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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individualios socioedukacinės pagalbos teikimo modeliavimas vaikams, patiriantiems smurtą mokykloje / Modelling of individual socio - education support for children, abused in school

Norkaitienė, Diana 03 August 2011 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė smurto poveikio vaiko psichosocialiniam vystymuisi analizė, aptartas socioedukacinės pagalbos organizavimas mokykloje: socialinio pedagogo funkcijos socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikimo procese, bendradarbiavimo su vaiko šeima svarba, individualaus darbo su ugdytiniu metodika. Magistro darbo tikslas - parengti efektyvios individualios socioedukacinės pagalbos modelį vaikams, patiriantiems smurtą mokykloje, jį įgyvendinti ir aptarti, išryškinant pastarojo privalumus bei atskleidžiant trūkumus. Iškelta hipotezė, jog vaikams, patiriantiems smurtą mokykloje, socioedukacinė pagalba teikiama nepakankamai. Rekomenduojamas pagalbos modelis optimatizuos efektyvios socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos teikimą skriaudžiamiems mokiniams. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - išanalizuoti smurto formų paplitimo reiškinį šeštų klasių mokinių tarpe, iššiaiškinti, ar prievartą patiriantiems moksleiviams suteikiama pakankama socioedukacinė pagalba. Atlikta statistinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 123 šeštų klasių moksleiviai. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjama smurto paplitimo vaikų tarpe bei socioedukacinės pagalbos teikimo situacija prievartą patiriantiems mokiniams. Tyrimu išsiaiškinta, jog socialinė pedagoginė pagalba teikiama nepakankamai, atrinkti 5 nuolat bendramokslių prievartą patiriantys vaikai, kurie mokykloje saugūs jaučiasi tik kartais arba iš viso tokiais nesijaučia. Šiems vaikams modeliuojamas individualios socioedukacinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theoretical work of the impact of violence on child development psychosocial analysis, discussed the organization of diagnosed aid at school social functions of the teacher teaching social assistance in the process of cooperation with the child's family, the importance of individual work with children methodology. Master's aim - to develop an effective model for individual assistance diagnosed in children who suffer violence at school, and discuss its implementation, highlighting the latter's strengths and identify weaknesses. The hypothesis that children exposed to violence at school, diagnosed aid is not enough. The proposed assistance will provide an optimal model of effective social-pedagogical assistance for students suffering from abuse. Questionnaire survey method was conducted with the aim - to analyze the forms of violence spread phenomenon among sixth grade students, whether school children suffering from abuse diagnosed with adequate support. The statistical analysis of data. The empirical part examines the prevalence of violence among children diagnosed and assistance to students experiencing violence situation. The study made clear that the social teaching aid is not enough, select five regularly exposed to violence against fellow kids who feel safe at school only sometimes or do not feel save at all. The study included 123 sixth grade students.The empirical part examines the prevalence of violence among children diagnosed and assistance to students... [to full text]

Jaunųjų Nidos buriuotojų fizinis išsivystymas ir bendras fizinis parengtumas / Anthropometrical and general physical fitness data among Nidas sailors girls

