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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Home Parenteral Nutrition and the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory

Napoleon, Betty J. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Chung, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Finansiella förutsättningar för Hospital at Home i Sverige : En djupgående analys av innovativa vårdmodellers förberedelse och implementering i decentraliserade system / Financial Preconditions for Hospital at Home in Sweden

Holmberg, Hedvig, Palmqvist, Alicia January 2024 (has links)
Det finns ett uttalat behov av nya innovativa vårdmodeller inom hälso- och sjukvården. Svensk vård står inför signifikanta utmaningar och karaktäriseras av brist på sjukvårdsplatser, eskalerande kostnader och minskat patientförtroende. Hospital at Home (HaH) erbjuder möjligheter till förbättrad tillgänglighet, kostnadseffektivitet och patienttillit inom vården, men dess implementering begränsas av bristande förståelse för rådande finansiella förutsättningar, otillräckliga regelverk och inadekvata ersättningsmodeller. Denna studie syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen för de finansiella förutsättningar som påverkar implementeringen av innovativa vårdmodeller, såsom HaH, i komplexa decentraliserade sjukvårdssystem. Genom att utveckla ett teoretiskt ramverk som utforskar hur befintliga ersättningsstrukturer påverkar införandet av innovativa vårdformer, syftar denna studie till att bidra till förbättrat strategiskt beslutsfattande för en framgångsrik implementering och effektiv integrering av HaH i den svenska vården. Studien har tillämpat en utforskande abduktiv ansats, vilken realiserats genom en mixad metod som kombinerar enkäter och fallstudier. Datainsamlingen genomfördes via enkäter distribuerade till Sveriges 21 regioner samt genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med representanter från tre svenska HaH-initiativ. Studien konstaterar att förberedelse och implementering av vårdinnovationer i decentraliserade system påverkas av flertalet både yttre och inre faktorer. Regelverk och direktiv, avtal samt extern budgetering och resursfördelning utgör grunden för hur vårdtjänster struktureras och finansieras. Dessa externa ramar är fundamentala i skapandet av en miljö som främjar vårdinnovation. Lokala variationer, vårdaktörer, verksamhetsformer och ersättningsmodeller spelar sedan en direkt roll i hur olika vårdmodeller utformas, finansieras och levereras i praktiken. Slutligen understryker studien behovet av en nationell definition av HaH och dess verksamhetsform, revidering av begränsande regelverk samt inkorporering av rörliga ersättningskomponenter till HaH-vårdutförare för att underlätta en storskalig implementering av HaH i Sverige. / There is a pressing need for innovative care delivery models within healthcare. Swedish healthcare faces formidable challenges including a shortage of hospital beds, escalating costs, and diminishing patient trust. Hospital at Home (HaH) presents an opportunity to enhance accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and patient trust within the healthcare system. However, its widespread adoption is impeded by a lack of understanding of current financial preconditions, insufficient regulations, and inadequate reimbursement models. This study seeks to enhance the understanding of financial preconditions influencing the implementation of innovative care models, such as HaH, within decentralized healthcare systems. Through the development of a theoretical framework that examines how current compensation structures impact the adoption of innovative care models, this study aims to inform strategic decision-making for the successful implementation and effective integration of HaH into Swedish healthcare. This thesis employs an exploratory abductive approach, utilizing a mixed-methods strategy that combines surveys and case studies. Data was collected through surveys distributed across all 21 Swedish regions, complemented by semi-structured interviews with representatives from three Swedish HaH initiatives. The study finds that the preparation and implementation of healthcare innovations in decentralized systems are significantly shaped by a range of external and internal factors. Regulatory frameworks, contractual agreements, and mechanisms for budgeting and resource distribution form the basis for how healthcare services are structured and financed. These external factors are fundamental in creating an environment that promotes healthcare innovation. Moreover, local variations, healthcare providers, operational forms, and reimbursement models directly influence how different care models are designed, financed, and delivered in practice. Finally, the study highlights the critical need for a national definition of HaH, the revision of restrictive regulations, and the integration of variable reimbursement components to facilitate widespread adoption of HaH across Sweden.

