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Conhecimento de embarque: natureza e regime jurídico / Bill de lading: legal nature and applicable law.José Mauro Ramos Neto 21 May 2013 (has links)
Tudo começou em 2006, quando estagiário de um escritório de advocacia de São Paulo. Já havia passado algumas horas debruçado sobre centenas de Conhecimentos de Embarque e recebendo ligações de bancos estrangeiros que solicitavam o endosso daqueles documentos. Eu me questionava: que documento era aquele que exigia tanto cuidado quanto uma nota promissória original? Por que era tão importante para um banco que o endossássemos rapidamente? Eis que me surge um convite de viagem para conhecer um escritório de advocacia por algumas semanas em Londres. A experiência, por ora um tanto empolgante e aventureira para um jovem de 21 anos, possibilitou um contato frutífero com uma matéria muito específica do Direito Comercial: a natureza jurídica do Conhecimento de Embarque, nos países de língua inglesa chamado de Bill of Lading. Em muitos países, como no Brasil, é um tema pouco explorado, porém na Inglaterra, com seu rico passado de potência marítima durante séculos, é tema de bastante relevo e discussão nas altas cortes. Esta experiência e o contato com a matéria me trouxeram a vontade de poder aplicar em nosso país o aprendizado lá adquirido. Assim, uma dúvidasurgia: por que o Brasil, com o imenso território que tem banhado pelo mar, não é desenvolvido o bastante nesse tema? Por que não chegam aos nossos Tribunais as relevantes discussões sobre o Conhecimento de Embarque? Os próximos anos demandarão do Brasil uma grande mudança. A Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016 no Rio de Janeiro exigirão do Brasil quantias vultosas de investimento em infraestrutura e transportes. O comércio marítimo entre o Brasil e os demais países aumentará significativamente com estes eventos de ordem global. Até lá, teremos que estar preparados para esta demanda. E como toda exigência econômica demanda uma exigência jurídica, precisamos reformular os nossos conceitos de Direito Comercial e entender melhor a natureza jurídica do Conhecimento de Embarque, documento que ampara juridicamente as transações comerciais marítimas desde os tempos mais remotos. A conjunção do novo contexto econômico brasileiro com o interesse pela matéria relativa ao Conhecimento de Embarque, despertado desde a época de estudante de Direito, impulsionou o propósito deste trabalho, que tem por objetivo estudar a natureza jurídica do Conhecimento de Embarque sob a ótica da legislação pátria. A legislação brasileira é muito incipiente acerca do tema. Em comparação a diversas legislações estrangeiras, ainda engatinhamos sobre o assunto. Dentre as questões que se pretende ver elucidadas, enfatiza-se: (i) a característica contratual do Conhecimento de Embarque; (ii) a natureza de título de crédito do Conhecimento de Embarque e sua evolução para a versão eletrônica; (iii) o caráter de instrumento internacional que deve satisfazer às partes de diferente nacionalidades; (iv) a utilização em operações de financiamento como garantia real durante o percurso em que a mercadoria transita pelo mar; e, até mesmo (v) o caráter tributário que o Conhecimento de Embarque adquiriu em nosso país. Em suma, pretende-se com este trabalho tentar consolidar o conceito jurídico do Conhecimento de Embarque no Brasil, para que esse instrumento deixe de ser pouco discutido em nosso país e adquira a importância que lhe é devida e que há séculos em outros países já lhe é atribuída / It all began in 2006, when I was a trainee at a Law office in São Paulo. I have already spent hours and hours in front of hundreds of Bills of Lading and receiving calls from foreigner Banks which demanded the endorsement of that document. I used to question myself: What kind of document was that which needed me to be careful as if I was dealing with an original Promissory Note? Why it was so important to a Bank to endorse that document as fast as possible? An invitation to me was made to get to know a law office for some weeks in London. That experience, such exciting and adventurous for a young man of 21 years, made possible a fruitful contact with a very specific theme of Commercial Law: the legal nature of the Conhecimento de Embarque, in the countries of English law known as Bill of Lading. In many countries, such as in Brazil, it is not a theme so much explored, otherwise in England, with its rich history as a maritime power for centuries, it is a very important theme that is also discussed commonly in the High Courts. This experience and contact with this theme made me wonder how could I apply in Brazil the knowledge there acquired. Therefore, a doubt was in my mind: Why Brazil, with its big territory bathed by the sea, is not so developed enough in this subject? Why relevant discussions regarding the Bill of Lading do not arrive in our Courts? The next years will demand from Brazil a big change. The world cup in 2014 and the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will require from Brazil huge amounts of investments in infra-structure and transportation. The maritime commerce between Brazil and other countries will raise