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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of Innate Immune Collectin Surfactant Protein D and Adaptive Immune Protein IgM on Enhancing Clearance of Late Apoptotic Cells by Alveolar Macrophages

Litvack, Michael L. 31 August 2011 (has links)
The innate immune protein surfactant protein (SP-) D is a carbohydrate binding protein that was originally isolated from mucosal lung tissues. Recently, studies show that SP-D binds to antibodies, including immunoglobulin M (IgM), which interacts with late apoptotic cells. Here we focus on the interaction between SP-D and IgM as they pertain to late apoptotic cell clearance. We hypothesized that the three-way interaction between IgM, SP-D and late apoptotic cells is functionally applicable to clearing late apoptotic cells from the lungs, thereby reducing lung inflammation. We show that SP-D binds to IgM and that IgM binds to the late apoptotic subclass of dying cells. We demonstrate that IgM and SP-D can both bind to late apoptotic cells in mutually distinct regions while also displaying some regional overlap. We show evidence that during LPS-induced lung inflammation both IgM and SP-D levels are elevated and this corresponds to an augmentation of apoptotic cell clearance. We illustrate that the protein interaction of IgM and SP-D is functionally relevant to apoptotic cell clearance in the lungs by showing that late apoptotic cells coated in IgM and/or SP-D are cleared more efficiently than control cells, by alveolar macrophages in vivo. Our ex vivo studies further show that these cells internalize apoptotic cells by engulfing very small particles released from the dying cells. We then showed that IgM preferentially directs the engulfment of small particles (~1 μm) by macrophages, in an apparent size-specific antibody-dependent particle clearance function. Our data reveals a novel relationship amongst IgM, SP-D, apoptotic cells, and alveolar macrophages that contributes to our understanding of apoptotic cell clearance, which may be used in the future to generate strategies addressing apoptotic cell accumulation or clearance deficiency in disease.

Molekulare und biochemische Charakterisierung der purinergen Rezeptoren P2X4 und P2X7 im Alveolarepithel der Lunge