Att vårda äldre personer med kognitiv svikt i sjukhusmiljöer : attityder, processer, innebörder

Nilsson, Anita January 2013 (has links)
Inledning: Äldre personer med kognitiv svikt, exempelvis i form av demenssjukdom, delirium eller depression, är en vanligt förekommande population inom svensk sjukhusvård. Dessa äldre kan ha särskilda behov till följd av en försämrad kognition, men litteraturen tyder på att akutsjukhusens miljö, organisation och vårdprocesser inte alltid stödjer tillgodoseendet av dessa behov. Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen var att belysa vården av äldre personer med kognitiv svikt i sjukhusmiljöer. Metoder: Avhandlingen består av fyra delstudie. I studie I tillämpades en tvärsnittsdesign för att utforska personalens attityder till äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt, personalens tillfredsställelse med vården och arbetet samt upplevelsen av personcentrerat vårdklimat (n=391). I studie II användes en Grounded theory design för att undersöka hinder för personcentrerad vård för äldre personer med kognitiv svikt på en akutmedicinsk vårdavdelning. I studie III tillämpades en tvärsnittsdesign för att utforska de psykometriska egenskaperna i den svenska versionen av ”The Person-centred care of Older People with cognitive impairment in Acute Care scale” (POPAC) i ett urval av sjukhuspersonal (n=293). I studie IV användes en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk design för att belysa innebörder av att vårda äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt på akuta sjukvårdavdelningar utifrån vårdpersonals (n=13) berättelser. Resultat: Studie I visade att deltagande personal skattade en neutral attityd till äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt i spektret mellan negativa och positiva attityder, samt att faktorer som att vara yngre, undersköterska och att uppleva vården av de äldre som betungande, hade samband med mer negativa attityder. Resultaten visade också att vårdpersonal upplevde att äldre patienters kognition sällan utvärderades under vårdtiden, samt att man sällan baserade vården på evidensbaserade riktlinjer för vård av äldre med kognitiv svikt. Studie II belyste att ett organisatoriskt fokus på medicinska behov, åtgärder och rutiner bidrog till att personal hamnade steget efter i relation till att synliggöra och möta dessa äldre personers multidimensionella behov, och att detta kunde medföra tecken på vårdlidande för de äldre, utanförskap för närstående och frustration för personal. Studie III stödde en fortsatt användning av POPAC-skalan för skattningar av upplevd förekomst av personcentrerade vårdprocesser för äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt, men att ytterligare studier rekommenderades framförallt av skalans olika dimensioner. Studie IV belyste att ju större avstånd som upplevs mellan vad vårdpersonalen kan göra (verklig vård) och vad de vill göra (ideal vård) för äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt i akuta vårdmiljöer, desto meningslösare upplevs vården, och desto större blir hotet mot personalens personlig-professionella integritet. Den tolkade helheten visar på att vårda äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt inom akutsjukvård betyder att försöka ge omvårdnad i miljöer som inte stödjer vårdpersonalens personlig-professionella integritet Slutsatser: En rimlig konklusion av dessa resultat är att det i sjukhusmiljöer där äldre patienter ofta vårdas kan finnas anledning att diskutera och ytterligare studera hur attityder, synsätt på och målsättningar för vården och dess innehåll, åtgärder och interventioner kan främja eller motverka en god omvårdnad för de äldre med kognitiv svikt. Det kan också finnas anledning att se över hur personalen kan stödjas i att ge person-centrerad vård till de äldre, exempelvis genom riktlinjer för vård av äldre personer med kognitiv svikt, standardiserade skattningar av kognition, samt implementering av vårdprocesser som stödjer en personcentrerad vård för dessa patienter. Det kan också finnas behov av att ytterligare kritiskt granska hur organisatoriska och miljömässiga faktorer på avdelningar stödjer eller motverkar en personcentrerad vård för äldre patienter med kognitiv svikt. Därtill kan det finnas behov av att skapa ytterligare förutsättningar för vårdpersonalen att bevara och utveckla sin personlig-professionella integritet genom att utveckla miljöer som ger möjligheter för dem att ge en god omvårdnad till dessa äldre. / Introduction: Older people with cognitive impairment such as dementia, delirium or depression, are commonly cared for in acute hospital wards. These older people may have specific needs associated with a cognitive impairment. However, literature indicates that the milieu, organisation and care processes in acute care not always support in meeting these needs. Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to illuminate care of older people with cognitive impairment in hospital environments. Methods: The thesis consists of four studies. Study I used a cross-sectional design to explore staff attitudes toward older people with cognitive impairment, staff satisfaction with care and work and perceived person-centeredness of the ward (n=391). Study II used a Grounded theory design to explore barriers to person-centred care for older people with cognitive impairment at an acute medical ward. Study III used a cross-sectional design to explore the psychometric properties of the Swedish version person-centred care for older people with cognitive impairment scale (POPAC) in a sample of acute hospital staff (n=293). Study IV used a phenomenological hermeneutic design to explore the meanings of caring for older people with cognitive impairment in acute hospital wards as narrated by nursing staff (n=13). Results: Study I showed that participating staff estimated a neutral attitude to older people with cognitive impairment in the spectrum between negative and positive attitudes, and that factors such as being younger, a nurse assistant and experiencing the care of older people with cognitive impairment as burdensome, were associated with more negative attitudes. The results also showed that healthcare professionals felt that older patients' cognitive ability was rarely evaluated during hospitalisation, and that care were rarely based on evidence-based guidelines for care of older people with cognitive impairment. Study II illuminated that an organizational focus on medical needs, interventions and routines contributed to staff falling behind in relation to meeting these older patients' multidimensional needs, and that this could lead to signs of suffering for older patients, feelings of being excluded for relatives, and a frustration for staff. Study III supported a continued use of the POPAC scale for ratings of perceived prevalence of person-centred care processes for older people with cognitive impairment, but further studies was recommended to explore scale dimensionality. Study IV illuminated that the greater a gap that is experienced between what nurses can do (real) and what they want to do (ideal) in caring for older patients with cognitive impairment in acute care settings, the more meaningless care is experienced and the greater a threat is experienced to the nurses personal-professional integrity. The comprehensive understanding indicated that caring for older people with cognitive impairment in acute care settings means to provide nursing care in an environment that does not support the nurses’ possibilities to protect and develop their personal-professional integrity. Conclusions: A reasonable conclusion from these studies is that there may be reasons to further discuss and study how attitudes, perspectives, and goals for care, together with the content, procedures and interventions that can support or obstruct good nursing care for older people with cognitive impairment in hospital settings. There may also be reasons to explore how staff can be supported to provide person-centred care to these older patients, for example through guidelines for care of older people with cognitive impairment, standardised assessments of cognitive ability, and implementation of care processes that supports person-centred care. In addition, to further critically examine how organisational and environmental factors in hospital wards can support or obstruct person-centred care for older patients seems needed. There may also be a need to further develop conditions that can support nursing staff to maintain and develop their personal-professional integrity, by developing environments that provides further possibilities to provide good care for these older patients. / <p>Centrum för personcentrerad vård vid Göteborgs universitet </p>

