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Prestandaanalys av HTTP/2 / Performance analysis of HTTP/2Brejcha, Kevin January 2015 (has links)
Swedbank är en av Sveriges största företag inom finanssektorn med drygt fyra miljoner privatkunder och försöker ständigt utveckla sina tjänster så att de är lättåtkomliga och lättanvända för kunderna. För att tillfredsställa sina kunders behov av en snabb och lättåtkomlig bank så vill Swedbank minska på laddningstiderna till sina finanstjänster, särskilt de mobila tjänsterna då det är där uppkopplingarna är som långsammast. Uppdraget var att göra en prestandaanalys av HTTP/2 som är den senaste versionen av HTTP-protokollet. Efter att ha genomfört arbetet ska Swedbank veta vad dem kan anpassa för att göra sina tjänster så optimala som möjligt för framtiden.Resultatet visade att med hjälp av HTTP/2’s nya funktioner, bland annat det binära ramlagret, uppnåddes en prestandaökning på 44% av totala laddningstiden på Swedbank’s hemsida. Testerna genomfördes i en lokal labbmiljö där de olika HTTP versionerna installerades och mätvärden dokumenterades. Detta ansågs som ett bra resultat utan att ha genomfört någon fördjupande konfiguration. / Swedbank is one of Sweden’s biggest banks with estimated four million private customers and they are constantly trying to improve their services so they become more user-friendly and faster. To satisfy their customer’s need of fast and easy services Swedbank wants to lower the loading times on the web services to the user experience is faster and smoother, especially for the users doing their banking on a smartphone. The mission is to do a per-formance analysis of the new HTTP protocol HTTP/2 and take out the most essential parts so Swedbank knows what to take advantage of when installing the new versions on their servers to achieve optimal services.The results showed that after implementing HTTP/2’s new features, Swedbank’s website performance increased with 44% in total loading time. The tests were performed in a local experimental environment where the earlier HTTP versions was installed and the perfor-mance metrics was documented.
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Aggregating product reviews for the Chinese marketWu, Yongliang January 2009 (has links)
As of December 2007, the number of Internet users in China had increased to 210 million people. The annual growth rate reached 53.3 percent in 2008, with the average number of Internet users increasing every day by 200,000 people. Currently, China's Internet population is slightly lower than the 215 million internet users in the United States. [1] Despite the rapid growth of the Chinese economy in the global Internet market, China’s e-commerce is not following the traditional pattern of commerce, but instead has developed based on user demand. This growth has extended into every area of the Internet. In the west, expert product reviews have been shown to be an important element in a user’s purchase decision. The higher the quality of product reviews that customers received, the more products they buy from on-line shops. As the number of products and options increase, Chinese customers need impersonal, impartial, and detailed products reviews. This thesis focuses on on-line product reviews and how they affect Chinese customer’s purchase decisions. E-commerce is a complex system. As a typical model of e-commerce, we examine a Business to Consumer (B2C) on-line retail site and consider a number of factors; including some seemingly subtitle factors that may influence a customer’s eventually decision to shop on website. Specifically this thesis project will examine aggregated product reviews from different on-line sources by analyzing some existing western companies. Following this the thesis demonstrates how to aggregate product reviews for an e-business website. During this thesis project we found that existing data mining techniques made it straight forward to collect reviews. These reviews were stored in a database and web applications can query this database to provide a user with a set of relevant product reviews. One of the important issues, just as with search engines is providing the relevant product reviews and determining what order they should be presented in. In our work we selected the reviews based upon matching the product (although in some cases there are ambiguities concerning if two products are actually identical or not) and ordering the matching reviews by date - with the most recent reviews present first. Some of the open questions that remain for the future are: (1) improving the matching - to avoid the ambiguity concerning if the reviews are about the same product or not and (2) determining if the availability of product reviews actually affect a Chinese user's decision to purchase a product. / I december 2007 uppgick antalet internetanvändare i Kina har ökat till 210 miljoner människor. Den årliga tillväxttakten nådde 53,3 procent 2008, med den genomsnittliga Antalet Internet-användare ökar för varje dag av 200.000 människor. Närvarande Kinas Internet befolkningen är något lägre än de 215 miljoner Internetanvändare i USA Staterna.