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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ledares upplevda stressnivå och sambanden mellan deras hälsa, arbetstillfredsställelse och stresshanteringsmetoder. / Leaders perceived stress level and the connections between their health, work satisfaction and coping strategies.

Lind, Ida, Eriksson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
En enkätundersökning utfördes på ledare inom olika företag i Örebro och Tranås. Syftet var att jämföra ledares upplevda stressnivå på små, mellanstora och stora företag, samt att undersöka deras stresshanteringsförmåga, hälsa och arbetstillfredsställelse. Enkäten bestod av 117 frågor som mätte olika stressförhållanden som t.ex. kvantitativ överstimulering, rolloklarhet och ledarskap. Vidare mätte enkäten mental och fysisk hälsa, stresshanteringsmetoder, individegenskaper och arbetstillfredsställelse. Ingen signifikant gruppskillnad fanns gällande ledarnas upplevda stressnivå beroende på om de arbetade på ett litet, mellanstort eller stort företag. Ledarna hade en låg upplevd stressnivå, god fysik och mental hälsa och trivdes med sin arbetssituation. Respondenterna använde sig av konstruktiva stresshanteringsmetoder så som förnuftsorientering och uppgiftsorientering. Svagt ledarskap var den faktor som starkast korrelerade med upplevd stressnivå och arbetstillfredsställelse. / A survey was done on leaders in different companies in Örebro and Tranås. The purpose was to compare leaders perceived stress level i small, medium and large companies, and to examine their coping strategies, health and work satisfaction. The survey consists of 117 questions which measured different stress conditions like quantitative over stimulation, roll ambiguty and leadership. Further on the survey measured mental and physical health, coping strategies, individual characteristics and work satisfaction. No significant groupe difference was found for the leaders perceived stress level depending if they worked in a small, medium or large company. The leaders had a low perceived stress level, good physical and mental health and were satisfied with theire work situation. The respondents used constructive coping methods like rational orientation and task orientation. A powerless leadership was the factor that had the strongest correlation with perceived stress level and work satisfaction.

Sjuksköterskans arbetstillfredsställelse och psykosociala arbetsmiljö inom psykiatrisk vård / The Nurse Work Satisfaction and Psychosocial Work Environmentwithin Psychiatric Care

Andersson, Gun-Marie, Oreland, Helena January 2009 (has links)
To enjoy work, and be satisfied in the work you do, is important to most people. Work scientific research shows that dissatisfaction with physical or the psychosocial work environment often gives negative effects on the performed work. The purpose of our study is to chart the experience in work satisfaction and psychosocial work environment amongst nurses within psychiatric care. It is an empiric cross section study. The participants in the study contains nurses who are either employed on a conditional tenure or have a temporary post (>3 months) in policlinics and wards in general adult psychiatric care (n=126). In the study a PAK/AK questionnaire (psychosocial work environment/ work satisfaction-survey) was used. The form includes 49 questions which were analyzed in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  The outcome shows that there is a considerable dissatisfaction with salary, advantages, and possibilities for personal development. Nurses who work in policlinics are more satisfied compared to nurses who work in wards. They feel that they have possibilities to decide how the work should be performed, possibilities to learn new things and they feel that they have support from the employer when it comes to education. Almost everyone thinks that it is important to use their capacity and competence in their work. The participants are relatively satisfied with the work climate created by the employer.  The most negative answer as to workload is about the psychological strain, which is to be tired and exhausted after work, and stress. The frequency of psychosomatic pain is low, but the work described as difficult in a mental aspect. The study shows no connection between how work satisfaction can affect the nursing - an important aspect in the nurses work. / Att trivas på sitt jobb och vara tillfredsställd i det arbete man utför är viktigt för de allra flesta. Den arbetsvetenskapliga forskningen har visat, att missnöje med den fysiska eller psykosociala arbetsmiljön oftast ger negativa effekter för verksamheten. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga upplevelsen av arbetstillfredsställelse och psykosocial arbetsmiljö hos sjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk vård. Studien är en empirisk tvärsnittsstudie där deltagarna utgörs av hela populationen sjuksköterskor (n =126) som är tillsvidareanställda eller anställda på vikariat (>3 månader) inom öppen och sluten allmän vuxenpsykiatrisk vård inom ett landsting i Sverige. I studien användes frågeformulären PAK/AK (psykosocial arbetsmiljö-/arbetstillfredsställelsekartläggning). Formulären omfattade 49 frågor som bearbetades och analyserades i Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).  Resultatet visar att det finns ett ansenligt missnöje med lön och andra förmåner, även utvecklingsmöjligheter visar på otillfredsställelse. Sjuksköterskor inom öppenvård uppger att de i signifikant högre grad än kollegorna inom slutenvård har möjlighet att lära sig nya saker i arbetet och att själva bestämma hur arbetet ska utföras. De allra flesta tycker att det är viktigt att få användning för sina anlag och sin kompetens i arbetet. Man är också relativt nöjd med arbetsledningsklimatet. Frekvensen av psykosomatiska besvär är låg, men arbetet beskrivs som mentalt påfrestande. Sjuksköterskor inom öppenvård upplever i högre grad än kollegorna inom slutenvård arbetet som psykiskt tungt. Studien visar dock ingen koppling mellan arbetstillfredsställelse och hur det kan påverka patientens omvårdnad - en viktig aspekt av sjuksköterskans arbete.

