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Administração pública e poder discricionário no Brasil: contribuição para uma nova teoria do poder discricionário sob uma perspectiva responsiva / Public administration and discretionary power in Brazil: a theoretical renewal towards a responsive approachEmiliano Rodrigues Brunet Depolli Paes 02 December 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca examinar, em perspectiva histórica, aspectos sociopolíticos e jurídicos relacionados à formação da Administração Pública no Brasil e às suas
características, notadamente no que concerne ao processo de legitimação do exercício do poder pelo aparelho burocrático e ao seu potencial controle pelos cidadãos. Argumenta-se
que, se por um lado tais características revelam a resistência de um modelo associado ao legado ibérico, de outro evidenciam uma peculiar e progressiva abertura ao controle
democrático, especialmente após a redemocratização e a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988. Adotando o exercício do poder administrativo discricionário como categoria de análise, os aspectos inerentes ao processo de transformação daquele modelo são examinadas a partir de quatro eixos, a saber: a singular tensão entre Iberismo e Americanismo no Brasil; a renovação teórica acerca da democracia representativa e das perspectivas sobre o controle
democrático; o pós-positivismo e sua potencial conexão com uma concepção responsiva do direito e, finalmente, a queda de velhos paradigmas de legitimação do exercício do poder
discricionário estatal, em âmbito mundial, a partir dos anos 1980, o que teria dado ensejo ao crescimento e fortalecimento de um escrutínio pragmático e consequencialista das decisões discricionárias da administração pública também no Brasil. / This work intents to analyze, in a historical perspective, some sociopolitical and juridical traits of the Brazilian public administration formation and its associated characteristics, particularly those related to the legitimization process of the bureaucratic power exercise and its accountability by citizens. We shall argue that, if at the one side those
characteristics testify the resilience of an original bureaucratic model, by the other they open some ways to a peculiar and progressive democratic accountability, specifically after the return of the democracy and the few years later adoption of a new Constitution in 1988.
Taking the discretionary power as an analytical frame, the main traits related to the progressive transformation of the Iberian original administrative model are here analyzed
under four major axes: the peculiar tension between Iberism and Americanism along Brazilian history; the theoretical renovation of the representative democracy and of the perspectives over democratic accountability; the post-positivism and its links with the transition toward responsive law and, finally, the fall down of the old paradigms that used to legitimate the exercise of discretionary powers, all over the occidental world, until the early 1980s, what brought and made grow up new promising kinds of pragmatic and democratic scrutiny over some States traditionally discretionary decisions in Brazil.
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Antiamerikanismus a kanadská kulturní politika v letech 1928 až 1957 / Anti-Americanism and Canadian Cultural Policy (1928-1957)Havlíková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
This thesis named "Anti-Americanism and Canadian Cultural Policy (1928-1957)" examines how Canadian federal government cultural policies were influenced by a specific form of anti-Americanism, which reflected concerns over Americanization and cultural absorption by the United States, in this formative period for the development of a distinct national identity during the time of Canada's colony-to-nation transition. The chosen research design is interpretative content analysis of the reports of two Canadian royal commissions commonly known as the Aird Commission (1928-1929) and the Massey Commission (1949-1951). The aim of this thesis is to identify the main factors and incentives for a policy of government intervention in the field of culture and to assess the role of anti-Americanism as a response to what was perceived as American cultural invasion that threatened the development of a distinct Canadian culture. The theoretical framework contains a discussion about different forms of anti-Americanism, with emphasis on its unique nature in Canada, and introduces the concept of cultural imperialism which helps us to better understand Canadian opposition to American cultural influences in the examined period.
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Teoretické aspekty variantnosti slovní zásoby v americké španělštině Diachronie a synchronie / Theoretical aspects of vocabulary variability in American Spanish. Diachrony and synchronyMištinová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
Theoretical aspects of vocabulary variability in American Spanish Diachrony and synchrony Anna Mištinová Abstract As a multinational and multicultural language, the Spanish language offers, despite its unity, a large number of differences on all linguistic planes. This dissertation's subject consists of an examination of fundamental theoretical questions concerning the variation of American Spanish's vocabulary on a diachronous and synchronous level. A diatopic approach in particular is employed with a focus on geographic-linguistic aspects. Based on theories of variation and other general theoretical aspects, an analysis is conducted on the differences and divergences of the lexicon in Hispano-American variations, on the main sources and causes of changes in comparison with European Spanish, on the origin and nature of the language in the early phases of the New World's conquering and the innovative influence of autochthonous substrates and adstrates. Linguistic contacts made in both the past and present occupy a significant place in this examination, and an emphasis is placed on the Spanish - indigenous languages - English triangle. Another area of focus consists of loanwords in Hispanic America, the process of their adaptation and assimilation. Also among the wide range of theoretical questions that this...
