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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Topic Retrospection with Storyline-based Summarization on News Reports

Liang, Chia-Hao 18 July 2005 (has links)
The electronics newspaper becomes a main source for online news readers. When facing the numerous stories, news readers need some supports in order to review a topic in short time. Due to previous researches in TDT (Topic Detection and Tracking) only considering how to identify events and present the results with news titles and keywords, a summarized text to present event evolution is necessary for general news readers to retrospect events under a news topic. This thesis proposes a topic retrospection process and implements the SToRe system that identifies various events under a new topic and constructs the relationship to compose a summary which gives readers the sketch of event evolution in a topic. It consists of three main functions: event identification, main storyline construction and storyline-based summarization. The constructed main storyline can remove the irrelevant events and present a main theme. The summarization extracts the representative sentences and takes the main theme as the template to compose summary. The summarization not only provides enough information to comprehend the development of a topic, but also can be an index to help readers to find more detailed information. A lab experiment is conducted to evaluate the SToRe system in the question-and-answer (Q&A) setting. From the experimental results, the SToRe system can help news readers more effectively and efficiently to capture the development of a topic.

The latent causes of rework in floating production storage and offloading projects

Love, P.E.D., Edwards, D.J., Irani, Zahir, Forcada, N. 06 September 2014 (has links)
No / There is growing demand for cost effective and reliable floating production systems to maximize marginal and new deepwater fields worldwide. Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessels are considered to be the most economical and viable options to meet this demand. Yet, FPSO projects are prone to significant cost and schedule growth. On average, FPSOs have been reported to experience a 20% cost growth and are delayed by six months. Overruns and delays represent uncertainties for owners, contractors and financial institutions. In-depth interviews with twenty-three practitioners about their experiences with FPSO projects revealed that rework arising from design and construction errors were major contributors to cost and schedule growth. Key latent conditions contributing to rework are classified according to people, organization and project. Using retrospective sensemaking an examination of the determinant histories in a new build and conversion FPSO that experienced rework was undertaken. The sharing of experience(s) is deemed pivotal for reducing rework in future projects, particularly through the use of communities of practice that are able to stimulate situated learning to take place. A reduction in rework will not only reduce cost and schedule growth, improve operational performance and augment safety.

Making Sense of Rework Causation in Offshore Hydrocarbon projects

Love, P.E.D., Ackerman, F., Smith, J., Irani, Zahir, Edwards, D.J. January 2016 (has links)
No / Retrospective sensemaking is used to determine how and why rework in offshore hydrocarbon projects occurred. Staff from organizations operating at the blunt end (e.g., clients/design engineers providing finance and information) and those at the sharp end (e.g., contractors at the “coalface”) of a project's supply chain were interviewed to make sense of the rework that occurred. The analysis identified the need for managers to de-emphasize an environment that prioritizes production over other considerations and instead systematically examine mechanisms and factors that shape people's performance. Limitations of the research and the implications for managerial practice are also identified.

In/retrospection : an interactive audiovisual composition for ten-piece orchestra, electronically manipulated audio, and video

Blue, Kevin J. 03 June 2011 (has links)
In/Retrospection is an audiovisual composition employing audio and video in an interactive form, written for a ten-piece orchestra, electronically generated audio, and video that interact with each other in a variety of ways. Not only is the use of overall interaction employed, but each element of the composition is given its own space to develop and take its place in the forefront of the listeners/viewers focus, thus shifting attention to various aspects of the composition. In this way, the composition is neither a video with accompanying audio or audio with accompanying video, but a combination of both forms. On top of this, the electroacoustic portion of the piece, employing both traditional orchestral instruments as well as electronically manipulated sounds and music, adds yet another level of interaction and attention-shifting mechanics to the composition. The constant shifting of the listener's/viewer's focus is the fundamental idea explored in In/Retrospection. / School of Music

Vaižganto "Laiškai Klimams": laiškai, dienoraštis ar autobiografija? / Vaižgantas „Letters to the family of Klimas“: letters, diary or autobiography?

