Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attitudinal"" "subject:"latitudinal""
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Ajustement biologique du mélèze aux variations environnementales le long d’un gradient altitudinal : approche microdensitométrique de la réponse au climat / Biological adjustment of larch to environmental variations along an altitudinal gradient : a wood microdensity approach of climateNardin, Maxime 29 November 2013 (has links)
La forte variation climatique, notamment de la température qui est associée à la distribution altitudinale de certains peuplements d’arbres forestiers peut induire des pressions de sélection divergentes favorisant l’expression de phénotypes différents en fonction de l’altitude. Cette thèse a pour objectif de déterminer si des adaptations locales existent et peuvent être mises en évidence dans un peuplement de mélèze (Larix decidua Mill.) distribué le long d’un gradient altitudinal situé dans les Alpes françaises, à proximité de Briançon. Quatre placettes d’environ 200 mélèzes ont été délimitées à 2300 m, 2000 m, 1700 m et 1350 m d’altitude le long de ce gradient. Une variabilité phénotypique significative a été observée entre ces niveaux altitudinaux pour la plupart des caractères étudiés : circonférence, hauteur de l’arbre, pourcentage d’aubier ainsi que pour toutes les variables microdensitométriques de cernes sauf une (la largeur de cerne). Une analyse de génétique des populations utilisant des marqueurs microsatellites a mis en évidence une faible influence de la dérive génétique sur la diversité génétique et une forte intensité de flux de gènes entre les différents niveaux altitudinaux étudiés. La différenciation génétique inter-altitudes a été estimée à l’aide d’une approche in-situ basée sur les données phénotypiques seules (PST) et comparée à la différenciation observée à l’aide des marqueurs microsatellites (FST). Cette analyse indique que l’hypothèse d’adaptations locales avec l’altitude peut être raisonnablement avancée pour les caractères de hauteur, circonférence, pourcentage d’aubier et densité du bois initial. Au contraire, l’adaptation locale n’apparait pas comme une hypothèse acceptable pour les caractères de largeur de cerne, surface de cerne, largeur du bois final et densité du bois final. / The strong climatic variation, in particular the temperature variation, which is associated with the altitudinal distribution of certain stands of forest trees, can induce different divergent selection pressure favoring altitude-dependent phenotype expression. The aim of the present thesis is to determine if local adaptation exists and can be identified in an European larch stand (Larix decidua Mill.) distributed along an altitudinal gradient located in the French Alps near Briançon. four plots of about 200 larches were delimited at 2300 m, 2000 m, 1700 m and 1350 m along this altitudinal gradient. A significant phenotypic variability was observed between these altitudinal levels for most characters studied: circumference, tree height, percentage of sapwood and for all the annual-ring microdensity variables except one (ring width). A population genetics analysis using microsatellite markers showed a small effect of genetic drift on the genetic diversity but an intensive gene flow between the altitudinal levels studied. The inter-altitudinal genetic differentiation was estimated using an in-situ approach based on phenotypic data only (PST) and compared with the differentiation observed by means of microsatellite markers (FST). This analysis indicates that the assumption of local adaptation with altitude can be reasonably proposed for the characters of height, circumference, percentage of sapwood and earlywood density. On the contrary, the local adaptation does not appear to be an acceptable assumption concerning characters such as ring width, ring surface area, latewood width and latewood density.
