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Building common knowledge : a cultural-historical analysis of pedagogical practices at a rural primary school in Rajasthan, IndiaRai, Prabhat January 2013 (has links)
The centralised control over curriculum framing and pedagogy, the generally poor quality of teaching with little sensitivity to children’s sociocultural environment; and very high drop out rates, even at the primary school level, are some of the challenges facing school education in many of the regions of India. However, one of the successful approaches to these challenges has been the Digantar school system, working in rural communities. The study is based in one Digantar School in Rajasthan and employs concepts derived from the Vygotskian tradition to interrogate the methods employed in Digantar school system. The study took Edwards’ (2010a, 2011, 2012) idea of common knowledge and Hedegaard’s (2008, 2012, 2013) idea of institutional demand in practices as conceptual lenses through which to investigate the components of the pedagogical practices that help Digantar teachers to align the motives of the school with those of the child in classroom activities. In doing so it analyses the institutional practices that lead to the development of common knowledge that in turn facilitates how teachers engage pupils as learners. Data were gathered over six months and comprised around 120 hours of school-based video data together with interviews and detailed observations with teachers and community members. Data were gathered in classrooms, teacher meetings, meetings between parents and teachers and at school-community meetings. Analyses focused on the construction of common knowledge and the use made of it by the school to achieve a mutual alignment of motives between the practices of the school with the community and the families. The study has revealed that teachers’ engagement with the knowledge and motives of other teachers and community members helped to create common knowledge, i.e. an understanding of what mattered for each participating group, which facilitated teaching-learning in the school. The analysis also points towards a form of democracy, which enhances children’s participation in their learning. It was found that building and sharing of common knowledge and creating a socially articulated ‘space of reasons’ (Derry 2008) produced a pedagogical model that engaged children in creating their social situation of development, seeking and recognising the curriculum demands being placed on them.
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The predicament of the learner in the New Media Age : an investigation into the implications of media change for learningFrancis, Russell James January 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the Predicament of the Learner in an age during which an emergent Participatory Culture supported by networked computers is converging or colliding with a top-down Culture Industry model of education associated with centralised control and traditional learning media. Two case studies explore attempts to use advanced E-learning tools, the Learning Activity Management System (LAMS) and Revolution (a multiplayer role-playing game) to mediate learning activities in the digital classroom. Both reveal the shifting locus of agency for managing and regulating learning and identify a need to understand how learners are creatively appropriating a range of digital media to advance self-directed learning agendas. The main study, The Agency of the Learner in the Networked University, develops these insights through a cognitive anthropology, informed by post-Vygotskian theory, focussed on the digitally mediated practices of 16 post-graduate students who enjoyed unrestricted access to the Internet from their study rooms. The findings chapters explore i) learners designing personalised learning environments to support advanced knowledge work; ii) learners creatively appropriating web-based digital tools and resources for course related study and self education; iii) learners cultivating, nurturing and mobilising globally distributed funds of living knowledge; iv) learners breaking away from lifeworld communities and learning with others in online affinity spaces; and v) learners seeking out opportunities to bootstrap themselves towards the actualisation of a projective identity through serious play in virtually figured worlds. In each case, an attempt is made to innovate conceptual tools that can help us to identify and conceptualise the New Media Literacies (conceived of as expert-like digitally mediated practices) required to exploit the full potential of new media as a resource for course related study, independent learning and self-education.
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Increasing motivation by adapting intelligent tutoring instruction to learner achievement goalsLockhart, Tony F. 05 April 2011 (has links)
The impact of affect on learning and performance has caused many researchers in the field of cognitive psychology to acknowledge the value of motivationally supportive instruction. Goal orientation, which refers to the perceptions and behaviors of the learner in achievement situations, has been the most predominant theory in learning motivation. However, research suggests multiple components are responsible for affecting student cognitive engagement. The traditional framework distinguishes individuals who are self-motivated to master challenging tasks from those who are motivated to earn favorable judgments of performance as intrinsic and extrinsic learners, respectively. In addition, learners may be further categorized by an eagerness to ensure a positive outcome or by their vigilance in avoiding negative outcomes. As such, my research explores how these motivational categories can be utilized to construct a more robust instructional model.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of adaptive remediation strategies on motivation and learning performance. Research suggests the cost of integrating cognitive tasks with error analysis outweigh the benefits of sparse learning gains. However, further investigation is required to understand how feedback can improve these outcomes. The experiment presented here seeks to evaluate the adaptive instruction of two pedagogical agents embedded within two separate versions of the Virtual BNI Trainer. The basic coach uses a model of the learner's experience level to determine an appropriate level of elaboration required during remediation. In contrast, the motivationally enhanced coach uses a model of the learner's goal orientation to construct feedback that appeals to their natural disposition.
