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Suplementação com cholecalciferol em pacientes com doença renal crônica e hipovitaminose D / Cholecalciferol supplementation in chronic kidney disease patients with vitamin D insufficiency: a 6-month follow-upGarcia-Lopes, Miriam Ghedini [UNIFESP] 22 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-22 / Considerando a elevada prevalência de hipovitaminose D em pacientes na fase não dialítica da doença renal crônica (DRC) e os efeitos benéficos da restauração do estado nutricional de vitamina D nos pacientes com DRC nos parâmetros do metabolismo mineral, os guias de práticas clínicas para prevenção e tratamento dos distúrbios do metabolismo mineral ósseo, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K-DOQI) e Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), sugerem a suplementação com vitamina D (ergocalciferol ou colecalciferol) para pacientes com DRC na fase não dialítica com hipovitaminose D. No entanto, poucos estudos avaliaram o efeito da suplementação nessa população. Dessa forma, este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos da suplementação com colecalciferol sobre marcadores séricos do metabolismo mineral de pacientes com hipovitaminose D na fase não dialítica da DRC. Estudo 1. Suplementacao com colecalciferol na doenca renal cronica: restauracao do estado nutricional de vitamina D e impacto sobre o paratormonio. O estudo foi prospectivo com duracao de 6 meses. Foram incluidos 45 pacientes com deficiencia de vitamina D 25-hidroxivitamina D [25(OH)D] < 15 ng/mL. Os pacientes foram suplementados com 50.000 UI/semana de colecalciferol durante 3 meses, sendo que naqueles que alcancaram niveis de 25(OH)D„d 30 ng/mL a dose foi modificada para 50.000 UI/mes durante os proximos 3 meses. Para os demais pacientes, a mesma dose inicial foi mantida por mais 3 meses. Apos o inicio da suplementacao observou-se um aumento significativo nos niveis de 25(OH)D no tempo 3 e no tempo 6. Nos primeiros 3 meses de suplementacao, 78% dos pacientes atingiram niveis de 25(OH)D„d 30 ng/mL. No entanto, apos o ajuste da dose, somente 43% mantiveram esses niveis. Houve uma diminuicao nos niveis de paratormonio (PTH) no tempo 3, periodo em que os pacientes receberam a maior dose de colecalciferol. As mudancas nos niveis de 25(OH)D durante os 3 meses correlacionaram-se positivamente com as mudancas dos niveis de 1,25-diidroxivitamina D [1,25(OH)2D] (r= 0,37; P= 0,01). As variacoes nos niveis de PTH correlacionaram-se inversamente com as mudancas nos niveis de calcio serico (r= -0,42; P= 0,004) e diretamente com as mudancas na creatinina serica (r= 0,38; P= 0,01). A analise de regressao logistica incluindo a proteinuria do inicio do estudo e as mudancas nos niveis sericos de creatinina, demonstrou que o excesso de adiposidade foi o principal fator associado com uma menor resposta a suplementacao nos primeiros 3 meses (IMC „d 25 kg/m2: ƒÒ= 2,35, EP= 1,15, P= 0,04; indice de gordura do tronco: ƒÒ= 2,59, EP= 1,13, P= 0,02). Este estudo concluiu que o tratamento com 50.000 UI por semana de colecalciferol foi efetivo em restaurar o estado nutricional de vitamina D na maioria dos pacientes sem apresentar efeitos adversos. A restauracao dos niveis de vitamina D resultou na diminuicao do PTH mesmo com uma reducao da funcao renal. Estudo 2. Suplementacao com colecalciferol em pacientes com doenca renal cronica e insuficiencia de vitamina D. O estudo foi prospectivo com duracao de 6 meses, randomizado e cego. Foram incluidos 75 pacientes com insuficiencia de vitamina D [25(OH) D „d 15 e < 30 ng/mL. Os pacientes foram tratados de acordo com a recomendacao de suplementacao proposta pelo K-DOQI para pacientes com insuficiencia de vitamina D (50.000 UI de colecalciferol mensalmente durante 6 meses). Os mesmos foram aleatoriamente alocados em dois grupos: Grupo Colecalciferol (n= 38 pacientes) ou Grupo Placebo (n= 37 pacientes). O grupo colecalciferol recebeu durante todo periodo de estudo 50.000 UI de colecalciferol mensalmente. Todos os pacientes incluidos no estudo receberam protetor solar durante o periodo de suplementacao. Apos o periodo de suplementacao houve um aumento significativo nos niveis de 25(OH)D no grupo colecalciferol. Com relacao aos demais parametros do metabolismo mineral, nao foram observados modificacoes em nenhum dos parametros durante o seguimento. Apos 6 meses de suplementacao, 46% dos pacientes tratados nao atingiram niveis de 25(OH)D > 30 ng/mL. Esses pacientes apresentaram uma maior quantidade de gordura corporal quando comparados com aqueles que alcancaram esses niveis. Ja no grupo placebo, 40,5% dos pacientes atingiram niveis de 25(OH)D > 30 ng/mL no tempo 6. A epoca da coleta (verao/outono) para a determinacao dos niveis de 25(OH)D no tempo 6 foi o unico parametro que diferiu dos demais pacientes que mantiveram os niveis de 25(OH)D< 30 ng/mL. Em resumo, os resultados do presente estudo demonstram que o protocolo de tratamento proposto pelo K-DOQI parece nao ser adequado para restaurar o estado nutricional de vitamina D em pacientes com insuficiencia desta vitamina. No entanto, a gordura corporal e a epoca da coleta sao fatores que podem ter contribuido para o achado negativo deste estudo. / Background: The effective protocol for treatment of hypovitaminosis D in non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease (NDD-CKD) patients has not yet been defined. In the present study we aimed to investigate the impact of cholecalciferol supplementation on serum markers of bone and mineral metabolism using the K/DOQI recommendation for NDD-CKD patients with vitamin D insufficiency. Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, single-blinded interventional study with 6 month of follow-up. This study included 75 patients, randomly assigned for the cholecalciferol group (n=38; 50,000 IU per month for 6 months) or for the placebo group (n=37). Results: After cholecalciferol supplementation, 25(OH)D levels increased significantly at 3 and 6 months in the intervention group and was maintained in the placebo group. No change was found in serum parathyroid hormone as well as in the other serum markers of mineral metabolism studied during the follow-up in both groups. In the end of the study, 46% of the treated patients did not achieve 25(OH)D levels higher than 30 ng/mL. This group of patients had a greater body fat index when compared with those who achieved this level. In the placebo group 40.5% increased 25(OH)D levels higher than 30 ng/mL after 6 months. The season (summer/autumn) when blood was collected for 25(OH)D determination was the only parameter that differed from the group of patients who maintained 25(OH)D levels below 30 ng/mL. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the protocol for treatment of vitamin D insufficiency proposed by the K/DOQI guideline seems not to be adequate for completely restore the vitamin D status of NDD-CKD patients. The lack of adequate response to cholecalciferol supplementation together with the unpredicted restoration of vitamin D status in the placebo group may account, at least in part, for the negative results of the present study. / TEDE
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Les effets de l'augmentation de la masse adipeuse sur la fonction cardiovasculaire ex vivo en fonction du stress oxydant et de la fonction mitochondriale : rôle du vieillissement du régime alimentaire / The effects of the increase in the adipose tissue mass on the cardiovascular function ex vivo in association with the oxidative stress and mitochondrial function : role of aging and diet : role of aging and dietMourmoura, Evangelia 05 November 2012 (has links)
Le surpoids et l'obésité, en constante augmentation à l'échelle mondiale à un rythme exponentiel, conduit au développement du syndrome métabolique et du diabète de type 2. Plusieurs études ont mis en évidence l'association entre l'excès de masse grasse, en particulier dans la région abdominale, et le développement des maladies cardiovasculaires. Une telle augmentation de masse grasse corporelle caractérise le vieillissement normal, qui est considéré per se comme un facteur de risque majeur pour les maladies cardiovasculaires. De plus, dans le monde industrialisé, l'incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires est encore plus élevée et fortement liée aux habitudes occidentales (régimes obésogènes, sédentarité) qui contribuent à l'accumulation de la graisse abdominale. L'objectif général de ce travail consiste à suivre les changements corporels qui surviennent entre la jeunesse et l'âge moyen où commence à survenir les complications cardio-vasculaires et à savoir comment l'obésité induite par l'alimentation peut modifier ces aspects. Dans un premier temps, nous avons montré que les coeurs des rats Wistar d'âge moyen sont caractérisés par une moindre restauration de l'activité mécanique cardiaque au cours de la réperfusion post-ischémique en raison de perturbations de la perfusion coronaire et d'une insuffisance de l'apport en oxygène. La présence d'un stress oxydant systémique suite à l'augmentation de la masse grasse survenant entre la jeunesse et l'âge adulte est également en cause. Une diminution progressive de la dilatation endothélium-dépendante des microvaisseaux coronaires est également observé avec le vieillissement, ce qui résulte d'une évolution différentielle du comportement fonctionnel des cellules endothéliales et musculaires lisses apparemment liée au métabolisme énergétique et au stress oxydant. L'obésité induite par un régime riche en graisse provoque un certain nombre de modifications corporelles, métaboliques et cardiovasculaires au cours de cette période du vieillissement. L'excès de masse grasse abdominale induit une augmentation du stress oxydant aux niveaux systémique, cytosolique et mitochondrial accompagné par des altérations biochimiques concernant le métabolisme du glucose et les niveaux plasmatiques de cholestérol et de triglycérides. L'obésité induite par une hyperphagie et la présence d'un diabète de type 2 chez les rats Zucker obèses diabétiques provoque également une insulino-résistance sévère. Ces deux modèles d'obésité sont caractérisés par une diminution de la fonction cardiaque ex vivo liée au métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial et au stress oxydant. En outre, ils sont tous les deux caractérisés par une adaptation des microvaisseaux coronaires dont la réactivité est augmentée dans le cas de régime riche en graisse et maintenue dans le cas du diabète. Ces adaptations sont dues à des mécanismes différents dans les deux modèles d'obésité. Elles permettent de mieux répondre aux exigences métaboliques élevées liées à l'obésité. En conclusion, notre travail montre que les caractéristiques corporelles et métaboliques, le métabolisme énergétique mitochondrial, la fonction cardiaque et la réactivité coronaire sont modifiés lors du