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Les listes d'infractions : étude en droit pénal français italien et international / The listing of crimes : study in french, italian and international criminal lawRouidi, Hajer 20 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse analyse le recours, en droit pénal, à la technique énumérative, particulièrement aux listes d'infractions. Cette figure légistique, jadis utilisée dans les conventions bilatérales d'extradition, est aujourd'hui fortement répandue pour délimiter le champ d'application de règles exceptionnelles. Le droit pénal international, le droit pénal français et le droit pénal italien sont simultanément interrogés sur leurs recours à la technique énumérative. L'intérêt de ce rapprochement est de fournir un corpus d'étude riche et varié mettant en jeu différents systèmes et ordres juridiques. La liste n'est pas considérée sous le seul aspect légistique ; sa fonction politique est également analysée. Opérant une sélection d'infractions soumises à un régime différencié, elle est au service d'une répression aggravée ou innovante.L'utilisation de cette technique législative est évaluée à l'aune des résultats escomptés d'une part et avérés d'autre part. On découvre que l'extension, qui est naturelle à toute énumération, appelle une appréciation tantôt critique, tantôt positive. On regrette la dénaturation des listes d'infractions par des rédacteurs qui en détournent la vocation première. L'évaluation se fonde sur les grands principes du droit pénal, à savoir les principes de légalité et de proportionnalité, dont le respect effectif constitue in fine le remède proposé à la dénaturation des listes d'infractions. / The thesis analyses the utilization of enumeration through the "listing of crimes" as a legislative technique in criminal law. Such a method of legislative drafting was used historically in bilateral conventions, specifically in the area of extradition, but nowadays it is heavily employed in criminal law to delimit the scope of application of exceptional rules. Aiming at providing a rich and solid base of knowledge in a domain that is rarely studied, this work reviews various systems and legal orders. As such, the resort to "listing of crimes" will be examined in international criminal law as well as in French and Italian criminal law. Being a tool to select a group of crimes in order to treat them differently than the common crimes, the listing technique serves the needs of aggravated or innovative repression. In that regard, the "listing" technique is not only considered as a means of legislative drafting, but its political function is also analyzed. The utilization of this technique is assessed in the light of the expected as well as the verified results. The extension of an existing "list of crimes", a normal consequence of resorting to enumeration, is found to be positive in some cases but more or less criticized in other cases where legislatures deviate from the original reason for which this drafting technique has been elaborated. Examined from the perspective of the fundamental principles of criminal law, namely the principle of legality and the principle of proportionality, the usage of this technique is appraised. The respect of these two primordial principles constitutes the ultimate solution proposed for any deviated resort to "listing of crimes" as a legislative tool.
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Processo arbitral transnacional / Transnational arbitral proceedingMange, Flavia Fóz 13 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as normas processuais aplicáveis à arbitragem. O reconhecimento da prevalência da autonomia da vontade das partes e, subsidiariamente, dos árbitros para estabelecer regras para condução do procedimento arbitral, afastou a aplicação das regras processuais do local da realização da arbitragem. A ausência de uma lei processual de regência ou da aplicação mandatória das regras processuais da lex fori possibilitou, por um lado, a harmonização da prática processual arbitral e, por outro lado, embates recorrentes sobre a forma adequada para a condução do procedimento. A ausência de uma lei de regência não significa que o processo arbitral possa ser discricionário. Existe uma pluralidade de fontes normativas que influenciam a tomada de decisão processual nas arbitragens. Propõe-se a análise destas fontes normativas à luz do direito transnacional. O método transnacional adotado inclui normas nacionais e internacionais, bem como outras fontes normativas que não se enquadram tipicamente em uma categoria tradicional, admitindo que o quadro regulatório do processo arbitral seja formado por uma confluência de fontes que operam em ordens jurídicas e planos normativos diversos. Diante dessa pluralidade de fontes normativas, defende-se a necessidade de maior normatização in concreto, incentivando que as partes e os árbitros realizem uma conferência preliminar para definir a melhor forma de conduzir o procedimento em cada arbitragem. / This thesis analyzes the procedural rules that apply to arbitration. The recognition that the parties and, subsidiarily, the arbitrators are free to establish the rules for conducting the arbitral proceedings has prevented the procedural rules of the place where the arbitration is held from being applied. The absence of a governing procedural law or the mandatory application of the procedural rules of the lex fori has, on the one hand, made the harmonization of arbitration procedure possible and, on the other, led to recurrent conflicts regarding the appropriate way to conduct an arbitration. The absence of a governing law does not mean that the arbitration procedure could be discretionary. The existence of a plurality of normative sources that influence procedural decision-making in arbitration is verified. The analysis of these normative sources in light of transnational law is proposed. The transnational method adopted includes domestic and international rules, as well as other normative sources that do not typically fit in a traditional category, allowing the regulatory framework of an arbitration proceeding to be formed by a confluence of sources that operate in different legal systems and on various normative planes. In light of this plurality of normative sources, the need for more active case management and rule-making is defended, encouraging the parties and the arbitrators to hold a preliminary conference to determine the best method for conducting the arbitration in each arbitration proceeding.
