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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vytvoření plánu projektu účasti na mezinárodních veletrzích / Creation of Project Plan for Participation in International Fairs

Perout, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na využití projektového managementu v praxi, konkrétně jeho využití při plánování účasti společnosti na mezinárodních veletrzích. Práce se opírá o teoretický základ projektového řízení, který je využit na konkrétních případech plánování veletrhů. Výsledkem práce je konkrétní postup a checklist, který by měl sloužit jako podpora projektovým manažerům v plánování.

Rozšíření zavedeného QMS ve firmě Spojmont Ostrava s.r.o. / Extensions introduced QMS company SPOJMONT Ostrava Ltd

Bayer, Robert January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to familiarize with tools used in quality management and with methods of their application and to apply some of the tools in a real company. Among these tools there are a handbook for integrated management system of QMS on the basis of standard EN ISO 9001:2008, EMS on the basis of standard EN ISO 14001:2005 and ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008, 5S system, process FMEA and application of Pareto analysis on complaints. All the tools are attached to the dissertation thesis in electronic appendixes.

Daily stand up meetings - hiss eller diss? / Daily stand up meetings - hit or shit?

Stedt, Lotten, Vutolen, Cajsa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur agila team upplever digitala DSM samt kartlägga vilka tekniska ochsociala behov som uppfylls och/eller saknas. De teman som undersöktes var hur digitala DSMgenomfördes praktiskt, vilka tekniska verktyg som användes samt vilken social inverkan det hade påteamet. För att ge riktning åt studien skrevs tre forskningsfrågor med tillhörande tre hypoteser sombaseras på tidigare forskning. Hypoteserna som utformades löd; (H1) vid digitala DSM behöver fler än detre centrala frågorna diskuteras, (H2) funktioner som simulerar den fysiska arbetsplatsen är bärande för ettfungerande digitalt DSM och (H3) minskad informell kommunikation vid distansarbete kompenseras avatt digitala DSM utökas i tid. Studien har genomförts genom att samla in data från en webbaserad enkätsom skickades ut med hjälp av grindvaktare till flera agila team. Enkäten bestod av både kvalitativafritextfrågor och kvantitativa flervalsfrågor som baserades på Theory of distances (Bjarnason et al., 2016),en sammanställning av intergroup theory samt tidigare forskning. Resultatet visade att små skillnaderfanns mellan traditionella och digitala DSM. Hybrid-varianter, minskad informell kommunikation ochbrist på heltäckande funktioner ansågs vara den största utmaningen med digitala DSM. Fördelarnaupplevdes olika beroende på personliga förutsättningar hos respondenterna. Slutsatserna som kunde drasav studien var att det saknades funktioner för att stödja synlighet av emotioner och kroppsspråk men attfunktioner, som skärmdelning, gav en gemensam bild av projektet. Den informella kommunikationenbehöver aktivt inkluderas vid digitala DSM vilket gör att digitala DSM blir längre än traditionella. Vidareforskning hade kunnat fokusera på virtuella mötesrum som en del av lösningen på identifierade problem. / The purpose of the study is to describe how agile teams experience digital DSM and to elucidate whichtechnical and social needs that are met and/or missing. Following themes were examined: how digitalDSM was implemented in practice, what technical tools were used and what social impact digital DSMshad on the team. To give direction to the study, three research questions were formulated with threeassociated hypotheses based on previous research. The hypotheses that were formed were; (H1) in digitalDSM, more than the three central questions were discussed, (H2) functions that simulate the physicalworkplace are essential for a functioning digital DSM and (H3) reduced informal communication inremote work is compensated by time extended digital DSM. The study was conducted by collecting datafrom a web-based survey that was provided to several agile teams with the help of gatekeepers. Thequestionnaire consisted of both qualitative open questions and quantitative multiple-choice questionsbased on Theory of distances (Bjarnason et al., 2016), a compilation of intergroup theory and previousresearch. The results show that there are small differences between traditional and digital DSMs. Hybridvariants, reduced informal communication and lack of comprehensive features were considered to be thegreatest challenge with digital DSM. The benefits were experienced differently depending on the personalcharacteristics of the respondents. The conclusions of the study were that there were no technicalfunctions to back the visibility of emotions and body language, but that functions such as screen sharing,gave a common picture of the project. The informal communication needs to be actively included indigital DSMs which makes digital DSMs more protracted than traditional ones. Further research can focus on virtual meeting rooms as part of the solution to the identified problems