Raudys, Zigmantas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Sportinis rengimas – įvairiapusis sudėtingas edukacinis vyksmas, apimantis sportininko mokymą ir auklėjimą, jo gebėjimų, fizinių ir psichinių ypatybių tobulinimą, harmoningą asmenybės ugdymą, sveikatos stiprinimą, gerų sportinių rezultatų siekimą. Šiuolaikiniam buriavimui būdinga didelė treniruotės krūvio apimtis ir intensyvumas. Tai reikalauja ypač gero buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo. Tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Nidos buriuotojų merginų fizinio parengtumo kaitą. Savo darbe mes iškėlėme tokius uždavinius: 1. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio išsivystymo kaitą; 2. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo kaitą; 3. Palyginti tirtų sportininkių fizinį parengtumą bei fizinį išsivystymą su literatūros duomenimis; Tiriamieji ir organizavimas: Jaunųjų buriuotojų tyrimai buvo atlikti 2011, 2012 metais Nidos sporto mokykloje. Tyrimuose dalyvavo Nidos mergaitės buriuotojos (n=40), tiriamųjų amžius 10-14 m. Buriuotojų fizinį parengtumą ir išsivystymą sąlyginai charakterizavo 6 rodikliai. Fizinį išsivystymą vertinome pagal ūgio ir kūno masės rodiklius. Bendrą fizinį parengtumą charakterizavo šuolis į tolį iš vietos; dešinės ir kairės rankos plaštakos jėga; atsilenkimų skaičius per 30 s, kimšto kamuolio (2 kg) metimas Tyrimo rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad Nidos buriuotojos beveik visais amžiaus tarpsniais buvo aukštesnės lyginant su literatūroje pateiktais duomenimis. Nustatyta, kad pas mergaites buriuotojas kūno masė ir ūgis intensyviausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sports development - diverse educational complex process involving athletic training and education, his skills, physical and mental characteristics of the development, harmonious personality development, health promotion, good sports achievement of results. Modern boating characterized by a high volume of training load and intensity. This in particular implies sailors physical fitness. The aim and objectives Our aim of the study - to investigate Nida sailors girls physical fitness. In our work, we have set the following objectives: 1. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical development change; 2. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical fitness; 3. Compared tested athletes in physical fitness and physical development of the literature; Research and organization: Young sailors studies were carried out in 2011, 2012, Nida sports school. The studies involved Nida sailor girls (n = 40) of subjects aged 10-14. Sailors' physical fitness and the development of a relatively characterized the six indicators. Physical development was evaluated based on height and weight indicators. The overall physical fitness characterized the long jump out of place, the right and left hand grip strength; Lifting per 30 seconds, stuffed ball (2 kg) throw Results: It was found that Nida sailor in almost all age groups were higher compared with the literature data. It was found that girls with sailor body weight and height intensively increases from 12 years of age. It was found that in many cases the... [to full text]

Shifting thinking, shifting approaches: Curriculum and facilitating change for secondary teachers of English language learners

Fry, Juliet Ruth January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was twofold: to find out how teachers of English as an Additional Language (EAL) conceived curriculum, teaching and learning and to examine how professional learning and development (PLD) might impact on changes in the teachers’ thinking and approaches. The research was spurred by my own involvement in the revision of the national New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) and interest in the contested nature of curriculum related to English language learning. EAL teachers face challenges addressing the cross-Learning Area positioning of EAL and, at the same time, are afforded significant autonomy. PLD is needed to support teachers to make curriculum decisions that support English language learners’ (ELLs) to develop competency in English language with urgency. This is because ELLs need to manage the English language demands as they engage in the complex learning that is articulated in the NZC, along with their peers. I adopted an action research methodology to explore both how EAL teachers conceived curriculum and how PLD about EAL teaching and learning might impact on shifts in teachers’ understanding. I was a practitioner-researcher as I carried out PLD for two teachers over a period of six months. Those teacher-participants were teachers of EAL from different secondary schools with different professional contexts. Teaching-as-inquiry was the predominant approach of the PLD. This approach was consistent with my action research. The PLD comprised of a range of interruptions to teachers’ everyday work that assisted them to explore their own practice. The research drew on records of these interruptions to provide evidence of changes in teacher-participants’ thinking. The recorded conversations were captured through semi-structured interviews, video-stimulated recall and ‘learning conversations’. This qualitative data was analysed in one cycle which explored teachers’ thinking and actions about EAL curriculum. A second cycle focused my recorded reflections about my practice and on the impact of particular forms of PLD facilitation on shifts in the teachers’ thinking and actions. I created a review of literature for each cycle. This recursive process allowed me to reflect on my role as a PLD facilitator in action. Several themes emerged as the cycles were drawn together to examine how PLD impacted on shifts in teachers’ understanding of curriculum for EAL. One theme that emerged was the value of a culture of inquiry, where my action research was linked with the participants’ teaching-as-inquiry cycles. Another theme related to how PLD could influence teachers’ reconceptualising of curriculum for teaching multilingual English language learners. A third theme was how my PLD facilitation could impact on effective teaching and learning for Pasifika learners. Findings can be drawn from my study for both teacher practice and for PLD facilitation. This research adds to New Zealand research about teaching ELLs, and Pasifika students in particular. It shows how giving attention to both students’ home language strengths and academic English language learning needs can change the way teachers see pathways and work towards improved outcomes for students. The value of inquiry for teachers was confirmed in this action research, as a useful approach for bring about change in teachers’ thinking and approaches to teaching. The PLD interruption process, which included analysis of rich information about students, challenging conversations and the maintenance of respectful relationships was confirmed as an effective combination for engaging teachers in shifting their foci. Self-reflections on my PLD facilitation role, using an inquiry approach, assessed through adult learning principles, provided a useful stocktake which I would recommend for other PLD facilitators.

