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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett vårdverksamhetsperspektiv på samverkan i sjuksköterskeprogrammets verksamhetsförlagda utbildning / A healthcare perspective on collaboration in the nursing program's program-based education

Andersson, Erika January 2017 (has links)
Society is constantly evolving and changes are taking place, which creates the opportunity to collaborate around several different areas. Working for a work-integrated learning (WIL) could mean that you work structured together with healthcare and college with common goals and collaborative issues. The content of the study deals with healthcare representatives´ perceptions of the importance of collaboration, the possibility of nursing education's vocational education. Method used in the study is qualitative method with focus group interviews. In the study, three focus groups and one interview were interviewed. Interviewees consisted of managers, supervisors and supervisors. The care activities that the informants represented were somatic care in emergency medical care, psychiatric care and home care. A qualitative content analysis was made by the interviews that were themed by interpretation of the interviews. Healthcare representatives wanted a collaborative perspective in various areas, such as development and collaboration of teaching models, assessment and evaluation. Working together with work-integrated learning as a model can be a way of interacting. There is a hope that the healthcare and higher education institutions will find development pathways in the future to ensure the knowledge of nursing students and their future occupational role, as to ensure the quality of care. / Denna studie handlar om vårdverksamhetsföreträdares uppfattning av samverkan i sjuksköterskeprogrammet verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. I studien framkom flera olika önskemål från vårdverksamheternas företrädare om utvecklingsområden för större samverkan. Det framkom att det i dag finns samverkan, men att nuvarande samverkan inte fokuserar mål i utbildningen, gemensam utveckling av pedagogiska modeller eller skapar utbyte av högskolan och vårdverksamheternas verksamheter. Det var inte alltid möjligt att vårdverksamhetsföreträdare kunde ta sig till informationen på högskolan inför studenternas verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. Vårdverksamhetsföreträdarna önskade en samverkansform inom olika områden, så som utveckling och samverkan av handledningsuppdraget, pedagogiska metoder, stöd vid bedömning och behov av utvärdering. Att samverka med arbetsintegrerat lärande som metod kan vara ett sätt att samverka. Att arbeta efter ett arbetsintegrerat lärande innebär att man arbetar strukturerat tillsammans med gemensamma mål och samverkansfrågor. Samtliga parter måste veta hur man arbetar med ett arbetsintegrerat lärande perspektiv. Resultatet av studien gav flera utvecklingsområden. De nuvarande samverkansformerna är viktigt att fortsätta med men en annan form av samverkansträffar önskades där samverkan kan ske tillsammans mellan vårdverksamheternas och högskolans efter dagens rådande kontext. Samhället utvecklas hela tiden och förändringar sker vilket skapar möjlighet att samverka kring flera olika områden. En förhoppning finns att vårdverksamheterna och högskola i framtiden hittar utvecklingsvägar i samverkan för att säkra sjuksköterskestudenternas kunskaper och för sjuksköterskeprogrammets studerande i deras kommande yrkesroll samt för att säkerställa kvaliteten av vård och omsorg.

Innovating the learning process in higher education throughthe integration of theory and practice in partnership with Industry and Students

