Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wolfgang ser"" "subject:"wolfgang user""
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\'Le voyage d\'hiver\' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e potencialidade, leitura como potencialidade / \'Le Voyage d\'hiver\' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e potencialidade, leitura como potencialidadeMurad, Samira 11 June 2007 (has links)
Um dos últimos textos a ser publicado em vida pelo autor, Le Voyage d\'hiver, de Georges Perec, teve um destino diverso no âmbito da crítica literária perecquiana e do OuLiPo. Essa disparidade de tratamento parece estar vinculada ao tipo de análise que o papel do leitor suscitou na crítica até então. O objetivo dessa dissertação é realizar uma análise alternativa deste papel de modo a explicar a diferença apontada. Tentando evitar as aporias que a crítica perecquiana enfrenta na compreensão da obra do autor, esta dissertação traz também a análise de alguns aspectos do manuscrito preparatório de Le Voyage d\'hiver. / Le voyage d\'hiver - one of the last texts to be written and published by Georges Perec- has drawn different levels of attention to itself. Not having been frequently analysed by the critics, it has been used by the literary group known as the OuLiPo as a springboard for the production of a series of texts that repeated and expanded the themes dealt in Perec\'s text. This difference of approach seems to be related to the way the role of the reader is viewed by the critics. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to propose an alternative approach to the study of the role of the reader in Le Voyage d\'hiver. Moreover, in order to deal with some of the problems that the critics face when studying the work of Georges Perec, this dissertation analyses certain aspects of the Le Voyage d\'hiver manuscript.
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\'Le voyage d\'hiver\' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e potencialidade, leitura como potencialidade / \'Le Voyage d\'hiver\' de Georges Perec ou a máquina de contar histórias: leitura e potencialidade, leitura como potencialidadeSamira Murad 11 June 2007 (has links)
Um dos últimos textos a ser publicado em vida pelo autor, Le Voyage d\'hiver, de Georges Perec, teve um destino diverso no âmbito da crítica literária perecquiana e do OuLiPo. Essa disparidade de tratamento parece estar vinculada ao tipo de análise que o papel do leitor suscitou na crítica até então. O objetivo dessa dissertação é realizar uma análise alternativa deste papel de modo a explicar a diferença apontada. Tentando evitar as aporias que a crítica perecquiana enfrenta na compreensão da obra do autor, esta dissertação traz também a análise de alguns aspectos do manuscrito preparatório de Le Voyage d\'hiver. / Le voyage d\'hiver - one of the last texts to be written and published by Georges Perec- has drawn different levels of attention to itself. Not having been frequently analysed by the critics, it has been used by the literary group known as the OuLiPo as a springboard for the production of a series of texts that repeated and expanded the themes dealt in Perec\'s text. This difference of approach seems to be related to the way the role of the reader is viewed by the critics. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to propose an alternative approach to the study of the role of the reader in Le Voyage d\'hiver. Moreover, in order to deal with some of the problems that the critics face when studying the work of Georges Perec, this dissertation analyses certain aspects of the Le Voyage d\'hiver manuscript.
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LehrstellenFischer, Tom 02 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Fabelbuch von 1759 verfolgt in seiner Programmatik das Ziel der Befähigung der Leserin/des Lesers zum eigenständigen Denken. Es geht nicht mehr, wie in früheren Fabelsammlungen, um die Belehrung durch moralische Lehrsätze, sondern um das kritische Selbstdenken. Dieser leserorientierte Ansatz, der individuelle Interpretationen und lerseitige geistige Aktivität fordert, findet sich auch in Wolfgang Isers Untersuchungen. Iser geht davon aus, dass der Sinn eines Textes in jedem Rezeptionsvorgang neu hergestellt werden muss. Charakteristischer Untersuchungsgegenstand seiner Theorie sind die so genannten Leerstellen, die durch die/den Leser*in gefüllt werden müssen. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Typen von Leerstellen in Lessings Fabelbuch identifiziert und einzelne Fabeln exemplarisch interpretiert.
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Lehrstellen: Ein rezeptionsästhetischer Ansatz zur Interpretation der Fabeln LessingsFischer, Tom 25 April 2017 (has links)
Gotthold Ephraim Lessings Fabelbuch von 1759 verfolgt in seiner Programmatik das Ziel der Befähigung der Leserin/des Lesers zum eigenständigen Denken. Es geht nicht mehr, wie in früheren Fabelsammlungen, um die Belehrung durch moralische Lehrsätze, sondern um das kritische Selbstdenken. Dieser leserorientierte Ansatz, der individuelle Interpretationen und lerseitige geistige Aktivität fordert, findet sich auch in Wolfgang Isers Untersuchungen. Iser geht davon aus, dass der Sinn eines Textes in jedem Rezeptionsvorgang neu hergestellt werden muss. Charakteristischer Untersuchungsgegenstand seiner Theorie sind die so genannten Leerstellen, die durch die/den Leser*in gefüllt werden müssen. In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Typen von Leerstellen in Lessings Fabelbuch identifiziert und einzelne Fabeln exemplarisch interpretiert.