vieillissement dans les conditions normales ou obésogènes. Ces résultats encouragent la recherche ultérieure des mécanismes mis en jeu. Les interventions visant à réduire la masse grasse, qu'elle soit spontanément accrue par l'âge ou qu'elle résulte du régime alimentaire, seraient d'un grand intérêt pour retarder les complications cardiovasculaires. / The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing worldwide at an alarming rate leading to the development of metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus. Previous studies have highlightened the association between fat accumulation, especially in the abdominal area, and the development of cardiovascular diseases. An increase in body and fat mass characterizes normal aging, which is considered per se the major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. In the industrialized societies, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases occurring with age is even more increased due to the Western-world lifestyle habits (e.g. obesogenic diets, sedentariness) that contribute to excess fat accumulation. Accordingly, the overall goal of this work was to understand how body changes occurring from youth to middle age were related to middle age cardiovascular complications and how diet-induced obesity altered these aspects. Initially, we demonstrated that in normal aging middle-aged hearts of Wistar rats were characterized by lower restoration of the cardiac mechanical activity during reperfusion ex vivo due to impaired recovery of the coronary flow and insufficient oxygen supply. This was also related to the presence of increased systemic oxidative stress following the increase in fat mass that occurred from youth to young adulthood. A progressive decline in the endothelium-dependent dilatation of the coronary microvasculature also occurred with aging, which was due to different functional behaviours of the endothelial and smooth muscular cells, which appeared to be related to the energy metabolism and oxidative stress. High-fat diet-induced obesity triggered a number of alterations in the body, metabolic and cardiovascular characteristics of the animals during this aging period. The excess abdominal fat accumulation provoked the increase of oxidative stress at the systemic, cytosolic and mitochondrial levels accompanied by biochemical alterations in the glucose and lipid metabolisms such as hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. The hyperphagia-induced obesity and the related type 2 diabetes in the Zucker diabetic fatty rats provoked also severe insulin resistance. Both models of diet-induced obesity were characterized by decreased ex vivo cardiac function related to mitochondrial energy metabolism and oxidative stress. Furthermore, they were both characterized by an adaptation of the coronary microvasculature whose reactivity was enhanced in the first case and maintained in the second, in order to meet the elevated metabolic demands of the hearts due to obesity. These adaptations were due to different mechanisms in these two models of obesity. In conclusion, our work revealed a temporal pattern of changes concerning the body and metabolic characteristics, mitochondrial energy metabolism, cardiac function and coronary microvascular reactivity that occur from youth to middle age either under normal or obesogenic-related conditions. These results encourage further research in order to explain the mechanisms related to these alterations. Interventions aiming at reducing the fat mass that increases with age or diet would be of great interest in an effort to delay the cardiovascular
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Insatisfação com a imagem corporal em adolescentes do ensino médio: associação com fatores sociodemográficos, aptidão física e provocações durante a prática de atividades físicas / Body image dissatisfaction in high school adolescents: association with sociodemographic factors, physical fitness and teasing during physical activitiesClaumann, Gaia Salvador 17 June 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-06-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the last years high prevalence rate of body image dissatisfaction has been found in individuals of all ages, especially in adolescents. The body image dissatisfaction can lead to various damage to physical and mental health, becoming important to know the factors that influence negatively the body image. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence rate and associated factors with body image dissatisfaction among high school adolescents. Study participants were adolescents of both sexes, aged 14-19 years enrolled in High School from public schools of São José, SC. Sex, age, skin color, economic status, health perception, sexual maturation, body adiposity, health-related physical fitness (muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness), teasing during physical activity practice, and body image were the information obtained from the adolescents in this study. More than 70% of adolescents presented dissatisfaction with body image. The female adolescents were considered more dissatisfied when compared to male ones and they wished to reduce their body silhouette size, while the males preferred to increase it. The factors associated with dissatisfaction with thinness were: male gender (PR= 1.43, 95% CI 1.18 to 1.75), adequate body adiposity (PR = 6.86, 95% CI 4.32 to 10.92), lowest level