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Henri Justel (1620-1693) et son rôle dans le débat Foi et Raison au sein de la République des Lettres dans la deuxième moitié du dix-septième siècle / Henri Justel (1620-1693) and his part in the Faith vs Reason debate inside the République des Lettres during the second half of the seventeenth centuryTrouchaud, Jean 24 March 2016 (has links)
Henri Justel (Paris 1620 - Londres 1693) est un érudit français huguenot anglophile, membre éminent de la République des Lettres Il a été peu étudié en France à cause de son apport littéraire inexistant si on fait abstraction de sa riche correspondance et ce, en dépit de la brillante académie privée internationale qu'il animait à Paris, de son vaste réseau et de ses centres d'intérêt divers et variés et touchant autant les humanités que les sciences. C'est l'un deux, Foi et Raison, qui est exploré ici tant dans son contexte d'époque que dans le cercle de Justel. Ce débat entre la Science et la Foi a conduit à classer les idées philosophiques de beaucoup de grands esprits du XVIIème siècle. Pourra-t-il en être de même pour Justel? / Henri Justel (Paris 1620 - London 1693) was a french, huguenot and anglophile erudite and a important member of the République des Lettres. He is not so wellknown in France because his poor literary contribution in spite of his very rich correspondence, of the brilliant private academy he was hosting in Paris, of his large network of relations and of his various interests in sciences as well as in humanities. One of those, Faith vs Reason, is to be dealt with overhere, either in his historical context or in Justel's circle. This very debate between Science and Faith lead to classify the philosophical options of many famous characters of the seventeenth century. Shall we be able to do so about Justel?
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O envolvimento das glândulas salivares na doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro: estudo bioquímico e análise proteômica / Salivary glands involvement in graft versus host disease: biochemical and proteomic analysisMilena Monteiro de Souza Antunes 21 June 2017 (has links)
A doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) é uma complicação que ocorre após o transplante alogênico de medula óssea. A doença é mediada por células T do enxerto que atacam as células e os tecidos do receptor; um processo inflamatório, que ataca vários órgãos e tecidos, sendo este processo responsável por 15% das causas de óbito após o acometimento da doença. As citocinas estão envolvidas na ativação das células T citotóxicas e células natural killer (NK), que causam as lesões nas glândulas salivares e exibem características de morte celular com infiltração de linfócitos conduzindo à apoptose. É conhecido que as unidades secretoras das glândulas salivares, após serem acometidas pela DECH, não recuperam o seu status funcional e a presença do infiltrado inflamatório pode ser um fator importante na fibrose das glândulas salivares e outros tecidos. Há evidências de uma redução significativa do fluxo salivar nos pacientes com DECH e de alterações importantes na proteômica salivar (IgA, IgG, lactoferrina) e polimorfismos que modifiquem a síntese de proteínas que devem ser consideradas para a evolução do paciente. Consequentemente os pacientes apresentam redução de fluxo salivar, com perda variável das unidades secretoras glandulares, comprometendo a qualidade de vida e os resultados do transplante. E para melhor compreensão da DECH, contribuindo para o diagnóstico precoce e na conduta destes pacientes, o presente estudo determinou o perfil proteômico dos pacientes com a doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro crônica e comparou com o perfil de proteínas dos pacientes submetidos ao transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas em cinco diferentes períodos, por meio da coleta de saliva, uma técnica não invasiva, e análise proteômica; além de comparar o perfil com os grupos controles (Líquen plano oral e indivíduos saudáveis). Foram incluídos neste estudo o total de 23 pacientes submetidos ao transplante de células-tronco hematopoiéticas, na Unidade de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo. As amostras foram submetidas a análises prévias em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) e gel bidimensional (2-DE) para o conhecimento do perfil proteômico destes pacientes. As análises foram feitas por espectrometria de massa e os dados obtidos foram confrontados com banco de dados humanos. As proteínas do grupo dos pacientes com DECHc foram comparadas com o grupo controle de indivíduos saudáveis, por meio do heatmap, e ressaltamos as proteínas de maior abundância. Portanto 16 proteínas mostraram uma maior expressão, Ig gamma-1 chain C region; Isoform H14 of Myeloperoxidase; Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein Sigma; Fibrinogen beta chain; Alpha- 1-acidic glycoprotein 1; Isoform gamma-A of Fibrinogen gamma chain; Hemopexin; Keratin type I CK 14; Alpha-2-Macroglobulin; Thioredoxin; Complement C3; Vitamin D; Keratin type I CK16; Lactoperoxidase; Cystatin B e