The narrative design of St. John de Crevecoeur's Letters from an American farmer

Dinse, Thomas Wm January 1994 (has links)
The utopian picture of America presented in the first two-thirds of St. John de Crevecoeur's Letters from an American Farmer (1782) contrasts sharply with the description of southern slavery and the effects of the American Revolution given in the final third of the book. Critics of Letters often account for this change in tone by attributing the utopian vision to the narrator, James. In this view, the progression of the book results either from James's disillusionment at the failure of his utopian hopes, or from a process of education whereby he alters that vision or unrealistically reaffirms it. However, evidence in the text suggests that James used a utopian vision supplied by his minister as a contrast to his own more realistic vision in order to educate his European correspondent. James provides examples that illustrate the elements of his utopian vision and the threats to it. Letters thus reveals a narrator who is neither naive nor unrealistic. / Department of English

Richard Heuberger's Erinnerungen an Johannes Brahms : the life, work and times of Johannes Brahms as revealed by a contemporary / Life, work, and times of Johannes Brahms as revealed by a contemporary

Hughes, Holly Elaine January 1987 (has links)
In 1885, Austrian musician Richard Heuberger, recognizing the lasting importance of his friend and colleague, Johannes Brahms, began to record meticulously each of their meetings and conversations in the form of a journal. It was not until 1971, however, that the complete journal appeared in the original German language, with commentary by editor Kurt Hofmann (Erinnerunqen an Johannes Brahms, published in Tutzing, Germany, by Hans Schneider Verlag). All indiscreet and possibly harmful remarks by Brahms, which had been omitted from earlier versions, are found in this later edition with scarcely a variation from Heuberger's manuscript. This dissertation concerns information on Brahms as revealed through Heuberger's journal.The friendship between Brahms and Heuberger, which lasted until the death of the former, is a more important relationship than musicologists have previously thought. The two men spent long hours in discussing music, musicians and other contemporaries. As a man twenty-seven years Brahms's junior, Heuberger naturally sought advice in many matters, particularly regarding composition. Heuberger reveals many new insights into Brahms as a composer, performer and conductor.Brahms openly discussed many other artists, both past and present, and thanks to the care with which Heuberger recorded these comments, we have a clear picture of Brahms's inner feelings and opinions on the musical practice of his day. Brahms's regard for the genius of Richard Wagner and his ready praise of the composer's operas shed new light on the Wagner/Brahms controversy. Among the many other musicians discussed are Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, von Bulow, d'Albert, Dvofdk and Johann Strauss. Heuberger reports, for example, that Brahms was so fond of Strauss's music that he attended every possible premiere. In addition, Brahms's enthusiasm for artists such as Anselm Feuerbach and Max Klinger was also a frequent topic of conversation between Brahms and Heuberger.This dissertation explores the many avenues of research provided by an enlightening and entertaining journal, and these include Brahms's musical philosophy, his dabbling in musical politics, his personal characteristics, and his philanthropic nature. In short, this is a study of the personal Johannes Brahms as viewed by his friend and colleague, Richard Heuberger.

