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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measurement and perception of sound insulation from 20 Hz between dwellings

Öqvist, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
Population growth and urbanization are projected by the United Nations to add 2,5 billionpeople to the world’s urban population by 2050. We need to construct buildings in anunprecedented scale to meet global housing demand. Sustainable development is critical.Compared to traditional heavy constructions, lightweight wooden constructions are moreenvironmentally friendly and will play a key role in meeting future demands. However, thereare two major problems with lightweight constructions that need to be addressed: 1) Limitedlow frequency sound insulation and 2) Variations in sound insulation.Annoyance from walking sound tend to be higher in lightweight than in heavy constructionseven with the same measured sound insulation. The Swedish research program AkuLiteindicated that the correlation between measured sound insulation and annoyance wassignificantly improved by extending current evaluation methods from 50 Hz down to 20 Hz.Secondly, large variations in sound insulation between nominally identical lightweightconstructions are common, which leads to larger safety margins. By identifying and quantifyingunderlying causes, production costs can be minimized and the performance can be improved.The aim of the thesis is to develop a new evaluation method for impact sound insulation thatbetter correspond to rated annoyance, and to identify and control underlying causes forvariations in sound insulation. The thesis contains six papers.In Paper I and II, sound insulation measurements were carried out in a large number ofnominally identical rooms of two different industrially prefabricated lightweight woodenconstructions. The purpose was to assess and quantify the variations in impact and airbornesound insulation. In Paper I, 30 nominally identical apartments of a volume based system wasevaluated. The apartments on the highest floor achieved significantly better sound insulationdue to the extra weight on lower floors affecting the elastic connections between stories. InPaper II, 18 rooms of a cross-laminated timber system of plate elements were evaluated.Additionally, several potential parameters related to measurement uncertainty wereinvestigated.Paper III deals with measurement uncertainty. An empirical study of reverberation timemeasurements showed that current methods need to be improved, if sound insulationrequirements are to be extended to 20 Hz.Paper IV and V verified that the frequency range 20-50 Hz is important for walking soundannoyance, and that alternative frequency adaptation terms can improve the correlation betweenmeasured impact sound insulation and annoyance ratings. In Paper IV, the methodology was toperform extensive field measurements in apartment buildings of various construction types andto perform questionnaire surveys among the residents. In Paper V, the methodology was toevaluate annoyance based on binaural recordings of walking sound in a two-part listening test.In Paper VI, 70 measurements in a lightweight wooden system were evaluated to quantify thetotal variations in impact and airborne sound insulation from 20 and 50 Hz, respectively. It wasconcluded that the proposed metrics of impact sound insulation were primarily determined bythe impact sound level 20-40 Hz and that the measurement methods must be evaluatedthoroughly to avoid excessive safety margins. A new evaluation method for impact sound insulation from 25 Hz, that correspond to the ratedannoyance for both heavy and lightweight constructions is proposed. By using the proposedmethod and attending the specific causes for variations, the lightweight industry will be able todevelop improved multi-story dwellings with higher perceived acoustic quality. / <p>Forskningsfinansiärer:</p><p>Sven Tyréns Stiftelse</p><p>Formas</p>

Poluição sonora no município de São Paulo: avaliação do ruído e o impacto da exposição na saúde da população / Noise pollution in the city of São Paulo: noise assessment and the impact of exposure on population health

