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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La violencia de género en los espacios públicos

Beatriz Arce, María 10 April 2018 (has links)
Gender-Based Violence (GBS) is one of the most important obstacles in theway to development. The model of communication for social change (C4SC),under an approach of civil rights, presents an unavoidable opportunity for communicators to take over the urgent ethical demand of placing their work atthe service of public politics in order to fulfill this goal; but mainly in order tostrengthen the women agency in order to promote their empowerment. Herethe model of C4SC is overlaid on the case of sexual harassment on the streets,in order to identify the strategic lines that can be used for addressing other casesof gender-based violence. / La violencia basada en género (VBG) es uno de los principales obstáculos aldesarrollo. El modelo de comunicación para el cambio social (C4SC) bajo unenfoque de derechos presenta una oportunidad insoslayable para que los comunicadores asumamos la urgencia ética de poner a la comunicación al serviciode políticas públicas que aborden este reto, pero sobre todo, para fortalecer lacapacidad de agencia de las mujeres con miras a su empoderamiento. Aquí sesuperpone el modelo de C4CS al caso del acoso sexual callejero a fin de identificarlíneas estratégicas que sirvan para el abordaje de otros casos de VBG desdela comunicación.

Percepción de los empleadores sobre las competencias de los futuros publicistas / Employers' perception of the skills of future advertisers

Silva Baissel, Carolina 24 August 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es identificar cuáles son las principales competencias laborales que los empleadores de medios digitales valoran en los futuros publicistas. Validar desde el punto de vista de estos empleadores de agencias publicitarias si es que los futuros publicistas cuentan con las habilidades requeridas de acuerdo al mercado laboral actual. De este modo analizaremos los ejes de la publicidad digital, la evolución de las agencias publicitarias, la formación digital de educación superior y las competencias laborales. Estas nos darán claridad sobre el contexto actual de las habilidades y desempeño de publicistas de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas en sus áreas laborales.  Los empleadores identificaran cuales son las herramientas imprescindibles las cuales un publicista debe manejar para lograr las competencias las cuales ellos valoran como necesarias para un futuro publicista de medios digitales. / The objective of this research is to identify what are the main job competencies that digital media employers’ value in future advertisers. Validate from the point of view of these advertising agency employers if the future advertisers have the required skills according to the current job market. In this way, we will analyze the axes of digital advertising, the evolution of advertising agencies, digital higher education training and job skills. These will give us clarity about the current context of the skills and performance of publicists from the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences in their work areas. Employers will identify what essential tools an advertiser must use to achieve the skills they value as necessary for a future digital media advertiser. / Trabajo de investigación

Proyecto de negocio sobre community manager para profesionales independientes

Agama Curihuamani, Ever Ronaldo, Caballero Cerna, Valeria María, Gómez Ccasa, Alvaro, Pérez Delgadillo, María Mónica Patricia, Ramirez Gutierrez, Jorge Eduardo 06 December 2020 (has links)
El presente plan de negocio de negocio propone y evalúa el desarrollo y viabilidad del proyecto de Work Media, una agencia de Community Manager que ofrece las facilidades a profesionales independientes en distintas zonas de Lima. La propuesta de valor de este plan de negocio gira en torno a dos aspectos fundamentales, el enfoque al profesional independiente que no tiene tiempo de manejar sus redes sociales y sacarle provecho a estas mismas, para atraer a más clientes. Debido a la evolución digital que constantemente avanza, las redes sociales son un medio indispensable para las personas hoy en día. En la actualidad, las profesiones independientes suelen ofrecer sus servicios por Instagram, Facebook o LinkedIn. Pero hemos evidenciado que estas no les resultan como ellos querían debido a falta de tiempo de poder interactuar con las consultas por estas redes o por no saber exactamente que postear. En este sentido, surge el concepto del Community Manager como propuesta enfocada hacia profesionales independientes. En el Perú según RCR (2020) “900 mil profesionales que prestan servicios emitiendo recibos por honorarios”. Mediante nuestro plan de negocio, Work Media se propone la idea de una agencia de Community Manager donde nuestro mercado objetivo son los profesionales independientes, cuyas edades están comprendidas entre 25 y 60 años, que tiene una carrera profesional y están dentro de un nivel socioeconómico A y B, que radica en la provincia de Lima y que se sientan atraídos por hacer impulsar sus servicios como profesionales a través de las redes sociales. / This business plan proposes and evaluates the development and viability of Word Media project, a Community Manager agency that offers facilities to independent professionals who lives in different areas of Lima. The business plan value proposition revolves two fundamental aspects, the first one is focus on independent professionals who does not have time to manage their social networks and, the other one is taking advantage of them, to attract more clients. Due to constantly digital evolution advancing, in these days, Social Media is an indispensable medium for people. Nowadays, freelancers often offer their services on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. But we have shown that these do not turn out as they wanted due to a lack of time to interact with the queries on these networks or because they do not know exactly what to post. In this sense, the Community Manager concept arises as a proposal focused on independent professionals. In Peru according to RCR (2020) there are “900 thousand professionals who provide services by issuing receipts for fees”. Through our business word, Work Media proposes the idea of ​​a Community Manager agency where our target market is independent professionals, the ages are between 25 and 60 years old, who have a professional career and are within a socioeconomic level A y B, who lives in the province of Lima and are attracted to promoting their services as professionals through social networks. / Trabajo de investigación

