Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda goetic"" "subject:"anda apoetic""
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Meze a jazyky v poezii současných irských autorek / Meze a jazyky v poezii současných irských autorekTheinová, Daniela January 2013 (has links)
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze DISSERTATION ABSTRACT Daniela Theinová LIMITS AND LANGUAGES in Contemporary Irish Women's Poetry "Irish poetry" is an inherently equivocal concept characterized by two fissures, one linguistic (Irish-English; standard English-Hiberno English) and the other chronological (oral-written; Old Irish-modern Irish). Central to my project is to show how this bifurcate cultural identity, prominent in Irish literature due to Ireland's history and the politicized concept of "national language," figures in poetry by Irish women of the last forty years. While I account for the significance of the hyphen in Anglo-Irish as well as in Gaelic-Irish poets, contradictory tensions are traced not only across and along the linguistic divide. In attending to the shift from feminism (Eavan Boland, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Paula Meehan, Medbh McGuckian, and Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill) to post-feminism in Irish poetry (Biddy Jenkinson, Vona Groarke, Caitríona O'Reilly, and Aifric Mac Aodha), I illustrate the role that the border between English and Irish has played in these processes. The dissertation falls into two parts each of which consists of two chapters. Part One explores some of the ways in which poets have confronted the inherited tradition and the feminine stereotypes therein. My...
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In soft Complaints no longer ease I find / poetic onfigurations of melancholy by early eighteenth-century women poetsBlackmore, Sabine 30 March 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die verschiedenen Konstruktionen poetischer Selbstrepräsentationen durch Melancholie in Gedichten englischer Autorinnen des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts (ca. 1680-1750). Die vielfältigen Gedichte stammen von repräsentativen lyrischer Autorinnen dieser Epoche, z.B. Anne Wharton, Anne Finch, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, Henrietta Knight, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Leapor, Mary Chudleigh, Mehetabel Wright und Elizabeth Boyd. Vor einem ausführlichen medizinhistorischen Hintergrund, der die Ablösung der Humoralpathologie durch die Nerven und die daraus resultierende Neupositionierung von Frauen als Melancholikerinnen untersucht, rekurriert die Arbeit auf die Zusammenhänge von Medizin und Literatur im 18. Jahrhundert. Für die Gedichtanalysen werden gezielt Analysekategorien und zwei Typen poetisch-melancholischer Selbstrepräsentationen entwickelt und dann für die Close Readings der Texte eingesetzt. Die Auswahl der Gedicht umfasst sowohl Texte, die auf generisch standardisierte Marker der Melancholie verweisen, als auch Texte, die eine hauptsächlich die melancholische Erfahrung inszenieren, ohne dabei zwangsläufig explizit auf die genretypischen Marker zurück zu greifen. Die detaillierten Close Readings der Gedichte zeigen die oftmals ambivalenten Strategien der poetisch-melancholischen Selbstkonstruktionen der Sprecherinnen in den Gedichttexten und demonstrieren deutlich, dass – entgegen der vorherrschenden kritischen Meinung – auch Autorinnen dieser Epoche zum literarischen Melancholiediskurs beigetragen haben. Die Arbeit legt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die sog. weibliche Elegie und ihrem Verhältnis zur Melancholie. Dabei wird deutlich, dass gerade Trauer, die oftmals als weiblich konnotierte Gegendiskurs zur männlich konnotierten genialischen Melancholie wahrgenommen wird, und die daraus folgende Elegie von Frauen als wichtiger literarischer Raum für melancholische Dichtung genutzt wurde und somit als Teil des literarischen Melancholiediskurses dient. / This thesis analyses different constructions of poetic self-representations through melancholy in poems written by early eighteenth-century women writers (ca. 1680-1750). The selection of poems includes texts written by representative poets such as Anne Wharton, Anne Finch, Elizabeth Singer Rowe, Henrietta Knight, Elizabeth Carter, Mary Leapor, Mary Chudleigh, Mehetabel Wright und Elizabeth Boyd. Against the background of a detailed analysis of the medical-historical paradigmatic change from humoral pathology to the nerves and the subsequent re-positioning of women as melancholics, the thesis refers to the close relationship of medicine and literature during the eighteenth century. Specifical categories of analysis and two different types of melancholic-poetic self-representations are developed, in order to support the close readings of the literary texts. These poems comprise both texts, which explicitly refer to generically standardized melancholy markers, as well as texts, which negotiate and aestheticize the melancholic experience without necessarily mentioning melancholy. The detailed close readings of the poems discuss the often ambivalent strategies of the poetic speakers to construct and represent their melancholic selves and clearly demonstrate that women writers of that time did – despite the common critical opinion – contribute to the literary discourse of melancholy. The thesis pays special attention to the so-called female elegy and its relationship to melancholy. It becomes clear that mourning and grief, which have often been considered a feminine counter-discourse to the discourse of melancholy as sign of the male intellectual and/or artistic genius, and the resulting female elegy offer an important literary space for women writers and their melancholy poetry, which should thus be recognized as a distinctive part of the literary discourse of melancholy.
