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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engaging Teenagers in Online Ethnographic Participatory Design

Strineholm, Ioana Andreea January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to explore the implications of using online ethnographic participatory design in studying communication with teenagers in the context of Carbon Dioxide Theatre, a climate action research project. By developing multiple methods, tools and activities, the implications are understood throughout the teenagers’ engagement in collaborating and co-creating using online media. The findings are then organized based on the teenagers activity from three perspectives, by following the medium, the story and the feeling. The medium shows how social media platforms such as Snapchat and Facebook Messenger can be used in order to establish a valuable collaboration with the teenagers, the story presents how the teenagers are expressing their views, thoughts and dilemmas regarding the climate action topic, co-creating one Instagram account while the feeling offers emotions raised during the process. Ultimately, inspired from the study process, the paper suggests a design method for online ethnographic participatory design data collection, consisting of a set of cards and maps that can be utilized as a guiding tool in organizing and understanding the empirical data within an exploratory research context. / Carbon Dioxid Theatre

The Importance of Gender Equality in Climate Action : An investigation into how UN member states view the relation between gender equality and climate action

van Duijn, Diandra January 2021 (has links)
Scientists warn that the current rate of climate change will raise average global temperature by 4°C compared to 1990, although warming of +2°C will already have dire effects throughout the world. Therefore, the UN acknowledges SDG 13 (Climate Action) as one of the most important goals for the coming decade in order to fight climate change. Another focus of the UN is SDG 5 (Gender Equality), which is also an overarching goal but still lagging behind. Working on one of the goals can have a positive effect on other goals. Therefore a synergy can be created when investigating how climate change affects gender equality and how gender equality affects climate action.  The link between gender equality and climate action was already established by the UN at the Beijing Platform of Action in 1995. However, there has been little research into how government representatives understand how the goals are interconnected. These representatives are important in the drafting of new policy and keeping the UN accountable for incorporating gender into its policies. Hence, this thesis investigates how the relationship between gender equality and climate action is viewed by government representatives, as well as in national climate documents. A content analysis was performed on National Determined Contributions (NDCs) and climate change Gender Action Plans (ccGAPs). The results illustrate that the location and expertise of the interviewees impacted their opinions greatly. The interviewees based at permanent missions at the UN headquarter in New York were of the opinion that their government thought the link existed but acknowledged more should be done to convince other countries as the link was not taken for a fact. The interviewees working with the UNFCCC negotiations, however, said all member states agreed on the importance of including gender equality in climate action. Another finding is that only one-third of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) contained gender perspectives. Of these, one-third mentioned women as victims of climate change and two-thirds saw women as actors of change in climate action.  Establishing a firm agreement on the link between gender equality and climate action within UN bodies is important to expanding the impact of climate policies on both gender quality and climate action.

A more sustainable Palm oil industry : A case study on the Government in Indonesia achieving SDGs number 8 and 13 with the help of the palm oil industry

Pettersson Tobar, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
In 2015, the United Nations adopted 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 dub-goals, for all United Nations member countries. The goals are referred to as Agenda 2030 which aims to be guidelines for the countries as well as deepen the commitments of implementation.This paper aims to identify opportunities for how the palm oil industry can, through a more sustainable way, help to achieve objectives of UN ́s goals number eight and thirteen, by examining how the government in Indonesia works. Goal number eight: Decent work and economic growth, and goal number thirteen: Climate action.The analysis has been conducted through a qualitative case study based on scientific articles and various documents.The method used is A political economic approach together with an stakeholders analysis, where all stakeholders seek to be identified. The Government of Indonesia is working towards more sustainable production of palm oil and is undertaken by several stakeholders on the way, for example, the implementation of Indonesian Sustainable Palm oil (ISPO), which the government of Indonesia has installed to make the palm oil industry somehow contribute to meeting the SDGs.