Vianna, Karina Mary de Paiva 14 November 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As preocupações referentes aos níveis de ruído no mundo moderno têm se agravado em função dos processos de urbanização e industrialização, que têm comprometido a qualidade acústica urbana devido às múltiplas fontes de ruído existentes. O impacto da exposição ao ruído na saúde da população ainda não está claramente estabelecido. Estratégias para a padronização de medidas de avaliação do ruído urbano, assim como a relação causal entre exposição ambiental e desfechos em saúde tem sido objeto de pesquisa. Objetivo: avaliar a situação acústica do distrito de Pinheiros, São Paulo e o impacto da exposição ao ruído na saúde da população residente no distrito. Metodologia: O estudo foi conduzido em duas etapas: (1) avaliação do ruído no distrito em estudo e elaboração de mapas de ruído, usando o software Predictor 8.11, em áreas selecionadas como expostas e não expostas ao ruído do tráfego rodoviário; (2) avaliação dos efeitos na saúde da população residente no distrito, por meio de um inquérito domiciliar com a população residente no distrito. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas usando o Teste Qui-quadrado e a Regressão Logística Múltipla. Resultados: Foram avaliados 75 pontos, contabilizando 20h de medição. Em todos os pontos, os níveis de ruído ultrapassaram os limites estabelecidos pela legislação. Nas áreas expostas, a situação acústica caracteriza a existência de poluição sonora. Foram conduzidas 225 entrevistas. Observou-se associação entre morar em área exposta e: perceber o ruído do tráfego e considerar o local da residência um ambiente ruidoso; relatar incômodo em função deste ruído e quando da realização de atividades como assistir televisão, descansar, conversar e se concentrar na realização de tarefas. Foi identificada relação dose-resposta entre aumento do grau de incômodo com o ruído do tráfego rodoviário e aumento dos níveis de ruído. Os fatores associados a morar nas áreas não expostas ao ruído do tráfego foram: incômodo com o ruído de vizinhança e qualidade do sono regular/ruim. Conclusão: Este estudo representa um avanço metodológico na mensuração do ruído urbano, que buscou produzir dados confiáveis e comparáveis em nível local e global. Os resultados referentes aos efeitos na saúde da população mostram a importância de se reformular as políticas públicas brasileiras visando a realização de ações direcionadas à prevenção, gestão e monitoramento do ruído no espaço urbano. / Introduction: Concerns regarding noise levels in the modern world have worsened due to the urbanization and industrialization processes, that have committed to urban acoustic quality because of the multiple noise sources. The impact of noise exposure on population health is still not clearly established. Strategies for standardizing measures for assessing urban noise, as well as the causal relationship between environmental exposure and health endpoints have been subjects of research. Objective: to evaluate the acoustical situation in the district of Pinheiros, São Paulo, and the impact of noise exposure on health in the resident population in the district. Methods: The study was conducted in two steps: (1) noise assessment in the district under study and noise mapping, using the software Predictor 8.11, in areas selected as exposed and non-exposed to road traffic noise; (2) assessment of the health effects of the resident population in the district, through a household survey. Statistical analyses using Chi Square Test and Multiple Logistic Regression were performed. Results: 75 points were evaluated, accounting for 20h of measurement. At all points, the noise levels exceeded the limits established by law. In exposed areas, the noise situation characterizes the existence of noise pollution. 225 interviews were conducted. We observed an association between living in exposed area and: perceiving the traffic noise and consider the place of residence a noisy environment; report annoyance due to this noise and when performing activities such as watching television, resting, talking and concentrate on performing tasks. A dose-response relationship between increasing degree of annoyance with road traffic noise and increased noise levels was observed. The factors associated with living in areas not exposed to traffic noise were annoyance with neighborhood noise and fair / poor sleep quality. Conclusion: This study represents a methodological advance in the measurement of urban noise, as it sought to produce reliable and comparable data on local and global level. The results regarding the effects on health of the population show the importance of reformulating the Brazilian public policies aiming to carry out actions towards the prevention, management and monitoring of noise in the urban space.