significantly with this two events of global order. Until there, we must get prepared to this challenge. And as all economic requirement demands a law requirement, we need to reshape our concepts of Commercial Law and get to know better the legal nature of the Bill of Lading, the document that legally supports the maritime commercial transactions since the most ancient times. The combination of this new Brazilian economic context and the interest for the theme of the Bill of Lading awakened since when I was a law student boosted the purpose of this work, which aims to study the legal nature of the Bill of Lading in a perspective of Brazilian legislation. Brazil legislation is very weak in this subject. In comparison to other foreigner law, we still crawl about this theme. Among the questions that are intended to be elucidated, it must be highlighted: (i) the contractual characteristic of the Bill of Lading; (ii) the nature of negotiable instrument and its evolution to the electronic version; (iii) the characteristic of international instrument that need to satisfy the parties of different nationality; (iv) the use in financing transaction as a collateral for the route where the goods are being transported by the sea and, also; (v) the tax characteristic that the Bill of Lading acquired in our country. As a conclusion, the purpose of this work is to try to consolidate the legal concept of the Bill of Lading in Brazil, so that this instrument ceases to be little discussed in our country and get the importance that it already has for centuries in other countries.
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Le droit applicable au contrat en droit international privé colombien. Etude comparée, critique et prospective / The law applicable to the contract in colombian private international law. Comparative, critical and prospective studyRojas Tamayo, Daniel Miguel 01 February 2017 (has links)
Le droit international privé colombien demeure tributaire d’une approche publiciste qui repose sur les principes de territorialité et de souveraineté. Ces principes, pourtant délaissés depuis le début du XXe siècle en droit international privé comparé, constituent encore aujourd’hui le fondement des règles de conflit en matière contractuelle qui forment le droit positif. Bien que la jurisprudence colombienne ait aussi utilisé des méthodes qui s’apparentent à d’autres proposées plus récemment aux États-Unis et en France, le système colombien n’offre pas de solutions satisfaisantes aux problèmes que posent les situations internationales, y compris en matière contractuelle. Le droit international privé colombien doit donc être repensé. À cet égard, il est possible, sur le fondement des textes en vigueur, de justifier tant la transformation de l’approche que l’adoption de nouvelles solutions. En matière de contrats, il est possible d’identifier au sein de l’ordre juridique colombien une tendance favorable à la consécration de la liberté de choix de la loi applicable en tant que solution de principe. En effet, cette solution est conforme au principe constitutionnel d’internationalisation et compatible avec le rôle reconnu à l’initiative privé en droit colombien. Largement répandue en droit international privé comparé, la liberté de choix a les faveurs des institutions internationales et, en 2015, la Conférence de La Haye a publié des principes sur le choix de la loi applicable aux contrats commerciaux internationaux. Cet instrument non contraignant peut servir d’inspiration pour l’élaboration d’une réglementation du choix de loi en droit colombien. / Colombian private international law remains in thrall to a public-law inspired approach resting on the principles of territoriality and sovereignty. These principles, which have been abandoned since the beginning of the twentieth century in comparative private international law, still form the basis of the choice-of-law rules for contractual matters found in positive law. Even though the courts have also used methods that are similar to others put forward more recently in the United States and France, the Colombian system does not offer satisfactory solutions to the issues raised by international situations, particularly in contractual matters. Colombian private international law therefore needs to be rethought. In this respect, it is possible, on the basis of existing texts in Colombian law, to justify both the transformation of the approach and the adoption of new solutions. As far as contracts are concerned, a favorable trend towards the consecration of the freedom of choice of the applicable law as a solution of principle can actually be identified within the Colombian legal order. Indeed, this solution aligns with the constitutional principle of internationalization and is compatible with the role recognized to private initiative in Colombian law. Choice of law, which is widely used in comparative international private law, is also favored by international institutions. In 2015, The Hague Conference thus published its Principles on the choice of law applicable to international commercial contracts. This non-binding instrument can provide inspiration for the development of a choice of law regime in Colombian law.
