting point of a subsequent interview process; allowing participants to focus on issues relevant to them. The findings showed that the participants attached a great importance to the history of this specific place, but also that there was segregation between the new residents and the established community. Further fragmentations, religious and historic territorial divisions, within the communities were visually reinforced by the regeneration process. The participants also attached great significance to the linguistic and semiotic landscape, which they interpreted in the context of this place. Read more
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Identitätspolitiken multilokaler Nachtrennungsfamilien: Praktiken der Vergemeinschaftung im paritätischen WechselmodellSchlinzig, Tino 19 September 2016 (has links)
Modernisierungstheoretischen Annahmen zufolge sind soziale Beziehungen in Gesellschaften der zweiten Moderne keine gegebenen Größen mehr, sondern Gegenstand von Aushandlungsprozessen, handlungsleitende gesellschaftliche Wissensvorräte erodieren und das bürgerliche Kernfamilienmodell sieht sich zunehmend soziokulturell legitimierten Alternativen gegenüber. Zahlreiche Wandlungstendenzen von Familie lassen sich ablesen, unter diesen die Zunahme von Fortsetzungsfamilien nach Trennung und Scheidung und im Zuge dessen die Aufweichung der monolokalen Haushaltsbindung von Familie. Diese Dynamiken werfen die Frage nach der Ausgestaltung der Herstellungsleistungen von Familie auf, die mit Doing und Displaying Family im Rahmen einer praxistheoretischen Wende innerhalb der Familiensoziologie bereits angeschnitten sind.
Hier setzt das Forschungsinteresse der vorliegenden Arbeit an: (1) Bereits vorliegende empirische Erkenntnisse und theoretisch-konzeptuelle Überlegungen maßgeblicher Forschungsfelder werden zusammengeführt und diskutiert. (2) Aus praxeologisch-wissenssoziologischer Perspektive richtet die Empirie der vorliegenden Studie ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf die Rekonstruktion familialer Identitätspolitiken und der Herstellung von Gemeinschaft im sogenannten paritätischen Wechselmodell, in dem Kinder regelmäßig und zu gleichen Teilen an den Orten der getrenntlebenden Eltern wohnen.
Mit den Befunden kann gezeigt werden, dass eine von Eltern und Kindern geteilte Differenzthese zentraler Ankerpunkt für die Identitätskonstruktionen der untersuchten Familien bildet. Zwei Familienkerne stehen sich nach der Relokalisierung eines Elternpaares im Zuge der Auflösung ihrer Zweierbeziehung als zwei Familienwirklichkeiten mit je unterschiedlichen Behauptungen sozialer Ordnung gegenüber. In diese müssen sich die Kinder aktiv einpassen bzw. regelmäßig durch die monolokalen Familienmitglieder re-integriert werden.
Die Behauptung und Stabilisierung der lokalen Ordnungen wird über fünf Formen physischer und symbolischer Schließung als Teil familialer Identitätspolitiken abgesichert: (1) kommunikativ, (2) räumlich, (3) personell, (4) materiell und (5) habituell. Zwischen materieller und habitueller Schließung zu verorten, wurde das Olfaktorische als Medium der Vergemeinschaftung identifiziert. Das empirische Material eröffnet zudem einen Blick auf die Normalisierungsstrategien der untersuchten Eltern und Kinder im Umgang mit extern herangetragenen Markierungen von Andersartigkeit, Abweichungsvermutungen und der Normalisierungsmacht des bürgerlichen Kernfamilienmodells.
Der Studie liegt ein qualitatives multi-method Design zugrunde. Der Materialkorpus speist sich aus problemzentriert-narrativen Interviews, Gruppendiskussionen, ego-zentrierten Netzwerkkarten sowie fotografischen Alltagsdokumentationen der aktiv multilokal lebenden Kinder aus insgesamt fünf Familienensembles. Die Materialien wurden auf Grundlage der dokumentarischen Methode der Text- und Bildinterpretation analysiert. / According to modernization theory social relationships in second modernity are no longer a given quantity but are subject to negotiation processes. Guiding social knowledge is eroding and the nuclear family model is increasingly confronted with sociocultural legitimate alternatives. There are numerous transformations of the family observable – among these increasing numbers of families after separation and divorce, and in consequence the dissolution of the monolocal household family in favour of multi-local family arrangements.
