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Posouzení nezbytnosti zádržných a vsakovacích systémů dešťových vod v zastavěném územíTOPIČOVÁ, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The work is devoted to the definition of rainwater by applicable legislation. Furthermore, it defines the term of restraint systems and infiltration of rainwater, with their brief description. Documenting the calculation of retention volumes for the three selected watersheds in combination accumulation, regulated runoff and infiltration. The work is processed simplified design documentation of accumulation of rainwater in the selected property. Thesis is complemented by photographs liquidation and use of rainwater.
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A influência da harmonização e da uniformização do direito internacional privado sobre a autonomia da vontade na escolha da lei aplicável aos contratos internacionaisMENEZES, Carla Cristina Costa de 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-15T17:42:30Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-12 / Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo defender a tese da maior promoção da autonomia da
vontade como elemento de conexão no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, no que se
refere à regulamentação dos contratos internacionais. Diante desta finalidade, a
pesquisa analisa as possibilidades de harmonização e de uniformização do Direito
Internacional Privado (DIPr) no século XXI em matéria de comércio internacional, e o
posicionamento adotado pelos principais institutos internacionais que promovem as
técnicas de harmonização e uniformização de modo a contemplar a autonomia da
vontade na escolha da lei aplicável. A partir da abordagem das convenções e
tratados internacionais emanados destes institutos, busca-se demonstrar o caminho
trilhado em direção ao reconhecimento do princípio da autonomia da vontade como
elemento principal na escolha da lei aplicável ao contrato internacional de comércio.
Para atingir esse fim, realizou-se um estudo correlacionado da UNCITRAL, da
Convenção de Roma de 1980, da Convenção do México de 1994, dos INCOTERMS
e do UNIDROIT com o intuito de demonstrar a urgência do reconhecimento da
autonomia da vontade das partes na escolha da lei aplicável ao contrato
internacional pelo Brasil, propondo ao fim uma redação moderna e atualizada para
reformar a LINDB de 2010. / This work aims to defend the thesis of further promotion of the autonomy of will as a
connecting element in brazilian law, in relation to the regulation of international
contracts. Given this purpose, the search starts from the analysis of the possibilities
of harmonization and unification of the norms of Private International Law (PrIL) in
the twenty-first century in international trade, and the position adopted by major
international institutions that promote technical harmonization and standardization in
order to include the autonomy of will to choose the applicable law. From the
approach of the international conventions and treaties emanating from these
institutes, seeks to demonstrate the path taken towards the recognition of the
principle of the autonomy of will as a key element in the choice of the law applicable
to international trade. To achieve this, it conducted a study correlated of the
UNCITRAL, the Rome Convention of 1980, the Mexico Convention of 1994, the
INCOTERMS and the UNIDROIT in order to demonstrate the urgency of the
recognition, by the brazilian law, of the parties autonomy of will to choose the
applicable law to the international contracts, finally proposing a modern and an
updated essay to reform the LINDB 2010.
