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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestruktureerde onderhoud as voorspeller van opleidingsukses vir bestuursdienstepraktisyns / The structured interview as predictor of training success for management services practitioners

Crous, Charl Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om die gestruktureerde onderhoud, in die vorm van die Targeted Selection Interview tegniek, as geldige keuringsinstrument ter voorspelling van opleidingsukses van bestuursdienstepraktisyns in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens te ondersoek. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n opnamemetode en die opleidingsprestasie van kandidaatbestuursdienstepraktisyns is vergelyk met die resultate wat kandiddate behaal het in hulle evaluering tydens die gestruktureerde onderhoud. Korrelasies is bereken tussen die tellings behaal vir elke dimensie wat die onderhoud evalueer en die tellings onderskeidelik behaal vir elke opleidingsmodule voltooi tydens die 1 0-weke-bestuurs-dienstesertifikaatkursus wat aangebied word deur die Technikon Pretoria. Die resultate behaal in die ondersoek dui op lae, nie-beduidende korrelasies tussen die gestruktureerde onderhoud as keuringsinstrument en die kandidaatbestuursdienstepraktisyns se prestasie tydens opleiding. Die resultate dui dus daarop dat die Targeted Selection Interview wat die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens toepas, nie opleidingsprestasie voldoende voorspel nie. / The aim of this study is to investigate the validity of the structured interview, in the form of the Targeted Selection Interview technique to predict training success of management services practitioners in the South African Police Service. A survey method has been used to obtain the data regarding the training success of candidates and the evaluation results of the structured interview. The correlation was calculated between scores obtained for every dimension measured by the interview and the scores for every training module compl~ted on the 1 0-week management services certificate course, presented by the Technikon Pretoria. The results obtained indicates low, insignificant correlations between the structured interview as selection instrument and the training results of candidate Management Services practitioners. The results thus indicate that the Targeted Selection Interview as applied by the South African Police Service, does not sufficiently predict training success. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Bedryfsielkunde)

Die gebruik van liggaamsportrette deur opvoeders in die vervulling van hulle pastorale rol (Afrikaans)

McCallaghan, Malize 19 November 2007 (has links)
The objective of this qualitative study was to explore the extent to which body maps could be implemented by educators as part of the fulfilment of their pastoral role. I approached the study from a constructivistinterpretivist perspective underpinned by action research principles. I implemented an instrumental case study as research design and selected a primary school located in an informal settlement community in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. Ten female educators at this school, three other members of a research team and I took part in the process of data generation. Having acquired baseline information during the first field visit, a fellow researcher and I implemented an intervention during which the techniques of body mapping and making memory boxes (the study focus of my fellow researcher) were introduced to the participants. We then requested them to apply the two techniques (as part of a research assignment) before we undertook a second field visit. At the second visit, we attempted to explore the participants' experiences during the application of the techniques. Throughout the study I relied on focus group discussions, observation, critical self-reflection, auditive methods, visual methods, photos, a reflective research journal and field notes as data collection and capture methods. I analysed and interpreted raw data thematically. Baseline information indicated that educators were quite clear about the theoretical nature of the pastoral role, yet the practical application of this role presented a challenge. Data generated after the intervention indicates how educators understood and used the body mapping technique. This theme was refined into subthemes dealing with implementation modes, application contexts and application outcomes of the body mapping technique. The second main theme indicated the applicability of body maps in the classroom context as part of the pastoral role. This theme comprises subthemes relating to general curricula, practical considerations, alternative uses and application modes, pastoral responsibilities that were facilitated (and not) by participants' use of the body mapping technique. Research findings therefore seem to indicate that the body mapping technique could be used by educators in fulfilling their pastoral role. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Educational Psychology / MEd / unrestricted

Die rol van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag in die bomwerper-vliegtuig-taktiek van die geallieerde lugmag in Noord-Afrika, 1941-1943 (Afrikaans)

Wandrag, Nico 21 July 2010 (has links)
Please read the abstract on p140-142 of this dissertation / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Jurisprudence / unrestricted

Die konstruering van die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal : ʼn analise van twee Afrikaanse, Christelike vrouetydskrifte in Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans)

