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Pharmaceutical technology incorporation and affordability of HIV/AIDS treatment in developing countries : an analysis of the Brazilian response / Incorporation des technologies pharmaceutiques et accessibilité financière aux traitements contre le VIH/Sida dans les pays en voie de développement : une analyse de la réponse brésilienneMilward de Azevedo Meiners, Constance Marie 19 October 2012 (has links)
En 2010, l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a publié de nouvelles recommandations pour le traitement contre le Vih/Sida dans le but d'améliorer la qualité des thérapies antirétrovirales (TARV) distribuées dans les pays en voie de développement (PED). Cependant, les coûts de plus en plus importants liés à l'incorporation des antirétroviraux (ARV) de nouvelle génération, associés à l'intensification de la protection des droits de la propriété intellectuelle (DPI), accentuent le déséquilibre entre les priorités d'expansion de la couverture des patients et les objectifs d'amélioration des traitements, ce qui favorise la pérennité d'un double standard de soins dans le monde. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'analyser les déterminants de l'incorporation des nouvelles technologies et de l'évolution des prix des ARV pour mieux comprendre leur impact sur la qualité et l'accessibilité financière des TARV dans les PED. La présente recherche est basée sur la politique brésilienne de TARV et les leçons qu'elle peut apporter dans la lute contre l'épidémie du Vih/Sida. La première partie de la thèse porte sur les critères utilisés pour l'incorporation des nouveaux médicaments dans les protocoles cliniques de TARV. L'étude part des méthodes de l'analyse de contenu et statistique pour examiner l'impact des prix des ARVs sur les recommandations thérapeutiques et comment celles-ci influencent la pratique médicale. / In 2010, the World Health Organization (WHO) published new HIV/AIDS treatment recommendations which aim at improving the quality of antiretroviral therapy (ART) delivered in developing countries. Nonetheless, the higher costs of incorporating new and more potent antiretrovirals (ARVs), coupled by the intensification of intellectual property rights (IPRs) protection, put in evidence a growing trade-off between patient coverage expansion priorities and treatment quality objectives, which tend to favor the perpetuation of a double standard of HIV care in the world.This thesis aims at analyzing the determinants of technology incorporation and price evolution in HIV care as the basis for discussing how these can impact both the quality and affordability of ART in low and middle-income settings. The present research takes as reference the Brazilian ART policy and the insights it may provide in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The first part of this thesis addresses the criteria used for the incorporation of novel drugs in ART guidelines. Content and statistical analyses are used to examine the impact of ARV prices on therapeutic recommendations and how the latter have been able to influence clinical practice. They show that, although efficacy, toxicity and dosing convenience represent major determinants of ART incorporation decisions in Brazil, costs have most recently started influencing deferral in the use of new ARVs. The second part takes into account the role of patent protection on pharmaceutical innovation and pricing, further employing descriptive and econometric approaches to analyze ARV market structure and prices in Brazil.
