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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Worldness behind the Cemetery / Stories of Absent Germans and Jews in the Former Habsburg Borderland

Stanković, Snežana 11 December 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht gewaltsam verschwundene Welten der deutschen (donauschwäbischen) und jüdischen Minderheiten im serbischen Südostbanat, einst Teil der Militärgrenze der Habsburgermonarchie, heute als geographisches Dreieck zwischen Ungarn, Rumänien und Serbien aufgeteilt. Denkmäler und Grabsteine mit deutschen Inschriften im Südostbanat zeugen von Verflechtungen innerhalb der Geschichte von donauschwäbischen und jüdischen Minderheiten. Sie sind heute in der Region nicht fast mehr anzutreffen und sind wie abwesende Nachbar:innen. Vor diesem Hintergrund folgt die Arbeit den damaligen und gegenwärtigen Konvivenzräumen. Damit einhergehend nimmt die vorliegende Analyse eine erzähltheoretische Perspektive ein, indem sie Friedhöfe/ Denkmäler/ Gedenkstätten und Archivquellen als “narrative Artefakte” versteht, die “Weltlichkeit” (worldness) enthalten. Es wird danach gefragt, wie Menschen in den heutigen Banater Nachbarschaften unterschiedliche und doch nah beieinander liegende Erzählwelten (storyworlds) hinsichtlich der abwesenden Minderheiten schaffen. Auf wessen Vergangenheit gehen die Erinnerungen zurück? Wer bewohnt diese Gedächtnisräume? Die Forschung widmet sich den wandelnden Ausgrenzungen und Eingrenzungen entlang den konstruierten vielstimmigen, ineinander verschränkten Erzählwelten. Abwesenheit dient als poetisch-analytisches Konzept, wodurch die theoretischen Felder der Narratologie und Anthropology des Todes und der Gewalt – durch Friedhofsforschung – zusammentreffen. / This thesis follows “German cemeteries” that still exist in Southeast Banat in Serbia, once part of the Habsburg Military Frontier, today a borderland between Serbia, Romania and Hungary. I am interested in how abandoned, demolished, forgotten, and reconstructed cemeteries with German-inscribed gravestones mirror rhythms of the past and present. These very inscriptions convey entangled stories about Germans and Jews. Nowadays, they are primarily absent neighbors. For this reason, I adopt a narratological perspective in which cemeteries, monuments and memorials, archives and oral interviews act as narrative instances bearing worldness. In attempting to reconstruct the worlds behind, the study asks how remaining people narratively create distinct, often conflictual and yet close storyworlds about absent Jews and Germans and their past in the region, the Holocaust and forced displacement after the Second World War (Vertreibung). With whose memories are the new realities filled? Who inhabits these? Whose history counts? Combining empirical work with concepts bridging history/ memory, the anthropology of death and violence, narratology, and literary fictional texts and images, the thesis explores stories retold and memories silenced, repressed, and haunting.

Hybridarbete ur ett organisationsperspektiv : En kvalitativ undersökning av mellanchefers syn på den hybrida arbetsmodellen och hur den påverkar olika delar av organisationen

Mörth, Maja, Norén, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Previous studies show that hybrid work is now a big and important part of the society, both for employees and organizations. Hybrid work can be described as one of the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, which forced a lot of companies to implement extensive changes to reduce the spread of the virus. A big part of previous studies in this area has focused on hybrid work from an employees’ perspective. This purpose of this study is to examine how middle managers view the hybrid work model and how it affects different parts of the organization. The most central concept in the study is hybrid work, which allows employees to combine traditional office work with remote work. To answer the purpose of the study, a qualitative interview method has been used with four different companies participating. The analysis is conducted based on the presented empirical data in relation to the theoretical framework. Based on the results of the study, the conclusionis that hybrid work has become an important part at many companies after the pandemic. Hybrid work creates competitiveness and flexibility, but requires clear communication and individualized solutions to succeed. Challenges that exist are security, technology, lack of interaction, and the balance between work and private life. / Tidigare studier visar på att hybridarbete är en stor och viktig del av dagens samhälle, både för medarbetare och organisationer. Hybridarbete kan beskrivas som en av konsekvenserna av Covid-19-pandemin, vilket tvingade många företag att genomföra omfattande omställningar för att minska smittspridningen. En stor del av tidigare forskning inom detta område har berört hybridarbete ur ett medarbetarperspektiv. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka hur mellanchefer ser på den hybrida arbetsmodellen och hur den påverkar olika delar av organisationen. Det mest centrala begreppet i studien är hybridarbete, som innebär att medarbetare har möjlighet att kombinera kontorsarbete med arbete på distans. För att svara på studiens syfte har en kvalitativ intervjumetod använts där fyra olika företag har deltagit. Analysen är genomförd utifrån presenterad empiri i relation till den teoretiska referensramen. Utifrån studiens resultat är slutsatsen att hybridarbete blivit en central del på många arbetsplatser efter pandemin. Hybridarbetet skapar konkurrenskraft och flexibilitet, men behöver tydlig kommunikation och individanpassade lösningar för att lyckas. Utmaningar som finns är säkerhet, teknik, bristen på interaktion och balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv.

