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Beitrag zum Einsatz von unidirektional naturfaserverstärkten thermoplastischen Kunststoffen als Werkstoff für großflächige StrukturbauteileSedlacik, Gert 23 July 2004 (has links)
In this work the possibility for using natural fiber-reinforced thermoplastics in highly loaded large surface structural elements is demonstrated. A production process to fabricate an inexpensive semi-finished material made of polypropylene and unidirectionally orientated natural fibers was developed. The feasibility of the process was proven for different fiber contents. In further examinations optimal parameters for processing the semi-finished material to produce composites by press forming were examined. With these optimal parameters composites have been fabricated that were tested for their static and dynamic properties.
On the basis of the characteristic values of these examinations the field of application for natural fiber reinforced thermoplastics in use of large surface structural elements could be shown. As an example for such an element a rotor blade of a wind turbine with a length of 3,75 m was created. For a prediction of the behaviour of the loaded rotor blade the following load cases were simulated by means of the FEM:
- 50-year gust, with a wind velocity of 50 m/s and standing rotor
- Nominal load, with a wind velocity of 11 m/s and turning rotor.
For an evaluation of the composite behaviour the Tsai Wu criterion was used, because of its capability to determine the failure condition under multi-axle stress.
With these simulations it could be shown that it is theoretically possible to use natural fiber-reinforced thermoplastics as material for large surface structural elements. / In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Möglichkeit für die Verwendung von naturfaserverstärkten Thermoplasten in hochbelasteten großflächigen Strukturbauteilen aufgezeigt. Es wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches die preiswerte Herstellung eines Halbzeuges aus Polypropylen und unidirektional ausgerichteten Naturfasern ermöglicht. Die Realisierbarkeit dieses Verfahrens konnte für verschiedene Naturfasergehalte nachgewiesen werden. In weiteren Untersuchungen wurden die optimalen Verarbeitungsparameter für die Herstellung von Faserverbunden aus diesem Halbzeug mittels der Presstechnik ermittelt. Mit diesen optimalen Parametern wurden Verbunde hergestellt und auf ihre statischen und dynamischen Eigenschaften geprüft.
Auf Grundlage der in diesen Prüfungen ermittelten Kennwerte konnte die Einsatzmöglichkeit dieser naturfaserverstärkten Thermoplaste für ein großflächiges Strukturbauteil gezeigt werden. Als Beispiel für ein solches Bauteil wurde ein 3,75 m langes Rotorblatt einer Windkraftanlage entworfen. Um eine Aussage über das Verhalten des Rotorblattes unter Belastung treffen zu können, wurden folgende Lastfälle mit Hilfe der FEM simuliert:
- 50-Jahres-Böe, mit Windgeschwindigkeit von 50 m/s und stehendem Rotor
- Nennlast, mit Windgeschwindigkeit von 11 m/s und drehendem Rotor
Für die Bewertung des Verbundverhaltens wurde das Tsai-Wu-Ausfallkriterium herangezogen, da es eine Aussage über das Bruchverhalten von Faserverbunden unter mehrachsiger Belastung erlaubt.
Die Auswertung dieser Simulationen ergab, dass es theoretisch möglich ist, naturfaserverstärkte Thermoplaste als Werkstoff in großflächigen Strukturbauteilen einzusetzen.
