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Tiyeseko : A Study on Small-Scale Farming Women in Sustainable Agriculture in ZambiaJohansson, Karin January 2003 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to understand what impact courses in sustainable agriculture have had on small-scale farming women in Zambia, who have started using alternative techniques in their farming. Weather conditions, political issues and other circumstances in Zambia have made it difficult for people to grow enough crops to feed their families and gain extra money alternative methods are being promoted by organisations at all institutional levels, in order for people to survive. At Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre, east of the capital, Lusaka, sustainable methods in farming practices are taught to small-scale farmers. It is a qualitative study, accomplished within the field of Human Geography, and the theoretical frameworks that have been used are political ecology of sustainability, low-external input in sustainable agriculture, and gender and development. The qualitative methods used are in accordance to Rapid Rural Appraisal, where small-scale farming women have been interviewed on a semi-structural basis. Additionally, secondary data in the form of literature has been gathered and direct observations have been made in the field. Results show that the courses in sustainable agriculture have had an impact on the lives of participating small-scale farming women and that they are able to spread their knowledge to neighbouring small-scale farmers. It also shows that politics has a major influence on the daily life of the women.</p>
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Hur arkiverar Sveriges byggföretag? : Ett försök att finna arkiveringspraxis i en för kulturarvet viktig företagsbransch / How are the Swedish Building Corporations building up their archives? : An attempt to find an archive building custom in a line of business of importance for the cultural heritageHögman, Nils January 2010 (has links)
<p>What traces of their actions are the Building Corporations in Sweden leaving in their archives and are they followingsome archival policies? This thesis is trying to answer that question. For that reason 25 archives fromSwedish Building Corporations have been investigated concerning their size, contents and age. Furthermore apoll performed by the Swedish National Archives in cooperation with the Swedish Employers’ Confederationhas been analyzed. As a complement to these investigations some people responsible for the archives at SwedishBuilding corporations have been interviewed about their companies’ archival policies.The result of this study is, sadly enough, that the Swedish Building Corporations are neglecting their archives.Most of the archives that were studied are very small, less than half a running metre. A few builders of thegeneration born in the late nineteenth century have left more or less extensive archives, but they were very poorlyorganized. But generally the will to build up archives for the need of the future researchers and for the culturalheritage seems to be very poor in the Building Corporations, even poorer than in the Swedish companies in general.Almost no archival strategies could be discerned, other than that most companies preserve their record onlyfor that time the law and their own immediate needs prescribe. That is a shame, concerning the Building Corporations’importance for the cultural heritage in that that the buildings they are making are forming our culturalenvironment.This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.</p>
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Persuasiveness in the discourse of wine : The rhetoric of Robert ParkerHommerberg, Charlotte January 2011 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study is to explore a case of remarkably powerful contemporary rhetoric, namely Robert Parker’s wine writing, which has had an unprecedented impact in the world of prestigious wine for more than two decades. Parker, an American autodidact who gave up his career in law to become a fulltime wine critic, is considered the most influential critic of all time. This background motivates the approach of the current enquiry, which targets the persuasiveness in Parker’s writing. The investigation strives to bring to the fore both explicit and implicit elements of his wine reviews that have the potential to contribute to rhetorical success. The material selected for analysis comprises a corpus of reviews extracted from Parker’s extensive bulk of wine writing. The texts are studied against the backdrop of socio-cultural and institutional frames. Considerable importance is assigned to the fact that the reviews occur within a strictly specialized field of discourse with a highly conventionalized configuration. This hermeneutic enquiry approaches the topic from three analytical perspectives, designed to highlight persuasiveness in representations, argumentation and appraisal. The presentation reports on schematic patterns in Parker’s discourse as well as close interpretation of individual texts. The analysis of representations shows that both visual and verbal representations contribute to the persuasiveness of the text. The argumentative exploration of Parker’s discourse, which is assisted by the analytical tools of pragma-dialectics, demonstrates that the reviews involve rational argumentation on several subordinate levels, given in support of assessments and recommendations. Finally, the perspective of appraisal draws on the analytical resources provided by the Appraisal model to shed light on the way in which the audience is positioned to respond with respect to emotional, associative and perceptual values. The results indicate that the persuasiveness of Parker’s discourse arises as a result of concordance among an intricate array of interrelated factors. The audience is recurrently demonstrated to play a crucial role as co-constructors of the message. The present study also has methodological outcomes, presenting a novel combination of analytical methods to perform contextually situated discourse analysis. In addition, the material is allowed to challenge the theoretical ideas and notions that are addressed.
