Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wearables"" "subject:"hearables""
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Characterisation and Quantification of Upper Body Surface Motions for Tidal Volume Determination in Lung-Healthy IndividualsLaufer, Bernhard, Hoeflinger, Fabian, Docherty, Paul D., Jalal, Nour Aldeen, Krueger-Ziolek, Sabine, Rupitsch, Stefan J., Reindl, Leonhard, Moeller, Knut 24 February 2025 (has links)
Measurement of accurate tidal volumes based on respiration-induced surface movements of the upper body would be valuable in clinical and sports monitoring applications, but most current methods lack the precision, ease of use, or cost effectiveness required for wide-scale uptake. In this paper, the theoretical ability of different sensors, such as inertial measurement units, strain gauges, or circumference measurement devices to determine tidal volumes were investigated, scrutinised and evaluated. Sixteen subjects performed different breathing patterns of different tidal volumes, while using a motion capture system to record surface motions and a spirometer as a reference to obtain tidal volumes. Subsequently, the motion-capture data were used to determine upper-body circumferences, tilt angles, distance changes, movements and accelerations-such data could potentially be measured using optical encoders, inertial measurement units, or strain gauges. From these parameters, the measurement range and correlation with the volume signal of the spirometer were determined. The highest correlations were found between the spirometer volume and upper body circumferences; surface deflection was also well correlated, while accelerations carried minor respiratory information. The ranges of thorax motion parameters measurable with common sensors and the values and correlations to respiratory volume are presented. This article thus provides a novel tool for sensor selection for a smart shirt analysis of respiration.
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Self-tracking a běhání: sociologická analýza / Self-tracking and running: a sociological analysisHanzlová, Radka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis focuses on self-tracking, which mean monitoring and recording information about oneself using digital technologies and its use by runners in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this thesis is to describe the Czech running community through a detailed sociological analysis, and to answer a question: Why runners use self-tracking and how they benefit from it? The theoretical part firstly deals with the topic of self-tracking itself, then examines the uses and gratifications theory and the theory of online communities. The analytical part is devoted to description, analysis and interpretation of the results of the author's own survey, in which 844 runners of whom 754 practice self-tracking participated. Several hypotheses concerning sociodemographic structure, running characteristics, motivation, gratifications and safety were formulated. Five key motives (self-control, orientation to result, self-improvement, habit and social interaction) that lead runners to use self-tracking devices were identified through exploratory factor analysis. The motives vary based on gender and running characteristics (experience with running, runner's level, frequency of running, trainer) that also represent the main influencing factor for self-tracking in general. Self-tracking is closely related to sharing...
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Assistenzsysteme in der intelligenten, digitalisierten Fabrik: Erstellung einer Marktübersicht mit anschließender Evaluation: Assistenzsysteme in der intelligenten, digitalisierten Fabrik: Erstellung einer Marktübersicht mit anschließender EvaluationGerhardt, Tom 29 March 2017 (has links)
Das weite Feld der Digitalisierung findet in Deutschland unter dem Begriff "Industrie 4.0" erste Anwendungen in der Arbeitswelt. Die vorliegende Bachelorarbeit untersucht industrielle Assistenzsysteme. Diese können in ganz unterschiedler Art und Weise dem Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Unterstützung bei der Verrichtung von Arbeitsaufgaben ist das Ziel. Dabei können die Systeme als tragbare Kleinstcomputer am Körper eingesetzt werden, oder als umfassendes Verarbeitungssystem von Produktionsdaten im Unternehmen implementiert werden. Betrachtet werden zwei prägnante Beispiele aus diesem Bereich der Assistenz für den Mitarbeiter im produzierenden Unternehmen. Eine