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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transferência de lípides para HDL em pacientes diabéticos tipo 2: efeito da presença da microalbuminúria e do tratamento com estatina e insulina / Lipids transfer to HDL in type 2 diabetic patients: effect of the presence of microalbuminuria and of treatment with statin and insulin

Gilson Soares Feitosa Filho 24 March 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) é um fator de risco isolado para coronariopatia, principalmente quando associado à microalbuminúria (MA). Alterações estruturais e funcionais das lipoproteínas não são totalmente esclarecidas nesse contexto. OBJETIVO: Avaliar, em pacientes DM2, a influência da presença da MA e do tratamento com estatina ou insulina nas transferências para HDL (T) de lípides e no tamanho desta lipoproteína. MÉTODOS: Estudamos 33 pacientes DM2 e 34 controles pareados para idade. Uma nanoemulsão lipídica artificial radiomarcada com 3H-Triglicéride (TG) e 14C-Colesterol Livre (CL) ou 3H-Colesterol Éster (CE) e 14C-Fosfolípide (FL) foi incubada com plasma. A nanoemulsão e as lipoproteínas foram precipitadas, exceto a HDL, que teve sua radioatividade contada. O diâmetro da HDL foi mensurado por método de dispersão da luz. RESULTADOS: A TFL (%) foi maior no grupo com DM2 que no grupo controle (25,2±3,2 e 19,7±3,2 respectivamente; p<0,001), assim como a TCL (%): 9,1±2,7 e 6,3±1,5 respectivamente; p<0,001. O diagnóstico de MA não se associou às mudanças da propriedade de transferência. O uso da insulina associou-se à menor TFL(%): 23,5±2,1 contra 26,1±3,3; p=0,018. Já o uso da estatina associou-se à queda de todas: TCE(%): 3,5±0,9; TFL(%):23,8±2,0; TTG(%): 3,9±0,8; TCL(%):7,4±1,3 quando comparado ao grupo que não usava estatina (TCE(%):5,9±2,4; TFL(%):26,9±3,6; TTG(%):6,4±2,2; TCL(%):11,1±2,6). O tamanho de HDL foi semelhante em qualquer condição analisada. CONCLUSÕES: DM2 aumenta a transferência de lípides de superfície para HDL, enquanto o uso de estatina diminuiu todas as transferências. A presença de MA não se associou às alterações das transferências de lípides / INTRODUCTION: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) is an isolated risk factor for coronary artery disease, especially when associated to microalbuminuria (MA). Structural and functional alterations of lipoproteins are not well known in this context. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, in DM2 patients, the influence both of MA and the treatment with statins or insulin on the lipids transfer to HDL (T) and on the size of this lipoprotein. METHODS: We studied 33 DM2 patients and 34 controls paired for age. An artificial lipidic nanoemulsion radio labeled with 3H-Triglyceride (TG) and 14C-Free Cholesterol (FC) or 3H-Cholesterol Ester (CE) and 14C-Phospholipid (PL) was incubated with plasma. The nanoemulsion and the lipoproteins were precipitated, except for HDL, that had its radioactivity measured. The HDL diameter was measured by laser light scattering method. RESULTS: The TPL (%) was greater in the DM2 group then in the control group (25,2±3,2 and 19,7±3,2 respectively; p<0,001), as well as TFC (%): 9,1±2,7 and 6,3±1,5 respectively; p<0,001. The MA did not affect the transfer. Insulinotherapy was associated with less TPL(%): 23,5±2,1 against 26,1±3,3; p=0,018, and the statin therapy with less transfer of all lipids: TCE(%): 3,5±0,9; TPL(%):23,8±2,0; TTG(%): 3,9±0,8; TFC(%):7,4±1,3 when compared to the group that did not use statin: TCE(%):5,9±2,4; TPL(%):26,9±3,6; TTG(%):6,4±2,2; TFC(%):11,1±2,6. The HDL size was about the same under all the circumstances analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: DM2 is associated with greater transfer of superficial lipids to HDL, while the statin usage was associated with a smaller transfer of all lipids. The MA diagnosis was not associated with any change in lipids transfer