of muscle strength (PR= 1.50, 95% CI 1.09 to 2.06) and regular cardiorespiratory fitness (PR= 1.34, 95% CI 1.04 to1.73) and good cardiorespiratory fitness (PR= 1.60, 95% CI 1.18 to 2.17). Regarding dissatisfaction with overweight, the associated factors were: female gender (PR = 1.84, 95% CI = 1.50 to 2.25), regular health perception (PR= 1.38, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.68) and negative health perception (PR= 1.61, 95% CI 1.12 to 2.33), inadequate body adiposity (PR= 3.78, 95% CI 3.06 to 4.68) and lower levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (PR= 2.19, 95% CI 1.43 to 3.37). And regarding the teasing during physical activity practice, dissatisfied male adolescents (with thinness and overweight) are, in general, more teased and dubbed according to its size or weight, more often when compared to the satisfied ones. The male adolescents dissatisfied by overweight realize more laughter and jokes from others individuals due to their appearance and for being uncoordinated. Among female adolescents, those who are dissatisfied with overweight suffer more provocations than the satisfied ones. These adolescents dissatisfied by overweight also perceive more looks from other individuals to their appearance, when compared to dissatisfied by thinness. And female adolescents dissatisfied with thinness are dubbed according to their size or weight more often when compared to the satisfied ones. The more distant the dissatisfied adolescents by overweight are from the silhouette they consider ideal, more often they realize that other people make jokes or laugh at their body appearance, and call them by nicknames related to their size or weight. As conclusion, the adiposity and cardiorespiratory fitness were the factors that most strongly were related to dissatisfaction with body image. Regarding the teasing, in both adolescents (male and females) differences were found between the satisfied ones, dissatisfied by thinness and by overweight, highlighting that, in most situations, dissatisfied adolescents by overweight are the ones who receive more provocations. / Nos últimos anos elevadas prevalências de insatisfação com a imagem corporal têm sido verificadas em pessoas de todas as idades, especialmente em adolescentes. A insatisfação corporal pode acarretar em diversos prejuízos à saúde física e mental, tornando-se importante conhecer os fatores que influenciam negativamente na imagem corporal. Diante disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a prevalência e os fatores associados à insatisfação com a imagem corporal em adolescentes do ensino médio. Participaram do estudo adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com idades de 14 a 19 anos, matriculados no ensino médio da rede pública de São José, SC. Foram coletadas informações sobre o sexo, idade, cor da pele, nível econômico, percepção de saúde, maturação sexual, adiposidade corporal, aptidão física relacionada à saúde (força muscular e aptidão cardiorrespiratória), provocações durante a prática de atividades físicas e imagem corporal. Mais de 70% dos adolescentes apresentaram insatisfação com a imagem corporal. As moças estiveram mais insatisfeitas em relação aos rapazes e desejaram reduzir a silhueta corporal, enquanto eles preferiram aumentá-la. Os fatores associados à insatisfação pela magreza foram sexo masculino (RP= 1,43, IC95%= 1,18-1,75), adiposidade corporal adequada (RP= 6,86, IC95%= 4,32-10,92), menor nível de força muscular (RP= 1,50, IC95%= 1,09-2,06) e aptidão cardiorrespiratória regular (RP= 1,34, IC95%= 1,04 -1,73) e boa (RP= 1,60, IC95%= 1,18-2,17). Em relação à insatisfação pelo excesso, os fatores associados foram sexo feminino (RP= 1,84, IC95%= 1,50-2,25), percepção de saúde regular (RP= 1,38, IC95%= 1,13-1,68) e negativa (RP= 1,61, IC95%= 1,12-2,33), adiposidade corporal inadequada (RP= 3,78, IC95%= 3,06-4,68) e menores níveis de aptidão cardiorrespiratória (RP= 2,19, IC95%= 1,43-3,37). Quanto às provocações durante a prática de atividades físicas, os rapazes insatisfeitos (pela magreza e pelo excesso) são os que recebem mais provocações, de maneira geral, e são chamados por apelidos que se referem ao seu tamanho ou peso com maior frequência, comparados aos satisfeitos. Ainda, os rapazes insatisfeitos pelo excesso percebem mais risadas e piadas de outras pessoas por causa da sua aparência e por serem descoordenados. Entre as moças, as que estão insatisfeitas pelo excesso são mais provocadas do que as satisfeitas. As insatisfeitas pelo excesso também percebem mais olhares de outras pessoas para a sua aparência, em relação às insatisfeitas pela magreza. As insatisfeitas pela magreza são chamadas por apelidos sobre seu tamanho ou peso com maior frequência comparadas às satisfeitas. Quanto mais distantes os adolescentes insatisfeitos pelo excesso estão da silhueta que consideram ideal, maior a frequência com que percebem que outras pessoas fazem piada ou riem de sua aparência e os chamam por apelidos relacionados ao seu tamanho ou peso. Conclui-se que a adiposidade corporal e a aptidão cardiorrespiratória foram os fatores que se relacionaram mais fortemente à insatisfação com a imagem corporal. A respeito das provocações, tanto nos rapazes quanto nas moças foram encontradas diferenças entre os satisfeitos, insatisfeitos pela magreza e pelo excesso, destacando-se que, na maioria das situações, os adolescentes insatisfeitos pelo excesso são os que mais recebem provocações.