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Riqueza e abund?ncia de esp?cies em comunidades de abelhas Euglossina (Hymenoptera; Apidae) no corredor central da Mata Atl?nticaMedeiros, Renata Lee dos Santos 14 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-07-29T01:06:03Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-14 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / The abiotic factors as the temperature, relative humidity, precipitation and altitude can exert influence in community Euglossine bees. The objectives of this study were 1 ? To Identify the Euglossine bees species occurring in a restricted area from dense Ombrophilous Forest in the Environmental Protection Area of the Pratigi - Southern Bahia; 2 ? To Characterize the monthly fluctuations in local abundance of these species, 3 ? To Analyze if the abiotic factors (temperature, precipitation, humidity and altitude) affected the composition, richness and abundance of Euglossine bees throughout the year; 4 ? To Check if there was a change in composition Euglossine bees species in an altitudinal gradient coastal to the continent. Euglossine males were collected one a month, for twelve months, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with aromatic traps containing methyl cinnamate, vanillin, eucalyptol, benzyl acetate, methyl salicylate, eugenol and ?-Ionone. A total of 1947 males distributed among 3 genera and 25 species were collected. The most abundant species were Euglossa carolina and Euglossa ignita. Two peaks of abundance were observed, the larger one in the dry season. There wasn?t significant influence of abiotic variables (temperature, humidity, precipitation and altitude) on species richness. The abundance was influenced by temperature and humidity. The Diversity (H?) and Dominance were influenced by altitude. The study reveal the importance of preserving Euglossine bees species in different phytophysiognomies within the same biome, once different phytophysiognomies can alter the pattern of richness and abundance of Euglossine bees species in the environment. / Os fatores abi?ticos como temperatura, umidade relativa, caracter?sticas de precipita??o e altitude podem exercer influencia sobre a comunidade de Euglossina. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram 1- Identificar as esp?cies de abelhas Euglossina que ocorrem em uma ?rea restrita de Floresta Ombr?fila Densa na APA do Pratigi ? Baixo Sul da Bahia; 2- Caracterizar a flutua??o mensal na abund?ncia local destas esp?cies; 3-Analisar se os fatores abi?ticos (temperatura, pluviosidade, umidade, e altitude) influenciaram a composi??o, riqueza e abund?ncia de abelhas Euglossina ao longo do ano; 4-Verificar se houve altera??o na composi??o de esp?cies de abelhas Euglossina em um gradiente altitudinal no sentido litoral-interior. Os machos das esp?cies foram amostrados uma vez por m?s, durante um ano, entre 09:00 e 15:00 h, com o aux?lio de armadilhas arom?ticas contendo cinamato de metila, vanilina, eucaliptol, acetato de benzila, salicilato de metila, eugenol e beta-ionona. Foram coletados 1947 machos pertencentes 3 g?neros e 25 esp?cies. As esp?cies mais abundantes foram Euglossa carolina e Euglossa ignita. A comunidade de Euglossina apresentou diferentes padr?es de flutua??o mensal nas diferentes fitofisionomias na APA do Pratigi. De um modo geral, em todas as ?reas, os maiores picos de abund?ncia ocorreram no per?odo seco. N?o houve influencia significativa das var?veis abi?ticas (temperatura, umidade, precipita??o e altitude) sobre a riqueza de esp?cies. A abund?ncia sofreu influencia positiva da temperatura, negativa da umidade e n?o sofreu influencia da precipita??o e altitude. A Diversidade H? e a Domin?ncia sofreram influencia apenas da altitude. O estudo revela a import?ncia da preserva??o de esp?cies de Euglossina em diferentes forma??es fitofisionomicas dentro do mesmo bioma, uma vez que diferen?as na fitofisionomia podem alterar o padr?o de riqueza e abund?ncia de abelhas Euglossina no ambiente.
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Parental investment across an altitudinal gradient in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus)Bruendl, Aisha Colleen January 2017 (has links)
Environmental gradients can help shed light on the evolution of life history strategies such as parental investment. Parental investment is crucial for the fitness of many species. In this thesis, I examine reproductive investment dynamics in the Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) in the French Pyrenees and assess potential differences in reproductive measures across an altitudinal gradient that creates variation in environmental “harshness”. Further, I investigate fine-scale aspects of bi-parental care, such as investment tactics in current reproduction, and sex differences in contributions to offspring care. To do so, I used a mixture of observational and experimental data, collected over a total of six breeding seasons from over 500 blue tits nests. I showed that breeding conditions are “harsher” due to colder temperatures with increasing elevation, leading to changes in reproductive timing and output. I found that increasing altitude leads to decreased hatching success. Nevertheless, clutch size and brood mortality is comparable across the gradient. A shift to a lower, but qualitatively comparable reproductive output may be part of a slower “pace of life” strategies pursued at high relative to low altitudes. From experimental data, I also found that parental investment is positively linked across different phases within one reproductive attempt. Finally, in line with theory, a temporary brood manipulation revealed that parents balance the benefits and costs of reproduction by partially compensating for changes in brood size. Parents also responded in similar ways to brood size. Overall, the findings presented in this thesis highlight the importance of mechanisms to fine-tune reproduction to maximise reproductive fitness. I suggest that initial reproductive decisions such as timing and amount of offspring produced heavily shape the success of a reproductive attempt. These results have implications for current versus future reproductive trade-offs in life history theory, in particular for short-lived species.