Les nuisances liées au trafic routier (bruit, pollution de l’air et insécurité) : de la gêne à la perception du risque sanitaire sous l’angle des inégalités sociales / Road-traffic nuisances (noise, air pollution and insecurity) from annoyance to health risk perception from the point of view of social inequalities

Mahdjoub-Assaad, Sarah 26 November 2018 (has links)
Le transport est un facteur important de la croissance urbaine et de la viabilité des centres urbains mais il est également responsable de nombreuses nuisances telles que le bruit, la pollution de l'air et les accidents de la route, qui causent aujourd'hui de nombreux impacts sur la santé, telles que la gêne. L'objectif principal de notre thèse était d'identifier les déterminants (sociodémographiques, socioéconomiques, liés à la mobilité quotidienne) d'une gêne ressentie vis-à-vis du bruit, de la pollution de l'air et des accidents de la route. L'objectif secondaire était d'identifier les déterminants de la perception du risque sanitaire vis-à-vis de ces trois nuisances et du ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé ou celle de son entourage ; dans le but in fine de voir si des inégalités sociales se dessinaient dans le champ de cette problématique. Pour ce faire, deux études transversales ont été menées en population générale, dans le département du Rhône en 2013 puis en 2014 respectivement. La principale conclusion de notre étude est que le milieu socioéconomique ne joue un rôle prédominant ni dans l'expression de la gêne ni dans la perception du risque sanitaire. En revanche, les usagers des modes doux (marche, vélo) et des transports publics sont plus gênés par la pollution de l'air et le bruit du trafic routier comparés aux usagers motorisés. Par ailleurs, la gêne liée à la pollution de l'air influencerait le ressenti des effets du bruit et de la pollution de l'air sur sa propre santé. Nos résultats devraient être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans le cadre des politiques urbaines. Créer un environnement plus « friendly » en réduisant l'utilisation des voitures, en promouvant l'utilisation des modes doux, en améliorant les transports en commun et leur utilisation, en développant des installations pour les piétons et pour les cyclistes - toutes ces mesures sont autant de mesures nécessaires pour réduire les nuisances dus au trafic routier et ainsi le sentiment de gêne et d'insécurité / An important factor supporting urban growth, and the viability of the urban centers, is transportation but road transport is still a common important source of traffic accidents, noise, and air which have heavy consequences on public health such as annoyance. The main objective of our thesis was to identify the determinants of each kind of trafficrelated annoyance (sociodemographic, socioeconomic, daily mobilty). The secondary objective was to identify the determinants of health risk perception and the feelings of health effects on his own health. Then, tow cross-sectional studies have been conducted in the general population, in the Rhône Department, in France. The main finding of our study is that the socioeconomic level doesn’t play a rule neither in the expression of annoyance nor in the health risk perception. However, active travel modes and public transport users are highly annoyed by traffic air pollution and road-traffic noise more than motorized users. Moreover, annoyance related to air pollution seemed to influence the feeling of health effects of noise and air pollution. Our results should be useful for urban policies. Create a friendly environment by reducing the use of cars, promoting non-motorized or “active” travel mode use (walking, cycling), to improve public transport and to promote the use of public transport, avoiding to add noisy road infrastructure near population centers, to develop facilities for pedestrians and for cyclists - all of these measures are needed to reduce road-traffic nuisances and the feeling of annoyance

Vibrations in timber floors : Dynamic properties and human perception

Jarnerö, Kirsi January 2014 (has links)
Springiness and vibrations of timber floors are familiar to many as a ‘live’ feelwhen walking on them, especially if living in single family housing with timberframework. Since the building regulations in Sweden changed to performancedependentrequirements in 1994 the use of timber in multifamily housing hasincreased. New timber building systems have been developed and increasedbearing capacity of floors has made it possible to build with longer spans. Thelow mass of timber floors makes them more sensitive to dynamic loading byhuman activities, such as walking, running and jumping, compared to heavyfloors e.g. concrete floors. To improve vibration performance it is possible tochange the structural properties of the floors by increasing mass, stiffness ordamping properties. The most practicable solution is to increase the stiffness.Improved damping is also highly effective, but is difficult estimate and designaccurately since it originates from many sources in the finished building. In thepresent thesis the effects on dynamic properties from increased stiffnesstransverse to the load bearing direction of a floor have been assessed from testsin laboratory. The effect on dynamic performance of a timber floor fromelastic/damping interlayers (polyurethane elastomers) installed in the junctionsbetween walls and floors have been assessed in laboratory and in situ. Also thechange in dynamic properties of an in situ floor has been investigated atdifferent stages of construction and compared with results from laboratory tests.The present criteria for design of timber floors with respect to vibrationperformance were developed at a time when timber floors were mainly used insingle-family housing. The traditional timber joist floors differ in structuralbehaviour from the new types of floors developed recently. The experiencedvibration annoyance by residents in single- and multifamily housing differs asthe source of vibration disturbance and those who become disturbed aredifferent. The changed conditions give cause for a review of present designcriteria. A laboratory and field study on vibration performance was conductedwith questionnaires and dynamic performance measurements. The subjectiveand objective results were correlated and indicators for vibration acceptabilityand annoyance were assessed and new vibration performance criteria andvibration performance classes were suggested.