Koldioxidbudget 2021-2045 för Tranemokommun : En granskning av potentiella vägar till en fossilfri kommun

Axengren, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Antropogena utsläpp av koldioxid och andra växthusgaser har orsakat en ökning avden globala genomsnittliga yttemperaturen över förindustriella nivåer. Samhället stårdärför inför en klimatomställning på en global, nationell och lokal nivå. Den globalakoldioxidbudgeten motsvarar den totala mängd antropogena koldioxidutsläpp som ärtillåtet för att hålla sig inom ramen av de uppsatta målen inom Parisavtalet. Studienbryter ner den globala koldioxidbudgeten på lokal nivå för att åskådliggörapotentiella vägar för Tranemo till att bli en fossilfri kommun. Studien bygger därförpå en datainsamling av territoriella och konsumtionsbaserade koldioxidutsläpp inomkommunens geografiska område samt inom kommunens förvaltningsorganisation.Studien analyserar vidare hur den framtida utvecklingen av klimatarbetet påverkarkoldioxidutsläpp med hjälp av scenariotekniker baserat på suveränitetsprincipen.Utsläpp orsakade från industrisektorn, transporter och utrikesflyg motsvarar de trestörsta utsläppskällorna i det geografiska området. Det beskrivna önskvärda scenariot,Best case scenario, budgeterar 602 KT CO2 mellan åren 2021-2045 därutsläppsminskande åtgärder från en av kommunens största industrier är avgörandeför att hålla sig inom ramen av budgeten. Studien visar att om samhället fortsätter attproducera och konsumera i samma takt som tidigare år kommer budgeterade utsläppvara förbrukad vid år 2027. Studien speglar den nationella och globala bilden av industrisektorn som endominerande utsläppskälla. I kontrast till identifierade konsumtionsbaseradeutsläppsminskande åtgärder är industrisektorn är en aktör som skapar en avgörandeeffekt i klimatarbetet för att reducera koldioxidutsläppen. Slutsatser dras attkoldioxidbudgeten som ett politiskt styrande dokument betraktas som ett effektivtstyrmedel om kommunen har större handlingskraft och rådighet över utsläppen somsker. Samverkan mellan offentlig och privat sektor betraktas därför som enframgångsfaktor. Kommunens utmaning för att möjliggöra klimatomställningen är attföra en kraftfull klimatpolitik och vidta åtgärder i ett tidigt skede. Vidare slutsatsersom dras i studien är därför vikten av ett strategiskt utvecklingsarbete för attmöjliggöra klimatomställningen. / Carbon dioxide emissions together with other greenhouse gases emitted byanthropogenic activities have caused an increased global average surface temperatureabove pre-industrial levels. The society is therefore facing a challenge to limit theenvironmental and societal risks associated to a global warming below 2 ° C, with theambition of 1.5 ° C. The global carbon budget determines the total amount ofanthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions that are allowed to likely limit a globalwarming of 2 ° C. By breaking down the global carbon budget at a local level,highlights this study hypothetical ways for the municipality of Tranemo to become afossil free municipality by using scenario techniques according to the principal of“grandfathering”. The study therefor maps out historical territorial and consumptionbasedcarbon dioxide emissions that are caused within the municipality’sgeographical area, and within the municipality’s administrative organization, in orderto further identify and propose climate actions.The study points out that emissions caused by the industrial sector, transportationsector, and international flights generate the greatest impact in the geographical areaof Tranemo. The desirable scenario, Best case scenario, accounts 602 KT CO2 betweenyear 2021-2045 where an emission reduction action from one of the municipality’slargest industries is crucial to stay within the budget. The study illustrates that thebudget will be spent by the year 2027 if the society continues to produce and consumein the same pace as previous years. The industrial sector is a dominant polluter at a national and global level. The studyconfirms that industrial sector is also a dominant emission source at a local level forthe geographical area of Tranemo. Climate actions within the industrial sector aretherefore crucial. The identified consumption-based climate actions are consequentlynegligible in contrast to emissions caused by the industrial sector. The studyconcludes that the carbon budget as a political document is regarded as an effectivetool if the municipality has a greater leverage and resourcefulness of the overallgenerated emissions. Cooperation between public and private actors is considered tobe a factor for success. The study clarifies the importance of strategic developmentwork, and influencing factors connected to it when it comes to transforming oursociety towards a sustainable development. / <p>2020-06-05</p>