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Análise dos efeitos da prescrição extintiva na arbitragem interna e internacional, com visão a partir do direito brasileiro / Analyse des effets de la prescription extinctive dans larbitrage interne et international au regard du droit brésilienNunes, Thiago Marinho 02 June 2011 (has links)
A presente tese tem como objetivo a análise dos efeitos da prescrição extintiva na arbitragem interna e internacional, com visão a partir do direito brasileiro. As relações entre a prescrição extintiva e a arbitragem não foram objeto de praticamente nenhum debate, nem mesmo antes da vigência da Lei n.º 9.307/1996, que instituiu de forma completa o procedimento arbitral no Brasil. A razão dessa ausência era óbvia: por ser a prescrição um instituto de direito material e a Lei Brasileira de Arbitragem, um diploma processual, não haveria motivo para discussão a respeito da prescrição. Tudo se resolveria por meio da lei material. Ademais, a ausência de regulamentação específica das questões sobre prescrição no âmbito da arbitragem se deu em virtude de o legislador ter facultado às partes, em uma arbitragem, a escolha da lei regente dos aspectos processuais e materiais do procedimento arbitral. Atribuindo-se às partes o direito de escolha do regime jurídico aplicável à controvérsia, a prescrição e, especialmente, seus prazos poderiam variar, daí inócua seria a disposição de escolha do direito material, se houvesse disposições específicas acerca da prescrição no corpo da Lei de Arbitragem. Ocorre que a prescrição é um instituto dotado de certas peculiaridades que podem acarretar dúvidas passíveis de gerar certo tumulto ao procedimento arbitral, criando, até mesmo, um contencioso paralelo à arbitragem. A liberdade das partes, tão aclamada em matéria de arbitragem, poderia estar em jogo, se se tratasse da incidência da prescrição extintiva. Eis, portanto, a dúvida: diante da notória flexibilidade em matéria temporal da qual é revestida a arbitragem, como lidar com as questões que concernem ao decurso do tempo, pela inércia de uma parte que deixa de instituir, a tempo, uma arbitragem? Qual é a influência da prescrição extintiva no âmbito da arbitragem? Para esclarecer essas dúvidas, a tese se divide em duas partes: na primeira, será estudada a razão de ser do instituto da prescrição extintiva quando se está sob o escopo da jurisdição arbitral. Ali analisar-se-á, principalmente, como a prescrição se aplica no contexto dos litígios submetidos à arbitragem interna e internacional. Em relação a esta última, o problema maior a ser verificado é a definição do regime jurídico aplicável à prescrição extintiva, o que ganha relevo em razão da diversidade de leis supostamente aplicáveis à prescrição. Na segunda parte cuidar-se-ão dos efeitos diretos causados pelo instituto da prescrição extintiva nos litígios da arbitragem interna e internacional. Com grande destaque à questão relativa à interrupção da prescrição no âmbito de uma arbitragem, e a outras questões não menos relevantes, como a suspensão da prescrição, a possibilidade de modificação convencional dos prazos prescricionais e os efeitos da expiração do prazo de prescrição, esta parte será finalizada com propostas de mudança de algumas questões sobre a prescrição no âmbito interno, com reflexos diretos na arbitragem. Ainda será demonstrado que, na órbita da arbitragem internacional, as questões concernentes à prescrição extintiva mereceriam um tratamento no mínimo harmônico e, se possível, uniforme, favorecendo a promoção da estabilidade das relações jurídicas comerciais internacionais. / Lobjectif de la présente thèse est lanalyse des effets de la prescription extinctive dans larbitrage interne et international, au regard du droit brésilien. La relation entre la prescription extinctive et larbitrage na jamais été objet de débats, même avant lentrée en vigueur de la loi 9.307 de 1996, qui a mis en place, de manière définitive la procédure arbitrale au Brésil. La raison de labsence de débats était évidente: la prescription extinctive étant un institut de droit matériel et la loi brésilienne darbitrage, un institut de procédure, il ny avait pas de raisons pour des discussions autour de la prescription. Ceci serait résolu à travers le droit matériel. En outre, labsence dun règlement spécifique sur les questions de la prescription dans larbitrage se justifie dans la mesure où le législateur brésilien a donné aux parties, le choix de la loi applicable à la procédure et à la discussion de fond, dans larbitrage. En concédant aux parties le droit de choisir le régime juridique applicable au litige, la prescription pourrait varier, notamment ses délais spécifiques, et