Évaluation de nouvelles méthodes de prédiction et de dépistage précoce de l’albuminurie chez les patients avec diabète de type 2

Santucci, Lara 12 1900 (has links)
Le diabète de type 2 (DT2) est une maladie chronique grave et sa prévalence ne cesse d’augmenter partout dans le monde. La complication la plus sévère et la plus courante du diabète est la néphropathie diabétique dont le premier symptôme est l’albuminurie. Notre premier objectif est d’évaluer si un dépistage précoce de l’albuminurie permet une meilleure prise en charge de cette complication dans la pratique générale des médecins. Notre deuxième objectif est de valider l’efficacité de notre score de risque polygénique (SRP) sur la prédiction du risque d’albuminurie sur une cohorte canadienne composée de patients DT2, hypertendus provenant de groupe de médecine familiale (GMF) et de family health team (FHT) au Québec et en Ontario (CLINPRADIA I). Le SRP a permis de déterminer les 30% de patients à risque élevé de développer l’albuminurie. En effet, la prévalence d’albuminurie des 30% des sujets classés à haut risque génétique par le SRP était 2,6 fois plus élevée que le reste des patients de CLINPRADIA I. Dans la même cohorte, nous avons démontré que l’introduction d’un point of care testing (POCT) a amélioré la pratique et l’adhésion des médecins aux lignes directrices du traitement de l’albuminurie. Les valeurs d’albuminurie et le nombre de patients albuminuriques ont diminué significativement en réponse à l’introduction du POCT. Nous pouvons conclure de nos résultats que l’utilisation de notre SRP permettrait d’identifier les patients à risque élevés d’albuminurie alors que le POCT permettrait un dépistage précoce et un meilleur suivi de l’albuminurie chez ces patients. / Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a serious chronic disease and its prevalence keeps increasing all over the world. The most severe and common diabetes complication is nephropathy of which the first symptom is albuminuria. Our first objective is to evaluate if early screening of albuminuria allows for a better patient care of this condition in general practitioner practice. Our second objective is to validate the efficacy of our polygenetic risk score (PRS) on the risk prediction of albuminuria on Canadian cohort composed of hypertensive TD2 patients from groupe de médecine familiale (GMF) and family health team (FHT) in Quebec and in Ontario (CLINPRADIA I). The PRS identified the 30% of T2D patients at high risk of developing albuminuria. Indeed, the albuminuria prevalence of the 30% of subjects at high genetic risk based on the PRS was 2.6 times higher than the remaining patients of CLINPRADIA I. In the same cohort, we established that the introduction of the point of care testing (POCT) improves the practice and the adherence of physicians to the guidelines for the treatment of albuminuria. The values of albuminuria and the number of patients with albuminuria decreased significantly after the introduction of the POCT. We can conclude from our results that the use of our PRS enables the early identification of the patients at high risk of albuminuria while the POCT enables the early detection of patients with albuminuria who benefited from an early intervention.


Nademi, Samera January 2022 (has links)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months and is characterized by progressive loss of renal function. The second leading cause of CKD is hypertension. More than half of CKD patients also suffer from hypertension. Arteries and arterioles adjust to the fluctuations in the systematic blood pressure through a mechanism called autoregulation. In the kidneys, autoregulation protects the delicate glomeruli capillaries from high blood pressure and occurs through myogenic constriction (MC). MC refers to contraction of arterioles in response to an increase in the blood pressure. Chronically hypertensive individuals and animal models have an enhanced MC, leading to minimal renal injury despite their elevated blood pressure. Experimental and clinical evidence point to a role for the MC in the pathogenesis of the CKD, however, the mechanism through which preglomerular arterial MC contributes to CKD has not been fully elucidated. This thesis showed that augmented MC in chronically hypertensive animal models was due to increased thromboxane A2 prostaglandin that was not released from the endothelium (Chapter 2). Nevertheless, inhibiting MC while also reducing the blood pressure prevented salt-induced renal injury even though the blood pressure was still not normalized compared to the normotensive controls (Chapter 3). The resulting improvement in renal structure and function could be attributed to the reduction in the blood pressure, albumin, and uromodulin (UMOD) excretion (Chapter 3). UMOD is a kidney-specific glycoprotein that, based on a genome-wide association study have the strongest association to CKD (Chapter 3). Comparing two CKD hypertensive animal models further revealed that CKD progression was independent of the blood pressure and strongly associated with UMOD excretion levels (Chapter 4). Collectively, the data discussed in this thesis demonstrates potential therapeutic targets in CKD hypertensive animal models. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