Understanding end-of-life admissions : an interview study of patients admitted to a large English hospital shortly before death

Hoare, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Hospital admissions for patients close to the end of life are considered ‘inappropriate’ in contemporary English health policy. Hospitals are supposedly unable to offer a ‘good’ death for patients, and dying there is thought to contradict patient choice, since patients are assumed to want to die at home. However, almost half of all deaths in England in 2015 occurred in hospital, and of these, nearly a third died within three days of admission. This thesis seeks to explore why these admissions are considered to be a problem and how they occur. Through a systematic review of UK literature I found that it cannot be stated that most patients want to die at home, because of the extent of missing data (preferences not asked, expressed, reported or absent). This finding challenges the justification that admissions are inappropriate because they contravene patient choice. Similarly inconclusive evidence about the undesirability, cost, and lack of need for patients to be in hospital were also found in a review of policy. Together with analysis of historical trends in hospital and hospice provision, it is apparent that attitudes towards end-of-life admissions reflect existing tensions about the role of hospital as an acute provider, and as a place of death. An analysis of interviews conducted with healthcare staff and next-of-kin involved in the admission of patients (case-patients) who died shortly after being admitted to Meadowbridge, a large English hospital explored these tensions further. I found that whilst hospital was not recognised as a place where ‘good’ deaths typically occurred, it was acknowledged as an emergency place of care. In this context, patients without obvious need for hospital care were nevertheless admitted to the hospital and the environment was subsequently recognised to offer distinct benefits. The need for emergency care reflected the difficulties of providing end-of-life care in the community. For dying to occur appropriately, home had to be adapted and care organised by healthcare staff. Both tasks were complicated by the unpredictability of dying, and family carers helped to absorb much of the uncertainty and support patients to die at home. Ambulance staff became involved when patients had care needs that exceeded care quickly and easily available in the community. When called to the case-patients, ambulance staff instituted familiar practices in transferring them to hospital. Hospital was recognised as a default place of care because ambulance staff struggled to facilitate alternative care and lacked sufficient professional authority to keep patients at home. The admissions of the case-patients represent the best attempts of staff to navigate the tangled practices of end-of-life care. These practices are the result of the actions of the staff, which in turn both constrained and enabled their action in providing care to patients. The term ‘inappropriate’ to describe admissions does not encompass these attempts, and moreover, devalued the significant care provided by healthcare staff in the community and hospital.

