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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Reflexes of Middle Chinese Zhi and Zhao Initials in Modern Mandarin and Wu Dialect

Liang, Yu-jung 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on how Middle Chinese zhi and zhao initials are reflected in Modern Mandarin and Wu dialects. Also, the topic of sound change is incorporated based on the results from the study.

The Shadow Rate and its Relationship with Lender and Borrower Variables

Irimia, Andrei 01 January 2016 (has links)
Since the federal funds rate reached the zero lower bound in late 2008, economists have been struggling to adapt their models to a long-term zero rate. Wu and Xia built upon previous research by Fischer Black to create a model for how the federal funds rate behaves during the ZLB period. In their model, the rate actually dips into the negative digits, which the actual federal funds rate does not do. The logic behind the model is that a negative shadow rate is a much better indicator of true economic conditions while the current zero rate merely masks the actual economic reality. It is also easier to use the shadow rate for trend analysis purposes, since the shadow rate is flexible and changes while the federal funds rate remains artificially fixed at zero. Thus, this paper seeks to provide a comparison between the Shadow Rate, as defined by Wu and Xia, and how three key banking variables (leverage, profitability, and non-performing loans to total loans) react in response to the shadow rate, along with three control variables: real GDP growth, inflation, and the current account to GDP ratio. Regression will also be used to determine how three key borrower variables (S&P 500 Index, Credibility Consumer Distress Index, and the ratio of nonfinancial corporate business debt securities to total assets) interact with the shadow rate and the three control variables previously mentioned.

Estudo de técnicas eficientes para a resolução do problema de fluxo de potência para sistemas de distribuição radial / Study of efficient techniques for the resolution of power flow problem for distribution radial systems

Carvalho, Marcus Rodrigo 02 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve uma abordagem do método primal-dual barreira logarítmica (MPDBL) associado ao método de Newton modificado para a resolução do problema de fluxo de potência para sistemas de distribuição radial. Também foi realizado um estudo comparativo com duas técnicas clássicas de solução do problema de fluxo potência para redes de distribuição radial. São os métodos: Backward/Forward Sweep e o método proposto por M. Baran e F. Wu, que é baseado na técnica de Newton-Raphson. Este método utiliza uma matriz Jacobiana modificada que atende a característica radial dos sistemas de distribuição. Nos testes comparativos serão considerados todos os parâmetros do sistema. Os algoritmos de solução serão analisados em suas propriedades de convergência e será realizado um teste de robustez. Os resultados dos testes realizados em 4 sistemas (4, 10, 34 e 70 barras) e o teste comparativo entre os métodos evidenciam a melhor metodologia na solução do problema de fluxo de potência para sistemas radiais / This work describes an approach on primal-dual logarithmic barrier method (PDLBM) associate to the method of Newton modified for the resolution of the problem of power flow for radial distribution systems. Also a comparative study with two classic techniques of solution of the flow problem was carried through power for nets of radial distribution. They are the methods: Backward/Forward Sweep and the method considered for M. Baran and F. Wu, that is based on the technique of Newton-Raphson. This method uses modified Jacobiana matrix that takes care of the radial characteristic of the distribution systems. In the comparative tests all will be considered the parameters of the system. The solution algorithms will be analyzed in its properties of convergence and will be carried through a robustness test. The results of the tests carried through in 4 systems (4, 10, 34 and 70 bus) and the comparative test between the methods evidence the best methodology in the solution of the problem of power flow for radial systems

Poincaredualitätsalgebren, Koinvarianten und Wu-Klassen / Poincare Duality Algebras, Coinvariants and Wu Classes

Kuhnigk, Kathrin 22 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo de técnicas eficientes para a resolução do problema de fluxo de potência para sistemas de distribuição radial / Study of efficient techniques for the resolution of power flow problem for distribution radial systems

