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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Adult Learner in the Online Writing Course

Hoy, Cheryl A. 22 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Workplace Learning of Professional Academic Advisors at Urban Universities: A Basic Interpretive Qualitative Investigation

Tokarczyk, Kristy January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Learner-centered Education: Bridging the Gap Between Ideal and Actual Practice

Ervin, Beverly Jo January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Case Study of the Challenges Faced by Adult Students Enrolled in an Online Blended Distance Learning Program

Tanner, Lori Kristine 20 April 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Does Interprofessional Simulation Change Dietetic Student Perception of Communication, Decision-Making, Roles, and Self-Efficacy in Working with the Healthcare Team?

Holthaus, Victoria Elizabeth 21 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Determining Critical Content for Online Faculty Professional Development Focused on Serving Veterans in the Classroom Environment

Milliken, Barbara E. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Workplace Devaluation: Learning from Experience

Klunk, Clare Dvoranchik 05 May 1999 (has links)
Many successful professionals, recognized for their experience, knowledge, competence and commitment to their field, experience a contradiction when they realize that their contributions are no longer valued by decision-makers in their organizations. Professionals, regardless of gender, position, education, race or profession, who experience workplace devaluation agree that this experience devalues their contributions and demeans their sense of self. This study illuminates the professionals' perspective of workplace devaluation through their experience. Within the framework of grounded theory methodology, this research examined three research questions: (a) What is the experience of professionals' workplace devaluation? (b) How did professionals learn from the experience? (c) What did professionals learn from the experience? The unit of analysis is the professional within an organization. Four participants were selected who (a) had several years experience with their organization; (b) were previously valued by the organization; (c) were current in their field; (d) had experienced workplace devaluation; and (e) were able to articulate insights, thoughts, and emotions on their experience. Multiple interviews with each participant provided the data. A comparative, iterative analysis of the data yielded: (a) a seven-phase process of the experience; (b) six constructs embedded in the process, and (c) four categories of learning. The dialogic interview method facilitated the participants' apperception, reflection, and progress through the process. Three emotions--fear, powerlessness, anger--and their interaction with the other constructs (autonomy, communication, personalization, authority, and recognition) influenced coping strategies and actions taken by each participant. The four narratives explicate the interrelationships of the findings. Three major conclusions are: (a) A rich description of the workplace devaluation experience offers a glimpse into the complexity of this topic and into the professionals' "lived world." (b) The learning process, grounded in the data, depicts how these four professionals used the power of their emotions to create balance within themselves as they attempted to explicate their situation of workplace devaluation. (c) The results indicate that greater learning occurred in organizational knowledge and intrapersonal knowledge for these professionals. Questions for further research are noted along with practical suggestions and recommendations for the praxis of adult educators, decision-makers, and professionals. / Ph. D.

Exploring Learning Preferences of External Clients in Corporate Training : A thematic and statistical analysis of Ericsson’s Learning Services Department / Utforskar Inlärningspreferenser för Kunder i Företagsutbildning

