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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vi var kvinnor som hjälpte kvinnor" : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsfördelningen och volontärers roll inom ideella kvinnojourer / “We were women who helped women” : A qualitative study about the division of work and volunteer’s role within women-shelters

Svedberg, Emelie, Kelmendi, Marigona January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att genom sex kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka hur arbetsfördelningen ser ut inom kvinnojourer och vilken roll som volontärerna erhåller i verksamheterna. Vi ville även se vilken inställning till ideellt arbete som uttrycktes inom kvinnojourer samt se vilken betydelse som kvinnojourerna har i samhället kopplat till myndigheter och organisationer. Genom tiderna har kvinnorörelsen bidragit till den utvecklingen inom mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer vi ser idag. Det har gått från att kvinnor uppmärksammat problematiken, ställt upp för sina medmänniskor och varit en stöttande individ, till att det utvecklats kvinnojourer. Samhället har genom uppmärksammandet fått en större förståelse till problematiken och har därför tagit över ansvaret. Idag finns det fortsatt många som arbetar ideellt inom kvinnojourer och som vill vara en god medmänniska genom att hjälpa dessa utsatta kvinnor på sin fria tid. Vårt resultat- och analysdel visade att synen på volontärerna inom kvinnojourerna är delad men att den ändå är övervägande positiv. Inom kvinnojourer sägs det av respondenterna att det inte finns några gränser mellan vad volontärer får och inte får göra, men genom vårt empiriska material kunde vi se att det fanns en osynlig gräns. Denna osynliga gräns uppkommer då volontärer per automatik inte utför arbetsuppgifter som till exempel att sköta kontakten mellan myndigheter, då det har blivit en av de anställdas arbetsuppgifter. Somliga av respondenterna påpekade även att sådana arbetsuppgifter inte kunde ske på grund av brist på utbildning, erfarenhet samt lämplighet som volontärerna saknade. En annan tydlig punkt inom detta avsnitt var att kvinnojourerna allt mer och mer går efter krav som ställs från Socialtjänsten, exempelvis dokumentation. Slutligen visade vårt resultat- och analysdel att det största hindret inom kvinnojourernas verksamhet är myndigheterna, eftersom de tar beslut som kvinnojourerna kan se som tvivelaktiga. Kvinnojourerna menar att de inte ser helheten som personalen på jourerna gör, utan de ser endast delar av det. Slutligen har vi en diskussion kring hela vårt arbete, där vi även diskuterar studiens styrkor och svagheter men också ger förslag till vidare forskning. / The aim for this study has been to explore through six qualitative interviews how division of work looks among workers and volunteers in women-shelters. And also, to address the topic of the attitude against nonprofit work in women-shelters. Ant last to look into what importance the women-shelters has in society linked with the authorities and other organizations linked with the particular area. A change has occurred through time, domestic violence has gone from a private matter within the family to an acknowledge social problem in the community because of the woman movement and their care for their fellow women in society. Through the attentiveness society has gained a larger understanding for the complex of the problem and has taken over the responsibility for battered woman. Even though there has been a change in woman shelters with more professional workers rather than volunteers, the nonprofit work has not yet gone out of time. Our results and analytic part show that the view of volunteer’s within women-shelters are divided but mainly the view is positive. The respondents don’t say openly that there are boundaries that tells the volunteers what they can and can’t do within the women’s-shelter. Although we could see in our empiric material that an invisible boundary does exist. The invisible line occurs when volunteers by automatic doesn’t exercise the same tasks as works by example contact authorities, thus that is a tasked carried out by workers. It was pointed out by some of the workers that those types of tasks could be performed by volunteers due their lack of education, experience and adequacy. Another clear matter in the results and analytic part was that women-shelters in higher extent match the criteria that comes from the social services by example the need for documentation. Furthermore, the results and analytic part shows that the biggest difficulties for the women-shelter organizations are the authorities. Primarily by reason of some om the decisions that can be seen as questionable. The womenshelters mean that the social services don’t see the whole picture but only a part of it. Finally, we have a discussion who discuss our entire study in whole where we also meditate the study’s strengths and weaknesses. We also give suggestions for further research options.

”Jag kan inte göra mitt jobb som i vanliga fall, det gör ju ont i hjärtat någonstans” : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourers upplevelser av att arbeta, bemöta och kommunicera med våldsutsatta kvinnor under Covid-19. / "I can’t do my job as usual, it hurts somewhere in the heart" : A qualitative study about women’s shelter representatives and their experiences of working, treat and communicate with abused women during the Covid-19.

Winblad, Siri, Gran, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
I denna studie har nio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ studie med yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourer runt om i Sverige. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourer har upplevt det att arbeta på en kvinnojour samt hur deras bemötande och kommunikation gentemot våldsutsatta kvinnor har påverkats under tiden för pandemin. Resultatet har analyserat med hjälp av tidigare forskning, Lipskys teorier om gräsrotsbyråkrati och handlingsutrymme samt utifrån begreppen bemötande och kommunikation. Med en tematisk analys visar resultatet på att de yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourerna har fått göra omprioriteringar i sina arbetsuppgifter i samband med de implementerade restriktioner och rekommendationer på arbetsplatsen som smittspridningen av Covid-19 har medfört.  De har även bidragit till att en del kvinnojourer har fått en hög arbetsbelastning som lett till en sliten personal. Vidare framkommer det i resultatet att opinionsbildning och föreläsningar som är en viktig del i deras arbete, inte har kunnat bedrivas såsom önskat under pandemin. Resultatet visade även på att yrkesverksamma på kvinnojourer inte har sett en ökning av stödsökande kvinnor under Covid-19, vilket de tror sig kommer att se efter pandemins slut. / In this study, nine semi-structured interviews were conducted based on a qualitative study with ten various women’s shelters representatives around Sweden. The aim of the study was to investigate how representatives in women's shelters have experienced working in a women's shelter and how their treatment and communication towards abused women has been affected during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results have been analyzed with the help of previous research, Lipsky's theories of street-level bureaucracy and discretion and the concepts of treatment and communication. Using a thematic analysis, the results show that the representatives at the women's shelters have had to re-prioritize their work tasks because of the implemented restrictions and recommendations in the workplace that the spread of Covid-19 has entailed. They have also contributed to several women's shelters having a high workload, which has led to a worn-down staff. Furthermore, the results show that opinion formation and lectures, which is an important part of their work, have not been able to be conducted as desired during the pandemic. The results also showed that the representatives at the women's shelters have not seen an increase in women seeking support during Covid-19. They do however believe that they will see it when the pandemic has come to an end.

Handlingsutrymmets betydelse i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor med ett missbruk : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas handlingsutrymme i arbetet med att tillhandahålla stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor med ett missbruk inom kvinnojoursverksamhet / The importance of professional discretion in providing support to women who are victims of violence and substance abuse

Ekhem, Agnes, Alnemo Hesselgård, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a recognized and widely discussed social problem  that affects women in a global perspective. One group that is considered to be particularly vulnerable are women who have been subjected to violence and also struggle with addiction. There are relatively few studies that have been conducted in this field, especially on how women's shelters work with these women. This essay aims to increase knowledge about the professional discretion in providing support to women who have been subjected to violence and struggle with addiction within women's shelters. We chose to analyze the data by using Lipsky's theory of Street-Level Bureaucracy, where we focused on the professionals' discretion. The empirical material consisted of semi-structured interviews with eight professionals from various women's shelters. The results show that the professional's discretion is influenced by individual factors in the form of their own attitudes towards the women and their view of the assignment. The results also show that organizational factors such as the board's interests, financial resources and competence, affects the professional's discretion.

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