Marcus Rodrigo Carvalho 02 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve uma abordagem do método primal-dual barreira logarítmica (MPDBL) associado ao método de Newton modificado para a resolução do problema de fluxo de potência para sistemas de distribuição radial. Também foi realizado um estudo comparativo com duas técnicas clássicas de solução do problema de fluxo potência para redes de distribuição radial. São os métodos: Backward/Forward Sweep e o método proposto por M. Baran e F. Wu, que é baseado na técnica de Newton-Raphson. Este método utiliza uma matriz Jacobiana modificada que atende a característica radial dos sistemas de distribuição. Nos testes comparativos serão considerados todos os parâmetros do sistema. Os algoritmos de solução serão analisados em suas propriedades de convergência e será realizado um teste de robustez. Os resultados dos testes realizados em 4 sistemas (4, 10, 34 e 70 barras) e o teste comparativo entre os métodos evidenciam a melhor metodologia na solução do problema de fluxo de potência para sistemas radiais / This work describes an approach on primal-dual logarithmic barrier method (PDLBM) associate to the method of Newton modified for the resolution of the problem of power flow for radial distribution systems. Also a comparative study with two classic techniques of solution of the flow problem was carried through power for nets of radial distribution. They are the methods: Backward/Forward Sweep and the method considered for M. Baran and F. Wu, that is based on the technique of Newton-Raphson. This method uses modified Jacobiana matrix that takes care of the radial characteristic of the distribution systems. In the comparative tests all will be considered the parameters of the system. The solution algorithms will be analyzed in its properties of convergence and will be carried through a robustness test. The results of the tests carried through in 4 systems (4, 10, 34 and 70 bus) and the comparative test between the methods evidence the best methodology in the solution of the problem of power flow for radial systems

Continuous time signal processing for wake-up radios / Traitement du signal à temps continu dans le domaine digital pour des wake-up radios

Ratiu, Alin 02 October 2015 (has links)
La consommation des systèmes de communication pour l'IoT peut être réduite grâce à un nouveau paradigme de réception radio. La technique consiste à ajouter un récepteur supplémentaire à chaque noeud IoT, appelé Wake Up Radio (WU-RX). Le rôle du WU-RX est de surveiller le canal de communication et de réveiller le récepteur principal (aussi appelé récepteur de données) lors de la réception d'une demande de communication. Une analyse des implémentations des WU-RX existants montre que les systèmes de l'état de l'art sont suffisamment sensibles par rapport aux récepteurs de données classiques mais manquent de robustesse face aux brouilleurs. Pour améliorer cette caractéristique nous proposons un étage de filtrage accordable `a fréquence intermédiaire qui nous permet de scanner toute la bande FI en cherchant le canal utilisé pour la demande de réveil. Ce filtre a été implémenté en utilisant les principes du traitement numérique de données à temps continu et consiste en un CAN suivi par un processeur numérique à temps continu. Le principe de fonctionnement du CAN est basé sur les modulateurs delta, avec une boucle de retour améliorée qui lui permet la quantification des signaux de fréquence plus élevé pour une consommation énergétique plus faible. Par conséquent, il a une plage de fonctionnement entre 10MHz et 50MHz ; pour un SNDR entre 32dB et 42dB et une consommation de 24uW. Cela se traduit par une figure de mérite entre 3fJ/conv-step et 10fJ/conv-step, une des meilleures pour la gamme de fréquences sélectionnée. Le processeur numérique est constitué d'un filtre IIR suivi par un filtre FIR. L'atténuation hors bande apportée par le filtre IIR permet de réduire le taux d'activité vu par le filtre FIR qui, par conséquent, consomme moins d'énergie. Nous avons montré, en simulation, une réduction de la puissance consommée par le filtre FIR d'un facteur entre 2 et 3. Au total, les deux filtres atteignent plus que 40dB de réjection hors bande, avec une bande passante de 2MHz qui peut être délacée sur toute la bande passante du CAN. Dans un pire cas, le système proposé (CAN et processeur numérique) consomme moins de 100uW, cependant la configuration des signaux à l'entrée peut rendre cette consommation plus faible. / Wake-Up Receivers (WU-RX) have been recently proposed as candidates to reduce the communication power budget of wireless networks. Their role is to sense the environment and wake up the main receivers which then handle the bulk data transfer. Existing WU-RXs achieve very high sensitivities for power consumptions below 50uW but severely degrade their performance in the presence of out-of-band blockers. We attempt to tackle this problem by implementing an ultra low power, tunable, intermediate frequency filtering stage. Its specifications are derived from standard WU-RX architectures; it is shown that classic filtering techniques are either not tunable enough or demand a power consumption beyond the total WU-RX budget of 100uW. We thus turn to the use of Continuous Time Digital Signal Processing (CT-DSP) which offers the same level of programmability as standard DSP solutions while providing an excellent scalability of the power consumption with respect to the characteristics of the input signal. A CT-DSP chain can be divided into two parts: the CT-ADC and the CT-DSP itself; the specifications of these two blocks, given the context of this work, are also discussed. The CT-ADC is based on a novel, delta modulator-based architecture which achieves a very low power consumption; its maximum operation frequency was extended by the implementation of a very fast feedback loop. Moreover, the CT nature of the ADC means that it does not do any sampling in time, hence no anti-aliasing filter is required. The proposed ADC requires only 24uW to quantize signals in the [10MHz 50MHz] bandwidth for an SNR between 32dB and 42dB, resulting in a figure of merit of 3-10fJ/conv-step, among the best reported for the selected frequency range. Finally, we present the architecture of the CT-DSP which is divided into two parts: a CT-IIR and a CT-FIR. The CT-IIR is implemented by placing a standard CT-FIR in a feedback loop around the CT-ADC. If designed correctly, the feedback loop can now cancel out certain frequencies from the CT-ADC input (corresponding to those of out-of-band interferers) while boosting the power of the useful signal. The effective amplitude of the CT-ADC input is thus reduced, making it generate a smaller number of tokens, thereby reducing the power consumption of the subsequent CT-FIR by a proportional amount. The CT-DSP consumes around 100uW while achieving more than 40dB of out-of-band rejection; for a bandpass implementation, a 2MHz passband can be shifted over the entire ADC bandwidth.