Weinhold, Karina 16 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit sind die purinergen Rezeptoren P2X4R und P2X7R. Die P2XR werden durch ATP aktiviert und stellen unselektive Kationenkanäle dar, die auch für Ca2+ durchlässig sind. Beiden P2XR-Subtypen werden in den Alveolarepithel Typ I (AT I)-Zellen der Lunge exprimiert und aufgrund ihrer Kanalaktivitäten in Zusammenhang mit der alveolären Flüssigkeitshomöostase gebracht. Bei bisherigen Untersuchungen wurde jedoch die mögliche Assoziation und Modulation der P2XR durch Mikrodomänen der Zellmembran außer Acht gelassen. Ein Modell von Garcia-Marcos zeigt, dass P2X7R in Zellen der Glandula submandibularis zum Teil mit Mikrodomänen assoziiert ist. Die funktionellen Eigenschaften von P2X7R sind dabei von der Lokalisation in der Zellmembran abhängig (Garcia-Marcos et al., 2006). Die Caveolen sind eine spezielle Form von Mikrodomänen, die in der Zellmembran der AT I-Zellen auftreten. Das Hauptstrukturprotein der Caveolen im Lungenepithel ist Caveolin-1 (Cav-1). Über die Verteilung von P2X4R und P2X7R in den AT I-Zellen war bislang sehr wenig bekannt. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe identifizierte bei einer Sequenzanalyse potentielle Cav-1-Bindemotive in der Aminosäureabfolge beider P2XR (Couet et al., 1997). Die Assoziation mit den Caveolen würde die P2XR in die räumliche Nähe verschiedener Signalmoleküle bringen und die Beteiligung an downstream Events ermöglichen. Für die folgenden Analysen wurde die Alveolarepithelzelllinie E10 genutzt, da die E10-Zellen AT I-typische Eigenschaften besitzen und P2X4R, P2X7R sowie die Caveoline Cav-1 und Cav-2 aufweisen. Die Untersuchungen konzentrierten sich auf die Assoziation von P2X4R und P2X7R mit Mikrodomänen der Zellmembran sowie die wechselseitige Beziehung der P2XR. Besonders wurde dabei auf die Assoziation der P2XR mit Cav-1 eingegangen. Zusätzlich wurde in vitro die Interaktion der C-terminalen Bereiche der beiden P2XR mit Membranlipiden untersucht. Einige Membranlipide sind eng mit weiteren Signalmolekülen verknüpft. Aus diesem Grund wurde die Auswirkungen der Reduzierung von P2X4R und P2X7R auf den Proteingehalt der Ca2+-aktivierbaren downstream-Effektoren PKCβI und CaM analysiert. Die Auswertungen der Ergebnisse ergaben Folgendes: P2X4R und P2X7R sind Subtyp-spezifisch in den Mikrodomänen der Zellmembran von E10-Zellen verteilt. Mit Hilfe von biochemischen und immunfluoreszenz-mikroskopischen Methoden konnte die Assoziation von P2X4R und P2X7R mit Mikrodomänen nachgewiesen werden. P2X7R ist zum Teil mit Cav-1 assoziiert, wobei Förster Resonanz Energie Transfer (FRET)-Analysen ergaben, dass beide Proteine partiell einen Abstand von kleiner als 10 nm zueinander aufweisen. Durch die Subtyp-spezifische Verteilung könnte die Funktionalität der P2XR-Subtypen spezifisch durch die Bestandteile der Mikrodomänen moduliert und reguliert werden (Martens et al., 2001). P2X4R und P2X7R sind in hochmolekularen Proteinkomplexen assoziiert. Die Ausbildung von hochmolekularen Proteinkomplexen wird in Zusammenhang mit der Assoziation von Proteinen mit Mikrodomänen diskutiert (Zurzolo et al., 2003). Die Untersuchung der molekularen Organisation von P2X4R und P2X7R in E10-Zellen mittels blue native- und high resolution clear native-PAGE zeigte, dass beide P2XR mit hochmolekularen Proteinkomplexen assoziiert sind. P2X7R konnte in drei Komplexen nachgewiesen werden. Im ersten Komplex von ~760 kDa liegt P2X7R mit Cav-1 assoziiert vor, während der dominant auftretende, zweite P2X7R-Subkomplex von ~580 kDa vermutlich nicht mit dem co-migrierten Cav-1/Cav-2-Komplex in Verbindung steht. Der dritte P2X7R-assoziierte Komplex war zusammen mit P2X4R bei ~430 kDa nachweisbar und Immunpräzipitationen bestätigten, dass P2X4R und P2X7R in einem Komplex miteinander assoziiert sind (Weinhold et al., 2010). P2X4R und P2X7R stehen in Wechselbeziehung zueinander. Diese Ergebnisse der siRNA-induzierte Herabregulation