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Giovan Mario Crescimbeni nel sistema culturale del suo tempo / Giovan Mario Crescimbeni dans le systeme culturel de son temps / Giovan Mario Crescimbeni in the cultural system of his timeNardo, Chiara 27 March 2017 (has links)
Le travail de recherche a l’objectif de retracer l’expérience de Crescimbeni, premier Custode General de l’Académie de l’Arcadie,et reconstruire son profil biographique et culturel à travers l’examen des différents aspects de son activité intellectuelle (safonction de Custode, d’auteur, d’historien et critique de la littérature italienne) et de ses relations avec le contexte social etpolitique de référence, la cour pontificale de Clémente XI, pour évaluer l’impact et l’influence culturelle de l’Arcadie dans l’histoirede la pensée littéraire du XVIIIe siècle.Le premier chapitre reconstruit le profil biographique de l’auteur et décrit l’événement fondateur de son expérience intellectuelle :la constitution de l’Académie de l’Arcadie en 1690, en prenant en considération le contexte romain de la fin du XVIIe siècle.Le deuxième chapitre concerne la production lyrique de Crescimbeni : à travers l’examen des textes manuscrites et des éditionsimprimées de l’auteur, on a défini la poésie de Crescimbeni avec ses modèles, ses mètres et ses thèmes spécifiques.Ensuite, les chapitres 3 et 4 analysent l’activité de Custode General de Crescimbeni, à travers l’étude des documents manuscritesconservés par les Archives de les Bibliothèques Angélique et Apostolique du Vatican à Rome. En contenant de nombreusesinterventions de Crescimbeni sur les textes de les poètes Arcadiens, les cartes de la Bibliothèque Angélique sont importantesparce que elles permettent d’analyser son activité d’éditeur. D’autre part, les documents de la Bibliothèque du Vatican, surtoutmatériau épistolaires, éclairent la nature des aucunes relations sociales de Crescimbeni dans la société contemporaine et dans lasoi-disant « République des Lettres ».Le dernier chapitre traite, enfin, de l’activité de critique et d’historien de Crescimbeni. La thèse contient aussi l’édition de plusieurstextes inédits de le Custode d’Arcadie. / My research has the purpose of tracing the experience of Crescimbeni, first General Master of the Arcadia Academy, and toreconstruct his biographical and cultural profile through the analysis of different aspects of his intellectual activity (his job asArcadia Master, author, historian and Italian literature critic) and through his relationships with the social and political context of thetime, the court of Pope Clemence XI, to evaluate the impact and cultural influence of Arcadia in history and thought of XVIIIcentury.The first chapter focuses on the biography of the author and describes the founding moment of his intellectual experience: thebirth of the Arcadia Academy in 1690, also considering the social context of Rome in the end of the XVII century.The second chapter is about the lyric production of Crescimbeni: thanks to the manuscripts and to printed texts of the author, thepoetry of Crescimbeni with his models, his masters and specific theme was framed.Then, chapters 3 and 4 analyze the activity of the General Master of Crescimbeni, throughout the study of the manuscriptsconserved in the Archives of the Angelic and Apostolic Vatican Library of Rome. Containing numerous interventions ofCrescimbeni on the text of other Arcadian poets, the papers of the Angelic Library are important because they allow to look at hisactivity as an editor. On the other hand, the documents of the Vatican Library, especially epistolary material, clarify the nature ofsome social relationships of Crescimbeni within his contemporary society and the so called “Lettres Society”.To conclude, last chapter speaks about the activity of critic and historian of Crescimbeni. The thesis also contains the edition ofmany unpublished texts of the Arcadia Master
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Práticas terapêuticas jesuíticas no Império colonial português: medicamentos e boticas no século XVIII / Jesuit therapeutic practices in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: medicines and pharmacies in the XVIII centuryMaia, Patricia Albano 28 November 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho dedicamo-nos a classificar e analisar as práticas de cura utilizadas pelos jesuítas no império português durante o século XVIII. Nosso objeto de estudo foram as receitas de medicamento aviadas nas boticas dos colégios da Companhia de Jesus, procuramos traçar as linhas teoricas da medicina que influenciaram a terapeutica jesuítica para tentar entender de que modo os inacianos inseriam-se no contexto científico-cultural da época. As receitas de medicamentos circularam