孫劍秋, SUN, JIAN-GIU Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究動機:清代的「經學經世」思想,主要是表現在學說上,而代表人物便是顧 亭林。因此本論文選擇顧亭林為研究對象。 二、研究目的及方法:期能更進一步了解經學義理與經世致用彼此間之關係,以及亭 林以何種方式結合經義與經世。故本文先從整個時代之趨向述起,並試圖證明亭林之 經世學說與經學主張,實為開啟清代學術之第一人。 三、研究範圍及參考文獻:本文以研究亭林之經學為範圍。亭林之經學著作有〔五經 同異〕、〔左傳杜解補正〕、〔九經誤字〕、〔日知錄〕前十卷,另有〔音學五書〕 中之〔詩本音〕、〔易音〕,及〔亭林文集〕中有關經義之論述。 四、論文內容提要:本論文共壹冊,約十五萬字。全書共計十章。 第一章 明末清初之朵學術趨向:本章旨在探討當時學術環境與學者之主張。而其結 果都朝向「經世致用」。 第二章 亭林治學之態度與方法:本章從亭林思想傳承敘起並述其治學態度及方法, 以印證亭林之經學確是根基深厚,學有本源。 第三章至第八章 分別闡釋亭林經學之主張,計有易、書、詩、禮、春秋、論孟諸經 。各章首皆通論,次及考證,末則以鄙見對亭林之經學提出質疑。 第九章 亭林治經之意義與特色:亭林治經之意義在經世致用,特色則在於以經、史 、子、集諸文獻中之思想與其所欲闡釋者相發明。 第十章 結論:肯定亭林在清初經學經世史上之地位。雖其見解有些泥古,不合時用 ,但仍不減損其開啟後學之功。

吳經熊著作中之中國文化與基督教信仰 =: The relationship of Chinese culture to Christian faith in the writings of John C.H. Wu. / 中國文化與基督教信仰 / Relationship of Chinese culture to Christian faith in the writings of John C.H Wu / Wu Jingxiong zhu zuo zhong zhi Zhongguo wen hua yu Jidu jiao xin yang =: The relationship of Chinese culture to Christian faith in the writings of John C.H. Wu. / Zhongguo wen hua yu Jidu jiao xin yang