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Diversidade, variação altitudinal e fatores ambientais que influenciam a distribuição da malacofauna terrestre em cinco localidades da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / Diversity, altitudinal variation and environmental factors that influence the land snail in five localities of Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilGleisse Kelly Meneses Nunes 25 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
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Diversidade, variação altitudinal e fatores ambientais que influenciam a distribuição da malacofauna terrestre em cinco localidades da Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil / Diversity, altitudinal variation and environmental factors that influence the land snail in five localities of Ilha Grande, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilGleisse Kelly Meneses Nunes 25 February 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
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A vegetação arborea em um gradiente altitudinal no Morro Cuscuzeiro, Ubatuba (SP) = uma analise floristica, fitossociologica e fitogeografica / Elevational gradient on the arboreal flora on Moutain Cuscuzeiro, Ubatuba (SP) : a phytogeographic, phytosociologic and floristic analysisBertoncello, Ricardo 10 May 2009 (has links)
Orientadores: Kikyo Yamamoto, George John Shepherd / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T02:40:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A classificação e a delimitação das diferentes formações fitogeográficas que ocorrem no domínio da Mata Atlântica nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil constituem um desafio para botânicos, ecólogos e fitogeógrafos. A distribuição atual destas formações está relacionada ao histórico de ocupação das áreas e a complexos gradientes ambientais, que ocorrem nos sentidos horizontal (latitudinal, longitudinal e edáfico) e vertical (altitudinal). Visando a contribuir para o conhecimento das formações florestais que integram a Mata Atlântica, este trabalho foi realizado no Morro do Cuscuzeiro (Ubatuba-SP) com os objetivos de: (1) descrever as variações florísticas e estruturais nas comunidades arbóreas em função da altitude, e verificar se existe uma Floresta Nebular que possa ser discriminada por parâmetros florísticos e estruturais; e (2) verificar a situação fitogeográfica das comunidades encontradas neste local no contexto da Mata Atlântica nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. O Morro do Cuscuzeiro se situa no Núcleo Picinguaba do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (23° 18' 14" S e 44° 47' 16" W) e possui 1277m de altitude. O gradiente altitudinal foi representado por amostras de quatro cotas altimétricas, 820m, 970m, 1120m e 1270m, obtidas em 10 parcelas de 10 x 10 m em cada cota, exceto na mais alta que foi dividida em duas 'sub-cotas' com 5 parcelas cada. O critério de inclusão amostral da flora arbórea foi de 15 cm de CAP (exceto nas duas 'sub-cotas' superiores, 10 cm de CAP). Em sentido base-topo, foi verificada diminuição na riqueza, na diversidade, na altura, no diâmetro e no volume das árvores, e aumento na densidade. Uma mudança abrupta na composição da comunidade arbórea foi detectada a 1120m, acima da qual aparece uma formação que identificamos como Floresta Nebular, em substituição à floresta de encosta da Serra do Mar, que ocorre abaixo daquela altitude. As espécies destas duas formações florestais foram inseridas em uma matriz de 1546 espécies registradas em 112 levantamentos de 78 localidades do domínio da Mata Atlântica nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil. As análises multivariadas resultaram em cinco grupos de levantamentos: 1-Florestas Nebulares; 2- Florestas da província costeira (posteriormente sub-dividido em (a) Florestas de encosta e (b) Florestas de topo de morro e florestas da planície costeira); 3-Florestas de Araucária; 4-Florestas Semi-decíduas; e 5- Florestas Semi-decíduas Montanas. As formações encontradas no Morro do Cuscuzeiro foram incluídas nos grupos das Florestas Nebulares (de 1120m e 1270m) e das florestas de encosta da província costeira (820m e 970m), o que reforçou os resultados da análise dos dados locais, mostrando que pequenas diferenças em altitude podem resultar em mudança abrupta na composição das comunidades, evidenciada pela presença de espécies de distribuição disjunta que são compartilhadas com outras formações de Florestas Nebulares das regiões Sul e Sudeste do país / Abstract: The classification and delimitation of different vegetational formations into a phytogeographic system in Brazil has been a challenge to ecologists, botanists, and phytogeographers. The current distribution of these formations is related to historical process of land use and complex environment gradients, occurring in horizontal (latitude, longitude and edafic) and vertical (altitude) ways. The aims of this study were (a) to describe the changes in floristic composition and structure of tree species along an elevational gradient on Morro do Cuscuzeiro, Ubatuba (SP), and to verify the occurrence of