Anderson Mlabwa, Daniel, Hajipour, Farhang January 2022 (has links)
The VUCA (which stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) conditions have overshadowed the national and global higher education systems, and social and economic systems are increasingly becoming dependent on knowledge and innovations. There is a call for the global higher education systems to attain a new set of quality standards (Waller et al., 2019). Traditional teaching methodologies and outdated pedagogical frameworks lowered motivation and engagement in the learning processes and fueled the rising of the gap between theory and practice (Ferns, Rowe and Zegwaard, 2021; Hays, 2014). Work Integrated Learning is a pedagogical framework that holds tremendous potential for bridging this gap through up to date alternative means while reinforcing a sustainable engagement between industry, students and academia (Hays, 2014). This study was investigating the cause of contemporary challenges and the impact of emerging VUCA conditions in the ecosystem of students, academia, and industry. In the following, the main features and potential utilities of work-integrated learning (WIL) as a framework for presenting interactive learning innovations were explored. Moreover, the paper was also looking at the concept of the knowledge economy as a growth paradigm under the influence of the emerging internet tools which pave the doors for conducting simulated or virtual work-integrated learning by changing the ways of knowledge creation and its delivery. The primary research is based on a quantitative survey shared with a sample space of 35 KTH masters students, who were purposively selected due to, firstly their remote education experience, and secondly their participation in the learning through a scenario-based gamified online course. The research aims to identify the main areas that VUCA threatening higher education while assessing the utility of work-integrated learning to bridge the theory and practice gap and form a sustainable partnership between industry, students, and academia.  This study indicated the learning process in the higher education systems needs to be innovated by replacing the traditional teaching methods with more interactive alternative means. Hence, learning transformation per se can be considered as a major stimulus factor increating turbulence and VUCA conditions which affect student life, the higher education systems and the economic system as a whole. Our findings confirm students' high level of satisfaction in the experience of learning throughthe scenario-based simulated game, students experienced more engagement and collaborationwhile acquiring knowledge and skills in a more practical way. They also expressed a positive adaptive behaviour toward increasing the deployment of these alternative learning methods. Despite unfulfilled students' expectations with respect to soft skills developement and the quality of remote learning experiences, most of these issues are falling within the scope of pedagogical capabilities and collaborative features of work-integrated learning and are resolvable through systematical deployment and quality supervision of innovative learnings under these pedagogical frameworks. / VUCA (består av volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) förhållanden har överskuggat de nationella och globala systemen för högre utbildning, och sociala och ekonomiska system blir alltmer beroende av kunskap och innovationer. Det finns ett krav på att de globala högre utbildningssystemen ska uppnå en ny uppsättning kvalitetsstandarder (Waller et al., 2019). Traditionella undervisningsmetoder och föråldrade pedagogiska ramarsänkte motivationen och engagemanget i inlärningsprocesserna och satte fart på klyftan mellan teori och praktik (Ferns, Rowe och Zegwaard, 2021; Hays, 2014) Work Integrated Learning är ett pedagogiskt ramverk som har en enorm potential för att överbrygga denna klyfta med aktuella alternativa metoder och samtidigt öka ett hållbart engagemang mellan industri, studenter och akademi (Hays, 2014). Denna studie undersökte orsaken till samtida utmaningar och effekterna av framväxande VUCA-förhållanden i ekosystemet för studenter, akademi och industri. Vidare undersöktes huvudfunktionen och potentiella nyttan av arbetsintegrerat lärande (AIL) (WIL) som ett ramverk för att presentera interaktiva inlärningsinnovationer. Dessutom tittade uppsatsen på konceptet kunskapsekonomi (Knowledge Economy) som ett tillväxtparadigm under inflytande av de framväxande internetverktygen som skapar möjlighet för att genomföra simulerat eller virtuellt arbetsintegrerat lärande genom att förändra sätten att skapa ochleverera kunskap.  Den primära forskningen är baserad på en kvantitativ undersökning som delas med ett urvalav 35st KTH-masterstudenter, som valdes ut medvetet på grund av både deras erfarenhet av distansutbildning, samt deras deltagande i lärandet genom en scenariobaserad gamifierad onlinekurs. Forskningen syftar till att identifiera de huvudsakliga områden av högre utbildning som hotas av VUCA samtidigt som man bedömer nyttan av arbetsintegrerat lärande för att överbrygga teori- och praktikklyftan och bilda ett hållbart partnerskap mellan industri, studenter och akademi. Denna studie visade att lärandeprocessen i de högre utbildningssystemen måste förnyas genom att ersätta de traditionella undervisningsmetoderna med mer interaktiva alternativa metoder. Därför kan inlärnings transformation av sig själv anses vara som en viktig stimulansfaktor för att skapa turbulens och VUCA-förhållanden som påverkar studentlivet, det högre utbildningssystemet samt det ekonomiska systemet som helhet. Våra resultat bekräftar elevernas höga nivå av belåtenhet i upplevelsen av lärande genom det scenariobaserade simulerade spelet, elever upplevde mer engagemang och samarbete samt tillägnade sig kunskaper och färdigheter på ett mer praktiskt sätt. De uttryckte också ett positivt adaptivt beteende mot att öka användningen av dessa alternativa inlärningsmetoder. Trots ouppfyllda elevers förväntningar med hänsyn till utveckling av mjuka färdigheter och kvaliteten av deras distansutbildning uplevelse, faller de flesta av dessa brister inom ramen för pedagogisk förmågor och samarbetsegenskaper som arbetsintegrerat lärande erbjuder och är lösbara genom systematiskt utnyttjande och kvalitetsövervakning av innovativa lärande inom dessa pedagogiska ramar.