La Socialisation Organisationnelle du Dirigeant salarié. Du contexte de départ du prédécesseur à l'intégration stratégique du successeur. / The new CEO’s organizational socialization. From the former CEO’s departure to the new one’s strategic integration.

Daclin, Marine 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le métier de dirigeant est riche et complexe et un changement de « numéro un » mal appréhendé peut avoir un impact sur la performance socio-économique, la stratégie, la politique ou encore l’organisation de l’entreprise. Faciliter l’arrivée du nouveau dirigeant est donc un enjeu important pour la survie-développement de l’organisation, d’autant que sa socialisation organisationnelle reste peu étudiée. La première partie explicite les fondements conceptuels et méthodologiques de la recherche, et présente les terrains d’expérimentations de nos hypothèses et de nos outils. L’exploitation d’entretiens réalisés avec des dirigeants permet de définir le métier de dirigeant et de mettre en exergue les rôles et les compétences spécifiques du dirigeant salarié. La relation entre le dirigeant et sa Gouvernance est également étudiée. Son besoin particulier de socialisation organisationnelle est alors démontré, notamment par rapport à un repreneur d’entreprise et à un salarié « classique ». Dans la seconde partie, la théorie de la socialisation organisationnelle est adaptée au métier exigeant et unique de dirigeant, via le concept de Socialisation Organisationnelle du Dirigeant (SOD). Ce modèle répond aux besoins spécifiques de socialisation du dirigeant, notamment lors de l’intégration, étape charnière de la socialisation organisationnelle. Elle est constituée de quatre types de reprises : une reprise politico-stratégique, une reprise organisationnelle, une reprise managériale et une reprise du rôle de dirigeant. La qualité de ces reprises aboutit à la qualité de l’intégration du dirigeant, requalifiée d’intégration stratégique à cause de ses enjeux. Une grille d’analyse est proposée afin de permettre au nouveau dirigeant de mieux appréhender l’organisation qu’il va diriger, mais également ses propres besoins de socialisation organisationnelle au travers des variables et facteurs qui la composent. / The job of CEO is rich and complex and the "number one" change, poorly understood, may have an impact on the socio-economic performance, strategy, policy and the organization of the company. Facilitate the arrival of new manager is an important issue for the survival and development of the organization, as well as its organizational socialization remains little studied.The first part explains the conceptual and methodological research, and presents lots of experiments of our assumptions and our tools. We use interviews with executives to define the business leadership and highlight the specifics CEO’s roles and skills. The specific relationship between the leader and its Governance is also studied. Its specific needs of organizational socialization are then demonstrated, particularly in relation to a buyer company and a "classic" employee.In the second part, the concept of organizational socialization is suitable for demanding and unique leader, through the concept of CEO’s Organizational Socialization. This model meets the needs of leader’s socialization, especially during integration, organizational socialization’s milestone. It consists of three types of recoveries: politico-strategic, organizational and managerial. The quality of these recoveries led to the quality of leader’s integration, reclassified strategic integration because of its strategic challenges. An analytical framework is proposed to allow both the new leader to better understand the organization that will lead, but also its own needs through organizational socialization variables and factors that compose it.