Den arbetspsykologiska vinsten av en utbildningsinsats i form av skiftlagsutveckling / The work psychology related benefits of group training in a shiftgoing work team

Björkholts, Linnea, Lundmark, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med studien var att undersöka den arbetspsykologiska vinsten i form av kontroll, stress och arbetstillfredsställelse av en utbildningsinsats med skiftlagsutveckling. En enkätundersökning genomfördes på ett stort industriföretag i Mellansverige. Totalt 65 personer svarade på enkäten, indelade i de som deltagit (experimentgrupp) och de som inte deltagit (kontrollgrupp) i utbildningen. Resultatet visade att experimentgruppen jämfört med kontrollgruppen skattade sin kontroll över arbetshastigheten högre. Likaså ansåg sig experimentgruppen bättre kunna förutsäga resultatet av sina beslut i arbetet än kontrollgruppen. Resultatet indikerade även en tendens till signifikant huvudeffekt av ålder på skattad stress; yngre kände större stöd i arbetet medan äldre kände att de kunde utnyttja sina färdigheter och talanger till fullo i arbetet. Nyckelord: Arbetsrelaterad kontroll, arbetsrelaterad stress, arbetstillfredsställelse, utbildning / Abstract The work psychology-related benefits of group training in a shift-going work team The objective of the study was to investigate whether team building-based training could improve work satisfaction, reduce stress, and increase perceived control of the work environment for a shift-going work team. A questionnaire study was performed at a large industrial company in central Sweden. 65 participants were divided into an experimental (participation in training) vs. a control (no participation in training group). The results showed that former compared to latter participants perceived a greater amount of control over their work, as well as estimated their ability to predict the results of their work decisions as higher. Concerning the perceived stress, younger compared to older were shown to experience more support whereas older vs. younger rated the ability to fully use skills and abilities as higher. Keywords: Work control, work stress, work satisfaction, training

Arbetstillfredsställelse hos personal inom tvångsvård, LVM

Sandén, Malin, Jonsson, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Hög arbetstillfredsställelse är viktigt för alla anställda, men förutsättningarna för detta varierar beroende på olika faktorer. Personal inom tvångsvård, LVM arbetar nära klienterna, vilket kan påverka personalens upplevda arbetstillfredsställelse. Undersökningens syfte var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar arbetstillfredsställelse hos personal inom tvångsvård. En enkätstudie gjordes med frågeformuläret QPSNordic med 81 deltagare (40 män, 41 kvinnor) samt en intervjustudie med 8 personer (2 män, 6 kvinnor). Resultatet visade att personalen på den öppna avdelningen hade en signifikant högre generell arbetstillfredsställelse än personalen på de låsta avdelningarna, vilket antagligen beror på skillnader i rollförväntningar, men kanske även större personligt utrymme på den öppna avdelningen. Viktiga faktorer som framkom i intervjuerna om upplevelse av arbetstillfredsställelse var kollegor, stöd från chef samt kontakten med klienterna, vilket kan handla om att kommunikation är viktigt då tvångsvård kräver ett nära samarbete mellan samtliga parter. Området personal inom tvångsvård är relativt outforskat och behöver studeras ytterligare.