Mans, Hettie 27 July 2012 (has links)
ʼn Visuele analise van twee Afrikaanse, Christelike vrouetydskrifte het ten doel om die aard van ʼn hedendaagse Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal te ondersoek, soos dit in alledaagse kultuur gekonstrueer word. Hierdie studie bestaan uit ʼn visuele analise wat fokus op populêre media, naamlik die Afrikaanse, Christelike glansvrouetydskrifte Finesse en Lééf. Die tiende verjaardaguitgawe van Finesse in Mei 2008 dui op ʼn mylpaal vir Christen-Afrikaanse vroulikheid. Daarom ag hierdie studie die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal as ʼn waardige onderwerp om te bestudeer. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die agtergrond rondom die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal, wat insluit: die sosio-politieke konteks rondom die Afrikaner/Afrikaanses, ʼn Godsdienstige kultuurgeskiedenis, en die bydrae van vrouetydskrifte tot die konstruering ʼn vroue-ideaal. Hierdie visuele analise bepaal dat die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal subtiel gekonstrueer word deur sekere kodes wat met vroulikheid geassosieer word. Dit sluit onder meer in: visuele tekens wat ʼn denkbeeldige gemeenskap simboliseer, teekoppies, inskrywings, mooimaaksessies, vrugte, see, skoenlappers en skoonheid. Hierdie tekens simboliseer mitiese vroulikheid wat vergestalt in die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal, wat deur die raamwerk van Finesse en Lééf ondersteun word. ʼn Kritiese, visuele analise van Finesse en Lééf volg, met spesifieke verwysing na visuele beelde waar ʼn vrou as individu in ʼn foto verskyn. Hierdie analise eien sekere karaktereienskappe wat die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal voorhou, terwyl sekere tekens of kodes wat bepalend is tot haar uiterlike voorkoms, uitgelig word. Die studie bepaal dat die rolle wat die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal voorhou, dié van eggenote en moeder insluit en word ondersteun deur die visuele analise. Die belang van iii haar rolle lei waarskynlik tot die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal se beperking tot die huislike sfeer. Die huislike sfeer in die betrokke tydskrifte word visueel uitgebeeld aan die hand van resepte en dekor. Deur middel van die visuele analise van Finesse en Lééf bepaal hierdie studie die aard van Christen-Afrikaanse vroulikheid soos dit tydens 2008 in alledaagse kultuur weerspieël word. ENGLISH : The aim of a visual analysis of two Christian, Afrikaans, women's magazines is to explore the nature of the contemporary Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal, as it is constructed in popular culture. Therefore, this study consists of a visual analysis which focuses on popular media, in this case the Christian, Afrikaans, glossy women's magazines, Finesse and Lééf. This coincides with the tenth birthday celebration of Finesse, which represents a milestone for Christian-Afrikaans femininity. Therefore, this research regards the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal as a significant topic to be studied. The construction of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal is considered in terms of: the social-political context surrounding the Afrikaner/Afrikaanses; a religious cultural history; and the contribution of women's magazines to the construction of a feminine ideal. From the visual analysis it is clear that the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal is subtly constructed by codes that may be associated with femininity. These include: visual signs that symbolise an imagined community, tea cups, subscriptions, make-overs, fruit, the sea, butterflies and beauty. These signs, which are supported by the frameworks of Finesse and Lééf respectively, work together to construct not only a myth of femininity, but more importantly to this study, the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal. The critical visual analysis of Finesse and Lééf focuses on photographs of individual women in these magazines. This allows the study to pinpoint specific characteristics that form part of the persona of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal. Signs and codes that contribute to the physical appearance of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal are also pointed out. This study discovers that the various roles expected from the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal include that of wife and mother. These two primary roles then lead to the association of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal with the private sphere. The visual analysis reveals that the private sphere is constituted by articles on decor and recipes in both magazines. Through a visual analysis of Finesse and Lééf, this study explores the nature of Christian-Afrikaans femininity as it was portrayed in 2008 in two popular magazines. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Die Suid-Afrikaanse komponis Hendrik (“Henk”) Temmingh : ’n biografie en ’n katalogus van sy orrelwerke (Afrikaans)