Le rôle de la technologie dans la construction des représentations et des pratiques de la relation client : le cas des progiciels CRM / The role of technology in the construction of customer relationship representations and practices : the case of CRM software packages

Grall, Bénédicte 10 November 2014 (has links)
Alors que les outils de gestion envahissent les organisations, nous en savons encore très peu sur la manière dont ils agissent sur les habitudes de penser, sur les façons de faire et sur les comportements.Cette thèse s'intéresse au rôle des progiciels CRM dans la construction des représentations et des pratiques de la relation client. Ces progiciels sont étudiés à deux niveaux: celui de l'espace professionnel des Directeurs commerciaux et celui d'une organisation. Tout d'abord, à partir de l'analyse, entre 1990 et 2009, d'une revue professionnelle destinée aux Directeurs commerciaux, nous montrons l'institutionnalisation des progiciels CRM et que cette institutionnalisation s'est accompagnée d'un déplacement des représentations relatives à ce qui est considéré comme une "bonne" gestion de la relation client. Parallèlement, nous avons mené une étude de cas en profondeur sur dix ans, rendant compte de la mise en oeuvre et de l'utilisation d'un progiciel CRM particulier. Nous montrons que la mise en oeuvre d'un progiciel CRM requiert un processus de traduction continu. Puis, nous mettons en évidence plusieurs transformations des pratiques dont certaines n'étaient pas attendues. Les transformations touchent la connaissance client et son partage, ainsi que les modes de contrôle à l'oeuvre dans l'organisation. Au-delà des transformations des pratiques en matière de contrôle hiérarchique, le progiciel CRM a notamment favorisé la mise en place de deux nouveaux modes de contrôle: un contrôle latéral (entre pairs) et un contrôle transversal (entre fonctions). Notre recherche s'inscrit dans la lignée des travaux qui considèrent que les outils de gestion, et plus globalement les artefacts, méritent qu'on leur accorde une attention plus grande. Nous illustrons plus largement dans ce travail l'intérêt d'aborder les processus organisationnels en prenant au sérieux les objets techniques indissociables de l'action. En les prenant comme points d'entrée, il est possible de documenter des phénomènes jusqu'alors peu explorés / Though management tools are more and more present in organizations, little is known on how they act on mindsets, on habits and on behaviours.This dissertation focuses on the role of CRM software packages in the construction of customer relationship representations and practices. These software packages were studied at two different levels: the sales director community and an organization. First of all, a professional journal analysis between 1990 and 2009 was conducted. The results show that CRM software packages were institutionalized and that this institutionalization comes with a shift in the representations of what is considered as "good" customer relationship management. Then, a ten year in-depth case study of the implementation and the use of a CRM software package was conducted.The results show that the implementation of a CRM software package requires a continuous translation process. They also highlight some changes in practices, of which some are unintended. The changes are related to customer knowledge, its sharing and the modes of control inside the firm. Beyond changes in hierarchical control, the CRM software package leads to the implementation of two new modes of control: a lateral control(between peers) and a transversal control (between functions). This research is in line with the literature that considers that more attention has to be paid to management tools, and more generally to artefacts. We illustrate more broadly in this dissertation the interest of addressing organizational processes by taking seriously the technical objects indissociable from action. Taking them as a starting point for research could be a mean to inform currently underexplored phenomena

Efectos de la adopción del Programa de Núcleos de Apoyo a la Gestión de la Innovación en las prácticas de control de gestión / Efeitos da adoção do Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação nas práticas de controle gerencial / Impact of adopting the Innovation Management Support Center Program on management control practices