Arbetsglädje i ständig förändring - hållbart? / Work joy in constant change - sustainable?

Sveitz, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
Skolpersonalens tuffa arbetssituation är idag ett aktuellt tema, som omnämns i både media och i politiska debatter. Personalbrist, elevernas vikande resultat, överbelastade kalendarium och krav från skolledning präglar deras miljö. Skolpersonalen ställs därför inför många utmaningar och ständiga förändringar som ett resultat av detta. Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett hälsofrämjande perspektiv utforska personalens upplevelse av arbetsglädje som grund för verksamhetsutveckling och social hållbarhet. Därför har en kvalitativ intervjustudie genomförts där elva frivilliga deltagare från tre skolor i en västsvensk kommun har intervjuats. En fenomenologisk analys genomfördes utifrån det inspelade materialet. Fyra olika teman framkom utifrån analysen vilka var utvecklande relationer, stödjande miljöer, att sätta gränser och bra ledarskap. Verksamhetsutveckling har ett stort fokus i uppsatsen, därför presenteras skolpersonalens tankar om verksamhetsutveckling under temat lära av varandra i slutet av resultatet. / The school staffs workload is today a topical theme, which is discussed both in the media and in political debates. Manpower shortage, declining academic results, overtime and demands from the school board imprints their environment. The school staff therefore faces challenges and constant changes in their environment as a result of this workload. The purpose of this study is to, from a health promotion perspective, explore the staff's experience of job satisfaction as a basis for business development and social sustainability. Therefore, a qualitative interview study has been conducted in which eleven volunteers from three schools in a Western Swedish municipality have been interviewed. A phenomenological analysis was performed based on the recorded material. Four different themes emerged from the analysis, which were developing relationships, supportive environments, setting limits and good leadership. Work development has a major focus in the paper, therefore the school staff's thoughts on business development are presented under the theme of learning from each other at the end of the thesis.