A controlled experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adaptive instruction on student self-efficacy, engagement, and learning performance in the Virtual BNI Training Environment. The results of this experiment are used to establish guidelines for integrating goal orientation, error analysis, and feedback within a virtual coach, to improve motivation and learning performance. In addition, these findings also indicate areas for future research.
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Att förändra en gatas rykte : En fallstudie om Malmskillnadsgatan i Stockholm / To change the reputation of a street : A case study of Malmskillnadsgatan in StockholmBerggren, Linus, Pettersson Capasso, William January 2023 (has links)
Malmskillnadsgatan i Stockholm har trots sitt centrala läge mitt i Stockholm där mycket folk är i rörelse runtom, blivit synonymt med kriminella aktiviteter och blivit en gata som folk anser vara dyster och oattraktiv. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur aspekter inom den bebyggda miljön påverkar aktivitet och trygghet i gatumiljöer samt hur de påverkar människors upplevelse av gatumiljön. Fokus kommer att ligga på Malmskillnadsgatan och det upprustningsprojekt som Vasakronan, tillsammans med Stockholms stad, har utfört. För att uppfylla syftet har en fallstudie av Malmskillnadsgatan gjorts i form av dokumentanalys, platsbesök och intervjuer med brukare samt en anställd på Vasakronan. Arbetet har utgått från ett teoretiskt ramverk där kopplingen mellan bebyggd miljö, attraktivitet och aktivitet samt bebyggd miljö och trygghet har analyserats. De teorier som använts är Gehls perspektiv på attraktiva gatumiljöer. Ewing och Handys fem kvaliteter för ett aktivt gatuliv, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), Broken window theory samt Routine activity theory. Dokumentanalysen visade att en kombination av brist på utbud av aktivitet, oattraktiv och stängd arkitektur och gatans läge jämfört med omkringliggande gator bidrog till att skapa låg naturlig genomströmning och lågt flöde på gatan. Platsbesöket visade att gatan har förbättrats utifrån flera av de teorier som nämnts i det teoretiska ramverket. De tidigare stängda fasaderna har öppnats upp och införandet av aktivitet i bottenvåning, främst i form av restaurangverksamhet, har bidragit till ett större flöde. Brukarintervjuerna visade att en klar majoritet tyckte att Malmskillnadsgatan blivit mer attraktiv och trygg efter ombyggnationen, dock främst enbart vid fastigheten Hästskon 12. Flera respondenter tycker att övriga delar av gatan fortfarande är oattraktiva och otrygga och bilden av att gatan dör ut på kvällar och helger finns fortfarande kvar. Arkitekturen och införandet av restaurangverksamhet nämndes främst som faktorer som fått gatan att bli mer attraktiv. Flödet av människor som dessa skapat var den främsta orsaken till att flera av respondenterna kände sig trygga. Förslag på ytterligare förbättringar var större variation i aktivitetsutbudet, mer aktiva bottenvåningar på övriga delar av gatan samt bättre belysning. / Malmskillnadsgatan in Stockholm, despite its central location in the heart of Stockholm with a lot of people moving around, has become synonymous with criminal activities and has been perceived as a gloomy and unattractive street. This study aims to investigate how aspects of the built environment affect activity and safety in urban environments, as well as how they influence people's perception of the street environment. The focus will be on Malmskillnadsgatan and the redevelopment project carried out by Vasakronan, in collaboration with the City of Stockholm. To fulfill the purpose, a case study of Malmskillnadsgatan has been conducted through document analysis, site visits, and interviews with users and an employee of Vasakronan. The study is based on a theoretical framework that analyzes the connection between the built environment, attractiveness, and activity and between the built environment and safety. The theories used include Gehl's perspective on attractive street environments, Ewing and Handy's five qualities for vibrant street life, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED), the Broken Window theory, and the Routine Activity Theory. The document analysis revealed that a combination of a lack of activity offerings, unattractive and closed architecture, and the street's location compared to surrounding streets contributed to the low natural flow and low activity on the street. The site visit showed that the street has improved according to several of the theories mentioned in the theoretical framework. The previously closed facades have opened up, and the introduction of activities on the ground floor, mainly in the form of restaurants, has contributed to increased flow. User interviews indicated that a clear majority felt that Malmskillnadsgatan had become more attractive and safer after the redevelopment, primarily in the vicinity of Hästskon 12. However, several respondents still found other parts of the street unattractive and unsafe, and the perception that the street dies out in the evenings and on weekends persists. The architecture and the introduction of restaurant activities were primarily mentioned as factors that made the street more attractive. The flow of people they created was the main reason several respondents felt safe. Suggestions for further improvements included greater variety in the range of activities, more active ground floors in other parts of the street, and better lighting.