Luitingh, Willem Scholtz 12 August 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS : Hendrik (“Henk”) Temmingh word vandag gereken as een van Suid-Afrika se mees toonaangewende orrelkomponiste. Hy het sy veelsydigheid bewys en veral gevestig geraak as ’n noemenswaardige figuur op die gebied van musiekwetenskap, improvisasiekuns en orrelmusiek. Die doel van die studie is om aan te toon dat Temmingh se oeuvre ’n volledige katalogus van die orrelwerke regverdig en om so ’n dokument saam te stel. Om ’n volledige en juiste biografie van die komponis op te stel, word ’n verdere leemte gevul. ’n Oorsig van Suid-Afrikaanse orrelmusiek en komponiste gee ’n blik oor hoe, waar en in watter mate Temmingh funksioneer as ’n ware Suid-Afrikaanse komponis, alhoewel hy in Nederland gebore is. Addisionele inligting, veral nuwe data oor Suid- Afrikaanse orrelkomponiste soos geboorte- en sterfdatums, word in die dokument genoem. Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste word volgens herkoms en nasionaliteit in drie groepe ingedeel. Eie terminologie word hieraan toegeken. Min bronne oor Temmingh is beskikbaar. Daarom is hierdie mini-verhandeling grootliks met die hulp van die komponis saamgestel. Die gebrek aan genoeg literatuur oor Suid-Afrikaanse orrelmusiek en -komponiste het ’n uitdaging gebied vir die skrywer. Met behulp van die chronologiese katalogus van Temmingh se orrelwerke kan ’n onmiddellike oorsig van sy bydrae as orrelkomponis verkry word. Dit behoort musiekbiblioteke en orreliste te help om hulle onvolledige versamelings aan te vul. Hierbenewens sal die nuut-toegekende katalogusnommers ’n aanduiding gee van waar die betrokke orrelwerke chronologies by Temmingh se oeuvre inpas. ENGLISH : Hendrik (“Henk”) Temmingh can be regarded as one of South Africa’s leading organ composers. He showed versatility and established himself as a significant figure in the field of musicology, improvisation and organ music. The aim of the mini-dissertation is to show how Temmingh’s oeuvre justifies a complete catalogue of the organ works, and to compile such a document. Putting together an accurate biography of the composer, will fill another gap. A survey of South African organ music and composers indicate how, where and to what extent Temmingh functions as a true South African composer, although he was born in the Netherlands. Additional information, especially new data regarding South African organ composers such as dates of birth and death, is mentioned in the document. South African composers are divided into three groups according to origin and nationality. Own terminology is allocated to these. Few sources concerning Temmingh are available. Therefore this mini-dissertation was mainly compiled with the help of the composer. The scarcity of enough literature on South African organ music and composers was a challenge for the writer. An immediate summary of Temmingh’s contribution as an organ composer can be obtained with the help of the chronological catalogue of Temmingh’s organ works. This will help music libraries and organists to supplement their incomplete collections. Apart from this, newly allocated catalogue numbers will give an indication of where the works concerned fit in chronologically in Temmingh’s oeuvre. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Music / unrestricted

The relationship between school climate, classroom climate, and emotional intelligence in primary school learners from Durban, KwaZulu-Natal

Erasmus, Sasha 11 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 149-190) / Abstract in English and Afrikaans / This study aimed to determine whether classroom climate or school climate is a greater predictor of emotional intelligence in South African primary school learners from Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, as well as which factors promote and which inhibit its development. A purposive sample of 119 primary school learners from six classes in two government schools in Durban was obtained. The learners assessed their classroom climate with the My Class Inventory (short form) (MCI-SF), and their emotional intelligence with the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Child Short Form) (TEIQue-CSF). The six teachers assessed the school climate with the School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ). Results suggest that classroom climate is a predictor of emotional intelligence while school climate is not; that satisfaction and cohesiveness positively correlate with emotional intelligence levels, and friction, competitiveness, and difficulty negatively correlate with emotional intelligence levels. The identified relationship between classroom climate factors and emotional intelligence warrants further research into the topic. / M.A. (Psychology) / Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om te bepaal of klaskamerklimaat of skoolklimaat 'n groter voorspeller van emosionele intelligensie by Suid-Afrikaanse laerskool leerlinge van Durban, Kwazulu-Natal is, asook watter faktore die ontwikkeling bevorder en watter die ontwikkeling daarvan belemmer. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef van 119 laerskool leerlinge van ses klasse in twee regering skole in Durban is verkry. Die leerlinge het hulle klasklimaat beoordeel met behulp van die ‘My Class Inventory (short form) (MCI-SF)’, en hulle emosionele intelligensie met die ‘Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Child Short Form) (TEIQue-CSF)’. Die ses onderwysers het die skoolklimaat beoordeel met die ‘School Level Environment Questionnaire (SLEQ)’.. Resultate dui daarop dat klasklimaat 'n voorspeller van emosionele intelligensie is terwyl skoolklimaat nie is nie; dat tevredenheid en samehorigheid positief korreleer met emosionele intelligensievlakke, en wrywing, mededingendheid en probleme negatief korreleer met emosionele intelligensievlakke. Die geïdentifiseerde verwantskap tussen klimaatfaktore in die klaskamer en emosionele intelligensie regverdig verdere navorsing oor die onderwerp. / Psychology