L’impact de la prématurité sur la fonction rénale à l'âge adulte

Aeschimann, Claire Simada 07 1900 (has links)
La naissance très prématurée (<29 semaines de gestation) affecte environ 10% de la population canadienne chaque année, et la plupart de ces individus survivent jusqu'à l'âge adulte. La prématurité a un impact sur le développement de plusieurs organes, notamment les reins. Les études ont démontré que les adultes nés prématurément, comparativement à ceux nés à terme, présentent un nombre réduit de néphrons et une architecture glomérulaire altérée. Des études épidémiologiques ont également confirmé le risque augmenté de maladie rénale chronique chez les individus nés prématurément. Par ailleurs, les individus nés prématurément ont une pression artérielle plus élevée. Les mécanismes sous-jacents à l'hypertension artérielle consécutive à une naissance prématurée sont encore en cours d'élucidation; il est donc important de comprendre la contribution potentielle des reins. Les conséquences à long terme de la naissance prématurée sur la fonction rénale restent encore insuffisamment étudiées. Avec un capital néphronique réduit, afin de maintenir un débit de filtration glomérulaire (DFG) adéquat, nous postulons que l'une des premières manifestations de la dysfonction rénale chez les adultes nés prématurément serait une hyperfiltration glomérulaire au niveau du néphron individuel (mononéphron). L’hyperfiltration glomérulaire mononéphron pourrait ainsi perpétuer les dommages rénaux et mener plus tardivement à la baisse du DFG. Cette étude observationnelle vise à comparer le débit de filtration glomérulaire (DFG) de 78 jeunes adultes nés prématurément et 78 témoins nés à terme âgés de 18 à 40 ans. Le DFG a été mesuré par scintigraphie rénale au DMSA marqué au technétium 99 (99mTc-DMSA). Nous avons estimé le DFG mononéphron en divisant le DFG par le volume rénal obtenu par échographie. Les résultats ont révélé une réduction du DFG total. Ces différences étaient principalement constatées chez les hommes prématurés versus terme. Nous n’avons pas identifié de différence entre les deux groupes pour les valeurs de DFG mononéphron. Un plus grand volume rénal était associé à un plus grand DFGm tant chez les individus nés prématurément que ceux nés à terme. Il n’y avait pas de corrélation entre le DFGm et les valeurs de tension artérielle ou d’albuminurie. En conclusion, nous notons une diminution du DFG total chez les hommes nés prématurément versus ceux nés à terme. Ceci souligne l’importance d’évaluer la santé rénale à la suite d’une naissance prématurée. / Very preterm birth (<29 weeks of gestation) affects about 10% of the Canadian population each year, and most of these individuals survive into adulthood. Prematurity impacts the development of several organs, including the kidneys. Studies have shown that adults born prematurely, compared to those born at term, have a reduced number of nephrons and altered glomerular architecture. Epidemiological studies have also confirmed the increased risk of chronic kidney disease in individuals born prematurely. Additionally, individuals born prematurely have higher blood pressure. The underlying mechanisms of hypertension following preterm birth are still being elucidated, making it important to understand the potential contribution of the kidneys. The long-term consequences of preterm birth on renal function remain insufficiently studied. With a reduced nephron endowment, to maintain an adequate glomerular filtration rate (GFR), we hypothesize that one of the first manifestations of renal dysfunction in adults born prematurely would be glomerular hyperfiltration at the individual nephron (single-nephron) level. Single-nephron glomerular hyperfiltration could thus perpetuate kidney damage and later lead to a decline in GFR. This observational study aims to compare the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 78 young adults born prematurely and 78 term-born controls aged 18 to 40 years. GFR was measured using renal scintigraphy with technetium-99m-labeled DMSA (99mTc-DMSA). We estimated single-nephron GFR by dividing the GFR by the renal volume obtained via ultrasound. The results revealed a reduction in total GFR, but no difference in the estimate of single-nephron GFR in adults born prematurely compared to those born at term. This was predominantly observed when comparing males born preterm versus males born at term. Increased kidney size was associated with increased GFR. There was no correlation between GFR and blood pressure or albuminuria values. In conclusion, at 18-40 years, very preterm birth is associated with an overall decrease in total GFR in males. This underscores the importance of assessing renal health following preterm birth.