von P2X4R und P2X7R lassen vermuten, dass die beiden Rezeptoren direkt oder indirekt miteinander verbunden sind. So führte die Reduzierung von P2X4R zur Erhöhung des P2X7R-Proteingehaltes. Dabei nimmt P2X7R in der Zellmembran zu und verändert seine Verteilung nicht. Umgekehrt nimmt der Proteingehalt von P2X4R in den E10-Zellen zu, wenn P2X7R herabreguliert wird. Die Zunahme von P2X4R in der Zellmembran konnte zwar durch die Biotinylierung der Oberflächenproteine nachgewiesen werden, aber die Verteilung von P2X4R verschob sich zugunsten des intrazellulären P2X4R-Anteils. Vermutlich führt die Reduzierung von P2X7R zu Störungen im exo-/endozytotischen System. Die wechselseitige Zunahme der P2XR in den Mikrodomänen weist zudem auf einen kompensatorischen Mechanismus hin. Negativ geladene Phospholipide interagieren direkt mit den C-terminalen Abschnitten der P2XR. Mit den in vitro Bindetests konnte gezeigt werden, dass die C-terminalen Enden von P2X4R und P2X7R direkt mit den negativ geladenen Phosphoinositiden PI(4)P, PI(4,5)P2, PI(3,4,5)P3 sowie mit Phosphatidsäure, Phosphatidylserin, Phosphatidylglycerol, Cardiolipin und 3 Sulfogalactosylceramid interagieren können. Die Regulation der P2XR durch diese Phospholipide, vor allem PI(4,5)P2, und die Beteiligung der P2XR an Lipid-vermittelten Signalwegen in Epithelzellen, stellen einen möglichen Link zu weiteren downstream-Signalen dar. Die Reduzierung von P2X7R beeinflusst den Proteingehalt der downstream-Effektoren PKCβI und CaM. Sowohl im Lungengewebe von P2rx7(-/-) Mäusen als auch nach der Reduzierung von P2X7R in den E10-Zellen zeigte sich, dass der Proteingehalt der Signalmoleküle PKCβI und CaM vermindert war. Reduzierung von P2X4R hatte dagegen kaum Einfluss auf PKCβI und führte zur Erhöhung des CaM-Proteingehaltes, vermutlich hervorgerufen durch die Zunahme von P2X7R. Beide downstream-Effektoren sind in Mikrodomänen (Caveolen) der Zellmembran lokalisiert und können sowohl durch Lipid-vermittelte Signale als auch durch einen Kanal-vermittelten Ca2+-Einstrom aktiviert und reguliert werden. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigten, dass P2X4R und P2X7R in AT I-Zellen der Lunge nicht nur Kanaleigenschaften besitzen, sondern durch die Assoziation mit unterschiedlichen Mikrodomänen an verschiedene Signalwege gekoppelt sind. Trotzdem ist bisher wenig über die Funktionen der P2XR in AT I-Zellen hinsichtlich der Beteiligung an apoptotischen Prozessen, der Proliferation, der Differenzierung oder Migration und Wundheilung bekannt (Barth and Kasper, 2009). Aufgrund der komplexen Funktion, vor allem durch die Assoziation mit Cav-1 und der Wechselbeziehung mit dem P2X4R, wird der P2X7R für zukünftige Forschungen im alveolären Lungenepithel von Bedeutung sein. Barth K, Kasper M (2009) Membrane compartments and purinergic signalling: occurrence and function of P2X receptors in lung. FEBS J 276:341-353. Couet J, Li S, Okamoto T, Ikezu T, Lisanti MP (1997) Identification of peptide and protein ligands for the caveolin-scaffolding domain. Implications for the interaction of caveolin with caveolae-associated proteins. J Biol Chem 272:6525-6533. Garcia-Marcos M, Perez-Andres E, Tandel S, Fontanils U, Kumps A, Kabre E, Gomez-Munoz A, Marino A, Dehaye JP, Pochet S (2006) Coupling of two pools of P2X7 receptors to distinct intracellular signaling pathways in rat submandibular gland. J Lipid Res 47:705-714. Martens JR, Sakamoto N, Sullivan SA, Grobaski TD, Tamkun MM (2001) Isoform-specific localization of voltage-gated K+ channels to distinct lipid raft populations. Targeting of Kv1.5 to caveolae. J Biol Chem 276:8409-8414. Weinhold K, Krause-Buchholz U, Rödel G, Kasper M, Barth K (2010) Interaction and interrelation of P2X7 and P2X4 receptor complexes in mouse lung epithelial cells. Cell Mol Life Sci 67:2631-2642. Zurzolo C, van Meer G, Mayor S (2003) The order of rafts. Conference on microdomains, lipid rafts and caveolae. EMBO Rep 4:1117-1121.