ständig wachsende Menge von Assistenzsystemen am Markt lässt sich bislang nur anhand von Werbung und Produktvorstellungen charakterisieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die beiden Beispielsysteme nach Gesichtspunkten der Arbeitswissenschaft zu untersuchen. Tauglichkeit für das Tagesgeschäft, ergonomische und mitarbeiterfreundliche Bedienung werden betrachtet. In den theoretischen Grundlagen wird ein allgemeines Verständnis der Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Digitalisierung aufgebaut. Weiterhin wird ein Überblick über die verwendeten Beispielsysteme ausgehend von deren Produktvorstellungen gegeben. Diese Systeme werden mit qualitativen Forschungsmethoden durch einen Experten der Branche evaluiert. Kernaussagen aus verschiedenen Bereichen, wie beispielsweise Ergonomie und Einsetzbarkeit werden abgeleitet. / The broad field of digitalisation finds its first applications in the German working environment under the term "Industry 4.0". This bachelor thesis examines industrial assistance systems that can be made available to employees in many different ways, with the goal to support the performance of work tasks. The systems can be used as portable microcomputers on the body or implemented as a comprehensive processing system for company production data. The thesis examines two concise examples from this area of employee assistance in manufacturing companies. To date, a constantly growing number of assistance systems on the market can only be characterised by advertising and product concepts. The aim of this thesis is to analyize the two example systems from an ergonomics point of view as well as suitability for day-to-day business and employee-friendly operations. In the theoretical basics, a general understanding of terms from the field of digitalisation is developed. Furthermore, an overview of the example systems utilized is provided based on their product presentations. These systems are evaluated by an industry expert using qualitative research method to determine core statements from various areas, such as ergonomics and usability.
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Implementation of UsageBased Insurance solutions : A qualitative analysis of a technology-based insurance model from the perspective of the Swedish insurance industry / Implementering av användarbaserade försäkringslösningar : En kvalitativ analys av en teknikbaserad försäkringsmodell från den svenska försäkringsbranschens perspektivYvell, Malin, Axelsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Recent years’ digital transformation has led to an increased interest in using and utilising smart technology in various insurance solutions, something that has come to challenge the traditional insurance model. The UsageBased Insurance model (UBI) is an example of an insurance model that utilises these technological innovations. With the aid of smart technology, the insurance model has the possibility, by using real-time data, to price premiums more accurately and efficiently, as well as it enables a more proactive approach. Despite the model’s positive capabilities, the degree of implementation in Europe, as well as in Sweden, can generally be regarded as low. Thus, the interest is raised about what influences this low level of implementation, as well as what challenges, requirements and consequences that are attached to such implementation. By investigating the UBI model, the purpose of this study is thus to analyse how new technology-based insurance models could affect the Swedish insurance industry and, in an extension, also the Swedish society. The study also intends to evaluate how these technology-based insurance policies could affect the insurability of risk, this by applying Berliner’s (1982) insurability criteria. With the help of a comprehensive literature study in parallel with a qualitative, semi-structured, interview study, the report aims to provide a broader understanding of what bridging contradictions that exist between theory and practice. The biggest challenges identified, related to a UBI implementation, are the customers’ willingness to share personal data, the insurance company’s propensity for transformation, their digital ability and the Swedish welfare system. Further, it has been concluded that the model’s increased ability to assess risk could consequently mean that an implementation would contribute to discrimination and cherry-picking, also known as cream skimming. To overcome these challenges and risks, and