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Processo arbitral transnacional / Transnational arbitral proceedingFlavia Fóz Mange 13 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as normas processuais aplicáveis à arbitragem. O reconhecimento da prevalência da autonomia da vontade das partes e, subsidiariamente, dos árbitros para estabelecer regras para condução do procedimento arbitral, afastou a aplicação das regras processuais do local da realização da arbitragem. A ausência de uma lei processual de regência ou da aplicação mandatória das regras processuais da lex fori possibilitou, por um lado, a harmonização da prática processual arbitral e, por outro lado, embates recorrentes sobre a forma adequada para a condução do procedimento. A ausência de uma lei de regência não significa que o processo arbitral possa ser discricionário. Existe uma pluralidade de fontes normativas que influenciam a tomada de decisão processual nas arbitragens. Propõe-se a análise destas fontes normativas à luz do direito transnacional. O método transnacional adotado inclui normas nacionais e internacionais, bem como outras fontes normativas que não se enquadram tipicamente em uma categoria tradicional, admitindo que o quadro regulatório do processo arbitral seja formado por uma confluência de fontes que operam em ordens jurídicas e planos normativos diversos. Diante dessa pluralidade de fontes normativas, defende-se a necessidade de maior normatização in concreto, incentivando que as partes e os árbitros realizem uma conferência preliminar para definir a melhor forma de conduzir o procedimento em cada arbitragem. / This thesis analyzes the procedural rules that apply to arbitration. The recognition that the parties and, subsidiarily, the arbitrators are free to establish the rules for conducting the arbitral proceedings has prevented the procedural rules of the place where the arbitration is held from being applied. The absence of a governing procedural law or the mandatory application of the procedural rules of the lex fori has, on the one hand, made the harmonization of arbitration procedure possible and, on the other, led to recurrent conflicts regarding the appropriate way to conduct an arbitration. The absence of a governing law does not mean that the arbitration procedure could be discretionary. The existence of a plurality of normative sources that influence procedural decision-making in arbitration is verified. The analysis of these normative sources in light of transnational law is proposed. The transnational method adopted includes domestic and international rules, as well as other normative sources that do not typically fit in a traditional category, allowing the regulatory framework of an arbitration proceeding to be formed by a confluence of sources that operate in different legal systems and on various normative planes. In light of this plurality of normative sources, the need for more active case management and rule-making is defended, encouraging the parties and the arbitrators to hold a preliminary conference to determine the best method for conducting the arbitration in each arbitration proceeding.
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Enforceability of arbitral awards containing interest : a comparative study between Sharia law and positive lawsAlthabity, Mohammad M. January 2016 (has links)
The dynamics of our globalised world open the way for international trade and transactions between different countries; this may lead to conflicts in laws where transactions and trade may be subject to different legal systems. One of the biggest issues in international commercial law is disputes over the charging of interest, for example with regard to late payment, interest-based loans, or compensation for damages. Interest disputes are considered to be a complex area of law and even more complex in the international field. At the international level, interest claims may be connected to many areas of commerce and thus governed by various laws, which are different from one country to another; moreover, each country has its own interest rate and such rates are changeable according to the nature of law and economics under some jurisdictions. Furthermore, the concept of interest itself is affected by influences such as religious beliefs and economic, political and cultural trends. Interest can be treated as a substantive or a procedural matter. The settlement of these disputes therefore faces difficulties. Arbitration, as a method for settlement of disputes, is characterised by special features that assist in resolving these issues; but it faces some obstructions, especially in international commercial arbitration. The practices of arbitral tribunals and national courts in this regard are different. The results of different interpretations, approaches, and theories with regard to arbitration, at the pre-arbitration, during arbitration and post-arbitration stages, may also differ widely due to the diversity of financial and legal systems such as Common Law, Civil Law and the Islamic legal system – Sharia Law – across different countries. Each legal system has a different methodology and theories, even within an individual country under one legal system, and a state within a federal system has its own laws, which may have different interpretations in this respect. The New York Convention of 1958 on enforcing foreign arbitral awards was established in favour of arbitral awards and for the purpose of unifying international rules of arbitration. This Convention provides some procedural and substantive rules for the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, but also provides some grounds for refusal. These rules have been affected by different interpretations under different jurisdictions and legal systems, which lead to different perspectives on the matter of charging interest and settlement by arbitration. The outcome of applying the NYC under these interpretations often has the opposite of its intended effect: the rejection of foreign arbitral awards. Due to such ambiguities, courts occasionally intervene in arbitration in all its stages. The interventions of national courts occur in three stages: enforcement of the arbitration agreement, enforcement of the contract under the applicable law to the agreement, and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award. The confusion between substantive and procedural laws also creates confusion with respect to public policy, non-arbitrability and enforceability. In addition, there may be a lack of clarity on the scope of arbitration with respect to the parties’ agreement, whether or not the parties have agreed to the interest rates and periods and whether or not they have agreed to the authority of the arbitrator. These issues affect the enforceability of an arbitration agreement, the law applicable to the disputed contract, the freedom of parties, the authority of the arbitrators and the enforceability of the awarded interest. The thesis studies how arbitral awards containing interest have been interpreted across the three aforementioned legal systems under the NYC 1958 in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, England, France, and the US and the enforceability of such awards.