Elevhälsans beskrivning av insatser som främjar närvaro och förebygger frånvaro hos elever

Yiangou, Irini, Bergström, Nina January 2024 (has links)
Problematisk skolfrånvaro är ett växande problem i många länder och har allvarliga konsekvenser för både eleven, elevens familj men också samhället på sikt. Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap om skolors arbete med insatser som främjar elevers närvaro och förebygger frånvaro. För att besvara syftet genomfördes fokusgruppsintervjuer med elevhälsan på två olika skolor; en i mellersta och en i norra Sverige. Studiens resultat visar att insatserna som görs sker i samverkan inom elevhälsan men också mellan elevhälsan och vårdnadshavare, elever, pedagoger samt externa kontakter, som till exempel socialtjänst. Styrkor som identifierades i arbetet med frånvaroförebyggande och närvarofrämjande insatser inkluderar tidiga insatser, uppföljning av frånvarostatistik, samsyn, lärmiljö, ett salutogent synsätt i skolan, ett tydligt ledarskap samt en god samverkan med elev, vårdnadshavare och externa kontakter. Några hinder som identifierades är en icke fungerande samverkan med externa aktörer och vårdnadshavare, brist på samsyn mellan skolan och vårdnadshavare och mellan personalen på skolan. Utvecklingsområden som identifierades var samverkan med externa kontakter, samsyn och systematiken på skolan. För att kunna arbeta med frånvaroförebyggande och närvarofrämjande insatser nämns tid och samsyn som viktiga förutsättningar. I studien dras slutsatsen att det är av stor vikt hur skolan organiserar sina insatser, där ett aktivt ledarskap på olika nivåer med tydliga förväntningar på personalen kan bidra till ett framgångsrikt arbetssätt. Ett “tillsammansarbete” nämns även som betydelsefullt där det är viktigt med samsyn och samverkan mellan personalen på skolan, mellan elevhälsa och vårdnadshavare, samt mellan elevhälsa och externa kontakter. / Problematic school absenteeism is a growing problem in many countries and can have serious consequences for the student, the student's family, and society in the long run. This study aims to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on how schools work with initiatives that promote student attendance and prevent absenteeism. To collect data, focus group interviews were conducted with student health services at two different schools: one in central and one in northern Sweden. The results of the study show that interventions are carried out in collaboration within the student health service, as well as between the student health services and guardians, students, educators, and external contacts, such as social services. The strengths identified in the work to promote attendance and prevent absenteeism include early interventions, shared perspectives, following up on absentee statistics, the school’s learning environment, a salutogenic approach in the school, clear leadership, and good collaboration with students, guardians, and external contacts. Obstacles identified include non-functioning collaboration with external agencies and guardians and a lack of shared perspectives by the school and guardians, and among the school staff. Developmental areas identified include collaboration, shared perspectives, and the systematics within the school. To be able to work with absenteeism prevention and attendance-promoting efforts, time and shared perspectives are mentioned as important prerequisites. The study concludes that active leadership at various levels with clear expectations for staff is essential. Additionally, it is important to have a shared perspective and collaboration among school staff, between student health services and guardians, and between student health services and external contacts.