[1] Trots den snabba tillväxten i den kinesiska ekonomin i den globala Internetmarknaden, Kinas e-handel inte följer det traditionella mönstret av handel, men i stället har utvecklats baserat på användarnas efterfrågan. Denna tillväxt har utvidgas till alla områden I Internet. I väst har expert recensioner visat sig vara en viktig del I användarens köpbeslut. Ju högre kvalitet på produkten recensioner som kunderna mottagna fler produkter de köper från on-line butiker. Eftersom antalet produkter och alternativen ökar, kinesiska kunderna behöver opersonlig, opartisk och detaljerade produkter recensioner. Denna avhandling fokuserar på on-line recensioner och hur de påverkar Kinesiska kundens köpbeslut.</p> E-handel är ett komplext system. Som en typisk modell för e-handel, vi undersöka ett Business to Consumer (B2C) on-line-försäljning plats och överväga ett antal faktorer; inklusive några till synes subtitle faktorer som kan påverka kundens småningom Beslutet att handla på webbplatsen. Uttryckligen detta examensarbete kommer att undersöka aggregerade recensioner från olika online-källor genom att analysera vissa befintliga västra företag. Efter den här avhandlingen visar hur samlade produkt recensioner för en e-affärer webbplats. Under detta examensarbete fann vi att befintliga data mining tekniker gjort det rakt fram för att samla recensioner. Dessa översyner har lagrats i en databas och webb program kan söka denna databas för att ge en användare med en rad relevanta product recensioner. En av de viktiga frågorna, precis som med sökmotorer är att tillhandahålla relevanta produkt recensioner och bestämma vilken ordning de ska presenteras i. vårt arbete har vi valt recensioner baserat på matchning produkten (men i vissa fall det finns oklarheter i fråga om två produkter verkligen identiska eller inte) och beställa matchande recensioner efter datum - med den senaste recensioner närvarande första. Några av de öppna frågorna som kvarstår för framtiden är: (1) förbättra matchning - För att undvika oklarheter rörande om Gästrecensionerna om samma produkt eller inte och (2) avgöra om det finns recensioner faktiskt påverka en kinesisk användarens val att köpa en produkt.
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Administrative management system : Complementing an existing system with new functionality and increased efficiencyBjörk, Christoffer, Newbury, George January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is about how we delivered a product that eases maintenance and support of the client Ninetech’s system ServeIT. The product provides a website which has the purpose of providing an easy way to perform actions and show relevant information in a meaningful way. The functionalities that the product provides is showing all opticians within the different organizations in ServeIT and rebuilding search indexes when a product is added or removed by a supplier or optician. The specified requirements imposed by Ninetech were all implemented, and the final product is today used within their production environment. The project was purpose-fully made scalable, such that further development could be made by Ninetech once the project came to an end.
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Evaluation of a Proposed Traffic-Splitting Defence for Tor : Using Directional Time and Simulation Against TrafficSliver / Utvärdering av ett Flervägsförsvar för Tor : Med Riktad Tid och Simulering mot TrafficSliverMagnusson, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Tor is a Privacy-Enhancing Technology based on onion routing which lets its users browse the web anonymously. Even though the traffic is encrypted in multiple layers, traffic analysis can still be used to gather information from meta-data such as time, size, and direction of the traffic. A Website Fingerprinting (WF) attack is characterized by monitoring traffic locally to the user in order to predict the destination website based on the observed patterns. TrafficSliver is a proposed defence against WF attacks which splits the traffic on