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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


MONICA DE CASSIA VIEIRA WALDHELM 31 January 2008 (has links)
[pt] Que tipo de professor de ciências da Educação Básica pode levar um aluno a querer ser um cientista? Como aprendeu Ciências na Educação Básica quem hoje produz Ciência? Para responder a estas questões, investigou-se em que medida e de que modo a prática de professores de Ciências da Educação Básica influenciou cientistas em sua opção profissional. Foram aplicados questionários e gravados relatos de cientistas da área de Ciências Naturais em atividade, a fim de identificar quais fatores consideram decisivos e marcantes em sua trajetória escolar como alunos de Ciências. Destes fatores, mereceram destaque aqueles relacionados ao papel dos seus professores de então, em sua opção profissional pela pesquisa científica. Através da evocação das lembranças desses cientistas, procurou-se detectar o papel representado por seus antigos professores de Ciências. Que características são atribuídas aos bons professores desta área? O que pensam os cientistas sobre formação de professores de ciências? Estes relatos trouxeram pistas que apontam como alguns dos entrevistados decidiram-se tornar cientistas na área de Ciências Naturais por causa de ou apesar de seus professores de Ciências, bem como a influência de outros fatores em sua opção de carreira. Espera-se assim, que este trabalho possa trazer novos subsídios ao campo de formação e prática de professores de Ciências. / [en] What kind of science teacher of Basic Education would make a student wonders to be a scientist? How have learned science on Basic Education a person that now produces Science. To answer those questions, it was investigated how much and in which way the practice of science teachers of Basic Education had influenced scientists on their professional option. Questionnaires were applied and interviews with scientists currently working on Natural Sciences were taped with the purpose to identify which factors they considered decisive and remarkable on their school trajectory as science students. Any kind of influence of the teachers on the professional option of the scientists was highlighted. The evocation of the memories of these scientists was done trying to detect the importance of their science teachers. Which are the characteristics that make them good teachers on the field? What scientists think about the formation of science teachers? These reports gave clues hinting how some of the interviewees had decided to be scientists on the Natural Sciences field because of or in spite of their science teachers, as well as the influence of other factors in their career option. One expects thus, that this work can bring new subsidies to the field of formation and practices of Science teachers.

Renome, vocação e gênero: duas musicistas brasileiras / Fame, vocation and gender: two barzilian musicians

Carvalho, Dalila Vasconcellos de 02 March 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata da trajetória de duas musicistas brasileiras: Helza Camêu (1903-1995), pianista, compositora e musicóloga, e Joanídia Sodré (1903-1975), pianista, regente e ex-diretora da Escola Nacional de Música (atualmente Escola de Música da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) cujas carreiras tiveram início, respectivamente, em 1923 e 1927 no cenário musical do Rio de Janeiro. A construção da trajetória destas artistas visa a uma reflexão acerca de como as convenções de gênero estão imbricadas no processo social de construção de uma vocação musical neste período. Trata-se de compreender a vocação como um fato social, isto é, como um conjunto de práticas e representações sociais constituidoras da experiência do artista. A análise da trajetória de Helza Camêu e de Joanídia Sodré constitui um modo privilegiado para compreender de que maneira, na busca pela profissão de artista, estas duas mulheres criaram novos valores e sentidos que lhes permitiram transitar entre profissões masculinas e femininas. / The present study concerns the trajectory of two Brazilian musicians: Helza Camêu (1903-1995), pianist, composer and musicologist, and Joanídia Sodré (1903-1975), pianist, conductor and former director of the National School of Music (currently, the School of Music of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). Their career began in 1923 and 1927, respectively, in the music scene of Rio de Janeiro. The construction of the trajectory of the above mentioned artists aims at conducting a careful thought about how gender conventions are closely linked in the social process of the construction of a musical vocation during that period. It is about to understand vocation as a social fact, that is, as a set of practices and social representations that shapes the artists experience. The analysis of the trajectory of Helza Camêu and of Joanídia Sodré constitutes a privileged way to understand how those two female artists, in search for the artist profession, created new values and meanings that allowed them to make their way through male and female professions

"God has a plan for your life" : Personalized Life Providence (PLP) in postwar American evangelicalism