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O papel dos serviços de saúde na adesão do paciente ao tratamento antirretroviral do HIV/aids: associações entre medidas de adesão e características organizacionais dos seviços do Sistema Único de Saúde que assistem pessoas vivendo com HI / The role of health care facilities in patient adherence to HIV/AIDS antiretroviral treatment: associations between adherence measures and organizational characteristics of public health care sites that assist people living with HIV in BrazilSantos, Maria Altenfelder 12 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A adesão à terapia antirretroviral (TARV) é essencial para o sucesso do tratamento do HIV/aids. Apesar das recomendações fornecidas para a promoção da adesão nos serviços de assistência ambulatorial ao HIV/aids do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), não há medidas padronizadas para o monitoramento da adesão nos serviços e há pouca informação disponível sobre as atividades de adesão efetivamente realizadas. Este estudo teve como objetivos: descrever medidas nacionais de adesão à TARV e atividades de adesão conduzidas nos serviços de HIV/aids do SUS; investigar relações entre adesão e características dos serviços. Métodos: Entre 2009 e 2011, conduziu-se um estudo transversal da adesão à TARV em amostra nacional de pacientes em tratamento em serviços do SUS. Foram sorteados para participar do estudo: 1) serviços de diferentes níveis de qualidade (segundo avaliação nacional prévia da organização da assistência ao HIV/aids), localizados nas diferentes regiões do país; 2) pacientes sob TARV em acompanhamento nos serviços selecionados, maiores de 18 anos, não gestantes. Para medir a adesão à TARV, utilizou-se o Questionário WebAd-Q, instrumento de autorrelato em linguagem \"Web\", previamente validado, que aborda três dimensões da adesão: medicamentos, dose (número de comprimidos) e horários de tomada. As respostas foram ponderadas de acordo com a probabilidade de seleção amostral dos pacientes. Características dos serviços foram obtidas com base em dois instrumentos autorrespondidos pelos gerentes e equipes de saúde: 1) o Questionário Qualiaids, voltado para a avaliação geral da qualidade organizacional da assistência ao HIV/aids; 2) o Questionário de Atividades de Adesão, que enfoca aspectos especificamente voltados para a promoção da adesão. Outras características dos serviços analisadas foram: região geográfica, porte do serviço (número de pacientes em TARV) e porte do município (número de habitantes). O desempenho dos serviços em relação às atividades de adesão realizadas foi avaliado segundo cinco domínios: monitoramento; investigação da adesão; cuidado multidisciplinar; atividades de grupo e para populações específicas; capacitação e atualização dos profissionais. Associações entre medidas de adesão e características dos serviços foram testadas em modelos de regressão logística (IC 95%, p < 0,05). Associações entre atividades de adesão e demais características dos serviços também foram investigadas. Resultados: De um total de 2.424 participantes, acompanhados em 55 serviços, 61,1% (IC 95% 58,5-63,7) reportaram não adesão a uma ou mais das dimensões analisadas. A dimensão com maior proporção de não adesão foi o horário (50,9%). Os serviços apresentaram desempenho geral mediano em relação às atividades de adesão. Serviços de boa qualidade organizacional e de pequeno porte associaram-se ao melhor desempenho e/ou à realização de atividades específicas. Ao contrário do esperado, houve predomínio de associações inversas da adesão com a qualidade, a complexidade assistencial (segundo o porte) e a realização de atividades de adesão. Discussão: O estudo indicou a necessidade de ações para aprimorar o trabalho em adesão realizado nos serviços, incluindo: promoção da adesão ao horário; priorização de pessoas com dificuldades de adesão e de populações que requerem intervenções específicas; padronização do monitoramento; maior investimento no gerenciamento técnico, no enfoque multidisciplinar, em atividades específicas de apoio à adesão, e em parcerias com a sociedade civil organizada. A exploração de novos modelos de análise em futuros estudos deverá contribuir para a melhor compreensão das relações entre adesão e características dos serviços / Background: Adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is crucial for HIV/AIDS treatment success. In spite of recommendations provided for adherence promotion in HIV outpatient care facilities of the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS), there are no standard measures for adherence monitoring in the facilities and there is little information available about adherence strategies actually implemented. This study aimed at: describing national ART adherence measures and adherence strategies conducted in public HIV care facilities; investigating relationships between adherence and