January 1979 (has links)
楊豪萬. / Holograph. / Thesis (M.Div.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1979. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 398-438). / Yang Haowan. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 基督教「本色化」的需求 --- p.2 / Chapter 一 --- 「本色化」的意義在歷史中的演進 --- p.2 / Chapter 二 --- 具體的「本色化」運動 --- p.8 / Chapter 第二節 --- 教義與實踐 --- p.11 / Chapter 一 --- 以辯證為依歸的神學 --- p.11 / Chapter 二 --- 信仰的理論與行動 --- p.15 / Chapter 第三節 --- 天主教與更正教的關係 --- p.17 / Chapter 第四節 --- 人物的寫照 --- p.21 / Chapter 第五節 --- 結語 --- p.24 / Chapter 第六節 --- 注釋 --- p.26 / Chapter 第二章 --- 吳經熊生平 --- p.48 / Chapter 第一節 --- 童年時代 --- p.50 / Chapter 第二節 --- 婚姻生活 --- p.53 / Chapter 第三節 --- 學校生涯 --- p.57 / Chapter 第四節 --- 事業發展 --- p.60 / Chapter 第五節 --- 慘痛的經歷 --- p.62 / Chapter 第六節 --- 裡性的甦醒 --- p.64 / Chapter 第七節 --- 信仰的委身 --- p.66 / Chapter 第八節 --- 戰亂之中 --- p.59 / Chapter 第九節 --- 出使教廷 --- p.71 / Chapter 第十節 --- 講學與著作 --- p.73 / Chapter 第十一節 --- 享負盛名 --- p.76 / Chapter 第十二節 --- 祖國渡晚年 --- p.78 / Chapter 第十三節 --- 結語 --- p.81 / Chapter 第十四節 --- 注釋 --- p.82 / Chapter 第三章 --- 吳經熊對中國文化與基督信仰之著作──方法與重點 --- p.105 / Chapter 第一節 --- 吳經熊研究基督信仰與文化的方法 --- p.109 / Chapter 一 --- 「文化」的意義 --- p.111 / Chapter 二 --- 對東方文化的重法 --- p.116 / Chapter 1 --- 仁的修養 --- p.117 / Chapter 2 --- 行的哲學 --- p.120 / Chapter 3 --- 天人合一 --- p.123 / Chapter 三 --- 西方文化的重點 --- p.128 / Chapter 四 --- 中西文化的調和 --- p.132 / Chapter 五 --- 基督信仰與中西文化 --- p.141 / Chapter 1 --- 調和的方法 --- p.142 / Chapter 2 --- 信仰與文化表達的重心 --- p.145 / Chapter 3 --- 基督在文化中的意義 --- p.148 / Chapter 六 --- 小結 --- p.152 / Chapter 第二節 --- 有關「愛」的研究 --- p.155 / Chapter 一 --- 愛的內涵 --- p.158 / Chapter 1 --- 對神的愛 --- p.160 / Chapter 2 --- 對己的愛 --- p.164 / Chapter 3 --- 對人的愛 --- p.168 / Chapter 二 --- 愛的實踐 --- p.177 / Chapter 1 --- 愛的萌芽´ؤ´ؤ淨化的層面 --- p.181 / Chapter 2 --- 愛的開花´ؤ´ؤ啟發的層面 --- p.185 / Chapter 3 --- 愛的結果´ؤ´ؤ融合的層面 --- p.188 / Chapter 三 --- 小結 --- p.193 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「喜樂」的精神 --- p.196 / Chapter 一 --- 儒家之喜樂 --- p.200 / Chapter 二 --- 道家之喜樂 --- p.204 / Chapter 三 --- 禪學之喜樂 --- p.209 / Chapter 四 --- 基督信仰的喜樂 --- p.214 / Chapter 五 --- 小結 --- p.222 / Chapter 第四節 --- 「簡樸」的特質 --- p.224 / Chapter 一 --- 「簡樸」的意義 --- p.226 / Chapter 二 --- 中國文化中的簡樸 --- p.229 / Chapter 1 --- 儒家 --- p.229 / Chapter 2 --- 道家 --- p.232 / Chapter 3 --- 禪學 --- p.237 / Chapter 三 --- 基督信仰中的簡樸 --- p.240 / Chapter 四 --- 小結 --- p.247 / Chapter 第五節 --- 結語 --- p.249 / Chapter 第六節 --- 注釋 --- p.255 / Chapter 第四章 --- 對吳經熊思想之討論 --- p.331 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「文化」看法上的弱點 --- p.333 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「本色化」運動的質疑 --- p.344 / Chapter 第三節 --- 「個人主義」的危機 --- p.353 / Chapter 第四節 --- 對「人性」看法的過份樂觀 --- p.359 / Chapter 第五節 --- 結語 --- p.367 / Chapter 第六節 --- 注釋 --- p.371 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.384 / Chapter 第六章 --- 參考書目 --- p.398 / Chapter 一 --- 吳經熊在基督教與中國文化方面的著作 --- p.398 / Chapter 二 --- 吳經熊翻譯之作品 --- p.400 / Chapter 三 --- 中文參考書目 --- p.400 / Chapter 四 --- 英文參考書目 --- p.421 / Chapter 五 --- 雜誌、期刊 --- p.428 / Chapter 六 --- 工具書、字典 --- p.433-438