Thomas, Amber Robin January 2018 (has links)
Based largely upon popular periodicals, archival materials, conference addresses, and mass-market books, this thesis combines intellectual and cultural history to explore how the meaning behind the evangelical commonplace, "God has a plan for your life," changed in post-World War II America, ultimately exchanging an ethos of self-denial for self-fulfillment by the early 1980s. The term "Personalized Life Providence" (PLP) is proposed for the integration of three Reformation-rooted ideas-vocation, providence, and discernment-into the discussion of finding God's plan for one's life. Chapter one sketches the Anglo- American development of these concepts from the Puritan era to the early twentieth century, as they intersected with Common Sense philosophy, "Higher Life" teaching, the student-missionary movement, and inter-war fundamentalism. Chapter two begins the analysis of PLP's dissemination throughout Chicago-centered evangelical student-parachurch organizations in the 1940s. InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Youth for Christ conflated PLP with personal holiness and, after the war, a resurgent American foreign-missionary movement, as displayed particularly in the texts of IVCF's Urbana conferences. Chapter three focuses on Henrietta Mears, Christian Education Director of First Presbyterian Church in Hollywood, California. Mears's Sunday-School publications and college ministry reveal PLP's embrace of irenic neo-evangelicalism in the 1950s, coupled with a revised discernment process. Chapter four identifies the emergence of the "gospel of God's plan" from Mears's protégés, specifically Campus Crusade for Christ founder Bill Bright, Presbyterian minister Richard Halverson, and evangelist Billy Graham. Epitomized by the phrase, "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life," the first of Bright's Four Spiritual Laws, this gospel resonated with the religious revival, anti-Communist rhetoric, and psychological emphasis on self-actualization pervading American culture from 1947 to 1965. Chapter five argues that anti-Western sentiments in the1960s eroded PLP's evocation of missionary sacrifice in neo-evangelical circles. YFC encouraged teenagers to pursue culturally influential professions rather than traditional evangelism, while IVCF promulgated inconsistent teaching on discerning a foreign-missionary call in revolutionary times. Chapter six explores PLP's relationship to the widespread cultural shift toward self-fulfillment in the 1970s, as reflected both in evolving teaching on women's roles, career choice, and missionary service, and in PLP books styled after mass-market, self-help literature.

Entrer en agriculture biologique : sociologie politique d’une professionnalisation sous contrainte (1945-2015) / Getting into organic farming : a political sociology of a constrained professionalisation (1945-2015)