care site characteristics. Methods: Between 2009 and 2011, a cross-sectional study of ART adherence was conducted with a national sample of patients treated in public health care facilities. Randomly selected study participants were: 1) care sites of different quality levels (according to a previous national evaluation of HIV care organization), located in different country regions; 2) patients receiving ART at selected sites, 18 years or older, non-pregnant. Adherence measurement was based on the WebAd-Q Questionnaire, a pre-validated web-based self-report tool that approaches three adherence dimensions: drugs, dose (number of pills) and time schedule. Answers were weighted according to patients\' probability of selection. Site characteristics were obtained based on two self-report tools answered by managers and health care teams: 1) the Qualiaids Questionnaire, which evaluates HIV care overall organizational quality; 2) the Adherence Strategies Questionnaire, which focuses on aspects specifically related to adherence promotion. Other site characteristics analyzed were: geographic region, site size (number of patients receiving ART) and municipality size (number of inhabitants). Care site performance in relation to adherence strategies was evaluated based on five domains: monitoring; adherence investigation; multidisciplinary care; group activities and strategies for special populations; professionals\' training and update. Associations between adherence measures and site characteristics were tested in logistic regression models (CI 95%, p < 0.05). Associations between adherence strategies and other site characteristics were also investigated. Results: From a total of 2,424 participants, who were receiving care at 55 facilities, 61.1% (CI 95% 58.5-63.7) reported non-adherence to one or more of the dimensions analyzed. The dimension with the largest non-adherence proportion was timing (50.9%). Overall, the facilities presented a medium performance on adherence strategies. Good organizational quality and small size were associated with better site performance and/or with conduction of specific strategies. Contrary to expectations, inverse associations of adherence with quality, care complexity (according to size) and implementation of adherence strategies were predominant. Discussion: This study indicated actions required to improve adherence work developed in the facilities, including: timing adherence promotion; prioritization of people facing adherence difficulties and populations requiring specific interventions; monitoring standardization; more efforts focusing on technical management, multidisciplinary approach, specific strategies to support adherence, and partnerships with organized civil society. The development of new analysis models in future studies should contribute to improve understanding of the relationships between adherence and care site characteristics
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Prise en charge du VIH au stade de la primo-infection / Care and Treatment of HIV-Infected Patients During Primary HIV-InfectionKrastinova, Evguenia 20 March 2015 (has links)
Depuis 2013, le traitement « universel » est recommandé en France. Le moment de l’initiation thérapeutique est une question qui reste cependant d’actualité pour les patients se présentant en primo-infection. Cette thèse s’attache à étudier la prise en charge thérapeutique du VIH au stade de la primo-infection (PIV) sous différents angles :1) le suivi par les cliniciens des recommandations d’initiation des traitements antirétroviraux depuis 1996 en fonction de l’évolution de ces recommandations; 2) l’impact d’un traitement ARV transitoire en PIV sur la réponse immuno-virologique lors de la reprise du traitement et 3) l’identification de nouveaux biomarqueurs comme facteurs pronostiques de progression de l’infection VIH. La majorité des travaux présentés dans cette thèse repose sur les données de la cohorte ANRS PRIMO qui comporte environ 1 500 patients infectés par le VIH inclus en PIV entre juin 1996 et décembre 2013, dans 94 hôpitaux français. Tous les patients étaient naïfs de traitement antirétroviral à l'inclusion.La première partie de la thèse analyse la mise en œuvre des recommandations d’initiation du traitement ARV entre 1996 et 2010 par les médecins en France, dans deux situations distinctes : au stade chronique et lors de la primo-infection par le VIH-1. Nous avons montré que les recommandations d’initiation du traitement ARV étaient largement suivies. Néanmoins, il existe un effet d’inertie dans leurs applications lors des changements de recommandation. Il reste à améliorer le délai de mise sous traitement lorsque le taux de CD4 atteint le seuil recommandé. Au stade chronique, le traitement était plus fréquemment initié chez les patients présentant un critère d’initiation dès le diagnostic d’infection par le VIH (96%), que chez les patients qui atteignaient