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Contribution des protéines issues du liquide synovial dans la protection et la survie des PMN humains : chimioprotection : étude comparative des mécanismes d’action impliqués par rapport au GM-CSFEthier, Sheila 04 1900 (has links)
Les polymorphonucléaires neutrophiles (PMNs) représentent une arme primordiale dans la défense contre divers agents pathogènes; notamment les bactéries, les champignons, les cellules tumorales de même que les cellules infectées par des virus. Cependant, certaines pathologies reliées à l’inflammation chronique soulèvent l’implication des neutrophiles notamment dans l’arthrite rhumatoïde. La réponse inflammatoire persistante générée par l’activation et la survie des neutrophiles engendre une destruction des tissus environnants suite à la sécrétion non contrôlée de leurs produits cytotoxiques. Même si l’activation chronique des neutrophiles est néfaste dans plusieurs pathologies, elle pourrait s’avérer un bon outil en cas de neutropénie, comme c’est souvent le cas les patients ayant reçu des traitements de chimiothérapie.
Ce projet fait suite aux travaux doctoraux de Lagraoui (1999). Il vise à identifier le(s) facteur(s) du liquide synovial qui augmente la survie des neutrophiles ainsi que le mécanisme d’action impliqué dans ce processus. Similairement au facteur semi-pur isolés par Lagraoui (1999), le milieu conditionné concentré (MCC) augmente la survie des PMNs de 75% (39% ± 9.5 vs 68% ± 2.5, p<0.01). Suivant le séquençage du MCC parallèlement au facteur semi-pur actif, deux protéines ont été identifiées à la fois dans le MCC et dans le facteur semi-pur soient : l’albumine et la fétuine. Notre projet vise donc à comparer les effets de l’albumine et de la fétuine à ceux du GM-CSF dans l’optique d’une thérapie alternative au GM-CSF en tant qu’adjuvant de chimiothérapie. La présence d’albumine, de fétuine ou de GM-CSF chez les PMNs incubés 24 heures avec la Mutamycin® induit une diminution du nombre de cellules en apoptose par rapport à la Mutamycin® (Ctrl : 43% ± 10; A : 74% ± 3; F : (82% ± 6 et GM : 74% ± 7; p<0.01). L’effet de l’albumine dépend de la voie de la kinase PI3 mais également celle la kinase ERK, alors que celle de la fétuine dépend de la kinase PI3.
Similairement l’EPO, l’albumine et la fétuine supporte la différentiation des HSCs en précurseurs érythrocytaires de type BFU-E. Dans un modèle murin de chiomioprotection, l’albumine augmente la concentration cellulaire rapport au groupe contrôle des leukocytes de la rate (66 ±8 x106c/ml vs 81 ±16 x106c/ml) et du sang (3.6 ±0.4 x106c/ml vs 5.7 ±2.3 x106c/ml). Donc, in vitro, l’albumine et la fétuine sont comparables au GM-CSF au niveau fonctionalité et mécansimes d’action. Cependant, vu leur manque de spécificité, l’application thérapeutique en tant qu’adjuvant de chiomiothérapie de l’albumine et la fétuine est peu prometteuse. Par contre, les maladies dégénératives et les évènements ischémiques pourraient s’avérer de bonnes cibles thérapeutiques, principalement pour l’albumine. / Circulating polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) possess a short half-life and are constantly renewed by the bone marrow to ensure the first-line of defense. Therefore, homeostasis must be maintained through a well-regulated process of apoptosis. Survival of PMN can be regulated by several cytokines as well as conditioned media (CM). Although PMN are crucial for protection against microorganisms, activated neutrophils can lead to severe tissue damage in diseases characterized by chronic inflammation. Indeed, in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), activated PMN contribute to tissue damage by releasing a number of destructive agents. On the other hand, chronic activation of PMN could prevent opportunistic infections present in immunosuppressed patients.
This project addresses the isolation and mechanism of action of synovial liquid components on the survival of neutrophils based on previous work (Lagraoui, 1999). Following tangential flow filtration (MW cut off: 30 and 50 kDa), concentrated CM enhanced the viability (75%) of 24-hour cultured human neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers (39% ± 9.5 vs 68% ± 2.5, p<0.01) as seen in Lagraoui (1999) previous work. N-terminal protein sequence analysis of the concentrated CM and fractionated conditioned media from previous work revealed 2 known proteins contained in both analysis: albumin, and fetuin. In view of the importance of neutrophiles in immune defense, we compared the benefits of albumin and fetuin to those of granulocytes macrophages-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), a growth factor used as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy. Albumin and fetuin were tested by the AnnexinV-FITC/7-AAD method and displayed an inhibition of neutrophil apoptosis of two to three folds relative to control value. Moreover, albumin (A : 200μM) and fetuin (F : 200μM) rescue human PMN from mutamycin-induced apoptosis, comparable to GM-CSF (GM : 10ng/ml); (Ctrl : 43% ± 10; A : 74% ± 3; F : (82% ± 6 et GM : 74% ± 7; p<0.01). Albumin also induces cellular signaling pathways activation via PI3-K and ERK, whereas fetuin acts through PI3-K pathway only. They induce the differentiation of HSCs into erythrocytes progenitors BFU-E. In immunosuppressed mice, albumin protects white blood cells depletion induced by cytotoxic agent from spleen and blood.