Eclampsia the disease of a thousand theories : Cause and treatment of eclampsia in the western world between 1840- 1930

Ekman, Olivia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Eclampsia the disease of a thousand theories : Cause and treatment of eclampsia in the western world between 1840- 1930

Ekman, Olivia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Biomarkery časného poškození ledvin / Biomarkers of early renal injury

Fořtová, Magdaléna January 2018 (has links)
Aims: The thesis deals with the biomarkers of early renal injury, namely albuminuria and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL). The aims in the case of albuminuria were the implementation of HPLC method, comparing HPLC with immunoturbidimetric (IT) method and monitoring the relationship to the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. The aim of urinary NGAL (and eventually other markers) examination was to verify its reliability in the prediction of acute kidney injury (AKI). Methods: We investigated albuminuria in fresh urine samples in the groups of 636 diabetics and 456 nondiabetics using the HPLC method (Agilent 1200, Agilent Technologies, USA) and immunoturbidimetrically (Cobas Integra 400, Roche Diagnostics); we studied the correlations and relationships between albuminuria and glycated hemoglobin HbA1c. We investigated urinary NGAL by chemiluminescent microparticle immunoassay (Architect i4000, Abbott) in children's groups: 1) after renal transplantation (N = 15), 2) with acute or chronic kidney disease (N = 28); and in adult patient's groups: 1) after cardiac surgery (N = 10) and 2) post angiography (N = 41). Results: Albuminuria determined by HPLC was statistically significantly higher than albuminuria determined by IT. We excluded nonspecificity of the HPLC method. Results indicate...