Rutkauskaitė, Giedrė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šio darbo tema suformuluota probleminiu klausimu: Vaižganto „Laiškai Klimams“: laiškai, dienoraštis ar autobiografija? Darbo tyrimo objektu neatsitiktinai pasirinkti „Laiškai Klimams“, nes, autorės nuomone, laiškų tekstai geriau nei bet kuris grožinės literatūros kūrinys reprezentuoja Vaižganto asmenybę. Viena iš darbo rašymo priežasčių yra noras giliau ir visapusiškiau pažinti ir atskleisti Vaižganto, o tiksliau Juozo Tumo, asmenybę, akcentuojant jo žmogiškuosius bruožus. Antra, bene svarbiausia priežastis, tai noras parodyti, kad Vaižganto asmenybė verta dėmesio, kad ne veltui apie jį taip entuziastingai kalbėjo amžininkai, todėl negalima susitaikyti su tuo, kad Vaižgantas yra išbrauktas i�� mokyklinių programų, kad jo asmenybė ir kūryba pristatoma tik kaip pasirenkama tema. Atviras klausimas, kas yra Vaižganto „Laiškai Klimams“: laiškai, dienoraštis ar autobiografija, yra siejamoji darbo gija. Aišku viena, kad šių laiškų tekstai sunkiai įspraudžiami į žanrines ribas. Prasminis matmuo teikia jiems žanrinį neapibrėžtum��, dėl šios priežasties nustatyti laiško, dienoraščio ar autobiografijos ribas yra praktiškai neįmanoma. Dienoraštinis ir autobiografinis žiūros būdai leidžia atskleisti Vaižganto asmenybės modernumą. „Laiškų Klimams“ tekstai parankūs dar ir tuo, kad juose išryškėja plati rašytojo visuomeninė, kultūrinė, politinė veikla. Pagrindinis dėmesys laiškų tekstuose krypsta į komunikacinį momentą. Išryškėja bendravimo būtinybe persmelktas rašytojo gyvenimas. / Theme of the present paper work is formulated in problematic question: „Letters to the family of Klimas“ written by Vaižgantas – letters, diary or autobiography? As subject of research not incidentally is chosen the piece „Letters to the family of Klimas“, as, in opinion of the author, texts of these letters better than any work of imaginative literature represent personality of Vaižgantas. One of the reasons of writing this paper work is desire to cognize and reveal personality of Vaižgantas, and to be precise, Juozas Tumas – Vaižgantas, more profoundly and comprehensively by emphasizing his human features. Second and maybe the main reason is a desire to show that personality of Vaižgantas is worthy of regard, and not in vain hope contemporaries talked about him so enthusiastically, therefore, the facts that Vaižgantas is excluded from the school programs and his personality as well as his oeuvre is presented only as optional theme can not be accepted. Open question what is the piece „Letters to the family of Klimas“: letters, diary ar autobiography, is a binding thread of the work. One thing that the texts of these letters are being hardly squeezed in the genre margins is clear. Notional dimension gives to them genre uncertainty, and because of such reason to determine margins of the letter, diary or autobiography is practically not possible. Diary and autobiographical viewing manners enable to reveal modernity of Vaižgantas personality. Texts of the „Letters to the family... [to full text]

Findings through fragmentation

Ekberg, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Findings through fragmentation Architecture is an obvious remnant of our collective past and gives us a fragment of a former life and a different time. This unique relationship between what’s new and old is a very powerful spatial opportunity. If memory is defined as ‘The faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information’ then the role of architecture comes to play is the prop for our collective and individual memories where it represents past events and people.  If we look closely at the definition of a fragment without it's context it will be read as ‘incomplete’ and subordinate to the completed it is extracted from. Architectural fragments have a power of resisting such expected unity and can be read into an alternative whole of none. By fragmenting industrial buildings that is going to b demolished, representing a time and a group of people in Lövholmen/Stockholm, I wish to embody memory and recall spaces that will be forever lost. / Rummet mellan det som är och det som har varit Arkitektur representerar vår historia och det kollektiva minnet.  Att minnas definieras som ‘förmågan att lagra erfarenheter och göra det möjligt att känna igen och lära’. Minnen placerar oss i förhållande till tid och rum vilket gör att platser och arkitektur kommer att spela en stor roll som bärare av vår kollektiva historia. Byggnader som bär spår av tid där de har varit grunden i en annan kontext kan utgöra ett unikt möte mellan det rum som existerar och det som har varit.  När vårt medvetna väljer ut och sorterar bland minnen fragmenteras det som vi upplevt och bara vissa delar finns kvar. Fragment kan definieras som en pusselbit som tillhört en helhet och blivit en spillra. Styrkan i arkitektonisk fragment är att de kan läsas på nya sätt efter att det isolerats från en helhet och antingen läsas in i en ny kontext eller ingen. Genom att fragmentera byggnader som representerar en specifik tid och grupp av människor som har använt dom vill jag förkroppsliga dessa rumsliga minnen innan de för alltid går förlorade.