Considering all the benefits of albumin and fetuin, their targeting as an adjunct to cancer chemotherapy could be disappointing in view of their lack of specificity. On the other hand, their multiple benefits could have a major impact on neurodegenerative disorders and ischemic events.
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Morphologische, endokrinologische und stoffwechselrelevante Verlaufsuntersuchungen an trächtigen Booroola*Merinofleischschaf Kreuzungsgenotypen in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der Lämmer und deren GeburtsgewichtBerttram, Maike Monika Katharina 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Für die Untersuchung standen 20 tragende Booroola*Merinofleischschaf Kreuzungsgenotypen, meist pluripar, zwischen 2 und 6 Jahren zur Verfügung. Während der Trächtigkeit wurden in wöchentlichem Abstand die Größenveränderungen der Plazentomdurchmesser mittels transkutaner und transrektaler Ultrasonographie erfasst und Blutproben genommen. Post partum erfolgte die detaillierte Auswertung der Plazenta nach Anzahl und Durchmesser der Kotyledonen und des Kotyledonen- und Sekundinengewichts. Aus den gewonnenen Daten wurden Plazentomwachstumskurven im Verlauf der Trächtigkeit erstellt. Die Blutproben wurden hormonanalytisch auf Progesteron, 17ß-Östradiol, und IGF-1, sowie stoffwechselphysiologisch auf die, den Eiweiß- und Energiehaushalt charakterisierenden Substanzen Albumin, Gesamteiweiß, Harnstoff, BHB, Bilirubin und Glukose untersucht. Zudem erfolgte die Bestimmung von Substanzen, die in der Trächtigkeit stark beansprucht werden, wie ASAT, Calcium, Eisen und Cholesterol. Die Auswertung sämtlicher Daten erfolgte in Abhängigkeit von Wurfgröße (WG) und Wurfgewichtsklassen (WGK). Der größte Einfluss von WG und WGK auf die Plazenta zeigt sich bei der Auswertung der morphologischen Aspekte. Dabei sind in erster Linie eine Vergrößerung der Plazentomdurchmesser von uni- zu triparen Tieren sowie von WGK 1 zur WGK 3 festzustellen. In den jeweils höchsten Klassen fällt der Durchmesser wieder. Zudem nimmt in der Regel mit steigender WG und WGK die Anzahl der Plazentome mit kleinen Durchmessern (1-20 mm)ab, die Anzahl der Plazentome mit großen Durchmessern (20-50 mm) dagegen zu. Tripare Tiere und WGK 3 weisen die meisten Plazentome mit den größten Durchmessern (40-50 mm) auf. Bei der Gesamtkontaktfläche zeigt sich ein Anstieg der Fläche von uni- bis zu quadriparen Tieren und der WGK 1 bis WGK 4. Nur WGK 5 weist eine gegenüber WGK 4 verminderte Gesamtkontaktfläche auf. Unabhängig von WG und WGK verkleinern sich die Plazentomdurchmesser und die Gesamtkontaktflächen p.p. gegenüber den Plazentomdurchmessern und Gesamtkontaktflächen a.p. WG und WGK beeinflussen den Hormonhaushalt mäßig. Dabei zeigt sich der größte Einfluss beim Progesteron. Die kleinste WG bzw. WGK präsentiert die niedrigsten Progesteronkonzentrationen. Beim 17ß-Östradiol ist der Verlauf aller Konzentrationskurven im gesamten Trächtigkeitsverlauf und beim IGF-1 ab dem 100. Tag p.c. einheitlich. Durch WG oder WGK werden bei den Booroola*MF Kreuzungsgenotypen keine den Stoffwechsel charakterisierenden Substanzen in einer auffallenden oder für die Tierart untypischen Weise verändert. Die Anzahl Feten bzw. die WGK zeigen im vorliegenden Datenmaterial keinen gravierenden Einfluss auf den maternalen Stoffwechsel während der Gravidität. / The analysis was founded on 20 pregnant Booroola* Merino Mutton crossbreed sheep between 2 and 6 years, most of them pluriparous. During pregnancy the variations of size of the placentomdiameters were drawn up on a weekly basis using transcutaneous and transrectal ultrasonography. Samples of blood were taken likewise in a weekly rhythm. After birth a detailed examination of the placentae followed, considering especially their number and diameter as well as the weight of the cotyledons and the secundinae. The gained data were used to create placentom-growth-diagrams during pregnancy. The samples of blood were hormonally analysed with regard to progesterone, estradiol and IGF-1 as well as to the substances that characterize the protein- and energy metabolism as there are: albumin, protein, urea, BHB, bilirubin, glucose. Moreover substances which are highly required during pregnancy were determined as e.g. ASAT, calcium, iron, cholesterol. The evaluation of all the gained data was made in dependence on the littersize (LS) and total litterweight (TLW). The major influence of the LS and TLW on the placenta is noticed at the morphological aspects. The placentomdiameter increase from uni- to triparous ewes and from TLW 1 to TLW 3. On the other hand the placentomdiameters decrease in the highest groups. With an increase of LS and TLW the amound of placentoms with small diameters (1-20 mm) generally decreased in favour of the placentoms with big diameters (20-50 mm). Triparous ewes and TLW 3 show most of the placentoms with the largest diameters (40-50 mm). The "total contact area" demonstrates an increase from uni-to quadriparous ewes and TLW 1 to TLW 4. Only TLW 5 has a smaller "total contact area" as TLW 4. Independent of LS and TLW of the Booroola* Merino Mutton crossbreed sheep the placentomdiameter and the "total contact area" decrease p.p. in comparison to the placentomdiameter and "total contact area" a.p. The influence of LS and TLW on the endocrinological system is moderate. The highest influence is proved concerning progesterone, the smallest LS and TLW show the lowest blood-progesterone concentration. In contrast to this, the estradiol concentration of both groups seems to be uniform during the whole pregnancy and equally the IGF-1 concentration from the 100 day p.c. None of the metabolism characterising substances seems to be affected by the LS or TLW. The littersize as well as the litterweight do not influence in the gained data the maternal metabolism during pregnancy.