tanto dentro do ambito dos colégios como fora deles. Algumas destas eram secretas e adquiriram considerável prestígio junto à população pelo pronto restabelecimento da saúde. Nossas hipóteses de pesquisa são 1) os jesuítas valeram-se de práticas terapêuticas de diversas origens, 2) a Companhia de Jesus era um instituição que conhecia e aplicava as novas concepções de medicamentos; 3) as boticas dos colegios jesuíticos produziram remédios que seguiam tanto a tradição hipocratica-galência quanto os ensinamentos da Iatroquímica e da iatromecanica; 4) as boticas jesuíticas foram responsáveis pela geração de renda para os colégios. / In this paper, the healing practices used by Jesuits in the Portuguese empire during the XVIII century are classified and analyzed. For the study, medical prescriptions filled at pharmacies at Society of Jesus schools were used in an attempt to delineate theoretical medical lines that influenced Jesuit therapy in order to understand how the Ignations fit into the scientific and cultural context of the time. Medical prescriptions circulated both inside and outside of the environs of the schools. Some of them were secret and gained considerable prestige among the population due to how quickly health was restored. The research hypotheses contained herein are: 1) that Jesuits used therapeutic practices of various origins; 2) the Society of Jesus was an institution that had knowledge of and used newly created medications; 3) the pharmacies in the Jesuit schools produced medications that followed the Hippocratic-Galenic tradition as well as the teachings of iatrochemistry and iatromechanics; 4) Jesuit pharmacies were responsible for generating income for the schools.
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Vasilij Grigorovic-Barskij et les lieux saints ( 1701-1747) : un sujet russe entre itinéraire spirituel et quête du savoir / Vasilij Grigorovič-Barskij and the holy places (1701-1747) : a Russian subject between spiritual itinerary and quest of knowledgeOdaysky, Myriam 24 June 2013 (has links)
Vasilij Grigorovič-Barskij est un voyageur parti de Kiev en 1723 à l’âge de vingt-deux ans dans le but initial de se soigner et parfaire son éducation à L’viv (Ukraine). Répondant à l’appel de la route, il parcourt sans ressources, seul et à pied, pendant près d’un quart de siècle, les pays bordant la Méditerranée, depuis l’Italie jusqu’à l’Egypte en passant par la Grêce et ses îles, la Syrie et le Liban, la Terre Sainte et Constantinople. Notre étude est consacrée au séjour de Barskij dans les pays du Proche Orient. Nous tâchons tout d’abord de replacer l’œuvre de Vasilij Barskij dans la tradition des récits de pèlerinages slaves en Orient, appelés xoždenija, et initiée par Daniel de Černigov, dont notre pèlerin est le digne héritier. Pourtant Barskij est aussi marqué par son époque : désireux de s’instruire afin de rapporter un savoir dans sa patrie, il se montre d’une curiosité encyclopédique et notamment doué pour les langues. Enfin, nous nous penchons sur l’aspect humain de l’aventure de Vasilij Barskij, qui évolue vers une meilleure connaissance des hommes et de lui-même, jusqu’au plein accomplissement de sa vocation de moine érudit. La traduction en français du périple de Barskij en Orient rend accessible aux francophones l’œuvre originale de ce voyageur entre tradition et modernité. / Vasilij Grigorovič-Barskij was a voyager who left Kiev in 1723 at the age of twenty-two with the initial goals of seeking a cure for himself and of pursuing his education at L'viv. Heeding the call of the road, without provisions, alone and on foot, he took almost a quarter century to traverse the countries on the shores of the Mediterranean from Italy to Egypt, passing through Greece and its islands, Syria, Lebanon, the Holy Land and Constantinople. Our study is dedicated to Barskij's sojourns in the countries of the near east. First, we will endeavour to place the work of Vasilij Barkij in the context of the tradition of accounts of slavic pilgrimages in the East. These were termed xoždenija and first undertaken by Daniel of Černigov, of whom our pilgrim, Vasilij is the worthy heir. However, Barskij was also affected by his times: desirous of improving his knowledge so that he could bring back learning to his country, he demonstrated an encyclopaedic curiosity with a particular gift for languages. Finally, we turn our attention towards the human aspect of Vasilij Barskij's adventure which enabled him to develop a better understanding of humankind and of himself, leading to the full flourishing of his vocation as a scholarly monk. The translation of Barskij's travels in the Orient into French makes the original works of this traveller between traditional and modern worlds accessible to all francophones.