Neutrophil elastase. No entanto, ao comparamos estas proteínas com os diversos períodos analisados e os grupos controles, ressaltamos a importância de três proteínas para a doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro crônica: Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein sigma, Hemopexin e CK14 / Graft versus host disease (GVHD) is a complication that occurred after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. The disease is mediated by graft T cells that attack as cells and tissues of the recipient; An inflammatory process, which attacks various organs and tissues, being responsible for 15% of the causes of death after the disease. Cytokines are involved in the activation of cytotoxic T cells and natural killer (NK) cells, which cause lesions in salivary glands and exhibit cell death characteristics with lymphocyte infiltration leading to apoptosis. It is known as the secretory units of the salivary glands, after being affected by GVHD, do not recover their functional state and the presence of the inflammatory infiltrate can be an important factor in the fibrosis of the salivary glands and other tissues. There is evidence of a significant reduction in salivary flow in patients with GVHD and significant changes in salivary protein (IgA, IgG, lactoferrin) and polymorphisms that modify a protein symptom that are considered for patient evolution. Consequently, patients with salary reduction, with variable loss of glandular secretory units, compromise quality of life and transplant results. In order to better understand GVHD, contributing to the early diagnosis and in the management of these patients, the present study determined the proteomic profile of patients with graft versus chronic host disease and compared them with the protein profile of patients submitted to cell transplantation Hematopoietic stem cells in five different periods, through the collection of saliva, a noninvasive technique and proteomic analysis; In addition to a profile with the control groups (Lichen planus oral and healthy individuals). Included in this study were the 23 patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit of the Hospital das Clínicas of the University of São Paulo. As samples were submitted to previous analyzes on polyacrylamide gel containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 2-dimensional gel (2-DE) to know the proteomic profile of these patients. The analyzes were done by mass spectrometry and the data obtained were compared with human data. The proteins of the group of patients with GVHDc were compared to the control group of healthy individuals by means of the Heatmap, and we emphasized as proteins of greater abundance. Therefore, 16 proteins show a greater expression, Ig gamma-1 chain C region; Isoform H14 of Myeloperoxidase; Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein Sigma; Fibrinogen beta chain; Alpha-1-acidic glycoprotein 1; Isoform gamma-A of Fibrinogen gamma chain; Hemopexin; Keratin type I CK 14; Alpha-2-Macroglobulin; Thioredoxin; Complement C3; Vitamin D; Keratin type I CK16; Lactoperoxidase; Cystatin B e Neutrophil elastase. Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein sigma, Hemopexin and CK14. Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein sigma, Hemopexin and CK14. However, when comparing these proteins with the various types of analyzes and the control groups, we emphasize the relevance of three proteins for the graft versus host disease: Isoform 2 of 14-3-3 protein sigma, Hemopexin and CK14
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Relationship Between Enterprise Resource Planning System and Organizational Productivity in Local GovernmentChiawah, Tambei 01 January 2019 (has links)
Organizations experience challenges despite efforts to increase productivity through implementing large-scale enterprise systems. Leaders of local government institutions do not understand how to achieve expected and desired benefits from the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Lack of alignment between social and technical elements in ERP implementation depresses organizational productivity. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to examine whether social and technical elements increase use and productivity in ERP implementation. The research questions addressed the relationship between ERP and organizational efficiency, cross-functional communication, information sharing, ease of ERP use, and ERP usefulness. Sociotechnical systems theory provided the theoretical basis for the study. Data were collected from online surveys completed by 61 ERP users and analyzed using Wilcoxon matched pairs statistics and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Findings indicated a positive significant relationship between ERP and information sharing, a positive significant relationship between ERP system quality and ease of ERP use, and a positive significant relationship between ERP system quality and organizational productivity. Findings may be used by local government leaders, technology managers, and chief information officers to ensure ERP sustainability and increase productivity.