Incitament kopplat till klimatåtgärder i infrastrukturprojekt : En kvalitativ studie om incitaments påverkan i konsultkontrakt / Incentives linked to climate actions in infrastructure projects : A qualitative study upon incentives impact in consulting contracts

Bakhtiar, Kandan January 2020 (has links)
Infrastruktursektorn har ofta varit kritiserad för brist på effektivitet och innovation i projekten. Samtidigt står infrastruktursektorn för en stor andel av koldioxidutsläppen i Sverige. De flesta länder har infört strategier och policys för att uppnå de uppsatta klimatmålen. Incitament har identifierats kunna påverka motivationen hos leverantörerna i att utveckla hållbara lösningar. Det finns en generell avsaknad av incitament kopplat till prestationer i tidiga skeden där konsulter är aktiva. Tidigare studier rekommenderar att utveckla modeller för att bistå beställaren i att agera för ökad samverkan och innovation i projekteringsprocessen. Detta examensarbete har därför till syfte att undersöka hur incitament för konsulter upplevs påverka klimatåtgärder samt vilka möjligheter, hinder och risker som finns med incitament kopplat till klimatåtgärder i tidiga skeden. Detta för att slutligen kunna nå en slutsats i vad som saknas för att kunna formulera incitament i konsultkontrakt. För att studera detta används tre incitamentsroller från tidigare forskning som teoretiskt perspektiv. Studien visar att incitament kan skapa utrymme för individer att arbeta med utvecklingsfrämjande åtgärder inom klimat förutsatt att de övergripande målen är nedbrutna på projektnivå. Incitament kan stimulera och motivera till en ökad prestation i organisationer i projekt med stark fokus på tid och kostnad. För att det ska fungera, behöver det finnas en mätbarhet i incitamentet för att konsulten ska kunna utföra arbetet och beställaren ska kunna utvärdera. Det finns en risk att andra områden blir nedprioriterat till följd av att incitament kopplas till ett specifikt område. I tidiga skeden finns det en högre påverkansgrad att optimera lösningar som kan leda till minskad klimatbelastning. Studien visar att det finns en avsaknad av vad klimatpåverkan är i ett projekt i normalfall, och detta behöver definieras i syfte att kunna mäta klimatreducerande åtgärder mot normalfallet eftersom mätbarheten anses viktig. Vidare har projektledarens engagemang och målstyrning i frågan en avgörande roll i hur framgångsrikt ett incitament blir. Det anses viktigt att tydliggöra målet för att skapa fokus inom organisationen, på så vis att incitament ska få önskad effekt. / The infrastructure sector has often been criticized for lack of efficiency and innovation in projects. At the same time, the infrastructure stands for a major amount of the carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden. Most countries have introduced strategies and policies in order to achieve the set climate goals. Incentives have been identified to have an impact on supplier’s motivation to deliver sustainable solutions. There is an overall lack in incentives linked to performance in early stages when the consultant is involved. Previous research shows that models should be developed to assist the client in including more cooperation and innovation in the design process. Therefore, this thesis intends to investigate in how incentives for the consultant are perceived to impact climate actions. Also, what possibilities, obstacles and risks are there in including incentives linked to climate action in early stages. This is in order to reach the conclusion of what is missing in the process of forming incentives in consulting contracts. To examine these questions, three roles of incentives from previous research was used as a theoretical perspective. This study shows that incentives can create room for individuals to work with actions that aims to develop the work within climate, given that the overalls climate goals are broken down and customized for the specific project. Incentives can stimulate and motivate to enhanced performance in organisations, in projects with otherwise strong focus on time and budget. For this to work, there needs to be measurability in incentives for the consultant to be able to perform and the client to evaluate the work. However, there is a risk for other areas within the project to be down prioritized following an incentive linked to a specific area. In early stages there is a higher possibility to impact the solutions in the project, which can result in reduction of negative climate impact. The study shows that there is a lack of knowledge in matter of what the climate impact is in a project normally, and this needs to be defined in order to measure climate actions against the normal case because the measurability is considered to be important. Moreover, the project manager´s commitment and objectives management in the area plays a big role in how successful the incentives will be. It is also important to clarify the goals for the organisation to focus on, by doing this the incentive can reach the desired effect.