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"Men så kan man ju också tänka!" : Pedagogisk dokumentation som förändringsverktyg i förskolan / "Yes, that's also a way of thinking about it!" : Pedagogical documentation as a tool for transformation in preschoolAlnervik, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Denna avhandling handlar om pedagogisk dokumentation som förändringsverktyg i förskolan. Syftet har varit att förstå lärande och förändring i förskolans verksamhet när pedagogisk dokumentation har använts som verktyg under en längre period. Empirin består av texter av och samtal med personal som arbetar påfyra förskoleenheter som samarbetade kring ett gemensamt projekt som initierats av Reggio Emilia-institutet där pedagogisk dokumentation var ett centralt verktyg. Studien fokuserar frågor kring organisation och förändring då utsagor om detta framstod som viktiga i deltagarnas samtal. Analysarbetet har skett i tre steg. I ett första steg gjordes en tematiskanalys. Materialet sammanställdes i tre teman: 1) En förändrad verksamhet. 2) Erfarenheter av dokumentationsarbete 3) Att organisera för utforskande lärande. I ett andra steg analyserades materialet med hjälp av verksamhetsteori, främst Engeströms modeller av verksamhetssystem och expanderat lärande. I det avslutande analysarbetet användes Wartofskys teorier om primära, sekundära och tertiära aspekter av ett verktyg. På så vis belystes pedagogisk dokumentation ur flera olika synvinklar. Resultatet visar att arbete med pedagogisk dokumentation innebär att förskolepersonal börjar diskutera epistemologiska och ontologiska frågor. Som en följd av detta förändrar förskollärarna sitt arbetssätt, vilket medför att motsättningar uppstår i verksamhetssystemet. För att lösa dessa motsättningar har verksamheten förändrats både på enhetsnivå och barngruppsnivå. Bland annat har arbetslaget utvidgats vid dokumentationsarbete. Det utvidgade arbetslaget har inneburit att berättelserna i dokumentationsmaterialet kommer i rörelse, genom att de analyseras i flera led. Berättelser som är i rörelse och att pedagogisk dokumentation kan uppfattas ur olika aspekter gör att pedagogisk dokumentation kan beskrivas som ett komplext verktyg. / This thesis, is about pedagogical documentation as a tool for transformation in preschool. The aim is to understand learning and transformation in, and of, preschool practice where pedagogical documentation has been used as a tool during a longer period of time. Empirical data consists of texts by, and conversations with, personnel working at four preschool units who cooperated around a mutual project initiated by the Reggio Emilia Institute; a project where pedagogical documentation was a central tool. The study focuses on organizational issues and transformation, as statements about this appeared to be important in the participants' conversations. The analysis is made in three steps. Data was put together into three themes. The three themes are: 1) a changed practice 2) experiences ofworking with documentation, and 3) to organize for exploratory learning. Then, an analysis was made giving an account of participants’ descriptions of working with pedagogical documentation as a joint trip, especially making use of Engeström’s model of an activity system and expanded learning, described metaphorically as a black box. Finally, Wartofsky’s theory on primary, secondary, and tertiary aspects of a tool is used. Thus, pedagogical documentation was illustrated from many different perspectives. The result shows that working with pedagogical documentation has led to preschool teachers discussing epistemological and ontological questions. This in turn led to preschool teachers starting to act differently in pedagogical practice, where acting differently became a trigger for revealing contradictions in the activity system, which participants describe as being solved over time. So, organization of preschool practice had changed on a unit level as well as on a preschool level including the children. Among other things, teacher teamwork has expanded when working with pedagogical documentation. The expanded team has meant that stories from the documented material have come in motion through analysis in several stages. Stories in motion, and pedagogical documentation perceived as seen from different perspectives, can be described as a complex tool.