Issa Al Salmi Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis examines the relationship of birthweight to risk factors and markers, such as proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate, for chronic disease in postnatal life. It made use of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). The AusDiab study is a cross sectional study where baseline data on 11,247 participants were collected in 1999-2000. Participants were recruited from a stratified sample of Australians aged ≥ 25 years, residing in 42 randomly selected urban and non-urban areas (Census Collector Districts) of the six states of Australia and the Northern Territory. The AusDiab study collected an enormous amount of clinical and laboratory data. During the 2004-05 follow-up AusDiab survey, questions about birthweight were included. Participants were asked to state their birthweight, the likely accuracy of the stated birthweight and the source of their stated birthweight. Four hundred and twelve chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients were approached, and 339 agreed to participate in the study. The patients completed the same questionnaire. Medical records were reviewed to check the diagnoses, causes of kidney trouble and SCr levels. Two control subjects, matched for gender and age, were selected for each CKD patient from participants in the AusDiab study who reported their birthweight. Among 7,157 AusDiab participants who responded to the questionnaire, 4,502 reported their birthweights, with a mean (standard deviation) of 3.4 (0.7) kg. The benefit and disadvantages of these data are discussed in chapter three. The data were analysed for the relationship between birthweight and adult body size and composition, disorders of glucose regulation, blood pressure, lipid abnormalities, cardiovascular diseases and glomerular filtration rate. Low birthweight was associated with smaller body build and lower lean mass and total body water in both females and males. In addition low birthweight was associated with central obesity and higher body fat percentage in females, even after taking into account current physical activity and socioeconomic status. Fasting plasma glucose, post load glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin were strongly and inversely correlated with birthweight. In those with low birthweight (< 2.5 kg), the risks for having impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes and all abnormalities combined were increased by 1.75, 2.22, 2.76 and 2.28 for females and by 1.40, 1.32, 1.98 and 1.49 for males compared to those with normal birthweight (≥ 2.5 kg), respectively. Low birthweight individuals were at higher risk for having high blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg and ≥ 130/85 mmHg compared to those with normal birthweight. People with low birthweight showed a trend towards increased risk for high cholesterol (≥ 5.5 mmol/l) compared to those of normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight had increased risk for high low density lipoprotein cholesterol (≥ 3.5 mmol/l) and triglyceride levels (≥ 1.7 mmol/l) when compared to those with normal birthweight. Males with low birthweight exhibited increased risk for low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (<0.9 mmol/l) than those with normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight were at least 1.39, 1.40, 2.30 and 1.47 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases respectively, compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg. Similarly, males with low birthweight were 1.76, 1.48, 3.34 and 1.70 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg, respectively. The estimated glomerular filtration rate was strongly and positively associated with birthweight, with a predicted increase of 2.6 ml/min (CI 2.1, 3.2) and 3.8 (3.0, 4.5) for each kg of birthweight for females and males, respectively. The odd ratio (95% confidence interval) for low glomerular filtration rate (<61.0 ml/min for female and < 87.4 male) in people of low birthweight compared with those of normal birthweight was 2.04 (1.45, 2.88) for female and 3.4 (2.11, 5.36) for male. One hundred and eighty-nineCKD patients reported their birthweight; 106 were male. Their age was 60.3(15) years. Their birthweight was 3.27 (0.62) kg, vs 3.46 (0.6) kg for their AusDiab controls, p<0.001 and the proportions with birthweight<2.5 kg were 12.17% and 4.44%, p<0.001. Among CKD patients, 22.8%, 21.7%, 18% and 37.6% were in CKD stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Birthweights by CKD stage and their AusDiab controls were as follows: 3.38 (0.52) vs 3.49 (0.52), p=0.251 for CKD2; 3.28 (0.54) vs 3.44 (0.54), p=0.121 for CKD3; 3.19 (0.72) vs 3.43 (0.56), p= 0.112 for CKD4 and 3.09 (0.65) vs 3.47 (0.67), p<0.001 for CKD5. The results demonstrate that in an affluent Western country with a good adult health profile, low birthweight people were predisposed to higher rates of glycaemic dysregulation, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular diseases and lower glomerular filtration rate in adult life. In all instances it would be prudent to adopt policies of intensified whole of life surveillance of lower birthweight people, anticipating this risk. The general public awareness of the effect of low birthweight on development of chronic diseases in later life is of vital importance. The general public, in addition to the awareness of people in medical practice of the role of low birthweight, will lead to a better management of this group of our population that is increasingly surviving into adulthood.