Étude des gènes d'Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae exprimés en conditions d'infection

Deslandes, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae est l’agent étiologique de la pleuropneumonie porcine. La bactérie se transmet par voies aériennes et contacts directs. Plusieurs facteurs de virulence ont été identifiés, nommément les polysaccharides capsulaires, les lipopolysaccharide, les exotoxines ApxI à IV et de nombreux mécanismes d’acquisition du fer. Aucun vaccin efficace contre tous les sérotypes de la bactérie n’a encore été élaboré. Afin de mieux comprendre de quelle façon A. pleuropneumoniae régule la transcription de ses nombreux facteurs de virulence et de découvrir de nouvelles cibles potentielles pour l’élaboration de vaccins efficaces, le profil transcriptomique de la bactérie a été étudié dans des conditions simulant l’infection ainsi qu’à la suite d’une infection naturelle aiguë chez l’animal. Des biopuces de première et de seconde génération (AppChip1 et AppChip2) comportant respectivement 2025 cadres de lecture ouverts (ORF) de la version préliminaire du génome d’A. pleuropneumoniae sérotype 5b souche L20 et 2033 ORF de la version finale annotée du même génome ont été utilisées. Dans un premier temps, des expériences réalisées dans des conditions de concentration restreinte en fer ont permis d’identifier 210 gènes différentiellement exprimés, dont 92 étaient surexprimés. Plusieurs nouveaux mécanismes d’acquisition du fer ont pu être identifiés, incluant un système homologue au système YfeABCD de Yersinia pestis, impliqué dans l’acquisition du fer chélaté, ainsi que des gènes homologues aux composantes du système HmbR de Neisseria meningitidis impliqué dans l’acquisition du fer à partir de l’hémoglobine. Dans des conditions de culture permettant la formation de biofilms, les gènes tadC et tadD d’un opéron tad (« tight adherence locus ») putatif, les gènes pgaBC impliqués dans la synthèse d’un polysaccharide de la matrice du biofilm ainsi que deux gènes présentant de fortes homologies avec un gène codant pour l’adhésine auto-transporteur Hsf retrouvée chez Haemophilus influenzae ont montré une surexpression significative. Plusieurs de ces gènes ont également été retrouvés lors d’expériences réalisées avec des cellules épithéliales d’origine pulmonaire en culture, qui ont permis d’identifier 170 gènes différentiellement exprimés après la croissance planctonique au-dessus des cellules, et 131 autres suite à l’adhésion à ces cellules. Parmis les gènes surexprimés, les gènes tadB et rcpA de l’opéron tad putatif, les gènes pgaBC ainsi que le gène codant pour l’homologue d’Hsf ont été retrouvés. En présence de liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire (BALF), 156 gènes ont montré un profil d’expression modifié, et le gène apxIVA, identifié comme étant surexprimé, a pu être détecté pour la première fois dans des conditions de croissance in vitro. Finalement, des expériences visant à déterminer les gènes utilisés directement chez l’animal en phase aiguë de la pleuropneumonie porcine ont permis d’identifier 150 gènes qui étaient différentiellement exprimés. En plus d’identifier des gènes d’un possible opéron codant pour un fimbriae de type IV, 3 des 72 gènes surexprimés sont conservés chez tous les sérotypes d’A. pleuropneumoniae et codent pour des protéines ou lipoprotéines de surface. Nos expériences ont permis d’identifier plusieurs nouveaux facteurs de virulence potentiels chez A. pleuropneumoniae ainsi que plusieurs nouvelles cibles potentielles pour l’élaboration de vaccins efficaces contre tous les sérotypes. / Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is the etiological agent of porcine pleuropneumonia. Transmission of the disease occurs through direct contact or aerosols. The bacteria possess many virulence factors, namely capsular polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, four Apx toxins and iron acquisition mechanisms. To this day, an efficient cross-serotype vaccine has yet to be developed. In order to investigate regulation mechanisms in A. pleuropneumoniae and to identify new potential targets for the synthesis of subunit vaccines, the transcriptomic profile of the bacteria under conditions that simulate the infection and following a natural acute infection in vivo were studied. The experiences relied on first and second generation microarrays (AppChip1 and AppChip2) designed using 2025 ORFs of the draft version of the A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 5b strain L20 genome and 2033 ORFs of the final and annotated version of the same genome respectively. First, experiments were conducted under iron-restricted conditions and 210 genes were deemed differentially expressed, 92 of which were up-regulated. Some new putative iron acquisition mechanisms were identified, including genes homologous to those of the Yersinia pestis YfeABCD chelated-iron acquisition system, as well as other genes homologous to components of the HmbR iron uptake from hemoglobin system of Neisseria meningitidis. When cultured in conditions promoting biofilm production, genes tadC and tadD from a putative tad (« tight adherence locus ») operon, genes pgaABC involved in the biosynthesis of a polysaccharide of the biofilm matrix as well as two ORFs encoding a putative autotransporter adhesins similar to the Haemophilus influenzae Hsf adhesin were all significantly overexpressed. Many of these genes were also overexpressed when lung epithelial cells were infected with A. pleuropneumoniae. While 170 genes were differentially expressed after planktonic growth in the culture medium above the cells, another 131 were identified following direct adhesion to the cells. Genes tadB and rcpA of the tad locus, as well as genes pgaBC and an ORF coding for the Hsf homolog where all found among overexpressed genes. When A. pleuropneumoniae was cultured in contact with broncho-alveolar lavage fluids (BALF), 156 genes were significantly differentially expressed and gene apxIVA, which was up-regulated, was detected for the first time during in in vitro growth conditions. Finally, experiments were conducted in vivo in animals naturally infected with A. pleuropneumoniae in the late stage of the acute phase in order to identify genes that are expressed during the infection of the natural host. While 150 genes were deemed differentially expressed, genes apxIVA as well as two genes from an operon coding for a putative type IV fimbriae were up-regulated. Out of those 72 genes that were overexpressed, 3 encode proteins or lipoproteins of the outer membrane which are conserved among all serotypes of the bacteria. Overall, we were able to identify several new potential virulence factors for A. pleuropneumoniae in the course of our experiments, as well as several new potential targets for the elaboration of an efficient cross-serotype vaccine.