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Biomimetische Studien an Arzneistoffen mit Benzilsäure- oder EstrogenstrukturSmolinka, Kai 08 February 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden chemische Modellsysteme zur Erarbeitung möglicher Metabolisierungswege für neue, als potentielle Antiparkinsonmittel entwickelte Benzilsäurederivate angewendet und die Anwendbarkeit solcher Systeme zur Modellierung der Biotransformation von Estrogenderivaten getestet. Die biomimetischen Umsetzungen wurden im wässrigen und nichtwässrigen Milieu mit Mangan- und Eisenporphyrinen als Katalysatoren, mit einer Stickstoffbase, in der Regel Imidazol, als Co-Katalysator und mit Wasserstoffperoxid, Iodosylbenzen oder tert-Butylhydroperoxid als Sauerstoffquelle durchgeführt. Als Substrate wurden die N-Methyl-4- und -3-piperidinylester der 3,4- und der 3,3´-Dimethoxybenzilsäure (1, 2, 3) und Denaverin (4) ausgewählt. Als Modellsubstrat mit Estrogenstruktur wurde Estronmethylether (5), sowie in weiteren Versuchen Ethinylestradiol und Mestranol (6, 7) umgesetzt. Die biomimetischen Umsetzungen der Estrogenderivate waren trotz zahlreicher Variationen des Modellsystems nicht erfolgreich. Als Reaktionsprodukt wurde lediglich 6-Oxoestron-methylether isoliert. Hauptumsetzungsprodukte der Benzilsäurederivate sind die N-Formylverbindungen, die N-Oxide, die N-Desmethylderivate, die freien Säuren und die entsprechenden Benzophenone. Ihre Strukturen wurden massenspektrometrisch und kernresonanzspektroskopisch abgesichert. Die zugrundeliegenden Funktionalisierungsreaktionen sind die N-Dealkylierung, N- und C-Oxidation, Esterspaltung und Decarboxylierung. Aromatischen Oxygenierung und O-Dealkylierung wurden nicht oder in sehr geringem Umfang beobachtet. Denaverin unterliegt weiterhin der oxidativen Deaminierung. Insgesamt zeigen die Benzilsäureabkömmlinge ein einheitliches biomimetisches Verhalten, welches ein weitgehend übereinstimmendes Metabolitenspektrum erwarten lässt. Für Denaverin wurden zwei neue, potentielle Biotransformationswege aufgezeigt und die entsprechenden Vergleichssubstanzen gewonnen. Für die Esterspaltung von 1 wurde der oxidative Mechanismus nachgewiesen. Die katalytische Aktivität unterschiedlicher Modellsysteme wurde über die Abnahme des Substrates quantifiziert. Maximal 48 % der Ausgangsverbindung wurden im nichtwässrigen und maximal 23 % im wässrigen Milieu biomimetisch umgesetzt. / In the present thesis the application of chemical model systems to assess metabolic pathways of new benzilic acid derivatives, developed as potential compounds for anti parkinson drugs, is reported. Furthermore the suitability of such systems to mimic the biotransformation of estrogens was investigated. Biomimetic reactions were performed with a (porphyrin) iron or -manganese as a catalyst, an N-base, mostly imidazol, as a co-catalyst and with hydrogen peroxide, iodosylbenzene or tert-butylhydroperoxide as O-donor in either aqueous or nonaqueous media. The following substrates were chosen: the N-methyl-4- and -3-piperidinyl ester of the 3,4- and 3,3´-dimethoxybenzilic acid (1, 2, 3) and Denaverine (4) for benzilic acid derivatives as well as Estrone methyl ether, Ethinylestradiole and Mestranole for the estrogens. The biomimetic studies with the estrogens remained unsuccessfully despite numerous variations within the chemical model system. Only the 6-Oxoestrone methyl ether could be isolated. The main products generated in the biomimetic reactions with the benzilic acid derivatives were the N-formyl compounds, the N-oxides, the N-demethyl derivatives, the free acids, and the benzophenones. The structure of all compounds was proven by mass-spectroscopic and nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. The biomimetic products correspond to metabolites formed by N-dealkylation, N- and C-oxidation, cleavage of the esther bond, and decarboxylation. Aromatic oxygenation or O-dealkylation of the substrates were not observed or only in trace amounts. For Denaverine a product of oxidative deamination was detected. In general, the benzilic acid derivatives showed the same biomimetic behaviour. Therefore a similiar metabolism for these compounds can be expected. Two new possible metabolites for Denaverine were isolated and can be used in further studies. For the cleveage of the ester bond of 1 an oxidative mechanism could be demonstrated. The catalytic activity of various model systems was determined by measuring the decrease of substrate 1. The maximal decrease was 48 % in the nonaqueous media compared to 23 % in the aqueous media.