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Adsorption of biopolymers and their layer-by-layer assemblies on hydrophilic surfacesLundin, Maria January 2009 (has links)
It is widely known that surfaces play an important role in numerous biological processes and technological applications. Thus, being able to modify surface properties provides an opportunity to control many phenomena occurring at interfaces. One way of controlling surface properties is to adsorb a polymer film onto the surface, for example through layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of polyelectrolytes. This simple but versatile technique enables various polymers, proteins, colloidal particles etc. to be incorporated into the film, resulting in a multifunctional coating. Due to recent legislations and a consumer demand for more environmentally friendly products, we have chosen to use natural polymers (biopolymers) from renewable resources. The focus of this thesis has been on the adsorption of biopolymers and their layer-by-layer formation at solid-liquid interfaces; these processes have been studied by a wide range of techniques. The main method was the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D), which measures the adsorbed mass, including trapped solvent and the viscoelastic properties of an adsorbed film. This technique was often complemented with an optical method, such as ellipsometry or dual polarization interferometry (DPI), which provided information about the “dry” polymer or protein adsorbed mass. From this combination, the solvent content and density of the layers was evaluated. In addition, the surface force apparatus (SFA), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) were utilized, providing further information about the film structure, chemical composition, and polymer inter-layer diffusion. Adsorption studies of the glycoprotein mucin, which has a key role in the mucousal function, showed that despite the net negative charge of mucin, it adsorbed on negatively charged substrates. The adsorbed layer was highly hydrated and the segment density on the substrate was low. We showed the importance of characterizing the mucin used, since differences in purity, such as the presence of albumin, gave rise to different adsorption behaviours in terms of both adsorbed amount and structure. The adsorbed mucin layer was to a large extent desorbed upon exposure to the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In order to prevent desorption, we demonstrated that a protective layer of the cationic polysaccharide chitosan could be adsorbed onto the mucin layer and that the mucin-chitosan complexes resisted the desorption normally induced by association with SDS. Moreover, the association between chitosan and SDS was examined at the solid-liquid interface, in the bulk, and at the air-water interface. In all these environments chitosan-SDS complexes were formed and a net charge reversal of the complexes from positive to negative was observed when the concentration of SDS was increased. Furthermore, the LbL deposition method could be used to form a multilayer-like film by alternate adsorption of mucin and chitosan on silica substrates. The LbL technique was also applied to two proteins, lysozyme and β-casein with the aim of building a multilayer film consisting entirely of proteins. These proteins formed complexes at the solid-liquid interface, resulting in a proteinaceous layer, but the build-up was highly irregular with an increase in adsorbed amount per protein deposition cycle that was far less than a monolayer.Continuing with chitosan, known to have antibacterial properties we assembled multilayers with an anti-adhesive biopolymer, heparin, to evaluate the potential of this system as a coating for medical implants. Multilayers were assembled under various solution deposition conditions and the film structure and dynamics were studied in detail. The chitosan-heparin film was highly hydrated, in the range 60-80 wt-% depending on the deposition conditions. The adsorbed amount and thickness of the film increased exponential-like with the number of deposition steps, which was explained by inter-diffusion of chitosan molecules in the film during the build-up. In a novel approach, we used the distant dependent FRET technique to prove the inter-layer diffusion of fluorescent-labelled chitosan molecules within the film. The diffusion coefficient was insignificantly dependent on the deposition pH and ionic strength, and hence