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Tendo o sol por testemunha: população portuguesa na Baía de Paranaguá (c. 1750-1830) / Having the sun as witness: Portuguese population in Paranagua Bay (c. 1750-1830)Cavazzani, André Luiz Moscaleski 09 September 2013 (has links)
A vila portuária de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Paranaguá, sob a jurisdição da Capitania de São Paulo, foi foco significativo de entrada de emigrantes portugueses em fins do século XVIII. Não obstante, tanto o processo de transferência populacional lusíada, quanto os mecanismos de enraizamento dos portugueses nessa vila restam ainda pouco aprofundados. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho consiste justamente, em trazer a lume as diversas redes de sociabilidades, os circuitos mercantis, as redes de poder, enfim, as teias sociais das quais os portugueses radicados em Paranaguá tomaram parte, à medida que por ali se estabeleciam. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo verticalizado acerca da população portuguesa realizado mediante corpo documental fontes seriadas de caráter civil e eclesiástico, com vistas a apreender o processo de enraizamento reinol em Paranaguá. / The harbor town of Vila de Nossa Senhora do Rosário de Paranaguá, under the jurisdiction of the Province of São Paulo, was significant focus input of Portuguese immigrants in the late eighteenth century. Nevertheless, both the process of population transfer Lusiad, and the mechanisms of rooted Portuguese left this village still little depth. Thus, the aim of this work is precisely to bring to light the various networks of sociability, the market circuits, power networks, finally, the social webs of which the Portuguese settled in Paranaguá took part, as there were established by . It is, therefore, a study on the vertical Portuguese population conducted by documentary sources serial body of a civil and ecclesiastical, in order to grasp the process of rooting Reinol in Paranaguá at the time indicated.
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“Escrevi sobre diversos assuntos, mas mantive os mesmos princípios”: a linguagem paradoxal como construção crítica no pensamento de Jean-Jacques Rousseau / I have written on various subjects, but always with the same principles” :the paradoxal language as critical construction in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s thinkingBarbosa, Barbara Rodrigues 01 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-10-20T17:23:10Z
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Barbara Rodrigues Barbosa.pdf: 770347 bytes, checksum: 2679fa42541849016dfad86395b3d065 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-20T17:23:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Barbara Rodrigues Barbosa.pdf: 770347 bytes, checksum: 2679fa42541849016dfad86395b3d065 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-09-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research’s investigative motto is the Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s adage in his book Emile, or On the Education (1762), to know, “whatever they may say I would rather be a man of paradoxes than a man of prejudices” (ROUSSEAU, 2004, p.96). We take from the analysis of some of his works, as in, Discourse About the Science and the Arts (1750) and the Narcissus’ Preface (1752), just as the polemics about his dircours.
It’s about, above all, of clarifying that in the study we look to the paradox as a philosophical concept, videlicet, to understand the paradox as a line of thought capable of understanding the received opinions and reorganize then.