Nicolas, Frédéric 08 November 2018 (has links)
Comment se fabriquent les vocations agrobiologiques ? Si l’émergence, l’institutionnalisation et la transformation de l’agriculture biologique en objet d’action publique laissent à penser qu’un segment professionnel s’autonomise, notre enquête montre que les agriculteurs biologiques ne peuvent entièrement échapper à l’action de la profession et de l’encadrement agricoles ainsi qu’aux systèmes de classement produits par leurs pairs. Derrière l’enjeu technique qui consiste à produire sans intrants de synthèse se jouent en effet des luttes pour définir et contrôler le titre d’agriculteur. Ces luttes se jouent à un niveau institutionnel et interpersonnel et ont pour effet de délimiter les frontières du territoire professionnel. De ce point de vue, la figure de « l’agriculteur professionnel » (pratiquant une agriculture à temps complet, intensive et spécialisée) continue à structurer l’économie morale du groupe professionnel et son segment agrobiologique : la sélection et la hiérarchisation des représentants, des encadrants et des producteurs s’opèrent alors en fonction de leur plus ou moins grand ajustement à cette forme d’agriculture. Dès les années 1950, la sélection des dirigeants agrobiologiques s’opère sur leur acceptation de la division de plus en plus réglée des tâches de représentation, de conception, d’encadrement et de production. C’est ce que nous montrons dans un premier temps à partir de l’analyse des archives de la société Lemaire-Boucher et des archives personnelles de Raoul Lemaire, à la fois producteur, boulanger, entrepreneur, sélectionneur et homme politique. L’homme échoue dans sa croisade morale en faveur de l’agriculture biologique précisément parce qu’il se situe à l’intersection d’espaces occupés par des agents de plus en plus spécialisés. À partir d’entretiens semi-directifs, d’observations directes et d’un questionnaire auprès du personnel scientifique et technique participant au contrôle des vocations agrobiologiques, nous analysons ensuite ce contrôle, qui s’opère à bas bruit et de manière indirecte depuis les années 1980. La focale portée sur le processus d’institutionnalisation du segment et sur les logiques de recrutement et de travail des agents d’encadrement permet de montrer que la sélection des agriculteurs biologiques s’opère d’abord par la sélection de ceux qui les sélectionnent. De ce point de vue, l’émergence d’une nouvelle forme d’agriculture n’entraîne pas mécaniquement l’émergence d’un espace d’encadrement autonome : d’un côté, la construction de l’agriculture biologique comme objet de recherche légitime contribue à isoler les chercheurs des agriculteurs — et donc à renforcer les effets du processus de professionnalisation — ; d’un autre côté, l’institutionnalisation de l’agriculture biologique contribue à la naissance d’un appareil d’encadrement dual reposant sur une division morale du travail, entre des organisations et agents d’encadrement favorisant la reproduction de la figure de l’agriculteur professionnel et d’autres dont l’action consiste à ménager des espaces où l’hétérodoxie reste possible.Le contrôle des vocations agrobiologiques s’opère aussi entre agriculteurs, comme l’analyse la troisième partie, basée sur une enquête à dominante ethnographique en Midi-Pyrénées. Nous y montrons que les coûts d’entrée, de sortie et de maintien en agriculture biologique sont différenciés selon l’origine et la trajectoire sociales des agriculteurs, mais également selon la valeur de leur patrimoine de ressources au sein du groupe professionnel agricole. Tant leurs choix professionnels que leur style de vie sont évalués à l’aune de l’idéal modernisateur et professionnel de l’après-guerre. Dès lors, l’origine agricole, le capital symbolique procuré par le diplôme d’agronome, les ressources d’autochtonie, le capital économique et le patrimoine sont autant de ressources qui permettent à certains agriculteurs biologiques d’être considérés comme de « bons professionnels ». / How does one get into organic farming? Even though it has gained its autonomy as a segment, organic farming is not free from the structural constraints imposed to farmers as an occupational group. To produce food without any pesticides is not only a technical matter. Behind that lies a struggle to define and control who is licensed to be a farmer. This struggle takes place both at an institutional and interpersonal level and revolves around the definition of farming. In that matter, the definition inherited from the “modernisation” period (from the 1950s onwards) still has consequences on the way farmers are selected, on the way extension services work and on the way farmers are represented by professional organisations. Our main aim is therefore to understand the effects of “professional farming” on the way people come to organic farming, practice it and talk about it, and on how it creates social and professional differentiation between organic farmers. First, we consider the effects of this new moral economy on the way organic farmers are represented. By analysing the archives of Raoul Lemaire, one of the first advocate of organic farming in France, we show that his moral crusade to represent small scale farmers – and organic farmers in particular – doesn’t succeed because the personal domination he wants to build his power on tends to be replaced by a less personal and more bureaucratic domination embodied by “la profession” : therefore, organic farming lacks visibility from the very beginning of its existence in France in the end of the 1950s. Then, relying on semi-structured interviews and on a survey, we emphasize that the institutional control of who is allowed to be an organic farmer doesn’t depend entirely on organic organisations. By focusing on the way people are recruited and work in specialised and non-specialised research and extension organisations, we show that the selection of the people who select farmers is paramount in reproducing the definition of the occupational territory inherited from the “modernisers”. Finally, relying on qualitative material (observations and semi-structured interviews mainly), we show that there are multiple ways to get into organic farming but also unequal means to resist to the modernisers’ moral economy: thus, being from a farmer’s background and/or being trained as an agronomist and/or having local social capital tend to differentiate some organic farmers form others. Therefore, the technical and symbolic unification of the farming occupational group that took place after 1945, still has important effects on the way the group, the organic segment and rural areas more generally are socially stratified.