to stimulate a high implementation level, the required factors identified are that the UBI solution needs to stimulate other incentives than the monetary, that it should be simple and designed in a way that makes it feel personalised and an integrated part of the policyholders’ lives. If the primary purpose of utilising the UBI model is to decide the most profitable premium cost, the authors assess that the impediments are too high, the incentives too low and negative consequences too severe to reach a high degree of implementation on the Swedish market. The insurance companies instead have a great opportunity, as a proactive risk manager, to take a whole new position in the policyholders’ lives. Through proactive services, which are not premium-based, insurance companies would instead stimulate a behavioural change by advising, encouraging and in different ways rewarding a behavioural change towards a healthier and safer lifestyle. A development that all actors benefit from, without suffering the risk of punishing and/or discriminating policyholders. From the perspective of lacking social resources, this is also an opportunity to create a more proactive health care in Sweden. / Senaste tidens digitala transformation har medfört ett ökat intresse av att använda och utnyttja smart teknologi inom olika försäkringslösningar, något som har kommit att utmana den traditionella försäkringsmodellen. Ett exempel på en försäkringsmodell som utnyttjar dessa tekniska innovationer är den användarbaserade försäkringsmodellen (UBI). Tack vare smart teknologi har försäkringsmodellen möjlighet att, genom utnyttjandet av realtidsdata, kunna prissätta premier på ett mer korrekt och effektivt sätt, samtidigt som dessa teknologier möjliggör ett mer proaktivt arbetssätt. Trots dessa positiva egenskaper kan implementeringsgraden i Europa, och så även i Sverige, dock generellt sett betraktas som låg. Således väcks intresset kring vad som påverkar denna låga implementeringsgrad samt vilka utmaningar, krav och konsekvenser som finns kopplade till en sådan implementering. Med hjälp av att undersöka UBI modellen är syftet med denna studie att analysera hur teknikbaserade försäkringsmodeller kan påverka den svenska försäkringsmarknaden och, i en förlängning, även den det svenska samhället. Vidare, ämnar studien även till att undersöka på vilket sätt dessa teknikbaserade försäkringslösningar påverkar försäkringsbarheten, detta genom att tillämpa Berliner’s (1982) insurability criteria. Med hjälp av en grundlig litteraturstudie parallellt med en kvalitativ, semistrukturerad, intervjustudie avser rapporten att bidra till en bredare förståelse för vilka överbryggande motsättningar det finns mellan teori och praktik. De största utmaningarna som studien påvisar är kundernas villighet till att delge persondata, försäkringsbolagets benägenhet till transformation, deras digitala förmåga samt det svenska välfärdssystemet. På grund av den förbättrade riskbedömning, som modellen medför, har cream skimming och diskriminering konstaterats vara två stora konsekvenser som modellen riskerar medföra. Där cream skimming åsyftar försäkringsgivarens ökade förmåga till att identifiera försäkringens mest lönsamma kunder. För att möta dessa utmaningar och konsekvenser, samt att stimulera en hög implementeringsgrad, anses det viktigt att kunna stimulera andra incitament, än de monetära. Det anses även viktigt att lösningen är enkel, personifierad samt att den besitter förmågan att bli en integrerad del av försäkringstagarens liv. Om det primära syftet med att tillämpa UBI modellen är att bestämma den mest lönsamma premiekostnaden, anser författarna att hindren är för många, incitamenten för få och de negativa konsekvenserna för omfattande för att kunna uppnå en hög implementeringsgrad på den svenska marknaden. Försäkringsbolagen besitter istället en stor möjlighet att, som en proaktiv riskrådgivare, ta en helt ny position i försäkringstagarnas liv. Genom proaktiva tjänster, som inte utnyttjar de premiegrundande egenskaperna, har försäkringsbolagen istället möjlighet att stimulera en beteendeförändring genom att rådge, uppmuntra och på olika sätt belöna en positiv beteendeförändring mot ett mer hälsosamt och säkert liv. Detta skulle således vara en gynnsam utveckling som alla aktörer tjänar på, utan risken att straffa och/eller diskriminera försäkringstagare. Ur ett perspektiv av bristande samhällsresurser, skapar detta även ökade möjligheter för utvecklandet av en mer proaktivt fungerande sjukvård i Sverige.