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"På samma sätt som man servar bilen så måste man serva sitt ledarskap" : En studie om deltagares uppfattningar efter medverkan i ledarutvecklingsaktiviteterOwen-Berghmark, Erica, Svensson, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Det uppfattas idag som en självklarhet att fortsätta lära och utvecklas genom hela livet. Årligen spenderas stora summor på ledarutveckling, vilket har väckt ett intresse att undersöka denna form av utbildningsaktiviteter. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vad som kan ligga till grund för valet att delta i ledarutvecklingsaktiviteter utifrån en fallstudie hos Stelena, samt hur deltagarna uppfattar att dessa aktiviteter bidrar till lärande och praktisk användbarhet. Fyra frågeställningar formulerades; Vilka motiv framkommer för deltagande i dessa aktiviteter? På vilket sätt uppfattar deltagarna att kompetenser och verktyg genereras i aktiviteterna? På vilket sätt uppfattar deltagarna att ledarutvecklingsaktiviteterna influerat deltagarna och bidragit till ett lärande? Hur uppfattar deltagarna möjligheterna att kunna använda genererade kompetenser och verktyg i sitt dagliga arbete? För att få en ingång till våra frågeställningar tog vi inledningsvis del av tidigare forskning inom området ledarutveckling. För att insamla vårt empiriska material genomfördes sju intervjuer. Därefter analyserades materialet med inspiration av pragmatisk diskursanalys, samt med hjälp av utvalda teoretiska utgångspunkter; aktivitetsteorin, proximala utvecklingszonen, samt reflekterande handling. I detta analysförfarande urskildes en norm, att individers problemformuleringar i aktiviteterna kunde ses som ett dialektiskt spel mellan det individuella och kollektiva. Resultatet visar att motiv till att delta ofta grundade sig i ett behov av stöd. Således har det visat sig att kommunikation och reflektion i ledarutvecklingsaktiviteterna tycks generera redskapen. Likväl som kommunikation ligger till grund för verktygsskapandet uppfattades kommunikativ kompetens och ett reflekterande förhållningssätt viktigt i rollen som ledare. Ledarutvecklingsaktiviteterna har vidare bidragit med redskap vilka lärt individer hantera situationer utifrån nya perspektiv. Det har framkommit hur aktiviteterna gett en ökad förståelse för betydelsen av att lära känna sig själv, medarbetares olikheter och således hur dessa lärdomar bidrar till ett mer effektivt ledarskap. Resultatet visar hur individer upplever att de haft nytta av flera av de verktyg som genererats, både för egen del och för organisationen i stort. / Present conception is that individuals are under constant development and learning during their entire life. Every year a large amount of money is spent on leadership development. There has been an increasing interest to such educational activities. The aim of this study is to examine, what the basis beyond participation can be in leader development activities, through a case-study at Stelena, and how participants perceive that the activities contributes to learning and practical use. Four questions were framed; which motives for participation in these activities appear? In which way do participants perceive that competencies and tools generates in the activities? In which way do participants perceive that the leader development activities have influenced them and contributed to learning? How do participants perceive the ability to use acquired competencies and tools in their daily work? In order to find answers to our questions, we took part of recent science connected to leader development. Seven interviews were done in order to collect our empirical material. With inspiration from pragmatic discourse analysis and with theoretical base, the material was analysed. Our theoretical bases are activity theory, the zone of proximal development and reflective action. In the analysis work we did distinguish a norm, that problem formulations in the activities could be seen as a dialectical game between the individual and the collective. The result shows that motives beyond participation many times were based on a need of support. It has been shown how communication and reflection in Stelena leader development activities appear to generate tools. As well as communication and reflection is underlying the creation of tools, communicative competence and a reflective approach are seen as very useful in the role of a leader. Stelena has also provided tools, which have taught individuals to manage situations from new perspectives. The study shows how the activities increased the understanding of the importance to get to know oneself, differences of co-workers and in what way such learning contributes to more effective leadership. The result shows how individuals experienced great usefulness of those tools, both for themselves and for the organisations.