An investigation into NHS health promotion specialists' ethical dilemmas about their work

Walters, Penny January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Career Prospects and Resources of Domestic Engineering Doctoral Students

Gelles, Laura A. 01 December 2019 (has links)
Career prospects are a motivating factor for entry and retention of doctoral students, especially in the discipline of engineering. While doctoral student training provides them with highly specialized skills to be an independent researcher, they may not have the requisite skills or guidance to secure the job position of their choice. Therefore, it is important to provide doctoral students with opportunities, training, and information (i.e., resources) about different types of careers to not only ensure they are productive contributors of teaching and research, but also equip them for future career prospects. Research techniques based upon in-depth narrative interviews and combining research with action were used to explain how doctoral students develop and fit in with their intended careers and was used to explore what supports and challenges contribute to their intended career paths. Analysis of the data revealed three themes: (1) Engineering Doctoral Identity; (2) Engineering Doctoral Skill Development; and (3) Time. Research emerged as central to engineering doctoral identity and was reinforced by ‘Insiders’, or people who had a Ph.D. in engineering. Insiders’ and doctoral students’ value of research came at the cost of relatively devaluing other skills (e.g., teaching) and associated career resources. These students had to consider and compromise how they fit within an engineering doctoral identity that is premised on research. This negotiation influenced the skills they developed and how they crafted tactics to acquire necessary skills for future careers. At the same time, participants were struggling to cope with immediate demands of their study while also working towards future career goals. Participants struggled to optimize their time, and in response utilized “Time Adaptive Tactics” such as flexibility, networking, and leveraging career resources. Engineering doctoral student and university staff perceptions of career resources were compared against each other which revealed that students utilize resources based upon a hierarchy that considers how specific and close in time and location those resources are. Whereas staff believed their resources were beneficial regardless of these factors. Additionally, the career resources that participants used were influenced by Insiders and how they implicitly showed they valued those resources.

The meaning and importance of service for health professionals

Raleigh, Susan Unknown Date (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to explore and identify the meaning and importance of service for health professionals. Those who participated in this study are all registered nurses who each have between 10 and 40 years of clinical nursing and nurse lecturing experience. The participants each wrote two stories, one about the meaning of service and the other about the importance of service. Definitions of service generally suggest organised labour involving an act of help or assistance. Our intent was to understand what constituted service for each of us in the healthcare - and specifically the nursing practice/education - context.A secondary purpose of this qualitative research was guided by participatory and critical theory paradigms. Seven participants and I (as the initiating researcher) formed a co-operative inquiry group to undertake the research using a collaborative process. Within this method the leader and the group became co-participants and co-researchers. Nurses and women are identified as marginalised people and by honouring the principles of co-operative inquiry we were empowered through this process. While the initial data was analysed thematically by the lead researcher, the original 19 sub-themes were refined by participants into five themes.The findings of the participants are consistent with overseas studies on emotional labour and sentimental work. The five themes that emerged as the meaning of service are helping, giving, elements of service, acts of doing, and pride in work. Helping was defined as an attitude and an action, which often results in a spiritual connection. Giving involves stretching yourself, and altruistic behaviour that also incorporated a spiritual component. Five sub-themes merged to form the third theme elements of service; working with people, being a public servant, being a servant, need and duty. The complexity and hidden aspect of service work was expressed in acts of doing where being professional was paramount. The final theme, pride in work, acknowledged childhood conditioning and a sense of contributing to the greater good through our unique work as nurses. This study affirmed that service has much importance to those involved and deepened our understanding of the blend of meanings service expresses.

Ratlos oder schlecht beraten?

Blaich, Ingo 04 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Warum finden manche junge Erwachsene, trotz guter Voraussetzungen, keinen passenden Beruf? Diese Arbeit versucht Antworten auf diese Frage zu geben. Berufsfindung ist integraler Bestandteil der Individualentwicklung - und diese ist im Kontext institutioneller und struktureller Rahmenbedingen zu sehen. In Strukturperspektive auf Lebensverläufe kann im historischen Vergleich die hohe Varianz von Übergangswegen aufgezeigt und die allgegenwärtige Rede von 'Entgrenzung' relativiert werden. So zeigt sich, dass vor allem das Hochschulsystem verlängerte Übergangswege von der Schule in den Beruf ermöglicht und damit breiten Raum für 'Selbstverwirklichung' und Moratorien lässt. Mit der Problematisierung gängier Akteurskonzepte der Soziologie zeigt sich aber auch, wie die Bewältigung der Berufsfindung subjektiv problembehaftet erscheint, wenn Defizite in der Ausbildung von berufsrelevanten Interessen, in der Entscheidungsfähigkeit und dem Selbstmanagement bestehen.

