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Fan fictions eller adaptioner? : Om Amy Heckerlings spelfilm Clueless (1996) och Debra White Smiths roman Amanda (2006) mot Jane Austens roman Emma (1815)Sundqvist, Jill January 2014 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med min uppsats var att utifrån originalverket Emma (1815) avJane Austen kunna bedöma vad två verk som inspirerats av romanen bör klassificeras som.De två verken var romanen Amanda (2006) av författaren Debra White Smith ochspelfilmen Clueless (1995) av regissören Amy Heckerling. Till min hjälp har jag lästaktuell forskning inom de två termerna adaption och fanfiction och utifrån detta gjort enjämförande analys på verken. Resultatet blev oväntat vagt, det visade sig att begreppen lågnärmre varandra än vad jag trott från början. Båda verken kan till viss del ses som enadaption på originalverket, på samma sätt som de även kan ses som fanfiction. Slutsatsenär dock att de båda verken passar bäst in under termen profic, som är en underkategoriinom fanfiction där författaren/regissören tjänar pengar på sin modifikation och intepublicerat verket i exempelvis ett obetalt nätforum som hobbyaktivitet.
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Orma livelihoods in Tana River district, Kenya : a study of constraints, adaptation and innovationPattison, James Lee January 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on the constraints, adaptations and innovations in the livelihoods of Orma pastoralists. The fieldwork took place with families around Tiltila, Waldena and Kalalani over a period of 9 months in 2007/08. The position of pastoralist peoples in East Africa is characterised by social, political and economic marginalisation, weak land tenure, and declining per capita livestock holdings, while their shrinking grazing lands are widely regarded to be on the front line of climate change, both in terms of climate impacts and biofuel/agribusiness land pressure. The dearth of good quality data on pastoralist populations and livelihoods is widely cited as one of the fundamental barriers to improving the effectiveness of development support in the drylands. This study seeks to address these knowledge gaps for Orma pastoralists, while contributing to the body of theory on pastoralist livelihood dynamics. Data on the effects of wealth, education and food aid on household mobility were analysed using a theory of asset threshold dynamics. An adapted typology of livelihood strategies was developed to interpret and structure the data. Using child mortality as a proxy for respondent health, the impacts of wealth and mobility status on families’ health were explored. In the context of an almost total lack of data on community redistribution of food aid, both for the Orma and for East African pastoralists more generally, the study provides empirical data on de facto community food aid allocation patterns. The study also examines a controversial large-scale expropriation of land in Tana River (subsidised under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism) which will undermine the capacity of Orma pastoralists and other minority groups, to adapt to increased and more extreme environmental variability. In an environment in which enrolment in formal education is very low (particularly for girls), the study found that community nursery schools represent a relatively recent (and thus far undocumented) innovation organised and funded by groups of parents. The data demonstrates unprecedented levels of female enrolment despite cost constraints faced by least wealthy families. It is therefore suggested that incorporation of the community nursery model into the basic literacy element of the proposed national distance learning strategy, offers significant potential for addressing ‘Education For All’ in Kenya’s drylands.
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Patienters upplevelser av att vara MRSA-bärare : En litteraturöversikt / Patients´ experiences of being MRSA- carrier : A literature reviewAndersson, Stina, Lindström, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: En kontinuerlig ökning av antibiotikaresistenta bakterier ses i Sverige, men trots detta är situationen fortfarande relativt hanterbar jämfört med andra länder runt om i världen. Resistensutveckling är ett resultat av den mängd antibiotika som används i dagens samhälle. Bakterien Staphylococcus aureus är orsaken till många typer av infektioner, lindriga till livshotande. Bakterien har orsakat problem på sjukhus sedan 1955 och är den mest beryktade orsaken till vårdrelaterade infektioner. Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är en av de tillhörande stammarna hos Staphylococcus aureus som utvecklat resistens mot antibiotika. I Smittskyddslagen fastställs det att meticillinresistenta gula stafylokocker (MRSA) är en allmänfarlig sjukdom. Allmänfarliga sjukdomar är smittsamma sjukdomar som medför svårt lidande, långvariga sjukdomsperioder och andra allvarliga konsekvenser. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att vara MRSA-bärare. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Fribergs metod där tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes till resultatet. Artiklarna valdes ur Cinahl Complete och Medline. Resultat: Med utgångspunkt i de tio vetenskapliga artiklarna identifierade författarna sex teman: upplevelser av att få en diagnos, upplevelser av isolering, upplevelser av bemötande, upplevelser av kunskap och information, rädsla att smitta andra och tankar om framtiden. Diskussion: Utifrån Callista Roys adaptionsteori, konsensusbegreppet hälsa, bakgrunden och annan forskning diskuteras litteraturöversiktens resultat. Huvudfynden som valts att diskuteras är isoleringens påverkan, kunskapsbrist och anpassning till livet med MRSA. / Background: There is a continuous increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Sweden, but the situation is still relatively manageable compared to other countries. The development of resistance is a result of the amount of antibiotics used in today's society. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is the cause of many types of infections, from mild to life threatening. The bacteria have caused problems at hospitals since 1955 and are the most notorious cause of healthcare-associated infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the associated strains of Staphylococcus aureus that have developed resistance to antibiotics. The communicable diseases act (smittskyddslagen) stipulates that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a dangerous disease. General dangerous diseases are infectious and cause suffering, prolonged periods of illness and other serious consequences. Aim: To describe patients’ experiences of being MRSA-carrier. Method: A literature review according to Fribergs` method where ten scientific articles were elected to the result. The articles were selected from Cinahl Complete and Medline. Results: In the articles analyzed the authors identified six themes: getting a diagnosis, experiences of isolation, experiences of treatment, experiences of knowledge and information, fear of infecting others and thoughts about the future. Discussion: Based on Callista Roys adaptation theory, the concept of health, background and other research the result is being discussed. The main findings chosen for discussion are the isolation impact, lack of knowledge and adaptation to life with MRSA.