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Boiardo lettore di Dante. Comunicazione letteraria e intertestualità a Ferrara nella loro dimensione storicaCazzato, Matteo 29 May 2024 (has links)
La tesi si propone di indagare l’intertestualità dantesca nell’opera volgare di Matteo Maria Boiardo. Il fenomeno è già stato oggetto di studi – indirizzati soprattutto al poema cavalleresco, e in misura minore (specie negli ultimi anni) al canzoniere lirico – che si sono mossi però nell’alveo dell’impostazione strutturalista, con una considerazione della memoria poetica da un punto di vista formalista e tipologico. Questa corrente ha consentito sviluppi importanti negli studi filologici, ma porta a vedere il fatto letterario staccato dal suo contesto di riferimento. Se questo esito in Italia è stato arginato da una forte base storicista, va detto che gli studi sulle riprese poetiche hanno però vissuto una situazione particolare. Da una parte, infatti, lo strutturalismo fra anni ’60 e ’70 ha imposto anche in Italia, attraverso una serie di importanti lavori, il suo modo di trattare la questione, senza poi che il successivo approdo semiotico incidesse in maniera significativa. Dall’altra, la reazione di chi voleva agganciare il fenomeno al dato storico ha riportato il problema all’impostazione erudita della critica delle fonti, privilegiando la raccolta dati da mettere in relazione con le informazioni sulla storia della tradizione e della circolazione. L’obbiettivo di questa tesi è fare un passo avanti, nella convinzione che per lo studio di questi fenomeni di riuso sia la circolazione manoscritta che i dati testuali e formali vadano letti in una piena prospettiva semiotica: guardare ai fenomeni di tradizione e trasmissione testuale nell’ottica dei processi ricettivi, e considerare le scelte di memoria poetica come atti comunicativi, con un valore pragmatico. La ricerca ha l’intento di giungere ad una maggior comprensione del rapporto del dotto poeta umanistico con il modello dantesco, un’interpretazione più chiara delle strategie di riuso, determinate dal particolare modo di leggere la Commedia nel contesto specifico, e perciò attraverso un preciso filtro fra quelli disponibili al tempo. Accanto all’insieme di informazioni filologiche sulle attestazioni manoscritte nelle biblioteche del tempo, l’indagine qui condotta consente – anche da un punto di vista che potremmo definire attributivo – di indicare in Benvenuto da Imola l’esegeta di riferimento per Boiardo e il suo pubblico, proprio perché l’osservazione ravvicinata dei testi e dei loro legami fa emergere questa tradizione interpretativa come la più attiva nell’elaborazione boiardesca rivolta ai lettori. Il lavoro non ha preso le mosse da un afflato teorico, teso a riconcettualizzare l’intertestualità, ma da un intento di chiarificazione sui testi e alcuni loro aspetti che non sembravano però trovare una spiegazione soddisfacente all’interno del quadro metodologico diffuso. Il lavoro, allora, ha assunto poco alla volta anche una vena metodologica sorta dall’osservazione dei fenomeni in modo nuovo. E così, accanto all’indagine storico-letteraria, e in stretta relazione con essa, è stato possibile avanzare alcune proposte ermeneutiche sui meccanismi intertestuali in base alle dinamiche della comunicazione letteraria. E nelle pagine che seguono il percorso si articola attorno a nuclei diversi ma interconnessi: da una parte la riflessione generale a carattere semiotico sui fenomeni di memoria poetica, che vengono concettualizzati grazie agli apporti di discipline come la pragmatica; segue una ricognizione storica sulle modalità di lettura e ricezione del modello dantesco – e non solo – in base alla circolazione dei testi e dei loro apparati esegetici; si arriva poi al nucleo del lavoro con l’affondo diretto su opere e paratesti esegetici con le loro relazioni, che si instaurano all’interno del laboratorio d’autore e poi da lì arrivano al pubblico.
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Rozklad černé, technika nedůsledného překládání Světla / The Breaking Down of Black, the Technique of Inconsistent Transfer of LightTrnková, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
Im interested in the topic of praying machine, because I want to analyze aspects of photography and its functions. It's known, that the reality is manipulated by photography. Bud we can also say, that the relationship between reality and photography is neutral in fact, that the manipulation is made by our interpretation of photography. The change of the reality can be realized just in the dialog between photography and reality. Can it be, that the mechanization change into the will? Does it prays praying mill or the buddhistic monk, who rotates the mill? When he believes into it, is it enough? Or is it enough if believes who watch the monk with his mill? ... The computers from he place A are "praying" the prayers from the place B. With Tomáš Javůrek we collaborated with Vladimír Veselý and Radek Lát to create the Game for re-articulation our reality on the base of the revision of our faith.
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From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal timesMacLeod, Suzanne 26 March 2014 (has links)
As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive. / Graduate / 0452 / 0680 / 0351 / macsuz@shaw.ca
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From the "rising tide" to solidarity: disrupting dominant crisis discourses in dementia social policy in neoliberal timesMacLeod, Suzanne 26 March 2014 (has links)
As a social worker practising in long-term residential care for people living with dementia, I am alarmed by discourses in the media and health policy that construct persons living with dementia and their health care needs as a threatening “rising tide” or crisis. I am particularly concerned about the material effects such dominant discourses, and the values they uphold, might have on the collective provision of care and support for our elderly citizens in the present neoliberal economic and political context of health care. To better understand how dominant discourses about dementia work at this time when Canada’s population is aging and the number of persons living with dementia is anticipated to increase, I have rooted my thesis in poststructural methodology. My research method is a discourse analysis, which draws on Foucault’s archaeological and genealogical concepts, to examine two contemporary health policy documents related to dementia care – one national and one provincial. I also incorporate some poetic representation – or found poetry – to write up my findings. While deconstructing and disrupting taken for granted dominant crisis discourses on dementia in health policy, my research also makes space for alternative constructions to support discursive and health policy possibilities in solidarity with persons living with dementia so that they may thrive. / Graduate / 0452 / 0680 / 0351 / macsuz@shaw.ca
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Slovinské národní divadlo v Lublani / Slovene National Theatre in LjubljanaHýl, Petr January 2009 (has links)
SLOVENE NATIONAL THEATRE IN LJUBLJANA Author Report Of The Diploma Work Author: Bc. Petr Hýl Supervisor: doc. ing. arch. Zdeněk Makovský
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