donc, il serait inutile de donner le choix au droit matériel sil y avait des dispositions spécifiques sur la prescription dans les corps de la loi darbitrage. Toutefois, la prescription est un institut dont les spécificités peuvent créer un certain désordre à la procédure arbitrale, comme une espèce de contentieux parallèle à larbitrage. La liberté des parties peut être en danger lorsquil sagit de lincidence de la prescription extinctive. Ainsi, se pose la question de savoir si en considérant la notoire flexibilité de larbitrage en matière temporelle, comment traiter les questions sur lécoulement du temps, par linertie dune partie qui, sans diligence suffisante, ne déclenche pas la procédure arbitrale dans le délai fixé? Quelle est linfluence de la prescription extinctive dans larbitrage? Afin de répondre ces questions, la thèse est divisée en deux parties: dans la première, la raison dêtre de linstitut de la prescription extinctive sous les auspices de la juridiction arbitrale sera étudiée, en analysant notamment les formes dapplication de la prescription dans les litiges soumis à larbitrage interne et international. En ce qui concerne spécifiquement larbitrage international, le plus grand problème est la définition du régime juridique applicable en raison de la diversité des lois qui pourraient être applicables à la prescription. Dans la seconde partie, létude abordera les effets directs de la prescription extinctive dans les litiges de larbitrage interne et international. Les principaux aspects à vérifier dans cette partie seront les questions relatives à linterruption et la suspension de la prescription dans larbitrage, la possibilité de la modification contractuelle des délais de prescription et aussi les effets de lexpiration du délai de prescription. Cette partie proposera également des modifications sur quelques mesures de la prescription dans le droit interne, avec des impacts directs dans larbitrage. En conclusion nous démontrerons que dans la sphère international les questions sur la prescription mériteraient un traitement spécifique, au moins harmonisé ou, si possible uniforme, de manière à favoriser la stabilité des relations juridiques commerciales internationales.
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The Law Applicable to International Trade Transactions with Brazilian Parties: A Comparative Study of the Brazilian Law, the CISG, and the American Law About Contract FormationAguiar, Anelize 25 August 2011 (has links)
Despite Brazil’s importance in the world economy and its increasing participation in foreign trade, there is considerable legal uncertainty regarding the law applicable to international commercial contracts involving Brazilian parties because Brazilian judicial courts do not respect parties’ freedom to choose the governing law, thus this determination is only made by a judge, according to Private International Law rules of the forum. Applying these rules, this study demonstrates that there are at least three potential legal regimes: the Brazilian law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and a foreign domestic sales law. Making use of the American law as the foreign law, a comparative analysis of these three legal regimes regarding contract formation demonstrates that their approaches are very distinct, and this confirms the legal uncertainty. In order to reduce this problem, three different strategies are proposed to the Brazilian government.
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The Law Applicable to International Trade Transactions with Brazilian Parties: A Comparative Study of the Brazilian Law, the CISG, and the American Law About Contract FormationAguiar, Anelize 25 August 2011 (has links)
Despite Brazil’s importance in the world economy and its increasing participation in foreign trade, there is considerable legal uncertainty regarding the law applicable to international commercial contracts involving Brazilian parties because Brazilian judicial courts do not respect parties’ freedom to choose the governing law, thus this determination is only made by a judge, according to Private International Law rules of the forum. Applying these rules, this study demonstrates that there are at least three potential legal regimes: the Brazilian law, the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and a foreign domestic sales law. Making use of the American law as the foreign law, a comparative analysis of these three legal regimes regarding contract formation demonstrates that their approaches are very distinct, and this confirms the legal uncertainty. In order to reduce this problem, three different strategies are proposed to the Brazilian government.