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Le rapprochement du droit pénal des mineurs et des majeurs / The closening of the adult and the juvenile criminal justice systemsPeyrot, Angelique 14 December 2015 (has links)
La problématique soulevée par la délinquance juvénile, loin de se limiter au pré-carré des professionnels du droit, s’est imposée en véritable débat de société. Cet engouement est le fruit de l’évolution de la délinquance des mineurs, qui a tendance à croître, impliquant des auteurs plus jeunes.En réponse à ce phénomène, le législateur a opéré un tournant sécuritaire en 2002, marquant le point de départ du durcissement des dispositions relatives aux mineurs délinquants, notamment celles applicables à ceux âgés de seize à dix-huit ans. Il en découle un rapprochement du droit pénal des mineurs de celui des majeurs, malgré l’affirmation, la même année, par le Conseil constitutionnel d’un principe fondamental reconnu par les lois de la république qui consacre la spécificité du droit pénal des mineurs. Toutefois, il convient de s’interroger sur la portée de ce rapprochement textuel, qui est peu, voire pas mis en œuvre en pratique. Cette question se pose avec d’autant plus d’acuité depuis le changement de politique pénale impulsé en 2012 par le nouveau garde des Sceaux, qui est d’ailleurs à l’initiative d’un projet de réforme de l’ordonnance de 1945, qui entend réaffirmer la primauté de l’éducatif sur le répressif / Juvenile delinquency problem, far from being the sole issue of law professionals, has become a widely debated topic throughout the entire society. Such interest in the issue takes its roots in the delinquency's evolution, broadly on the rise, with ever younger criminals. Given the phenomenon, the lawmaker has moved towards a harsher approach in 2002, and the various laws have been toughening since then, especially those concerning young people aged between 16 and 18 year old. The consequence is that the body of law applicable to young people looks increasingly similar to that one applicable to adults, despite the solemn statement issued by the Constitutional Council the same year. This statement explains that there is a ground principle deduced from the laws of the Republic, recognizing the specificity of juvenile delinquency laws. It is however interesting to reflect on the true scope of this formal closening, which seems to happen to little or no avail. The issue is even more relevant with the changes in the criminal justice approach advocated by the new secretary of Justice since 2012, who is currently initiating a reform on the body of law applicable to young people, aiming at favoring education over repression
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Evropská koordinace sociálního zabezpečení: pravidla určování aplikovatelné legislativy / European coordination of social security: rules for determination the applicable legislationKněžická, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to analyse practical impacts of special rules for determination of applicable legislation in accordance with the Regulation No. 883/2004 and its implementing Regulation No. 987/2009. Further the thesis seeks to identify potential negative effects connected to application of the single insurance principle as well as deficiencies arising out of practical performance of European coordination and to discuss the eventual solutions to undesirable effects caused by weak sides of coordination regulations. The thesis is divided into four chapters: an introduction is followed by a chapter about general principles of European coordination of social security systems and about current developments in this field. The topic of a second part is an institute of posting according to Art. 12 of the Regulation No. 883/2004, a distinction here is made between employees and self-employed persons. This chapter further contains procedural rules and an overview of issued portable documents A1 (E 101 forms) during the years 2009 - 2011. Third chapter deals with pursuit of activities in two or more Member States in accordance to Art. 13 of the Regulation No. 883/2004. Special attention is paid to a fine line between posting and pursuit of activities. A problem with retroactive determination of applicable legislation is discussed in the last subchapter of the thesis. This problem is being recently solved by Czech institutions and employers. They are trying to find a solution preventing negative consequences of such a retroactive determination. Exception governed in Art. 16 of the Regulation No. 883/2004 is a subject of the fourth chapter. Situations where an exception is a possible and suitable solution are presented here as well as statistics about requests for exemption from Czech resp. foreign laws.