Issa Al Salmi Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis examines the relationship of birthweight to risk factors and markers, such as proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate, for chronic disease in postnatal life. It made use of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). The AusDiab study is a cross sectional study where baseline data on 11,247 participants were collected in 1999-2000. Participants were recruited from a stratified sample of Australians aged ≥ 25 years, residing in 42 randomly selected urban and non-urban areas (Census Collector Districts) of the six states of Australia and the Northern Territory. The AusDiab study collected an enormous amount of clinical and laboratory data. During the 2004-05 follow-up AusDiab survey, questions about birthweight were included. Participants were asked to state their birthweight, the likely accuracy of the stated birthweight and the source of their stated birthweight. Four hundred and twelve chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients were approached, and 339 agreed to participate in the study. The patients completed the same questionnaire. Medical records were reviewed to check the diagnoses, causes of kidney trouble and SCr levels. Two control subjects, matched for gender and age, were selected for each CKD patient from participants in the AusDiab study who reported their birthweight. Among 7,157 AusDiab participants who responded to the questionnaire, 4,502 reported their birthweights, with a mean (standard deviation) of 3.4 (0.7) kg. The benefit and disadvantages of these data are discussed in chapter three. The data were analysed for the relationship between birthweight and adult body size and composition, disorders of glucose regulation, blood pressure, lipid abnormalities, cardiovascular diseases and glomerular filtration rate. Low birthweight was associated with smaller body build and lower lean mass and total body water in both females and males. In addition low birthweight was associated with central obesity and higher body fat percentage in females, even after taking into account current physical activity and socioeconomic status. Fasting plasma glucose, post load glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin were strongly and inversely correlated with birthweight. In those with low birthweight (< 2.5 kg), the risks for having impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes and all abnormalities combined were increased by 1.75, 2.22, 2.76 and 2.28 for females and by 1.40, 1.32, 1.98 and 1.49 for males compared to those with normal birthweight (≥ 2.5 kg), respectively. Low birthweight individuals were at higher risk for having high blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg and ≥ 130/85 mmHg compared to those with normal birthweight. People with low birthweight showed a trend towards increased risk for high cholesterol (≥ 5.5 mmol/l) compared to those of normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight had increased risk for high low density lipoprotein cholesterol (≥ 3.5 mmol/l) and triglyceride levels (≥ 1.7 mmol/l) when compared to those with normal birthweight. Males with low birthweight exhibited increased risk for low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (<0.9 mmol/l) than those with normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight were at least 1.39, 1.40, 2.30 and 1.47 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases respectively, compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg. Similarly, males with low birthweight were 1.76, 1.48, 3.34 and 1.70 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg, respectively. The estimated glomerular filtration rate was strongly and positively associated with birthweight, with a predicted increase of 2.6 ml/min (CI 2.1, 3.2) and 3.8 (3.0, 4.5) for each kg of birthweight for females and males, respectively. The odd ratio (95% confidence interval) for low glomerular filtration rate (<61.0 ml/min for female and < 87.4 male) in people of low birthweight compared with those of normal birthweight was 2.04 (1.45, 2.88) for female and 3.4 (2.11, 5.36) for male. One hundred and eighty-nineCKD patients reported their birthweight; 106 were male. Their age was 60.3(15) years. Their birthweight was 3.27 (0.62) kg, vs 3.46 (0.6) kg for their AusDiab controls, p<0.001 and the proportions with birthweight<2.5 kg were 12.17% and 4.44%, p<0.001. Among CKD patients, 22.8%, 21.7%, 18% and 37.6% were in CKD stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Birthweights by CKD stage and their AusDiab controls were as follows: 3.38 (0.52) vs 3.49 (0.52), p=0.251 for CKD2; 3.28 (0.54) vs 3.44 (0.54), p=0.121 for CKD3; 3.19 (0.72) vs 3.43 (0.56), p= 0.112 for CKD4 and 3.09 (0.65) vs 3.47 (0.67), p<0.001 for CKD5. The results demonstrate that in an affluent Western country with a good adult health profile, low birthweight people were predisposed to higher rates of glycaemic dysregulation, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular diseases and lower glomerular filtration rate in adult life. In all instances it would be prudent to adopt policies of intensified whole of life surveillance of lower birthweight people, anticipating this risk. The general public awareness of the effect of low birthweight on development of chronic diseases in later life is of vital importance. The general public, in addition to the awareness of people in medical practice of the role of low birthweight, will lead to a better management of this group of our population that is increasingly surviving into adulthood.