Conceptualisation of service-learning at two rural-based universities

Maphutha, Mokwi Morgan January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (PhD. (Education)) --University of Limpopo, 2016 / This study reports on an exploration of a conceptual framework for service-learning in order to provide a shared and common understanding necessary for guiding best practice of service-learning at the heart of two-rural-based universities in South Africa. The key research question answered in this study was: How is service-learning conceptualised by dir ectors of community engagement, project coordinators, academic staff members, and students at two rural-based universities in South Africa? The following sub-questions were developed on the basis of the key research question: • What are the current community engagement projects that can be modified for future practice of service-learning at two rural-based universities in South Africa? • What are the views of directors of community engagement, project coordinators, academic staff members, and students regarding conceptualisation of service-learning at two rural-based universities in South Africa? • What are the possible strategies for conceptualising and managing the quality of service-learning at two rural-based universities in South Africa? • What framework will be relevant and appropriate for conceptualising and implementing service-learning at two rural-based universities in South Africa? A qualitative research approach using grounded theory design was employed in this study. Convenience sampling was used to select the two rural-based universities in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Four similar schools from each university (Education, Law, Agriculture, and Health Sciences) were sampled purposively. Participants were also sampled purposively. These included the director of community engagement, one project coordinator, two academic staff members, and two final year undergraduate students who were taking part in community engagement or servicelearning- related activity at each sampled school at both universities. Data were captured through document analysis, semi-structured interviews with sampled participants, and silent observations. Content analysis was used to analyse data from documents. Data from semi-structured interviews and silent observations were analysed thematically. Findings from documents, semi-structured interviews and iv silent observations were used to make recommendations for developing a framework for conceptualising and managing the quality of service-learning at the two universities. The study revealed that service-learning is an unfamiliar concept at these two ruralbased universities. Advocacy of service-learning has never been done and no initiatives are made on the part of these universities to familiarise this concept. The study's findings also reflect that there is confusion among various role-players regarding the meaning of the concept service-learning. Participants showed that some prefer to use the concept community engagement rather than service-learning, while others view service-learning as synonymous to community engagement. The SMART conceptual framework was developed on the basis of the findings and recommendations of this study. This conceptual framework is SMART because it is S - socially relevant, M - manageable, A - adaptable, R - rural-based, and T - transformative. The proposed SMART conceptual framework is intended to guide institutional leaders, directors of community engagement, deans of faculties, directors of schools, heads of departments, project coordinators, academic staff members, students, traditional leaders, and community partners in conceptualising, implementing and managing the quality of service-learning endeavours at the two rural-based South African universities.

Die rol van die onderrigleier in die opleiding van onderwysstudente tydens hul praktiese onderwys by skole

Fullard, Maria Johanna (Mollie) 20 April 2012 (has links)
Praktiese onderwys is onderrig aan leerders by skole. Die onderrigleier is die persoon wat die verantwoordelikheid vir die onderwysstudente by die skool aanvaar. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel wat die rol van die onderrigleier in die opleiding van onderwysstudente by die skool is. As ‘n kwalitatiewe benadering is ‘n etnografiese ontwerp gebruik om vas te stel watter leierskaprol die geskikste sou wees vir die begeleiding van onderwysstudente by skole. Dienslewerende leierskap is as konseptuele raamwerk gebruik. In die navorsing van dienslewerende leierskap word die “SERVE”-model gebruik om die toepassing van dienslewerende leierskap te evalueer. Daar is gevind dat onderrigleiers wat dienslewerende leierskap toepas die onderwysstudene die beste dien deur hulle toekomsgerig voor te berei en deur professionele opleiding te bied wat gerig is op moontlike veranderinge en aanpassings in die onderwys. Die onderwysstudente moet voldoen aan die hoë verwagtinge wat gestel word deur die personeel by die skool. Dienslewerende onderrigleiers stel self die voorbeeld deur hulle leefwyse en professionele optrede in en buite die skool. Die onderrigleiers voldoen aan die verwagtinge van die universiteite en die Departement van Basiese Onderwys (DBO) deur dienslewerende leierskap aan te wend tot voordeel van die onderwysstudente. Die rol van die onderrigleiers is dus om die onderwysstudente te dien op alle vlakke van die onderwys. Die onderrigleiers moet in vennootskap tree met die universiteite en die universiteite adviseer oor tekortkominge en veranderinge in die voorgeskrewe kurrikulum wat die opleiding van onderwysstudente kan verbeter. Die onderrigleiers moet die verantwoordelikheid wat deur die DBO aan hulle opgedra is, nakom deur mentoronderwysers op te lei en te bemagtig sodat hulle saam met die onderrigleiers die onderwysstudente beter tot diens kan wees. / ENGLISH : Practical teacher training is the short-term “in-service training” (exposure to the teaching profession’s day-to-day tasks and responsibilities) of education students at schools. Practical teacher training is the responsibility of a specifically appointed instructional leader at a school. The purpose of the research is to determine what the role of the instructional leader should be in the practical training of education students at schools. As a qualitative approach an ethnographic design was used to determine what kind of leadership model would be most suitable for the instructional leader to utilise in the guidance of education students at the school during in-service training. Four case studies were used to assess the utilisation of the “SERVE” model (Blanchard en Miller, 1994) in the application of servant leadership by the instructional leaders during the practical teaching process at school. It was found that instructional leaders who use the “SERVE” model for the application of servant leadership serve their educational students best by preparing them for the future with a shared vision and through professional training and teaching them to be flexible so as to adapt to any changes and alterations in education. The education students will be able to satisfy the high expectations that are set by the staff at the school. Servant-instructional leaders set the example through their own way of life and their professional conduct in and outside the school. The instructional leaders are able to satisfy the expectations of the universities and the Department of Basic Education (DBE) through the application of servant leadership to the benefit of the education students. Therefore the role of the instructional leader at the school is to serve the education students on all levels of teaching. The instructional leaders must enter into a partnership with the universities to advise them about shortcomings and changes that can improve the practical teaching of education students. The instructional leaders must take up the responsibilities that the Department of Basic Education bestows on them by appointing mentor teachers who have been trained and empowered to assist the instructional leaders to best serve the education students. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study