Lopes, Iago França, Santos, Vanderlei dos, Beuren, Ilse Maria 10 April 2018 (has links)
The study aims to identify the impact of adopting the program for Centers of Support for Innovation Management (Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação - NAGI) on management control. This descriptive research carried out a survey, having as sample 12 Brazilian companies that joined the program. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and information entropy. Results showed that companies started using the researched systems more intensively, especially performance evaluation, strategic planning, contribution margin, simulations and budget. It was found that the companies started to use financial statements for decision-making, and strategic planning became a standard management control practice. The changes in management control practices after introducing innovationsystems in the organizations were consistent with those observed by Sulaiman and Mitchell (2005), especially in planning, control and financial practices. / El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los efectos causador al adoptar el Programa de Núcleos de Apoyo para la Gestión de Innovación (Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação - NAGI) en las prácticas de controlde gestión. El estudio descriptivo se realizó a partir de una encuesta, con una muestra de 12 empresas brasileñas adheridas al programa. Los datos fueron analizados con estadística descriptiva y entropía de la información. Losresultados muestran que las empresas comenzaron a utilizar más los sistemas investigados, destacándose la evaluación del desempeño, la planificación estratégica, el margen de contribución, simulaciones y presupuesto. Se encontró que las empresas comenzaron a utilizar los estados financieros para tomar decisiones; y la planificación estratégica se ha convertido en una práctica de control de gestión adoptada de forma homogénea. Los cambios ocurridos en el control de gestión después de introducir estas innovaciones en las organizaciones son consistentes con los cambios observados por Sulaiman y Mitchell (2005), especialmente en las prácticas de planificación, control y costeo. / O estudo objetiva identificar os reflexos da adoção do Programa de Núcleos de Apoio à Gestão da Inovação (NAGI) nas práticas de controle gerencial. Pesquisa descritiva foi realizada a partir de um levantamento, tendo como amostra 12empresas brasileiras respondentes do questionário que aderiram ao Programa. Os dados foram analisados com aplicação de estatística descritiva e entropia informacional. Os resultados mostram que as empresas passaram a utilizar com maior intensidade os artefatos investigados, destacando-se a avaliação de desempenho, o planejamento estratégico, a margem de contribuição, simulações e o orçamento. Constatou-se que as empresas passaram a utilizar as demonstrações contábeis na tomada de decisão e o planejamento estratégico tornou-se uma prática de controle gerencial adotada de forma homogênea. Os níveis de mudanças ocorridos nas práticas de controle gerencial com a introdução de inovações nas organizações coadunam com os observados por Sulaiman e Mitchel (2005), em especial nas práticas de planejamento, controle e custeio.

Metodologia para suporte ao planejamento estratÃgico em IFES com base no risco, consenso, BSC e princÃpios de governanÃa

Antonio Jones Bezerra de Almeida 00 March 2018 (has links)
nÃo hà / Em toda organizaÃÃo, incluindo as pÃblicas, a possibilidade da ocorrÃncia de eventos que comprometam o sucesso dos objetivos institucionais planejados à uma premissa para que os riscos sejam considerados, mensurados e acompanhados e assim, os seus impactos sejam mitigados. Na perspectiva do uso da trÃade GovernanÃa, GestÃo de Riscos e Controle interno no serviÃo pÃblico, por forÃa da normatizaÃÃo da INC 01/2016 do MP e CGU e do decreto n 9.203, de 22 de novembro de 2017, este estudo objetiva apresentar e validar uma metodologia para suporte ao planejamento estratÃgico em IFES, com base no risco, consenso, BSC e princÃpios de governanÃa. A fundamentaÃÃo teÃrica apresenta aspectos conceituais sobre governanÃa, controles, gestÃo de riscos e planejamento estratÃgico, alÃm do ambiente de mudanÃas trazido na proposta da nova administraÃÃo pÃblica, sob a finalidade da eficiÃncia e do interesse pÃblico. O aprofundamento da base teÃrica para o contexto empÃrico da pesquisa à ratificado pela apresentaÃÃo dos estudos aplicados à integraÃÃo das ferramentas de gestÃo de riscos e planejamento estratÃgico. A pesquisa à aplicada e se desenvolveu de forma exploratÃria e descritiva, qualitativa e quantitativa, por meio de procedimentos tÃcnicos do tipo pesquisa documental e estudo de caso. O instrumento foi o questionÃrio, elaborado em Escala de Likert, com cinco itens, embasado no MÃtodo Delphi, em duas rodadas, aplicado para dezenove painelistas, onde se buscou estimar a magnitude dos eventos de riscos por meio das suas respostas. Em cada questÃo, os painelistas assinalaram qual a probabilidade e o impacto de cada evento em relaÃÃo aos objetivos institucionais identificados. Os dados quantitativos foram tratados por mÃtodos estatÃsticos descritivos clÃssicos e os dados qualitativos das respostas dos painelistas foram analisados interpretativamente. O consenso das respostas foi calculado pela variaÃÃo do desvio padrÃo e da variÃncia das mÃdias das magnitudes dos riscos, entre as duas rodadas do estudo, onde, resultados positivos evidenciaram o aumento do consenso. As variaÃÃes se mostraram positivas, em 96,43% (27/28) das questÃes, de uma rodada para outra, indicando um aumento do consenso, para essas questÃes. Esses resultados embasaram a obtenÃÃo do ranqueamento, da maior à menor magnitude, cujos riscos foram incorporados em um BSC adaptado à realidade do serviÃo pÃblico, associados aos seus respectivos indicadores.