These dynamics raise the question of Doing and Displaying Family practices, addressed within the framework of a practice turn within family sociology. Main aim of this paper is (1) to discuss existing empirical findings and theoretical/conceptual considerations of relevant research fields, and (2) by employing a praxeological approach, to focus on identity politics as a means to establish and stabilize family identity and belonging within shared residence arrangements where children regularly shuttle between their separated parent’s households.
Data suggest that passive multi-locally living parents and their partners oscillate between referring to the other household on behalf of the active multi-locally living children to create a cross-spatial sense of commonness and belonging and at the same time applying territorialisation practices to promote a place-bound social order and family identity. This includes processes of communicative, spatial, personal, material, and habitual closure. Moreover, in a way between material and habitual closure, the olfactory was identified as a medium of identification and distinction.
However, children face the challenge to merge both residential places and family nuclei into a coherent whole and simultaneously need to distinguish between different family sociotopes. Moreover, the empirical material provides insights into the normalization strategies of parents and children in dealing with externally applied difference markers, deviance attributions and the normalization power of the nuclear family model.
The basis of the empirical research is a multiple methods comprising qualitative research design. Narrative interviews, group discussions and visual methods were employed. Data are analysed by means of the documentary method for text and picture interpretation within a qualitative reconstructive approach. Read more
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GAYME: The development, design and testing of an auto-ethnographic, documentary game about quarely wandering urban/suburban spaces in Central Florida.Moran, David 01 January 2014 (has links)
GAYME is a transmedia story-telling world that I have created to conceptually explore the dynamics of queering game design through the development of varying game prototypes. The final iteration of GAYME is @deadquarewalking'. It is a documentary game and a performance art installation that documents a carless, gay/queer/quare man's journey on Halloween to get to and from one of Orlando's most well-known gay clubs - the Parliament House Resort. "The art of cruising" city streets to seek out queer/quare companionship particularly amongst gay, male culture(s) is well-documented in densely, populated cities like New York, San Francisco and London, but not so much in car-centric, urban environments like Orlando that are less oriented towards pedestrians. Cruising has been and continues to be risky even in pedestrian-friendly cities but in Orlando cruising takes on a whole other dimension of danger. In 2011-2012, The Advocate magazine named Orlando one of the gayest cities in America (Breen, 2012). Transportation for America (2011) also named the Orlando metropolitan region the most dangerous city in the country for pedestrians. Living in Orlando without a car can be deadly as well as a significant barrier to connecting with other people, especially queer/quare people, because of Orlando's car-centric design. In Orlando, cars are sexy. At the same time, the increasing prevalence in gay, male culture(s) of geo-social, mobile phone applications using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and location aware services, such as Grindr (Grindr, LLC., 2009) and even FourSquare (Crowley and Selvadurai, 2009) and Instagram (Systrom and Krieger, 2010), is shifting the way gay/queer/quare Orlandoans co-create social and sexual networks both online and offline. Urban and sub-urban landscapes have transformed into hybrid "techno-scapes" overlaying "the electronic, the emotional and the social with the geographic and the physical" (Hjorth, 2011). With or without a car, gay men can still geo-socially cruise Orlando's car-centric, street life with mobile devices. As such emerging media has become more pervasive, it has created new opportunities to quarely visualize Orlando's "technoscape" through phone photography and hashtag metadata while also blurring lines between the artist and the curator, the player and the game designer. This project particularly has evolved to employ game design as an exhibition tool for the visualization of geo-social photography through hashtag play. Using hashtags as a game mechanic generates metadata that potentially identifies patterns of play and "ways of seeing" across player experiences as they attempt to make meaning of the images they encounter in the game. @deadquarewalking also demonstrates the potential of game design and geo-social, photo-sharing applications to illuminate new ways of documenting and witnessing the urban landscapes that we both collectively and uniquely inhabit. 