un critère d’initiation au cours du suivi (78%, p<0.001). Nous avons identifié comme facteurs de risque de ne pas être traité en phase chronique malgré une indication de traitement : une charge virale < 5log (versus >5), un plus faible niveau d’éducation et des conditions de vie précaires.L’impact de l’interruption d’un traitement antirétroviral initié en PIV sur la restauration des CD4 après reprise du traitement a été exploré en modélisant l’évolution des CD4 avec des modèles linéaires à effets mixtes avec intercept et pente aléatoires. Les patients qui avaient initié un traitement ARV pendant la phase chronique avaient une meilleure réponse immunologique que les patients reprenant un 2ème traitement après un traitement transitoire en PIV : à 36 mois, les gains en √CD4 cellules/mm3 et en pourcentage de CD4 étaient significativement plus élevés. Cependant, il s’agissait de différences modestes en termes cliniques, qui ne conduisent pas à recommander d’arrêter la recherche clinique sur les arrêts de traitement cherchant à induire des contrôleurs post traitement. Après un état des lieux des mécanismes complexes d’activation/inflammation du système immunitaire pendant la primo-infection nous avons cherché à identifier de nouveaux biomarqueurs prédictifs de l’évolution de l’infection. Le taux de sCD14 (marqueur d’activation monocyte/macrophage et marqueur indirect de translocation microbienne) au moment de la PIV a été identifié comme marqueur potentiel de prédiction du déclin des CD4 et du risque de mortalité d’origine cardio-vasculaire. En conclusion, bien que des progrès considérables aient été réalisés dans la prise en charge du VIH, d'autres études sont nécessaires pour optimiser et adapter le traitement au profil du patient dès les premiers stades de l’infection VIH. / In France, since 2013, HIV treatment has been recommended for all HIV-infected patients independently of their CD4 count. However, when to start anti-retroviral (ARV) treatment is still an issue. This thesis aims to explore the therapeutic management of HIV at the stage of PHI in different aspects: 1) we explored how physicians in France have applied the evolving guidelines for ART initiation since 1996 2) the impact of a transient ARV treatment at PHI on immuno-virological response during 2nd treatment and 3) identification of new biomarkers prognostic of HIV progression.Most of the work presented in this thesis is based on data from the ongoing ANRS PRIMO cohort that enrolled more than 1 500 HIV infected patients enrolled at PHI since June 1996 in 94 French hospitals. All patients were antiretroviral therapy naive at baseline.The first part of the thesis analyzes the implementation of the recommendations of ARV treatment initiation between 1996 and 2010 by physicians in France, in two distinct situations: in the chronic HIV-1 infection and during primary HIV-1 infection. We have shown that the recommendations of ARV treatment initiation were widely followed. Nevertheless, there was inertia in guidelines application when changes in the recommendations took place. The time to treatment when CD4 cell counts reach the threshold to treat can be improved. 96% of the patients initiated ART when they had a CD4 cell count below the threshold to treat at entry, while treatment was less timely initiated when the CD4 threshold was reached during active follow-up (78%, p <0.001).We identified as risk factors for not being timely treated in chronic phase despite an indication for treatment: a viral load <5log (versus> 5), a lower education level and poor living conditions.The impact of ARV interruption after a first treatment initiated at PHI on the CD4 count restoration after resumption was explored by modeling the evolution of CD4 cells with linear mixed effects models with random intercept and slope. Patients who initiated ARV treatment during the chronic phase had a better immune response than patients who initiated a second course treatment after a transient ART at PHI: at 36 months, the gains in √CD4 cells / mm3 and CD4 percentage were significantly higher. However, this difference was clinically modest and further research on treatment interruptions seeking to induce post-treatment controllers is still an issue but only in research settings and under close medical surveillance. After an overview of the complex mechanisms of activation / inflammation of the immune system during primary infection we sought to identify new predictive biomarkers of disease progression. The level of sCD14 (marker of monocyte/macrophage activation and an indirect marker of microbial translocation) at the time of PHI was identified as predictive marker of CD4 decline and of risk of cardio-vascular mortality. In conclusion, although considerable progress has been made in the management of HIV, further studies are needed to optimize and adapt the treatment to the patient profile in the early stages of HIV infection.