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智慧穿戴裝置於健康管理的市場應用與商業模式探討 / A Review of Market Application and Business Model of Smart Wearable Devices in Health Management江渝, Chiang, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
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Solución tecnológica basada en factores de riesgo para el Diagnóstico Presuntivo de Hipertensión Arterial / Wearable technology for presumptive diagnosis of high blood Pressure based on Risk FactorsHerrera Aguilar, Helgar Miguel Angel, Meza Prada, Eithel Josue 15 October 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, se hace más frecuente la aparición de enfermedades que años atrás no eran comunes o que se presentaban en personas de avanzada edad, lo grabe de este hecho radica en que año tras año se diagnostican en personas de temprana edad. Una de estas enfermedades es la hipertensión arterial, enfermedad relacionada con el aumento desmesurado de la fuerza ejercida por el corazón para transportar la sangre a todos los órganos del cuerpo humano. Padecer esta enfermedad a temprana edad es considerado peligroso debido a qué se pueden encubar enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer y la diabetes. Por otra parte, el Estado invierte cantidades exorbitantes de dinero para poder tratar esta enfermedad, lo cual, en el caso de prevenirse, se podrían destinar estas sumas de dinero a otros proyectos de igual importancia para la sociedad peruana.
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo brindar un apoyo a la sociedad en la concientización y autocontrol de la presión arterial a través de una solución tecnológica que permita realizar un análisis de factores de riesgo de variables relacionadas a enfermedades cardiovasculares, para poder estimar y poder brindar un diagnóstico presuntivo que permita que las personas puedan conocer si están propensos a ser hipertensos y tengan una alternativa de cambios de hábitos conductuales para poder reducir esa probabilidad. Este documento contiene información relativa a los factores que influyen en la adquisición de la hipertensión arterial, así como la información referente a los procedimientos médicos para el despistaje en primera instancia de hipertensión arterial y el uso emergente de tecnologías wearables para la toma de datos fisiológicos de un usuario. / In this paper, we propose a Technological Solution integrated to a wearable device that allows measuring some physiological variables such as body mass index (BMI), steps taken, burned calories, blood pressure and others risk factors associated with the Framingham´s score. The objective of this article is to identify the evolutionary pattern of the Framingham´s score each day in order to determine a presumptive diagnosis of high blood pressure. This propose is due to rising rate of people diagnosed as hypertensive in Perú that affects 13% of the population every year and it´s the beginning of chronic diseases such as Cancer or Diabetes. This Technological Solution is composed of 4 phases: 1. The user´s data collection from the wearable device; 2. The data reception to the mobile application through Bluetooth communication protocol; 3. The sending data from the mobile application to the SQL Azure database engine hosted in the cloud platform; 4. The process of generating educational health reports based in Framingham´s score. The Technological Solution was validated in a social insurance of a public hospital in Lima, Perú. The preliminary results obtained in a diagnostic test shows a sensitivity level of 83.33% in the proposed Technological Solution, a level of precision better than a traditional Framingham´s score for presumptive diagnosis of high blood pressure. This proposed contributes to the patient´s awareness about the bad routine habits related to lifestyle and promotes the empowerment of data in order to make some changes that influence on the reduction of cardiovascular disease risk. / Tesis
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Electronic Performance And Tracking Systems (EPTS) : Perceptions, Benefits and Challenges of Professional Football Athletes and Training StaffBitilis, Pavlos January 2021 (has links)
Personal Informatics (PI) are information systems that allow people to process activities with the usage of information technology, aiming to produce informational products (data) either for themselves or for others. Technologies that enable PI are becoming increasingly popular, assisting people in collecting personally relevant information about their body and their behaviour. In sports industry nowadays, a great variety of PI wearable tools offer support to athletes and training staff to improve their performance. An example of such tool is the Electronic Performance and Tracking Systems (EPTS), which are a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the collection, storage, analysis and management of professional athletes’ fitness and health data. Although significant and broadly used, EPTS have not yet received much attention from researchers and, thus, understudied. Therefore, the master’s thesis explores the perceptions of professional football athletes and training staff regarding the use of EPTS in their everyday training and work. Furthermore, the master’s thesis research explores the benefits and challenges that professional football athletes and training staff experience when using EPTS in their everyday training and work. The master’s thesis study adopts the interpretive paradigm and qualitative ethnographic approach. The research data was collectedthrough direct observations in the field and semi-structured interviews from Greek professional football athletes and Greek training staff that use wearable EPTS in their everyday training and work and was analysed thematically. A theoretical framework, which is built upon relevant literature from the informatics field and along with the theory of sensemaking, is used to understand, interpret and discuss the research findings. The research outcome of the master’s thesis shows that communication is at the core of EPTS enabling football players and training staff to improve individual and team performance. Organizing of every day starts and ends with EPTS analysis and evaluation and better organized and daily evaluated football methodology appears as key benefit for the club. Coaches and trainers are now more data driven and accurate and analysts and trainers that conduct analysisof the data provided by EPTS are new members of the training staff. Evidence provided by EPTS build trust between staff and players and in the training staff. Visualization tools for presenting insights need to be further improved with the addition of in-field monitors and 3D presentations. Furthermore, it is important for training staff members to have ethical and consistent strategy on how data derived from EPTS are used on how data are communicated. The research complements previous research on personal informatics and adjusts them to elite team sport context and adds to the theory of sensemaking regarding how users make sense of PI tools that are related with their everyday routines at work. In addition, it offers football training staff members a model for efficient use of EPTS technology into the everyday football practices and a model of sustainable use aiming the overall improvement of team performance.
