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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equality of opportunity for all?: An assessment of the effectiveness of the Anti-discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) as a tool for the delivery of equality of opportunity in education to people with impairments

Dickson, Elizabeth Anne Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Intersecting housing discrimination : A socio-legal study on the limits of Swedish anti-discrimination law

Klinth, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative socio-legal study critically examined the protection against housing discrimination found in chapter 2 § 12 of the Swedish Discrimination Act (SFS 2008:567), in light of United Nations, Council of Europe and European Union housing and non-discrimination (human rights) standards. As an applied socio-legal study it aimed to be critical towards the limits of law in context. By applying an intersectional approach as the theoretical framework for the study, it aimed to identify legal weaknesses from an intersectional point of view. The study made use of a descriptive doctrinal analysis method and a critical text analysis method. The material for analysis consisted of civil housing discrimination law: legislation, preparatory works and case law. The case law, anonymized for this study, consisted of three district court judgments and three appeal court judgments processed during the years 2007-2016. The first research question asked what, if any, forms of intersectional discrimination the housing discrimination law face and comprise. The descriptive doctrinal analysis revealed that all cases shared the discrimination ground ‘ethnicity’ and discrimination form ‘direct discrimination’. The critical text analysis resulted in three themes illustrating intersectional discriminating facing the law: “aggressive men” (the intersection of sex and ethnicity), “resourceless women” (the intersection of sex, socio-economic class and ethnicity) and “unsettled strangers” (the intersection of socio-economic class and ethnicity). The second research question asked what, if any, the limits of law are from an intersectional point of view. By discussing the three themes in relation to the legal landscape and previous research it was possible to identify several limits of law relating to intersectionality, such as the exhaustive list of discrimination grounds, absent discrimination grounds and an absence of intersectional awareness. The study concluded that Swedish housing discrimination law rely on formal equality, which renders intersectional discrimination invisible and the power of housing human rights disputable.

Rumäniens europeisering och dess effekt på romerna i Rumänien

Emese, Palffy January 2010 (has links)
The essay studies Romania and the Roma in the country as a minority from an Europeanization perspective. The aim of the essay is to study EU´s impact on Romania in general through Europeanization and to illustrate this Europeanization by studying the situation of the Roma in particular. The paper focuses on Romania´s Europeanization process and the Roma as a minority. It looks at how these mechanisms have affected Romania´s efforts to prohibit discrimination and to promote Roma´s rights. Heather Grabbes´s Europeanization mechanism; models, money, gate –keeping, benchmarking and monitoring, advice and twinning is the framework for the essay. Besides this Claudio Radaelli´s definition is used because it is broad enough to cover different areas The conclusion is that Europeanization has affected Romania in its adaption to EU membership. Romania has been affected by a top-down Europeanization process. Regarding the Roma the conclusion is that the mechanisms have pushed Romania to focus more on the Roma. Romania has also by new anti discrimination laws tried to prohibit discrimination.

LGBT+ rights and the gender gap : A comparative study of LGBT+ anti-discrimination legislation in the United States

Herlitz Gunnarsson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
This thesis seeks to examine if there is a connection between female representation among U.S. legislators at state level and support of legislation protecting LGBT+ people from discrimination in terms of adoption and foster care. Using the theories of substantive and descriptive representation, three hypotheses regarding female representation and partisanship were tested. In the analysis, it became clear that there is a positive significant correlation between female legislators and voting in favour of anti-discrimination legislation in terms of LGBT+ rights. In addition to this, the study found that partisanship also has a significant effect of the voting outcome, in fact one that is even greater than the effect of gender.