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從生活脈絡探討對保存臍帶血客戶推廣行銷的突破許文靜 Unknown Date (has links)
活動理論可將思維結構化並進行盤點,使離散的概念統整,對整個活動有一個清楚的全貌。應用在例行思考上,不論是事前評估規劃,或是事後執行檢討,均可迅速而清晰的將藍圖完整呈現。 / The use of stem cells becomes a key area of research and therapy followed by the fast development in regenerative medicine. Because the existence of stem cells, immortality or staying young forever will no longer be just a dream, and serious diseases and rare disorder are expected to be cured. Umbilical cord blood transplants have higher success and recovery rates than Bone Marrow transplants in treating blood disorders and diseases of the immune system. The concept of ‘cord blood storage’ has become an instruction prenatally. There are about 10% of parent will keep their baby’s cord blood in private cord blood banks at present in Taiwan.
‘Activity Theory’ was initiated by Lev Vygotsky(1978)in the 1920s. He created the idea of mediation. Following to the activity theory, Leont’ev (1981) structured the general context model into six elements: Subject、Tool、Object、Rules、Community and Labor Division. The interaction among elements for each activity is dynamic and can be changed over time.
Six customers stored the cord bloods of their babies were interviewed in this study. The life contexts were studied and the strength of the six elements was compared among these customers based on the activity theory to analyze the reason of storing their baby’s cord blood, and to build the activity theory model. In addition, the marketing methods in the industry were compared and analyzed with the activity theory, and the psychological responses of reasoning and nonreasoning in human nature were further referred to build the future marketing strategy.
The relation among Subject-Tool-Object was found to be the most important part in the model, where tool played the key role. The relation among Subject-Community-Object was the second important, where community interacted closely with activity. Rules and Labor Division were the less effective elements. This result indicates that private Cord Blood Bank is a new business, which is not affected by Rules and Labor Division yet. In the future, product and service characters should be combined, and the significance of R&D of stem cells in cord blood should be enhanced in Regenerative Medicine to promote the development of this business.
Activity theory was proved beneficial in seeing a whole picture of activity by structuralizing the thinking and integrating the diverse ideas. A clear blue print in routine thinking can be seen either in the beforehand evaluation or the post-implementation review.
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Hållbar programutveckling : en studie av betydelsen av expansivt lärande och delvis delade objekt / Sustainable programme development : A study of the importance of expansive learning and partly shared objectsÖhman Sandberg, Ann January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop meanings of sustainable programme development. Policies are often introduced to solve societal problems identified by a government agency or some other organization. In order to realize the intentions behind the policy it is common that one or several policy driven projects are funded with large sums of money. By funding policy driven projects, the funding organizations expect that the projects can support a sustainable change of practice that can solve or at least decrease the societal problem. Research shows that policy driven projects and programmes often fail to realize the intentions behind poli-cies. Hence, it is uncertain to what extent policy driven projects contribute to a sustainable change of practice.
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Mapping the Genres of Healthcare Information Work: An Interdisciplinary Study of the Interactions Between Oral, Paper, and Electronic Forms of CommunicationVarpio, Lara January 2006 (has links)
Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) are becoming standard tools in healthcare, lauded for improving patient access and outcomes. However, the healthcare professionals who work with, around, and despite these technologies in their daily practices often regard EPRs as troublesome. In order to investigate how EPRs can prompt such opposing opinions, this project examines the EPR as a collection of communication genres set in complex contexts. In this project, I investigate an EPR as it was used on the Nephrology ward at a large, Canadian, urban, paediatric teaching hospital. In this setting, this study investigates EPR-use in relation to the following aspects of context: (a) the visual rhetoric of the EPR's user-interface design; (b) the varied social contexts in which the EPR was used, including a diversity of professional collaborators who had varying levels of professional experience; (c) the span of social actions involved in EPR use; and (d) the other genres used in coordination with the EPR. <br /><br /> This qualitative study was conducted in two simultaneous stages, over the course of 8 months. Stage one consisted of a visual rhetorical analysis of a set of genres (including the EPR) employed by participants during a specific work activity. Stage two involved an elaborated, qualitative case study consisting of non-participant observations and semi-structured interviews. Stage two used a constructivist grounded theory methodology. A combination of theoretical perspectives -- Visual Rhetoric, Rhetorical Genre Studies, Activity Theory, and Actor-Network Theory -- supported the analysis of study data. This research reveals that participants