Compétences d’infirmiers nouvellement diplômés d’un programme de baccalauréat basé sur l’approche par compétences : une ethnographie ciblée d’un milieu de soins aigus

Charette, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Die ontwikkeling en toepassing van ‘n voorlopige meetinstrument vir die bepaling van primêre sorggewers se behoeftes rakende die hantering van die persoon met ‘n traumatiese breinbesering (Afrikaans)

Olivier, Melani 15 May 2007 (has links)
The primary goal of this study was to develop a preliminary tool to determine caregivers’ needs regarding the management of a person with a traumatic brain injury (TBI), during the acute rehabilitation period. The potential impact of TBI on family dynamics, interpersonal relationships and functional independence is well documented.To facilitate achievement of the main goal this study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, caregivers’ needs were determined by means of both qualitative and quantitative measurements in the form of structured and unstructured observations, the implementation of a “Needs Questionnaire”, a focus group and semi-structured interviews. The results obtained during this phase indicated that caregivers have needs for support from professionals and the community, as well as needs regarding the general management of the person with a TBI and the management of the potential communication difficulties associated with TBI. Based on these needs, a preliminary tool, namely the “Needs questionnaire for caregivers of a person with a traumatic brain injury”, was developed. During the second phase of the study, this tool was administered to caregivers of individuals with TBI before and after the presentation of a workshop to determine whether there is a change in caregivers’ needs once they have received information. A pretest-posttest, experimental design was thus implemented during the second phase of this study. Although further research is required for the qualitative and quantitative validation of this tool, the use of this tool has implications for providing a better understanding of caregivers’ needs during the acute rehabilitation period after TBI. The results of this study further emphasize that improved service delivery in the South African context is reliant on the early identification, by the professional team, of the needs that caregivers of individuals with TBI have. / Dissertation (M (Communication Pathology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

Evaluating the feasibility and impact of a synchronous health technology innovation in the provision of pediatric health care in a University Hospital.