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Association entre la thérapie antirétrovirale et les biomarqueurs de la fonction placentaire pendant la grossesseDjeha, Améyo Xoxoabu 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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'This is my face' : audio-visual practice as collaborative sense-making among men living with HIV in ChileCabezas Pino, Angélica January 2018 (has links)
The research project 'This is my Face: Audio-visual practice as collaborative sense-making among men living with HIV in Chile' is an interdisciplinary project that explores 'collaborative mise en-scène' as a method to further understand the sense-making processes around the biographical disruption caused by HIV. It combines Anthropology and Arts methods as part of the PhD in Anthropology, Media and Performance, a practice-based program that fosters interdisciplinary approaches to the production of original knowledge, based on self-reflexive and critical research practices (The University of Manchester, 2018). Relying on the specific competences of photography and film and the co-creation of an ethnographic context based in hermeneutic reflexivity, the collaborators on the project created and explored representations of critical life events, in order to make sense of the disruption HIV brought to their lives. The collaborators were highly stigmatised individuals living with HIV, which hindered their possibilities for sharing narratives and for reflection, and as such, made it more difficult for them to come to terms with a diagnosis they described as a 'fracture' in their lives. This project analyses the creative process of 'collaborative mise-en-scène' as a way to provide further opportunities for reflexivity and sense making, a method that departs from their everyday face-to-face encounters as means of understanding what they are going through. Representations of life events emerged from our practice, as well as evocations, which provided a means by which to understand their experiences with HIV, and opened up ways to resignify their past experiences and projections of the future. Photography and film offered their specific expressive competences to the project, but also gave the possibility of making visible the collaborators' experiences in order to promote a dialogue with others, moving beyond our creative encounters. Therefore, their evocations became 'statements' of what it means to live with HIV in Chile, and at the same time, by taking part in its creation, it provided access to the particularities of the sense-making process in which those images were embedded. This collaborative creative process opened up ways to highlight the relevance for sense-making in face-to-face encounters, demonstrating that hermeneutic reflexivity as a practice-based form of mutual questioning can promote a critical engagement with life trajectories and with others beyond our practice.
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Cohorte de patients avec le VIH/SIDA : échecs virologiques et effets de thérapies antirétrovirales sur la fonction rénale et l'hyperbilirubinémieLaprise, Claudie 03 1900 (has links)
Le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) est à l’origine d’une infection chronique, elle-même responsable du développement du syndrome d'immunodéficience acquise (SIDA), un état de grande vulnérabilité où le corps humain est à la merci d’infections opportunistes pouvant s’avérer fatales. Aujourd’hui, 30 ans après la découverte du virus, même si aucun vaccin n’a réussi à contrôler la pandémie, la situation s’est grandement améliorée. Conséquemment à l’arrivée de traitements antirétroviraux hautement actifs (HAART) à la fin des années 1990, la mortalité associée au VIH/SIDA a diminué et un plus grand nombre de personnes vivent maintenant avec l'infection.
La présente thèse avait pour objectif d’aborder trois situations problématiques, en dépit de l’efficacité reconnue des HAART, plus particulièrement la faible charge virale persistante (LLV) et sa relation avec l’échec virologique, ainsi que les effets de certains antirétroviraux (ARV) sur les fonctions rénale et hépatique. Les objectifs précis étaient donc les suivants : 1) étudier le risque d’échec virologique à long terme chez les patients sous HAART dont la charge virale est indétectable comparativement aux patients affichant une LLV persistante; 2) évaluer sur le long terme la perte de fonction rénale associée à la prise de ténofovir (TDF) 3) étudier sur le long terme l'hyperbilirubinémie associée à la prise d’atazanavir (ATV) et ses autres déterminants possibles.