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"Allt handlar om relationer!" : En studie om lågstadielärares syn på särskilda anpassningar gentemot beteendeproblem i klassrummetvon Zweigbergk, Anna, Brännström, Maria January 2017 (has links)
This study aims to examine teachers' views on special adaptation againt behavioral problems with pupils in the elementary schools' lower grades. In addition, there is and interest in how teachers motivate their didactic choices in the classroom with theese students. A qualitative study was done by using semi-structured interviews which were customized according to the aim. The respondents' answers were then analyzed based on the research found in this study. In order to present the results we have created three themes, each one based on the issues raised in our study. The result shows that there are different perspectives in understanding behavioral problems. Furthermore, the results present that there is a difference in teachers' way of describing these problem situations depending on which perspective teachers adopt.
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Bitterroot Landing: An Adaptation from Novel to StageLeake, Christy 01 January 2006 (has links)
My thesis explores the process involved in adapting Sheri Reynolds' novel, Bitterroot Landing, into a stage play. During the adaptation process I faced numerous challenges, including structural issues, expanding or changing dialogue, omitting or melding scenes and characters, and dealing with the serious themes of incest and sexual abuse. This thesis describes these challenges and the steps I took to overcome them.
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Molecular and adaptive variation in the Caledonian Pine, Pinus sylvestris (L.)Donnelly, Kevin January 2015 (has links)
The remnants of the Caledonian Pine Forest represent the north western boundary of the Eurasian Pinus sylvestris (L.) distribution. Remnant populations occupy a diverse range of environments within Scotland, subject to a steep rainfall gradient, and previous investigations have found evidence of local adaptation. Additionally, studies of biochemical and molecular markers have indicated that Scotland’s native pinewoods originated from more than one glacial refugium. Whole-genome-shotgun (WGS) sequencing was employed for the discovery of mitochondrial (mt) variants that may provide further insight into the origins of P. sylvestris populations both in Scotland and mainland Europe. DNA extractions were performed on megagametophyte tissue from Scottish, Finnish, and Spanish populations. Three members of the closely related P. mugo species complex were also sequenced. Using similarity-based approach, 160kbp of putative mitochondrial sequence was recovered by comparison of de novo assembled contigs with the mtgenome of the gymnosperm Cycas taitungensis. In total, 16 novel variants were identified among samples, which may be used in future phylogeographic studies. A study of needle characters was performed for eight native populations of P. sylvestris in an outdoor provenance/progeny trial of 192 saplings. A negative correlation was detected between longitude and the number of stomatal rows present on needle surfaces. It was posited that this may be an adaptive response to lower water availability in eastern pinewoods, possibly in conjunction with increasing altitude. The west coast of Scotland is one of the wettest regions in Europe: western pinewoods may receive in excess of 3,000mm of rainfall in a year, compared with an average of 800mm eastern sites. To determine whether native pinewoods are differentially adapted to waterlogging, a glasshouse based provenance/progeny trial of 432 saplings from nine native populations was undertaken, in which 50% were subject to a long-term waterlogging treatment, and the remainder used as a control. Two studies were then conducted. In the first, responses to the treatment were assessed in terms of phenological and growth traits. Bud flush was delayed in response to waterlogging, and growth was impeded relative to the control. Although population differences were observed, treatment × population interactions were not detected. In the second study physiological traits known to be sensitive to plant stress and water balance were measured at intervals throughout the experiment. Prior to the commencement of the treatment needle δ13C was found to exhibit interpopulation differentiation, and was positively correlated with longitude. This seems likely to represent differential selection for water use efficiency between eastern and western pinewoods. Photochemical efficiency and stomatal conductance were found to be reduced by waterlogging, and needle δ13C was increased. After generalising populations into ‘high’ and ‘low’ rainfall groups (monthly averages of 214.9mm and 72.8mm, respectively), high rainfall populations were observed to maintain consistently higher photochemical efficiency under waterlogging the low rainfall populations. In addition, the low rainfall group exhibited greater variability in response to flooding (in terms of phenotypic and additive genetic variance) which may be indicative of a lack of past selection pressure.