Question & Answer EU Law

Guth, Jessica, Mowlam, Edward T. 2017 July 1931 (has links)
No / EU law is not a subject enjoyed by most students but it really does not have to be difficult. Every EU law question is likely to ask you to apply your knowledge of the law to a particular context – either a practical one, as in problem questions, or a more theoretical one, as in essay questions. For both you need to remember that EU law does not exist in isolation but is inextricably linked with the national legal systems of the Member States. The interaction between European law and these systems is crucial to understanding how EU law works. EU law is often considered in a political context and this has become very apparent in the UK following the referendum in June 2016 and the vote for ‘Brexit’. At te time of writing Brexit negotiations are continuing and for now EU law applies as it always has in the UK. Recognising that your political stance is likely to influence your views on EU law is valuable and something which can make your answers stronger, particularly in relation to questions on historical, constitutional or institutional issues.

Genusmedvetenhet i idrottsundervisning : Blivande idrottslärares syn på inkluderad undervisning för icke-binära elever / Gender-awareness in physical education : Prospective Physical Education teachers’ views on inclusive education for non-binary students

Amina, Fältmars January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie framhäver behovet av inkluderande undervisning inom idrott och hälsa med fokus på icke-binära individer. Målet i skolan är  att skapa en rättvis och delaktig skolmiljö. Skolverket betonar vikten av inkludering, jämställdhet och normkritik i skolan. Detta arbete undersöker strategier för att öka medvetenheten om genusfrågor och motivera icke-binära elever inom idrott och hälsa undervisningen.  Icke-binära personer möter utmaningar och fördomar, särskilt inom idrott där traditionella könsnormer fortfarande råder. Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka vad blivande idrottslärare upplever är utmaningen med att inkludera elever som idenifierar sig som ickebinär i idrott och hälsa undervisnignen. Denna studien utgår från två olika frågeställningar som betonar framtida lärares syn på inkluderande idrott och hälsa undervisningen för icke-binära. Studien använde kvalitativa metoder. Särskilt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka blivande idrottslärares syn på inkludering av icke-binära elever. Åtta respondenter i åldrarna 20-29 år, intervjuades. Insamling och bearbetning av data involverade transkriberingar och ljudinspelningar för att analysera.  Resultaten pekar på problem med omklädningsrum, idrottsdagar och simlektioner. Åtgärder inkluderar dialog och anpassningar. Inkluderande undervisning betyder delaktighet oavsett kön. Respondenterna önskade mer utbildning om olika genus och föreslår ändrat ordval samt undvikande av uppdelning i tjejer/killar. Diskussionen belyser brister i förberedelser och kunskap. Resultaten betonar behovet av ökad utbildning och stöd för att hantera komplexiteten i inkluderingen för icke-binära. Metoddiskussionen framhäver användningen av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Fortsatt behov av studier kring ämnet och att följa upp lärarnas praktiska arbete samt undersöka icke-binära perspektiv. / This study highlights the need for inclusive education in Physical Education with a focus on non-binary individuals. The goal in the school is to create a fair and inclusive school enviroment. The national Board of Education emphasizes the importance of inclusion, equality and critique of norms in school. This work examines strategies to raise awareness of gender issues and motivate non-binary students in physical education. Non-binary people encounter challenges and prejudice, especially in sports where traditional gender norms still prevail. The purpose of this study is to investigate what future Physical Education teachers experience as the challenge of including students who identify as non-binary in Physical Education. This is based on two different issues that emphasize future teachers’ views on inclusive in physical education for non- binary people. The study used qualitative methods. Specifically semi-structured interviews to investigate future physical education teachers’ views on the inclusion of non-binary students. Eight respondents aged 20 - 29 years old, were interviewed. Collection and processing of data involved transcriptions and audio recordings for analysis. The results point to problems with changing rooms, sports days and swimming lessons in school. Actions include dialogue and adaptations. Inclusive education means participation regardless of gender. The respondents wanted more education about different genders and suggest changing the choice of words and avoiding the division into girls/boys. The discussion highlights shortcomings in preparation and knowledge. The Findings highlight the need for increased education and support to address the complexities of non-binary inclusion. The method discussion highlights the use of semi-structured interviews. Continued need for studies around the subject and to follow up the  teachers’ practical work and examine non-binary perspectives.