Culver, Allen Lea 08 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Assessing the impact of work integrated learning and its practices on the education of engineering technicians and technologists in relation to the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF) document in South Africa

Samadi, Fereshteh Rouhani 09 1900 (has links)
Work integrated learning (WIL) for the training of engineering technicians and technologists combines the theoretical learning of the fundamentals with their practical application in a real-world situation and environment. The activities in WIL are intended to provide students with specific learning outcomes in each engineering field of study, as well as with the general skills that are necessary for engineers in any field. The WIL learning outcomes are very specific and provide the student with the opportunity to practise and apply the fundamentals in an actual workplace. WIL includes various modalities such as problem-based learning, project-based learning and workplace learning. In this thesis, work integrated learning is referred to specifically as a period of work placement for engineering students. The other modalities of learning are usually included in all engineering qualifications. Thirty percent of the curriculum for the National Diploma engineering qualification in South Africa consists of work integrated learning, which translates into approximately 120 credits. WIL provides a valuable context for learning. However, there has been debate about the offering, placement, quality and supervision of it. This thesis investigates the various factors that may affect the offering of this component of learning in addition to ascertaining the importance of WIL in the training of technicians and technologists. This research comprises a survey conducted among engineering students as well as interviews with lecturers and supervisors directly involved in the implementation of the WIL component. The study investigates the format of WIL and its duration, the presence or absence of supervisors, mentors, a syllabus and clear guidance within the context of the Higher Education Qualification Frameworks. Quantitative data was collected from Engineering National Diploma and B-Tech students in two universities in Gauteng and then captured and processed. Statistical analysis such as factor analysis, analysis of variance, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, Pearson chi-squared, the Bartlet test and others were carried out, using various standard tests. The study reveals the extent to which both students and lecturers appreciate WIL. The study also offers recommendations for the unique and on-going collaboration between industry and academic institutions for the purpose of the training of future technicians. In addition, it provides reasons for the possibility of a shorter work placement period provided certain preparations are made by the universities prior to placement. It highlights the need for clarity on the responsibilities of the role players involved and on assessment methods, and for the provision of a more specific, yet flexible, curriculum, while also recommending regular reflection on this component of learning. All of these points are discussed within the context of the Higher Education Qualification Framework in South Africa. This framework recommends that higher education institutions accept responsibility for WIL placement and for ensuring that programmes are properly structured and supervised. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Technology Education))

Värdet av att verka tillsammans : En kvalitativ studie om samarbete, samordning och samverkan ur ett medarbetar- och chefsperspektiv / The value of working together : A qualitative study on coordination and collaboration from an employee and managerial perspective