on the film structure. With the use of a pH sensitive dye buried under seven chitosan-heparin bilayers, we showed that the dye remained highly sensitive to the charge of the outermost layer. From complementary QCM-D data, we suggested that an increase in the energy dissipation does not necessarily indicate that the layer structure becomes less rigid. / Det är välkänt att ytor spelar en viktig roll i många biologiska processer och tekniska tillämpningar. Att kunna modifiera en ytas egenskaper ger därför en möjlighet att kunna kontrollera många fenomen som sker på ytor. Ett sätt att kontrollera ytegenskaperna är genom att adsorbera en polymerfilm på ytan, till exempel genom att växelvis adsorbera olika polyelektrolyter (LbL-teknik). Denna enkla men mångsidiga teknik möjliggör att många olika material kan införlivas i filmen, vilket resulterar i en multifunktionell beläggning. På grund av dagens lagstiftning och konsumenters ökade efterfrågan på miljövänliga material beslutade vi oss för att använda biologiska polymerer (biopolymerer) i detta projekt. Fokus i den här avhandlingen har varit på adsorption av biopolymerer och deras LbL-formation på gränsytan vätska-fast fas, där adsorptionsförloppet och det adsorberade skiktet bestående av biopolymerer studerats med en mängd olika tekniker. Huvudtekniken var kvartskristallmikrovåg med energidissipations-registrering (QCM-D), som mäter massan inklusive inkorporerat vatten, samt de viskoelastiska egenskaperna hos ett adsorberat skikt. Som komplement till denna teknik användes ofta optiska metoder, till exempel ellipsometri och ”dubbel polarisationsinterferometri (DPI)”, två tekniker som endast mäter massan av de adsorberade biopolymererna. Genom denna kombination av metoder kunde massan av inkorporerat vatten i filmen och filmens densitet bestämmas. Dessutom användes ytkraftsapparaten (SFA), röntgenfotoelektronspektrometri (XPS), och fluorescens-spektroskopiteknikerna TIRF och FRET i några undersökningar för att erhålla information om skiktens struktur, kemiska sammansättning och polymerernas diffusion inom skiktet.Adsorptionsstudier av glycoproteinet mucin, som har en central roll i funktionen av slemhinnan, avslöjade att trots att mucinet har en negativ nettoladdning adsorberade det ändå på negativt laddade substrat. Det adsorberade lagret var väldigt hydratiserat och hade en låg andel mucin i direkt kontakt med ytan. Vi påvisade vikten av att noga undersöka mucinet som användes, eftersom olika renhet, till exempel i form av förekomsten av albumin gav upphov till olika adsorptionsbeteende gällande både adsorberad mängd och struktur. En stor andel av det adsorberade mucinlagret desorberade när det exponerades för den anjoniska tensiden natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS. Vi visade att ett skyddande lager av den katjoniska polysackariden chitosan kunde adsorberas på mucinet och att mucin-chitosan-komplexen inte desorberade när SDS tillsattes. Därtill studerades växelverkan mellan chitosan och SDS på gränsytan vätska-fast fas, i bulken och på luft-vattengränsytan. Komplex av chitosan-SDS bildades i samtliga miljöer och en nettoladdningsomsvängning från positiv till negativ observerades när koncentrationen av SDS ökades.Vidare kunde LbL-tekniken nyttjas för att skapa ett multilagerlikt skikt genom att alternerande adsorbera mucin och chitosan på kiseldioxidsubstrat. Denna teknik användes även med två proteiner, lysozym och β-kasein, med målet att skapa ett multilager bestående av endast proteiner. Dessa proteiner bildade komplex på gränsytan vätska-fast fas i form av ett blandat proteinlager, men uppbyggnaden var väldigt oregelbunden med en ökning i adsorberad mängd per proteindeponeringscykel som var avsevärt mindre än ett monolager.Inom området för biomaterial utgör de antibakteriella och antihäftande egenskaperna hos chitosan respektive heparin en lovande blandning för beläggningar av medicinska implantat. Baserat på detta konstruerade vi multilagerfilmer av chitosan och heparin med olika deponeringslösningar och undersökte dynamiken och filmens struktur i detalj. Chitosan-heparin-filmen var starkt hydratiserad, bestående av cirka 60-80 vikt-% vatten beroende på deponeringsbetingelserna. Den adsorberade mängden och tjockleken på filmen ökade nästan exponentiellt med antal deponeringar, vilket förklarades med chitosanets förmåga att diffundera genom filmen under uppbyggnaden. Med ett nytt angreppssätt använde vi FRET för att bevisa diffusionen av fluorescerande färgmärkt chitosan i filmen under uppbyggnaden. Diffusionskoefficienten var i princip oberoende av pH och jonstyrka under deponeringen och följaktligen av filmens struktur. Genom att använda ett pH-känsligt färgämne begravt under sju biskikt av chitosan-heparin visade vi att färgämnet i hög grad påverkades av laddningen på det yttersta lagret. Från QCM-D-data lade vi fram teorin om att en ökning av energidissipationen för ett lager inte nödvändigtvis indikerar att lagrets struktur har blivit mindre styvt. / QC 20100729