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Main inclusions and general and property modifications to the Book X: International Private Law / Principales inclusiones, y modificaciones generales y patrimoniales al Libro X: Derecho Internacional PrivadoDelgado Barreto, César 25 September 2017 (has links)
International Private Law has gone through several changes and modifications, in step with the globalization phenomenon, for whichthe relations between citizens of different countries have become more frequent and complex. In that regard, it is necessary to ask how International Private Law should react tobe in accordance with the new scenarios.In this article, the author examines the general and patrimonial aspects of International Private Law that he considers must be redefined, comparing the current dispositions of the Peruvian Civil Code with international regulations and national reform projects, and introducing a modification proposal for each topic. / El Derecho Internacional Privado ha venidosufriendo diversos cambios y modificaciones, al ritmo del fenómeno de la globalización, porel cual las relaciones entre los ciudadanos dediversos países se han ido haciendo más frecuentes y complejas. En ese sentido, es necesario preguntarse cómo debe reaccionar el Derecho Internacional Privado para estaracorde a los nuevos escenarios.En el presente artículo, el autor hace un recorrido por los aspectos generales y patrimoniales del Derecho Internacional Privado que considera deben ser replanteados, comparando las normas del Código Civil vigentes con las normas internacionales y los proyectos de reforma nacionales, y presentando para cadatema una propuesta de modificación.
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Меродавно право у међународним инвестиционим споровима / Merodavno pravo u međunarodnim investicionim sporovima / Applicable Law in International Investment DisputesGaletin Milena 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације представља начин поступања арбитражних судова приликом утврђивања меродавног права за суштину инвестиционог спора. Његово одређење је веома битно јер може пресудно да утиче на сам исход арбитражног поступка. Истраживањем је обухваћена како пракса арбитражних судова који делују под окриљем Међународног центра за решавање инвестиционих спорова (ИКСИД), тако и оних арбитражних судова који поступају ван њега.<br />Након уводних разматрања, у раду су најпре приказани процесни механизми за заштиту имовинских права странаца с обзиром да они представљају претечу инвестиционе арбитраже какву данас познајемо. Потом је указано на комплексност инвестиционих спорова која проистиче из чињенице да се различити извори права на њих примењују-правила међународног права (обичајног и уговорног), национално законодавство државе пријема, као и одредбе уговора о страном улагању између државе пријема и страног улагача. При том се одређивање меродавног права не своди на просто утврђивање извора који би се примењивао на сва спорна питања, већ се за свако појединачно питање одређује који слој правних правила применити.<br />Начело аутономије воље приликом утврђивања меродавног права за суштину спора је било предмет истраживања у трећем делу рада. Оно је најпре разматрано у националном законодавству, арбитражним правилима и конвенцијским текстовима, а потом и у клаузули уговора између државе пријема и страног улагача и у клаузули билатералних и мултилатералних споразума о подстицању и заштити улагања (БИТ). Наведени делови су употпуњени релевантном праксом арбитражних судова, а посебно је разматрано да ли арбитражни судови поштују страначку аутономију воље у сваком случају и како поступају уколико у клаузули БИТ-а о меродавном праву нијеутврђена хијерархија извора који су у њој предвиђени.<br />Затим су анализирана поступања арбитражних судова у случајевима одсуства клаузуле о меродавном праву. Овде се приликом истраживања кренуло од поделе на арбитражне судове који делују под окриљем ИКСИД-а и оне који делују ван ИКСИД система. Посебна пажња је била усмерена на теорије које су се јавиле о поступању арбитражних судова ИКСИД, а које се тичу односа националног и међународног права у случају непостојања споразума страна о меродавном праву за суштину спора.<br />Наредно поглавље се тиче садејства националног и међународног права када се примењују као меродавна на суштину спора. Класификација је направљена тако што су се у оквиру сваког извора инвестиционог права разматрала спорна питања на која се тај извор примењује.<br />Коначно, у последњем делу, су приказана закључна разматрања.