L’incapacité au travail liée aux troubles musculosquelettiques : aspects théoriques et différences de genre

Lederer, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Cette thèse est constituée de trois articles liés les uns aux autres. Le premier s’attache à clarifier les perspectives théoriques et problèmes conceptuels entourant la notion de capacité/incapacité au travail, sa définition et son évolution au fil du temps. Les deuxième et troisième articles visent à évaluer les effets différentiels selon le genre de déterminants du retour au travail (RAT) et de la durée d’indemnisation ainsi que les coûts associés, dans une population de travailleurs indemnisés à long terme pour troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS). Méthodes : Dans le premier article, une revue systématique des définitions de l’(in)capacité au travail et une analyse comparative basée sur la théorisation ancrée débouchent sur une carte conceptuelle intégrative. Dans le second article, une cohorte de 455 adultes en incapacité à long terme pour TMS au dos/cou/membres supérieurs est suivie cinq ans au travers d’entretiens structurés et de données d’indemnisation. Des modèles de Cox stratifiés par genre ont été utilisés pour évaluer la durée jusqu’au premier RAT. Dans le troisième article, une cohorte populationnelle de 13,073 hommes et 9032 femmes en incapacité prolongée pour TMS au dos/cou/membres supérieurs a été suivie pendant trois ans à l’aide de données administratives. Des modèles de Cox stratifiés par genre ont été utilisés pour étudier la durée d’indemnisation et détecter les effets dépendants du temps. Les coûts ont également été examinés. Résultats : Les définitions analysées dans la première étude ne reflètent pas une vision intégrée et partagée de l’(in)capacité au travail. Cependant, un consensus relatif semble émerger qu’il s’agit d’un concept relationnel, résultant de l’interaction de multiples dimensions aux niveaux individuel, organisationnel et sociétal. La seconde étude montre que malgré des courbes de survie jusqu’au RAT similaires entre hommes et femmes (p =0.920), plusieurs déterminants diffèrent selon le genre. Les femmes plus âgées (HR=0.734, par tranches de 10 ans), d’un statut économique perçu comme pauvre (HR=0.625), travaillant ≥40 heures/semaine en ayant des personnes à charge (HR=0.508) et ne connaissant pas l’existence d’un programme de santé et sécurité sur leur lieu de travail (HR=0.598) retournent moins vite au travail, tandis qu’un revenu brut annuel plus élevé (par $10,000) est un facteur facilitant (HR=1.225). Les hommes de plus de 55 ans (HR=0.458), au statut économique perçu comme pauvre (HR=0.653), travaillant ≥40 heures/semaine avec une charge de travail physique perçue élevée (HR=0.720) et une plus grande précarité d’emploi (HR=0.825) retournent moins rapidement au travail. La troisième étude a révélé que trois ans après la lésion, 12.3% des hommes et 7.3% des femmes étaient encore indemnisés, avec un ratio de coûts homme-femme pour l’ensemble des réclamations de 2.1 :1. L’effet de certain prédicteurs (e.g. revenu, siège de lésion, industrie) varie selon le genre. De plus, l’effet de l’âge chez les hommes et l’effet de l’historique d’indemnisation chez les femmes varient dans le temps. Conclusion : La façon de définir l’(in)capacité au travail a des implications importantes pour la recherche, l’indemnisation et la réadaptation. Les résultats confirment également la pertinence d’investiguer les déterminants du RAT et de l’indemnisation selon le genre. / Introduction: This thesis consists of three interrelated papers. The first one set out to clarify conceptual issues surrounding the notion of work ability/disability, its definition and its evolution over time. The aims of the second and third paper are to assess the differential effect of the determinants of time to return-to-work (RTW) and compensation duration by gender, as well as the related costs, in workers receiving long-term compensation benefits for musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs). Methods: The first study consists of developing an integrative concept map of work (dis)ability through the systematic scoping review of its definitions and a comparative analysis based on the grounded theory approach. In the second study, a cohort of 455 adults on long-term disability due to work-related MSIs of the back/neck/upper limb was followed for five years through structured interviews and administrative databases. Cox regression modeling stratified by gender was used to assess time to a first RTW of at least three days. In the third study, a register-based cohort of 13,073 men and 9032 women with long-term claims related to neck/back/upper-limb MSIs was followed for three years. Main outcomes were compensation duration and costs. Gender stratified extended Cox models were used to study the compensation duration and detect time-varying effects. Results: The definitions analyzed in the first study do not reflect a shared, integrated vision of the exact nature and attributes of work (dis)ability. However, there seems to be a relative consensus that work (dis)ability is a relational concept resulting from the interaction of multiple dimensions at different ecological levels (individual, organizational and societal). The second study showed that despite similar survival curves of time to RTW between men and women on long-term disability (p=0.920), several factors influencing RTW differed by gender. Women’s risk factors included older age (HR=0.734 - in 10 years unit), poor perceived economic status (HR=0.625), working ≥40 hours/week and having dependents (HR=0.508) and awareness of workplace-based occupational health and safety program (HR=0.598); higher gross annual income (in $10,000s) was a facilitator (HR=1.225). In men, being over 55 years old (HR=0.458), poor perceived economic status (HR=0.653), working ≥40 hours/week and high perceived physical workload (HR=0.720) and higher job insecurity (HR=0.825) negatively influenced time to RTW. The third study revealed that three years post-injury, 12.3% of men and 7.3% of women were still receiving compensation benefits, with a male-female cost ratio of 2.1:1 for all compensation claims. Effects of certain predictors (e.g. income, injury site or industry) differed markedly between men and women. Age and claim history had time-varying effects in men and women’s models respectively. Conclusion: The way work (dis)ability is defined has important implications for research, compensation and rehabilitation. Results also confirm the importance of gender-sensitive studies to investigate the determinants of RTW and time on compensation benefits.