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Hearts and Minds: US Foreign Policy and Anti-Americanism in the Middle EastAn Analysis of Public Perceptions from 2002-2011Cummins, Joshua I. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Alternative Vision: The United States, Latin America, and the League of Nations during the Republican AscendancyHaynes, Steven L. 19 November 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] O propósito deste trabalho será o de compreender o pensamento internacional de Joaquim Nabuco e Oliveira Lima mediante a reconstrução e sistematização da visão de mundo desses protagonistas do pensamento internacional brasileiro entre as décadas de 1890 e 1910, momento que, ao nosso ver, abrigou o debate inaugural da diplomacia moderna do país. Esta dissertação analisará ainda a construção das estruturas cognitivas que incidiram sobre a agência desses personagens. Uma das hipóteses defendidas é a da co-constituição entre o pensamento internacional brasileiro e a tradição político-diplomática. As ideias e os projetos de inserção internacional defendidos por Nabuco e Oliveira Lima viriam a influenciar durante o século XX a forma pela qual a diplomacia brasileira atuaria, sob a forma de paradigmas ou mapas cognitivos. Enquanto o primeiro foi o precursor do americanismo, o segundo foi o pai do pensamento globalista na política externa brasileira. / [en] The purpose of this work will be to understand the international political thought of Joaquim Nabuco and Oliveira Lima through the reconstruction and systematization of the worldviews of these protagonists of the Brazilian international political thought between the decades of 1890 and 1910, period during which the debate of national modern diplomacy was, in our view, inaugurated. This dissertation will also analyze the construction of the cognitive structure that impinged on the agency of these figures. One of the hypotheses defended is the co-constitution between the Brazilian international thought and the political and diplomatic tradition. The ideas and the projects of international insertion advocated by Nabuco and Oliveira Lima would influence the way in which Brazilian diplomacy would operate, during the twentieth century, in the form of paradigms or cognitive maps. Whereas the former was the precursor of Americanism, the latter was the father of the Globalist thought in the Brazilian foreign policy.
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A menina boba e a discoteca / The silly girl and the music library.Carozze, Valquiria Maroti 24 August 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe analisar, interpretar e destacar o desempenho da musicóloga Oneyda Alvarenga, como diretora da Discoteca Pública Municipal de São Paulo (atual Discoteca Oneyda Alvarenga), trazendo a lume seu perfil de poeta, musicóloga e etnóloga, e de Mario de Andrade, como diretor do Departamento de Cultura da cidade e criador da seção que comportava o funcionamento da Discoteca Municipal; abordar seu papel como mentor de Oneyda Alvarenga; os esforços do intelectual modernista, crítico de arte e musicólogo no sentido de promover a busca de uma expressão genuinamente nacional da música brasileira. Propõe-se também a analisar a própria Discoteca Pública Municipal, seus objetivos, seu momento histórico e cultural, antes e durante o governo de Getúlio Vargas; o valor e o sentido da organização da documentação musical brasileira e latino-americana na época do Departamento de Cultura, sob diretoria de Mario de Andrade, segundo os propósitos do americanismo musical defendido por Curt Lange. Ainda sob o ponto de vista do americanismo musical, estabelecer relações entre os objetivos de difusão cultural mediante o trabalho de recuperação da música folclórica pela Missão de Pesquisas Folclóricas, a criação da Discoteca Pública Municipal e o contexto latino-americano, com sua atmosfera intelectual, que favorecia a criação de órgãos que pusessem à disposição documentos a serem pesquisados, refletindo sobre esse empreendimento no momento sócio-cultural brasileiro das décadas de 1930 e 1940, passando pelo viés da realidade brasileira, ao mesmo tempo gestada pela criação e universo social que propicia essa criação. / This dissertation proposes to analyze, interpret and highlight the performance of the musicologist Oneyda Alvarenga, as director of São Paulo Municipal Public Record Collection (current Oneyda Alvarenga Record Collection), bringing to light his profile of poet, musicologist and ethnologist, and of Mario de Andrade, as Director of the City Department of Culture and creator of the section that included the operation of the Municipal Disco Hall; his role as mentor to Oneyda Alvarenga; the efforts of the intellectual modernistic, musicologist and critic of art to promote the search for means of truly national expression of Brazilian music. It is furthermore also proposes examining the own Municipal Public Record Collection, its objectives, its history and culture before and during the government of Getúlio Vargas, the value and meaning of the organization of Brazilian and Latin American musical documentation at the time of the Department of Culture, under the direction of Mario de Andrade, according to the purposes of the musical Americanism advocated by Curt Lange. Still from the point of view of musical Americanism, linking the objectives of cultural diffusion through the work of recovery of the folk music by the Folk Research Mission, the creation of the Municipal Public Record Collection and the Latin American context, reflecting on this undertaking at the Brazilian socio-cultural moment in the decades of 30 and 40 through the bias of Brazilian reality, while managed by the creation and the social universe that provides this creation.