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Predmet istraživanja doktorske disertacije predstavlja način postupanja arbitražnih sudova prilikom utvrđivanja merodavnog prava za suštinu investicionog spora. NJegovo određenje je veoma bitno jer može presudno da utiče na sam ishod arbitražnog postupka. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćena kako praksa arbitražnih sudova koji deluju pod okriljem Međunarodnog centra za rešavanje investicionih sporova (IKSID), tako i onih arbitražnih sudova koji postupaju van njega.<br />Nakon uvodnih razmatranja, u radu su najpre prikazani procesni mehanizmi za zaštitu imovinskih prava stranaca s obzirom da oni predstavljaju preteču investicione arbitraže kakvu danas poznajemo. Potom je ukazano na kompleksnost investicionih sporova koja proističe iz činjenice da se različiti izvori prava na njih primenjuju-pravila međunarodnog prava (običajnog i ugovornog), nacionalno zakonodavstvo države prijema, kao i odredbe ugovora o stranom ulaganju između države prijema i stranog ulagača. Pri tom se određivanje merodavnog prava ne svodi na prosto utvrđivanje izvora koji bi se primenjivao na sva sporna pitanja, već se za svako pojedinačno pitanje određuje koji sloj pravnih pravila primeniti.<br />Načelo autonomije volje prilikom utvrđivanja merodavnog prava za suštinu spora je bilo predmet istraživanja u trećem delu rada. Ono je najpre razmatrano u nacionalnom zakonodavstvu, arbitražnim pravilima i konvencijskim tekstovima, a potom i u klauzuli ugovora između države prijema i stranog ulagača i u klauzuli bilateralnih i multilateralnih sporazuma o podsticanju i zaštiti ulaganja (BIT). Navedeni delovi su upotpunjeni relevantnom praksom arbitražnih sudova, a posebno je razmatrano da li arbitražni sudovi poštuju stranačku autonomiju volje u svakom slučaju i kako postupaju ukoliko u klauzuli BIT-a o merodavnom pravu nijeutvrđena hijerarhija izvora koji su u njoj predviđeni.<br />Zatim su analizirana postupanja arbitražnih sudova u slučajevima odsustva klauzule o merodavnom pravu. Ovde se prilikom istraživanja krenulo od podele na arbitražne sudove koji deluju pod okriljem IKSID-a i one koji deluju van IKSID sistema. Posebna pažnja je bila usmerena na teorije koje su se javile o postupanju arbitražnih sudova IKSID, a koje se tiču odnosa nacionalnog i međunarodnog prava u slučaju nepostojanja sporazuma strana o merodavnom pravu za suštinu spora.<br />Naredno poglavlje se tiče sadejstva nacionalnog i međunarodnog prava kada se primenjuju kao merodavna na suštinu spora. Klasifikacija je napravljena tako što su se u okviru svakog izvora investicionog prava razmatrala sporna pitanja na koja se taj izvor primenjuje.<br />Konačno, u poslednjem delu, su prikazana zaključna razmatranja.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">The research subject of the doctoral thesis is the manners in which arbitral tribunals deal with determination of applicable law for the substance of investment disputes. This determination is very important because it can decisively affect the very outcome of the arbitral proceedings. The research includes both the practice of arbitral tribunals within the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) and the practice of arbitral tribunal outside ICSID.<br />After introductory remarks, the procedural mechanisms for the protection of property rights of foreigners are shown in the thesis since they represent a forerunner of current investment arbitration. Subsequently the complexity of investment disputes is pointed out arising from the fact that different sources of law apply to them-international law (customary and contractual), national legislation of the host state, as well as the provisions of a foreign investment contract between the host state and foreign investor. In doing so, the determination of the applicable law is not simply the determination of the source that would apply to all the contentious issues, but the determination of a layer of legal rules which applies on each individual question.<br />The principle of party autonomy in determining the applicable law for the substance of the dispute was the subject of the research in the third part of the thesis. It was first considered in arbitration rules and conventions, and thereafter in the clauses of the contract between the host State and the foreign investor and then in the clauses of bilateral and multilateral agreements on promotion and protection of investments (BITs). These sections are completed with the relevant practice of arbitral tribunals. It is especially considered whether arbitral tribunals respect the party's autonomy in any case and how they act if the choice of law clause in the BIT does not determinethe hierarchy of sources envisaged therein.