Issa Al Salmi Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis examines the relationship of birthweight to risk factors and markers, such as proteinuria and glomerular filtration rate, for chronic disease in postnatal life. It made use of the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). The AusDiab study is a cross sectional study where baseline data on 11,247 participants were collected in 1999-2000. Participants were recruited from a stratified sample of Australians aged ≥ 25 years, residing in 42 randomly selected urban and non-urban areas (Census Collector Districts) of the six states of Australia and the Northern Territory. The AusDiab study collected an enormous amount of clinical and laboratory data. During the 2004-05 follow-up AusDiab survey, questions about birthweight were included. Participants were asked to state their birthweight, the likely accuracy of the stated birthweight and the source of their stated birthweight. Four hundred and twelve chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients were approached, and 339 agreed to participate in the study. The patients completed the same questionnaire. Medical records were reviewed to check the diagnoses, causes of kidney trouble and SCr levels. Two control subjects, matched for gender and age, were selected for each CKD patient from participants in the AusDiab study who reported their birthweight. Among 7,157 AusDiab participants who responded to the questionnaire, 4,502 reported their birthweights, with a mean (standard deviation) of 3.4 (0.7) kg. The benefit and disadvantages of these data are discussed in chapter three. The data were analysed for the relationship between birthweight and adult body size and composition, disorders of glucose regulation, blood pressure, lipid abnormalities, cardiovascular diseases and glomerular filtration rate. Low birthweight was associated with smaller body build and lower lean mass and total body water in both females and males. In addition low birthweight was associated with central obesity and higher body fat percentage in females, even after taking into account current physical activity and socioeconomic status. Fasting plasma glucose, post load glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin were strongly and inversely correlated with birthweight. In those with low birthweight (< 2.5 kg), the risks for having impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes and all abnormalities combined were increased by 1.75, 2.22, 2.76 and 2.28 for females and by 1.40, 1.32, 1.98 and 1.49 for males compared to those with normal birthweight (≥ 2.5 kg), respectively. Low birthweight individuals were at higher risk for having high blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg and ≥ 130/85 mmHg compared to those with normal birthweight. People with low birthweight showed a trend towards increased risk for high cholesterol (≥ 5.5 mmol/l) compared to those of normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight had increased risk for high low density lipoprotein cholesterol (≥ 3.5 mmol/l) and triglyceride levels (≥ 1.7 mmol/l) when compared to those with normal birthweight. Males with low birthweight exhibited increased risk for low levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (<0.9 mmol/l) than those with normal birthweight. Females with low birthweight were at least 1.39, 1.40, 2.30 and 1.47 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases respectively, compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg. Similarly, males with low birthweight were 1.76, 1.48, 3.34 and 1.70 times more likely to have angina, coronary artery disease, stroke and overall cardiovascular diseases compared to those ≥ 2.5 kg, respectively. The estimated glomerular filtration rate was strongly and positively associated with birthweight, with a predicted increase of 2.6 ml/min (CI 2.1, 3.2) and 3.8 (3.0, 4.5) for each kg of birthweight for females and males, respectively. The odd ratio (95% confidence interval) for low glomerular filtration rate (<61.0 ml/min for female and < 87.4 male) in people of low birthweight compared with those of normal birthweight was 2.04 (1.45, 2.88) for female and 3.4 (2.11, 5.36) for male. One hundred and eighty-nineCKD patients reported their birthweight; 106 were male. Their age was 60.3(15) years. Their birthweight was 3.27 (0.62) kg, vs 3.46 (0.6) kg for their AusDiab controls, p<0.001 and the proportions with birthweight<2.5 kg were 12.17% and 4.44%, p<0.001. Among CKD patients, 22.8%, 21.7%, 18% and 37.6% were in CKD stages 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Birthweights by CKD stage and their AusDiab controls were as follows: 3.38 (0.52) vs 3.49 (0.52), p=0.251 for CKD2; 3.28 (0.54) vs 3.44 (0.54), p=0.121 for CKD3; 3.19 (0.72) vs 3.43 (0.56), p= 0.112 for CKD4 and 3.09 (0.65) vs 3.47 (0.67), p<0.001 for CKD5. The results demonstrate that in an affluent Western country with a good adult health profile, low birthweight people were predisposed to higher rates of glycaemic dysregulation, high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia, cardiovascular diseases and lower glomerular filtration rate in adult life. In all instances it would be prudent to adopt policies of intensified whole of life surveillance of lower birthweight people, anticipating this risk. The general public awareness of the effect of low birthweight on development of chronic diseases in later life is of vital importance. The general public, in addition to the awareness of people in medical practice of the role of low birthweight, will lead to a better management of this group of our population that is increasingly surviving into adulthood.

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