a Cloud Forest that can be discriminated by floristic and structural paremeters; and (b) to analyze the phytogeographic position of the communities found in this mountain in relation to other surveys of the Atlantic Rain Forest domain in Southern and Southeastern Brazil. Mountain Cuscuzeiro is located in the Serra do Mar State Park (at 23° 18' 14" S, 44° 47' 16" W it is 1277m in height). A survey of tree species was made in four elevational levels, 820m, 970m, 1120m, and 1270m, using 10 samples of 10x10m on each level, except on the higher one, which was sub-divided in two sub-levels whith five samples on each. The sampling criterion was 4,8cm of DBH (except in the two higher sub-levels, where 3,2cm of DBH was used). The analysis resulted in consistent groups at the different levels, indicating a strong altitude influence on the floristic composition. An abrupt change of the vegetation was identified at 1120m, from where a typical Ombrophilous Dense Forest (slope forest from 820m to 970m) shifted into a Cloud Forest formation (1120m to 1270m). These two formations were inserted in a matrix made by a total of 1546 species of 112 surveys from 78 locations of Atlantic Rain Forest domain in southern and southeastern Brazil. The multivariate analysis resulted in five groups of samples: 1- The Cloud Forest; 2- The coastal province (further subdivided into (a) the slope forests and (b) a subgroup composeded by the mountaintop and the coastal plain forests); 3- The Araucaria Forest; 4-The Semi-Deciduous Forest; and 5- The Montane Semi-Deciduous Forest. The formations found on Mt. Cuscuzeiro were included in the groups of the Cloud Forest (from 1120m to 1270m) and of the Coastal Province (from 820m to 970m), which reinforced the results of the local elevational gradient analysis, showing that minor changes on altitude can lead to abrupt changes in community composition due to the occurrence of species with disjunct distribution that are shared with other Cloud Forest formations of southern and southeastern Brazil / Mestrado / Biologia Vegetal / Mestre em Biologia Vegetal
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Estrutura e estágios de sucessão ecológica da vegetação de caatinga em ambiente serrano no cariri paraibano / Structure and stages of ecological succession of of caatinga vegetation in the environment highland of paraiban caririCarvalho, Ellen Cristina Dantas de 20 January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-01-20 / The Caatinga is the third biome most environmentally degraded, even as a semi-arid ecoregion unique in the world and of great biological importance to the Northeast. The savanna vegetation has a great variety of landscapes due to their wide spatial distribution. Studies on the succession dynamics of vegetation are important because they provide subsidies to the understanding of the complex distribution and relationship of living organisms in the environment. In order to broaden knowledge phytoecological Caatinga, this study was to analyze structural variation and diversity in relation to altitudinal gradients and in the application of multivariate statistical methods to characterize the stages of plant community development and composition of ecological groups . The study was conducted in Sierra Ignatius Pereira a dry forest sites belonging to Microregion Cariri eastern Paraíba. We plotted 30 plots of 50 x 4 m, systematically distributed in three altitude gradients: Gradient I (base), Gradient II (middle portion) and Gradient III (the top of the mountain), and inventoried all the species with the stem diameter ground level ≥ 3 cm and height ≥ 1m. The characterization of the structure of trees and shrubs was done from the calculation of the phytosociological parameters of frequency, density, dominance, importance value, margin. We also calculated the diversity indices Shannon - Wiener (H ') and evenness Jaccard (J). Analysis of community development and training of environmental groups was based on structural measures of sample and species by multivariate analysis of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Ascendant Hierarchical Classification and Cluster Analysis. The formation of environmental groups through multivariate statistical techniques have been faced with a classification of ecological groups based on light requirements for the development of species. The floristic composition cataloged in Sierra Ignatius Pereira had 2263 individuals in 44 species, 37 genera and 19 families, there was also an undetermined species. The families Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Anacardiaceae and Cactaceae were most significant in numbers of individuals. The diversity index of Shannon-Wiener (H ') was 2.47 for the total area of the mountain. The total density found in this study was 3771 individuals. ha-1. The species with highest importance values (VI's) were Croton blanchetianus, Opuntia palmadora Bauhinia cheilantha Sapium glandulatum, Manihot glaziovii and M. urundeuva. The altitudinal gradients I, II and III showed subtle differences on the floristic composition and phytosociological parameters analyzed, although it was possible to distinguish the