Barbosa, Anallu Rosa 26 August 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In Brazil, research to quantify annoyance caused by aircraft noise on people living close to airports and air bases is still incipient. Due to the augmented risk of accidents associated to armed aircraft operations but also due to noise emissions by military aircraft air bases, in general, should be located far away from populated areas. Nevertheless, urban development often approximates habited areas to airbases, causing several problems. The actual work aimed to investigate the opinions of a community, composed by civilians and military personnel, that resides close to the Santa Maria airbase (BASM) regarding various aspects, such as aircraft noise and satisfaction with other aspects, such as interference of aircraft noise in daily life, general effects of aircraft noise and individuals attitudes against exposure to aircraft noise. Besides the presence of the BASM and the actual operations on that airbase an expected expansion of the passenger terminal, which is expected to cause an increase in the number of civil aircraft operations and consequently an increase of noise emission, was relevant for the development of this research. The methodology adopted was of qualitative and quantitative nature. By means of observation of the daily life and the use of semistructured interviews the researcher seeked the approximation to the phenomenon of discomfort caused by aircraft noise in the vicinity of Santa Maria Air Base. The qualitative data obtained were analysed using the Grounded Theory, resulting in a conceptual model that shows the relationship between aircraft noise, context of the neighborhood and satisfaction with other aspects than aircraft noise. Based on the results from the qualitative data analysis a structured questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was applied to 400 individuals in order to measure those aspects that were identified as important during the qualitative approximation the phenomenon of discomfort caused by aircraft noise in the vicinity of Santa Maria Air Base. The results were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistics (Principal Axis Factoring). Factor scores for the effects factor and the annoyance the aircraft operations factor were computed and compared between civilians and military personnel showing both groups are similarly affected by the aircraft operations the comparison of the individual scores of civilians and military personnel on the annoyance the aircraft operations factor showed that the civilians feel more incomfortable than the military personnel / No Brasil, as pesquisas para quantificar o incômodo ocasionado pelo ruído aeronáutico sobre as populações próximas aos aeroportos e bases aéreas são incipientes. Devido ao risco de acidentes associados a operações de aeronaves com armamentos e às emissões de ruído de aeronaves em bases aéreas militares, em geral, estas deveriam estar localizadas longe de áreas povoadas. No entanto, com o desenvolvimento urbano, muitas vezes as áreas habitadas se aproximam das bases aéreas causando vários problemas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as opiniões de uma população composta por indivíduos civis e militares que residem próximos da Base Aérea de Santa Maria (BASM), em relação a diversos aspectos, tais como, a interferência do ruído das aeronaves na vida diária , os efeitos gerais do ruído das aeronaves e as atitudes dos indivíduos perante a exposição ao ruído dos aviões. Além da presença da BASM, as atuais operações da base aérea e a expansão do terminal de passageiros, que deverá causar aumento do número de operações de aeronaves civis e consequentemente um aumento da emissão de ruído, foram relevantes para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa. A metodologia adotada foi de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa. Por meio da observação da vida diária e o uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas a pesquisadora buscou a aproximação com o fenômeno do incômodo causado pelo ruído das aeronaves nas proximidades da Base Aérea de Santa Maria. Os dados qualitativos obtidos foram analisados utilizando a Grounded Theory, resultando em um modelo conceitual que mostra a relação entre o ruído das aeronaves, o contexto do bairro e a satisfação com outros aspectos do ruído das aeronaves. Com base nos resultados da análise qualitativa dos dados foi desenvolvido um questionário estruturado. O questionário foi aplicado a 400 indivíduos, com a finalidade de medir os aspectos que foram identificados como importantes durante a aproximação qualitativa e o fenômeno do incômodo causado pelo ruído das aeronaves nas proximidades da Base Aérea de Santa Maria. Os resultados foram analisados utilizando estatística univariada e multivariada (Principal Axis Factoring). Os escores fatoriais para o fator efeitos e o fator incômodo provocado pelas operações aeronáuticas foram calculados e comparados entre civis e militares mostrando que ambos os grupos são igualmente afetados pelas operações das aeronaves e a comparação das pontuações individuais de civis e militares no fator incômodo mostrou que os civis se sentem mais incomodados que os indivíduos militares.