Other authors have already concerned about paradox in some studies and in their works2, but with no intention to run out of it, or to give a definitively answer, this rummage comes in an attempt to sense the presence of the paradox in the Discourse About the Science and the Arts and notice what is the function of this Jean-Jacques’s line of thought and if it can be recognized as a critical language / O mote investigativo dessa pesquisa é a máxima adotada por Jean-Jacques Rousseau em seu Emílio, ou da Educação, a saber, “digam o que disserem, prefiro ser homem de paradoxos a ser homem de preconceitos” (ROUSSEAU, 2004, p.96). O tomamos a partir da análise de obras como o Discurso sobre as ciências e as Artes (1750) e o Prefácio de Narciso (1752), bem como da polêmica entorno do discurso.
Trata-se, antes de tudo, de esclarecer que no presente estudo procuramos nos referir ao paradoxo enquanto conceito filosófico, isso significa dizer, entender o paradoxo como uma forma de pensamento capaz de entender as opiniões recebidas e as reconfigurarem.
Outros autores já procuram colocar essa questão em alguns estudos e em suas obras1, mas longe de querer a esgotar, ou responde-la definitivamente, essa investigação se apresenta na tentativa de entender a presença do paradoxo no Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes e perceber qual é a função desempenhada por esse conceito no pensamento de Jean-Jacques e se ele pode ser entendido como linguagem crítica
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As fontes setecentistas do romance português / The eighteenth-century Portuguese novel foundationsSousa, Moizeis Sobreira de 02 June 2014 (has links)
O romance tem sido perpassado e indelevelmente marcado pelo signo da instabilidade, traço que se estende do arcabouço teórico ao engendramento e manifestação dessa forma. Não obstante essa compleição móvel, a crítica e historiografia literárias têm sedimentado o equívoco de totalizar o romance realista, mais especificamente aquele fixado na França e Inglaterra entre os séculos XVIII e XIX, como modelo acabado. No âmbito do espaço cultural português, essa abordagem tem gerado inúmeros equívocos, já que a história do romance não se processa no lado oeste da Península Ibérica como na Inglaterra, onde o surgimento de estruturas sociais tributárias do individualismo, o capitalismo industrial e a ética protestante repercutem na forma como os suportes ficcionais são forjados. Também não se desenrola tal como na França, onde os processos históricos resultantes da Revolução Francesa consolidam o estiolamento do Ancien Régime e fomentam as bases de uma matriz cultural calcada na mundividência burguês-liberal. A aplicação dessa abordagem impossibilita considerar as questões específicas e os caracteres que o romance adquire no processo de elaboração estética das contingências inerentes ao espaço cultural lusitano. Além disso, traz como consequência ignorar a produção romancística portuguesa do século XVIII, tida como inexistente, uma vez que não corresponde ao modelo referido. Essa ideia, no entanto, revela-se sem fundamento. Não só existem romancistas portugueses nesse período, como eles exercem influências sobre os escritores conterrâneos que se ocupam dessa forma no século XIX, como comprovam diversos romances de Camilo Castelo Branco, responsáveis pela recuperação de diversas narrativas pátrias setecentistas / The novel has been passed by and indelibly marked by the sign of instability, which is an aspect that extends from its theoretical frame to the begetting and manifestation of this aesthetic form. Despite this moving complexion, literary and historiographic criticisms have established the misconception of totalizing the realist novel as a finished model, more specifically the production set in France and England between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Taking into account the Portuguese cultural scenery, this generalist approach has generated numerous biases, since the story of the novel does not take place on the west side of the Iberian Peninsula as in England, where the rise of social structures based on individualism, industrial capitalism and the Protestant ethic resonate in how fictional forms are forged. Nor unfolds as seen in France, where historical processes resulting from the French Revolution consolidate the shading of the Ancien Régime and underpin the foundations of a cultural matrix grounded in the bourgeois-liberal worldview. The use of this generalist approach makes it impossible to consider the specific issues and elements the novel acquires during the elaboration of its aesthetic contingencies which were inherent in the Lusitanian cultural process space. Moreover, as a result it ignores the Portuguese romancistic production of the eighteenth century, presupposed as non-existent, since the model does not match the generalist model. This idea, however, proves to be unfounded. Not only are there Portuguese novelists in this period, as they exert influences on fellow writers who deal in this way in the nineteenth century. This is evidenced in several novels written by Camilo Castelo Branco, who is responsible for the recovery of several eighteenth-century homeland narratives