<br />Afterwards the practice of arbitral tribunals in cases where the choice of law clause is absent was analyzed. In the course of the research, a division was made between arbitral tribunals operating under the auspices of ICSID and those operating outside the ICSID system. Particular emphasis was paid to the theories which occurred in the practice of ICSID arbitral tribunals,<br />concerning the relationship of national and international law in the absence of agreement between the parties on the applicable law.<br />The next chapter deals with the relationship between national and international law when applied as relevant to the substance of the dispute. The classification was made in such a way that within each source of investment law the contentious issues which are applicable within it were considered.<br />Finally, in the last chapter, concluding remarks are presented.</p>
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La désignation de la loi applicable en matière de successions internationales : la professio juris en droit international privé québécois et comparéGhozlan, Stéphanie 05 1900 (has links)
Alors qu’un éternel débat oppose les défenseurs de la scission et ceux de l’unité successorale, la professio juris donne une nouvelle perspective à la question de la détermination du droit applicable à une succession internationale, à travers le prisme de l’autonomie de la volonté et de la prévisibilité juridique. En conférant au de cujus la faculté de désigner lui-même le droit qui régira sa succession, elle lui permet d’écarter la règle de conflit objective au profit d’un ou de plusieurs rattachements de son choix et d’éviter l’incertitude reliée à l’appréciation des rattachements objectifs au moment du décès. Instaurée au Québec en 1994, cette institution n’existe que dans quelques États.
Quoique présentant des intérêts indéniables en termes de planification, la professio juris a éveillé la crainte que le de cujus ne l’utilise que pour éluder les règles impératives du droit objectivement applicable, dont ses dispositions protectrices comme la réserve héréditaire. Deux types de limites à la professio juris ont ainsi émergé, restreignant l’éventail de lois parmi lesquelles le de cujus peut choisir et proscrivant ensuite certains effets de la désignation.
Ce mémoire repose sur l’étude comparative des balises instituées dans plusieurs législations qui connaissent la professio juris, afin d’apporter un certain éclairage sur sa portée au Québec. Cette grille d’analyse permet également d’examiner comment la professio juris a été circonscrite dans d’autres États, de constater qu’elle peut offrir des avenues de planification qui n’ont pas été retenues
au Québec et de porter un regard critique sur ces restrictions. / While an endless debate opposes the proponents of scission with the proponents of unity of succession, the professio juris offers a new option. The professio juris allows for the determination of the law applicable to an international succession to be evaluated through the perspective of a will’s autonomy and of legal predictability. By conferring to the deceased the ability to designate the law which would govern their succession, they may circumvent the rule of objective conflict in favour of one or more of the Connecting factors of their choice, and thus to avoid the incertitude linked to the evaluation of the objective Connecting factors upon their death. This institution,
established in Quebec in 1994, exists only in certain states.
Though advantageous in estate planning, the professio juris raised the apprehension that the deceased may use it in order to circumvent imperative rules of the objectively applicable law, and particularly its protective dispositions such as the hereditary reserve. Two limitations of the professio juris then emerged, firstly, restricting the number of laws from amongst which the deceased can choose, and secondly, limiting some of the possible consequences of said choice.
This report is a comparative study of the limitations in effect in legislations that recognize the professio juris, in an attempt to clarify Quebec’s. Moreover, this study will analyse how the professio juris has been implemented in other states, observing that it can offer planning possibilities that are unavailable in Quebec, and, finally, to take a critical assessment of those limitations.