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Hur arkiverar Sveriges byggföretag? : Ett försök att finna arkiveringspraxis i en för kulturarvet viktig företagsbransch / How are the Swedish Building Corporations building up their archives? : An attempt to find an archive building custom in a line of business of importance for the cultural heritageHögman, Nils January 2010 (has links)
What traces of their actions are the Building Corporations in Sweden leaving in their archives and are they followingsome archival policies? This thesis is trying to answer that question. For that reason 25 archives fromSwedish Building Corporations have been investigated concerning their size, contents and age. Furthermore apoll performed by the Swedish National Archives in cooperation with the Swedish Employers’ Confederationhas been analyzed. As a complement to these investigations some people responsible for the archives at SwedishBuilding corporations have been interviewed about their companies’ archival policies.The result of this study is, sadly enough, that the Swedish Building Corporations are neglecting their archives.Most of the archives that were studied are very small, less than half a running metre. A few builders of thegeneration born in the late nineteenth century have left more or less extensive archives, but they were very poorlyorganized. But generally the will to build up archives for the need of the future researchers and for the culturalheritage seems to be very poor in the Building Corporations, even poorer than in the Swedish companies in general.Almost no archival strategies could be discerned, other than that most companies preserve their record onlyfor that time the law and their own immediate needs prescribe. That is a shame, concerning the Building Corporations’importance for the cultural heritage in that that the buildings they are making are forming our culturalenvironment.This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.
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Fastighetsvärdering : - processen att fastställa ett marknadsvärde / Real Estate Appraisal : - the process to establish a market valueLarsson, Veronica, Lindberg, Susanne January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Vi ska analysera hur fastighetsmäklare värderar småhus och hur de använder sig av taxeringsuppgifter, det vill säga de egenskapsuppgifter om tomtmark och småhus som samlats in vid fastighetstaxeringen från fastighetsägarna. Vi ska även sammanställa en modell över de faktorer som har central betydelse vid uppskattning av marknadsvärdet. Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts där vi genomfört personliga intervjuer med fastighetsmäklare. Teorin baseras på relevant litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar och elektroniska källor. Empirin redovisas genom en kategorianalys. Resultat & slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att fastighetsmäklare med erfarenhet inte följer de steg som teorin tar upp vid fastighetsvärdering. Egenskapsuppgifterna från fastighetstaxeringen används endast som grundläggande information på grund av att de inte är helt tillförlitliga uppgifter. / Aim: In this thesis we analyze how real estate agents value small houses in Gävle. In addition, we examine how property information from property taxation is used in real estate appraisal. We will also present a model of the factors that are essential in the estimation of market value. Method: A qualitative approach was used in which we conducted personal interviews with real estate agents. The theory is based on relevant literature, scientific articles and electronic sources. Empirical data reported by a category analysis. Result & Conclusions: We have found that experienced real estate agents do not follow the steps of the theory when valuating property. Property information provided by property taxation is not completely reliable and is used only as basic information.
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Writing with an Attitude : Appraisal and student texts in the school subject of SwedishFolkeryd, Jenny W. January 2006 (has links)
Learning in school is in many respects done through language. However, it has been shown that the language of school assignments is seldom explicitly discussed in school. Writing tasks are furthermore assigned without clear guidelines for how certain lexical choices make one text more powerful than another. The present study is a contribution to a linguistic and pedagogical discussion of student writing. More specifically the focus is on the use of evaluative language in texts written by students in the school subject of Swedish in grades 5, 8 and 11. The major investigations of the study have been accommodated within the theoretical framework of Appraisal. An overview is given of the language resources in the student texts for constructing emotion, judging behavior in ethical terms and valuing objects aesthetically. Another question addressed is that of how attitudinal meaning is intensified, thus creating greater or lesser degrees of positivity or negativity associated with the feelings. The results show that manifestations of attitude are found in practically all texts in the study. However, variations are noted in relation to different genres, age, proficiency level, language background and gender. A contribution of the study in relation to the theoretical framework upon which it draws is an extension of the system of Attitude as well as an identification of different patterns in the use of attitudinal resources. These patterns are furthermore discussed in relation to how students talk about their own written production in terms of text movability. Results indicate that students with a high degree of text movability also use attitudinal resources to a large extent. It is argued that applying the linguistic tool of Appraisal can facilitate a discussion of how to make one aspect of the hidden curriculum more visible, namely, how to write with an Attitude.