Nadar, Mahmoud 06 1900 (has links)
La prestation de soins critiques et d'orthophonie en milieu pédiatrique nécessite beaucoup de travail pour atteindre le niveau de soins souhaité. Plusieurs facteurs contribuent à ce problème, parmi lesquels la pénurie de ressources, les besoins pressants et l’augmentation du nombre d’enfants malades. Parmi les solutions proposées, beaucoup pensent que la télémédecine synchrone peut être utile en donnant un accès virtuel immédiat aux compétences à distance. Ainsi, l'expertise pourrait être instantanément disponible via une plateforme permettant une communication efficace et capable de soutenir les soins pédiatriques. La télémédecine s’est beaucoup développée dans la prestation des soins critiques et de réadaptation pédiatriques, et ce aux plans diagnostique et thérapeutique. Pourtant, peu d’études ont examiné la faisabilité et évalué l’impact de la télémédecine sur la qualité des soins critiques et de réadaptation pédiatrique. L'objectif principal de cette thèse était d'évaluer la faisabilité de la télémédecine synchrone dans deux contextes pédiatriques, critique et réadaptation, et d'évaluer son influence sur le processus de prestation de soins pédiatriques. Le premier article présente les résultats d'une revue systématique qui synthétisait des études évaluant l'impact des modèles de télémédecine synchrone sur les résultats cliniques dans les établissements de soins de courte durée en pédiatrie. Les résultats ont révélé que l’utilisation de la télémédecine synchrone avait pour effet d’améliorer la qualité des soins, de diminuer le taux de transfert, de réduire de la durée du séjour, de modifier ou renforcer le plan de soins médicaux, de réduire les complications et la gravité de la maladie, et de diminuer le taux de mortalité hospitalière et standardisé. Cependant, la revue de l’état de connaissances a révélé que la qualité des études incluses était faible et que des preuves de haute qualité étaient nécessaires. Le deuxième article, fondé sur un devis pré/post, évalue la faisabilité de la télémédecine à domicile en orthophonie et son impact sur la satisfaction des enfants et orthophonistes, le coût économique, et les performances vocales. Cette étude a montré que la télémédecine en orthophonie était faisable et que les enfants et les orthophonistes étaient satisfaits du service. En outre, l'utilisation de la télémédecine en orthophonie a permis d'améliorer la voix et de faire économiser de l'argent aux parents. Le troisième article évalue la faisabilité de la mise en place d’une plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone dans l’unité des soins intensifs pédiatriques (USIP). Pour qu'une solution de télémédecine synchrone à l’USIP soit faisable, elle nécessite une bonne préparation préalable à la mise en œuvre de la plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone pour être réellement utile. Avec des médecins résidents compétents et autonomes, l’utilité d’une plate-forme de télémédecine synchrone reliant les intensivistes pédiatriques hors site et les médecins résidents sur site à l’USIP est faible. Cette étude a ajouté qu'un tel service pourrait être plus bénéfique que le modèle traditionnel des soins (face à face) pour les communications avec d'autres établissements de soins de santé éloignés, où le besoin d'expertise d'un intensiviste en soins intensifs pédiatriques est plus important. Ces trois études permettent de conclure que la télémédecine synchrone est réalisable et peut avoir un impact sur la qualité des soins intensifs et de réadaptation pédiatrique. On peut déduire de cette thèse qu'il est important de prendre en compte le contexte dans lequel la technologie sera mise en œuvre. Traiter le contexte de l’USIP et celui de réadaptation de la même manière n'aboutit pas aux mêmes résultats et une innovation technologique pourrait réussir dans un contexte et échouer dans un autre. / Delivering critical and speech-language pathology care in pediatric settings requires much hard work to reach the desired level of care for children. Several factors contribute to this problem, including resources shortage, pressing needs, and the growing number of ill children. Among the proposed solutions, many believe that synchronous telemedicine can play a role by providing virtual and immediate access to remote skills, with expertise could be made instantly available through a platform that allows efficient communication and is able to support pediatric care. Telemedicine has developed significantly in the provision of critical care and pediatric rehabilitation in terms of diagnosis and therapy. Yet, few studies have examined the feasibility and evaluated the impact of telemedicine on the quality of pediatric critical care and rehabilitation. The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the feasibility of synchronous telemedicine in two pediatric settings—critical care and rehabilitation—and to evaluate its influence on the process of providing pediatric care. The first article presented the results of a systematic review that synthesized studies evaluating the impacts of synchronous telemedicine models on clinical outcomes in pediatric acute care settings. The findings revealed that the use of synchronous telemedicine improved quality of care and resulted in a lower transfer rate, a shorter length of stay, a change in or reinforcement of the medical care plan, a reduction in complications and illness severity, and a low hospital standardized mortality rate. However, the review of the state of knowledge revealed that the quality of the included studies was weak, so more high-quality evidences is needed. The second article, which used a pre/post design, assesses the feasibility assessed the feasibility of home-based telepractice in speech-language pathology (TSLP) and its impact on satisfaction among the children and speech-language pathologists, economic cost, and voice performance. This study showed that TSLP is feasible and that both the children and the speech-language pathologists were satisfied with the service. In addition, the use of TSLP demonstrated more voice improvement at less cost to the parents. The third article evaluated the feasibility of implementing a synchronous telemedicine platform in a pediatric intensive care unit (STEP-PICU). For a STEP-PICU to be feasible and truly helpful, it needs good preparation for the implementation of the telemedicine solution. With competent and autonomous fellows (a fellow is a physician who has completed their residency and elects to complete further training in a subspecialty), the usefulness of an synchronous telemedicine (STM) platform linking off-site pediatric intensivists and on-site fellows in a PICU is limited. This study added that such a service could be more beneficial than the traditional model of care (face to face) for communications with other remote healthcare facilities, where there is a greater need for the expertise of a pediatric critical care intensivist. These three studies allow us to conclude that STM is feasible and can have an impact on the quality of pediatric intensive care and rehabilitation. This thesis underscores the importance of taking into consideration the context in which the technology will be implemented. Treating the PICU and the rehabilitation contexts in the same way does not lead to the same results, and a technological innovation that succeeds in one setting may fail in another.

Specifika komunikace se seniory v kontextu sociálně - zdravotní péče / Specifics of communication with seniors in contect social - health care

Vargová, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Annotation: The purpose of this Master's thesis is to describe objectively topic of medical social workers' communication in centers of post-acute care, to highlight importance and difficulty of social work with senior citizens and to propose eventual changes leading to eventual communication improvement. Social work here is complicated because senior citizens are often lonely or may have problematic family relationships or may suffer from dementia and quite often are polymorbid patients. For the thesis were used statistics from The Centre of Postacute Care - Motol University Hospital, then method of questionnaire realized with medical social workers from centers of post-acute care in Czech Republic, and method of structured interview with patients in Center of Postacute Care - Motol University Hospital.

The Role of Organizational Culture on Patient Discharge Planning

Fredericks, Melanie Rosanna 18 November 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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