Full Trip Perú

Araujo Esquivel, Keisy Josselyn, Morales Oblitas, Richard Hajime, Morales Rebaza , Alfredo Francisco, Roldan Pablo, Luis Felipe, Zárate Palomino, Iván David 01 December 2020 (has links)
En los últimos meses, el mundo entero ha estado viviendo una crisis viral autodenominada coronavirus (COVID-19), a causa de su efecto, se han realizado diferentes medidas de prevención como ,principalmente, el distanciamiento físico. Esto ha llevado a que muchas personas, debido a la nueva adaptación de trabajo, tengan que quedarse en casa laborando. En una encuesta generada en los últimos meses, el 75% de las personas, anhelaba salir de casa como solían hacerlo, salir de viaje o recorrer lugares fuera de su entorno habitual en un corto tiempo para así despejarse y reducir el estrés del día a día. Asimismo, durante estos meses muchos sectores se han visto afectados, en el caso del Perú, el sector con mayor impacto negativo fue el del Turismo teniendo como repercusión bajas en la economía en cuanto a ingresos. Sin embargo, gracias a los avances tecnológicos, se ha podido constatar que ya existen vacunas que comenzarán a aplicarse en un corto tiempo, asimismo, el gobierno está comenzando a tener planes de acción para reinsertar el sector turismo con las medidas correspondientes al mercado. Por este motivo, este trabajo de investigación se basó en proponer una alternativa de idea de negocio en donde las personas pueden realizar viajes cortos usando una página que les brinde información de agencias con diferentes alternativas de diversión de lugares cercanos, de forma rápida, sencilla y segura / In recent months, the whole world has been experiencing a viral crisis called coronavirus (COVID-19), because of its effect, different prevention measures have been carried out, mainly physical distancing. This has led to many people Due to the new work adaptation; they have to stay at home working. In a survey generated in recent months, 75% of people longed to leave home as they used to, go on a trip or visit places outside their usual environment in a short time to clear up and reduce the stress of day to day Likewise, it is important to note that during these months many sectors have been affected, and in the case of Peru, the sector with the greatest negative impact was Tourism, also having a low impact on the economy in terms of income. Thanks to technological advances, it has been possible to verify that there are already vaccines that will begin to be applied in a short time, likewise, the government is beginning to have action plans to reinsert the tourism sector with the measures corresponding to the market. For this reason, this research work was based on proposing an alternative business idea where people can make short trips using a page that provides information on agencies with different alternatives for fun in nearby places, quickly, easily and safe. / Trabajo de investigación