Incitament kopplat till klimatåtgärder i infrastrukturprojekt : En kvalitativ studie om incitaments påverkan i konsultkontrakt / Incentives linked to climate actions in infrastructure projects : A qualitative study upon incentives impact in consulting contracts

Bakhtiar, Kandan January 2020 (has links)
Infrastruktursektorn har ofta varit kritiserad för brist på effektivitet och innovation i projekten. Samtidigt står infrastruktursektorn för en stor andel av koldioxidutsläppen i Sverige. De flesta länder har infört strategier och policys för att uppnå de uppsatta klimatmålen. Incitament har identifierats kunna påverka motivationen hos leverantörerna i att utveckla hållbara lösningar. Det finns en generell avsaknad av incitament kopplat till prestationer i tidiga skeden där konsulter är aktiva. Tidigare studier rekommenderar att utveckla modeller för att bistå beställaren i att agera för ökad samverkan och innovation i projekteringsprocessen. Detta examensarbete har därför till syfte att undersöka hur incitament för konsulter upplevs påverka klimatåtgärder samt vilka möjligheter, hinder och risker som finns med incitament kopplat till klimatåtgärder i tidiga skeden. Detta för att slutligen kunna nå en slutsats i vad som saknas för att kunna formulera incitament i konsultkontrakt. För att studera detta används tre incitamentsroller från tidigare forskning som teoretiskt perspektiv. Studien visar att incitament kan skapa utrymme för individer att arbeta med utvecklingsfrämjande åtgärder inom klimat förutsatt att de övergripande målen är nedbrutna på projektnivå. Incitament kan stimulera och motivera till en ökad prestation i organisationer i projekt med stark fokus på tid och kostnad. För att det ska fungera, behöver det finnas en mätbarhet i incitamentet för att konsulten ska kunna utföra arbetet och beställaren ska kunna utvärdera. Det finns en risk att andra områden blir nedprioriterat till följd av att incitament kopplas till ett specifikt område. I tidiga skeden finns det en högre påverkansgrad att optimera lösningar som kan leda till minskad klimatbelastning. Studien visar att det finns en avsaknad av vad klimatpåverkan är i ett projekt i normalfall, och detta behöver definieras i syfte att kunna mäta klimatreducerande åtgärder mot normalfallet eftersom mätbarheten anses viktig. Vidare har projektledarens engagemang och målstyrning i frågan en avgörande roll i hur framgångsrikt ett incitament blir. Det anses viktigt att tydliggöra målet för att skapa fokus inom organisationen, på så vis att incitament ska få önskad effekt. / The infrastructure sector has often been criticized for lack of efficiency and innovation in projects. At the same time, the infrastructure stands for a major amount of the carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden. Most countries have introduced strategies and policies in order to achieve the set climate goals. Incentives have been identified to have an impact on supplier’s motivation to deliver sustainable solutions. There is an overall lack in incentives linked to performance in early stages when the consultant is involved. Previous research shows that models should be developed to assist the client in including more cooperation and innovation in the design process. Therefore, this thesis intends to investigate in how incentives for the consultant are perceived to impact climate actions. Also, what possibilities, obstacles and risks are there in including incentives linked to climate action in early stages. This is in order to reach the conclusion of what is missing in the process of forming incentives in consulting contracts. To examine these questions, three roles of incentives from previous research was used as a theoretical perspective. This study shows that incentives can create room for individuals to work with actions that aims to develop the work within climate, given that the overalls climate goals are broken down and customized for the specific project. Incentives can stimulate and motivate to enhanced performance in organisations, in projects with otherwise strong focus on time and budget. For this to work, there needs to be measurability in incentives for the consultant to be able to perform and the client to evaluate the work. However, there is a risk for other areas within the project to be down prioritized following an incentive linked to a specific area. In early stages there is a higher possibility to impact the solutions in the project, which can result in reduction of negative climate impact. The study shows that there is a lack of knowledge in matter of what the climate impact is in a project normally, and this needs to be defined in order to measure climate actions against the normal case because the measurability is considered to be important. Moreover, the project manager´s commitment and objectives management in the area plays a big role in how successful the incentives will be. It is also important to clarify the goals for the organisation to focus on, by doing this the incentive can reach the desired effect.