Le droit privé et le militaire (1789-XXe siècle) / The private law and the military (1789 – XXth century)

Beyer, Olivier 08 December 2012 (has links)
Marier Mars et Thémis. La tâche semble être difficile, tant la matière est vaste. Le droit militaire est souvent source de droit pénal. Or, le droit privé est également concerné par le statut de militaire. Sa personne fait l’objet de règles de droit tout à fait spécifique du fait de sa position sociale.De l’Antiquité à nos jours, le militaire a bénéficié de règles qui sortent du droit commun. Son statut très particulier nécessite l’élaboration de lois qui correspondent à la situation ordinaire qui est la sienne, lorsqu’il remplit sa mission d’utilité publique, la défense de la République, les armes à la main, éloigné de son domicile, en campagne. La mort fait partie du quotidien du militaire et doit être constatée de la façon la plus précise, afin d’éviter tout risque d’instabilité juridique qui pourrait être générée par le retour du militaire, finalement vivant. / Marry Mars and Thémis. The task seems difficult because of the largest of the matter. The military law is often source of military criminal law. Civil law is also concerned by the statute of the soldier. The person of the soldier form the subject of very special rules in fact of his social position.From Antiquity to ours day, the soldier has enjoyed of rules who geft off the common law. His very special status require a working-out of law who square with his ordinary situation, when he fulfils his public utility work, the defense of the Republic, arms in hands, far away from his home, in military campaign. Death is part of ordinary life of the soldier and have to be recognized as the most accurate to avoid legal instability that could be generated by the return of the military, finally living.

Evaluating human resource policy in managing absenteeism : a case of the City of Tshwane

Moletsane, Mphacha Innocentia 01 1900 (has links)
Absenteeism in the workplace is a longstanding challenge practised by employees for various reasons. It persists despite the numerous efforts undertaken to curb it. The City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality is concerned with excessive employee absenteeism. Present research evaluates the City of Tshwane’s human resources policy for managing absenteeism. Causes of absenteeism are critically examined, particular attention being paid to the different leave-types that impinge on service delivery within the City of Tshwane. Within a qualitative research framework, personal semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from staff members of the Leave Capturing Office of the City of Tshwane. The targeted office is responsible for leave management, which includes capturing, recording and encashment of leave. In addition to the questionnaire, the leave management policy as well as sick-leave statistics were brought to bear on this study of absenteeism at the City of Tshwane. Study findings highlighted factors such as job dissatisfaction, unpleasant working relations, favouritism, low wages, lack of resources, stress at the workplace alongside boredom with routine unchallenging tasks as significant causes of absenteeism. The study also found sick-leave to be the form of reported absence most misused by employees. In general, employees take two days sick leave, which is the maximum an employee can take without requiring a medical certificate. Recommendations include that management should invest in a total process that can control and mitigate absenteeism related risks that may adversely affect operations at the City of Tshwane. / Public Administration / M. Admin. (Public Administration)