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Obchodní aktivity podniku v zahraničí / Foreign Business Activities of CompanyDoležel, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s thesis has been elaborated on the basis of a real issue, which a company, which decided to procure it’s full time presence in the Austria’s market, is facing. The analysis of the present state, which proved the rationality of the decision, is followed by a theoretical fundament of this thesis, that lays the foundations of the specific proposal leading to reach the aim given by the company. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the core of the international trade and its brief history. The thesis is further focused on the areas of the international trade important for solving the given issue. The main areas are as follows: international trade legal regime, law of international trade, risks in the international trade, ways of penetration into a foreign market. Based on the knowledge attained in the theoretical part of this thesis, while applying them, I have come to the conclusion, that it would be best for the company to establish a branch office in the Austria. The conclusion is followed by a factual proposal of progress supplemented by a calculation of costs of establishing the branch office and calculation of operating costs for the first year. I am also proposing a strategy for legal relationships being concluded by a branch office and marketing strategy for the first year.
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Sociální zabezpečení zaměstnanců v Evropské unii / Social Security of Employees in European UnionVolná, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the coordination of social security systems at EU and national level. It presents basic analysis of the relevant EU legislation. The model examples show the application of relevant legislation of the European Union which relate to the situation, and mentions the context of relevant administrative duties. The last part identifies the most problematic areas and proposes some general, but also specific recommendations related to the examples.
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Les contrats internationaux : étude comparative franco-thaïlandaise / International Contracts : a comparative study between French and Thai SystemsLarpvanichar, Ratchaneekorn 30 May 2012 (has links)
Le droit international privé français des contrats est très avancé, la richesse de la jurisprudence et la doctrine font une bonne preuve de l’évolution du droit français en la matière. Ses conceptions sont répandues et admises par d’autres États, européens en premier lieu, puis dans le monde entier. Le système de droit français et celui de droit communautaire sont complémentaires l’un et l’autre. Pour cette raison l’étude de droit international privé français ne peut plus être restreinte uniquement dans le cadre de droit international commun. Dés lors le droit international privé communautaire devrait aussifaire l’objet de cette étude. Quant au droit international privé des contrats thaïlandais, il est en cours de développement et a besoin de grande réformation urgent pour la coopération juridique dans l’ASEAN. L’étude comparative en cette matière permettrait donc de trouver la bonne solution et d’apprendre l’application de règles conflictuelles ainsi que d’autres mécanismes du droit international privé pour régler les problèmes dans l’ordre juridique thaï. Donc les questions de la loi applicable et le règlement des différends font l’objet principal de cette étude. / The French system of Private International Law of Contract is highly developed, evidenced by a rich jurisprudence and doctrinal system. One of the leaders in the field, many of their legal concepts were widely accepted and adopted by other legal systems, first by European countries and then worldwide. However, because of their complementary and intertwined nature for each other, the French legal system cannot be studied apart from the European system. For this reason, this study covers not only an in depth examination of French Private International Law but also a general look at European Private International Law. The Thai system of Private International Law of Contracts, in comparison, is developing and needs significant legal reform, as soon as possible, in order to cooperate with other contracting States in ASEAN. Thus, this comparative study responds to the needs, and shows how to correctly apply the conflict of laws’ rules, including their exceptions, which could solve many problems occurring in the Thai legal system. Therefore questions on the applicable laws of contract and the settlement of disputes which derive from international contract law are objects of this study.
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La lex societatis en droit international des affaires / Lex societatis in international business lawYoubo, Lou Bouinan Sonia 17 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche de la loi applicable à la société, lex societatis, est incontournable carc’est de cette loi dont dépendront les règles de constitution, de fonctionnement et dedissolution de la société. Mais la problématique de la détermination de la lex societatis enDroit International des Affaires réside dans l’identification d’un mode adéquat derattachement des sociétés transfrontalières à un territoire national. Le caractère transfrontalierdes sociétés actuelles accentue le conflit entre les différents systèmes de rattachement dessociétés traditionnellement retenus par les législations. La pluralité de système derattachement des sociétés est à l’origine de conflits auxquels l’uniformisation de la règle deconflit de lois en matière de détermination de la lex societatis peut être une solution.Le droit des sociétés doit être un instrument au service des affaires, et non un frein àleur évolution et à leur développement. Ainsi pour répondre aux besoins des affairesinternationales, outre l’élimination des entraves aux échanges il faut envisager une adaptationdu contenu des règles de conflit de lois actuelles qui permettent la détermination de la lexsocietatis ainsi qu’une modification de leur source. / The search of the law applicable to the company, lex societatis is a must because it isthis law which will depend on the rules of formation, operation and dissolution of thecompany. But the problem of determining the lex societatis in International Business Law isthe identification of a suitable method of attachment of cross-border companies on a nationalterritory. The transboundary nature of today’s societies accentuates the conflict between thedifferent companies of connecting systems traditionally retained by the legislation. Theplurality of connecting corporate system is causing conflicts that standardization of the rulesof conflict of laws determining the lex societatis can be a solution.Company law should be a tool for business, not a hindrance to their development andtheir development. So to meet the needs of international business, besides the elimination ofbarriers to trade should be considered an adaptation of the contents of the current conflict oflaws rules that allow the determination of the lex societatis and a change of their source.