Afin d’atteindre les trois objectifs susmentionnés, une cohorte de 2 416 patients atteints du VIH/SIDA, suivis depuis juillet 1977 et résidant à Montréal, a été utilisée. Pour le premier objectif, les résultats obtenus ont montré un risque accru d’échec virologique établi à >1000 copies/ml d’ARN VIH chez tous les patients qui présentaient une LLV persistante de différentes catégories durant aussi peu que 6 mois. En effet, on a observé qu’une LLV de 50-199 copies/ml persistant pendant six mois doublait le risque d’échec virologique (Hazard ratio (HR)=2,22, Intervalle de confiance (CI) 95 %:1,60–3,09). Ces résultats pourraient modifier la façon dont on aborde actuellement la gestion des patients affichant une LLV, et plus particulièrement une LLV de 50-199 copies/ml, pour laquelle aucune recommandation clinique n’a encore été formulée en raison du manque de données. Pour le deuxième objectif, on a observé une augmentation du risque de perte de fonction rénale de l’ordre de 63 % (HR=1,63; 95% CI:1,26–2,10) chez les patients sous TDF comparativement aux patients traités avec d’autres ARV. La perte de fonction rénale directement attribuable à la prise de TDF, indique que cette perte est survenue au cours des premières années de l’exposition du patient au médicament. D’une perspective à long terme, cette perte est considérée comme modérée. Enfin, pour ce qui est du troisième objectif, on a constaté que l’incidence cumulative d’hyperbilirubinémie était très élevée chez les patients sous ATV, mais que cette dernière pouvait régresser lorsque l’on mettait fin au traitement. L’hyperbilirubinémie à long terme observée avec la prise d’ATV n’a été associée à aucun effet néfaste pour la santé.
Dans l’ensemble, la présente thèse a permis de mieux comprendre les trois situations problématiques susmentionnées, qui font actuellement l’objet de débats au sein de la communauté scientifique, et d’éclairer sous un jour nouveau la gestion des patients séropositifs sous traitement médicamenteux. / Human immonudeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus causing a chronic infection responsible for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a state of vulnerability of the body where different opportunistic infections will ultimately be fatal. About 30 years after the discovery of the virus, even if no vaccine is available to control the pandemia, situation has changed for the best. With the arrival of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) in the late 90's, a reduction in HIV/AIDS mortality rate and growing number of persons living with the infection were observed.
The overall objective of this thesis was to address three problematic situations, despite recognised HAART efficacy, especially low-level viremia (LLV) and its relationship with virologic failure, and the impacts of certain antiretrovirals (ARV) on kidney and hepatic functions. The specific objectives were: 1) to study the risk of virologic failure in long-term perspective in undetectable patients under HAART in comparison to patients with persistent LLV; 2) to evaluate the long-term loss of kidney function related to tenofovir (TDF) exposure 3) to evaluate long-term hyperbilirubinemia related to atazanavir (ATV) exposure and other possible determinants.
In order to address the three specific objectives, a cohort of patients 2416 living with HIV/AIDS followed in Montreal since July 1977 was used. For the first objective, analyses and results shown an increased risk of virological failure defined as >1000 copies/mL of HIV RNA, for all categories of persistent LLV as soon as 6 months of persistent duration. Persistent LLV of 50-199 copies/mL for 6 months doubled the risk of virologic failure (Hazard ratio (HR)=2,22, Confidence interval (CI) 95%: 1,60-3,09). The results shed new light for the management of patients with LLV, especially for LLV of 50-199 copies/mL, for which no clinical recommendation is currently available due to a lack of data. For the second objective, an increased risk of loss of kidney function of 63% (HR=1.63; 95% CI:1.26–2.10) associated to TDF exposure in comparison to patients taking other ARV was observed. The cumulative eGFR loss directly attribuable to TDF also shown that this loss occured during the first years of exposure. This loss was mild in a long-term perspective. For the third objective, it has been shown that the cumulative incidence of hyperbilirubinemia in ATV users was very high and that regression was possible if ATV exposure was ended. Long-term hyperbilirubinemia related to ATV use was not associated with adverse health outcome.
Overall, this thesis allowed a better understanding of these three problematics currently debated in scientific literature and shed new lights on management of HIV positive patients under therapy.