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Zpracování dat ze senzorů wearable zařízení pomocí strojového učení / Processing Sensor Data from a Wearable Device by Machine LearningHlavačka, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is to analyze the situation of wearable devices with the Android Wear operating system and recognition capabilities of various movement activities using neural networks. The primary focus is therefore on identifying and describing the most appropriate tool for recognizing dynamic movements using machine learning methods based on data obtained from this type of devices. The practical part of the thesis then comments on the implementation of a stand-alone Android Wear application capable of recording and formatting data from sensors, training the neural network in a designed external desktop tool, and then reusing trained neural network for motion recognition directly on the device.
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Aktivitetsarmbands och smartklockors inverkan på användares motivation, engagemang och upplevelse. : En tematisk analys.Bjärkeblad Karlsson, Julia, Blakstad, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Det har idag blivit alltmer populärt att spåra sin aktivitet i syfte att förbättra och förenkla sin vardag och sitt liv. Genom att använda olika verktyg kan människor idag ge produkter och tjänster tillgång till deras data för att spåra deras aktivitet. Ett sådant verktyg är aktivitetsarmbandet och smartklockan. Med dessa kan användare bland annat mäta puls, antal steg och få sms- och samtalsnotifikationer. Armbanden och klockorna samlar därmed in data kring användarnas hälsa och aktivitet och på så sätt kan de visa statistik för användarna för att ge dem information om hur mycket - eller hur lite - de till exempel rör sig under en dag. Denna studie har fokuserat på hur användare upplever användningen av dessa armband och klockor och hur dessa verktyg påverkar deras motivation. Tillvägagångssättet för studien har varit en dagboksstudie kombinerat med kompletterande intervjuer. Genom denna metod har olika teman kunnat identifieras utifrån svaren som dagböckerna och intervjuerna har gett. Dessa teman är: aktivitetsspårning, funktionalitet, personlig utveckling, feedback och uppkoppling. Resultatet har visat att deltagarna i studien upplever i stort sett en motivation av att använda armbanden och klockorna, på så sätt att de uppmuntras att ta fler steg när de ser svart på vitt hur många steg de hittills har tagit. Resultatet pekar även på ett större engagemang hos deltagarna att hålla en koll på deras motion och hälsa, vilket armbanden och klockorna möjliggör. / It has become popular today to track one’s activity in order to improve and simplify one’s everyday life and well being. By using different tools you can today give products and services access to your data for them to track your activity, be it your movement or your phone activity logs. By giving them access to such you can in turn get information for example about how much - or how little - you exercise during a day. This study has focused on how users experience wearables and smart watches and how these tools influence their motivation. Through a diary study and interviews we have identified five themes: activity tracking, functionality, personal development, feedback and connection. The result of this study has shown that most of the participants of the study experience motivation to use the wearables and watches, partly because they can clearly see how many steps they have taken and how many steps they have left to reach their goal. The result also shows a higher commitment among the participants to track their activity and their health, which the wearables and smart watches enable them to do.