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Jane Eyre som adaption – analys av berättartekniska förändringar i två adaptioner av Charlotte Brontës romanLarsson, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen analyserar förändringar i berättartekniken när Charlotte Brontës roman Jane Eyre adapteras till serieroman och till film. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur de berättartekniska aspekterna intrig, tid och berättare kan förändras vid adaptioner från roman till serieroman och till film, samt vilka didaktiska begränsningar och möjligheter adaptioner medför för lärare som ämnar arbeta med adaptioner. Uppsatsen utgår från en komparativ metod med hjälp av adaptionsteori, och av berättartekniska analysverktyg som är hämtade från bl.a. narratologin. Analysen visar att intrigen är möjlig att överföra från roman till andra medier, medan tid och berättare kräver ombearbetning. Vidare visar diskussionen att svensklärare som överväger att erbjuda sina elever att ta del av skönlitteratur via andra medier än böcker bör vara observanta på vilka förändringar som adaptioner medför och hur det påverkar undervisningsmöjligheterna.
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Isn't it good? : En undersökning av hur remediering kan användas som metod för litteraturundervisning i gymnasietKragnert Bartholf, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen berör hur remediering kan användas för att synliggöra innehållet i litteratur. Exemplet som används för att närma sig frågan består av två estetiska verk. Det ena är The Beatles sång Norwegian wood, från skivan ”Rubber soul” från 1965. Det andra är Haruki Murakamis roman från 1987 med samma namn. En fråga som besvaras med hjälp av undersökningen är för det första huruvida romanen är att betrakta som en remediering av sången. Vidare undersöks om jämförelsen är rimlig som pedagogiskt verktyg. Därefter besvaras vilka förtjänster som står att finna i en så pass ovanlig remedieringsform. Avslutningsvis ställs frågan ifall urpsrungsverket bidrar till att synliggöra effekter som annars skulle vara svårtillgängliga inom ”målverket”. Metoden för att närma sig dessa svar är en textnära granskning genom teoretiska filter om adaption och remediering. Den analys som uppsatsens undersökande del landar i konstaterar att romanen på goda grunder kan anses vara en remediering. Dessutom pekas det på skäl att betrakta exemplet som ett gott sådant för att använda i undervisning. Förtjänsterna ligger i hur synliga de form- och genrespecifika dragen kan synliggöras.
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På spaning efter remedieringens effekter : En adaptionsanalys av Maja Salomonsson och Nina Jeppsons scenföreställning På spaning efter den tid som flyttHahn, Aksel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Adaptive genetic variation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in ScotlandSalmela, Matti Juhani January 2011 (has links)
Genetic differentiation in phenotypic traits among populations from heterogeneous environments is often observed in common-garden studies on forest trees, but data on adaptive variation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Scotland are limited. As a result, current seed transfer guidelines are based on earlier molecular marker studies and do not take into account environmental or adaptive genetic variation. An analysis of spatial variation in climate showed substantial differences in temperature and precipitation among the native Scots pine sites in Scotland. To investigate whether differentiation in response to environmental variation has occurred in Scotland, a glasshouse-based common-garden trial of ~3,360 seedlings from 21 populations and 84 open-pollinated families was established in 2007. At the beginning of the 2nd growing season, timing of bud flush showed evidence of genetic differentiation among populations, with those from cooler origins generally flushing earlier. Variation was also found among families within populations, suggesting that the trait is genetically controlled. Populations and families showed different levels of variability in this trait which could be partly due to variable levels of temporal climate fluctuation in different parts of Scotland. Chlorophyll fluorescence was used to examine drought response in three-year old seedlings from five populations on sites that experience contrasting levels of annual rainfall. It was found that the response was not related to rainfall, but possibly to more complex moisture variables that also take into account additional factors such as evaporation. Also, photosynthetic capacity in response to cold winter temperatures varied significantly among eight populations that were kept outdoors, and the largest reduction was seen in seedlings from the mildest, most maritime coastal site. The following spring, height growth and needle flush started earlier in seedlings from cooler locations. Earlier studies on genetic diversity of native pinewoods have shown high levels of selectively neutral variation in this predominantly outcrossing conifer, and a mating system analysis with a limited number of microsatellite markers supported this pattern. Together, these data suggest that despite significant historic population size decrease, environmental gradients have resulted in genetic differentiation among native pinewoods. In order to minimise the risk of planting poorly-adapted stock and to maximise the success of replanting programmes, it is important that the origins of planting stock are carefully considered in management guidelines for the species.
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