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Fatores socioeconômicos e comportamentais associados à adiposidade abdominal de adultos /Caliani, Karin Graziele Marin dos Santos. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Carlos Burini / Banca: Luis Carlos Giarola / Banca: Nailza Maestá / Resumo: A obesidade é considerada um grave problema da Saúde Pública mundial, apresentando prevalência crescente nas últimas décadas em diversas populações. Entretanto, a concentração da gordura corporal na região abdominal tem se mostrado mais fortemente associada com riscos metabólicos e cardiovasculares e com uma variedade de doenças crônicas. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores socioeconômicos e comportamentais associados à adiposidade abdominal de adultos. Metodologia: foram aplicados: questionário para avaliar as condições socioeconômicas e demográficas, Recordatório de 24 horas para obtenção do consumo alimentar, questionário de atividade física cotidiana (IPAQ, versão 8, forma longa) e realizada avaliação da composição corporal através de peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal e impedância bioelétrica. Resultados: Foram avaliados 1455 indivíduos, sendo 74,0% do sexo feminino e 73,5% com idade inferior a 60 anos. A maioria referiu ser solteiro/viúvo/divorciado (62,2%), apresentar renda familiar de até seis salários-mínimos (62,0%) e ser analfabeto ou possuir Ensino Fundamental incompleto ou completo (62,2%). Apresentaram alta prevalência de excesso de peso e obesidade (77,7%), circunferência abdominal aumentada (60,5%), e alimentação inadequada (93,4%). A hiperadiposidade abdominal apresentou associação com excesso de peso, renda e estado civil, sendo a baixa renda fator preditor e estado civil solteiro/viúvo/divorciado fator protetor. Conclusão: Na população estudada foi encontrada alta prevalência de excesso de peso, circunferência abdominal aumentada e alimentação de baixa qualidade. Portanto, é essencial a adoção de ações que visem a mudança do estilo de vida com o objetivo de prevenir o aparecimento ou agravamento de doenças crônicas nessa população. / Abstract: The obesity is considered a serious problem in the Public Health sector world widely, and it has been increasing in several populations over the last decades. However, the adipose tissue concentration around the abdominal area has been strongly associated with metabolic and cardiovascular risks and a great number of chronic diseases. Objective: To identify the socioeconomic and behavioral factors related to the abdominal adiposity in adults. Method: a questionnaire was used to evaluate the socioeconomic and demographic conditions, a 24-hour recall was done to obtain information about their dietary habits, a questionnaire about the routine physical activity was applied (IPAQ 8, long form), and an evaluation of the weight, height, abdominal size, bioelectrical impedance was done to check the body composition. Results: a study was conducted among 1455 people, 74,0% females and 73,5% under 60 years old. Most of whom said they were single/widow/divorced (62,2%), with a familiar income up to six basic salary (62,0%), and were illiterate or had or hadn't graduated from elementary school (62,2%). 77,7% presented a great predominance of overweight and obesity, 60,5% had an increased abdominal circumference and 93,4% had an inadequate dietary. The abdominal hyper adiposity presented to be associated with overweight, income and marital status, since the low income was the predictor and the marital status (single/widow/divorced) was the protector factor. Conclusion: Among the studied population, a high predominance of overweight, increased abdominal circumference and low quality dietary was found. Therefore, it is essential to adopt actions which can change these people's life style as a way to prevent chronic diseases. / Mestre
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A population perspective on physical activity and healthMytton, Oliver January 2017 (has links)
Regular physical activity reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Consequently, the promotion of it and particular types (e.g. walking and cycling for travel), have become a priority for governments seeking to improve health and constrain rising demand on health services. Despite this many uncertainties persist. The aim of this thesis is to address two particular areas of uncertainty: a) the association of walking and cycling for travel with indices of health and well-being; b) and the extent to which increases in physical activity will reduce need for health and social care. The first part of my thesis consists of three studies that describe the health benefits associated with walking and cycling to work among working age adults. The first is a longitudinal study of the associations between maintenance of active commuting with sickness absence and well-being using the Commuting and Health in Cambridge dataset. The second, using the same dataset, describes the longitudinal associations between maintenance of active commuting and self-reported body mass index. Building on this, the third study using a large cohort study (the Fenland Study) with detailed characterisation of diet and physical activity (including objective measurement) describes the baseline associations between active commuting and objective measures of adiposity. The second part of my thesis describes the development of a combined microsimulation multi-state life table model that is used to characterise the effects of a population ‘shift’ in physical activity on the burden of six major diseases at the population-level. Specifically, it seeks to better describe the effect of increases in physical activity on healthcare need considering not just the effect of physical activity on disease incidence but also the effect on healthcare need arising from consequent survival to an older age (at which disease incidence is higher), and contrasts this with a method that does not make allowance for increased survival. The findings of this thesis provide evidence of the importance of walking or cycling to work in maintaining or improving the health and well-being of working age adults. It suggests that increases in physical activity, even after allowance for increased survival, are likely to reduce need for healthcare, although the reductions in need are less than might be assumed when allowance is not made for increased survival. Taken together this work provides a stronger empirical basis to inform public health practice. A stronger ‘health case’ for active travel can be made. The benefits of which should be communicated to individuals choosing how to travel as well as policy makers and others who can influence the determinants of active travel. It also provides a more realistic and nuanced understanding of how increases in physical activity may affect future healthcare need.