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All Of Chinese Literature Condensed: A Sourcebook From The Playwright, Director, And Biggest FanEmerson, Whitney 01 January 2013 (has links)
Aristotle stated in his Poetics that theatre’s dual purpose was to educate and entertain. Centuries later the Roman Horace and Indian Bharata echoed his same sentiments. I intend to realize all three theorist’s ideas on the theatre by creating an original educational and entertaining work and bringing it to performance. The audience will retain information without being aware of learning if it is presented in a pleasurable way. The most important geopolitical relationship of this century will be between China and America. In order to educate the American public about the culture of The Middle Kingdom, I propose to write and direct my own play, condensing all three thousand years of Chinese literature into a one hundred and ten minute performance. I will benefit from the personal nature of this thesis by experiencing every stage of a play’s production: from idea to page to performance. My thesis will be made of three major parts: conceiving and writing the play, a journal of directing the debut production, and a third section made of choices, influences, and reflection on the entire experience. In this manner, the ideas swirling in my head may be made clear to others reading this thesis. The play itself will be a comical distillation of ten selected works of Chinese literature. Four non-gender specific American actors will seem to make up the show as it performs in a tongue-in-cheek way. Taking my stated goal of entertaining and educating the audience to heart, the overarching plot of the play will center on the four actors teaching the audience about the literature and culture of China by acting out scenes and telling stories. The information in the scenes will be targeted to a normal American citizen’s educational level with liberal doses of humor added. The four actors will be playing fictionalized versions of themselves and at times iv breaking character by explaining and setting up the theatricality of the piece to the audience. Part of the fun of the show will be seeing how these actors explain a subject as obtuse as Chinese literature to Americans. Perhaps a cooking metaphor is the best way to think of the play: I will chop up raw Chinese literature, the actors will boil it onstage, the theatregoer will consume the mix, and exit the theatre full of entertaining intellectual nourishment. My experiences directing and producing the finished play will be recorded in a journal as a resource for future directors. I imagine directing the play will be the most challenging aspect of this thesis. How is the play changed when other people interact with it? How will the audience receive it? In addition, Committee Chair Mark Routhier and my thesis Committee Members, Mark Brotherton and Tan Huaixiang, will also give written responses to the play’s performances. The play will be performed October 10-13, 2013 in the University of Central Florida’s Performing Arts Complex Studio 2 classroom. In the final section I will write a reflection on the entire process. This will serve the dual purpose of giving me a place to collect my thoughts and giving others a special insight to the growth they might experience when producing this play. Foremost among my influences in writing a play with this subject matter are the style and tone of The Reduced Shakespeare Company
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元明清戲曲小說中之伍子胥童宏民, TONG, HONG-MIAN Unknown Date (has links)
如情性本質、奮鬥歷程•••等並及民間傳講其事 時的偏好。