Beyond Carbon Toward Liberation: An Urban Bioethical Case for a Socially and Environmentally Just University Health System

Burkholder, Caroline Presley 08 1900 (has links)
Awareness of critical public health issues stemming from historical and contemporary environmental injustice has been growing, yet institutions are still working to identify how to respond. How do we transform University Health System infrastructure, in the built environment and affiliated community assets and human capital, to center equity and the lived experience of climate injustice in urban communities? Through the application of urban bioethical principles and examination of a public state-related university and its health system in a major U.S. city, I argue that the higher education institutional climate action planning process for medical schools and their attendant university health systems, in concert with public sector actors, can be a vehicle and accelerator for achieving health equity in urban communities and suggest what exactly that could or should look like. This thesis will look at the role of university health systems in addressing climate change and mitigating its impacts. More specifically, it looks to provide context for the influence of “meds and eds” in urban communities: how their status as anchor institutions and sites of economic development implicates their responsibility to anticipate the differentiated material experience of climate change. As sites of care delivery, medical education and training, and major employers these institutions have a duty to ameliorate the associated inequitable health outcomes of climate change. I provide a model for action by all urban university health system stakeholders with recommendations to sustain equitable resilience in the face of environmental crisis. / Urban Bioethics

A Baseline Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Oberlin: Stepping Up to the Challenge of Climate Neutrality

Meyer, Nathaniel Flaschner 01 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Koch, Sofi January 2021 (has links)
This study explored how social aspects for stakeholder engagement are being addressed and incorporated in climate action plans (CAPs). This focus was chosen to address the knowledge gap in research on social conditions for climate action which has been found to provide barriers to achieving deep decarbonisation. The thesis conducted a case study of two cities, Copenhagen (Denmark) and Stockholm (Sweden). Each city’s CAP was analysed through a thematic document analysis that explored through what measures each city aim to achieve stakeholder engagement for local climate action.    Five overarching themes were identified through a literature review and used as an analysis framework: citizen engagement, private sector engagement, stakeholder collaboration, awareness development and advocacy. For both CAPs, the results showed an extensive variation for measures that contributed to each theme. The main findings were that measures should focus on developing collaborations, partnerships, networks, knowledge, awareness, skills, green procurement policies and stricter environmental regulations to support the level of stakeholder engagement needed for deep decarbonisation. Also, to focus on advocation measures, as well as measures aimed at developing knowledge and support to accelerate systematic change. In addition, it was found that cities need to focus on ensuring higher levels of equity and formalize extended citizen involvement for more inclusive and fair transitions. Findings also highlighted similarities and differences between the two CAPs, what lessons could be learned from these and connected these findings to how climate action could be further developed.

Strategic Planning for Net-Zero Emissions in the Steel Industry : A Case Study of Ovako Sweden AB in Hällefors / Strategisk planering för netto noll-utsläpp i stålindustrin : En fallstudie på Ovako Sweden AB i Hällefors