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The Breathing Garment : Exploring Breathing-Based Interactions through Deep Touch PressureJung, Annkatrin January 2020 (has links)
Deep touch pressure is used to treat sensory processing difficulties by applying a firm touch to the body to stimulate the nervous system and soothe anxiety. I conducted a long-term exploration of deep touch pressure from a first-person perspective, using shape-changing pneumatic actuators, breathing and ECG sensors to investigate whether deep touch pressure can guide users to engage in semi-autonomous interactions with their breathing and encourage greater introspection and body awareness. Based on an initial collaborative material exploration, I designed the breathing garment- a wearable vest used to guide the wearer through deep breathing techniques. The breathing garment presents a new use case of deep touch pressure as a modality for hapticbreathing feedback, which showed potential in supporting interoceptive awareness and relaxation. It allowed me to engage in a dialogue with my body, serving as a constant reminder to turn inwards and attend to my somatic experience. By pushing my torso forward, the actuators were able to engage my entire body while responding to my breath, creating a sense of intimacy, of being safe and taken care of. This work addresses a gap in HCI research around deep touch pressure and biosensing technology concerning the subjective experience of their emotional and cognitive impact. The longterm, felt engagement with different breathing techniques opened up a rich design space around pressure-based actuation in the context of breathing. This rendered a number of experiential qualities and affordances of the shape-changing pneumatic actuators, such as: applying subtle, slowly changing pressure to draw attention to specific body parts, but also disrupting the habitual way of breathing with asynchronous and asymmetric actuation patterns; taking on a leading or following role in the interaction, at times both simultaneously; and acting as a comforting companion or as a communication channel between two people as well as between one person and their soma. / Djuptrycksterapi (Deep Touch Pressure, DTP) används för att behandla personer som har problem med att processa sensoriska upplevelser. Detta genom att applicera ett fast tryck på kroppen för att aktivera nervsystemet och lindra ångest. Jag genomförde en långtidsutforskning av DTP ur ett första-persons-perspektiv, med hjälp av formförändrande tryckluftsaktuatorer, andnings sensorer och EKG-elektroder. Dess syfte var att undersöka ifall DTP kan guida användare till att engageras i semiautonoma interaktioner med sin andning och främja en större introspektion och kroppsmedvetenhet. Baserat på ett initialt samarbete kring undersökning av olika material, designade jag “the breathing garment” - en bärbar väst som guidar användaren genom djupandningstekniker. Andningsvästen visar på en ny användning av DTP som en modalitet av haptisk andningsfeedback, och den möjliggör ett stödjande av interoceptisk medvetenhet och avslappning. Andningsvästen tillät mig att delta i en dialog med min egen kropp, och fungerade som en ständig påminnelse att vända mig inåt och uppmärksamma mina somatiska upplevelser. Genom att trycka min bröstkorg framåt kunde aktuatorerna engagera hela min kropp när de svarade mot min andning, vilket skapade en känsla av intimitet, trygghet och att vara omhändertagen. Detta examensarbete uppmärksammar ett område som tidigare varit outforskat inom HCI av djuptrycksterapi och biosensorteknik kring den subjektiva upplevelsen av dess emotionella och kognitiva påverkan. Det långvariga engagemanget med aktivt upplevande av olika andningstekniker öppnade upp en stor designrymd kring tryckbaserade aktuatorer i en kontext av andning. Det visar på ett flertal experimentella kvaliteter och affordances av de formförändrande tryckluftsaktuatorerna, såsom: att applicera ett gradvis ökande och markant tryck för att dra uppmärksamheten till specifika kroppsdelar, men också för att bryta det vanliga andningsmönstret genom asynkron och asymmetrisk mönsterpåverkan; att ta en ledande eller följande roll i interaktionen, ibland båda samtidigt; och att agera som en tröstande följeslagare, eller som en kommunikationskanal mellan två människor, likväl som mellan en person och hennes soma.
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