Halleröd, Mikaela January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur olika yrkeskategorier inom vuxenutbildningens utbildning i svenska för invandrare (sfi) verkar tillsammans inom ramarna för verksamheten. Genom individuella intervjuer framkommer möjligheter och svårigheter. Empiri har bearbetats genom tematisk analys. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är en modell om samarbete, samordning och samverkan genom olika grader av vertikal respektive horisontal integrering av styrningsmekanismer och frivilliga initiativ. Resultatet visar att det förekommer en mängd olika tillfälliga samarbeten. De intervjuade ger exempel på yrkeskategorier som möts i det vardagliga arbetet. Dessutom sker arbete mellan olika yrkeskategorier i en mer samordnad form genom team. Vidare synliggörs respondenternas upplevelser av värdet av att samarbeta, exempelvis stärkta relationer och en bättre arbetsmiljö. Ett annat värde som lyfts fram är den ökade möjligheten för personal att identifiera behov av stöd hos eleverna, som leder till bättre anpassningar av undervisningen. Resultatet visar också hur verksamheten samordnas genom team, samt potential för samverkan. Samverkan mellan yrkeskategorier uppnås inte fullt ut idag inom sfi. Slutsatserna visar att det finns en samsyn hos chefer och övriga yrkeskategorier gällande vilka mekanismer som försvårar respektive möjliggör samverkan. Rutiner för samverkan saknas. Det medarbetarna också efterfrågar är någon som leder arbetet och beslutar att man ska samarbeta och hur det ska gå till. Det vill säga någon som bär ansvaret för att planera, genomföra och följa upp samverkan. / The aim of this study is to investigate how different occupational categories within adult education in Swedish for immigrants (SFI) interact within the framework of their common business. As a method for carrying out the study, I have used qualitative interviews. The data material presents opportunities and difficulties that appear around working together. The empirical material has been processed through thematic analysis. The theoretical starting point for the study is a model of different degrees of vertical and horizontal integration for understanding collaboration. The result shows that there are a variety of temporary collaborations. Through interviews the study give examples of professional categories that meet in everyday work. In addition, work takes place between different professional categories in a more coordinated form through teams. Furthermore, the respondents' experiences of the value of collaborating, such as strengthened relationships and a better working environment, are made visible. Another highlight that is mentioned is the increased possibility for staff to identify the need for support from the students, which leads to better adaptations of teaching. The result also shows how the business is coordinated through teams, and the potential for collaboration. Cooperation between professional categories is not fully achieved today within sfi. The conclusions show that there is a consensus among managers and other occupational categories considering which mechanisms make it difficult or possible to cooperate. There are no routines for collaboration today. What employees also demand is someone who leads the work, makes decisions and bears the responsibility of planning, implementing and following up the collaboration.

Assessing the impact of work integrated learning and its practices on the education of engineering technicians and technologists in relation to the Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF) document in South Africa

Samadi, Fereshteh Rouhani 09 1900 (has links)
Work integrated learning (WIL) for the training of engineering technicians and technologists combines the theoretical learning of the fundamentals with their practical application in a real-world situation and environment. The activities in WIL are intended to provide students with specific learning outcomes in each engineering field of study, as well as with the general skills that are necessary for engineers in any field. The WIL learning outcomes are very specific and provide the student with the opportunity to practise and apply the fundamentals in an actual workplace. WIL includes various modalities such as problem-based learning, project-based learning and workplace learning. In this thesis, work integrated learning is referred to specifically as a period of work placement for engineering students. The other modalities of learning are usually included in all engineering qualifications. Thirty percent of the curriculum for the National Diploma engineering qualification in South Africa consists of work integrated learning, which translates into approximately 120 credits. WIL provides a valuable context for learning. However, there has been debate about the offering, placement, quality and supervision of it. This thesis investigates the various factors that may affect the offering of this component of learning in addition to ascertaining the importance of WIL in the training of technicians and technologists. This research comprises a survey conducted among engineering students as well as interviews with lecturers and supervisors directly involved in the implementation of the WIL component. The study investigates the format of WIL and its duration, the presence or absence of supervisors, mentors, a syllabus and clear guidance within the context of the Higher Education Qualification Frameworks. Quantitative data was collected from Engineering National Diploma and B-Tech students in two universities in Gauteng and then captured and processed. Statistical analysis such as factor analysis, analysis of variance, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, Pearson chi-squared, the Bartlet test and others were carried out, using various standard tests. The study reveals the extent to which both students and lecturers appreciate WIL. The study also offers recommendations for the unique and on-going collaboration between industry and academic institutions for the purpose of the training of future technicians. In addition, it provides reasons for the possibility of a shorter work placement period provided certain preparations are made by the universities prior to placement. It highlights the need for clarity on the responsibilities of the role players involved and on assessment methods, and for the provision of a more specific, yet flexible, curriculum, while also recommending regular reflection on this component of learning. All of these points are discussed within the context of the Higher Education Qualification Framework in South Africa. This framework recommends that higher education institutions accept responsibility for WIL placement and for ensuring that programmes are properly structured and supervised. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Technology Education))