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Bioanalytical Applications of Intramolecular H-Complexes of Near Infrared Bis(Heptamethine Cyanine) DyesKim, Junseok 15 July 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes the advantages and feasibility of newly synthesized near-infrared (NIR) bis-heptamethine cyanine (BHmC) dyes for non-covalent labeling schemes. The NIR BHmCs were synthesized for biomolecule assay. The advantages of NIR BHmCs for biomolecule labeling and the instrumental advantages of the near-infrared region are also demonstrated. Chapter 1 introduces the theory and applications of dye chemistry. For bioanalysis, this chapter presents covalent and non-covalent labeling. The covalent labeling depends on the functionality of amino acids and the non-covalent labeling relies on the binding site of a protein. Due to the complicated binding process in non-covalent labeling, this chapter also discusses the binding equilibria in spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses. Chapter 2 and 3 evaluate the novel BHmCs for non-covalent labeling with human serum albumin (HSA) and report the influence of micro-environment on BHmCs. The interesting character of BHmCs in aqueous solutions is that the dyes exhibit non- or low-fluorescence compared to their monomer counterpart, RK780. It is due to their H-type closed clam-shell form in the solutions. The addition of HSA or organic solvents opens up the clam-shell form and enhances fluorescence. The binding equilibria are also examed. Chapter 4 provides a brief introduction that summaries the use of capillary electrophoresis (CE), and offers a detailed instrumentation that discusses the importance and advantage of a detector in NIR region for CE separation. Chapter 5 focuses on the use of NIR cyanine dyes with capillary electrcophoresis with near-infrared laser induce fluorescence (CE-NIR-LIF) detection. The NIR dyes with different functional groups show that RK780 is a suitable NIR dye for HSA labeling. The use of BHmCs with CE-NIR-LIF reduces signal noises that are commonly caused by the interaction between NIR cyanine dyes and negatively charged capillary wall. In addition, bovine carbonic anhydrase II (BCA II) is applied to study the influence of hydrophobicity on non-covalent labeling. Finally, chapter 6 presents the conformational dependency of BHmCs on the mobility in capillary and evaluates the further possibility of BHmCs for small molecule detection. Acridine orange (AO) is used as a sample and it breaks up the aggregate and enhances fluorescence. The inserted AO into BHmC changes the mobility in capillary, owing to the conformational changes by AO.
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Synthèse de nanoparticules hybrides de type coeur-coquille à visées théranostiques / Synthesis of hybrid core-shell nanoparticles for theranostic applicationsMénard, Mathilde 06 June 2017 (has links)
Le but de ce travail de thèse a été de synthétiser de nouveaux nano-objets pour le diagnostic et le traitement du cancer. Ainsi, nous avons développé des nanoparticules hybrides constituées d'un noyau inorganique recouvert d'une couche organique de sérum albumine humaine (HSA). Le noyau inorganique est un composite constitué d'un cœur d'oxyde de fer (IO) et d'une coquille de silice mésoporeuse (MS). L’IO permet, grâce à ses propriétés magnétiques, le diagnostic par imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et la thérapie par hyperthermie magnétique (HM), tandis que les porosités de la MS permettent l’encapsulation de médicaments pour la chimiothérapie. La taille des pores de la coquille MS a été modulée afin d’augmenter le taux d’encapsulation en médicament et la taille du cœur d’IO a été ajustée pour améliorer les propriétés d’HM et d'IRM. L'utilisation d’un revêtement final d’HSA en tant que gatekeeper pour la délivrance de médicaments contrôlée par action enzymatique a également été étudiée. En parallèle, des nanocapsules d’HSA chargées en médicament ont été synthétisées. Enfin, les activités biologiques de ces nanoparticules ont été testées sur différentes lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. / The aim of this PhD work was to synthesize and test new nano-objects for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. For this purpose, we developed hybrid nanoparticles made of an inorganic core surrounded by a human serum albumin (HSA) organic coating. The inorganic core is a composite by itself as it is made of an iron oxide core (IO) surrounded by a mesoporous silica (MS) shell. The IO core ensures, through its magnetic properties, diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and therapy by magnetic hyperthermia, whereas the MS shell allows the loading of anticancer drugs for chemotherapy within its porosities. The pore sizes of the silica shell were modulated to enhance the drug loading content and the IO core size was also tuned to improve magnetic hyperthermia as well as T2 MRI imaging properties of the final core-shell system. The use of a thick shell of HSA as gatekeeper for controlled drug delivery triggered by its degradation with proteases was also studied. In parallel the synthesis of drug loaded HSA nanocapsules using MS as sacrificial template was performed. Finally, the biological activities of these nanoparticles were tested on various cancer cell lines.
