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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of perceived control on the decision to withdraw from an organization in an inequitable situation

Lawrence-Fuller, Marilyn Susie 01 January 2005 (has links)
This project attempts to explain impulsive behavior which is described here as behavior that cannot be explained by a rational thought process. There will be a concentration on the direct relationship between perceptions of equity and the intention to quit.

Borders and Belonging: Using Oral History to Renegotiate Salvadoran Transnationalism

Barreno, Jessica 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis elucidates new perspectives on transnational migration. The analysis draws from three oral histories that recount border-crossings and their unique impact on Salvadoran immigrant self-realization. The oral histories presented refine the study of transnational migration by providing valuable qualitative information that supplements and nuances empirical fact. The first subject, whose story takes place in the 1970s just before the outbreak of the Salvadoran civil war, constructs identity through an embrace of assimilationist practices. The second narrative, occurring just after the civil war, is of a woman who navigates hegemonic Anglo structures by appropriating a space of her own. The third subject, a man who immigrates in the wake of post-9/11 heightened security concerns, desires permanent settlement; however, his undocumented status prevents him from fully integrating into American mainstream society. Additionally, an analytical focus on transnationalism reveals an important relationship with gendered identities. Through close analysis, these narratives reveal how Salvadoran immigrants have renegotiated what it means to belong in the United States. Overall this thesis contributes to a relatively young and undeveloped line of research on Salvadoran migration, particularly through its focus on gender.

社會中心途徑之跨部門治理研究:以「洛杉磯河整治計畫」為例 / Society-Centered Approach for the Research of Cross-Sectoral Governance: A Case Study of “Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan(LARRMP)”