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敦煌變文主題及其相關問題之研究-以董永變、舜子變、伍子胥變文三篇為主小野純子, XIAO-YE, CHUN-ZI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論:本章分別先述研究動機。目的及其範圍,然後弔陳研究內容要旨與方
第二章 董永變文之研究:本章計分八節,第一節、第二節研究「孝」與佛教有關的
第四章 伍子胥變文之研究:本章計分四節。第一節伍子胥傳說的來源及演變所探討
第五章 結論:簡述董永變文、舜子變文、伍子胥變文等三篇的主題及其相關的諸問
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解嚴後台灣小說瘋狂敘事研究:以舞鶴、陳雪為觀察中心 / The Narrative of Madness in Post-Martial Law Taiwan Fiction: On Wu He and Cheng Syue劉思坊, Liu, Su-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究討論台灣當代小說的瘋狂敘事,以舞鶴和陳雪的小說創作為主要觀察中心。在討論瘋狂敘事之前,首先解釋「現實」概念在不同時代背景、不同文化團體之間所具有的多重指涉,藉著分析不同文化團體與作者間的相互關係,本研究發現在這樣的文化場域內所產生的拉攏和排拒力量,都將影響作家的創作甚鉅。然而,有些作家卻以瘋狂敘事作為一種保持「心靈語言」的方式。本研究主要先找出台灣小說瘋狂敘事的系譜,追溯至六○年代現代主義作家,以王文興為例,他在小說中早已經表現出「理性啟蒙」和「浪漫瘋癲」的雙重意識。在舞鶴的作品中,他藉由瘋癲者被監禁的主題裡繼續「理性」和「瘋狂」相互交纏的雙重結構,並研發出他扭曲的文法,逆轉了「神聖」與「卑賤」的涵意,同時他也自鑄各種新詞,以作為威權時代後的創傷病癥。論文的第二部分討論陳雪的瘋狂敘事,發掘她與前世代女性作家瘋狂敘事的差異之處。不同於奧菲莉亞的浪漫或美杜莎的恐怖形象,陳雪以混亂而不安的精神辯論、循環不已的時間系統表現出創傷的延遲反應。但陳雪的創作不停留於自憐階段,反倒以創傷為媒介,展開集體附魔的發瘋效應。因此,在舞鶴與陳雪的精彩絢麗的文字創作中,我們看見瘋狂敘事多向發展的可能性和差異性。 / The study discusses the narrative of madness in contemporary Taiwan fiction, focusing on the works of Wu He and Cheng Syue. The study starts with an interpretation of the multiple meanings of “reality” in different eras and backgrounds, as well as the diverse understandings of “reality” among different cultural groups. By analyzing the relationships between opposite cultural groups and writers in the Post-Martial Law era, the study finds out that the strengths of both alliance and repulsion inside the cultural field greatly influence literary writings; some writers, however, utilize the narrative of madness to retain “language of the mind.” The main part of the study discovers the genealogy of the narrative of madness in Taiwan by tracing back to the modernist generation in the 1960s, including Wang Wen Hsing, who shows double consciousness of “enlightenment reason” and “romantic madness.” My study then aims at the theme of “confinement” in Wu He’s works, since he extends the dual structure of “reason” and “madness” through the concept of “confinement.” Besides, Wu He develops a distorted grammar to converse the concepts of “sanctity” and “ignobility” and creates new phrases to show the symptoms of trauma after the authoritarian era. The second part of the study is to analyze the narrative of madness of Chen Syue, discussing the differences of expressing madness between her and the female writers of the earlier generation. Unlike the romantic figures of Ophelia and the horrible images of Medusa, Chen Syue’s works show the belated traumatic affects with anxious debates and circulating systems of time. Furthermore, Chen Syue’s writings do not stop at the stage of narcissism, but rather reveal the mediating function of trauma which triggers madness. Therefore, in Wu He and Cheng Syue’s works, verbal extravagance displays diverse possibilities and aspects of the narrative of madness.
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Umwelt-Genomik als Quelle für die Isolierung von neuen Operons und Genclustern aus mikrobiellen Konsortien / Environmental Genomics as a source for the isolation of new operons and gene clusters from microbial consortiaEntcheva, Plamena 29 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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常州普通話變體的音糸研究 / Phonological study of Changzhou putonghua variation張律 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese Language and Literature