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L’influence du droit international privé sur le droit interne français / The influence of Private International Law over French Internal LawMoille, Celine 07 December 2012 (has links)
Suite à l’émergence de nouveaux moyens de communication et de transport, la seconde moitié du XXème siècle a connu un développement massif de la société internationale et des règles de droit attenantes. Malgré cet essor, la pensée de Bartin selon laquelle les règles de droit interne se projettent dans l’ordre international, ainsi que la mise en lumière de l’antériorité du droit interne par Batiffol, amènent à croire que le droit international privé n’est que le strict reflet du droit interne. Le droit international privé, bien qu’international par son objet, reste alors traditionnellement attaché au droit national pour y puiser sa source. Les relations juridiques entre personnes privées, comportant ou non un élément d’extranéité, sont ainsi envisagées au travers du prisme du droit interne. L’influence se réalise dès lors naturellement dans le sens du droit privé interne vers le droit international privé. Le but de cette étude est de rechercher et de justifier l’apparition d’un mouvement inverse : existe-il aujourd’hui une influence du droit international privé sur le droit interne français ? Le droit international privé, de par ses méthodes (la qualification, les règles de conflit, les règles matérielles) et son approche particulière des rapports de droit, détachée parfois de certaines considérations nationales, permettrait dorénavant de percevoir certaines faces cachées du droit interne. Si cette intuition venait à être confirmée, le droit international privé, tant conflictuel que matériel, devrait alors être considéré comme un modèle juridique moderne exerçant sa force d’attraction dans le droit interne qui l’avait initialement fait éclore. / Following the emergence of new means of communication and transportation, the second half of the twentieth century witnessed a massive development of the international society with its corresponding legal rules. However, the thought of Bartin that domestic law rules are projected into the international legal order, added to Batiffol opinion that domestic law always takes precedence over international law, lead us to believe that Private International Law is nothing but a strict reflection of domestic law. Although international by its object, Private International Law remains traditionally linked to domestic law where it draws its source. Therefore, whether or not containing a foreign element, legal relations between private persons are always considered through the prism of internal law. In that sense, domestic law does naturally shape International Private Law.The aim of this study is to investigate and justify the reverse movement : is there today an influence of Private International Law toward French law? By its methods (such as qualification, conflict of law rules or substantive rules), Private International Law in a specific approach of legal relationships that is detached from domestic considerations, allows to perceive some hidden aspects of internal law. If this were to be a confirmed intuition, conflicting and substantive Private International Law, should then be considered a new modern legal model, influencing the domestic law in which it originally blossomed.
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Le droit des investissements internationaux vu par la CIJ et le CIRDI / International investment law viewed by the ICJ and the ICSIDTanon, Abédjinan M. Sandrine 20 December 2016 (has links)
Le droit des investissements internationaux est largement présenté au travers de la jurisprudence arbitrale, notamment celle du CIRDI. Une telle approche a paru insuffisante. En effet, dans l'examen des questions touchant le droit des investissements internationaux, la jurisprudence de la CIJ et de sa devancière semble être un passage obligé à certains égards. S'agissant de règles primaires, c’est dans la jurisprudence de la Cour qu’ont émergé et pris forme certaines règles substantielles relatives aux investissements internationaux, et dont la désuétude est loin d'être établie par l'avènement du CIRDI. Par ailleurs, le rôle général de la Cour dans le fonctionnement de l'ordre juridique international à travers les règles juridictionnelles, procédurales, d’interprétation ou encore de responsabilité internationale, est indéniable. Or, certaines de ces règles se présentent comme des chapitres incontournables du droit des investissements internationaux. Ce sont là autant de raisons qui ont conduit à entreprendre une étude sur Le droit des investissements internationaux vu par la CIJ et le CIRDI en l’abordant au travers de la question de savoir si les tribunaux CIRDI puisent dans l’héritage de la Cour sur les problématiques juridiques relatives aux investissements internationaux ou s’en départissent. La confrontation des jurisprudences de la Cour et des tribunaux CIRDI a permis de conclure que le droit des investissements internationaux vu par la CIJ n’est que partiellement le droit des investissements internationaux vu par les tribunaux CIRDI. Globalement, sur une problématique donnée, en même temps que certaines solutions retenues par la jurisprudence des tribunaux CIRDI dénotent un emprunt aux règles et principes posés par la