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Hyaluronic Acid Based Biodegradable Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules and Modified Protein Nanoparticles for Targeted Delivery of Anticancer AgentsSreeranjini, P January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Targeted delivery aids in minimizing most of the drug-originated systemic toxic effects as well as improving the pharmacokinetic properties of anticancer therapeutics. Tumor targeting using hyaluronic acid (HA) as the targeting ligand has attracted a great deal of interest among a host of strategies developed to target the overexpressed tumor specific receptors. HA is an endogenous molecule that possesses a lot of biological functions in the human body. The role of HA synthases, HA degrading enzymes and the interaction of HA with its primary receptor CD44 in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis is really complex and controversial to date. However, overexpression of CD44receptors on tumor surface has been well studied, which have been utilized to direct tumor targeted drugs. Most of the HA based targeting systems were HA drug conjugates and surface modified colloidal carriers which required covalent modification. The lack of accurate structural characterization of these systems resulted in modification of HA binding sites that could affect the efficient cellular uptake.
LbL technique is a simple and facile method to incorporate several materials into polyelectrolyte assemblies for drug delivery applications. HA being a negatively charged polysaccharide can be easily incorporated into such systems without any covalent modification. Although HA based polyelectrolyte multilayer films and microcapsules have been reported in combination with polycations like PAH, PLL and chitosan, their application as targeted drug delivery systems have not yet been explored. Herein, two LbL architectures with HA as the terminal layer have been investigated as targeted drug carriers, which can recognize overexpressed CD44 receptors in metastatic breast cancer cells.
In the first part of the thesis, a novel polyelectrolyte nanocapsule system composed of biopolymers HA and protamine sulphate (PR) as the wall components was prepared and characterized. These pH and enzyme responsive nanocapsules were then utilized for efficient loading and release of anticancer drug doxorubicin (dox). Higher drug release was observed in simulated intracellular conditions like acidic pH and presence of hyaluronidase enzyme as compared to physiological pH. In the second part of the thesis, dox incorporated bovine serum albumin (BSA) nanoparticles modified with HA-Poly(l-Lysine) multilayers were developed and characterized. The drug release pattern of the dox loaded BSA nanoparticles was found to depend on the presence of a protease enzyme trypsin than pH variations. Both of these drug delivery systems were then evaluated for their cell targeting efficiency and cytotoxicity in CD44+ positive metastatic breast cancer cell line MDA MB 231. The final layer HA facilitated targeted delivery of these drug carriers via CD44 receptor mediated endocytosis. The enhanced cellular uptake followed by sustained delivery of dox by virtue of slow intracellular enzymatic degradation of the drug carriers resulted in their improved cytotoxicity as compared to free dox. Further in vitro biodistribution and tumor suppression efficiency of both the systems were studied in breast cancer xenograft models using BALB/c nude mice. Enhance accumulation of dox in the tumor tissue and significant tumor reduction were observed when treated with encapsulated dox using the HA based nanocarriers as opposed to free dox.
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Lipotoxicidade na leptospirose humana: aspectos prognósticos e potencial efeito benéfico da administração de albumina / Lipotoxicity in human leptospirosis: prognostic aspects and potental beneficial effect of albumin administrationCaroline de Azevedo Martins 27 April 2011 (has links)
A leptospirose humana é uma doença infecciosa aguda de amplo espectro clínico e que cursa com alterações metabólicas e dislipidêmicas envolvendo colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs). Dentre os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na sua fisiopatologia encontram-se a inibição da enzima Na, K ATPase pela endotoxina GLP e a lipotoxicidade, ambos agravados pela redução dos níveis circulantes da albumina, molécula que exerce um papel fundamental na adsorção de moléculas lipídicas. Neste estudo observacional, determinamos as concentrações séricas de bilirrubina, creatinina e albumina e, pela técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta performance, a concentração sérica dos AGNEs de cadeia longa (C16: C18) de 27 pacientes com síndrome de Weil durante o período de internação hospitalar, dos quais cinco vieram a falecer. Verificamos correlações significantes (p<0,05) ao longo da internação hospitalar, nas concentrações séricas de marcadores bioquímicos de gravidade da doença (bilirrubina, creatinina e albumina), AGNEs, ácido oléico e ácido linoléico, e relação molar ácido oléico/ albumina, com r (Pearson) de -0,7981, -0,7699, 0,9014, -0,8795 -0,9816, -0,9694, -0,9821, respectivamente. A relação molar ácido oléico/ albumina e ácido oléico+ linoléico/albumina foi significantemente mais elevada nos pacientes que faleceram (p<0,001), retornando aos valores semelhantes aos do grupo controle nos pacientes que evoluíram para a cura. Na análise por Curva Roc, a relação molar ácido oléico/albumina se mostrou um bom teste preditivo, com valor de corte 0,705 associado com maior especificidade e sensibilidade prognóstica. Nossos resultados sugerem que a utilização parenteral da albumina humana em pacientes com leptospirose pode ser uma potente ferramenta terapêutica nos casos mais graves ao interferir positivamente no resgate do equilíbrio bioquímico das relações molares ácido oléico/ albumina e ácido oléico+linoléico/albumina.