formation of two different gradients and Gradient I Junction Gradients' II and III. As the parameters analyzed for the development of the community were formed two groups associated with two phases: Phase transition and medium and early development. As for environmental groups, the cluster analysis provided the formation of five distinct groups. The division of environmental groups by multivariate analysis differed from the classification proposed in relation to light both in the number of groups formed as the species that compose them. The results of this study provided an important contribution to understanding the behavior and distributes the savanna vegetation along gradients of altitude environment formed by the mountains and on the degree of community development, however, about the formation of ecological groups in relation the structural parameters of the species, showed the need for more complex studies, involving a larger number of variables, which may further elucidate the patterns and ecological processes involved in ecological succession from savanna. / A Caatinga consiste no terceiro bioma brasileiro mais degradado ambientalmente, mesmo
sendo uma ecorregião semi-árida única no mundo e de grande importância biológica para o Nordeste. A vegetação de caatinga apresenta grande variedade de paisagens devido sua ampla distribuição espacial. Estudos sobre a dinâmica sucessional da vegetação são importantes, pois proporcionam subsídios ao entendimento da complexa distribuição e relação dos organismos vivos no ambiente. No intuito de ampliar o conhecimento fitoecológico da Caatinga, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as variações estruturais e de diversidade em relação aos gradientes altitudinais, além da aplicação de Métodos Estatísticos Multivariados na caracterização das fases de desenvolvimento da comunidade vegetal e na composição dos grupos ecológicos. O estudo foi desenvolvido na Serra Inácio Pereira uma área de Caatinga pertencente à Microrregião do Cariri Oriental da Paraíba. Foram plotadas 30 parcelas de 50 x 4 m, distribuídas sistematicamente, em três gradientes de altitude: Gradiente I (base), Gradiente II (porção mediana) e Gradiente III (topo da serra), sendo inventariadas todas as espécies com o diâmetro do caule ao nível do solo ≥ 3cm e altura ≥ 1m. A caracterização da estrutura arbóreo-arbustiva foi realizada a partir do cálculo dos parâmetros fitossociológicos de freqüência, densidade, dominância, valor de importância, valor de cobertura. Foram calculados também os Índices de diversidade de Shannon - Wiener (H ) e de equabilidade de Jaccard (J). A análise de desenvolvimento da comunidade e formação de grupos ecológicos foi realizada com base nas medidas estruturais das unidades amostrais e das espécies, através de técnicas multivariadas de Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) e Classificação Hierárquica Ascendente e Análise de Agrupamentos. A formação de grupos ecológicos por meio de técnicas de estatística multivariada ainda foi confrontada com uma classificação de grupos ecológicos com base em exigências luminosas ao desenvolvimento das espécies. A composição florística catalogada na Serra Inácio Pereira apresentou 2263 indivíduos distribuídos em 44 espécies, 37 gêneros e 19 famílias, ocorrendo ainda uma espécie indeterminada. As famílias Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Anacardiaceae e Cactaceae foram as mais expressivas em números de indivíduos. O Índice de diversidade de Shannon-Wiener (H ) foi de 2,47 para a área total da serra. A densidade total encontrada neste estudo foi de 3771 indivíduos. ha
. As espécies que apresentaram os maiores Valores de Importância (VI s) foram Croton blanchetianus, Opuntia palmadora, Bauhinia cheilantha, Sapium glandulatum, Manihot glaziovii e Myracrodruon urundeuva. Os Gradientes altitudinais I, II e III apresentaram diferenças sutis quanto à composição florística e os parâmetros fitossociológicos analisados, entretanto, foi possível distinguir a formação de dois gradientes distintos o Gradiente I e a junção dos Gradientes II e III. Conforme os parâmetros analisados para o desenvolvimento da comunidade foram formados dois grupos associados a duas fases: Fase de transição ou média e fase inicial do desenvolvimento. Quanto aos grupos ecológicos, a análise de agrupamento proporcionou a formação de cinco grupos distintos. A divisão dos grupos ecológicos por meio de estatística multivariada diferiu da classificação proposta em relação à luminosidade tanto em relação ao número de grupos formados quanto às espécies que os compõem. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo proporcionaram uma contribuição importante ao entendimento de como se comporta e distribui a vegetação de caatinga ao longo dos gradientes de altitude formados pelo ambiente serrano e sobre o grau de desenvolvimento da comunidade, entretanto, quanto à formação de grupos ecológicos em relação aos parâmetros estruturais das espécies, evidenciou a necessidade de estudos mais complexos, que comportem um maior número de variáveis, as quais poderão elucidar melhor os padrões e processos ecológicos envolvidos na sucessão ecológica da caatinga.