multiple paths in the Tor network. This way, a local attacker is assumed to only be able to observe a subset of all the user's total traffic. The initial evaluation of TrafficSliver against Deep Fingerprinting (DF), the state-of-the-art WF attack, showed promising results for the defence, reducing the accuracy of DF from over 98% down to less than 7% without adding artificial delays or dummy traffic. In this thesis, we further evaluate TrafficSliver against DF beyond what was done in the original work by De la Cadena et al. by using a richer data representation and finding out whether it is possible to utilize simulated training data to improve the accuracy of the attack. By introducing directional time as a richer data representation and increasing the size of the training dataset using a simulator, the accuracy of DF was improved against TrafficSliver on three different datasets. Against the original dataset provided by the authors of TrafficSliver, the accuracy was initially 7.1% and then improved to 49.9%. The results were confirmed by using two additional datasets with TrafficSliver, where the accuracy was improved from 5.4% to 44.9% and from 9.8% to 37.7%. / Tor är ett personlig-integritetsverktyg baserat på onion routing som låter sina användare anonymnt besöka hemsidor på internet. Även om trafiken är enkrypterad i flera lager, kan trafikanalys användas för att utvinna information från metadata som exempelvis: tid, storlek och riktning av trafik. En Website Fingerprinting (WF)-attack karaktäriseras av att övervaka trafik nära användaren för att sedan avgöra vilken hemsida som besökts utifrån mönster. TrafficSliver är ett föreslaget försvar mot WF-attacker genom att dela upp trafiken på flera vägar genom nätverket. Detta gör att en attackerare antas endast kunna se en delmängd av användarens totala trafik. Den första utvärderingen av TrafficSliver mot Deep Fingerprinting (DF), spjutspetsen inom WF-attacker, visade lovande resultat för försvaret genom att reducera träffsäkerheten av DF från över 98% till mindre än 7% utan att lägga till artificiella fördröjningar eller falsk trafik. I denna uppsats strävar vi att fortsätta utvärderingen av TrafficSliver mot DF utöver vad som redan har gjorts av De la Cadena et al. med en rikare datarepresentation och en undersökning huruvida det går att använda simulerad data för att träna attacker mot försvaret. Genom att introducera riktad tid och öka mängden data för att träna attacken, ökades träffsäkerheten av DF mot TrafficSliver på tre distinkta dataset. Mot det dataset som samlades in av TrafficSliver var träffsäkerheten inledelsevis 7.1% och sedan förbättrad med hjälp av riktad tid och större mängder av simulerad träningsdata till 49.9%. Dessa resultat bekräftades även för två ytterligare dataset med TrafficSliver, där träffsäkerheten blev förbättrad från 5.4% till 44.9% och från 9.8% till 37.7%.
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Evaluace formální správnosti a obsahu o rizikovém chování stránek pedagogicko-psychologických poraden v ČR v roce 2016 / Evaluation of formal correctness and risky behavior content on the site pedagogical-psychological counseling centers in the Czech Republic in 2016Hélová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
Jméno: Bc. Lucie Hélová Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Roman Gabrhelík Ph.D. Title: Evaluation of formal accuracy and content on the risk behavior of the webpages of pedagogical and psychological counseling centers in the Czech Republic in 2016 ABSTRACT The thesis describes the evaluation of formal accuracy and content about the risk behavior of the websites of pedagogical and psychological counseling in the Czech Republic. Since information technology is today one of the main tools for obtaining information, it is necessary to address the quality of internet presentations. The aim of the research is to evaluate the formal and content levels of the websites of pedagogical and psychological counseling through research and content analysis. The theoretical part of this thesis is based on professional literature, both Czech and foreign experts. It deals with risk behavior from the point of view of addictology, pedagogical- psychological counseling, its purpose and position in the education system. Practical part deals with practical research, which was realized by questionnaire survey. Within the stated objectives, it was found that all PPPs in the Czech Republic use a website for their presentation. Their quality is generally very variable and even the most successful ones have not reached 70% of the possible points....