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Estudo de interação dos flavonóides Isovitexina e 2-Fenilcromona com a Albumina do Soro Humano: abordagem experimental e computacional / Interaction study of flavonoids Isovitexin and 2-Phenylcromone with Human Serum Albumin: experimental and computational approachCaruso, Ícaro Putinhon [UNESP] 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ÍCARO PUTINHON CARUSO null (ykrocaruso@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-19T16:20:38Z
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tese_doutorado_icaro_vf.pdf: 17027642 bytes, checksum: 71d2f869670d044aace5f2ab6326b657 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-09-22T14:26:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
caruso_ip_dr_sjrp.pdf: 17027642 bytes, checksum: 71d2f869670d044aace5f2ab6326b657 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-22T14:26:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
caruso_ip_dr_sjrp.pdf: 17027642 bytes, checksum: 71d2f869670d044aace5f2ab6326b657 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os flavonóides fazem parte de uma ampla classe de compostos polifenólicos os quais ocorrem naturalmente nas plantas e podem ser encontrados nas sementes, caules, folhas, flores e/ou frutos. Estudos recentes indicam que esses compostos polifenólicos podem apresentar uma variedade significativa de atividades biológicas benéficas para a saúde humana, como por exemplo: antioxidante, anti-inflamatória, antibacteriana, antiviral e anticancerígena. A Albumina do Soro Humano (HSA) é a principal proteína extracelular presente no plasma sanguíneo. A função central dessa proteína é transportar e distribuir ligantes endógenos e exógenos para diferentes alvos moleculares no corpo humano. Por tais aspectos, torna-se importante o desenvolvimento de estudos que caracterizam a interação dos flavonóides com a proteína transportadora HSA. Este trabalho investiga a interação dos flavonóides Isovitexina (ISO) e 2-Fenilcromona (2PHE) com a HSA, utilizando técnicas experimentais de espectroscopia de fluorescência, absorbância UV-Vis, dicroísmo circular (CD) e infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FT-IR); juntamente com ferramentas computacionais de cálculo {\it{ab initio}}, dinâmica molecular e modelagem molecular. A integração dessas abordagens experimentais e computacionais possibilita caracterizar a formação dos complexos HSA-flavonóides, determinando aspectos físico-químicos como: constantes de afinidade, parâmetros termodinâmicos, número de sítios de ligação, perfil de cooperatividade e resíduos de aminoácidos responsáveis pelas interações proteína-flavonóides (hidrofóbicas e eletrostáticas). / Flavonoids belong to a large class of polyphenolic compounds which occur naturally in plants and can be found seeds, stems, leaves, flowers and/or fruits. Recent studies indicate that these polyphenolic compounds can present a significant variety of beneficial biological activities on human health, such as: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and anticancer. Human Serum Ambumin (HSA) is the main extracellular protein presents in blood plasma. The core function of this protein is to carry and distribute endogenous and exogenous ligands to different molecular targets in the human body. For these aspects, it is important to develop studies that characterize the interaction of the flavonoids with the carrier protein HSA. This work investigates the interaction of the flavonoids Isovitexin (ISO) and 2-Phenylchromone (2PHE) with the HSA, using experimental techniques of fluorescence, UV-Vis absorbance, circular dichroism (CD), and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy; along with computational tools of ab initio calculation, molecular dynamics, and molecular modeling. The integration of these experimental and computational approaches allows to characterize the formation of the HSA-flavonoids complexes, determining physicochemical aspects, sucha as: affinity constants, thermodynamic parameters, number of binding sites, cooperativity profile and aminoacid residues responsable for the protein-flavonoids interactions (hydrophobic and electrostatic).