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Diversité et adaptation des arbres forestiers : analyse de gradients altitudinaux et de transplantations croisées chez le sapin pectiné / Diversity and adaptation of forest trees : analysis of silver fir altitudinal gradients and reciprocal transplant experimentsLatreille, Anne 19 January 2017 (has links)
Les populations répondent aux variations de l'environnement par une adaptation dans un premier temps plastique puis, à plus long terme, génétique. Cette faculté à évoluer est aujourd'hui confrontée à un changement climatique à la fois très rapide et de grande ampleur. L'étude de 15 provenances de sapin pectiné (Abies alba Mill.) réparties sur trois gradients altitudinaux (~ 900 à 1600 m) nous a permis d'évaluer par des approches de dendroécologie et de génétique quantitative leurs caractéristiques phénotypiques et génétiques ainsi que leur potentiel d’acclimatation et d’adaptation. La croissance radiale de 129 arbres adultes répartis le long des gradients a été analysée. Six traits adaptatifs liés à la croissance, la phénologie et la survie ont été mesurés sur 57 descendances maternelles issues de ces provenances et installées en transplantations réciproques dans neuf jardins communs répartis sur les gradients. Les résultats montrent que (i) la diversité phénotypique des populations est principalement due à l’environnement (i.e. plasticité phénotypique), (ii) l’ensemble des traits mesurés sur les semis sont sous contrôle génétique, (iii) les populations étudiées ne semblent pas avoir été soumises à des sélections différenciées (iv) le sapin est très sensible à la sécheresse estivale, d’autant plus si elle se répète d’une année sur l’autre. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que les populations étudiées présentent de bonnes capacités d’adaptation mais qu’à plus ou moins court terme, le sapin pectiné est menacé d’extinction à basse altitude ou en marge sud de son aire de répartition. / Natural populations respond to environmental variations firstly by plastic behavior, and, in the longer term, by genetic adaptation. Currently, the rapid and widespread climate change is challenging this ability to evolve. We studied 15 provenances of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) distributed along three altitudinal gradients (~900 to 1600 m). We evaluated their phenotypic and genetic characteristics and their acclimation and adaptation potential, using dendroecological and quantitative genetic approaches. The radial growth of 129 adult trees distributed along the gradients were analyzed. Six adaptive traits related to growth, phenology and survival were measured on 57 maternal families collected from these provenances and planted following a reciprocal transplant experimental design in nine common gardens distributed along the gradients. The results show that (i) the phenotypic diversity of populations is mainly due to the environment (i.e. phenotypic plasticity), (ii) all the traits measured on seedlings are under genetic control, (iii) the studied populations do not appear to have been subjected to differentiated selections, (iv) silver fir is very sensitive to summer drought, especially when it is repeated over years. All these results suggest that studied populations have great adaptive capacities but that in the short term, silver fir is threatened by extinction on the southern or low elevation margins of its range.