陳秋政, Chen, Chiu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
面對所謂棘手議題(wicked issues),本文有別於傳統府際管理及其他解析理論的分析觀點,改以跨部門治理概念探討行政轄區界線模糊,多部門、多組織同時參與標的個案之狀況。同時為處理治理概念定義模糊的問題,爰採文獻分析法將治理概念內涵區分為政府中心、市場中心及社會中心三類,並發現多數跨部門治理議題的研究,偏重應用政府與市場觀點,爰本文主張以社會中心治理途徑針對「洛杉磯河整治計畫」進行分析。簡言之,本文的研究問題包括: 一、過往國、內外跨部門治理議題,採取哪些治理途徑?何謂社會中心治理途徑?以跨部門治理議題之規劃過程為例,其治理原則、治理結構與治理結果應有何具體主張? 二、「洛杉磯河整治計畫」的草案規劃過程,應用哪些制度性安排,藉以產生該計畫之集體規劃成果? 三、在前述參與機制的安排之下,研究個案的集體規劃過程是否在治理實務與理論主張之間出現落差?各部門參與狀況為何?存在哪些爭議問題? 四、「跨部門治理」個案,在集體規劃過程應採用何種治理架構,有助於落實跨部門治理原則,以及提高各部門利害關係人對治理結果的滿意程度。 透過上述研究問題與個案,本研究探討三個部門(sectors)間如何(How)「合作」(collaboration)或如何促進合作,以達成共識的問題;又或者從反面來說,是探討哪些因素影響了跨部門合作,三個部門之間存在哪些衝突。從個案研究出發,則關心個案為何(Why)合作成效不佳或無法合作的問題,同時以提出促進合作、參與的制度性安排(What)為目標。 文獻歸納指出,為促進跨部門治理的成效,應堅持公共性、課責與公共參與作為治理原則。就治理結構而言,必須觀察各部門利害關係人於個案參與機制中落實治理原則的程度,並指出應以合作性公共管理作為促進部門間合作的工具。就治理結果而言,則建議對政策利害關係人進行態度調查,詢問對政策結果的滿意與支持程度,亦即以正當性與承諾作為治理結果的指標。 本研究內文在介紹洛杉磯河整治計畫的推動過程、內容與規劃草案結果後,指出其乃是洛杉磯市府會高度共識下的政策產物,並由議會發動的跨部門治理個案。在個案之規劃過程,執行重心乃是由市政府團隊所主導,安排「社區座談會、諮詢委員會、同儕評論委員會、利害關係人委員會、任務小組會議」等五類官方主辦的參與機制,以期落實公眾參與該政策規劃過程的目的;草案規劃期間,洛杉磯河特別委員會則擔任監督的角色。 研究發現各部門參與者多數認同也支持整治計畫的願景與草案規劃內容。但整體而言,仍發現部分有待改善的重要問題,分別為受訪者對治理原則的落實存在權變的觀念,政府部門以外的參與者代表性仍嫌不足,對於社會弱勢議題缺乏討論與回應,缺乏明確的責任歸屬與課責結構安排,未臻透明的決策議價過程。再者,從治理結果的角度來分析,對草案規劃結果抱持不滿態度者多數來自整治區,對規劃結果未表支持者多為男性、30歲以上、政府部門以外之受訪者、來自整治區、參與時間點較早;特別是針對整治的經濟利益與所需經費來源的估算,表示了高度的質疑。 儘管個案規劃過程仍有前述疑義,但在參與觀察的過程,研究者發現個案所處系絡具有較為成熟的社會條件,對於治理原則的認同程度彰顯了公民社會的成熟,也奠定尋求部門間合作的可能性。就跨部門治理之規劃個案而言,本文建議以樹立治理原則為先,進而逐步將其落實於參與過程及相關機制設計之內,最後則可透過正當性與承諾對集體參與之規劃成效加以評估。在研究調查資料與參與觀察的基礎之上,本文運用John Clayton Thomas所提出之「公共涉入形式矩陣」,將洛杉磯河整治計畫草案之規劃過程定位為「修正的獨立自主管理決策」,意指徒具參與形式的決策類型。依據本研究之個案分析架構,本文為洛杉磯河整治計畫之規劃過程提出十三項建議,於下分述之: 一、就制度性安排而言 (一)規定弱勢團體最低代表制;(二)公布各委員會之委員遴選標準、程序與職權;(三)訂定跨部門治理個案之責任宣言;(四)增辦弱勢團體公共會議;(五)善用既有公、私渠道以彙整利害關係人的建議。 二、就部門參與而言 (一)建立主動的意見回饋系統;(二)提高各類資訊的曝光度;(三)擴大計劃團隊、減小公共會議規模。 三、就提高規劃草案結果的「正當性」而言 (一)進行部門間的規劃溝通會議;(二)進行二度訪視/會談計畫;(三)避免由上而下的事前提議。 四、就提高利害關係人對草案結果的「承諾」而言 (一)進行施政成效行銷;(二)縮小計畫範圍,推動先導型計畫為先。 總結研究「洛杉磯河整治計畫」所獲得之啟示,在研究層面確認政府機關在跨部門治理議題中,其扮演的角色不因營利及非營利部門的涉入而被取代,反倒是承擔關鍵整合者的角色,應以合作促進政策議題得以被妥善解決。對本土的啟示而言,社會條件的成熟程度乃是推動跨部門治理的重要因素,無論是公民資格的養成或公民社會的建立,都將有利政策參與環境的鞏固。對土本同質個案的啟示而言,以台北市政府目前積極推動的「活化淡水河系」政策為例,其政策倡議的源頭與洛杉磯河整治計畫絕然不同,規劃、整合、執行及監督的分工亦尚未明朗,民間力量的參與渠道亦尚未建立。質言之,若以洛杉磯河整治計畫草案的規劃經驗為鑑,要避免陷落於「獨立自主決策」類型,建議除了持續健全社會條件之外,在參與機制的安排上,應妥善顧及公共性、課責及公共參與等治理原則,以社會中心治理途徑平衡過渡傾向政府主導、市場取向的規劃觀點。

城市與偵探: 雷蒙‧錢德勒冷硬派偵探小說中真實與想像空間之探討 / The City and the Sleuth: The Exploration of Real and Imagined Spaces in Raymond Chandler's Hard-Boiled Detective Stories