L’incapacité au travail liée aux troubles musculosquelettiques : aspects théoriques et différences de genre

Lederer, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Cette thèse est constituée de trois articles liés les uns aux autres. Le premier s’attache à clarifier les perspectives théoriques et problèmes conceptuels entourant la notion de capacité/incapacité au travail, sa définition et son évolution au fil du temps. Les deuxième et troisième articles visent à évaluer les effets différentiels selon le genre de déterminants du retour au travail (RAT) et de la durée d’indemnisation ainsi que les coûts associés, dans une population de travailleurs indemnisés à long terme pour troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS). Méthodes : Dans le premier article, une revue systématique des définitions de l’(in)capacité au travail et une analyse comparative basée sur la théorisation ancrée débouchent sur une carte conceptuelle intégrative. Dans le second article, une cohorte de 455 adultes en incapacité à long terme pour TMS au dos/cou/membres supérieurs est suivie cinq ans au travers d’entretiens structurés et de données d’indemnisation. Des modèles de Cox stratifiés par genre ont été utilisés pour évaluer la durée jusqu’au premier RAT. Dans le troisième article, une cohorte populationnelle de 13,073 hommes et 9032 femmes en incapacité prolongée pour TMS au dos/cou/membres supérieurs a été suivie pendant trois ans à l’aide de données administratives. Des modèles de Cox stratifiés par genre ont été utilisés pour étudier la durée d’indemnisation et détecter les effets dépendants du temps. Les coûts ont également été examinés. Résultats : Les définitions analysées dans la première étude ne reflètent pas une vision intégrée et partagée de l’(in)capacité au travail. Cependant, un consensus relatif semble émerger qu’il s’agit d’un concept relationnel, résultant de l’interaction de multiples dimensions aux niveaux individuel, organisationnel et sociétal. La seconde étude montre que malgré des courbes de survie jusqu’au RAT similaires entre hommes et femmes (p =0.920), plusieurs déterminants diffèrent selon le genre. Les femmes plus âgées (HR=0.734, par tranches de 10 ans), d’un statut économique perçu comme pauvre (HR=0.625), travaillant ≥40 heures/semaine en ayant des personnes à charge (HR=0.508) et ne connaissant pas l’existence d’un programme de santé et sécurité sur leur lieu de travail (HR=0.598) retournent moins vite au travail, tandis qu’un revenu brut annuel plus élevé (par $10,000) est un facteur facilitant (HR=1.225). Les hommes de plus de 55 ans (HR=0.458), au statut économique perçu comme pauvre (HR=0.653), travaillant ≥40 heures/semaine avec une charge de travail physique perçue élevée (HR=0.720) et une plus grande précarité d’emploi (HR=0.825) retournent moins rapidement au travail. La troisième étude a révélé que trois ans après la lésion, 12.3% des hommes et 7.3% des femmes étaient encore indemnisés, avec un ratio de coûts homme-femme pour l’ensemble des réclamations de 2.1 :1. L’effet de certain prédicteurs (e.g. revenu, siège de lésion, industrie) varie selon le genre. De plus, l’effet de l’âge chez les hommes et l’effet de l’historique d’indemnisation chez les femmes varient dans le temps. Conclusion : La façon de définir l’(in)capacité au travail a des implications importantes pour la recherche, l’indemnisation et la réadaptation. Les résultats confirment également la pertinence d’investiguer les déterminants du RAT et de l’indemnisation selon le genre. / Introduction: This thesis consists of three interrelated papers. The first one set out to clarify conceptual issues surrounding the notion of work ability/disability, its definition and its evolution over time. The aims of the second and third paper are to assess the differential effect of the determinants of time to return-to-work (RTW) and compensation duration by gender, as well as the related costs, in workers receiving long-term compensation benefits for musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs). Methods: The first study consists of developing an integrative concept map of work (dis)ability through the systematic scoping review of its definitions and a comparative analysis based on the grounded theory approach. In the second study, a cohort of 455 adults on long-term disability due to work-related MSIs of the back/neck/upper limb was followed for five years through structured interviews and administrative databases. Cox regression modeling stratified by gender was used to assess time to a first RTW of at least three days. In the third study, a register-based cohort of 13,073 men and 9032 women with long-term claims related to neck/back/upper-limb MSIs was followed for three years. Main outcomes were compensation duration and costs. Gender stratified extended Cox models were used to study the compensation duration and detect time-varying effects. Results: The definitions analyzed in the first study do not reflect a shared, integrated vision of the exact nature and attributes of work (dis)ability. However, there seems to be a relative consensus that work (dis)ability is a relational concept resulting from the interaction of multiple dimensions at different ecological levels (individual, organizational and societal). The second study showed that despite similar survival curves of time to RTW between men and women on long-term disability (p=0.920), several factors influencing RTW differed by gender. Women’s risk factors included older age (HR=0.734 - in 10 years unit), poor perceived economic status (HR=0.625), working ≥40 hours/week and having dependents (HR=0.508) and awareness of workplace-based occupational health and safety program (HR=0.598); higher gross annual income (in $10,000s) was a facilitator (HR=1.225). In men, being over 55 years old (HR=0.458), poor perceived economic status (HR=0.653), working ≥40 hours/week and high perceived physical workload (HR=0.720) and higher job insecurity (HR=0.825) negatively influenced time to RTW. The third study revealed that three years post-injury, 12.3% of men and 7.3% of women were still receiving compensation benefits, with a male-female cost ratio of 2.1:1 for all compensation claims. Effects of certain predictors (e.g. income, injury site or industry) differed markedly between men and women. Age and claim history had time-varying effects in men and women’s models respectively. Conclusion: The way work (dis)ability is defined has important implications for research, compensation and rehabilitation. Results also confirm the importance of gender-sensitive studies to investigate the determinants of RTW and time on compensation benefits.