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Comparação de métodos para estimativa de gordura corporal em escolares de 7 a 10 anos / Comparison of methods for estimating body fat in 7 to 10-year-old schoolchildrenNatália Sanchez Oliveira 28 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A obesidade, determinada pelo acúmulo de gordura corporal (GC), apresenta prevalência elevada em crianças de todo o mundo e está relacionada ao risco de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, portanto sua identificação precoce torna-se necessária. A GC pode ser identificada por métodos válidos, como a absortometria de Raios X de dupla energia (DEXA), além da bioimpedância elétrica (BIA) e das dobras cutâneas, sendo os dois últimos mais factíveis em estudos epidemiológicos. Existem outras medidas simples e de baixo custo, como o índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e o perímetro da cintura (PC), com uso na identificação de GC em crianças ainda não consolidado. Objetivo: Comparar métodos de aferição da GC, utilizando dados de um estudo transversal com escolares de 7 a 10 anos. Métodos: A amostra incluiu 217 escolares, com média de idade de 9,2 anos e desvio padrão (dp) de 1,0 ano. Foram tomadas medidas da estatura (cm), peso (kg), PC (cm), perímetro braquial (cm), dobras cutâneas tricipital, bicipital, subescapular e suprailíaca (mm) e resistência e reactância (ohms) pela BIA. Foi estimado o por cento GC pela BIA e calculados a soma de dobras cutâneas e os indicadores IMC, RCE (razão cintura/estatura) e AGB (área de gordura do braço). A análise estatística para a comparação dos métodos foi realizada utilizando diagramas de dispersão, o cálculo do coeficiente de correlação momento-produto de Pearson e a estratégia de Bland e Altman (1986), com reparametrização dos valores em escores z. Resultados: A comparação dos indicadores antropométricos (IMC, PC, RCE e AGB) com o por cento GC pela BIA e com a soma de dobras cutâneas evidenciou, no segundo caso, forte correlação linear (r>0,90) e concordância, com limites de concordância inferiores a 1 dp na relação entre IMC, PC ou AGB e a soma de dobras cutâneas. Os resultados sugerem que as medidas se situam no mesmo espaço de aferição, existindo a possibilidade de serem intercambiáveis na população estudada. Conclusão: Os resultados indicaram que IMC, PC, RCE e AGB podem ser utilizados na classificação de escolares de 7 a 10 anos segundo a GC. Entretanto, a RCE não foi melhor que o PC isolado e a AGB é uma medida de difícil interpretação. Assim, sugere-se especialmente o uso do IMC ou do PC, considerando que ambos são semelhantes ao classificar crianças e apresentam como vantagens a facilidade de obtenção, inocuidade e baixo custo. / Introduction: Obesity, determined by the accumulation of body fat (BF), is highly prevalent in children worldwide and is related to an increased risk of chronic diseases; therefore, early detection is necessary. The assessment of BF may be performed by valid methods, such as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA), and also using bioelectrical impedance (BIA) or skinfold thicknesses, being the last two techniques more feasible in epidemiological studies. Some measures are simpler and have low cost, including body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC), but their use for BF detection in children is not yet consolidated. Objective: To compare methods to assess BF, using data from a cross-sectional study with 7 to 10-year-old schoolchildren. Methods: The sample included 217 children with an average age of 9.2 years and standard deviation (SD) of 1 year. Measurements obtained were height (cm), weight (kg), WC (cm), arm circumference (cm), triceps, biceps, subscapular, and suprailiac skinfolds (mm), and resistance and reactance from BIA (ohms). We estimated the per cent BF from BIA and calculated the sum of four skinfolds and the BMI, waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and the arm fat area (AFA). Statistical analysis for the comparison of methods used scatter plots, Pearson moment-product correlation coefficients and the strategy proposed by Bland and Altman (1986), changing the metrics of the variables\' values to z scores. Results: The comparison of anthropometric indicators (BMI, WC, WHtR, and AFA) with the per cent BF from BIA and the sum of skinfolds revealed, in the latter case, a strong linear relationship (r>0.90) and agreement, with limits of agreement under 1SD between BMI, WC or AFA and the sum of skinfolds. These results suggest that it is possible that they are interchangeable in the population studied. Conclusion: Our results indicated that BMI, WC, WHtR, and AFA can be used for the classification of children according to BF. However, WHtR did not perform better than the WC alone, and the AFA is a measure difficult to interpret. Thus, we suggest preferably the use of BMI or WC, considering their similarity in children classification according to BF and that these are simple, harmless and low cost measurements.
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Vitamina D em adolescentes: ingestão, nível sérico e associação com adiposidade e pressão arterial / Vitamin D in adolescents: dietary intake, serum levels and association with adiposity and blood pressureBarbara Santarosa Emo Peters 09 March 2009 (has links)
Introdução - Atualmente, vários estudos epidemiológicos têm se direcionado à população de adolescentes, devido aos seus hábitos alimentares que, quando inadequados, podem favorecer o aparecimento de diversas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na vida adulta. A vitamina D é um nutriente de fundamental importância durante os diversos ciclos de vida, porém sua determinação é inadequada através dos questionários/recordatórios alimentares. Níveis séricos reduzidos de vitamina D estão relacionados à patogênese de diversas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Objetivo - Objetivou-se investigar a ingestão e os níveis séricos de vitamina D em adolescentes saudáveis, assim como quais fatores influenciam a adequação da vitamina D e a associação entre o estado nutricional da vitamina D com a adiposidade e a pressão arterial. Métodos - Trata-se de estudo transversal, onde foram avaliados 205 adolescentes, sendo 106 meninos e 99 meninas, com média de idade de 18,25 (0,07). Avaliou-se a ingestão alimentar (diário alimentar de 3 dias), o estado nutricional (peso, altura, IMC, gordura corporal e massa magra pela