Impact du stress oxydant sur les mécanismes de clairance alvéolaire et de réparation épithéliale pulmonaires

Chupin, Cécile January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Apoptosis and caspase-3 activity in isolated fetal rat lung cells, human A549 cells and rat periodontal ligament fibroblasts following exposure to cigarette smoke extract

Ahmed, Asra 26 March 2012 (has links)
Exposure cigarette smoke (CS) during prenatal life is the leading cause of preventable premature death. In this study, we explored the hypothesis that in vitro exposure of fetal lung cells to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) may result in the alteration of apoptosis through activation of caspase-3. Alongside we compared the responses of fetal lung cells with A549 cells and rat periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts exposed to CSE in a dose dependent manner. Caspase-3 activity and inhibition was measured using a fluorometric assay. Cell viability in smoke exposed cells was measured using MTT formazan assay. Caspase-3 expression and cellular localization was detected by western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. Our results indicate that caspase-3 activity was significantly (p < 0.05) elevated and cell viability was significantly inhibited in fetal rat lung cells exposed to 10% or 15 % (v/v) CSE. No significant differences were observed in the caspase-3 activity or cellular viability in A549 cells and rat PDL fibroblasts exposed to 5%, 10% or 15% (v/v) CSE. Activation of caspase-3 in fetal lung connective tissue and alveolar epithelial cells may be one of the reasons for the developmental pulmonary toxicity induced by CSE.

Apoptosis and caspase-3 activity in isolated fetal rat lung cells, human A549 cells and rat periodontal ligament fibroblasts following exposure to cigarette smoke extract

Ahmed, Asra 26 March 2012 (has links)
Exposure cigarette smoke (CS) during prenatal life is the leading cause of preventable premature death. In this study, we explored the hypothesis that in vitro exposure of fetal lung cells to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) may result in the alteration of apoptosis through activation of caspase-3. Alongside we compared the responses of fetal lung cells with A549 cells and rat periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts exposed to CSE in a dose dependent manner. Caspase-3 activity and inhibition was measured using a fluorometric assay. Cell viability in smoke exposed cells was measured using MTT formazan assay. Caspase-3 expression and cellular localization was detected by western blot analysis and immunofluorescence. Our results indicate that caspase-3 activity was significantly (p < 0.05) elevated and cell viability was significantly inhibited in fetal rat lung cells exposed to 10% or 15 % (v/v) CSE. No significant differences were observed in the caspase-3 activity or cellular viability in A549 cells and rat PDL fibroblasts exposed to 5%, 10% or 15% (v/v) CSE. Activation of caspase-3 in fetal lung connective tissue and alveolar epithelial cells may be one of the reasons for the developmental pulmonary toxicity induced by CSE.

Efectes de la suplementació dietètica amb proteïnes plasmàtiques sobre la resposta immunitària en un model d’inflamació pulmonar aguda en ratolí