Vad går an för vem? : En retorisk fallstudie av två av följdskrifterna till Det går an

Aspberg, Elin January 2014 (has links)
En retorisk analys av Johan Vilhelm Snellmans och Malla Silfverstolpes följdskrifter till Carl Jonas Love Almqvists roman Det går an.

Kreditorių teisių įgyvendinimas įmonių restruktūrizavimo procese / Implementation of creditor rights in enterprise restructuring process

Girnius, Virginijus 03 June 2014 (has links)
Įmonės restruktūrizavimas kaip verslo gelbėjimo forma leidžia atkurti laikinai prarastą įmonės mokumą ir toliau tęsti ūkinę-komercinę veiklą. Restruktūrizavimo procesas negalimas be įmonės kreditorių pagalbos ir bendradarbiavimo. Kreditorių dalyvavimas restruktūrizavimo procese, jų aktyvumas ir įmonei teikiamos pagalbos apimtis priklauso nuo kreditoriams suteikiamų teisų ir jų įgyvendinimo sąlygų. Darbe atskleidžiama restruktūrizuojamos įmonės kreditorių kategorija, atskiriant skirtingas kreditorių grupes ir jų interesų restruktūrizavimo procese skirtumus. Dėmesys atkreipiamas į su restruktūrizuojama įmone susijusių kreditorių padėtį ir jų įtaką restruktūrizavimo proceso eigai bei rezultatui. Tyrimo metu sistemiškai analizuojamos pagrindinės kreditorių ir kreditorių susirinkimo teisės įmonės restruktūrizavimo proceso inicijavimo, restruktūrizavimo plano rengimo, tvirtinimo ir įgyvendinimo etapuose. Kiekviename etape išskiriamos esminės kreditorių teisės, atskleidžiamas jų turinys ir reikšmė. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas esminių kreditorių ir kreditorių susirinkimo teisių įgyvendinimo sąlygoms ir praktikoje esančiai problematikai. Darbe taip pat analizuojamos atitinkamos restruktūrizuojamos įmonės valdymo organo pareigos kreditorių atžvilgiu, nustatomas jų atsiradimo momentas ir reikšmė kreditorių teisių apsaugai. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Lietuvoje restruktūrizavimo procesas ir kreditorių padėtis jame nėra plačiai išnagrinėtas, atliekant tyrimą daugiausia remiamasi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Restructuring of an enterprise as business rescue form is intended to resolve a temporary enterprise‘s insolvency and continue further business activity. The implementation of restructuring process is impossible without support and cooperation of enterprise‘s creditors. The creditors’ participation in restructuring process highly depends on the scope of their rights in the process and conditions of implementation of given rights. This master thesis identifies the creditor‘s category in the context of enterprise‘s restructuring process, distinguishes different categories of creditors and marks out the discrepancies in their interests in restructuring process. Attention is drawn to the creditors related to the enterprise under restructuring, especially to their position in relation to other enterprise‘s creditors and their ability to make significant impact on the outcome of restructuring process. This paperwork presents a systematic analysis of the main rights of creditors and meeting of creditors in separate stages of restructuring process: the stage of initiating, the stage of preparation and approval of the restructuring plan and implementation stage. The author distinguishes essential rights of creditors and meeting of creditors in each stage of the restructuring process and analyses the content of these rights as well as their impact on the outcome of the whole process. This thesis focuses on the essential rights of creditors in the restructuring process, legal... [to full text]

Genre Features of Personal Statements by Chinese English-as-an-Additional-Language Writers: A Corpus-Driven Study