Skoglund, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This master thesis project researches the learning preferences of external clients of Ericsson Learning Services Department, focusing on adult corporate training. The purpose is to collect insights and opinions of clients and use their answers as a basis of improvement for updating and developing courses in the future. The project employed a mix method approach to answer the research question, which combined qualitative data collection through interviews and surveys for a thematic analysis and quantitative data collection from former survey results for statistical analyses. Furthermore, a literary study was conducted to support the research process.  The main results from the thematic analysis proved that most external clients preferred an online learning setting or face to face training. Online courses were mostly preferred due to convenience, even if most would agree that a classroom setting is the best setting for optimal learning. Results from the statistical analysis gave few valuable insights. This may depend on how the questions in the survey were asked and therefore the main result of the statistical analysis is how to improve the surveys using the Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ).  This project opens possibilities for applications and future research in this area. One suggestion is to conduct a follow-up study where the surveys are updated and tailored to the needs and wants of the external clients which enables a more comprehensive analysis. Furthermore, researching the specific elements of classroom-based learning that external clients find valuable could provide more understanding to further better the online learning experience. These paths of further research can contribute to the ongoing improvement of adult corporate learning. / Detta examensarbete undersöker lärandepreferenser hos externa kunder till Ericssons Learning Services Department och fokuserar på vuxenutbildning på företag. Målet är att samla insikter och åsikter från externa kunder och använda deras svar för ett förbättringsunderlag för uppdatering och utveckling av kurser. Examensarbetet använde en blandning av metoder för att besvara frågeställningarna, vilket kombinerade kvalitativ datainsamling via intervjuer och frågeformulär till en tematisk analys med kvantitativ datainsamling från äldre undersökningsresultat till statistiska analyser. Vidare genomfördes en litteraturundersökning som stöd i undersökningsprocessen.  De huvudsakliga resultaten från den tematiska analysen visade att de flesta externa kunder föredrog en lärandemiljö online eller traditionell klassrumsundervisning med den gemensamma nämnaren att kursen är lärarledd. Onlinekurser föredrogs mest på grund av bekvämligheten, även om de flesta skulle hålla med om att en klassrumsmiljö är den bästa miljön för optimalt lärande. Resultaten från den statistiska analysen gav få värdefulla insikter. Detta kan bero på hur frågorna i undersökningen ställs och därför är huvudresultatet av den statistiska analysen hur man kan förbättra undersökningarna med hjälp av Learning Experience Questionnaire (LEQ). Detta undersökningsresultat öppnar upp möjligheter till vidare forskning på området. Ett förslag är att genomföra en uppföljande studie då frågeformulären är uppdaterade och skräddarsydda till externa kunders behov och önskemål som möjliggör en mer omfattande analys. Vidare kan undersökning av de specifika element som kunder uppskattar med klassrumsbaserat lärande för att ge insikter om hur man kan optimera upplevelser av lärande online. Dessa vägar av vidare forskning kan bidra till den pågående förbättringen av vuxenutbildning på företag.

Aha eller Blaha? Resultat av en företagsintern utbildning, med fokus på ackommodation, assimilation och transfer / Aha or Blah-blah? Results of an in-house company training, focusing on accommodation, assimilation and transfer

Georgson Petrén, Mattias, Söderberg Fång, Linda January 2024 (has links)
Studien behandlar ackommodation, assimilation och transfer efter en företagsintern utbildning med fokusområdet personliga styrkor. Uppsatsens teoretiska grund ligger i att ackommodation, assimilation och transfer är tre centrala pedagogiska fenomen som behöver tacklas inom skola och arbetsliv. Tidigare forskning belyser vikten av att ny kunskap går att överföra och använda i praktiken när en organisation investerar i lärande. Att utvärdera lärprocessen är därmed viktigt för att bedöma effektivitet och effekt av utbildningsprogram. Genom en triangulering, innehållande tre kvalitativa metoder, samlades data in som sedan analyserades med hjälp av Kirkpatricks modell för att utvärdera lärande. Målsättningen var att avgöra vilket resultat som uppnåtts av den genomförda utbildningen samt att besvara frågeställningen om huruvida utbildningsdeltagarna såg sitt lärande som assimilativt eller ackommodativt. Författarna visar på ett resultat där både ackommodativt och assimilativt lärande kan anses ha uppstått. Ett år efter utbildningsinsatsen kan konstateras att positiv transfer till viss del skett och kursen har gett en upplevelse av Aha snarare än Blaha.

College Student’s Learning Experiences During COVID-19 Among Traditional and Post-Traditional Students Enrolled in Institutions Affiliated with the Appalachian College Association

Smith, Jo Anne 01 December 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the learning experiences, feelings and emotions, level of study support, and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic between traditional and post-traditional college students enrolled in an institution affiliated with the Appalachian College Association. A two-group comparison research design using a web-based survey was used for the study. Using the College Student’s Learning Experiences during COVID-19 among Traditional and Post-Traditional Students Enrolled in Institutions Affiliated with the Appalachian College Association survey, the research questions were analyzed with a sample size of N = 58, traditional college student group and N=33, post-traditional college student group. Statistically significant differences were found in the overall learning experiences, emotional experiences, study support, and satisfaction of online learning between traditional and post-traditional students during the COVID-19 pandemic at institutions affiliated with the Appalachian College Association. The study documented the impact of the importance of institutional support and an online nurturing environment from higher education institutions during a global pandemic. The findings could assist educational leaders and implementing programs to assist the post-traditional and traditional students in the event of future disasters. Implications for future research and policy makers are discussed.

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