ANNA ROSA ALUX SIMAO 29 February 2016 (has links)
[pt] Utilizando o instrumental da teoria dos jogos evolucionários, a proposta desta dissertação é analisar as interações entre emissores de dívida e agências de avaliação de risco de crédito em um ambiente com assimetria de informação. Enquanto os primeiros precisam das notas emitidas pelas agências para acessar fontes de financiamentos no mercado, as agências são remuneradas pela prestação desse serviço. Os resultados mostram que, de forma geral, quando o número de emissores grau de investimento é pequeno, incentiva-se a adoção de uma estratégia pouco transparente de divulgação de informação por parte do emissor, aumentando a assimetria de informação. A melhor resposta das agências é utilizar uma análise básica do perfil de crédito de seus clientes. O aumento do número de emissores grau de investimento na economia incentiva o aperfeiçoamento das políticas corporativas de transparência, enquanto as agências sofisticam sua análise com o objetivo de evitar os custos de reputação associados a erros de avaliação. Empiricamente, os resultados são condizentes com a evolução da economia colombiana nas últimas décadas. A melhoria do ambiente macroeconômico desse país atraiu emissores grau de investimento incentivando a atuação de agências que utilizam metodologia de análise sofisticada e emissores que adotam uma estratégia transparente de divulgação de suas informações. / [en] Using evolutionary game theory, this work aims to analyse the interactions between debt issuers and credit rating agencies in an asymmetric information environment. While the ratings grades are required by issuers to access funding sources for their investment projects, the agency s revenue is provided by this service. The results show that when the number of investment grade issuers is small, non-transparency strategy and basic methodology of analysis dominate, worsening the information asymmetry problem. The increase in the number of investment grade issuers encourages transparency policies while the agencies adopt a sophisticated analysis, avoiding the reputation costs associated with errors. Empirically, the results are consistent with the evolution of the Colombian economy in recent decades. The country s improvement in the macroeconomic environment attracted investment grade issuers encouraging the proliferation of sophisticated rating agencies and transparent issuers.

Propuesta de mejora en el abastecimiento de contenedores para exportación de un operador logístico, aplicando la metodología Lean / Proposal to improve the supply of containers for export of a logistics operator, applying the lean methodology

Arriaga Ulloa, Carlos Gonzalo, Casana Torres, Renzo Alexis, Celestino Bellina, Percy, Varillas Escudero, Luis Daniel 14 December 2021 (has links)
En el comercio internacional de bienes y servicios, las agencias de carga internacional desempeñan un rol de alta importancia, estableciendo un nexo comercial y operativo entre las empresas exportadoras y las compañías navieras, logrando por medio del mismo, fortalecer la cadena de suministro mediante la re–venta de fletes como actividad principal en transporte internacional de cargas, siendo esta a su vez, complementada por otras actividades como los servicios de agenciamiento aduanero, transporte local, estiba de carga y emisión documentaria, los cuales forman parte de un concepto de servicio denominado operación logística integral. El servicio de fletes comprende la negociación de espacios y contenedores, para brindar un medio seguro de comercio a los exportadores en sus embarques contenerizados, priorizando los factores de calidad, tiempos de servicio y precios competitivos en base a los volúmenes de carga a transportar y la ruta comercial. Es por ello que la presente investigación, propone aplicar la metodología LEAN como herramienta de gestión para identificar y reducir los principales cuellos de botella presentes en el proceso de abastecimiento y entrega de contenedores aptos para exportación a los clientes de la agencia de carga, tomando en considerando el flujo de información y recursos desde la creación de la orden por parte del exportador hasta el retiro y posicionamiento del contenedor en planta para iniciar con el proceso de estiba de carga y ser posteriormente direccionado a puerto para su embarque.El resumen debe: / In the international trade of goods and services, international freight agencies play a role of high importance, establishing a commercial and operational link between shipping companies and shipping companies (also known as carriers) achieving through it, strengthen the supply chain through the re-sale of freight as the main activity in international cargo transport, this in turn, complemented by other activities such as customs agency services, local transport, cargo stowage and documentary issuance, which are part of a service concept called integral logistics operation The freight service includes the negotiation of spaces and containers, to provide a safe means of trade to exporters in their containerized shipments, prioritizing quality factors, service times and competitive prices based on the volumes of cargo to be transported and the trade route. That is why this research proposes to apply the LEAN methodology as a management tool to identify and reduce the main bottlenecks present in the process of supply and delivery of containers suitable for export to the customers of the freight forwarders, taking into consideration the flow of information and resources from the creation of the order by the exporter to the gate out and positioning of the container in the plant for start with the process of stowage of cargo and then be directed to port for loading for shipment.El resumen debe: / Trabajo de investigación