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Estudo in silico da intera??o da albumina de soro humano com o ibuprofenoDantas, Diego de Sousa 28 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:10:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DiegoSD_DISSERT.pdf: 4467915 bytes, checksum: 1bb0defec90e5ed329ebefbf24ac108a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-02-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Currently, computational methods have been increasingly used to aid in the characterization of molecular biological systems, especially when they relevant to human health. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory or broadband use in the clinic. Once in the bloodstream, most of ibuprofen is linked to human serum albumin, the major protein of blood plasma, decreasing its bioavailability and requiring larger doses to produce its antiinflamatory action. This study aimes to characterize, through the interaction energy, how is the binding of ibuprofen to albumin and to establish what are the main amino acids and molecular interactions involved in the process. For this purpouse, it was conducted an in silico study, by using quantum mechanical calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), with Generalized Gradient approximation (GGA) to describe the effects of exchange and correlation. The interaction energy of each amino acid belonging to the binding site to the ligand was calculated the using the method of molecular fragmentation with conjugated caps (MFCC). Besides energy, we calculated the distances, types of molecular interactions and atomic groups involved. The theoretical models used were satisfactory and show a more accurate description when the dielectric constant ε = 40 was used. The findings corroborate the literature in which the Sudlow site I (I-FA3) is the primary binding site and the site I-FA6 as secondary site. However, it differs in identifying the most important amino acids, which by interaction energy, in order of decreasing energy, are: Arg410, Lys414, Ser 489, Leu453 and Tyr411 to the I-Site FA3 and Leu481, Ser480, Lys351, Val482 and Arg209 to the site I-FA6. The quantification of interaction energy and description of the most important amino acids opens new avenues for studies aiming at manipulating the structure of ibuprofen, in order to decrease its interaction with albumin, and consequently increase its distribution / Na atualidade, os m?todos computacionais v?m sendo cada vez mais utilizados para auxiliar a biologia molecular na caracteriza??o de sistemas biol?gicos, principalmente quando esses possuem relev?ncia para a sa?de humana. O ibuprofeno ? um antiinflamat?rio n?o-esteroidal de larga utiliza??o na cl?nica. Uma vez na corrente sangu?nea, boa parte do ibuprofeno fica ligada a albumina de soro humano, a principal prote?na do plasma sangu?neo, diminuindo a sua biodisponibilidade e necessitando de maiores doses para a produ??o de seu efeito antiinflamat?rio. Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar, atrav?s da energia de intera??o, como ocorre a liga??o do ibuprofeno ? albumina e estabelecer quais os principais amino?cidos e intera??es moleculares envolvidas no processo. Para tal desenvolveu-se um estudo in silico, com utiliza??o de c?lculos de mec?nica qu?ntica, baseada na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT), com aproxima??es do Gradiente Generalizado (GGA) para descri??o dos efeitos de correla??o e troca. A energia de intera??o de cada amino?cido do s?tio de liga??o, com o ligante foi calculada com base no m?todo de fragmenta??o molecular com capas conjugadas (MFCC). Al?m da energia, foram calculadas as dist?ncias, tipos de intera??es moleculares e grupos at?micos envolvidos. Os modelos te?ricos utilizados foram satisfat?rios e demonstraram uma descri??o mais precisa com a utiliza??o da constante diel?trica ε=40. Os achados corroboram com a literatura colocando o s?tio Sudlow I (I-FA3) como o principal s?tio de liga??o e o s?tio I-FA6 como s?tio secund?rio. Contudo, difere quanto ? identifica??o dos amino?cidos mais importantes, que por meio da energia de intera??o, em ordem decrescente de energia, s?o: Arg410, Lys414, Ser 489, Leu453 e Tyr411 para o S?tio I-FA3 e Leu481, Ser480, Lys351, Val482 e Arg209 para o s?tio I-FA6. A quantifica??o da energia de intera??o e a descri??o dos amino?cidos mais importantes abre caminhos para novos estudos que visem a manipula??o da estrutura do ibuprofeno, no sentido de diminuir a intera??o desse com a albumina, e consequentemente aumentar a sua distribui??o
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Lipotoxicidade na leptospirose humana: aspectos prognósticos e potencial efeito benéfico da administração de albumina / Lipotoxicity in human leptospirosis: prognostic aspects and potental beneficial effect of albumin administrationCaroline de Azevedo Martins 27 April 2011 (has links)
A leptospirose humana é uma doença infecciosa aguda de amplo espectro clínico e que cursa com alterações metabólicas e dislipidêmicas envolvendo colesterol total e frações, triglicerídeos e ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs). Dentre os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na sua fisiopatologia encontram-se a inibição da enzima Na, K ATPase pela endotoxina GLP e a lipotoxicidade, ambos agravados pela redução dos níveis circulantes da albumina, molécula que exerce um papel fundamental na adsorção de moléculas lipídicas. Neste estudo observacional, determinamos as concentrações séricas de bilirrubina, creatinina e albumina e, pela técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta performance, a concentração sérica dos AGNEs de cadeia longa (C16: C18) de 27 pacientes com síndrome de Weil durante o período de internação hospitalar, dos quais cinco vieram a falecer. Verificamos correlações significantes (p<0,05) ao longo da internação hospitalar, nas concentrações séricas de marcadores bioquímicos de gravidade da doença (bilirrubina, creatinina e albumina), AGNEs, ácido oléico e ácido linoléico, e relação molar ácido oléico/ albumina, com r (Pearson) de -0,7981, -0,7699, 0,9014, -0,8795 -0,9816, -0,9694, -0,9821, respectivamente. A relação molar ácido oléico/ albumina e ácido oléico+ linoléico/albumina foi significantemente mais elevada nos pacientes que faleceram (p<0,001), retornando aos valores semelhantes aos do grupo controle nos pacientes que evoluíram para a cura. Na análise por Curva Roc, a relação molar ácido oléico/albumina se mostrou um bom teste preditivo, com valor de corte 0,705 associado com maior especificidade e sensibilidade prognóstica. Nossos resultados sugerem que a utilização parenteral da albumina humana em pacientes com leptospirose pode ser uma potente ferramenta terapêutica nos casos mais graves ao interferir positivamente no resgate do equilíbrio bioquímico das relações molares ácido oléico/ albumina e ácido oléico+linoléico/albumina.
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