Svedin, Daniel January 2024 (has links)
The global steel industry is responsible for 7% of the global greenhouse gas emissions and stands in front of big challenges when it comes to reducing emissions. With the Paris agreement as a basis and the recent legislations and propositions regarding emission reduction and mitigation targets, the industry as a whole is in need of clear and structured frameworks for conducting comprehensive mitigation targets and extensive action plans in their strategic sustainability planning. By analyzing how strategic sustainability planning in the global steel industry is currently used, a thorough literature study has been conducted regarding the current state of action. Further, a compilation of different strategic planning frameworks have been made to see how different frameworks could be summarized in relation to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in order to establish an exhaustive approach to climate action in the steel industry. By implementing such frameworks together with a backcasting method based on a modified mPB process called strategic sustainability planning process (SSPP) in this study, a proposed outline of a climate action plan could be made based on a case study on the steel manufacturer Ovako Sweden AB in Hällefors. A mitigation LEAP model could be conducted by integrating the backcasting method in the LEAP model and evaluated based on four constructed mitigation scenarios and the compilation of frameworks. Further End-of-Pipe technologies could be evaluated based on the results from the LEAP model and literature findings.  Based on the findings, it becomes clear that a uniting of several strategic planning frameworks is needed in order to cover the entire spectrum of functions in strategic planning of mitigation action. Further, the results highlight the importance and dependence of adapting to policy and technological advancement in the steel industry, and that few but rather substantial investments can play a big role in the transition to green production. In the case for Ovakos production site in Hällefors, the change of the ear-marked electricity contract played a big role in scope 2 emissions, where a decrease of about 68% was made by phasing out the use of fossil fuels. Based on the methodology and depending on the scenario, a reduction of production related emissions by 97% could be achieved. Further, the use of end-of-pipe technologies, emission mitigation is obtained as well as a potential for circular economy initiatives based on the residual products accomplished by the technologies. / Den globala stålindustrin är ansvarig för 7% av de globala växthusgasutsläppen och står inför stora utmaningar vad gäller att minska deras utsläpp. Med Parisavtalet som fundament, och de senaste lagstiftningarna och propositionerna rörande utsläppsminskning och åtgärdsplaner för reduktion, är branschen som helhet i behov av tydliga och strukturerade ramverk för att genomföra omfattande reduktionsmål och omfattande åtgärdsplaner i sin strategiska hållbarhetsplanering. Genom att analysera hur strategisk hållbarhetsplanering i den globala stålindustrin för närvarande används, har en grundlig litteraturstudie genomförts kopplat till den nuvarande statusen av åtgärder. Dessutom har en sammanställning av olika strategiska ramverk verkställts för att se hur olika ramverk skulle kunna sammanfattas i förhållande till CSRD. Detta för att etablera ett heltäckande tillvägagångssätt för klimatåtgärder inom stålindustrin. Genom att tillsammans med en backcasting metod baserad på mPB, som i denna studie kallas för process för strategisk hållbarhetsplanering (SSPP), kunde en föreslagen struktur för en klimatåtgärdsplan göras baserad på en fallstudie om ståltillverkaren Ovako Sweden AB i Hällefors. En utsläppsreduktionsmodell i LEAP kunde genomföras genom att integrera backcastingen i LEAP-modellen och utvärderas baserat på fyra konstruerade framtidsscenarier och sammanställningen av ramverk. Vidare kunde slutbehandlingstekniker (end-of-pipe technologies) baserade på resultaten från LEAP- modellen och litteraturstudien utvärderas.  Baserat på resultaten framgår det att en förening av flera strategiska planeringsramar behövs för att täcka hela spektrumet av funktioner i strategisk planering av åtgärder för utsläppsminskning. Vidare belyser resultaten vikten och beroendet av att anpassasig till politiska och tekniska framsteg inom stålindustrin, och att få men betydande investeringar kan spela en stor roll i övergången till grön produktion. I fallet med Ovakos produktionsanläggning i Hällefors spelade förändringen av den öronmärkta elavtalet en stor roll för minskningen av scope 2-utsläpp, där en minskning med 68% gjordes genom att avveckla användningen av fossila bränslen i elavtalet. Baserat på metoden och beroende på scenario, kunde en minskning av produktionsrelaterade utsläpp med 97% uppnås. Vidare uppnås utsläppsminskning med användning av slutbehandlingstekniker och cirkulära ekonomiinitiativ baserade på de restprodukter som uppnås genom de teknikerna.

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