Music Experience Agency

Aron Rizqallah, Daniela, Piscoya Ramírez, Angela Noelia 07 December 2021 (has links)
El objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar y gestionar una agencia especializada en la venta de paquetes de eventos musicales y actividades turísticas conexas en la región, para el público de entre 40 y 55 años pertenecientes al nivel socioeconómico A de Lima metropolitana. Estos paquetes de turismo se centran en los espectáculos musicales como experiencia diferencial, dado que responde también a la falta de conciertos de primer nivel dentro del país. El valor diferencial del proyecto es la asociación de las diferentes actividades (venta de entradas a conciertos, pasajes aéreos, hospedaje y tours) originando un solo servicio que contiene todo lo necesario para una experiencia completa. Music Experience Agency ha concentrado su empeño para ofrecer experiencias que vayan de acuerdo a la demanda y manera de vivir del público objetivo y busca posicionarse como una empresa dedicada a ofrecer servicios de alta calidad para un público nicho. / The general objective of this project is to develop and manage an agency specialized in the sale of packages of musical events and related tourist activities in the region, for the public between 40 and 55 years old belonging to the socioeconomic level A of metropolitan Lima. These tourism packages focus on musical shows as a differential experience, since it also responds to the lack of first-rate concerts within the country. The differential value of the project is the association of the different activities (sale of tickets to concerts, air tickets, lodging and tours) creating a single service that contains everything necessary for a complete experience. Music Experience Agency has concentrated its efforts to offer experiences that match the demand and way of life of the target audience and seeks to position itself as a company dedicated to offering high quality services for a niche audience. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

La determinación de la política de inversiones de la empresa / The Determination of the Company's Investment Policy

García De La Cruz, Nohelia Rosario, Mendieta Rayme, Lourdes 12 September 2020 (has links)
Por mucho tiempo, se ha pensado que los criterios cuantitativos tales como el análisis de un flujo de caja descontado, el valor del VPN o la TIR, son los únicos indicadores que se debían tomar en cuenta para los criterios que una empresa debe considerar en la determinación de sus políticas de inversiones. Poco a poco esta idea se ha venido descartando, ya que no todas las empresas tienen el mismo perfil, las mismas necesidades ni las mismas ambiciones, y tampoco el ambiente donde se desarrollan es el mismo. Los modernos gerentes y propietarios de empresas analizan distintos tipos de criterios antes de invertir y ya no se centralizan solo en criterios cuantitativos, sino que cada día toman más importancia los criterios cualitativos, y esto depende mucho de las características de las empresas, así como del ambiente interno y externo que les rodea. Esta idea ha sido compartida por varios autores, quienes señalan que la determinación en las decisiones de inversión se ve influida por una mezcla de ambos criterios, dependiendo también del tipo de empresa, ya sean públicas, ya sean privadas, que cotizan o no cotizan en bolsa o si son o no de dominio familiar. En este paper se presentan los criterios que las empresas consideran en la determinación de sus políticas de inversiones de acuerdo con lo indicado por distintos autores. / For a long time it has been thought that quantitative criteria such as the analysis of a discounted cash flow, the NPV value or the IRR, are the only indicators that should be taken into account for the criteria that a company must consider in determining their investment policies. Little by little, this idea has been discarded because of all companies not have the same profile, the same needs, the same ambitions and neither is the environment where they are developed the same. Modern managers and business owners analyze different types of criteria before investing and they no longer focus only on quantitative criteria, but qualitative criteria are becoming more important every day, and it depends a lot on the characteristics of the companies such as the internal and external environment around them. This idea has been shared by several authors who point out that the determination in investment decisions are influenced by a mixture of both criteria, also depending on the type of company such as public, private, listed or not listed or if they are or not in a family domain. This paper presents the criteria that companies consider for determining their investment policies according to what has been expressed by different authors. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional


[pt] Estudos recentes sugerem que os materiais ocupam um importante papel nas organizações que precisa ser mais bem compreendido (BOXENBAUM et al., 2018; NICOLINI; MENGIS; SWAN, 2011). Artefatos menos convencionais como LEGOS são empregados em empresas, na intenção de apoiar a organização em seu desenvolvimento e mudança. Esta pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, buscou entender como, na percepção dos facilitadores, os artefatos influenciam e medeiam as interações entre diversos atores, durante as oficinas de Lego Serious Play (LSP), para o alcance de objetivos preestabelecidos. Por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e o próprio método LSP, 20 entrevistados foram envolvidos na coleta de dados. A análise de conteúdo e um framework para condução de pesquisas, com base em perspectivas sociomateriais (MOURA; BISPO, 2019), serviram de orientação para sua análise. Nessa pesquisa, buscou-se uma fundamentação teórica para promover uma aproximação entre os estudos sobre agência material e o Serious Play (SP) no campo das organizações, de modo a aumentar a compreensão sobre a influência dos artefatos nas práticas de SP realizadas nas empresas. Dessa maneira, observa-se que: (1) os artefatos podem influenciar e mediar as interações humanas estabelecidas em espaços reflexivos; (2) o play na abordagem SP pode ser concebido como um sistema heterogêneo de artefatos que interagem, se complementam e são mutualmente constitutivos; (3) o atingimento dos objetivos preestabelecidos nas oficinas de LSP depende de associações e relações sociais mediadas e influenciadas por esse sistema de artefatos. / [en] Recent research suggests that matters play an important role in organizations that needs to be better understood (BOXENBAUM et al., 2018; NICOLINI; MENGIS; SWAN, 2011). Unusual artifacts like LEGOS have been used in companies with the intention to support individuals and organizations in its development and change. A qualitative research, sought to understand from the facilitators perspective, how artifacts mediate and influence interactions between various actors during the Lego Serious Play(LSP) workshops, in order to achieve a work-related predefined objective. Twenty semi-structured interviews were conducted for a qualitative research that also adopted LSP as a method for data collection. Content analysis and a framework for a research, based on socio-material perspectives (MOURA; BISPO, 2019), served as guidance for its analysis. In this research, a theoretical basis was sought to promote an approximation between material agency and Serious Play (SP) studies in the field of organizations, in order to increase the understanding of the artifacts influence in SP practices carried out in companies. In this way, we contributed to demonstrate that: (1) artifacts can influence and mediate human interactions established in reflective spaces; (2) play in the SP approach can be conceived as a heterogeneous system of artifacts that interact, complement and are mutually constitutive; (3) the achievement of pre-established objectives in the LSP workshops depends on associations and social relations mediated and influenced by this artifact system.

Proyecto TripeAndo

Cabrera Díaz, Gabriel Alejandro, Melgar Guillen, Jose Junior, Reyes Incháustegui, Alejandro Manuel, Serrano Cordova, Camilo, Urrunaga Fujiwara, Jean Carlo 28 November 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad si una persona desea irse de vacaciones tiene que organizarse y dedicar tiempo a buscar las opciones que más se adecuen a su gusto. Se sabe que una persona le dedica 60 minutos a la planificación de ello, una vez que han decidido el destino turístico al que se desplazarán, para cuya selección han invertido previamente 160 minutos en examinar las posibilidades que ofrece en cuanto a actividades en destino, y es por ello que podemos afirmar con certeza que esto puede llegar a ser tedioso y aburrido, es por eso que hemos creado una aplicación llamada Tripeando, la cual le solucione ese problema al organizar el viaje perfecto para el usuario según sus gustos y preferencias, dicha aplicación es la opción perfecta para simplificar la vida del usuario al momento de elegir su destino de viaje en donde contará con sugerencias dependiendo de sus gustos tanto en actividades como gusto esto se lograr mediante algoritmos que analizaran todo sobre los destinos deseados del usuario para de esta manera brindar una mejor experiencia y que el usuario salga satisfecho del aplicativo. Adicionalmente Tripeando cuenta con una zona de recomendaciones en donde antiguos usuarios cuentan sobre sus experiencia con el servicio que brindamos y sobre sugerencias en cuanto destinos que han visitado, esto permite al usuario que está navegando por el app una mayor confianza con la empresa. Por último para que la empresa Tripeando tenga una mayor cobertura en cuanto la llegada de nuevos clientes potenciales implementa una publicidad en sus redes sociales tanto Facebook como Instagram en donde consistirá tanto en sorteos como promociones en donde nos generará un mayor tráfico y de esta manera poder llegar a un nuevo público. / Nowadays, if a person wants to go on vacation, they have to organize themselves and spend time looking for the options that best suit their taste. It is known that a person spends 60 minutes planning it, once they have decided the tourist destination to which they will travel, for which selection they have previously invested 160 minutes in examining the possibilities it offers in terms of activities at the destination, and that is why we can say with certainty that this can become tedious and boring, that's the reason we have created an application called Tripeando, which solves that problem by organizing the perfect trip for the user according to their tastes and preferences,this application is the perfect option to simplify the life of the user when choosing their travel destination where they will have suggestions depending on their tastes both in activities and taste, this will be achieved through algorithms that will analyze everything about the user's desired destinations to de in this way, provide a better experience and that the user leaves the application satisfied. Additionally, Tripeando has a recommendations area where former users tell about their experience with the service we provide and about suggestions regarding destinations they have visited, this allows the user who is browsing the app a greater trust with the company. Finally, so that the Tripeando company has greater coverage as soon as the arrival of new potential customers implements an advertising on its social networks, both Facebook and Instagram, where it will consist of both raffles and promotions where it will generate greater traffic and in this way be able to reach a new audience. / Trabajo de investigación

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