Daugiavaikių šeimų vaikų profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ypatumai / Direction of vocational education for children features in large families

Radzevičienė, Sonata 13 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo problema siejama su tuo, kad visuomenėje formuojasi nuomonė, jog daugiavaikės šeimos nesugeba pasirūpinti vaikų išsilavinimu, vaikai orientuojami į žemos kvalifikacijos reikalaujančias profesijas, daugiavaikių šeimų kūrimosi motyvacinėje sistemoje dominuoja ekonominiai veiksniai (socialinių pašalpų gavimo galimybės). Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti daugiavaikių šeimų vaikų profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ypatumus ir jų rengimą karjerai. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti daugiavaikių šeimų vaikų profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ir rengimo karjerai mokslinės literatūros apžvalgą. 2. Ištirti ir išanalizuoti vaikų profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ir rengimo karjerai ypatumus socialiai remtinose, sėkmingose ir socialinės rizikos daugiavaikėse šeimose. Tyrimo objektas – daugiavaikių šeimų vaikų profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ypatumai. Tyrimo metodas – mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė, daugiavaikių šeimų kokybinio fenomenologinio tyrimo rezultatų analizė (tyrimo tipas – kokybinis fenomenologinis: aprašomasis, refleksyvus, interpretacinis tyrimas, kurio pagalba ištiriama žmonių patirčių/patyrimų esmė). Tyrimo duomenų surinkimui pasirinktas pusiau struktūruoto interviu būdas. Respondentų demografiniai duomenys apdoroti kompiuterine programa Microsoft Excel (kiekybinio tyrimo metodas). Tyrimo rezultatai: Ištyrus ir išanalizavus daugiavaikių šeimų vaikų profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ir rengimo karjerai veiksnius kokybinio ir kiekybinio tyrimo metodų pagalba buvo nustatyta, kad:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research problem associated with the fact that public opinion is formed that large families unable to care for children education, children are focused on low-skilled occupations, with many families motivation creation system is dominated by economic factors (the possibility of obtaining social security benefits). The aim of work families with many children to investigate direction of vocational education, and peculiarities of their training career. Tasks of research: 1. Make large families of children in vocational education and training direction career literature review. 2. Investigate and analyze the direction of professional children's education and training career features marginalized, successful and social risk in large families. Object of research: families with many children in vocational education directional features. Methods of research: literature analysis and synthesis of large families qualitative phenomenological analysis of the results (type of test - qualitative phenomenological: descriptive, reflective, interpretive study examined the help of which people experience / experiences of the essence). The study of data collection selected semi-structured interview method. Respondents' demographic data were processed in Microsoft Excel software program (quantitative method). Results of researches: Examination and analysis of families with many children in vocational education and training direction career qualitative and quantitative research methods, it... [to full text]

The meaning and importance of service for health professionals

Raleigh, Susan Unknown Date (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to explore and identify the meaning and importance of service for health professionals. Those who participated in this study are all registered nurses who each have between 10 and 40 years of clinical nursing and nurse lecturing experience. The participants each wrote two stories, one about the meaning of service and the other about the importance of service. Definitions of service generally suggest organised labour involving an act of help or assistance. Our intent was to understand what constituted service for each of us in the healthcare - and specifically the nursing practice/education - context.A secondary purpose of this qualitative research was guided by participatory and critical theory paradigms. Seven participants and I (as the initiating researcher) formed a co-operative inquiry group to undertake the research using a collaborative process. Within this method the leader and the group became co-participants and co-researchers. Nurses and women are identified as marginalised people and by honouring the principles of co-operative inquiry we were empowered through this process. While the initial data was analysed thematically by the lead researcher, the original 19 sub-themes were refined by participants into five themes.The findings of the participants are consistent with overseas studies on emotional labour and sentimental work. The five themes that emerged as the meaning of service are helping, giving, elements of service, acts of doing, and pride in work. Helping was defined as an attitude and an action, which often results in a spiritual connection. Giving involves stretching yourself, and altruistic behaviour that also incorporated a spiritual component. Five sub-themes merged to form the third theme elements of service; working with people, being a public servant, being a servant, need and duty. The complexity and hidden aspect of service work was expressed in acts of doing where being professional was paramount. The final theme, pride in work, acknowledged childhood conditioning and a sense of contributing to the greater good through our unique work as nurses. This study affirmed that service has much importance to those involved and deepened our understanding of the blend of meanings service expresses.

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