An approach to a creative pedagogy to improve the learner-content relation in Tertiary ICT education in South Africa.

Van Eck, Rene 12 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Information and Communication Technology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The work-integrated learning (WIL) concept was introduced to enhance the employability of students completing their IT qualification at universities of Technology (UoTs) in South Africa. Employability is defined as a combination of characteristics that make a person a useful and thereby desirable employee. WIL is defined as a component of a curriculum to improve the value of student learning by integrating academic training and practical workplace exposure. However, a large cohort of students registered for the IT qualification at UoTs do not find company placement for WIL, resulting in these students having to complete this final qualifying module of their qualification by undertaking a group project on campus. The group project entails developing a software system for a client. The overall sentiment expressed by employers, lecturers and students in this study is that students who remain on campus for the group project are not as well-prepared as those who find placement at a company for their in-service training. This study aimed to develop and propose an approach to a creative pedagogy in the form of a simulated working environment on campus within a tertiary educational setting to contribute towards enhancing the learner-content relation of WIL students, in order to improve the employability of students by providing the on-campus project students with an equal opportunity to those going into industry for their in-service training. The philosophy adopted for this research is interpretivism, with the Vaal University of Technology as the case of the research. The investigation adopted a mixed-method approach where respondents were requested to complete questionnaires focusing on their perceptions of on-campus group work vs. in-service training at companies for the WIL component of the IT qualification. Five respondent groups were identified for participation in the study, namely: i) In-service training students, i.e. WIL students who found placement in a company; ii) Project students, i.e. WIL students who remained on campus to do a group project; iii) Graduates, i.e. students who already completed WIL and graduated; iv) Employers of WIL students who found placement at a company; and v) Lecturers involved in WIL training on campus. The responses of the various respondent groups were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Comparisons of the perceptions of the respective groups were made to explore the possibility of a viable solution to the on-campus group work challenges that were identified. Based on reviewing recent literature, analysing the data collected from the completed to questionnaires by different role players, and adapting and the institutional strategy framework for WIL developed by Jacobs in 2015, an approach to a creative pedagogy in the form of a virtual company on campus for WIL students is presented to provide students who cannot find placement in industry for their in-service training with an equal experience to the in-service training company students. The proposed pedagogical approach incorporates the five standards defined by Tharp in 2018 as requirements for an effective and successful curriculum in the development of the actual virtual company. These include: contextualisation, challenging activities, joint productive activity, intellectual conversation and language development. The proposed approach adopts a three-layered approach to a creative pedagogy, with the aim of improving the employability of on-campus WIL students. The first layer lays the basis for implementing a virtual company on campus and includes aspects such as the objective for a simulated working environment on campus, employer preferences, and the skills set students should possess for employers to offer them a placement in their company for in-service training. The second layer focuses on the details that should be in place for a virtual company to be successfully implemented. This practical layer in the implementation of the virtual company focuses on infrastructure, Finance, HR, legislative approval, and appropriate assessments. The third layer only follows when the second layer has been put into place. This layer deals with how academic content can be included in the proposed pedagogical approach. The study also revealed that in addition to adopting the concept of a virtual company on campus for WIL students, a substantial focus should be on soft skills training. The exit level outcomes (ELOs) related to a simulated working environment for the WIL module of the IT are specified in the HEQF (Higher Education Qualifications Framework) document as set out by the South African Qualifications Authority.

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