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[pt] Esta tese propõe-se examinar o livro de Matias Aires intitulado Reflexões sobre a vaidade dos homens, publicado pela primeira vez em 1752. Nesse texto, Matias Aires oferece ao leitor uma visão filosófica do mundo e da História das mais negativas do século XVIII. Ele constrói seu pensamento a partir dos conceitos de vaidade, amor, natureza, sociedade, tempo e movimento, o letrado apresentando que os homens agem movidos pelas paixões, sendo a vaidade a origem de todas elas. Dado caráter lacunar do conhecimento humano, a narrativa da História resulta em uma coleção de eventos sucessivos que não servem ao ensinamento. Sua existência, porém, não é sem sentido ou sem valor, uma vez que ela fornece legitimidade à diferenciação social da nobreza hereditária. A partir da observação dos argumentos desenvolvidos por Matias Aires, investigaram-se as concepções de mundo presentes no pensamento do autor que lhe permitiram construir essa visão específica tanto da História quanto da escrita da História. O estudo das categorias filosóficas de Matias Aires ancora-se no pressuposto de que os conceitos de homem, sociedade e mundo mobilizados pelo autor devem ser compreendidos tendo em vista sua primeira legibilidade e na intenção de repor o significado dessas categorias segundo as funções retóricas em vigência naquele presente histórico. / [en] This thesis proposes to examine the book of Matias Aires entitled Reflexões sobre a Vaidade dos Homens (Reflections on Vanity), first published in 1752. In that text, Matias Aires offers one of the most negative philosophical insights about the world and the History produced in the eighteenth century. When building his thinking from the concepts of vanity, love, nature, society, time and movement, the scholar shows that men act moved by passions, being vanity the origin of them all. Given the incomplete nature of human knowledge, the narrative of History leads to a collection of successive events that do not serve as teachings. Its existence, however, is not meaningless or without value, since it provides legitimacy to the social differentiation of hereditary nobleness. Based on the observation of this argumentative network developed by Matias Aires, we investigated the world conceptions presented in the author s thought that allowed him to build this particular view of History, as much as of the writing of history. The study of the philosophical categories of Matias Aires is founded on the assumption that the concepts of man, society and the world mobilized by the author must be understood in view of its readability and the first in an attempt to restore the meaning of these categories according to the rhetorical functions in that present.
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Viver sob as leis da nobreza: a casa dos Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque e as estratégias de ascensão social na Bahia do século XVIIIBorges, Eduardo José Santos 25 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Oliveira Santos Dilzaná (dilznana@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-03-22T14:15:02Z
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TESE EDUARDO BORGES.pdf: 2229043 bytes, checksum: cd15124fe8989311d07b69cd3585ae8e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Portela (anapoli@ufba.br) on 2016-03-28T19:10:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE EDUARDO BORGES.pdf: 2229043 bytes, checksum: cd15124fe8989311d07b69cd3585ae8e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-28T19:10:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE EDUARDO BORGES.pdf: 2229043 bytes, checksum: cd15124fe8989311d07b69cd3585ae8e (MD5) / CAPES / No século XVIII, vivia a sociedade portuguesa sob a influência de um ethos
nobiliárquico que valorizava a prestação de serviços à Coroa. Nesse contexto, essa
mesma sociedade renovava seus critérios de classificação hierárquica, cujas definições
passavam a ser responsabilidade da própria monarquia. Coube à Coroa definir o acesso
aos diversos graus de nobreza e ao mesmo tempo desempenhar uma espécie de
―monopólio régio das classificações sociais‖. Tanto no reino quanto na Bahia colonial,
se fizeram presentes, nesse período, instrumentos de ascensão social, tais como:
remuneração de serviços, distribuição e redistribuição de honras e mercês e concessões
de hábitos de ordens religiosas e militares. Diante desse quadro, e inspirados no ethos
nobiliárquico reinol, membros da camada superior da sociedade baiana do século XVIII
buscaram qualificar-se socialmente, ao fazerem uso dos diversos instrumentos de
nobilitação presentes na dimensão reinol e reproduzidos em território colonial.