Maijó Ferré, Mònica 14 December 2011 (has links)
El concentrat de plasma assecat per polvorització (SDP) i el d’immunoglobulines (IC) són suplements dietètics que han estat àmpliament utilitzats en l’alimentació dels animals de granja i que han estat proposats com alternativa a l’ús dels antibiòtics com a promotors del creixement, especialment durant el període posterior al deslletament. Aquests suplements incrementen la taxa de creixement degut, en part, a que atenuen la resposta del sistema immunitari. Per exemple, s’ha pogut observar que la suplementació dietètica amb proteïnes plasmàtiques redueix la sobreestimulació immunitària en un model de malaltia inflamatòria intestinal. El sistema immunitari mucosal comú connecta els llocs inductors (en aquest cas la mucosa intestinal) amb els llocs efectors (com les mucoses naso- i broncoalveolar o la genito-urinària), que facilita el moviment de cèl•lules immunitàries entre teixits allunyats anatòmicament i permet que la dieta moduli la resposta associada a infeccions extraintestinals. Així doncs, ens hem plantejat si la suplementació dietètica amb proteïnes plasmàtiques podia modular la resposta immunitària en una inflamació pulmonar aguda. Primerament es va establir una pauta adequada per obtenir un model d’inflamació pulmonar robust i reproduïble. Seguidament s’han estudiat els efectes dels suplements SDP i IC sobre la resposta immunitària en aquest model d’inflamació, en ratolins acabats de deslletar. S’han analitzat cèl•lules i mediadors inflamatoris involucrats tant en la resposta innata, com en la resposta adaptativa. Finalment, també s’han estudiat els efectes dels pinsos experimentals sobre diferents elements que intervenen en la resolució de la resposta inflamatòria, com les cèl•lules reguladores i les citocines antiinflamatòries. L’administració de LPS produeix una migració de leucòcits i un alliberament massiu de citocines i quimiocines proinflamatòries, que recluten i activen monòcits i neutròfils a l’espai alveolar i al teixit pulmonar. A més estimula la immunitat adaptativa, en la que hi ha un increment considerable de limfòcits Th activats, així com una gran producció de citocines. Ambdues dietes disminueixen el reclutament de leucòcits, sobretot els neutròfils i els monòcits. Tot i que la resposta innata és més extensa, les dietes són més efectives sobre la resposta adaptativa, on redueixen les poblacions limfocitàries estimulades per l’LPS tant a pulmó com a sang. Els suplements també atenuen de forma notable l’efecte de l’LPS sobre l’expressió de citocines i quimiocines proinflamatòries a l’espai alveolar. Els efectes de l’SDP i l’IC estan mediats per canvis en l’expressió de citocines antiinflamatòries, ja que augmenten la concentració de IL-10 a pulmó i a jejú, i la del TGF-β a pulmó. Ambdues dietes redueixen el balanç entre els limfòcits Th activats i els limfòcits T reguladors, d’aquesta manera atenuen la magnitud de la resposta inflamatòria i augmenten la concentració de mediadors essencials per la reparació del teixit. Els resultats d’aquest estudi indiquen que els suplements amb proteïnes plasmàtiques poden limitar la resposta immunitària pulmonar i podrien ser útils en la prevenció i atenuació de les malalties inflamatòries extraintestinals. / The concentrated spray-dried plasma (SDP) and immunoglobulin (IC) are dietary supplements that have been widely used in the diet of farm animals and proposed as an alternative to the use of antibiotics as growth promoters, especially in the subsequent weaning period. These supplements increase the growth rate, in part because they attenuate the response of the immune system. The common mucosal immune system connects the inductive sites (in this case the intestinal mucosa) with the effector sites (as nasopharyngeal and bronchoalveolar mucosa or genito-urinary), which facilitates the movement of immune cells between anatomically distant tissues and allows the diet to modulate the associated response to intestinal infections. Consequently, the aim of the present thesis was to evaluate whether the dietary supplementation with plasma proteins could modulate the immune response in an acute lung inflammation. First, a suitable pattern was established in order to obtain a robust and reproducible inflammatory lung model. Next, the effects of SDP and IC supplementation on the immune response in this inflammation model were studied in newly weaned mice. Cells and inflammatory mediators, involved either in innate response as in adaptive response, have been analyzed. Finally, the effects of experimental feed on different elements involved in the resolution of the inflammatory response, such as regulatory cells and inflammatory cytokines, have also been assessed. Both diets decreased the recruitment of leukocytes. Although the innate response is more extensive, the diets are more effective on the adaptive response. The supplements also significantly attenuated the effect of LPS on the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the alveolar space. The effects of SDP and IC are mediated by changes in the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Both diets reduced the balance between activated Th cells and regulatory T cells, in such a way that, the magnitude of the inflammatory response is attenuated and the concentration of essential mediators for tissue reparation is increased. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that plasma protein supplementation is able to limit the pulmonary immune response and could be useful in the prevention and attenuation of the extraintestinal inflammatory diseases.

"Traumatismos alvéolo-dentários: estudo de uma amostra hospitalar" / Dento-alveolar injuries : a hospital sample survey

Cristiane Pinto Ribeiro 06 May 2004 (has links)
A quantidade de trabalhos específicos sobre os traumatismos alvéolo-dentários de maior extensão encontrados na literatura é pequena. Este estudo mostra o resultado de 127 casos de traumatismos alvéolo-dentários diagnosticados no Hospital Municipal Arthur Ribeiro de Saboya, em São Paulo, entre junho de 2001 e dezembro de 2002. A análise dos dados permitiu identificar o grupo etário de 0 a 10 anos e o sexo masculino como os mais atingidos, a queda como o fator etiológico mais comum e a fratura alveolar como o principal tipo de lesão encontrada. A maioria dos pacientes apresentou lesões extra e intra orais e 73,2% tardaram até 05 horas para procurar atendimento após o acontecimento do trauma. / There are few specific reports in the literature bearing information on dento-alveolar injuries. A survey was done considering 127 patients recorded from June 2001 to December 2002 showing dento-alveolar injuries treated at the Arthur Ribeiro Saboya Municipal Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The analysis of data revealed that male patients and the age group 0–10 yr were most prevalently involved in this kind of trauma, the main cause was accidental fall and alveolar fractures were the most frequent type of injury. The majority of the patients suffered some kind of soft tissues injuries and 73,2% of the patients received the first dental assistance during the first 5 hours following the incident.