Téma rodiny v díle Natalie Ginzburg / Family theme in Natalia Ginzburg's works

Macháčková, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis called Family theme in Natalia Ginzburg's works is analysis of the chosen prosaic works of one of the biggest writers of the twentieth century, concentrated on the topic of the family. The introduction is a short presentation of the author (her biographical and bibliographical data). After that there is an analysis of her most known prosaic works with the family topic and with the topic of the relations in general. It is followed by more detailed analysis of her most known novel Lessico famigliare. In the final part, the work is concentrated on the biography of Manzoni's family in La famiglia Manzoni.

Online validace záznamů DNSSEC / Online DNSSEC Records Validation

Bachtík, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Master's Thesis is studying an extension that secures the domain name system by introducing the verifiability of authenticity of data, known as DNSSEC. Productive output is proposal of application and its subsequent implementation that at each stage of browse the namespace to the selected domain name checks the appropriatenesses of this extension and in detail reports the trusted chain.

Determining the causes of the high rate of absenteeism in the East Vaal area of the South African Post Office

Kgaphola, Sekgale Colbeck 08 1900 (has links)
The East Vaal area of the South African Post Office is faced with a high rate of teller absenteeism, which has been observed to be as high as 15 per cent. This adds to the cost of providing quality service to the company’s customers. The objectives of this study are to determine the factors that lead to the high rate of absenteeism in the East Vaal area and to make recommendations to the area management that could improve the attendance behaviour of the tellers in the area. To achieve these objectives, 51 questionnaires were prepared and handed out to the tellers with absenteeism rates of more than three percent in the East Vaal area to be completed. Face-to-face interviews with both the tellers and their branch managers were conducted. Absenteeism records and Employee Assistance Programme reports were also studied to collect more data. The findings highlighted lack of rewards for employees who reported for work regularly; employee illness; no recognition for good work performance; tellers receiving insufficient remuneration for their work; poor working conditions; and poor management style as the main reasons for the tellers taking unscheduled leave of absence. Based on the key findings, the main recommendations were that appropriate mechanisms for acknowledging and rewarding good work performance and attendance behaviour should be in place; a sick-leave pool system accessible to tellers should be introduced; establishment of performance evaluation and rewards for tellers; and introducing management practices which lead to a more open expression of opinion and participatory problem-solving / Business Management / Thesis (M.Tech. (Business Management))

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