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Origine de la diversité des insectes pollinisateurs d'altitude : le cas des diptères Empidinae dans le Parc National du Mercantour / Origins of pollinator diversity at altitude : empidine dance flies as a model in Mercantour National Park, FranceLefebvre, Vincent 22 November 2017 (has links)
Les montagnes sont des hotspots de biodiversité dont les réseaux plantes-pollinisateurs constituent un élément central, et où les conséquences du réchauffement climatique sont déjà avérées. Malgré le nombre colossal d’espèces potentiellement affectées par la destructuration du mutualisme entre les angiospermes et leurs pollinisateurs dans ces écosystèmes, les patrons spatio-temporels des communautés de pollinisateurs le long des gradients altitudinaux sont toujours méconnus. La première partie de ce travail propose une analyse des effets de l’altitude et de la phénologie sur l’abondance et la diversité des insectes anthophiles le long d’un gradient altitudinal de 1700 m. Nous montrons qu’il existe une structuration altitudinale et trophique entre les principaux ordres de pollinisateurs (hyménoptères, diptères, coléoptères), avec une nette prédominance des diptères dès 1500 m d’altitude qui s’amplifie jusqu’à la limite supérieure du gradient (2700 m). Ces diptères appartiennent principalement à trois familles (Anthomyiidae, Empididae, Muscidae) qui se structurent également le long du gradient par l’altitude, la phénologie et le choix des plantes visitées. Leur biologie, efficacité pollinisatrice comprise, est encore largement méconnue. Dans un second temps, nous étudions l’écologie de la pollinisation et les causes évolutives du succès d’un groupe central de ces communautés anthophiles, les Empidinae. Nous avons mesuré 1) leur importance relative dans un réseau plantes-visiteurs à l’étage subalpin et 2) leur efficacité pollinisatrice par rapport à celles des autres visiteurs pour une plante de ce réseau (Geranium sylvaticum L.). Nous montrons que les visites d’une grosse espèce d’Empis produisent le même nombre de graines que celles de l’abeille domestique (Apis mellifera L.), pollinisatrice réputée très efficace. Ces résultats suggèrent un rôle majeur des gros Empidinae dans la pollinisation des plantes alpines. Pour comprendre le rôle de la floricolie dans la diversification des Empidinae et l’origine de leur abondance en altitude, nous avons construit une phylogénie moléculaire mondiale sur la base de 4 marqueurs et pour plus de 210 espèces. La plupart des clades d’Empidinae contiennent des espèces qui occupent diverses altitudes, indiquant qu’il n’y a pas de conservatisme de niche impliqué dans leur distribution le long du gradient. L’association angiospermes-Empidinae remonte à la période de fin de radiation des angiospermes et semble, par l’intermédiaire de l’allongement de la trompe, avoir favorisé la radiation évolutive de certains clades en parallèle avec celles des plantes à fleurs. Leur large distribution altitudinale et leur capacité à visiter des morphotypes floraux inaccessibles à d’autres floricoles pourraient leur conférer une importante résistance aux changements globaux. / Mountains are biodiversity hotspots, where the effects of global warming have already been demonstrated in numerous studies. Plant-pollinator networks are a central element of these ecosystems, but, despite the tremendous number of species potentially affected by the disruption of this mutualism, spatial and temporal patterns of pollinator communities along altitudinal gradients are still poorly known. The first part of this work analyses the effects of elevation and phenology on the abundance and diversity of anthophilous insects along a 1700 m altitudinal gradient. I show that the main orders of pollinators (Diptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera) are structured by elevation and foraging preferences, with an increasing predominance of flies from 1500 m altitude up to 2700 m, the upper limit of the gradient. Most of these fly species belong to four families (Anthomyiidae, Empididae, Muscidae and Syrphidae) which also segregate along the gradient according to altitude, phenology and the choice of flowering plants they visit. The systematics and biology of these taxa, including their pollination efficiency, are still largely under-investigated. Second, I studied the pollination ecology and the evolutionary causes of the success of empidine dance flies (Empidinae), a central group in these anthophilous communities. I measured 1) their relative importance in the plant-visitor network of a subalpine meadow; and 2) the pollinating effectiveness of their visits to Geranium sylvaticum L. relative to the other visitors. Visits by large species of Empis produced the same number of seeds as those by the domestic bee (Apis mellifera L.), a highly effective pollinator. Such results suggest a major role of large empidines in the pollination of alpine plants. To understand the role of anthophily in Empidinae diversification and the origins of their abundance at altitude, I built a worldwide molecular phylogeny for the subfamily. The resulting cladogram includes 212 species for which four molecular markers were sequenced (28S D1-D2, D4-D5, 16S mtDNA, COI). Most clades of Empidinae contain species occupying various altitudes, indicating that there is no phylogenetic niche conservatism involved in their distribution along the gradient. The association between Empidinae and Angiosperms dates back to the end of the angiosperm radiation and seems, through the lengthening of the proboscis, to have favoured the evolutionary radiation of several clades in parallel with flowering plants. Their wide altitudinal distribution, combined with their ability to visit floral morphotypes inaccessible to other anthophilous insects, could confer them a strong resistance to global changes.