Diretrizes para práticas de qualidade nas diferentes etapas do processo de produção de lajes alveolares de concreto protendido

Direitinho, Romão Manuel Leitão Carrapato 11 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Livia Mello (liviacmello@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-10-03T20:43:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRMLCD.pdf: 5085263 bytes, checksum: e183a49ef856b81a1918e8f113f42ff3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T19:13:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRMLCD.pdf: 5085263 bytes, checksum: e183a49ef856b81a1918e8f113f42ff3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T19:13:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRMLCD.pdf: 5085263 bytes, checksum: e183a49ef856b81a1918e8f113f42ff3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-10T19:13:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRMLCD.pdf: 5085263 bytes, checksum: e183a49ef856b81a1918e8f113f42ff3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Industrialization in the Brazilian construction industry is a growing trend, while the need to fulfill tight deadlines increases as well as labor costs, being mandatory to keep quality standards and the competitiveness of enterprises. In this sense, the precast concrete is an increasingly valid solution.Among him, the floor in hollow core slabs of prestressed concrete, as part of a constructive system of open cycle. This kind of floor can be applied in various sectors and to the most varied typologies. The ABNT NBR 14861: 2011 is still quite new, and includes a set of quality control care for the implementation of hollow core slabs in prestressed concrete, although it is felt that the respective degree of detail could be improved.On the other hand, the standard has just focusing on such care specially concerning project and product approaches, and not so much with a process approach. There is also some difficulty in the flow of information and knowledge between the academy and industry in general. The dissertation provides a detailed analysis of production of hollow core slabs in prestressed concrete, according to the respective processes, since the inputs enter factories, until the structural cover is performed on site. The macro-production process is divided into several stages of lower complexity, and contains a detailed listing of quality control procedures required, in a simple and practical manner. Thus, can be established a kind of a guide to good quality control practices for the production of LACP, which is then systematized through a set of checklists. The establishment of guidelines for good quality control practices in the various LACP production stages is the main goal of this research. In order to accomplish this goal have been made extensive literature reviews on Quality and hollow core slabs, using theses, dissertations, monographs, papers, magazines and electronic sites. Were also made visits to a factory which produces equipment for production of hollow core slabs, and to a plant producing LACP, in the interior of the state of São Paulo, during which were made unstructured interviews with their maximum management responsables. Finally it was made an essentially qualitative comparative analysis of the data collected and the quality control procedures of the ABNT NBR 14861: 2011. It is intended, with the checklists contained in the dissertation, to ensure production, transportation to site, installation of LACP and execution of the respective structural wrapper, with the highest quality consistency that is possible, thereby minimizing to minimum the existence of possible non-compliances. / A industrialização no setor da construção civil brasileira é uma tendência crescente, ao mesmo tempo que a necessidade do cumprimento de prazos cada vez mais apertados vai aumentando, assim como os custos de mão de obra, sendo obrigatório manter-se os padrões de qualidade das obras e a competitividade das empresas. Nesse sentido, os pré-fabricados em concreto são uma solução cada vez mais válida e entre eles, os pisos em lajes alveolares de concreto protendido (LACP), como elemento de um sistema construtivo de ciclo aberto. Essas lajes podem ser aplicadas nos mais variados segmentos e nas mais variadas tipologias. A norma ABNT NBR 14861:2011 é ainda bastante recente, e contempla um conjunto de cuidados de controle de qualidade para a execução de lajes alveolares em concreto protendido, embora se julgue que o respetivo grau de detalhe poderia ser melhorado. Por outro lado, a norma acaba focando esses cuidados mais segundo abordagens de projeto e de produto, e não tanto numa abordagem por processos. Existe também alguma dificuldade no fluxo de informações e conhecimentos entre os meios acadêmicos e as empresas em geral. A dissertação faz uma análise detalhada da produção de lajes alveolares em concreto protendido, segundo os respetivos processos, desde que os insumos entram nas fábricas, até que a capa estrutural é executada em canteiro. O macro-processo de produção é dividido em várias etapas de complexidade menor, e é feita uma listagem detalhada dos procedimentos de controle de qualidade necessários, e de uma forma simples e prática. Desse modo, consegue-se estabelecer como que um guia de boas práticas de controle de qualidade para a produção de LACP, o qual é depois sistematizado através de um conjunto de listas de verificação (check-list ́s). O estabelecimento de diretrizes para boas práticas de controle de qualidade nas várias etapas de produção de LACP é o objetivo principal desta pesquisa. Para conseguir atingir esse objetivo foram feitas amplas revisões bibliográficas sobre Qualidade e Lajes Alveolares em Concreto Protendido, recorrendo a teses, dissertações, monografias, artigos científicos, revistas e sítios eletrônicos. Foram também realizadas visitas a uma fábrica de equipamentos para produção de LACP, e a uma unidade fabril produtora de LACP, no interior do estado de São Paulo, durante as quais foram feitas entrevistas não estruturadas com os respetivos responsáveis máximos. Finalmente fez-se uma análise comparativa essencialmente qualitativa entre os dados recolhidos e os procedimentos de controle de qualidade que constam da norma ABNT NBR 14861:2011. Pretende-se, com as listas de verificação que constam da dissertação, garantir uma produção, transporte a canteiro, montagem das LACP e execução da respetiva capa estrutural com a máxima coerência de qualidade possível, reduzindo assim ao mínimo a existência de possíveis não conformidades.