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Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer potentieller M 3 -selektiver Anticholinergika mit Diphenylessigsäurestruktur zur Therapie der HarninkontinenzBierwisch, Michael 10 February 2003 (has links)
Zusammenfassung: Im Hinblick auf eine medikamentöse Behandlung der Harninkontinenz ist die Entwicklung neuartiger, selektiv und damit nebenwirkungsreduzierter, am Muscarin-M3-Rezeptor wirkender Therapeutika ein wichtiges Ziel der Pharmaforschung. An verschiedenen stickstoffhaltigen und stickstofffreien Esterderivaten der 2,2-Diphenylessigsäure (Alkyl-, Cycloalkyl, Aminoalkyl- und Piperidinylester) wurden über die Generierung von Enolatstrukturen mit Hilfe metallorganischer Verbindungen systematisch elektrophile Additionsreaktionen mit einer breiten Palette von Alkyl- und Acylhalogeniden, Acylcyaniden sowie Carbonylverbindungen durchgeführt. Durch Variation von Lösungsmittel, verwendeter Base sowie Änderungen in der Struktur von Elektrophil und Substrat konnten neue Erkenntnisse bezüglich der Reaktivität und Regioselektivität dieser sterisch gehinderten Esterenolate gewonnen werden. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse konnten durch Röntgenkristallstrukturanalysen sowie semiempirische Berechnungen bestätigt werden. / abstract: The development of new M3-selective muscarinic antagonists for use in therapy of urinary incontinence is an important goal of drug research. This thesis describes investigations of synthesis and reactivity of ester enolates of diphenylacetic acid derivatives, which are intermediates in the synthesis of anticholinergic agents. A series of aliphatic, cycloaliphatic , aminoalkyl and piperidinyl esters were prepared using lithium alkyles and / or grignard compounds followed by addition of various electrophiles such as acid chlorides, aldehydes, ketones or alkylating reagents. Studies involving variations of solvents and bases and modifications of substrate and electrophile structure have lead to new information about reactivity of these sterically hindered ester enolates. The experimental results were confirmed by x-ray analysis and semiempirical calculations.
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Transcriptomic analysis using high-throughput sequencing and DNA microarraysFox, Samuel E. 25 August 2011 (has links)
Transcriptomics and gene expression profiling enables the elucidation of the genetic response of an organism to various environmental cues. Transcriptomics enables the deciphering of differences between two closely related organisms to the same environment and in contrast, enables the elucidation of genetic responses of the same organism to different environmental cues. Two major methods are utilized for the study of transcriptomes, high-throughput sequencing and microarray analysis. High-throughput sequencing technologies such as the Illumina platform are relatively new and protocols must be developed for the analyses of transcriptomes (RNA-sequencing). A RNA-seq protocol was developed and refined for the Illumina sequencing platform. This protocol was then utilized for the de novo sequencing of the steelhead salmon transcriptome. Hatchery steelhead exhibit a reduced fitness compared to wild steelhead that has been shown to be genetically based. Consequently, the steelhead transcriptome was assembled, annotated, and used to identify gene expression differences between hatchery and wild fish. We uncovered many differentially expressed genes involved in metabolic processes and growth and development. This work has created a better understanding of the genetic differences between hatchery and wild steelhead salmon.