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Locked Rooms and Interpreting Readers: The Role of Embedded Texts in the Locked-Room Mysteries of Poe, Leroux, and ChristieStoermer, Carolyn E. 15 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Läsarens interaktion med texten : en studie av hur läsarens uppfattning av texten påverkar meningsskapandet i absurdistisk dramatikSmith, Sofie January 2012 (has links)
This essay examines how the meaning of an absurd play may be affected by how the reader understands the text. To address this problem I have turned to Wolfgang Isers theory of reception. Primarily I have taken on that the creation of meaning comes about when the reader fills in blanks in the text. I have also used Martin Esslins work on the theater of the absurd. I have mainly studied his research on Harold Pinter. Based on these two theories I have suggested a interpretation model that focuses on the interaction between reader and text. The interpretation model contains how the reader analyses blanks through observing the wandering view alternatively understanding the implied reader. The interpretation model also discusses how the reader can fill in blanks by using the relationship between character and environment, the final junction, turning points and uncertainties. I tested this interpretation model on Harold Pinters play A kind of Alaska. In my ideation of the play I realized it was about the loneliness of ageing and changing. I used these results to evaluate the usefulness of the interpretation model. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur läsarens uppfattning av en absurdistisk pjäs påverkar dess betydelse. För att angripa det här problemet har jag dels vänt mig till Wolfgang Isers receptions teori. Jag har främst tagit fasta på hur meningskapande sker när läsaren fyller i luckor i texten. Jag har även vänt mig till Martin Esslins forskning om den absurdistiska teatern. Där har jag främst studerat hans undersökning av Harold Pinters dramatik. Utifrån dess två teoretiska ingångar la jag fram ett förslag till en tolkningsmodell som utgår från läsarens interaktion med texten. Tolkningsmodellen innehåller bland annat hur man kan analysera luckor utifrån läsarens rörliga perspektiv alternativt utifrån en underförstådd läsare. Tolkningsmodellen tar också upp hur läsaren kan fylla i luckor genom att använda sig av karaktärens relation till rummet, knutpunkter, vändpunkter och osäkerheter. Jag har testat tolkningsmodellen på Harold Pinters pjäs A kind of Alaska. I min ideation av pjäsen kom jag fram till att den handlade om ensamheten i åldrande och förändring. Jag använde resultatet av analysen för att utvärdera tolkningsmodellens användbarhet.
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Η αλληλεπίδραση κειμένου-αναγνώστη στα εφηβικά μυθιστορήματα του Βασίλη Παπαθεοδώρου υπό το πρίσμα της θεωρίας της αισθητικής ανταπόκρισης του W. IserΠούλιου, Παναγιώτα 30 December 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία επικεντρώνει το ενδιαφέρον της στη μελέτη του φαινομένου της αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ κειμένου-αναγνώστη υπό το φως της θεωρίας της Αισθητικής Ανταπόκρισης του Wolfgang Iser. Στο πλαίσιο της εργασίας καταβάλλεται μια προσπάθεια ανάδειξης των θεωρητικών αρχών του Iser, προκειμένου να προβληθεί η δυναμική τους και να ελεγχθεί ο βαθμός αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ κειμένου και αναγνώστη στα εφηβικά μυθιστορήματα του Βασίλη Παπαθεοδώρου που επιλέχθηκαν για την εφαρμογή της θεωρίας της Αισθητικής Ανταπόκρισης. Η εργασία χωρίζεται σε δύο μέρη. Στο πρώτο μέρος εκτίθεται η προβληματική της έρευνας, οι στόχοι, οι περιορισμοί του υλικού της μελέτης, η μέθοδος που ακολουθείται και οι επιρροές που δέχτηκε ο Iser για τη διαμόρφωση του θεωρητικού του μοντέλου. Στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζεται διεξοδικά η θεωρία της Αισθητικής Ανταπόκρισης του Iser, με έμφαση στους άξονες που τη διαρθρώνουν – δηλαδή: υπονοούμενος αναγνώστης, λογοτεχνικό ρεπερτόριο, λογοτεχνικές στρατηγικές – αλλά και στην έννοια της διάδρασης που συνιστά τον πυρήνα της. Στο δεύτερο μέρος της εργασίας παρουσιάζονται τα ευρήματα από την εφαρμογή της θεωρίας στα επιλεγμένα μυθιστορήματα και εξετάζεται, σύμφωνα με τους άξονες της θεωρίας του Iser, η επικοινωνία κειμένου-
αναγνώστη κατά τη διάρκεια της λογοτεχνικής διαδικασίας. Στο τέλος της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας συνοψίζονται τα συμπεράσματα από την εφαρμογή του θεωρητικού μοντέλου του Iser. / The present thesis focuses on the study of the phenomenon of 'interaction' between the text and the reader in the light of Wolfgang Iser's Theory of Aesthetic Response. An effort has been made to showcase the theoretical principles of Iser in order to highlight its dynamics, and examine the degree of 'interaction' between the text and the reader in the teenage novels of Vasilis Papatheodorou, which have been selected to apply the Theory of Aesthetic Response. The thesis consists of two parts; The first part analyzes research problems, objectives, limitations of the study, the used methodology and the influence that Iser had in order to form his theoretical model. Then Iser's Theory of Aesthetic Response is thoroughly presented focusing on its structuring axes such as the 'implied reader', 'literary repertoire', and 'literary strategies', as well as the 'interaction' which constitutes its core. In the second part of the thesis, the findings of the application of the Theory in the selected novels are presented, and the communication which develops between the text and the reader during the reading process is examined according to the main axes of Iser's Theory. Finally, the conclusions that are obtained from the study are stated in the last chapter.