bioimpedância elétrica), o nível de atividade física (questionário de atividade física, desenvolvido e validado para adolescentes), pressão arterial (de acordo com as recomendações das V Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão Arterial) e marcadores bioquímicos (níveis séricos de calcidiol e calcitriol, cálcio sérico total, paratormônio sérico e adiponectina). Resultados - O nível sérico médio de calcidiol foi 29,2(0,8) ng/ml, e 62,1% dos adolescentes apresentaram insuficiência de vitamina D. A média de ingestão de cálcio e vitamina D foi de 682,2 (14,2) mg/dia e 3,1 (0,1) g/dia, respectivamente. Apenas 3,8% dos adolescentes ingeriram o recomendado para cálcio e nenhum adolescente apresentou ingestão próxima ao recomendado para vitamina D. Houve correlação positiva entre o consumo de produtos lácteos com a ingestão de cálcio e vitamina D (r=0,597 e r=0,561, respectivamente; p=0,000). Adolescentes que apresentavam o hábito de realizar o café da manhã apresentaram ingestão significativamente maior de cálcio, vitamina D e produtos lácteos do que aqueles adolescentes que não realizavam esta refeição. Quanto aos níveis de pressão arterial, 12,19% dos adolescentes apresentaram-na elevada. Não foi encontrada correlação significante entre a pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica com o calcidiol e o calcitriol. Tanto a pressão arterial sistólica quanto a diastólica apresentaram correlação positiva com a circunferência da cintura em ambos os sexos. A gordura corporal não apresentou correlação com os níveis séricos de calcidiol. Conclusões - A prevalência de insuficiência de vitamina D foi elevada nesta amostra de adolescentes. Não houve relação entre os níveis séricos de vitamina D e pressão arterial. A maioria dos adolescentes não ingere o recomendado para cálcio e vitamina D. E o hábito de realizar o café da manhã regularmente assim como a ingestão de produtos lácteos são importantes estratégias para aumentar a ingestão destes nutrientes. / Introduction - Several epidemiologic studies have been developed in adolescent population, due to alimentary habits that when inadequate can contribute to development of non-communicable chronic diseases in the adult life. The vitamin D status is of fundamental importance during life cycles. Reduced serum levels of vitamin D have been related to many non-communicable chronic diseases pathogenesis. Purpose - The purpose of this study was to evaluate the vitamin D intake and the serum 25(OH)D concentration in healthy adolescents, as well to investigate factors that could influence the vitamin D status, and the relationships between the nutritional status of vitamin D, adiposity and blood pressure. Methods - This is a cross-sectional study, including two hundred and five adolescents, 106 boys and 99 girls, mean age 18.25 (0.07) years old. Dietary intake (three-day dietary records), nutritional status (weight, height, BMI, fat mass and lean mass by bioelectrical impedance), physical activity (validated physical activity evaluation questionnaire for adolescents), blood pressure (in accordance with V Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão Arterial recommendations), and biochemical markers (blood levels of calcidiol, calcitriol, serum total calcium, intact parathormone and adiponectin) was evaluated. Results - The mean serum of calcidiol was 29.2 (0.8) ng/ml, and the vitamin D insufficiency was observed in 62.1% of the adolescents. Mean dietary calcium and vitamin D intake was 682.2 (14.2) mg/day and 3.1 (0.1) g/day, respectively. Only 3.8% of adolescents met the daily adequate intake recommendation for calcium, and none of adolescents met the adequate intake recommendation for vitamin D. There was a positive correlation between dairy products and both calcium and vitamin D intake (r=0.597 e r=0.561, respectively; p=0.000). Adolescents who ate breakfast had a significant higher mean calcium, vitamin D and dairy products intake than adolescents who did not eat. Elevated blood pressure was observed in 12.19% of the adolescents. There were no correlations between systolic and diastolic blood pressure with calcidiol and calcitriol. A positive significant correlation was observed between waist circumference with systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both boys and in girls. There was no correlation between fat mass and blood levels of calcidiol. Conclusions - The prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency was elevated in this group of adolescents. No relationships between serum vitamin D levels and blood pressure were observed. The majority of adolescents were not consuming recommended levels of calcium and vitamin D. The regular breakfast habit and consumption of dairy products are important strategies in improving calcium and vitamin D intake in the diet.
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Efeito da expressão da proteina de transferencia de colesteril ester (CETP) sobre o metabolismo das lipoproteinas ricas em triglicerides e adiposidade em camundongos transgenicos / Effects of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) expression on triglyceride rich lipoprotein metabolism and adiposity in transgenic miceSalerno, Alessandro Gonzales 29 January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Coutinho Franco de Oliveira / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T01:57:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Neste trabalho investigamos o efeito da expressão de genes envolvidos no transporte e redistribuição de triglicérides das lipoproteínas plasmáticas, a apolipoproteína (apo) CIII e a proteína de transferência de colesteril éster (CETP), sobre o metabolismo de triglicérides pós-prandial e sobre a formação de depósitos adiposos regionais em camundongos geneticamente modificados. Podemos resumir nossos achados da seguinte maneira: a expressão da CETP leva ao aumento da trigliceridemia pós prandial; nenhuma alteração da absorção intestinal de gorduras e de secreção hepática de VLDL (lipoproteína de densidade muito baixa); redução da atividade da lipoproteína lipase e retardo na remoção plasmática de lipoproteínas ricas em triglicérides (TG). Mediante longo prazo de dieta rica em gordura, a super-expressão da CETP também provoca redução da gordura subcutânea, redução do tamanho do adipócito e da concentração plasmática de leptina em camundongos transgênicos hipertrigliceridêmicos que super-expressam a apo CIII. Por outro lado, a superexpressão de apo CIII não afeta o tamanho dos depósitos adiposos viscerais e subcutâneos na vigência de dieta pobre em gordura, porém causa aumento dos depósitos adiposos viscerais e subcutâneos e do tamanho dos adipócitos viscerais e concentração de leptina mediante dieta rica em gordura. Os camundongos que super-expressam a apo CIII não apresentaram diferenças na adiposidade quando sob dieta pobre em gordura devido a um aumento do metabolismo corporal associado a maior velocidade de respiração mitocondrial de repouso. Porém, quando submetidos à dieta rica em gordura, acumulam mais tecido