Buscando analisar de maneira mais profunda as estratégias de ascensão social das elites
baianas, esta pesquisa investigou a trajetória de uma família de considerável poder
político, econômico e social da Bahia colonial, no caso a família Pires de Carvalho e
Albuquerque. Ao examinar as iniciativas estratégicas dos Pires de Carvalho e
Albuquerque na busca por honras e mercês, além das ações de reprodução social
colocada em prática pela família, foi possível perceber o quanto o ethos nobiliárquico
presente no reino foi refletido nas ações dos sujeitos que formavam as camadas
superiores da sociedade colonial baiana. Diante da identificação e análise da
documentação referente às relações entre indivíduos da colônia e da metrópole, ficou
evidenciado o quanto de parâmetros societários típicos do Antigo Regime se fizeram
presentes na organização hierárquica da sociedade colonial.
In the XVIII century, the Portuguese society, under the influence of an ethos of nobility
ranking, it valued service delivery to the Crown. In this context, this society renews its
hierarchical ranking criteria whose settings passed to be responsibility of the monarchy
itself. The Crown had the prerogative to set access to the different nobility levels and
simultaneously would perform a sort of "royal monopoly over social ranking". And
thus, inspired by the ethos of nobility, noble sectors of Portuguese society would sought
to acquire and legitimize its privileges. It was the Crown's responsibility over the
approach and control strategies establishment that social core through actions such as:
payment for services; distribution and redistribution of honors and favors, and
concessions of habits for religious and military orders. Given this situation, and inspired
by the ethos royal nobility, members of the upper layer of Bahia's society in the
eighteenth century sought to qualify socially, to make use of the various instruments of
ennoblement present in royal realm and reproduced on colonial territory. Trying to
analyze more deeply the social mobility strategies of Bahian elites, this research
investigated the trajectory of a family of considerable political power, economic and
social in colonial Bahia, where the family Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque. In
examining the strategic initiatives of Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque in the search for
honors and favors, in addition to social reproduction actions put into practice by the
family, it was revealed how much the ethos of nobility present in the kingdom was
reflected in the actions of the subjects that formed the upper layers of the Bahia colonial
society. On the identification and analysis of documentation to relations among
individuals of the colony and the metropolis, it was evident how much of typical
corporate parameters of the old regime were present in the hierarchical organization of
colonial society.
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As fontes setecentistas do romance português / The eighteenth-century Portuguese novel foundationsMoizeis Sobreira de Sousa 02 June 2014 (has links)
O romance tem sido perpassado e indelevelmente marcado pelo signo da instabilidade, traço que se estende do arcabouço teórico ao engendramento e manifestação dessa forma. Não obstante essa compleição móvel, a crítica e historiografia literárias têm sedimentado o equívoco de totalizar o romance realista, mais especificamente aquele fixado na França e Inglaterra entre os séculos XVIII e XIX, como modelo acabado. No âmbito do espaço cultural português, essa abordagem tem gerado inúmeros equívocos, já que a história do romance não se processa no lado oeste da Península Ibérica como na Inglaterra, onde o surgimento de estruturas sociais tributárias do individualismo, o capitalismo industrial e a ética protestante repercutem na forma como os suportes ficcionais são forjados. Também não se desenrola tal como na França, onde os processos históricos resultantes da Revolução Francesa consolidam o estiolamento do Ancien Régime e fomentam as bases de uma matriz cultural calcada na mundividência burguês-liberal. A aplicação dessa abordagem impossibilita considerar as questões específicas e os caracteres que o romance adquire no processo de elaboração estética das contingências inerentes ao espaço cultural lusitano. Além disso, traz como consequência ignorar a produção romancística portuguesa do século XVIII, tida como inexistente, uma vez que não corresponde ao modelo referido. Essa ideia, no entanto, revela-se sem fundamento. Não só existem romancistas portugueses nesse período, como eles exercem influências