Adapting and validating the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire for educators in Gauteng / Rachele Paver

Paver, Rachele January 2014 (has links)
Education is essential in providing future human capital that is much needed to build a sustainable, competitive economy. However, the importance of a quality education is often underestimated. In order to enhance working conditions of educators, it seems essential to investigate the role of the positive psychology paradigm by means of developing teachers’ areas of deficiencies and capitalising on their strengths in order for them to reach their full potential and flourish. The current study aimed to adapt and validate the recently developed Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire (SUDIQ) in an attempt to make it suitable for educators. The general objective of this research study was to establish the psychometric properties of the SUDIQ by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), convergent, discriminant and empirical validity. A cross-sectional field survey design and a convenience sample of educators from several educational institutions in the Gauteng Province (N = 502) was utilised to gather the data. CFA was used to test the factorial validity of the adapted SUDIQ scale. In order to prove convergent and discriminant validity, the relationships between the SUDIQ dimensions and similar theoretical constructs (job resources, strengths use, psychological capital, proactive behaviour and person-job fit) as well as constructs postulated to be unrelated to the SUDIQ dimensions (age and education) were determined. Finally, the relationship between the SUDIQ dimensions with vigour, dedication, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was determined by using multiple regression analysis. The results confirmed that the SUDIQ comprised a four-factor structure. These four factors were perceived organisational support for strengths use, perceived organisational support for deficit improvement, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficits improvement. These dimensions were positively related to the scales such as the strengths use scale, autonomy, supervisor and colleague support, psychological capital, proactive behaviour, and person-job fit. Anticipated perceived organisational support for deficit improvement and proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were unrelated to age. The scales were also relatively weakly related to education. Furthermore, the results revealed that perceived organisational support for strengths use, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were significant predictors of both vigour and dedication. However, it was found that the only SUDIQ dimension that predicted emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was proactive behaviour toward strengths use. Recommendations were made to be applied in practice, as well as for future research. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Adapting and validating the Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire for educators in Gauteng / Rachele Paver

Paver, Rachele January 2014 (has links)
Education is essential in providing future human capital that is much needed to build a sustainable, competitive economy. However, the importance of a quality education is often underestimated. In order to enhance working conditions of educators, it seems essential to investigate the role of the positive psychology paradigm by means of developing teachers’ areas of deficiencies and capitalising on their strengths in order for them to reach their full potential and flourish. The current study aimed to adapt and validate the recently developed Strengths Use and Deficit Improvement Questionnaire (SUDIQ) in an attempt to make it suitable for educators. The general objective of this research study was to establish the psychometric properties of the SUDIQ by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), convergent, discriminant and empirical validity. A cross-sectional field survey design and a convenience sample of educators from several educational institutions in the Gauteng Province (N = 502) was utilised to gather the data. CFA was used to test the factorial validity of the adapted SUDIQ scale. In order to prove convergent and discriminant validity, the relationships between the SUDIQ dimensions and similar theoretical constructs (job resources, strengths use, psychological capital, proactive behaviour and person-job fit) as well as constructs postulated to be unrelated to the SUDIQ dimensions (age and education) were determined. Finally, the relationship between the SUDIQ dimensions with vigour, dedication, emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was determined by using multiple regression analysis. The results confirmed that the SUDIQ comprised a four-factor structure. These four factors were perceived organisational support for strengths use, perceived organisational support for deficit improvement, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficits improvement. These dimensions were positively related to the scales such as the strengths use scale, autonomy, supervisor and colleague support, psychological capital, proactive behaviour, and person-job fit. Anticipated perceived organisational support for deficit improvement and proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were unrelated to age. The scales were also relatively weakly related to education. Furthermore, the results revealed that perceived organisational support for strengths use, proactive behaviour towards strengths use and proactive behaviour towards deficit improvement were significant predictors of both vigour and dedication. However, it was found that the only SUDIQ dimension that predicted emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation was proactive behaviour toward strengths use. Recommendations were made to be applied in practice, as well as for future research. / MCom (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene Brink