adiposo visceral e subcutâneo, tornando-se mais obesos que os controles. A expressão da CETP neste contexto metabólico de hipertrigliceridemia neutraliza o efeito adipogênico da apo CIII / Abstract: Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) promotes the exchange between cholesteryl ester (CE) from HDL and triglycerides (TG) from TG rich lipoproteins. The overexpression of apolipoprotein (apo) CIII in transgenic mice causes hypertriglyceridemia due to decreased TG rich lipoprotein plasma removal rate. In this work we investigated whether CETP expression and apo CIII expression affect the post-prandial TG levels and diet induced visceral adipose tissue formation in genetically modified mice. Results showed that the expression of CETP lead to augmented post-prandial TG levels, similar intestinal fat absorption and hepatic TG and cholesterol secretion rates, diminished TG rich lipoproteins plasma removal rates and reduced lipoprotein lipase activity. These findings indicate that the levels of circulating CETP modulate dietary fat tolerance. Under long-term high fat diet, the expression of CETP reduced the subcutaneous adipose depot, visceral adipocyte size and plasma leptin levels of hypertriglyceridemic mice overexpressing the apo CIII. On the other hand, under low fat diet, the apo CIII transgenic mice presented visceral and subcutaneous adipose depots similar to the wild type mice and increased body metabolic rate and mitochondrial resting respiration rates. However, under high fat diet, the apo CIII transgenic mice showed increased visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral adipocyte size and plasma leptin levels and no differences in body energy dissipation (rectal temperature and mitochondrial resting respiration). In conclusion, the elevation of plasma apo CIII levels aggravates diet-induced obesity and the expression of physiological levels of
circulating CETP reverses this adipogenic effect, indicating a novel role for CETP in modulating adiposity / Doutorado / Fisiologia / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular
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ADCY5 gene expression in adipose tissue is related to obesity in men and miceKnigge, Anja, Klöting, Nora, Schön, Michael R., Dietrich, Arne, Fasshauer, Mathias, Gärtner, Daniel, Lohmann, Tobias, Dreßler, Miriam, Stumvoll, Michael, Kovacs, Peter, Blüher, Matthias January 2015 (has links)
Genome wide association studies revealed an association of the single nucleotide polymorphism rs11708067 within the ADCY5 gene—encoding adenylate cyclase 5—with increased type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk and higher fasting glucose. However, it remains unclear whether the association between ADCY5 variants and glycemic traits may involve adipose tissue (AT) related mechanisms. We therefore tested the hypothesis that ADCY5 mRNA expression in human and mouse AT is related to obesity, fat distribution, T2D in humans and high fat diet (HFD) in mice. We measured ADCY5 mRNA expression in paired samples of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue from 244 individuals with a wide range of body weight and parameters of hyperglycemia, which have been genotyped for rs11708067. In addition, AT ADCY5 mRNA was assessed in C57BL/6NTac which underwent a 10 weeks standard
chow (n = 6) or high fat diet (HFD, n = 6). In humans, visceral ADCY5 expression is significantly higher in obese compared to lean individuals. ADCY5 expression correlates with BMI, body fat mass, circulating leptin, fat distribution, waist and hip circumference, but not with fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c. Adcy5 expression in mouse AT is significantly
higher after a HFD compared to chow (p<0.05). Importantly, rs11708067 is not associated with ADCY5 mRNA expression levels in either fat depot in any of the genetic models tested. Our results suggest that changes in AT ADCY5 expression are related to obesity and fat distribution, but not with impaired glucose metabolism and T2D. However, altered ADCY5 expression in AT does not seem to be the mechanism underlying the association between rs11708067 and increased T2D risk.
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Molecular mechanisms of vaspin action: from adipose tissue to skin and bone, from blood vessels to the brainWeiner, Juliane, Zieger, Konstanze, Pippel, Jan, Heiker, John T. 27 January 2020 (has links)
Visceral adipose tissue derived serine protease inhibitor (vaspin) or SERPINA12 according to the serpin nomenclature was identified together with other genes and gene products that
were specifically expressed or overexpressed in the intra abdominal or visceral adipose tissue (AT) of the Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rat. These rats spontaneously develop visceral obesity, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and ‐glycemia, as well as hypertension and thus represent a well suited animal model of obesity and related metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes. The follow-up study reporting the cloning, expression and functional characterization of vaspin suggested the great and promising potential of this molecule to counteract obesity induced insulin resistance and inflammation and has since initiated over 300 publications, clinical and experimental, that have contributed to uncover the multifaceted functions and molecular mechanisms of vaspin action not only in the adipose, but in many different cells, tissues and organs. This review will give an update on mechanistic and structural aspects of vaspin with a focus on its serpin function, the physiology and regulation of vaspin expression, and will summarize the latest on vaspin function in various tissues such as the different adipose tissue depots as well as the vasculature, skin, bone and the brain.
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