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Brand image in multi-channel fashion companiesKleist, Sofia, Lindstedt, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Branding has become increasingly important in order to distinguish a brand from numerous competitors in the fashion industry. An effective way to differentiate the brand from others has shown to be through the brand image, which is why managers should work on sustaining a positive brand image. Managing brand image through different sales channels has become even more important due to the rise of multi-channels. The integration and effort of offline and online channels can result in both enhanced purchase intention and brand image. Previous literature has shown how purchase intention can be derived from the level of congruity between the consumer’s self-image and the brand’s image. Despite this, most previous research is conducted from a company perspective, why this research intends to provide theoretical contributions from a consumer perspective. This is particularly important for fashion brands, as for the ever-changing and highly competitive characteristics of the fashion market. Furthermore, an understanding of consumers’ perception of brand image in different sales channels has been missing in previous research. Therefore, the aim of this research is to investigate how consumers perceive brand image of multi-channel fashion companies for the purpose of providing insight into how brand image should be managed through different channels. Using a qualitative perspective, this explorative research conducts ten semi-structured interviews with women and men between the ages of 18 and 63, that are experienced within fashion consumption in online and offline channels. Analysis of the research findings indicates that there are 13 attributes that consumers consider as most prominent for brand image; six offline attributes and seven online attributes. For the offline image, it emerges that the surrounding environment, products and collections, price and value, store personnel and service, reputation are prominent attributes. For online, easy access and navigation, design and aesthetics, merchandise description, price and value, communication, services and reputation are prominent. It is also found that interviewees find it highly important that the image is consistent through different channels so that the brand conveys a holistic image.
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An electric commerce platform for material testing laboratoriesMitchener, John Ferris 12 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The emergence of the Internet has allowed businesses to create new sales and marketing channels to provide value for their customers in the marketplace. Engineering manufacturers and suppliers have taken advantage of the internet to automate the customer service aspects of their businesses as well as to market their services in a cost-effective but widespread manner. This work aims to apply the practices and benefits of electronic commerce (e-commerce) to a material testing laboratory through the creation of a functioning website with e-commerce features. The effects of Search Engine Optimization, website accessibility issues, marketing considerations, security concerns, and common business models and strategies regarding web development are examined. Features such as an automated quoting system and a customer portal are also implemented for use at a material testing laboratory.
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The Effect Background Traffic in VPNs has on Website Fingerprinting / Påverkan av bakgrundstrafik i VPN-tunnlar vid mönsterigenkänningsattacker mot webbplatserRehnholm, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Tor and VPNs are used by many to be anonymous and circumvent censorship on the Internet. Therefore, traffic analysis attacks that enable adversaries to link users to their online activities are a severe threat. One such attack is Website Fingerprinting (WF), which analyses patterns in the encrypted traffic from and to users to identify website visits. To better understand to which extent WF can identify patterns in VPN traffic, there needs to be a deeper exploration into which extent background traffic in VPNs impacts WF attacks, which is traffic in the stream that the adversary does not wish to classify. This thesis explores how different background traffic types affect WF on VPN traffic. It is done by using existing VPN datasets and combining them into datasets which simulate a VPN tunnel where both foreground and background traffic is sent simultaneously. This is to explore how different kinds of background traffic affect known state-of-the-art WF attacks using Deep Learning (DL). Background traffic does affect DL-based WF attacks, but the impact on accuracy is relatively small compared to the bandwidth overhead: 200 % overhead reduces the accuracy from roughly 95 % to 70 %. WF attacks can be trained without any background traffic, as long as the overhead of the background traffic is smaller than 2 %, without any impact on accuracy. WF attacks can also be trained with background traffic from other applications than what it is tested on, as long as the applications produce similar traffic patterns. For example, traffic from different pre-recorded streaming applications like Netflix and YouTube is similar enough, but not traffic from pre-recorded and live streaming applications such as Twitch. Also, having access to the size of the packets makes WF attacks better than if the size is obscured, making VPNs probably more vulnerable than Tor to WF attacks. Thesis artefacts are available at: https://github.com/gustavRehnholm/wf-vpn-bg / Tor och VPN:er används av många för att ge anonymitet och kringgå censurera i Internet. Därför är trafikanalysattacker som gör det möjligt för angripare att länka användaren till sina onlineaktiviteter