Brink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Biografie van die taalstryder F.V. Engelenburg tot met die stigting van die S.A. Akademie in 1909 /deur Linda Eugene Brink

Brink, Linda Eugene January 2010 (has links)
Frans Vredenrijk Engelenburg (1863-1938) played a major role in the development and expansion of Afrikaans and the Afrikaans academic culture - especially in the northern part of South Africa. As a Dutch intellectual, lawyer and journalist in the nineteenth century South African Republic (Transvaal), he in particular played an important role as advisor and opinion maker from the 1890s onward. One of his biggest achievements was the key role that he played in the establishment of De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren en Kunst in 1909. This study is the first part of a more comprehensive biographical project on the life of Engelenburg and the role he fulfilled in the history of the Akademie and South Africa until the thirties of the twentieth century. Since the 1600s the Engelenburg family has played a prominent role in the community where they lived. Aside from the high positions they had held for centuries before, they had in the fourth and again in the sixth generation married into noble families. This contributed to their important position in the community. Due to circumstances Engelenburg was not raised in the Engelenburg milieu. A family break in 1836 was the cause that Engelenburg's father, as a baby, was spirited away from this family milieu. Engelenburg received an extraordinarily good schooling. The solid intellectual foundation already laid then, to a large extent determined the course of his life. He was at the Stedelijk Gymnasium Arnhem when he met Marie Koopmans-De Wet (1834-1906), an aunt by marriage who lived in Cape Town, when on a visit to Europe. She was his soul mate and acted as a mentor and advisor to Engelenburg. The friendship strengthened with the years. He already at school had the desire to visit South Africa one day. His parents' divorce when he was still a student at the University of Leyden, steered his life in a very different direction than what he had foreseen for himself. The divorce was to a large extent the reason that, although he had studied law, he discarded the notion of a career in law after only a year. His decision to follow a career in journalism affected the rest of his life. The Transvaal War (1880-1881) meant that the Dutch developed an admiration for the Transvaalers for the determination and courage they displayed in their attempts to defeat the British army. President Paul Kruger's call shortly after the war that the Transvaal needed young Dutchmen further encouraged Engelenburg to come to South Africa. Previously Engelenburg had for a year worked for Fred Hogendorp at the Dagblad van Suidholland en s’Gravenhage in The Hague. Circumstances abruptly changed when Hogendorp suddenly became insane. During the same time, the owner of De Volksstem newspaper in Pretoria had committed suicide and Engelenburg seized the work opportunity. Within a matter of three months, he arrived in the Transvaal. Within a month after his arrival he was appointed chief editor of De Volksstem. He had studied the Transvaal situation thoroughly and by means of the newspaper and through tireless efforts, he contributed to improving the farming community’s cultural literacy. The education situation in the Transvaal enjoyed his constant attention. After the Anglo-Boer War (ABW) (1899-1902), he continued to work towards improving the education system in the Transvaal. He early on became involved in the Transvaal University College (later University of Pretoria). Before the ABW he did everything possible to promote the Dutch language to the Boer people. However, after the war he realised that Afrikaans had a rightful place, and he, in addition to Dutch, became a champion for the Afrikaans language. The battle between the proponents of Dutch and Afrikaans respectively, increased after the ABW. To achieve unity of action between the two groups, De Zuid Afrikaanse Akademie voor Taal, Letteren and Kunst was founded in 1909. Behind the scenes Engelenburg was one of the major driving forces to assist with the founding of the organisation. As a board member and later as chairman, he gave impetus to the Akademie. In 2009 the organisation celebrated its centenary. This is an important milestone, especially seen in the light of the current political climate in South Africa. The Akademie can now be regarded as a monument to Engelenburg as the fruit of his labour and perseverance during the first three decades of the Akademie’s existence. / Thesis (M.A. (History))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

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