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Gränsöverskridande arvskiften : En analys av domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågan med beaktande av EU:s förordning nr 650/2012 samt dess förhållande till tredjestatWidforss, Julia, Näs, Erica January 2013 (has links)
In today’s society it is not uncommon for people to move across borders. We are more likely to work and study in other countries, initiate cross-border relationships, acquire property in other states and change our residence. Therefore it is not uncommon for a per-son to leave inheritance in several states. The laws of succession differ between countries which creates an uncertainty among the devisors when planning their successions. This un-certainty, to which court has jurisdiction and to which country’s law is applicable, is con-sidered as incompatible with the free movement of people and capital within the EU. Therefore, the EU regulation No 650/2012 has been introduced to reduce the uncertainty and enable the EU citizens to govern their successions in advance.The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the regulation solves the current problems regarding the court of jurisdiction and applicable law in cross-border situations concerning succession within the EU and how this regulation in these matters relate to third state. To answer the purpose of this paper the applicable law is studied from a problem-based per-spective. The sources of law is systematized, interpreted and defined in the paper with a descriptive method.The regulation states that the principle of domicile is to be used as a harmonizing principle both regarding jurisdiction and applicable law. The regulation however, does not provide a clear definition of the term domicile. The authors of this paper consider this to be a problem in the enforcement of the principle. The regulation has universal application, wherefore the court may have to apply another state’s law when judging the succession. In such situations it may, for several reasons, be difficult to maintain a high level of legal certainty. The regu-lation only binds the Member States but may still be beneficial in successions related to a third State. / I dagens samhälle är det vanligt att människor rör sig över landsgränserna. Gränsöverskri-dandeförhållanden inleds, allt fler personer arbetar och studerar utanför medborgarskaps-landet, de byter hemvist och förvärvar egendom i andra stater, vilket gör att det vid en per-sons bortgång inte är ovanligt att denne efterlämnar kvarlåtenskap i flera stater. Staters arvsrättsliga regler skiljer sig åt vilket skapar en osäkerhet hos arvlåtaren då denne ska pla-nera för sin kvarlåtenskap. Denna oförutsägbarhet, avseende främst vilken domstol som är behörig samt vilken lag som är tillämplig, har ansetts strida mot den fria rörligheten av människor och kapital inom EU. Därför har en EU-förordning, nr 650/2012 av den 4 juli 2012 om behörighet, tillämplig lag, erkännande och verkställighet av domar samt godkän-nande och verkställighet av officiella handlingar i samband med arv och om inrättandet av ett europeiskt arvsintyg, förhandlats fram för att minska osäkerheten och underlätta för EU:s medborgare att utforma sina arvsrättsliga förhållanden i förväg.Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda huruvida förordning nr 650/2012 löser nuvarande problematik avseende domsrätts- och lagvalsfrågorna i gränsöverskridanade arvsituationer inom EU samt hur denna förordning i dessa frågor förhåller sig till tredjestat. För att be-svara syftet utreds gällande rätt ur en problemorienterad synvinkel. Rättskällorna systemati-seras och tolkas för att sedan framställas i uppsatsen med en deskriptiv metod.I förordningen anges hemvistprincipen som harmoniserande anknytningsprincip både av-seende domsrätt och lagval. Det anges dock ingen klar och tydlig definition av hemvistbe-greppet, vilket uppsatsförfattarna anser utgör ett problem vid tillämpningen av principen. Förordningen är universell varför den behöriga domstolen kan tvingas tillämpa en annan stats lag. I sådana situationer kan det av flera anledningar vara svårt att upprätthålla en hög rättsäkerhet. Förordningen binder endast unionens medlemsstater men kan ändå vara till fördel i arvsmål med anknytning till tredjestat.