Cour, d’autres s’en départissent, qu'il s'agisse des règles primaires en la matière, ou bien des règles secondaires du droit international dans leur déclinaison dans le cadre du droit des investissements internationaux. Parce qu’elle livre, entre autres, une vue d’ensemble de la jurisprudence de la Cour de la Haye en matière d’investissements internationaux – démarche inédite –, la thèse se présente comme une piste pour les arbitres sur le chemin de l’émergence d’une jurisprudence arbitrale cohérente en droit des investissements internationaux. / To international investment law questions, the ICJ decisions are materials that must be taken into consideration. Indeed, substantive rules in international investment law and their issues are older than the ICSID creation. The legal issues had already been raised in the Court which set rules and principles covering international investment law principles. Thus, it is into the Court’s decisions that some rules relating to international investments was created. From this perspective, the ICJ cases could be seen as a legitimate forerunner for substantive rules in international investment law. In the other hand, the ICJ has a main role in the development and promotion of the rules of international litigation, some of which are of relevance in international investment law. The present work, by using the ICJ cases as guidance precedents, challenges the ICSID decisions to determine if the ICSID follows or not the rules and principles raised by the Court in international investment law. The analysis shows that if some ICSID decisions borrow the principles and rules established by the ICJ, others follow new ways in both primary and secondary rules in international investment law.
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La protection des "parties faibles" dans le règlement "Rome I" / The protection of "weak parties" in the "Rome I" regulationBoukaram, Sahar 07 December 2015 (has links)
Le « marché intérieur » est générateur de contrats internationaux intra et extra-européens. La multiplication de ces contrats nécessite un marché intérieur « espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice ». Le règlement « Rome I », instrument de droit international privé communautaire, assure la liberté contractuelle et la sécurité juridique par l’élaboration de règles générales de conflit de lois. La volonté d’assurer la justice contractuelle a donné lieu pour sa part à l’élaboration de règles spéciales de conflit de lois, qui visent à protéger les contractants en situation de faiblesse sociale ou économique face à leur cocontractant partie forte. Le règlement « Rome I » a ainsi consacré des règles spéciales de conflit de lois protectrices des intérêts des travailleurs, des consommateurs, des passagers voyageant au départ ou à destination de leur pays de résidence, des preneurs d’assurance de risques de masse communautaires, ainsi que des distributeurs et des franchisés. Toutefois, le succès du marché intérieur impose de parvenir à établir un équilibre entre la justice contractuelle, la liberté contractuelle et la sécurité juridique, même dans le cadre des règles spéciales protectrices de conflit de lois. Cet équilibre ne peut être atteint que par des correctifs de proximité. Le correctif de proximité inséré dans le cadre des règles spéciales protectrices de conflit de lois participe non seulement à la fonction principale de la règle de conflit de droit, à savoir la désignation de la compétence du système juridique le plus étroitement lié au contrat, mais également à la création et au fonctionnement de ce marché intérieur espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice / The “internal market" generates international contracts within and outside Europe. The proliferation of these contracts in fact requires an internal market established as an "area of freedom, security and justice". Regulation "Rome I", instrument of private international and European law, displays the purpose of ensuring the contractual freedom and legal security per elaborating general rules of conflict of laws. The will of the European legislator to ensure contractual justice within the internal market give rise thus, to special rules of conflict of laws that protect the contracting parties in a weak position face their co-contractor in dominant position. Regulation "Rome I" consecrates conflict of laws rules protecting the interests of certain contracting parties, that it considers that they are "weak parties"; they are the workers, the consumers, the passengers traveling to or from their country of residence, the policyholders of mass risks located on European territory, as well as distributors and franchisees. However, the success of the internal market requires achieving a balance between contractual justice, contractual freedom and legal security, even under protective special rules of conflict of laws. This balance can be achieved by correctives of proximity. The corrective of proximity inserted as part of the protective special rules of conflict of laws not only participates in the main function of the rule of law conflict, namely the designation of the competence of the legal system most closely related to the contract, but also to the establishment and operation of an internal market, area of freedom, security and justice
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