Hur kan Sustainability Management Control Systems användas för att integrera hållbar utveckling inom banksektorn? / How can Sustainability Management Control Systems be used to integrate sustainable development in the banking sector?

Häger, Sandra, Falk, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle och det ställs allt högre krav på att företag ska ta sitt ansvar för att bidra till en hållbar utveckling. Bankerna är de aktörer som kan styra hur kapital ska investeras och har därmed stor makt och mycket att vinna på att främja en hållbar utveckling i samhället. De globala affärsmöjligheterna som marknaden för hållbar utveckling utgör uppskattas att år 2050 uppgå till omkring tre biljoner dollar per år. Banking on shared value (BSV), som är en vidareutveckling av creating shared value, innebär att banker kan generera ekonomiskt värde på ett sätt som samtidigt skapar socialt och miljömässigt värde. Av en granskning som har utförts av Fair Finance Guide framgår det att de sju största bankerna i Sverige får relativt låga hållbarhetsbetyg. Många forskare menar att sustainability management control systems (SMCS), vilket är en en utvecklad modell av Malmi och Browns teori om MCS kan vara nyckeln till att lyckas integrera hållbar utveckling i verksamheten. Det efterfrågas dock fler praktikfall inom området. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur företagsledningen inom banksektorn kan använda SMCS för att integrera hållbar utveckling i sin verksamhet En fallstudie har genomförts av Ekobanken som är den enda svenska bank som är medlem i Global Alliance for Banking on Values och som har fått högst betyg av samtliga banker i Fair Finance Guides granskning. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuer med två personer inom Ekobankens ledning samt från dokumentstudier. Studien har en abduktiv ansats. Vi har identifierat Ekobankens mest framträdande styrningsverktyg som kulturell styrning som har ett starkt fokus på hållbar utveckling, administrativ styrning och cybernetiska styrningsverktyg. Ekobanken har enligt oss ett väl fungerande SMCS som lyckas med att integrera hållbar utveckling i verksamheten. Vi anser dock inte att Ekobankens arbete med hållbar utveckling kan definieras som BSV fullt ut men att de är den bank i Sverige som i nuläget kommer närmast att uppfylla kraven för BSV. Vi menar därmed att studiens resultat med fördel kan verka inspirerande för andra banker. Det är framförallt Ekobankens transparens, öppna klimat, ledningens engagemang samt deras hållbarhetsredovisning och utlåningspolicy som andra banker, som jobbar mot hållbar utveckling, enligt vår mening bör ta fasta på. / Sustainable development is a topical subject in today's society and there is an increasing demand for companies to take responsibility by contributing to sustainable development. The banks control how capital is invested, thus giving them great power to and a lot to gain from promoting sustainable development in society. The business opportunities from the market for sustainable development is estimated to provide a value of three trillion dollars annually by 2050. Banking on shared value ​​(BSV), which is a further development of creating shared value, means that banks can generate economic value and at the same time create social and environmental value. A review conducted by Fair Finance Guide shows that the seven largest banks in Sweden are performing relatively low results in terms of sustainability. Many researchers argue that sustainability management control systems (SMCS), which is a developed model of Malmi and Brown's theory about MCS, can be the key to successfully integrating sustainable development into the business. However, more practical cases are required in the area. This study aims at contributing to an increased understanding of how corporate governance in the banking sector can use SMCS to integrate sustainable development into the business. A case study has been carried out on Ekobanken, which is the only Swedish bank that is a member of Global Alliance for Banking on Values and has been awarded the highest rating in the Fair Finance Guide´s review. The empirical material has been collected by means of semi-structured interviews with two persons within Ekobanken´s management team as well as documentary studies. The study has an abductive approach. We have identified Ekobanken's most prominent management tools as cultural governance with a strong focus on sustainable development, administrative governance and cybernetic management tools. In our opinion Ekobanken has a successful SMCS that manage to integrating sustainable development into the business. However, Ekobanken's work with sustainable development can, in our opinion, not be fully defined as BSV, but we believe that they are the bank in Sweden that is currently closest to meeting the requirements for BSV. Therefore we mean that the results of this study can be of inspiration for other banks. It is primarily Ekobanken's transparency, open climate, management's commitment, and their sustainability report and lending policy that other banks working towards sustainable development should strive to apply.