routinely transformed EPR-based information into paper documents when the EPR's visual designs did not support the professional goals and activities of the participants. <br /><br /> Results indicate that healthcare professionals work around EPR-based patient information when that genre's visual organization is incompatible with professional activities. This study suggests that visual rhetorical analysis, complemented with observation and interview data, can provide useful insights into a genre's social actions. This research also examines the effects of such EPR-to-paper genre transformations. Although at one level of analysis, the EPR-to-paper-genre transformation may be considered inefficient for participants and so should be automated, at another level of analysis, the same transformation activity can be seen as beneficially supporting the detailed reviewing of patient information by healthcare professionals. <br /><br /> To account for this function in the transformation dysfunction, my research suggests that many contextual factors need to be considered during data analysis in order to construct a sufficiently nuanced understanding of a genre's social actions. To accomplish such an analysis, I develop a five-step approach to data analysis called 'context mapping. ' Context mapping examines genres in relation to the varied social contexts in which they are used, the span of social actions in which they are involved, and a range of genres with which they are coordinated. To conduct this analysis, context mapping relies heavily on theories of "genre ecologies" (Spinuzzi, 2003a, 2003b; Spinuzzi, Hart-Davidson & Zachry, 2004; Spinuzzi & Zachry, 2000) and "Knotworking" (Engestrom, Engestrom & Vahaaho, 1999). Context mapping's first three steps compile study data into results that accommodate a wide range of contextual analysis considerations. These three steps involve the use of a composite scenario of observation data, genre ecologies and the description of a starting point for analysis. The final two steps of this approach analyse results using the theory of Knotworking and investigate some of the implications of the patterns of genre use on the ward. <br /><br /> Through context mapping analysis, this study demonstrates that EPR-based innovations created by a study participant could result in the generation of other improvisations, in a range of genres, by the original participant and/or by other collaborators. These genre modifications had ramifications across multiple social contexts and involved a wide range of genres and associated social actions. Context mapping analysis demonstrates how the effects of participant-made EPR-based variations can be considered as having both beneficial and detrimental effects in the research site depending on the social perspective adopted. Contributions from this work are directed towards the fields of Rhetorical Genre Studies, Activity Theory research, and Health Informatics research, as well as to the research site itself. This study demonstrates that context mapping can support text-in-context style research in complex settings as a means for evaluating the effects of genre uses.
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Carrots or maltesers : does it matter? : context and quality : perspectives on reading and fiction for 11-16 year oldsHopper, Rosemary January 2013 (has links)
This research was designed to investigate issues of quality in the reading of fiction of 11 – 16 year olds in school; this included the reading of fiction as part of the curriculum and private reading for pleasure. It is research which found its roots in the surveys of children’s reading habits carried out by Jenkinson (1946), Whitehead, Capey, and Maddren, (1977), Hall and Coles (1999) and Clark, Osborne and Akerman (2008). These surveys, over sixty years, show how attitudes to reading for 11 – 16 year olds, their reading habits and their preferred texts have changed. Judgements of quality in children’s chosen reading are implied in those studies but criteria for these judgments of quality are not defined. The National Curriculum (NC) for England (2008) explicitly refers to texts considered to be of high quality and lists prescribed texts and authors, but does not define what is meant by quality. The study was designed to investigate how teachers and students in secondary schools (11 – 16 year olds) in England conceptualised quality in the fiction used in class and for private reading. Individual teachers and groups of 11 – 16 year olds from four schools in the South-West of England were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The interview data were analysed using a Cultural and Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) framework. The findings indicate that interpretations of quality are complex and often linked to examination syllabus requirements; the iterations of the NC for English in England; and discrete individual school and departmental needs. This can cause professional tension amongst teachers relating to the imposed rules, to external expectations and to the lack of teacher autonomy. The study offers new insights into how fiction for 11 – 16 year olds is used and conceptualised in school. This is represented theoretically through the framework of CHAT and in terms of the confusion at the intersection of boundary objects. The outcomes of the research will also contribute to clarifying how texts written for young adults may be judged and to the conceptualisation of a pedagogy to support the use of fiction with 11 – 16 year olds in school.
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