Brachypodium distachyon is a monocot grass important as a model for cereal crops and potential biofuels feedstocks. To better understand the genetic response of this plant to different environmental cues, a comprehensive assessment of the transcriptomic response was conducted under a variety of conditions including diurnal/circadian light/dark/temperature environments and different abiotic stress conditions. Using a whole-genome tiling DNA microarray, we identified that the majority of transcripts in Brachypodium exhibit a daily rhythm in their abundance that is conserved between rice and Brachypodium. We also identified numerous cis-regulatory elements dictating these rhythmic expression patterns. We also identified the genetic response to abiotic stresses such as salinity, drought, cold, heat, and high light. We uncovered a core set of genes which responds to all stresses, indicating a core stress response. A large number of transcription factors were uncovered as potential nodes for regulating the abiotic stress response in Brachypodium. Moreover, promoter elements that drive specific responses to discrete abiotic stresses were uncovered. Altogether, the transcriptome analyses in this work furthers our understandings of how particular organisms respond to environmental cues and better elucidates the relationship between genes and the environment. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Oct. 5, 2011 - April 5, 2012.
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Digital versatile disc as an information and communication technology variant to support geography teaching and learning / Christoffel Petrus Van der WesthuizenVan der Westhuizen, Christoffel Petrus January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Genre et carrière professionnelle : enjeux identitaires et dilemmes normatifs dans le phénomène du « plafond de verre »/Gender and professional career: identity stakes and normative dilemmas in the « glass ceiling » phenomenonCasini, Annalisa 31 October 2008 (has links)
Ce travail propose une réflexion sur les obstacles, souvent "invisibles", qui contribuent à maintenir les femmes aux niveaux inférieurs de la hiérarchie professionnelle. Ce phénomène a été baptisé « plafond de verre ». L’asymétrie des profils professionnels entre hommes et femmes est interrogée à partir d’une approche constructiviste multidisciplinaire profitant des contributions conjointes de l’histoire, de la philosophie, de la sociologie et de la psychologie sociale. L'introduction théorique propose une réflexion sur les déterminants historiques et psychosociaux de l’asymétrie du masculin et du féminin dans leurs rapports au pouvoir et au travail. Les théories des Représentations Sociales (Moscovici, 1961), de l'Identité Sociale (Tajfel & Turner, 1986) serviront de cadre conceptuel à l’ensemble du travail. Les antécédents psychosociaux du « plafond de verre » sont étudiés au travers d’une série de 6 études. La première explore le vécu et les représentations des femmes évoluant dans un contexte professionnel masculin tel que la politique et montre l’existence chez elles d’une tension entre les normes instrumentales en vigueur dans ce contexte et l’approche relationnelle qu’elles voudraient promouvoir. La deuxième et la troisième études explorent respectivement les représentations sociales de l’« emploi idéal pour soi » et de la « réussite » chez des jeunes universitaires (garçons et filles) en partant du présupposé qu’afin de mieux comprendre les stratégies différenciées de mobilité ascendante chez les deux sexes, il est important d’interroger les représentations sociales liées à la sphère professionnelle que les uns et les autres possèdent avant d’y être intégré-e-s. Enfin, trois études empiriques testent l’hypothèse générale selon laquelle la sous-représentation des femmes aux niveaux supérieurs de la hiérarchie sociale pourrait résulter des discordances qui existent entre, d’une part, les normes de genre endossées par les individus (i.e. féminine vs. masculine) ainsi que le niveau d’identification au genre et, d’autre part, les normes sous-tendant la culture des organisations. Les résultats suggèrent l’existence d’une telle incompatibilité normative et de son impact potentiel sur les stratégies de mobilité ascendante./Adopting a constructivist and multidisciplinary perspective, the present dissertation questions the “hidden obstacles” contributing to maintain women in the lower positions of the professional ladder, a phenomenon called “glass ceiling”. Framing our work in the social representations theory (Moscovici, 1961) and the social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986), we address the asymmetry in men’s and wome’s careers trough 6 study. Study 1 explores the representations of Belgian politician women with regard to their personal professional experiences and their relation to the normatively masculine political functioning. Furthermore, a second set of studies starts from the idea that, in order to understand women’s and men’s professional mobility strategies, we have to take social representations related to the professional domain into account. Hence, study 2 and 3 explore respectively the social representations of « an own ideal job » and of « a successful life » amongst young students of both sexes. Finally, studies 4, 5, and 6 test the general hypothesis that the lack of women in positions of power could be partially due to the incongruence between potentially conflicting social norms. Namely, while work settings seem to induce a social norm favoring instrumental social orientations, women socialization is still characterized by the existence of prescriptions about relational orientations. Results suggest the existence of this normative inconsistency together with its potential impact on women’s professional mobility strategies.