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Pedagogik i medarbetarsamtal- en intervjustudieAndersson, Malin, Skorge, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
Medarbetarsamtal är en form av samtal på individnivå. Samtal kan vara en viktig arbetsform även för hälsopedagoger som arbetar med människor på individnivå. Att veta hur pedagogiken kan användas i samtal för att påverka individer blir därmed en stor tillgång. Undersökningen syftar till att ta reda på om och i sådana fall hur pedagogiska ledare använder sig av pedagogik i medarbetarsamtal. Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ ansats och den metod som har använts är intervju. Fyra intervjuer har genomförts med en urvalsgrupp bestående av personer med pedagogisk högskoleutbildning och som arbetar som ledare på en pedagogisk arena. Resultatet visade att medarbetarsamtalen till stor del är baserade på utveckling och utvecklingsinriktat lärande. Reflektion ses som det viktigaste verktyget man som pedagog har i samtal som syftar till utveckling hos en annan individ. Reflektionen kan leda till förståelse och därmed utveckling som kan leda till ytterligare reflektion och vidare utveckling. De tre begreppen reflektion, förståelse och utveckling utgör tillsammans en form av helhet.
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Tiyeseko : A Study on Small-Scale Farming Women in Sustainable Agriculture in ZambiaJohansson, Karin January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand what impact courses in sustainable agriculture have had on small-scale farming women in Zambia, who have started using alternative techniques in their farming. Weather conditions, political issues and other circumstances in Zambia have made it difficult for people to grow enough crops to feed their families and gain extra money alternative methods are being promoted by organisations at all institutional levels, in order for people to survive. At Kasisi Agricultural Training Centre, east of the capital, Lusaka, sustainable methods in farming practices are taught to small-scale farmers. It is a qualitative study, accomplished within the field of Human Geography, and the theoretical frameworks that have been used are political ecology of sustainability, low-external input in sustainable agriculture, and gender and development. The qualitative methods used are in accordance to Rapid Rural Appraisal, where small-scale farming women have been interviewed on a semi-structural basis. Additionally, secondary data in the form of literature has been gathered and direct observations have been made in the field. Results show that the courses in sustainable agriculture have had an impact on the lives of participating small-scale farming women and that they are able to spread their knowledge to neighbouring small-scale farmers. It also shows that politics has a major influence on the daily life of the women.
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De nationella provens påverkan på det pedagogiska uppdraget : - en studie om lärares inställning till införandet av nationella prov i åk 3Johansson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Vid regeringsskiftet 2006 kom det att bli förändringar inom skolpolitiken och det blev startskottet för denna undersökning. Skolverket fick i uppdrag att utforma nya kunskapsmål att uppnå i ämnena matematik, svenska samt svenska som andra språk. Detta föregick införandet av nationella prov i årskurs tre. Syftet med undersökningen är att ta reda på grundskolelärares inställning till hur proven kan komma att påverka det pedagogiska uppdraget. Insamlandet av material har skett genom en enkät bestående av fasta svarsalternativ och det har getts möjligheten för skriftliga kommentarer. Resultatet visar att lärare anser att de nya problemformuleringarna är en vinst för elevernas kunskapsutveckling och inte proven i sig. De nationella proven ses som redskap att synliggöra elevernas kunskaper och till viss del kan de komma att ligga till grund för bedömningar av elevernas kunskapsutveckling. / After the Swedish government shifted in 2006 changes were made to school politics, which gave me the cause to start this survey. The National Agency for Education was given the task to design new levels of knowledge in the field of mathematics, Swedish, and Swedish as a second language. This precedes an introduction of national tests in the third grade. The purpose of the survey was to find out the teachers’ attitudes how the tests may influence their educational work. The report was based on a questionnaire with questions with the advantage of the questionnaire being able to comment freely. The result shows that it is the way the goal wording is written which one sees as a merit of the new reform and not the tests in it self. The national tests should be seen as a tool to be used to see how the pupils development progresses and which can then be used to set the pupils level of development.
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A critical appraisal of the criminalisation and prosecution of sexual violence under international criminal lawAkia, Brenda January 2011 (has links)
<p>Sexual violence leaves the victims psychologically traumatised and stigmatised in the eyes of its community. Used on a large scale, sexual violence can destabilise a society as a whole and when used during armed conflicts, it serves as a powerful weapon against members of a community. During armed conflicts, sexual violence is widespread and systematically used as a tool of war and this makes sexual violence amount to crimes against humanity, genocide and war crimes. This research paper critically analyses and evaluates sexual violence as an international crime, as well as its prosecution under international criminal law mainly by the International Criminal Court (hereafter ICC), International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (hereafter ICTY) and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (hereafter ICTR). It discusses the problem of selectivity that can be observed in prosecuting sexual violence that has in fact, left many victims of sexual violence dissatisfied. By doing so, it analyses the law as it is to determine whether the law applied during sexual violence prosecutions is sufficient. The paper also states recommendations that can contribute to the effective prosecution of sexual crimes under international criminal law.</p>
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