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A menina boba e a discoteca / The silly girl and the music library.Valquiria Maroti Carozze 24 August 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho se propõe analisar, interpretar e destacar o desempenho da musicóloga Oneyda Alvarenga, como diretora da Discoteca Pública Municipal de São Paulo (atual Discoteca Oneyda Alvarenga), trazendo a lume seu perfil de poeta, musicóloga e etnóloga, e de Mario de Andrade, como diretor do Departamento de Cultura da cidade e criador da seção que comportava o funcionamento da Discoteca Municipal; abordar seu papel como mentor de Oneyda Alvarenga; os esforços do intelectual modernista, crítico de arte e musicólogo no sentido de promover a busca de uma expressão genuinamente nacional da música brasileira. Propõe-se também a analisar a própria Discoteca Pública Municipal, seus objetivos, seu momento histórico e cultural, antes e durante o governo de Getúlio Vargas; o valor e o sentido da organização da documentação musical brasileira e latino-americana na época do Departamento de Cultura, sob diretoria de Mario de Andrade, segundo os propósitos do americanismo musical defendido por Curt Lange. Ainda sob o ponto de vista do americanismo musical, estabelecer relações entre os objetivos de difusão cultural mediante o trabalho de recuperação da música folclórica pela Missão de Pesquisas Folclóricas, a criação da Discoteca Pública Municipal e o contexto latino-americano, com sua atmosfera intelectual, que favorecia a criação de órgãos que pusessem à disposição documentos a serem pesquisados, refletindo sobre esse empreendimento no momento sócio-cultural brasileiro das décadas de 1930 e 1940, passando pelo viés da realidade brasileira, ao mesmo tempo gestada pela criação e universo social que propicia essa criação. / This dissertation proposes to analyze, interpret and highlight the performance of the musicologist Oneyda Alvarenga, as director of São Paulo Municipal Public Record Collection (current Oneyda Alvarenga Record Collection), bringing to light his profile of poet, musicologist and ethnologist, and of Mario de Andrade, as Director of the City Department of Culture and creator of the section that included the operation of the Municipal Disco Hall; his role as mentor to Oneyda Alvarenga; the efforts of the intellectual modernistic, musicologist and critic of art to promote the search for means of truly national expression of Brazilian music. It is furthermore also proposes examining the own Municipal Public Record Collection, its objectives, its history and culture before and during the government of Getúlio Vargas, the value and meaning of the organization of Brazilian and Latin American musical documentation at the time of the Department of Culture, under the direction of Mario de Andrade, according to the purposes of the musical Americanism advocated by Curt Lange. Still from the point of view of musical Americanism, linking the objectives of cultural diffusion through the work of recovery of the folk music by the Folk Research Mission, the creation of the Municipal Public Record Collection and the Latin American context, reflecting on this undertaking at the Brazilian socio-cultural moment in the decades of 30 and 40 through the bias of Brazilian reality, while managed by the creation and the social universe that provides this creation.