Développement d'outils de management et actes de langage dans les entreprises de spectacle vivant / Development of Management Tools and Speech Acts in Performing Arts Companies

Caillat, Isabelle 26 September 2011 (has links)
Les entreprises de spectacle vivant évoluent dans un contexte de diminution de ressources externes et de modification des modalités d’attribution des subventions par l’application de la LOLF (Loi Organique relative aux Lois de Finances). Leur problématique repose sur les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour faire face à ces contraintes. Nous nous attachons à démontrer que leur développement dépend de l’amélioration de la logique de coopération entre les acteurs à partir du projet artistique et de l’appropriation des contraintes d’évaluation de la LOLF, pour révéler les performances cachées et développer des ressources internes. Cette recherche se construit à partir de l’hypothèse que l’amélioration de la performance globale des organisations dépend d’une action transformative qui opère selon trois axes interdépendants : l’intervention, les outils de management, le langage–acteur. A partir d’une recherche-Intervention dans un théâtre et d’un diagnostic qualitatif dans un autre, nous accompagnons les acteurs dans une conduite de changement et étudions les conditions de développement managérial dans ce type d’organisation. Nous analysons comment l’utilisation du langage dans le cadre de l’Intervention Socio-Economique modifie les représentations et contribue à l’élaboration d’un nouveau dispositif managérial. Nous proposons d’associer les outils de management socio-Économiques, utilisés comme des matrices de lecture de l’organisation, aux critères d’évaluation et de subvention des pouvoirs publics pour en faire des outils de réflexion sur le processus de réalisation et de diffusion de spectacle et construire une représentation partagée entre les différents acteurs. / Performing arts companies operate in a context of declining resources and changes in the rules governing the allocation of grants, in accordance with the LOLF (Organic Law relative to the Laws of Finance). Their challenge lies in finding ways to address these constraints. We aim to demonstrate that their development depends on improving the manner in which all parties cooperate, based on the artistic project and taking into account the constraints resulting from the evaluation used by the LOLF, to reveal hidden costs and to develop internal resources. This research is based on the hypothesis that improving the overall performance of organizations depends on a transformative action that operates in three interdependent areas: intervention, management tools, and the speech-Actor. Based on intervention-Research in one theatre and on a qualitative study in another, we have assisted actors in the process of change management and examined the conditions in which managerial development takes place in this type of organization. We analyse how language use in the context of Socio-Economic Intervention modifies the representations and contributes to the elaboration of a new managerial instrument. We propose the use of socio-Economic management tools, serving as a framework for analyzing the organisation, combined with the criteria of evaluation and allocation of public funding as a basis of reflexion on the process of creation and dissemination of shows, as well as a means of building a shared representation between the different actors.

Příprava a řízení stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Construction Order Preparation and Management in Construction Company

Krivdová, Magdaléna January 2016 (has links)
Impact of competitive pressures, ever-increasing investor demands and the unstable economic situation forces construction companies to more effective preparation and management of contracts. The subject of this thesis is the preparation and management of construction contracts in the construction company. The theoretical part is devoted to the description management by project and its tools, supply activities and supplier preparation of construction. Theoretical explanation matters of project management is followed by practical demonstration of the selected job.

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