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Etude fine de la sismicité en zone de collision continentale au moyen d'un réseau de stations portables : la région Hindu-Kush PamirChatelain, Jean Luc 25 September 1978 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de notre travail est l'étude de la sismicité de la zone Pamir-Hindu-Kush. Dans cette zone, de type continental, on observe des séismes intermédiaires dont l'origine est encore très mal connue. Deux des éléments essentiels pour mieux comprendre la géodynamique de cette région sont la définition la plus précise possible de la géométrie de la zone sismique, et l'étude des mécanismes au foyer. Ce sont ces deux points que nous nous sommes proposés d'étudier, en utilisant un réseau de stations portables. Dans le premier chapitre, nous rappelons les études faites sur cette région par différents auteurs. Les expériences de terrain sont décrites sommairement dans le deuxième chapitre. Le chapitre III concerne le traitement des données. Nous y exposons notamment de nombreux tests et une méthode simple qui nous permettent de bien connaitre les domaines d'incertitude de nos localisations. Le chapitre IV est consacré à la description spatiale de la sismicité de la zone Pamir-Hindu-Kush à partir des localisations que nous avons obtenues. Enfin, dans le chapitre V, nous discutons les solutions focales antérieures et nous proposons 27 solutions nouvelles. En conclusion, tous ces résultats sont discutés et nous rappelons les éléments nouveaux apportés par ce travail. Nous présentons en annexe les résidus des téléséismes que nous avons enregistrés et la liste des séismes que nous avons localisés.
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Developing a process for conducting educational research with the Dakota people of WahpetonOmani, Leo Joseph 10 December 2007
Historically, research on Aboriginal education
issues has ignored the needs of Aboriginal people and
disempowered the Aboriginal community. This thesis
seeks to offer a corrective to that trend.
The intent of the thesis research was to establish
a process for conducting educational research with one
Aboriginal community - the Dakota People of Wahpeton which
would enable this community to have a legitimate
voice and control over future research that will be
conducted on their behalf. A methodology called
community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) was
utilized because it provided the means for community
input and direction. Through the use of CBPR,
collaborative relationships were established with 20
Dakota People of Wahpeton, who were identified as the
research participants. The interview was used as the
primary research method.
The thesis discusses how the conflict between two
cultural world views - the Aboriginal view of the
Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota People, generally referred
to as "Sioux", and the contemporary Western view - was
resolved within the process of implementing the
Community-Based Participatory Research methodology.
This resolution of differences was accomplished by
bridging, then mirroring, the methodologies and ways of
gaining knowledge unique to these two respective
cultural world views. Additionally, theoretical and
practical suggestions are offered so that the thesis
might serve as a model for Dakota-Nakota-Lakota
Community-Based Participatory Research in the future.
In keeping with Community-Based Participatory
Research, the voice of the people will be emphasized in
this thesis, through extensive use of quotes.
Furthermore, the voice of the researcher will be
clearly identified so that he may be held accountable
for his input.
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