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On modelling the transmission of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in a closed mixed societyMudimu, Edinah 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis sought to develop an agent-based model that replicates the formation of social and sexual partnerships in real-world settings with an eventual aim of revealing the main drivers of the HIV pandemic
in a closed mixed society. Agent-based modelling is a computational modelling approach that allows for the simulation of the actions and interactions of autonomous agents, with the eventual objective of disovering global effects on the system. This modelling technique is less dependent on generalisations and does not average out the behaviour of individuals. Sexual partnerships formed in the model goes through the process of dating, courting and has a chance of developing into marriage as well as the possibility of breaking up or undergo divorce. Sexual partnership formation is based on a likeability index calculated using aspiration, attractiveness and age. Over and above the the sexual relationships we include commercial sex work. Commercial sex work depends mainly on the availability of female sex workers and their clients. We superimpose the spread of HIV on the social and sexual network model. Results from the model reveal that saturation of HIV prevalence is driven by the social and sexual network structure, behaviour change as well as biologic factors. Excluding commercial sex work in the model resulted in a decrease in HIV prevalence and incidence. Dense social networks resulted in a dense sexual network which consequently increased HIV incidence. A change in the infection probability per coital act contributed significantly to a change in incidence and prevalence levels. Model results also show that enrolling all HIV positive agents on antiretroviral therapy (ART) as from 2016 simulation year will help in curbing
HIV transmission if zero dropout rate from ART is assumed. Therefore, on concomitant action to avoid dropouts from ART is necessary if full benefits of introducing ART to all HIV positive individuals are to be realised. / Operations Management / D.Phil. (Operations Research)
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Correlation between CD4 counts and adherence to antiretrovirals in treatment patience at Katutura intermediate hospital, Windhoek, NamibiaTjipura, Dinah Jorokee 04 1900 (has links)
The study analysed and compared data from patients' medical and pharmacy
refill records to identify correlations between CD4 cell counts and adherence to
antiretroviral drugs at Katutura Intermediate Hospital (KIH) in Windhoek,
Namibia. The study investigated whether the pharmacy refill adherence
measurement methodology could predict immunological recovery through
increased CD4 cell counts. There was a positive but weak relationship between
adherence and CD4 cell counts. Although the pharmacy refill records could
predict immunological response it was not sensitive enough and should be used
in combination with other adherence measurement tools. / Public Health / M.A. (Public Health)
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Personal factors influencing patients' anti-retroviral treatment adherence in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaTefera Girma Negash 11 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to identify personal (patient-related) factors influencing anti-retroviral therapy (ART) adherence in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical design was used. Structured interviews were conducted with 355 ART patients.
The findings revealed that stigma, discrimination, depression and alcohol use negatively affected patients’ ART adherence levels. However, patients’ knowledge levels had no influence on their ART adherence levels, contrary to other researchers’ reports.
Addressing stigma and discrimination at community levels might enhance patients’ abilities to take their medications in the presence of others. Healthcare professionals should be enabled to diagnose and treat depression among ART patients during the early stages. Non-adherent ART patients should be counseled about possible alcohol abuse. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health with specialisation in Medical Informatics)
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The HIV disclosure and sexual practices of people living with HIV/AIDS on antiretroviral therapy at Mbabane National Referral VCT/ART centre, SwazilandOkoth, Patrick Paul 12 1900 (has links)
This quantitative study sought to identify and describe factors influencing HIV disclosure and sexual practices among 340 PLWHA on ART at Mbabane National Referral VCT/ART Centre, Swaziland. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire.
A high general HIV disclosure rate (94.1%; f=320; N=340) was observed of which 57.5% (f=184; n=320) was to sexual partners. X2 procedures indicate an association with gender, residential region, religion, and period of being on ART.
The majority (70.2%; f=179; n=255) of the respondents used condoms all the time to avoid infecting their sexual partners (99.2%; f=243; n=245) and to avoid contracting STIs (99.2%; f=243; n=245). X2 procedures indicate an association with gender, residential region, marital status, number of sexual partners, knowledge of the HIV status of sexual partners and period of being on ART.
The single leading reason for not using the condom was sexual partners’ refusal to use condoms (85.7%; f=54; n=63). / Health Studies / M.A.(Health Studies)
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