sobre os escritores conterrâneos que se ocupam dessa forma no século XIX, como comprovam diversos romances de Camilo Castelo Branco, responsáveis pela recuperação de diversas narrativas pátrias setecentistas / The novel has been passed by and indelibly marked by the sign of instability, which is an aspect that extends from its theoretical frame to the begetting and manifestation of this aesthetic form. Despite this moving complexion, literary and historiographic criticisms have established the misconception of totalizing the realist novel as a finished model, more specifically the production set in France and England between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Taking into account the Portuguese cultural scenery, this generalist approach has generated numerous biases, since the story of the novel does not take place on the west side of the Iberian Peninsula as in England, where the rise of social structures based on individualism, industrial capitalism and the Protestant ethic resonate in how fictional forms are forged. Nor unfolds as seen in France, where historical processes resulting from the French Revolution consolidate the shading of the Ancien Régime and underpin the foundations of a cultural matrix grounded in the bourgeois-liberal worldview. The use of this generalist approach makes it impossible to consider the specific issues and elements the novel acquires during the elaboration of its aesthetic contingencies which were inherent in the Lusitanian cultural process space. Moreover, as a result it ignores the Portuguese romancistic production of the eighteenth century, presupposed as non-existent, since the model does not match the generalist model. This idea, however, proves to be unfounded. Not only are there Portuguese novelists in this period, as they exert influences on fellow writers who deal in this way in the nineteenth century. This is evidenced in several novels written by Camilo Castelo Branco, who is responsible for the recovery of several eighteenth-century homeland narratives
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Práticas terapêuticas jesuíticas no Império colonial português: medicamentos e boticas no século XVIII / Jesuit therapeutic practices in the Portuguese Colonial Empire: medicines and pharmacies in the XVIII centuryPatricia Albano Maia 28 November 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho dedicamo-nos a classificar e analisar as práticas de cura utilizadas pelos jesuítas no império português durante o século XVIII. Nosso objeto de estudo foram as receitas de medicamento aviadas nas boticas dos colégios da Companhia de Jesus, procuramos traçar as linhas teoricas da medicina que influenciaram a terapeutica jesuítica para tentar entender de que modo os inacianos inseriam-se no contexto científico-cultural da época. As receitas de medicamentos circularam tanto dentro do ambito dos colégios como fora deles. Algumas destas eram secretas e adquiriram considerável prestígio junto à população pelo pronto restabelecimento da saúde. Nossas hipóteses de pesquisa são 1) os jesuítas valeram-se de práticas terapêuticas de diversas origens, 2) a Companhia de Jesus era um instituição que conhecia e aplicava as novas concepções de medicamentos; 3) as boticas dos colegios jesuíticos produziram remédios que seguiam tanto a tradição hipocratica-galência quanto os ensinamentos da Iatroquímica e da iatromecanica; 4) as boticas jesuíticas foram responsáveis pela geração de renda para os colégios. / In this paper, the healing practices used by Jesuits in the Portuguese empire during the XVIII century are classified and analyzed. For the study, medical prescriptions filled at pharmacies at Society of Jesus schools were used in an attempt to delineate theoretical medical lines that influenced Jesuit therapy in order to understand how the Ignations fit into the scientific and cultural context of the time. Medical prescriptions circulated both inside and outside of the environs of the schools. Some of them were secret and gained considerable prestige among the population due to how quickly health was restored. The research hypotheses contained herein are: 1) that Jesuits used therapeutic practices of various origins; 2) the Society of Jesus was an institution that had knowledge of and used newly created medications; 3) the pharmacies in the Jesuit schools produced medications that followed the Hippocratic-Galenic tradition as well as the teachings of iatrochemistry and iatromechanics; 4) Jesuit pharmacies were responsible for generating income for the schools.
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