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上博楚簡書法研究. / Study of the calligraphy of the Chu bamboo slips in the Shanghai Museum / Study of the calligraphy of the Chu bamboo slips in the Shanghai Museum (Chinese text) / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Shang bo Chu jian shu fa yan jiu.January 2004 (has links)
洪娟. / 論文(哲學博士)--香港中文大學, 2004. / 附參考文獻 (p. i-xii). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in English. / Hong Juan. / Lun wen (Zhe xue bo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2004. / Fu can kao wen xian (p. i-xii).
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傳統的復興: 吳湖帆(1894-1968)山水畫研究. / 吳湖帆1894-1968山水畫研究 / Revival of the great tradition: a study of Wu Hufan's (1894-1968) landscape painting / Chuan tong de fu xing: Wu Hufan (1894-1968) shan shui hua yan jiu. / Wu Hufan 1894-1968 shan shui hua yan jiuJanuary 2002 (has links)
陳蓓. / "2002年12月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2002. / 參考文獻 (leaves 256-273). / 附中英文摘要. / "2002 nian 12 yue". / Chen Bei. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2002. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 256-273). / Fu Zhong Ying wen zhai yao. / 論文提要 --- p.i / 圖版目錄 --- p.vii / 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 生平及藝術活動 --- p.8 / Chapter 第一節 --- 蘇州時期(1894-1924) --- p.8 / Chapter 一、 --- 家學淵源 --- p.8 / Chapter 二、 --- 從私塾到學堂 --- p.12 / Chapter 三、 --- 望族結合 --- p.14 / Chapter 第二節 --- 藝壇地位的確立(1924-1949) --- p.15 / Chapter 一、 --- 藝術活動與交遊 --- p.16 / Chapter 二、 --- 收藏與鑑定 --- p.21 / Chapter 三、 --- 藝術教育 --- p.24 / Chapter 第三節 --- 藝壇地位的下沉(1949-1968 ) --- p.28 / Chapter 一、 --- 文藝方針 --- p.28 / Chapter 二、 --- 藝術活動 --- p.33 / Chapter 三、 --- 政治運動 --- p.38 / Chapter 第二章 --- 藝術歷程´ؤ´ؤ山水畫分期 --- p.54 / Chapter 第一期 --- 兼收並蓄(一九一零年代至二十年代中期) --- p.55 / Chapter 一、 --- 清末民初藝術潮流 --- p.55 / Chapter 二、 --- 師承江南山水畫傳統 --- p.58 / Chapter 第二期 --- 追綜正統(二十年代中期至三十年代中期) --- p.60 / Chapter 一、 --- 追宗董其昌 --- p.62 / Chapter 二、 --- 上溯元四家 --- p.63 / Chapter 第三期 --- 南北融合(三十年代中期至五十年代) --- p.65 / Chapter 一、 --- 初探北宗 --- p.66 / Chapter 二、 --- 南北結合、借古開今 --- p.67 / Chapter 第四期 --- 政治藝術(五十年代以後) --- p.70 / Chapter 一、 --- 集古的延續 --- p.71 / Chapter 二、 --- “標準´ح藝術 --- p.72 / Chapter 第三章 --- 吳湖帆山水畫的特色 --- p.80 / Chapter 第一節 --- 筆筆入古 --- p.81 / Chapter 一、 --- 山水畫“仿古´ح的傳統 --- p.81 / Chapter 二、 --- 母題的運用 --- p.83 / Chapter 三、 --- 筆法的結合 --- p.85 / Chapter 第二節 --- 色籠墨染 --- p.89 / Chapter 一、 --- 設色山水的傳統 --- p.89 / Chapter 一、 --- 重現唐宋青綠 --- p.90 / Chapter 二、 --- 色墨交融 --- p.92 / Chapter 第三節 --- 煙雲供養 --- p.95 / Chapter 一、 --- 傳統山水畫中的煙雲 --- p.95 / Chapter 二、 --- 煙雲山水 --- p.98 / Chapter 第四節 --- 詞意山水 --- p.100 / Chapter 一、 --- 詞與畫 --- p.100 / Chapter 二、 --- 詞意山水 --- p.101 / Chapter 第四章 --- 緊守傳統´ؤ´ؤ吳湖帆的畫學思想 --- p.112 / Chapter 第一節 --- 傳統文化的守護 --- p.112 / Chapter 一、 --- 傳統文化的守護 --- p.112 / Chapter 二、 --- 傳統藝術的守護 --- p.116 / Chapter 第二節 --- 吳湖帆的畫學思想 --- p.120 / Chapter 一、 --- 畫史觀 --- p.121 / Chapter i. --- 追本溯源 --- p.121 / Chapter ii. --- 正統觀念 --- p.124 / Chapter iii. --- 南北宗論 --- p.125 / Chapter iv. --- 文人畫觀 --- p.128 / Chapter 二、 --- 創作觀 --- p.132 / Chapter i. --- 工具、功夫 --- p.132 / Chapter ii. --- 緊守系統 --- p.134 / Chapter iii. --- 筆精墨妙 --- p.136 / Chapter 第三節 --- 對時代藝術潮流的回應 --- p.138 / Chapter 一、 --- 檢視傳統的利弊 --- p.139 / Chapter 二、 --- 當下畫壇的評論 --- p.141 / Chapter 三、 --- 現代中國畫的路向 --- p.143 / 結語 --- p.150 / 附錄一吳湖帆生平年表 --- p.159 / 附錄二吳湖帆山水畫作品著錄 --- p.179 / 參考書目 --- p.256 / 圖版第一章圖版 --- p.274 / 第二章圖版 --- p.280 / 第三章圖版 --- p.312 / 結語圖版 --- p.339
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北伐時期國民政府外交政策與對外關係 / The foreign policy and external relationship of national govern- ment during 1921-1931陳湘芬, Chen, Hsiang Fen Unknown Date (has links)
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