Etre ou ne pas être cet Autre (exclu)? choisir d'ignorer ou de combattre le racisme à travers la loi

Alarcon-Henriquez, Alejandra 19 December 2011 (has links)
Notre dissertation investigue les actions individuelles et légales de contestation des discriminations raciales ou ethniques par ses victimes, objet rarement étudié en psychologie sociale. Alors que les actions collectives s’inscrivent dans un cadre des relations intergroupes, nos études montrent que les actions individuelles restent plutôt dans le cadre de relations perçues endogroupales par les acteurs qui contestent les discriminations. Les implications en termes d’identité sociale dans ce type d’action sont différentes et nous postulons qu’une catégorisation à un niveau supra-ordonné (ex. comme membre de la société hôte ou être humain) facilite l’entreprise des actions individuelles de contestation des discriminations par la voie légale. L’égalitarisme qui rend saillant ce niveau de catégorisation supra-ordonné, et en tant que croyance qui délégitime le statut désavantagé des individus stigmatisés, faciliterait la remise en question du statu quo en augmentant la perception de la discrimination ainsi que la tendance à s’engager dans des actions de lutte contre les discriminations par la voie légale. De plus, motivés par des démarches qui rentabilisent le rapport coûts-bénéfices, les individus portés par l’égalitarisme et qui perçoivent la discrimination s’engageraient plus facilement dans des actions de contestation lorsqu’ils pensent qu’ils peuvent le faire au bénéfice de la collectivité plutôt que dans leur propre intérêt uniquement. D’autre part, l’entreprise d’actions contre les discriminations par la voie légale nécessite une connaissance relative de ces lois qui fonctionnent comme des normes injonctives indiquant aux individus ce qui est admis ou non en société (ex. caractère interdit de la discrimination). Une source experte (ex. organisme de lutte contre le racisme) qui véhicule ce type de normes injonctives anti-racistes serait particulièrement influente dans l’entreprise d’actions légales pour lutter contre les discriminations. / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

求職者個人資訊保障之研究 / A Study on the Protection of Job Applicants’ Informational Privacy