李岳庭, Lee, Yueh-ting Unknown Date (has links)
雷蒙‧錢德勒為冷硬派偵探小說的開山始祖之一,其文學地位卻不限於通俗小說大家。 其簡潔有力的文學筆觸及對於現代美國社會的深刻批判,讓他名列當代美國代表作家之列。 在錢德勒的筆觸下,洛杉磯城被深切刻畫成重要性不亞於偵探的重要主角。 故此,我在本論文將探討錢德勒對於洛杉磯身為美國現代大城的空間呈現,試圖找出其再現對於美國城市文學與偵探小說的積極影響。 在第二至第四章的本文中,第二章處理私家偵探與其出沒的洛杉磯之間的關係。 我發現漫遊者的概念也可被應用在冷硬派私家偵探的明查暗訪,這兩者在顯示現代城市的現代性方面,都是代表性的謀介。 透過漫遊者偵探的私家之眼,真實與想像的洛杉磯同時歷歷在目,而勒婓伏爾與索雅的空間理論為理解錢德勒筆下洛杉磯真實與想像的城市空間再現的一大利器。 故此,第三章運用索雅的第三空間概念來探討錢德勒的空間再現,發現其筆下墮落之城的種種暗黑角落,都是第三空間的再現,因為它們都顯現一種被宰制的空間呈現,別同於洛杉磯被大力推銷為夢想之城的想像空間。 第四章處理另一個被忽視但重要的第三空間。 藉由私家偵探親身探索洛杉磯城中不同族群的空間,我發現這些空間也是另一種第三空間的呈現,因為這些空間亦屬於被宰制壓迫的空間,而錢德勒對於洛杉磯城的空間再現並未遺忘這些他者族群被壓迫的空間,故此更能證明錢德勒不愧為刻畫現代化美國社會的文學大師。 / Raymond Chandler is a prestigious detective-story writer and the founding father of the hard-boiled detective fiction school, but he is not limited to this sub-genre of the crime fiction. His laconic style and the socially critical depiction of Los Angeles elevates him as a great writer in literature, high-brow and low-brow. Los Angeles city in his depiction becomes another protagonist of Chandler’s Philip Marlowe stories. In this thesis, I attempt to adopt a spatial reading of the Los Angeles city he depicts, so as to explore the meanings of the real and imagined spaces and their possibilities of resistance for future interpretations. Besides the first chapter as the introduction and the last chapter as the conclusion, in Chapter Two, I will first compare the private detective to the flâneur, thereby discovering the contribution of these figures to the discovery and representation of modernity in modern cities. Furthermore, I will utilize Lefebvre’s and Soja’s trialectics of spatiality to examine the real and imagined spaces in Chandler’s novels. By doing so, in Chapter Three I argue that Chandler’s vivid spatial representations of Los Angeles, especially the dark side of the city, are actually the real-and-imagined Thirdspace that represents the dominated spaces against the promotion of Los Angeles as a dream city. In Chapter Four, though Chandler’s spaces convincingly reflect the modernity of Los Angeles as a modern city, I further discover another possible site for the space of representation in his stories: the space of the racial Other. This discovery of another Thirdspace proves Chandler isn’t as much a racist as alleged, and it is the counter-space that provides the possibility of resistance for many future hard-boiled detective fiction writers of different ethnicities, and this can explain why Chandler’s hard-boiled detective has been massively appropriated.

Les nouveaux médias, ou, L’ère du labyrinthe intermédial

Savoie, Ariane 06 1900 (has links)
Avec l’émergence des nouveaux médias, une nouvelle façon de raconter les histoires s’impose. Les structures connues de l’esthétisme classique semblent désuètes par rapport aux dispositions des nouvelles plateformes de diffusion. Mieux encore, ces plateformes propulsent le récit, lui permettent de sortir de la rigidité de la ligne narrative : elles intègrent la technique au logos. L’intermédialité devient omniprésente; la diversité des types médiatiques employés dans une œuvre sont rendus visibles et sont articulés par la mise en récit. Méchoulan dira que dans l’« être-entre », dans l’espace reliant chacune des unités sémantiques, que l’événement de la pensée advient; pour Rodowick c’est le « figural ». Une figure particulière s’impose : le labyrinthe. Multipliant les possibilités narratives spécifiques aux nouveaux médias, le labyrinthe fait converger les composantes intermédiales. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, une œuvre dirigée par Norman Klein, pose le labyrinthe comme élément structurel en y tissant un réseau où s’inscrit une pratique intermédiale. On y adresse le temps comme une opération fragmentaire, qui se sectionne, se réorganise en rompant avec la linéarité classique. Il nous faudra alors voir comment le labyrinthe réfléchit dans l’étude du temps certains éléments de la mythologie grecque. Les réflexions de Gervais sur le labyrinthe permettront d’étayer pareille hypothèse. Nous analyserons Bleeding Through à la lumière de ces théories pour ainsi dégager l’essence de cette figure qui a infiltrée la narration contemporaine. En somme, le labyrinthe se présente dans l’écologie médiatique actuelle comme une figure inhérente à la mise en récit. / With the emergence of new media, a new way of storytelling becomes necessary. The known structures of classic estheticism become obsolete when confronted with the dispositions of the new broadcasted platforms. These so called platforms propel the plot structure, allowing an expansion of the rigid narrative line : they integrate technology into the logos. Intermediality becomes omnipresent ; the diverse media summoned in the different projects are made visible and articulated through narrative work. Méchoulan would talk about the « être-entre », the virtual space linking semantic units, that the occurrence of thoughts convene ; Rodowick would refer to this same spatial concept as « figural ». A particular figure then appears and seems to illustrate the workings of intermediality: the labyrinth. In multiplying the narrative possibilities specific to new media, the labyrinth interrelates the intermedial components. Bleeding Through : Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986, directed by Norman Klein, establishes the labyrinth as a narrative backdrop to the intermedial practice. Herein, time is addressed as a fragmented function that can be segmented, reorganized, thus breaking with classic linearity. Subsequently, elements of Greek mythology tied to the labyrinth’s imaginary are highlighted, particularly through Gervais’s reflexions on memory and forgetting. To question the essence of the labyrinth’s figure, which infiltrates contemporary narration, Bleeding Through is analyzed under the scope of these theories. In short, the labyrinth is presented as an inherent figure to storytelling within the current media ecology.