Theology and social involvement: the case of Wu Yaozong.

January 1992 (has links)
by Lai Yuet Sim, Phoebe. / Thesis (M.Div.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 173-183). / ABSTRACT --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.v / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.vii / Chapter CHAPTER ONE: --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Literature --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Those Related to Wu's Biography and Work --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- Those Related to Wu's Theology and Ideology --- p.4 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- "Those Related to Wu, the TSM and Chinese Protestant Christianity" --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2 --- Objectives and Significance of the Study --- p.8 / Chapter 1.3 --- Scope of Study --- p.9 / Chapter 1.4 --- Method of Study --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- Fundamental Considerations --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- Analytical Framework --- p.13 / Chapter 1.5 --- Limitations --- p.16 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO: --- THE CHINESE CONTEXT AND WU'S SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1 --- Pre´ؤPRC Era: 1893-1949 --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- The Late Qing Years 1893-1911 --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- The Dictatorship of Yuan Shikai 1911-1916 --- p.20 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- "Warlordism, the Enlightenment and Civil War 1916-1931" --- p.21 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Japanese Aggression and War of Resistance 1931-1945 --- p.27 / Chapter 2.1.5 --- Civil War between CNP and CCP 1945-1949 --- p.37 / Chapter 2.2 --- The PRC Era 1949-1979 --- p.42 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Socialist Construction 1949-1956 --- p.42 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- "Ultraleftism, the Cultural Revolution and Modernization1957-1979" --- p.62 / Chapter 2.3 --- Comments --- p.66 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE: --- THEOLOGY AND SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT: WU'S IDEAS --- p.74 / Chapter 3.1 --- Jesus Christ and Love --- p.74 / Chapter 3.2 --- Jesus' Gospel --- p.81 / Chapter 3.3 --- God --- p.84 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- God as Love and as Father --- p.86 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- "Contents of the Term ""God""" --- p.87 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Works of God --- p.91 / Chapter 3.4 --- Truth --- p.93 / Chapter 3.5 --- Kingdom of God --- p.95 / Chapter 3.6 --- Mission of Chinese Christianity --- p.98 / Chapter 3.7 --- Communism and Christianity --- p.109 / Chapter 3.8 --- A Synthesis --- p.112 / Chapter 3.8.1 --- 1918-1931: Love --- p.113 / Chapter 3.8.2 --- 1931-1939: Jesus' Gospel --- p.113 / Chapter 3.8.3 --- 1940-1949: God --- p.117 / Chapter 3.8.4 --- After 1949: Mission of Christianity --- p.121 / Chapter 3.9 --- Comments --- p.123 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR: --- AN EVALUATION --- p.135 / Chapter 4.1 --- Consistency? --- p.135 / Chapter 4.2 --- Relevancy? --- p.141 / Chapter 4.3 --- Renovational? --- p.147 / Chapter 4.4 --- Continuity? --- p.148 / NOTES --- p.163 / BIBLIOGEAPHY --- p.173

上海商務印書館與近代知識文化的傳播和塑造(1897至1949): 從書籍出版史角度考察. / Commercial Press of Shanghai and its dissemination of knowledge and formation / The commercial press of Shanghai and its dissemination of knowledge and formation of culture in the modern China, 1897--1949 from the perspective of the book history (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Shanghai shang wu yin shu guan yu jin dai zhi shi wen hua de chuan bo he su zao (1897 zhi 1949): cong shu ji chu ban shi jiao du kao cha.

January 2002 (has links)
李家駒. / "2001年12月" / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (p. 294-315). / 中英文摘要. / "2001 nian 12 yue" / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Li Jiaju. / Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / Lun wen (zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (p. 294-315).

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