Poluição sonora no município de São Paulo: avaliação do ruído e o impacto da exposição na saúde da população / Noise pollution in the city of São Paulo: noise assessment and the impact of exposure on population health

Karina Mary de Paiva Vianna 14 November 2014 (has links)
Introdução: As preocupações referentes aos níveis de ruído no mundo moderno têm se agravado em função dos processos de urbanização e industrialização, que têm comprometido a qualidade acústica urbana devido às múltiplas fontes de ruído existentes. O impacto da exposição ao ruído na saúde da população ainda não está claramente estabelecido. Estratégias para a padronização de medidas de avaliação do ruído urbano, assim como a relação causal entre exposição ambiental e desfechos em saúde tem sido objeto de pesquisa. Objetivo: avaliar a situação acústica do distrito de Pinheiros, São Paulo e o impacto da exposição ao ruído na saúde da população residente no distrito. Metodologia: O estudo foi conduzido em duas etapas: (1) avaliação do ruído no distrito em estudo e elaboração de mapas de ruído, usando o software Predictor 8.11, em áreas selecionadas como expostas e não expostas ao ruído do tráfego rodoviário; (2) avaliação dos efeitos na saúde da população residente no distrito, por meio de um inquérito domiciliar com a população residente no distrito. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas usando o Teste Qui-quadrado e a Regressão Logística Múltipla. Resultados: Foram avaliados 75 pontos, contabilizando 20h de medição. Em todos os pontos, os níveis de ruído ultrapassaram os limites estabelecidos pela legislação. Nas áreas expostas, a situação acústica caracteriza a existência de poluição sonora. Foram conduzidas 225 entrevistas. Observou-se associação entre morar em área exposta e: perceber o ruído do tráfego e considerar o local da residência um ambiente ruidoso; relatar incômodo em função deste ruído e quando da realização de atividades como assistir televisão, descansar, conversar e se concentrar na realização de tarefas. Foi identificada relação dose-resposta entre aumento do grau de incômodo com o ruído do tráfego rodoviário e aumento dos níveis de ruído. Os fatores associados a morar nas áreas não expostas ao ruído do tráfego foram: incômodo com o ruído de vizinhança e qualidade do sono regular/ruim. Conclusão: Este estudo representa um avanço metodológico na mensuração do ruído urbano, que buscou produzir dados confiáveis e comparáveis em nível local e global. Os resultados referentes aos efeitos na saúde da população mostram a importância de se reformular as políticas públicas brasileiras visando a realização de ações direcionadas à prevenção, gestão e monitoramento do ruído no espaço urbano. / Introduction: Concerns regarding noise levels in the modern world have worsened due to the urbanization and industrialization processes, that have committed to urban acoustic quality because of the multiple noise sources. The impact of noise exposure on population health is still not clearly established. Strategies for standardizing measures for assessing urban noise, as well as the causal relationship between environmental exposure and health endpoints have been subjects of research. Objective: to evaluate the acoustical situation in the district of Pinheiros, São Paulo, and the impact of noise exposure on health in the resident population in the district. Methods: The study was conducted in two steps: (1) noise assessment in the district under study and noise mapping, using the software Predictor 8.11, in areas selected as exposed and non-exposed to road traffic noise; (2) assessment of the health effects of the resident population in the district, through a household survey. Statistical analyses using Chi Square Test and Multiple Logistic Regression were performed. Results: 75 points were evaluated, accounting for 20h of measurement. At all points, the noise levels exceeded the limits established by law. In exposed areas, the noise situation characterizes the existence of noise pollution. 225 interviews were conducted. We observed an association between living in exposed area and: perceiving the traffic noise and consider the place of residence a noisy environment; report annoyance due to this noise and when performing activities such as watching television, resting, talking and concentrate on performing tasks. A dose-response relationship between increasing degree of annoyance with road traffic noise and increased noise levels was observed. The factors associated with living in areas not exposed to traffic noise were annoyance with neighborhood noise and fair / poor sleep quality. Conclusion: This study represents a methodological advance in the measurement of urban noise, as it sought to produce reliable and comparable data on local and global level. The results regarding the effects on health of the population show the importance of reformulating the Brazilian public policies aiming to carry out actions towards the prevention, management and monitoring of noise in the urban space.