Den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön samt arbetstillfredsställelse hos egenföretagande tandhygienister i Sverige : en deskriptiv tvärsnittstudie

Kinnefors Reyment, Britt-Louise January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva svenska egenföretagande tandhygienisters (EfTH) arbetsförhållanden för att studera om där fanns samband mellan fysisk och psykosocial arbetsmiljö och arbetstillfredsställelse i gruppen. Samliga tandhygienister i Sveriges tandhygienistförenings sektion för egna företagare (n = 179) inbjöds att deltaga i studien vilken gjordes med hjälp av ett frågeformulär grundat på en förkortad version av the General Nordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social Factors at Work, QPSNordic 34+. Sextiofem procent (n=108) svarade på enkäten. Resultaten visade att äldre tandhygienister och de som hade fler än 19 yrkesår upplevde högre grad av arbetsskicklighet, var säkrare i sin yrkesroll och kände sig mindre stressade än yngre. Stress var relaterat till fler än trettio arbetstimmar per vecka. Alla frågor i skalorna om arbetstillfredsställelse, arbetsglädje och arbetsstolthet skattades högt och allra högst frågan om arbetsstolthet. Frågor i skalorna om kontroll i arbetet visade på hög kontroll av arbetstakt, pauser och påverkan av beslut i det egna arbetet. Ett statistiskt signifikant samband kunde påvisas mellan kontroll av arbetstakt, påverkansmöjligheter, positiv feedback från patienter och arbetstillfredsställelse. Det fanns också statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan kontroll av arbetstakt, positiv feedback från tandläkare för arbetsresultat, positiv feedback från patienter samt att få tillhöra en (arbets)grupp och arbetsglädje. En slutsats från denna studie är att det förefaller finnas ett samband mellan EfTH:s arbetsförhållanden och hög arbetstillfredsställelse.

The Effect of Individual Development Plan and Job Rotation on Job Satisfaction ¡V the Moderation Role of Supervisor¡¦s support and Personal Growth Need

Chien, I-Lin 10 September 2012 (has links)
With the industrial economy and changing times demand for talent in the organization of work, employee would not only want the salary, but further hope to cultivate the ability to meet their own interest with organizational development. There are more and more companies also starting to focus on employee career development and nurturing of talent management policies, such as personal development plans, job rotation, mentoring, competency model, succession planning, and so on are also promoting inter-enterprise. However, the implementation of the organization's policies and implementation have to cooperate with the staff's participation and recognition. Employees identify with the company's personal development plan and job rotation, and whether it will improve job satisfaction? The questionnaire of this study were mainly to foreign companies as well as one thousand large companies for the study, 150 questionnaires were recovered, a recovery rate of 98%, and focuses on employees whether it will affect the company agree that the level of implementation of personal development plans and job rotation job satisfaction, come join competent support and personal growth needs two interference variables, whether due to personal development plans and job rotation the tone recognition revealed the level of work satisfaction interference effect, the findings were as follows: 1. Career planning have a significant positive impact on the autonomy employee satisfaction. But no interference effects supervisor support. 2.Personal development plan career planning, feedback, development, all employees perceived supervisor support have a significant positive effect on satisfaction, but interference effects supervisor support only for personal development plan. 3.The organization and implementation of the career development of personal development plans, improvement of job rotation have a significant positive effect on external satisfaction of employees and supervisor support interference effects. 4. Organization and implementation of the improvement of job rotation have a significant positive effect on satisfaction of employees a sense of accomplishment, and competent support interference effects. 5. Correlation personal development plan and job rotation and job satisfaction, personal growth needs are no interference effects. Keywords: personal development plans, job rotation, supervisor support, personal growth need, work satisfaction

An Empirical Study on Anticipation of Organizational Change and Job Insecurity and The Employee¡¦s Working Reaction¡V Example in Kaohsiung Area local hospital

Tseng, Chih-Hung 19 December 2003 (has links)
There is a trend that the phenomenon of inequality is behaved in the market of medical treatment after the exercise of public health insurance. The large-scale hospitals incrementally enlarge to squeeze the survival condition of small and medium hospitals under the situation that supreme will survive to enhance competitive advantage. The competition is fierce between local hospitals to be based on the inequality of survival condition and unreasonable payment system of public health insurance. The research of Tong-Liang Chiang and Ming-San Huang (2000) indicates following phenomenon: the 77% of manager of local hospitals think that the competition is obviously increased between local hospitals after the exercise of public health insurance. The job insecurity of employees is generated by the expecting psychological condition that is derived from change in the organization under the impact of current environment and pressure of survival. What is the response of work influenced by job insecurity? What is the management lesson of hospital brought in the competition of hospitals? I hope to find the real response of employees under situation that feeling of job insecurity is derived by the expecting psychological condition of change in the organization. What is the relationship by the addition of individual personality? There are main findings in the research through the analysis of evidence: 1. Job insecurity is evident positive relevant to variation on work scenario, variation on structure of human resource, variation on management pattern of organization and variation on opportunity of employment that is belongs to the expecting factor of change in the organization. The higher score of variation on work scenario, variation on structure of human resource, variation on management pattern of organization and variation on opportunity of employment, the much easier generation of job insecurity. 2. For the job insecurity, the deviation of explanation on job insecurity is evidently related with the model of expecting factor of change in the organization. And the variation on work scenario and variation on opportunity of employment are evidently influenced by job security. 3. Job insecurity is partial evidently related with the immediate effect that is derived between the expecting change in organization and organizational commitment, leave attitude, work satisfaction, service attitude. 4. The employees that have personality of self-control are evidently interfered by the job insecurity that is derived from variation on work scenario, variation on opportunity of employment, variation on management pattern of organization and variation on work character. The employees that have personality of extraversion are evidently interfered by the job insecurity that is derived from variation on structure of human resource and variation on work character.