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Training Deictic Relational Responding in People with SchizophreniaO'neill, John 01 January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to replicate and extend recent findings in the functional contextual literature by 1) establishing complex deictic relational responding skills in 3 persons diagnosed with Schizophrenia and mild-moderate Mental Retardation and 2) assessing generalization through pre and post-instructional measures of Social Anhedonia and Theory of Mind functioning. Results suggest that increasingly complex levels of deictic relational responses were acquired and mastered by all 3 participants and that generalization extended to the Deceptive Container Task (ToM levels 4 & 5) and Hinting Task. Support is provided for the notion that perspective taking skills might be shaped through operant conditioning of deictic frames and that acquisition of these skills may generalize to novel stimuli and settings.
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Internetiniai deliktai tarptautinėje privatinėje teisėje / Internet delicts in international private lawŠiupšinskaitė, Urtė 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėti jurisdikcijų kolizijos ir taikytinos teisės tarptautinėje privatinėje teisėje institutai internetinių deliktų apimtyje. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjama deliktų sąvoka, internetinių deliktų išskirtiniai bruožai, šaltiniai bei deliktinės atsakomybės apimtis. Antroji darbo dalis skirta jurisdikcijų kolizijai internetinių deliktų atveju: analizuojamos esamos jurisdikcijų kolizijos taisyklės bei jų pritaikymas internetiniams deliktams, jurisdikcijų kolizijos problemų internetinių deliktų ginčuose sprendimo variantai bei teismų praktika. Trečiojoje dalyje nagrinėtos taikytinos teisės taisyklės, jų problematika internetinių deliktų ginčuose bendrai ir kiekvieno delikto atveju atskirai. / This master's thesis analyses the institutes of collision of jurisdictions and law applicable in private international law in the scope of internet delicts. The first part of this thesis analyses the concept of delicts, distinctive features and sources of internet delicts, as well as the scope of delict liability. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to the collision of jurisdictions in the case of internet delicts: it analyses current rules of jurisdiction collision and their application to internet delicts, versions of solving jurisdiction collision problems in the disputes of internet delicts and case law. The third part analyses applicable law rules, their problems in the disputes of internet delicts in general and in separate cases of each delict.
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涉外侵權行為準據法之研究 / Research on the application laws of tort for foreign civil matters陳詩詩 Unknown Date (has links)
立法者若認為消滅時效的問題有獨立認定準據法的必要性,應採用分別適用法律的方法,在各種法律關係中抽離出來,獨立認定其應適用的準據法為宜。在廣泛承認分別適用法律制度之前,我國或許可以考慮對於涉外侵權行為分為責任的成立及損害賠償的部分,分別規定應適用的準據法;前者依照我國原本的準據法選擇方式,後者之損害賠償認定的方式,則依照受害人常居所地或是本國法為標準。 / The law of selecting of the traditional tort applicable law concerning foreign affairs, and use the decision in accordance with spot of tort, spot of court, spot of tort and court. Selected the law by the tort, it is to determine establishment and effect of this tort by behavioral spot law of fact. Person who covered by behavior advantage of law, it is result that can predict possibility of the judgment, avoid the suitable to apply having consistency of choice and law of the court. The shortcoming is that the tort has not often involved the relation with the party in fact, as the applicable laws of party's rights and obligations of the judgment, it is non- enough to protect party's right. All tort types, it is probably improper to regard spot law of the fact as the applicable law without exception. Manufacturer responsibility, reputation or infringement, person who compete for type of infringing of credit, it is comparatively proper for applicable law to choose the law of the tort with corresponding characteristic with this type.
It no longer adopted behavior law already after 1960 in U.S, the substitute is most important to involve relation theory. When the court chooses the applicable law of a certain legal relation, various factors of wanting comprehensive analysis to be related to this legal relation, will link the factor to weigh subjectively and objectively in terms of quality and quantity, will look for or confirm there is the most important relation of involving in the facts and parties of that land of country or legal field and case. Involve and concern theory advantage lying in selecting the regulation to be elastic, legal system regularization the most importantly. And the shortcoming lies in the most important relation standard is too abstract, the judge, while hearing a case, if do not have certain judging standard to choose law, it is apt to become a mere formality and wilfulness.