O professor de filosofia e o incômodo filosófico frente ao conhecimento / The professor of philosophy and then practice nuasonce soucers?

Oliveira, Jorge Alves de 27 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-07-12T18:07:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jorge Alves de Oliveira.pdf: 1424415 bytes, checksum: 4398e01a6d7e557633d37334f7ecd2d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-12T18:07:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jorge Alves de Oliveira.pdf: 1424415 bytes, checksum: 4398e01a6d7e557633d37334f7ecd2d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-27 / This thesis seeks to be a proposal, an invitation and an exercise to have a 'philosophical view' on public school and school education. This 'philosophical gaze' seeks to identify and characterize this institution as a place of and knowledge. Knowledge that transits between appeasement and annoyance, since it refers to those questions of existence and innumerable relationships between humans and the world around them aiming to signify them and with that to appropriate elements that make it possible to carry out relevant interventions in this environment . Knowledge that is expensive element to the philosophy to the point of being object of study of this curricular component developed by the professor of philosophy. In this sense, the teacher using his pedagogical practice, the "speech exercise" and his "philosophical repertoire" that composes the "philosophical nuisance" can contribute significantly with the students, with the school team, as well as with the school community To face the annoyance or to bother oneself in the face of the appeasement that does not contribute to the resignification of existence. What finally presents itself is the development of another ethos, that of the 'philosophical nuisance', which makes it possible to identify the nuisance even in the educational process, but, above all, it offers important elements for its confrontation in the same process. This text, which is constructed from a bibliographic review, is composed of three chapters: "The school, the knowledge and the philosophy", "Knowledge bothers" and "The pedagogical annoyance". The final considerations are on the subject: "To bother (to be) to humanize oneself and be happy." Finally, all the effort to print, in the school institution, the mark that it should be the space of the adventure in the midst of the efforts so that the people can know and, thus, create actions that humanize to all. Commitment to justice and dignity must be the hallmark of this institution in order to make everyone humanize. / Esta tesis pretende ser una oferta, una invitación y el ejercicio con el fin de tener una "mirada filosófica" sobre la escuela y la educación pública. Esta "mirada filosófica” busca identificar y caracterizar esta institución como un lugar de y el conocimiento. El conocimiento que se mueve entre el apaciguamiento e incómodo, ya que se refiere a esas cuestiones de la existencia y las numerosas relaciones entre los seres humanos y el mundo que les rodea con el objetivo significarlos y elementos de apropiarse de ese modo que permiten la realización de las intervenciones pertinentes en este medio . El conocimiento de que es un elemento costoso de la filosofía como para ser estudiado este componente curricular