'In Irish culture, "quare" can mean "very" or "extremely" or it can be a spelling of the rural or Southern pronunciation of the word "queer." Living in the American Southeast, I personally relate more to the term "quare" versus "queer." Cultural theorist E. Patrick Johnson (2001) also argues for "quareness" as a way to question the subjective bias of whiteness in queer studies that risks discounting the lived experiences and material realities of people of color. Though I do not identify as a person of color and would be categorized as white or European American, "quareness" has an important critical application for considering how Orlando's urban design is intersectionally racialized, gendered and classed. Read more
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Commedia del Conflitto / Der Körper als Medium des ProtesthandelnsNeuber, Michael 17 April 2018 (has links)
Ausgehend von der Fragestellung, wie es möglich ist, dass der Körper durch bestimmte Erscheinungen und Handlungen zur Ressource visueller Kommunikation im Protest wird, leistet die vorliegende Dissertation zwei innovative Forschungsbeiträge: Zum einen wird die Rolle des Körpers in der Interaktionsordnung kollektiven Handelns theoretisch aufgearbeitet. Damit werden zwei miteinander verwobene Lücken im Bereich der Protest- und Bewegungsforschung adressiert: Die unzureichende Auseinandersetzung mit visuellen Aspekten der Aktivität sozialer Bewegungen und die, trotz einiger Aufmerksamkeit für soziale Inszenierung, weitgehende Ausblendung der Rolle des Körpers bei der Betrachtung von Bewegungshandeln. Zum anderen wird auf Grundlage der theoretischen Erkenntnisse eine Methodologie entwickelt, die sich besonders für die Erforschung von Körperlichkeit in Verbindung mit den Interaktionsdynamiken im Protest eignet. Den Körper operationalisiere ich als Visualisierungsmedium im Konzept des Bild-Körpers mit Anleihen bei der Bild- und Drama-Theorie. Die empirische Analyse von Videomaterial zu den Anti-Castor-Protesten in der Region Wendland (Deutschland) des Jahres 2008 zeigte, dass der Körper als Symbolträger in Mikrodramen - kurzen dramatischen Interaktionsfolgen - in Erscheinung tritt, über die der Protest selbst zum mobilisierenden Ereignis wird. Durch Mikrodramen werden die Akteure unmittelbar mit den Narrativen und Master-Frames des Protests verbunden. Der sonst rhetorische Konflikt zwischen Aktivisten und Protestadressaten wird physisch manifest in Zeit und Raum. Die Verkörperung normativ geladener Konstellationen von antagonistischen Charakteren ist dabei ein wesentliches Moment. Die notwendige Spannung wird durch die Kompositionen der Bild-Körper vor allem im Sinnbild der Grenzverletzung konstruiert, worin der Angriff und die Verteidigung des Körpers eine Verbindung zu den emotionalen Konstruktionen der Würde und des Anstands herstellen. / By asking how the human body becomes a crucial resource of visual communication in protest, this research advances scholarship in two main ways. First, I theorize the role of the body in terms of its appearances and actions, and in relation to collective action. Despite some scholarship attending to performative politics, this inquiry addresses several gaps in the theorizing about social movements such as the visual and embodied aspects of protest. Second, to anchor my theorization of the socially and physically situated body, I develop a methodology for researching corporality in association with protest interaction dynamics. I identify and conceptualize the body as a medium of visualization, which I call the pictorial body. Linking the pictorial body concept to the interface between scripts, narratives, and genres (SNG complex) lends the analyses to accounts of visual and dramaturgical theory. Empirically, I use original video data of the 2008 Anti-Castor protest campaign in Germany's Wendland. Findings show that the pictorial body is a primary carrier of symbolism in protest micro-dramas - short dramatic interaction episodes between challengers, targets, and third parties. As the most proximate medium, corporeal mobilizing experience - the call for action - can be treated as an outcome of protest action rather than only as a precondition. I argue that the embodied nature of micro-dramas during protest directly connects actors to movement narratives and master frames by making physically manifest in both space and time what is otherwise a rhetorical conflict. The embodiment of normatively framed constellations of antagonist characters is essential to this. More specifically, a conflictual relationship was crafted primarily by the composition of pictorial bodies in images of border violations, in which the attack and defense of the body connects to the emotionalizing constructs of dignity and decency. Read more
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