詹岱蓉, Jan, Day Rong Unknown Date (has links)
雇主在招募過程中,為了提高企業的生產力或行政組織的效率,防免契約、侵權責任的發生,必須謹慎挑選人才,因此通常會以詢問或檢測(如人格測驗)盡量蒐集與求職者相關的資訊,來遴選合適員工。但是,雇主得要求應徵者揭露多少資訊?求職者在雇主的要求下,為了提高獲聘的機會,是否只能拋棄個人的隱私利益?這些疑惑均值得思考,從中也顯現出了雇主與求職者間利益衝突的問題。 關於求職者個人資訊的保障,我國目前的基本規範為「個人資料保護法(簡稱個資法)」及「就業服務法(簡稱就服法)第5條第2項第2款」。雇主如欲蒐集求職者的個資,除必須符合個資法的特定條款外,假若涉及隱私資訊,尚須通過就服法第5條第2項第2款「就業所需」的檢驗。 在這看似簡明的基本架構中,事實上存有許多令人困惑的地方,以個資法特定條款的蒐集事由為例,如:「執行法定職務必要範圍內」的意涵具體所指為何;「與當事人有類似契約之關係」是否包含雇主可請求當事人以外的第三人(如:前雇主)協助為履歷調查;以及「經當事人同意」在勞動關係不對等時其有效性的爭議等。而就服法第5條第2項第2款最讓人頭痛之處則為應如何詮釋「就業所需」。是以,我們須要更多的實務及學說見解來填充個資法與就服法勾勒出的雇主與求職者間利益權衡框架。 本文將先探討雇主通常是基於什麼考量而對求職者為哪些詢問及檢測;而應徵者面對這些詢問及檢測往往會有什麼憂慮。接著借鏡美國法制,剖析我國針對求職者個人資訊保障的判準,並關注在個資法修正與就服法第5條第2項第2款增訂後,過往的實務見解是否依舊恰當或有所革新。最後比較美國與我國法制的異同,提出檢討與建議,期望能在保障求職者個資的同時,也兼顧到雇主的利益。 / In the hiring process, employers need to select workers cautiously in order to improve the productivity and efficiency of their enterprises, and to avoid the potential liability caused by reckless employees. To screen out the best possible candidate for a particular job, employers usually wish to gather as much information about job applicants as possible by making oral or written inquiries, or conducting different kinds of employment tests (such as personality tests). However, what kind of information can employers legally require job applicants to disclose? Do job applicants have no choice but to relinquish their personal privacy if they want to be employed? To answer these questions, we need to carefully balance the competing interests between employers and job applicants. In Taiwan, “Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA)” and “Employment Service Act (ESA) §5II②” form the basic framework of protecting job applicants’ informational privacy. Employers need to obey specific provisions of the PIPA before they can collect job applicants’ information; and if private information is to be collected, employers should further confirm their collecting actions meet the “job-related” requirement specified by §5II② of the ESA. This legal framework seems simple and clear, but there are many questions remain to be answered. For example, what is the exact scope of the term “within the scope of job functions provided by laws and regulations” of the PIPA? Does the condition “quasi-contractual relationship between the Parties” specified in PIPA allow employers to contact third parties (such as job applicants’ former employers) and conduct a reference check? Further, since there is a serious power-imbalanced problem in the employment relationship, can we truly expect the job applicants to offer a free and valid consent when they are requested to provide their personal information? Last but not the least, what is the precise meaning of the term “job-related” of §5II② of the ESA? More studies and court judgments are needed to delineate the boundaries between what employers are entitled to know and what job applicants should be able to keep private. This thesis begins with analyzing why employers need/hope to gather information about job applicants and what screening tools they prefer to use. It then discusses job applicants’ concerns when they face employers’ inquiries or employment tests. By comparing relevant U.S. legislation and judicial decisions regarding the protection of job applicants’ informational privacy, this thesis examines the standards used in Taiwan’s case-law when balancing employers’ and job applicants’ interests. Special attentions are paid to the issue whether these standards are still appropriate or should be updated in light of the latest amendments to the PIPA and ESA. Finally, through concrete cases, this thesis tries to provide practical recommendations on how we can better protect job applicants’ privacy while respecting employers’ legitimate interests in knowing their future employees.

Diskriminace na základě rasy v soudní praxi ČR / Racial Discrimination in the Judicial Practice of the Czech Republic

Ulmannová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues related to decision-making practice of Czech courts in cases where the plaintiff sought protection against racial discrimination in civil proceedings. Specifically, the thesis endeavours - through the analysis of selected decisions of higher courts and the practice of lower courts - to answer the question of whether the judicial practice together with the applicable laws provide sufficiently effective judicial protection of the right to equal treatment. The first part defines the concept of race as discriminatory ground, as this term is used in legislation in a very broad way and contrary to some scientific concepts of race. The second part contains a brief summary of the legal regulation of non-discrimination in international, European and Czech law. This section focuses on the legal framework applied by Czech courts in the decisions discussed and provides a basis for the following analytical part. The third part, which is the key part of the thesis, deals with decision-making practice of the courts with focus on the problematic aspects of protection against racial discrimination in legislation regulating the protection of personal rights. The shortcomings of judicial practice ascertained are then compared with the new rules contained in the Anti-Discrimination Act....

Das Diskriminierungsverbot im Zivilrecht / und seine Auswirkungen auf das rechtsgeschäftliche und quasi-rechtsgeschäftliche Handeln / The discrimination ban in the civil law / and his effects on the contractual and quasi-contractual action

Zeckei, Matthias 19 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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