desarrollado por el profesor de filosofía. En este sentido, este profesor haciendo uso de su enseñanza, el "ejercicio de expresión" y su "repertorio filosófico" que conforma lo 'incómodo filosófico' puede contribuir significativamente a los estudiantes, con el personal de la escuela, así como de la comunidad escolar para hacer frente a lo incómodo o incomodarse delante de apaciguamiento que no contribuye a la ressiginificaçión de la existencia. Lo que se presenta es, finalmente, el desarrollo de otro espíritu, lo 'incómodo filosófica', que permite la identificación de incómodo, incluso en el proceso educativo, pero, sobre todo, ofrece elementos importantes para la solución de ellos en ese proceso. Este texto está construido a partir de una revisión de la literatura se compone de tres capítulos: "La escuela, el conocimiento y la filosofía", "Conocimiento incomoda?" y "Lo incómodo pedagógico". Las consideraciones finales tratan el tema: "Incomodar (si) para humanizar (si) y ser feliz." Por último, todos los esfuerzos posibles para imprimir en la institución escolar, la marca que debe ser la aventura espacial en medio de los esfuerzos para que las personas puedan reunirse y crear así las acciones que humanicen todos. El compromiso con la justicia y la dignidad debe ser la marca más alta de esta institución para que todos humanizar. / Essa tese busca ser uma proposta, um convite e um exercício para que se tenha um ‘olhar filosófico’ sobre a escola e a educação escolar públicas. Esse ‘olhar filosófico’ busca identificar e caracterizar essa instituição como lugar de e do conhecimento. Conhecimento que transita entre o apaziguamento e o incômodo, pois ele se referencia àquelas questões da existência e das inúmeras relações entre os humanos e o mundo que os cerca objetivando significá-las e com isso apropriarem-se de elementos que possibilitem realizar intervenções relevantes neste meio. Conhecimento que é elemento caro à filosofia a ponto de ser objeto de estudo deste componente curricular desenvolvido pelo professor de filosofia. Neste sentido, esse professor, lançando mão de sua prática pedagógica, o “exercício da fala” e de seu “repertório filosófico” que compõe o ‘incômodo filosófico’ pode contribuir significativamente com os estudantes, com a equipe escolar, bem como, com a comunidade escolar a enfrentar o incômodo ou a incomodar-se frente ao apaziguamento que não contribui com a ressignificação da existência. O que se apresenta por fim é o desenvolvimento de um outro ‘ethos’, o do ‘incômodo filosófico’, que possibilita a identificação do incômodo até mesmo no processo educativo, mas, sobretudo, oferece elementos importantes para o seu enfrentamento nesse mesmo processo. Este texto que é construído a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica é composto por três capítulos: “A escola, o conhecimento e a filosofia”, “O conhecimento incomoda?” e “O incômodo filosófico”. As considerações finais versam sobre o tema: “Incomodar (-se) para humanizar (-se) e ser feliz”. Por fim, todo o esforço para imprimir, na instituição escola, a marca de que ela deva ser o espaço da aventura em meio aos esforços para que as pessoas possam conhecer e, assim, criar ações que humanizem a todos. O compromisso com a justiça e com a dignidade deve ser a marca maior desta instituição a fim de que todos se humanizem.