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Le choix de compétences dans le contrat de travail international / The Choice of competences in international contract of employmentDrine, Abdelhakim 10 December 2011 (has links)
Le choix de compétences dans le contrat de travail international, permet une véritable valorisation du rôle de la volonté des parties dans l'insertion des clauses contractuelles désignant la compétence d'une loi ou d'un juge, étatique ou privé. Des conditions de fond et de forme sont exigées pour l'admissibilité de cette dérogation volontaire à la compétence naturelle des règles applicables. Mais, le déséquilibre qui caractérise la relation de travail, exige un encadrement stricte de ce choix par des mécanismes protecteurs de la partie faible. L'intervention des règles impératives du lieu de l'exécution habituelle du travail permet d'atteindre cet objectif par l'application, soit d'un critère de faveur qui consiste à appliquer la loi la plus favorable pour le salarié, soit à mettre en œuvre un critère de proximité qui permet d'appliquer la loi qui entretient les liens les plus étroits avec la situation litigieuse. / In international contracts of employment, the parties’ will is significantly enhanced by the choice of competences through the insertion of clauses referring to the competent law or competent judge (private or public). But the eligibility for this voluntary exemption to applicable natural competences requires formal and substantial conditions. Indeed, the disequilibrium that inherently characterizes the employment relationship calls for a strict scrutiny. Assuring the choice made by the weaker thus necessitates protective mechanisms. The intervention of mandatory rules of the place where the employee habitually carries out his work allows the achievement of the aforementioned objective. This is done so by the application of two alternative criteria, in either the law that is the most favourable law to his interests or the law that is most closely connected to the particular situation.
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Droit international privé du sport : études sur une discipline en construction / Direito internacional privado do esporte : estudos sobre uma disciplina em construção / International Private Sport Law : studies on a discipline under constructionNicolau, Jean 05 April 2017 (has links)
En appréhendant les éléments du droit international privé, en sa notion la plus large, pour les appliquer aux situations associées à l’activité sportive en général et au droit du sport en particulier, cette étude se propose de forger les piliers d’un droit international privé du sport. En effet, seront abordées premièrement des thématiques ayant trait à la nationalité, étatique comme sportive, des athlètes composant le le mouvement sportif. Dans un deuxième temps, ce travail se penchera sur l’identification et la détermination tant des autorités compétentes pour les situations juridico-sportives de dimension internationale, que sur le droit applicable à ces dernières. / Through the examination of the elements of the private international law and their contrast to situations associated with sports practice in general, and to Sports Law in particular, this thesis intends to establish the pillars of the private international law on sport. In this regard, the topics related to the nationality of the athletes, either granted by the State Law or Sports Law, are initially addressed. Subsequently, this thesis aims to identify and to determine the competent authorities and the applicable law to rule over international legal issues related to sport. / A partir do exame dos elementos do direito internacional privado e da contraposição dos mesmos a situações associadas à prática esportiva, de modo geral, e ao direito desportivo, em particular, este estudo pretende erigir os pilares do direito internacional privado do esporte. Com efeito, são abordadas, em um primeiro momento, temáticas relacionadas à nacionalidade, estatal e esportiva, dos atletas que integram o movimento esportivo. Na sequência, o objeto da tese repousa sobre a identificação e a determinação tanto das autoridades competentes para a apreciação das situações jurídico-desportivas de dimensão internacional, quanto do direito aplicável a estas últimas.
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