The civil law concerning foreign affairs in our country is covered by article 9 of current clause and its debt cause of tort, adopt the law of tort spot in principle. About the compensation for damage of tort concerning foreign affairs, the person who forms tort for our country's law and tort, whether no matter the behavior or consequence one in the spot happens in our country, can begin to be applicable to the law of our country in order to ask for compensation for damage. Only person who adopt the law of tort, the unreasonable result takes place sometimes. So, concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law revision draft consult private international law of Austrian, 48th item 1, Germany civil law, article 41 legislative spirit of example, and adopt the relation theory, the persons who stipulate the law cut in the proviso most that there are relations besides the most importantly, depend on this law, in order to solve the conflict.
Will the scholar of our country the applicable law of the difference (dépeçage) translate into ' the method of cutting apart that the law is applicable to ', what the American scholar is thought each topic to probe into separately selects law to analyze the way has importance in solving the modern complicated lawsuit. Differentiate applicable law of system produce situation that analyze each different particular conflict topics, is applicable to the law with real interests. American federal court has not used the differentiate the applicable law, the appellate court of every state and the Supreme Court also only explaining what it is mean. Differentiating the applicable law will probably result in not according with the legal purpose, but some scholars think that consider the policies of the relevant states, it suit to protect the proper expectation interests, basic policy, determinacy of the result, predictability, unity and applicable law in the particular legal field, can adopt, differentiate applicable law solve to suitable to apply law. The judgment of No. 1804 and No. 1838 of the Supreme Judicial Court of our country, is adjudicated on the platform try to take off our country concerning foreign affairs civil law suitable to apply law, consult foreign country differentiate the applicable law (dépeçage), for being which break through traditional select law theory.
The amendments of Law Governing the Application of Laws to Civil Matters Involving Foreign Elements of our country has not referred to the question of the applicable law of the difference. The draft is in the topic about the fulfillment of prescription, will differentiate the applicable law and especially propose discussing, the attempt should stipulate the way in which the applicable law choose independently. Concerning the 35th regulation of clause draft of law's revision, ask for the fulfillment of prescription of right, in accordance with asking for the law that right should be applicable to by the legal relation happening. Its reason lies in asking for the fulfillment of prescription of right, because various countries are about stipulating the difference of their legal results, assert it is entity's question. There are persons who regards it as procedure question on the private international law. The fulfillment of prescription and stipulate in the substantive law of our country, so assert it is entity's question. The fulfillment of prescription takes place to particular request, and a part of legal relation, so should be made its applicable law by the legal relation of request.
If legislators think the question of eliminating prescription asserts the necessity of the applicable law independently, should adopt the way of differentiating the applicable law, release in various legal relations before coming out, assert the applicable law that it should be applicable independently. Before acknowledging differentiating the system of applicable law extensively, perhaps our country can consider that is divided into the establishment of responsibility and part of compensation for damage the tort concerning foreign affairs, should part regulation applicable law, the former choose the way according to our country's original applicable law, the way asserted in compensation for damage of the latter, often the spot of dwelling or this national law is a standard according to the victim.
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Cross-border Products Liability in the European Union / La responsabilidad transfronteriza por productos defectuosos en la Unión EuropeaPalao Moreno, Guillermo 10 April 2018 (has links)
Liability for defective products meets a modern legal framework applicable to cases which have an international nature in the European Union. However, the new regulatory developments have not solved the existing coordination problems and offer an unjustified complexity, so there is a certain risk that the objectives pursued by the European legislator in this strategic sector for the EU internal market are not going to be fulfilled. The objective of this study is to analyze the solutions contained in Regulation (EC) 442001, relating to jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters and Regulation (EC) 8642007, concerning the law applicable to non-contractual obligations («Rome II»), aswell as their interrelationship with other conventional instruments. / La responsabilidad por productos defectuosos cuenta en la Unión Europea con un moderno marco legal aplicable a los casos que cuenten con una naturaleza internacional. Sin embargo, los nuevos desarrollos normativos no han suprimido los problemas de coordinación existentes y ofrecen una injustificada complejidad, por lo que existe un cierto riesgo de que se malogren los objetivos perseguidos por el legislador europeo en este estratégico sector para el mercado interior de la Unión Europea. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las respuestas contenidas en el Reglamento (CE) 44/2001, relativo a la competencia judicial, el reconocimiento y la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales en materia civil y mercantil y el Reglamento (CE) 864/2007, relativo a la ley aplicable a las obligaciones extracontractuales («Roma II») asícomo su interrelación con otros instrumentos convencionales.
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