Vliv složení a mikrostruktury vulkanických hornin na jejich technologické vlastnosti / Influence of composition and fabric of volcanic rocks on their technological properties

Krutilová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Because of a very variable geological composition of the Czech Republic, there is a various scale of all genetic types of rocks that are used for the production of crushed stone. The most often used group of rocks are effusive magmatic rocks, which represent about 34 % of crushed stone marketed (Starý et al. 2010). These rocks are used for all kinds of construction purposes including roads. The experimental material of crushed stone used in this thesis was sampled from 40 active quarries in the Czech Republic. The studied volcanic rocks originated from Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic complexes of Barrandien, Carboniferous and Permian of Krkonose Piedmont Basin, Carboniferous and Permian of Intrasudetic basin, area of ordovician Železné Hory, from the main volcanic center of Bohemian Massif in the north-west Bohemia (České středohoří Mts. and Doupov Mts.), Neovolcanic area of Czech Cretaceous basin and area of Neovolcanic East and West Sudeten. Petrographic study was carried out in a form of standard petrographic analysis of thin sections and chemical analysis, which helped inclusion of rocks to a classified systems. The whole suite of volcanic rocks was separated to five petrographic-technologic subgroups defined as: (1) rhyolites / porphyres, (2) phonolites, (3) basalts s.l., (4) spilites and (5)...

Nonprofit Organizations: A New Method to Increase the Quality of Education in the United States

Hernandez, Julian, Jr 01 January 2019 (has links)
The United States has attempted to improve access to quality education for students. While the United States has seen access to higher quality of education as a solution to improving schools, this has not worked. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the methods created to improve access to quality education and their effectiveness. Methods that will be analyzed are acts passed by the United States and the charter school movement. In this paper I will look at the methods used in Germany and Colombia to help develop a new method of improving the quality of education in the United States through the use of nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations have played a role in improving the education of Germany and Colombia. Nonprofit organizations could be a solution in improving the quality of education students receive through hands on experience, a standardized test, providing resources for students, and improving the quality of teaching in each school. The use of nonprofit organizations can help under-resourced districts improve, help create a test to accurately measure student success, and help districts understand how they can improve.

The Legalization of Street Vending in Los Angeles: Exploring the Impact on Vendors and their Livelihoods

Alpuche Caceres, Karen 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to unpack the impact the legalization of street vending and the subsequent regulation had on sidewalk vendors. Although legalization occurred state-wide through Senate Bill 946 in September of 2017, the rules and regulations for vending were passed at a city-level, and I am focusing on the City of Los Angeles specifically. Through interviews with government officials, non-profit partners and advocates, and vendors from different parts of the City, I analyze information around the policy itself, its history, and the impact it has and is expected to have on vendors and their businesses. While vendors have been central to advocacy and the policy process, the creation of a permitting system in the City of Los Angeles has been less transparent. By interviewing stakeholders, relying on existing economic, political, and sociological literature, and gathering opinions from vendors themselves, I develop various policy recommendations to further empower vendors and integrate them into Los Angeles’ formal economy. I recommend a permitting model that is backward-mapped and stems from the needs of and feedback from vendors in order for it to be more aligned with the goals and needs of vendors themselves.

Intimate partner violence among Latina women: In their own words

Yeung, Sarah Anne, Quesada, Yvonne Leticia 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a deeper understanding of the experiences of Latina women in Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) relationships. Young Women's Christian Association-Women In Need Growing Stronger (YWCA-WINGS) is a program in Los Angeles County that works with victims and survivors of IPV.

Fruitful Communities: Evaluating the History and Impacts of TreePeople’s Fruit Tree Program

Imhoff, Kayla B 01 April 2013 (has links)
TreePeople is a Los Angeles based non-profit organization that uses environmental education, initiatives, and programs to engage with the greater community to work towards the goal of a sustainable future for Los Angeles. The Fruit Tree Program is one of TreePeople’s longest running programs of 29 years, which distributes free bare-root fruit trees to economically disadvantaged communities as a source of fresh fruit and the other environmental benefits that trees offer. This paper is a comprehensive report detailing the history of the program and the impacts it has had on communities across Los Angeles County. Looking at three communities in Los Angeles and interviewing key community members from these communities, I identified the impacts that the program has had on addressing important urban environmental concerns and facilitating community development.

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