ett allvarligt hot. En sådan attack är Website Fingerprinting (WF), som analyserar mönster i den krypterade trafiken mellan användaren och reläet med målet att identifiera webbplatsbesök. För att bättre förstå i vilken ut-sträckning WF kan identifiera mönster i VPN-tunnlar måste det finnas en djupare undersökning i vilken utsträckning bakgrundstrafik i VPN-tunnlar påverkar WF-attacker, trafik i VPN-tuneln som WF-attackeraren inte försöker klassificera. Målet med denna avhandling är att undersöka hur bakgrundstrafik, i olika kombinationer, påverkar WF på VPN-tunnlar. Det görs genom att använda befintliga VPN-datauppsättningar och kombinera dem till datauppsättningar som simulerar en VPN-tunnel där både förgrunds- och bakgrundstrafik skickas samtidigt. Detta är att utforska hur olika typer av bakgrundstrafik påverkar kända WF-attacker med hjälp av djupinlärning. Bakgrundstrafik har en påverkan på djupinlärnings baserade WF-attacker, men påverkan på WF noggrannheten är relativt liten jämfört med overheaden som behövs: 200 %overhead minskar noggrannheten från ungefär 95 % till 70 %. WF-attacker kan tränas utan bakgrundstrafik, så länge bakgrundstrafikens overhead är mindre än 2 %, utan att det påverkar noggrannheten. WF-attacker kan också tränas med bakgrundstrafik från andra applikationer än vad den testas på, så länge applikationerna producerar liknande trafikmönster. Till exempel är trafik från olika förinspelade streamingapplikationer som Netflix och YouTube tillräckligt lik, men inte trafik från förinspelade och livestreamingapplikationer som Twitch. Det är också tydligt att ha tillgång till paketstorlek gör klassificeraren bättre, vilket gör VPN:er förmodligen mer sårbar än Tor. Avhandlingsartefakter finns på följande hemsida: https://github.com/gustavRehnholm/wf-vpn-bg
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Visual Framing: A Study in Face-ism from the Websites for the 108th United States Congress.Anderson, Beth Johnson 13 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Websites are being used by increasing numbers to target a market with a message unfiltered by the media. This content analysis examined the website front-screens for the members of the 108th United States Congress to determine if the photographic images displayed reinforced the media's stereotypical frame of female politicians. A total of 3,892 photographic images were captured from 540 websites and coded using the face-ism index. Overall, the results supported the face-ism theory. Images of females were cropped lower on their bodies than images of males. The face-ism effect was not supported until the number of people in the photograph numbered six or more. Results revealed that photographic images of female representatives and senators were cropped no differently than their male peers. The research indicated females in Congress are successful in framing their own image but future website designs can portray a positive frame for all females presented on Congressional websites.
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The Creation and Formative Evaluation of an Attachment-Based Parenting Education WebsiteSteed, April 11 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
While there are numerous websites discussing attachment parenting in infancy, there are currently no interactive research-based websites devoted to attachment parenting throughout early childhood. To fill this need the author developed the Foundations of Parenting website (http://www.foundationsofparenting.org). Evaluation, a tool so far under-utilized by parenting education websites, is necessary for both quality control and improving websites. Thus, in addition to development of the website, the author also formatively evaluated the Foundations of Parenting program by using website-utilization tools and visitor feedback through an online survey to analyze utilization and visitor satisfaction. The website was well-used (674 unique visitors and 189 return visitors with a visitor page depth of 6.7 pages over a 23 day period) for a newly-created website, as can be seen by an examination of traffic rankings of small websites at www.alexa.com. The quantitative survey items assessed the usefulness of the website, the attractiveness of the website, ease of use of the website, whether the website met the participants needs, how interesting the content was, whether the website led them to reconsider former attitudes and made them aware of new things, and whether the participant had decided to do things differently due to the website. A MANOVA procedure was used to identify distinctions in these items in association with selected demographic variables, while the open-ended questions invited the survey participants to elaborate on their quantitative answers. The majority of survey participants, 75 percent, agreed or strongly agreed with the above quantitative survey items, and 87.6 percent felt that the website was useful or very useful. Thus, a large majority of users indicated that the website was useful, attractive, easy to use, interesting, helped them reconsider former attitudes, helped them become aware of new things, and influenced them to decide to do something differently. MANOVA analyses revealed website ratings varied only by ethnicity. Reports compiled by SuperStats tracked the amount of website usage as well as visitor pathways through the website, visitor page depth, the amount of time spent on the website, which pages were most popular, as well as the page depth of the most popular pages. These reports revealed that users tended to search for information they were looking for and leave instead of reading through website content from beginning to end. Participants provided helpful suggestions and feedback to improve the website. Implications of this feedback for website improvement and ideas for further research are discussed.
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