Exploring Calvin and Hobbes: Comic Strip Illuminates Issues Surrounding Family Recreation

Draper, Christijan D. 14 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to inductively examine the content of the popular comic strip Calvin and Hobbes by analyzing its latent and subjective meaning to discover basic social psychological issues associated with family recreation. The entire collection of 1,360 Calvin and Hobbes strips was evaluated using Grounded Theory techniques influenced by the art scholarship evaluation tool iconography. Review of the strip suggests one way to assess the meaning associated with time use is through preemptive retrospection by which a person looks at current experiences through the lens of an anticipated future to estimate how meaningful that time will be. Overall, Calvin and Hobbes suggests that meaningful time use is a key attribute of a life well lived. One key element of meaningful time use is time spent with family. The strip also helps us see the value in continuing to seek that meaning with family despite apparent setbacks. This analysis brought to light issues associated with gathering meaning from comic strips, which are also discussed. Recommendations are made for future research in the field.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Jean-Luc Nancy: A Shared Concern about Retrospection at the Art Museum

Dargaj, Matthew Richard 18 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Déployer sa compétence bilingue lors de l'apprentissage scolaire d'une troisième langue : le cas du français en Irlande / Exploiting bilingual competence when aqcuiring and using a new foreign language : learning french as a third language in ireland

Markey, Michael 23 November 2012 (has links)
Nous construisons dans ce travail de thèse une réflexion autour de la façon dont l’apprenant mobilise son expérience avec une deuxième langue lors de l’apprentissage scolaire d’une nouvelle langue et lors du déploiement de ses compétences dans cette nouvelle langue. A ce titre, nous examinons la façon dont différents élèves en Irlande, s’appropriant l’irlandais à l’école comme deuxième langue ou en immersion, s’appuient sur cette expérience avec l’irlandais lors de l’apprentissage du français et lorsqu’ils déploient leurs compétences en français. Nous proposons d’abord une analyse sociolinguistique de l’appropriation de l’irlandais, pour ensuite étudier l’incidence chez les élèves de leur expérience avec l’irlandais lorsqu’ils abordent une nouvelle langue à l’école. En mobilisant différents apports théoriques autour de la notion de compétence bilingue, nous examinons la façon dont les élèves s'appuient sur leur représentations des langues et de leur appropriation lorsqu'ils abordent l'apprentissage du français, ainsi que la façon dont ils déploient leurs compétences en langues, notamment lors de la lecture d'un texte écrit en irlandais et en français. Nous interrogeons ensuite les liens entre représentations et déploiement de compétences, pour enfin proposer une synthèse portant sur la transformation de l’atout bilingue en potentiel atout plurilingue. / This thesis explores various ways in which prior language learning experience is harnessed when acquiring and using a new foreign language. We specifically study how pupils in Ireland exploit their experience of the Irish language in the course of learning and using French at secondary school. After outlining a sociolinguistic analysis of the Irish language in Ireland, we focus on learning Irish as a second language, both through formal instruction and immersion programmes. Our theoretical framework is constructed around the notion of bilingual competence and its deployment in subsequent language learning. We then present the methodology used to ascertain how the pupils being studied report their representations of languages and language learning when acquiring a new language as well as the links between the deployment of competency in second and third language learning. We focus on the links between language and language-learning representations, and the deployment of different language competences, before concluding by reflecting upon ways in which the ‘bilingual advantage’ can be transformed into a ‘pluri-’ or ‘multi’-lingual advantage.

The Fear of Mrs. Bates : The Use of Psychoanalytical Aspects, Anticipation and Retrospection in Robert Bloch’s Psycho

Spolander, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
This essay focuses on psychoanalytical notions in Robert Bloch’s novel Psycho. The theoretical framework is based on Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis. Slavoj Žižek’s idea that the house serves as a symbol of Freud’s concept of the Super-Ego, Ego and Id is presented and further developed. Moreover, it is exemplified how the idea of repression as a defense mechanism can be traced in the novel. It is then explained that repression is used as a tool for making the reader feel sympathy for Norman Bates. In addition, Wolfgang Iser’s reception theory is used to explain how Bloch uses gaps and pre-intentions in order to create anticipation and retrospection in the reader to produce suspense and horror. The intention is to prove that the attention to the psychological issues is what makes the monster of the novel more sympathetic and recognizable to us as readers. Thus, the result is that we position ourselves closer to the monster, which leaves us wondering if we could, due to our shared psychology, be monsters as well.

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