Procedimentos para definição das características geométricas de vigas alveolares de aço para sistemas de piso e de cobertura / Procedures to define the geometric characteristics of alveolar steel beams to floor systems and roof systems

Oliveira, Luiza Baptista de 16 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 8690976 bytes, checksum: 44c939a6112d27b6f8696be3efc2044f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-16 / The growth of steel construction in Brazil in recent years has naturally been accompanied by an increasing demand for resources that support the entire design process of steel structures, from its conception to its realization. In this context, there has been a resurgence of interest in alveolar beams, due to technical and aesthetic advantages that these elements offer, motivated in part by beginning production of steel rolled I profiles in Brazil, from 2002. Generally, the alveolar beams are manufactured from rolled steel I-profiles, by cutting the web along, according to a sinuous symmetrical line so that the halves so obtained can be displaced relative to one another and welded, originating a new beam with a series of web holes, with the same mass as the original profile, but with greater stiffness in the plane of bending, suitable for large spans. Although the alveolar beams are an old solution, abandoned due to rising manufacturing costs in a given time, most recently returned to appear as a competitive solution, due to technological advances in automation of cutting and welding of structural steel. Given the wide range of possibilities available today for the manufacture of alveolar beams, facilitated by the resources of design and computer aided manufacturing, this study aimed to procedures to define the geometric characteristics of alveolar steel beams to floor systems and roof systems, due to the lack of technical updates on this topic. Finally, we present a series of examples of applying the criteria and procedures proposed for various possible situations in the usual structures. / A expansão do segmento da construção metálica no Brasil tem sido acompanhada de uma demanda crescente por recursos que subsidiem todo processo de projeto de estruturas de aço, desde sua concepção até sua materialização. Nesse contexto, observa-se o ressurgimento do interesse pelas vigas alveolares, em função das vantagens técnicas e estéticas que esses elementos oferecem, em parte motivado pelo início da produção de perfis I de aço laminados no Brasil, a partir de 2002. Geralmente, as vigas alveolares são fabricadas a partir de perfis I de aço laminados, cortando-se sua alma longitudinalmente, segundo um traçado sinuoso simétrico, de modo que as metades obtidas podem ser deslocadas uma em relação à outra e soldadas, dando origem a uma nova viga com uma série de furos na alma, com praticamente a mesma massa do perfil original, porém com maior rigidez no plano de flexão, apropriada para grandes vãos. Embora as vigas alveolares sejam uma solução antiga, abandonada devido ao aumento dos custos de fabricação em determinada época, mais recentemente voltaram a figurar como uma solução competitiva, devido aos avanços tecnológicos em automação de corte e solda de aço estrutural. Tendo em vista a ampla gama de possibilidades atualmente existente para a fabricação de vigas alveolares, facilitadas pelos recursos de projeto e fabricação assistidos por computador, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver critérios e procedimentos para o prédimensionamento de vigas alveolares de aço, em função da carência de prescrições técnicas atualizadas sobre o tema. Ao final, é apresentada uma série de exemplos de aplicação dos critérios e procedimentos propostos, para diversas situações possíveis nas estruturas de edificações estruturadas em aço.

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