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Variations altitudinales de traits fonctionnels foliaires chez les arbres : déterminismes environnemental et génétique / Altitudinal trends in leaf functional traits of tree populations : environmental vs. genetic determinismBresson, Caroline 24 January 2011 (has links)
Le changement climatique rapide auquel nous assistons actuellement est déjà en train de modifier le cycle de vie d’un grand nombre d’organismes. Des études basées sur des modèles d’enveloppe bioclimatique apportent des réponses mais ces prédictions de nouvelles aires de répartition ne tiennent pas compte d’une part de l’adaptation rapide des espèces (plasticité phénotypique et diversité génétique non neutre), et d’autre part des interactions interspécifiques ou de la dynamique des populations. Ce travail de recherche est centré sur les mécanismes permettant la persistance des individus dans un environnement changeant.Nous avons travaillé dans les Pyrénées françaises sur deux espèces à large répartition européenne (chêne sessile et hêtre commun) sur un gradient altitudinal de 1500 m de dénivelé correspondant en moyenne à 8°C d’amplitude thermique. Ce gradient a été répété dans deux vallées parallèles, distantes de 30 km. Basée sur l’étude de traits fonctionnels, nous avons caractérisé les variations altitudinales de traits morphologiques et physiologiques de ces caractères dans des conditions naturelles. Les capacités écophysiologiques apparaissent plus élevée pour le chêne et pour les populations de haute altitude, suggérant une adaptation locale à un environnement stressant. Dans une étude préliminaire, nous avons établi qu’il était nécessaire d’intégrer les variations de pression partielle de dioxyde de carbone et non se concentration dans les mesures d’échanges gazeux. Tous les traits fonctionnels mesurés en populations naturelles varient avec l’altitude. Ainsi la taille des feuilles diminue avec l’altitude tandis que les autres traits augmentent, avec des valeurs de 1.3 à 3.9 fois supérieures entre le haut et le bas du gradient tous traits confondus. Nous avons ensuite cherché à déterminer l’origine de ces variations phénotypiques. Une expérimentation en test de provenance a ainsi permis de déterminer les traits dont la variation in situ était en partie sous contrôle génétique. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que le gradient altitudinal a induit une différenciation génétique au niveau de la croissance, de la phénologie et de traits fonctionnels foliaires pour ces espèces, malgré la proximité des populations étudiées dans leur milieu naturel. Néanmoins, les capacités photosynthétiques pour le hêtre et la surface spécifique foliaire pour le chêne ne montre aucune différentiation génétique, ainsi que la densité stomatique pour les deux espèces. D’autre part, l’expérimentation de transplantations réciproques le long du gradient, a mis en évidence une forte plasticité phénotypique pour les deux espèces, ce qui suggère que les populations peuvent dans une certaine mesure répondre immédiatement aux variations climatiques rencontrées le long de ce gradient. Cependant, tandis que la température optimale pour la longueur de saison de végétation ne semble pas encore atteinte, les populations pourraient réagir négativement à une élévation de la température en terme de croissance. En conclusion, les mécanismes adaptatifs mis en évidence le long d’un gradient climatique naturel, pourraient permettre aux populations de faire face au changement climatique actuel. / The rapid climate change, which we are currently witnessing, is already modifying the physiology and distribution of species. Predictions of changes in species distributions do not take evolutionary mechanisms and biotic interactions into account. Our main objective was to assess the inherent adaptive capacities of tree populations by i) quantifying the phenotypic variations of functional traits with altitude and ii) studying the extent to which these variations are environmentally driven (phenotypic plasticity) and/or genetically fixed (adaptation). The study took place in the French Pyrenees along an altitudinal gradient range of 1500 m corresponding on average to 8°C of thermal amplitude. We focused on two broadleaved species with a wide European distribution (sessile oak and common beech). This gradient was repeated in two parallel valleys, distant from 30 km. Altitudinal trends were investigated for several morphological, physiological and phenological traits in natural conditions (in situ), in a common garden experiment and in reciprocal transplant experiments (RTEs). The phenotypic variability observed in situ showed significant altitudinal trends for all the studied traits and followed similar patterns for both species. We established that together with temperature, it was also necessary to integrate the variations of atmospheric gas partial pressure along the altitudinal gradient. In the common garden experiment, our results showed that the altitudinal gradient induced genetic differentiations for growth, leaf phenology and several morphological and physiological traits. This experiment made it possible to demonstrate, for both species, a weaker effect of genetic variations than in situ observed variations, suggesting a strong effect of the environment on leaf functional traits. A higher intrapopulation than interpopulation genetic variability was also observed for all traits. Finally, the reciprocal transplant experiments highlighted a high magnitude of phenotypic plasticity whatever the trait and the species.
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