Work-life variables influencing attrition among beginning agriscience teachers of Texas

Chaney, Cynthia Annelle Ray 17 September 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of former beginning agriscience teachers and to explore the relationships between these perceptions, the characteristics of former beginning agriscience teachers, work satisfaction, work-life balance, and their reasons for leaving the profession. Information was gathered from former secondary agriscience teachers across Texas who left the profession during the 2001-2 through 2005-6 academic years. A survey instrument was created specifically for this study through which information about perceived work satisfaction, work-life balance, effect of work-life on attrition, and demographic characteristics of the former beginning agriscience teachers was gathered. Data were analyzed using descriptive and correlational statistics. For this population, work satisfaction, work-life balance, and teacher attrition were not found to differentiate among demographic and career characteristics: age, gender, ethnicity, employment, salary, teacher training institution, years of experience, agriscience department size, hours on the job, or FFA area association. The results suggested evidence of an inverse relationship between work satisfaction and beginning agriscience teacher attrition as well as an inverse relationship between work-life balance and agriscience teacher attrition. Nearly half of all respondents reported the wanting of balance between professional work and personal life as their chief reason for leaving the profession. Closely following this reason were the placement of students in agriscience classes who did not choose to be in the elective courses and too much time away from family. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents offered the recommendation to set a maximum student enrollment per class period and to decrease the number of class preparations/course sections taught by beginning teachers. Over half of the respondents made the recommendation to share the load of shows and contests equally among teachers and to increase the number of teachers in the agriscience department. To improve the preparation and retention of agriscience teachers, two-thirds of the respondents recommended a salary increase. The recommendation following salary and given by nearly half of respondents was to provide mentor teachers. And, one-third of respondents offered the recommendation for more follow-ups from university teacher trainers.

The Effects Of Organizational Justice On Work Satisfaction¡XWith Person-Environment Fit As A Moderator

Lin, Min-ping 10 August 2008 (has links)

Intrapreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship - Attractive concepts for Generation Y?

Ingelstedt, Jens, Jönsson, Mikaela, Sundman, Helena January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>This thesis uses a case study approach. The purpose is to <em>conduct a critical review of the potentiality of intrapreneurship/corporate entrepreneurship to create an attractive workplace that 1) draws Generation Y as potential employees, and 2) retains them by satisfying their demands, unlocking their full potential through motivation</em>.</p><p><strong>Background: </strong>It is now time for Generation Y to enter the workforce and their values and expectations on the workplace is different from the generations before them. This causes difficulties for organisations to attract and retain Generation Y but it is necessary in order to become a competitive performer in the future. In order to attract and retain Generation Y companies need to motivate their employees, foster and encourage creativity, and create an exciting work environment. This can be done through corporate entrepreneurship/ intrapreneurship and it is therefore interesting to see how Generation Y responds to this concept as well as if it contributes in creating an attractive workplace.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The authors made use of a mixed method concurrent triangulation strategy within an explorative sequential design. Where qualitative data was gathered through an explorative pre-study and then through case studies with two companies, simultaneously quantitative data was collected through surveys and the study ended with a qualitative confirmatory study where the results of the analysis was tested against a third company.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The result of the study indicated that the companies investigated all had a high level of corporate entrepreneurship, it was also confirmed that Generation Y are suited to become intrapreneurs and that they would feel attracted and more likely to retain in an organisation that promotes intrapreneurship. It was furthermore concluded that corporate entrepreneurship contributes in creating an attractive workplace also for non-intrapreneurs.</p>

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