Chen, Sibo 07 May 2013 (has links)
Personal Statements (PSs) are self-narrative essays written for Western graduate school applications, which serve an important role in Western graduate schools’ admission processes. However, genre features of PSs have not been sufficiently addressed by previous genre studies. Such neglect indicates a promising area for investigation as the increasing number of non-native English speakers in Western higher education systems creates an urgent pedagogical need for PS-related English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) instruction. The present thesis reports a corpus-driven genre analysis of PSs written by Chinese EAL students (CEAL-PSs). Based on a corpus of 120 CEAL-PS samples, genre features of CEAL-PSs were investigated from three perspectives: (1) linguistic complexity (i.e. lexical diversity and grammatical intricacy), (2) content foci (i.e. at the lexical, phrasal, discoursal levels), and (3) functional move structure. In addition, comparative analyses were made between unedited and edited CEAL-PSs for investigating whether the editing process significantly changed the unedited CEAL-PSs in the above three perspectives. There were three major findings of the current study. First, the majority of lexicons used by the collected CEAL-PSs were frequent academic lexicons and the average grammatical intricacy of these samples was at senior high school or junior college levels. Second, expressions of self-promotion and discussions of academic/professional achievements were explicitly emphasized in the collected CEAL-PSs at the lexical, phrasal, and discoursal levels. Third, an IERC model (“Introduction,” “Establishing Credentials,” “Reasons for Application,” and “Conclusion”), was found to be followed by the majority of the collected CEAL-PSs. Based on the above findings, the thesis further discusses the current study’s theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical implications for EAL writing instruction in China. / Graduate / 0290 / 0681 / chensibo@uvic.ca

En analys av Joseph Conrads roman Heart of Darkness samt novell An outpost of progress

Nordström, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie är en analys av romanen Heart of Darkness (1902) och novellen An outpost ofprogress (1898) av Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) i syfte att undersöka berättelsernashuvudsakliga tematik ur en postkolonial infallsvinkel samt vad Conrads avsikt tycks ha varitmed porträtteringen av elfenbensagenten Kurtz. För att genomföra denna analys har jag gjorten närläsning av Heart of Darkness samt An outpost of progress och samtidigt tolkathändelseförloppen.Tolkningarna är delvis mina egna samt delvis baserat på tidigare forskning. Efter att hagenomfört dessa närläsningar är min slutsats att Conrads huvudsakliga avsikt var att skildaden mänskliga moralens förfall genom den ondskefulla girigheten. Det är denna girighet somhan definierar som det mörka i en människas hjärta. Genom framställningen av Kurtz visarhan exempel på detta samt hur farlig en skicklig retoriker kan vara.

Hello, ruel World

January 2003 (has links)
The analytic component of the thesis approaches major questions in Cultural Studies, Philosophy and Social Theory through an investigation of various forms of creative practice. I approach the question of agency, for instance, through a study of stage actors, who must recite set lines, and yet feel empowered precisely by the opportunity to act through them. Investigation of the author's own work as a poet and novelist serves to cast light upon ideology, ie. how one might use a constrained language and yet feel empowered to speak new things through it. I apply these investigations to Althusser, whose famous essay on the total power of ideological interpellation is permeated with theatrical metaphor. I suggest that Althusser is repressing the creative component of everyday life, something social theory has ever found hard to theorise. I proceed to suggest that the place where such processes are analysed is in the philosophy of science. The work of Charles Saunders Peirce on the experimental method is, my investigation uncovers, surprisingly geared toward the investigation of creativity. In science one has a method for, and an extensive literature on, discovering new phenomena. My thesis is that the experimental method of modern scientists, and the creative method of modern writers, both geared toward the production of things that are at once new and true, is largely the same. I use Peircean semiotics to argue that creative composition is about listening to the languages spoken all round you, and transcribing their objective contours. So as to have effect on others. Which is just like science. And in both instances we are endlessly spoken through at every moment by the myriad languages which interpellate us. Whence creativity (for those who are open to it). My three portfolio pieces are: Cube Root of Book: a series of one hundred and thirty two poems set at intervals along the descending spiral of a Fibonacci number sequence. The 14th Floor, an Hypothesis, an experimental novel, written quite literally as an experiment; i.e. having written the novel, I then wrote up a prac-report detailing what I had learnt about the performance of writing, including the above. Unaustralia, a Study of Heads, an attempt to show the relevance of these findings to Cultural Studies and other related practices. It centres on my new reading of Althusser, and is flanked by mini-ethnographies of creative practice, including the above. The poetry is presented as a major new creative work. The experimental novel/ book of philosophy as a substantial contribution to knowledge.

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