Samband mellan ljud i öppna kontorslandskap och behovet av återhämtning efter arbetstid : - En kvantitativ studie

Danielsson, Thérèse January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning indikerar att höga ljud i öppna kontorslandskap har negativ inverkan på kontorsanställdas prestation och välmående på arbetet. Trots att flertalet studier har gjorts kring olika kontorsmiljöer finns inte mycket forskning om hur ljud i öppna kontorslandskap påverkar behovet av återhämtning efter arbetstid. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning upplevelsen av höga ljudnivåer och störande ljud på arbetsplatsen har samband med behovet av återhämtning efter arbetstid, bland anställda som arbetar i öppna kontorslandskap. Metod: Metoden bestod av en kvantitativ enkätstudie av tvärsnittsdesign. Behovet av återhämtning mättes utifrån en kortversion av Need for Recovery (NFR) Scale. Ljudnivåer och ljudstörningar mättes utifrån formuläret Ljudstörningar och höga ljudnivåer i arbetsmiljön. Enkäten skickades ut till kontorsanställda på 16 olika arbetsplatser runtom i Sverige, varav sammanlagt 61 respondenter medverkade i studien. Resultat: En hierarkisk multipel regressionsanalys visade ett positivt samband mellan höga ljudnivåer, ljudstörningar och återhämtningsbehov. Ett signifikant samband (p &lt; .05) kunde konstateras mellan ljudstörningar och återhämtning som var oberoende av ljudnivåer. Däremot påvisades inget signifikant samband mellan ljudnivåer och återhämtningsbehov oberoende av ljudstörningar. Slutsats: Resultatet indikerar att störande ljud i öppna kontorslandskap har betydande påverkan på behovet av återhämtning efter arbetstid. Även om inget signifikant samband mellan prediktorvariablerna och utfallsvariabeln kunde påvisas kan ljudnivåer ändå vara betydande för upplevelsen av störande ljud och behovet av återhämtning. För att kunna dra kausala slutsatser är fortsatt forskning genom prospektiva studier nödvändigt. / Background: Research indicates that open plan offices are accompanied by high noise levels which have a negative impact on performance and wellbeing at work. However, little is known about how noise levels and noise annoyance associate with need for recovery (NFR) among employees in open-plan offices. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between experiences of high noise levels, noise annoyance and need for recovery among open-plan office workers. Method: The study was performed with a cross-sectional design. Need for recovery was measured with a short version Need for Recovery (NFR) Scale and noise levels and noise annoyance was measured with Noise Annoyance and High Noise Levels in Work Environments. The questionnaire was sent out to 16 workplaces in Sweden and contained responses from 61 employees. Results and conclusions: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed a positive association between experienced high noise levels, noise annoyance and NFR. A significant (p &lt; .05) association was found between noise annoyance and NFR, independent of noise levels. However, no significant association was found between noise levels and NFR when both predictors were included in the same model. Results suggest that noise annoyance, compared to noise levels, has a more important impact on NFR. Even if no significant association were found between both predictors and the outcome variable, noise levels might influence the experience of noise annoyance, and therefore also be important for NFR. However prospective studies are needed for causal inferences.

Characterization and Perceptions of Noise in Nursing Homes

Dubin, Stacie R., Dubin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Pathways to Environmental Inequality: How Urban Traffic Noise Annoyance Varies across Socioeconomic Subgroups

Preisendörfer, Peter, Bruderer Enzler, Heidi, Diekmann, Andreas, Hartmann, Jörg, Kurz, Karin, Liebe, Ulf 20 January 2025 (has links)
The article investigates how socioeconomic background affects noise annoyance caused by residential road traffic in urban areas. It is argued that the effects of socioeconomic variables (migration background, education, and income) on noise annoyance tend to be underestimated because these effects are mainly indirect. We specify three indirect pathways. (1) A “noise exposure path” assumes that less privileged households are exposed to a higher level of noise and therefore experience stronger annoyance. (2) A “housing attributes path” argues that less privileged households can shield themselves less effectively from noise due to unfavorable housing conditions and that this contributes to annoyance. (3) Conversely, an “environmental susceptibility path” proposes that less privileged people are less concerned about the environment and have a lower noise sensitivity, and that this reduces their noise annoyance. Our analyses rest on a study carried out in four European cities (Mainz and Hanover in Germany, Bern and Zurich in Switzerland), and the results support the empirical validity of the three indirect pathways.

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