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The Fear of Mrs. Bates : The Use of Psychoanalytical Aspects, Anticipation and Retrospection in Robert Bloch’s PsychoSpolander, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
This essay focuses on psychoanalytical notions in Robert Bloch’s novel Psycho. The theoretical framework is based on Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. Slavoj Žižek’s idea that the house serves as a symbol of Freud’s concept of the Super-Ego, Ego and Id is presented and further developed. Moreover, it is exemplified how the idea of repression as a defense mechanism can be traced in the novel. It is then explained that repression is used as a tool for making the reader feel sympathy for Norman Bates. In addition, Wolfgang Iser’s reception theory is used to explain how Bloch uses gaps and pre-intentions in order to create anticipation and retrospection in the reader to produce suspense and horror. The intention is to prove that the attention to the psychological issues is what makes the monster of the novel more sympathetic and recognizable to us as readers. Thus, the result is that we position ourselves closer to the monster, which leaves us wondering if we could, due to our shared psychology, be monsters as well.
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The Controversy of Snape : A transactional reader response analysis of Severus Snape and why he divides readers of the Harry Potter book seriesÖstberg, Emma January 2020 (has links)
How can a character from a children’s book become so divisive that he causes arguments amongst adults? This essay uses transactional reader response theory to explain the reason why the character Severus Snape from the Harry Potter book series by J.K. Rowling is so controversial. Applying notions from reader response theorists such as Rosenblatt and Iser together with earlier research on Snape will show how the reader’s opinion is affected by both the text itself and their own personal experience. A poll was created and posted on Facebook with over a thousand replies. This data is analysed and used to apply the theory on real examples. The conclusion of the essay is that Snape is both good and bad. He acts heroically but is also vindictive and petty. Snape is perhaps the most human of all Rowling’s characters and each reader recognises a little of themselves in him that they can relate to. Because of ongoing arguments regarding Snape readers have to constantly defend their opinion. As the opinion is re-evaluated it is also strengthened each time readers reconsider the story of Snape and, like Snape himself once asked Professor Quirrell to do, decide where their loyalties lie.
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C.G. Jung och Leo Perdue om Jobs bok : En jämförande receptionsstudieJohansson, Marie January 2020 (has links)
This study in Old Testament exegesis is focused on two interpretations of three central passages in the book of Job, by C.G. Jung in Answer to Job (1952) and Leo Perdue in Wisdom in Revolt – Metaphorical Theology in the Book of Job (1991). The study examines the questions addressed to the book of Job by Jung and Perdue respectively, and the expectations that are imbedded in their readings. The concepts of "horizon of expectation" and "gaps" from Reception theory are central to the interpretation. More particularly, the study examines the interpretations by Jung and Perdue of two passages in the book of Job where there is a verbal confrontation between Job and God, and the very last sequence of the book, the epilogue. These scenes also represent what W. Iser calls "gaps" (Leerstellen) in the narration, ambiguous passages, designed to activate the reader’s participation in the interpretation of a text. In the study, the horizon of expectations of Jung and Perdue respectively, is outlined and compared. The results show that, while the theologian Perdue is interested in the psychological aspects of Job’s process in relation to God, Jung, the psychologist, paradoxically is focused on the theological question of God’s character and being. The study’s point of outlook is that in each interpretation of a text, the reader’s horizon of expectation is embedded. When it comes to Bible commentary, layers of historical contexts and theological tradition shape the interpretative work. Nevertheless, each reader also confronts the text anew while reading, within the frames of his own experiences and expectations.
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