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Pan-American dreams : art, politics, and museum-making at the OAS, 1948-1976 / Art, politics, and museum-making at the OAS, 1948-1976Wellen, Michael Gordon 29 January 2013 (has links)
In the 1950s and 1960s, the Organization of American States (OAS), a multinational political organization headquartered in Washington, DC, attempted to mediate U.S.-Latin American political and cultural relations. This dissertation traces how, in the United States, Latin American art emerged as a field of art historical study and exhibition via the activities of the OAS. I center my analysis on José Gómez Sicre and Rafael Squirru, two prominent curators who influenced the circulation of Latin American art during the Cold War. Part I focuses on Gómez Sicre, who served as head curator at the OAS from 1946 to 1981 and who founded the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America in 1976. I offer an analysis of Gómez Sicre’s aesthetic tastes, contextualizing them in relation to his contemporaries Alfred H. Barr, Jr., Marta Traba, and Jorge Romero Brest. I also discuss his efforts to build a network of art centers across the Americas, indicating how his activities fed into a Cold War struggle around notions of the “intellectual.” Part II examines the activities of poet and art critic Rafael Squirru, who served as Director of Cultural Affairs of the OAS from 1963 to 1970 and who theorized Latin American art in terms of the “new man.” I reconstruct how the phrase “new man” became a point of ideological conflict in the 1960s in a battle between Squirru and his political rival, Ernesto Ché Guevara. Throughout this dissertation, I indicate how Gómez Sicre and Squirru framed modern art within different Pan-American dreams of future world prosperity, equality, and cooperation. By examining the socio-political implications behind those dreams, I reveal the structures and limits of power shaping their influence during the Cold War. My study concentrates on the period from the founding of the OAS in 1948 to the establishment of the Museum of Modern Art of Latin America in 1976, and I contend that the legacies of Pan-Americanism continue to affect the field of Latin American art today. / text
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Le Monde et les États-Unis de 1944 à nos jours / The newspaper Le Monde and the United States since 1944Laroche, Loïc 10 February 2018 (has links)
Le journal «Le Monde est un témoin voire un acteur de la vie de la République et de ses relations avec ses partenaires étrangers, à commencer par le plus important et le plus influent d’entre eux : les États-Unis d’Amérique. Cette thèse analyse d’une part l’image de ce pays dans les articles du «Monde». Elle s’intéresse à la place consacrée aux États-Unis, à leur relation avec le reste du monde, à leur image économique et à leur niveau de développement, à la description de leur société et de leur peuple, à l’image de leur système démocratique et enfin à l’image de leur puissance. Cette thèse étudie d’autre part la relation entre les États-Unis et la rédaction du «Monde» au sens large, c’est-à-dire journalistes et direction, durant les soixante-dix années écoulées depuis sa création, au fil des administrations présidentielles américaines. Elle montre comment les directeurs successifs et les principaux rédacteurs concernés connaissent et apprécient ce pays, comment est réalisée la couverture de l’Amérique par le journal. Elle étudie les rapports entre la rédaction du «Monde» et les autorités américaines, comment celles-ci accueillent, informent, essaient d’influencer ouvertement ou non le journal et ses équipes. Au delà, elle montre comment la direction du «Monde» s’inspire des États-Unis et de leur presse. Elle étudie enfin la ligne éditoriale du journal sur les États-Unis. Trois grandes périodes se dessinent, la première correspond à la direction d’Hubert Beuve-Méry qui marque durablement le journal de son souci d’indépendance matérielle et éditoriale. Ses successeurs essaient de maintenir son héritage tandis que l’Amérique divise la rédaction. Après la chute du mur de Berlin, une nouvelle génération, moderne, transforme le regard du journal sur l’Amérique, alors que le numérique révolutionne les médias. / The newspaper «Le Monde» gives testimony, and is almost an actor, of the French Republic and its relations to foreign partners, the most important and influential of which is the United States of America. On one hand we will look into the image given by this country throughout « Le Monde »’s articles. We will consider how the United States are being covered, the way they relate to the rest of the world, the way their economy is valued, their level of development, the description of their society and their people, the image given by their democracy and their power. On the other hand we will watch the acquaintances between the United States and « Le Monde »’s editorial staff in a broad way, that is journalists and directors, from its foundation along the seventy following years and the various US administrations, which will show how the successive directors of the newspaper and the main journalists have had a genuine knowledge and esteem for this country. We will also learn the way America is covered through the designing of the newspaper. We will see how the editorial staff and the american authorities intermate, the way the latter greet and convey informations in an attempt to influence, openly or not, «Le Monde»’s protagonists ans beyond this, how the directors of the newspaper are inspired by the United States and the american press. Last but not least, we will look into the editorial line «Le Monde» choses to refer to the United States. Three major periods will emerge, the first one of which corresponds to Hubert Beuve-Méry’s management with a longlasting concern ever since for financial and editorial independance. His successors will try to keep on with his heritage while America is dividing the editorial staff. After the fall of the Berlin wall the new generation will modify the vision « Le Monde » had of America whereas the digital technologies start revolutionizing the media.
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