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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bärbar sensorhandske med force feedback för manövrering av en humanoid robothand - : Implementering med monterade sensorer och motorer för styrning och känsel / Sensors glove with force feedback feeling when operating a humanoid robot hand : Implementing mounted sensors and engines for control and sensibility

Ekström, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to create a sensors glove with force feedback feeling when operating a humanoid robot hand. The development covered multiple areas such as mechanics, electronics and programming. The final product gave the user control over three fingers of a humanoid robotic hand. In the case where the robotic hand comes in contact with an object the user's finger movement is limited according to the pressure the robotic hands fingers exposes the object to. / Rapporten beskriver arbetet för framtagandet och skapandet av en sensorhandske med inbyggd force feedback funktion som därmed ska möjliggöra styrning över en mekanisk gripare med hög finmotorik. Detta för att kunna få en mer realistisk manövrering över griparen. Projektet är uppdelat i två system. Ett system för sensorhand som med en Arduino Uno Rev 3 styr servomotorer som används för att återskapa force feedbacken. Utöver det sker även mätning och analys av användarens fingerposition genom potentiometrar. Det andra systemet är för en humanoid robothand som även den använder sig av en Arduino Uno Rev 3 för att manövrera de servomotorer som handen använder för att flytta fingrarna. Mätning och analys av trycksensorer på robothandens fingertoppar genomförs för att möjliggör återskapandet av force feedback till användaren efter det tryck robothanden utsätter ett objekt för. De två systemen använder sig av ett I2C protokoll i form av multimaster and slave struktur för att kommunicera mellan det två mikrokontrollerna samt deras respektive servomotordrivarkretsar (Adafruit- PCA9685). För att undvika krockar i kommunikationen då mer än en master använder I2C linorna skapades en ovanpåliggande struktur för att upprätta regler för hur kommunikationen ska genomföras. All datahantering och kommunikation programmeras i C++. Programmeringskoden är skapad så att utbytet av robothanden och dess servodrivarkrets är möjligt. Sensorhandsken kan därmed implementeras till vad användaren väljer att använda den till, så länge kommunikationen sker med samma regler och struktur som upprättats. Utöver elektronik och programmering har även mycket mekanik tillämpats då olika delar av elektroniken ska byggas in och kunna fungera korrekt med rörliga mekaniska delar. Detta har bland annat använts i skapandet för fingerpositionsmätningen där trimpotentiometrar har byggts in och rörliga delar kan ändra på det resistiva motståndet i komponenten. Trots projektets begränsning till tre fingrar tyder projektet på att det framtagna konceptet av en sensorhandske med force feedback är fullt möjligt och genomförbart.

Utveckling av koncept för att reglera reaktiv effekt vid generatordrift via PLC : Framtagande och provning av prototyp / Development of concepts for regulating reactive power during generator operation via PLC : Creation and testing of prototype

Gran, Erik, Hård, Erik January 2019 (has links)
I projektet utreds möjligheterna kring att kunna kontrollera en generators reaktiva effektproduktion genom att styra magnetiseringsströmmen från en PLC. Som metod för styrning från PLC beslutades att en signal på 0-5V skulle användas. För att reglera magnetiseringen, och därmed i förlängningen den reaktiva effekten, beslutades att den befintliga manuella potentiometern skulle ersättas med två parallellkopplade digitala potentiometrar av typen MCP4261 som kontrollerades av en mikrokontroller. Att de digitala potentiometrarna skulle parallellkopplas beslutades efter en förstudie som visade på att det skulle resultera i en noggrannare reglering utan någon inskränkning på användbart reglerspann. Praktisk provning av mikrokontroller och digitala potentiometrar gav ett tillfredsställande och bra resultat med god upplösning. / This project investigates the possibilities of being able to control a generators reactive power production by controlling the excitation current from a PLC. As a method for controlling from PLC, it was decided that a signal of 0-5V should be used. In order to regulate the magnetization, and hence in the long term the reactive power, it was decided that the existing manual potentiometer would be replaced by two parallel-connected digital potentiometers of the type MCP4261 controlled by a microcontroller. The fact that the digital potentiometers would be connected in parallel was decided after a feasibility study which showed that in this way it would result in a more accurate regulation without any restriction on the usable control span. Practical testing of microcontrollers and digital potentiometers provided a satisfactory result with a good resolution.

Lastfördelning och effektmätning med Arduino och PLC

Klintrot, Oskar, Forsström, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Detta arbete var beställt av Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar. Skolan ville ha en enhet som kunde mäta aktiv-, reaktiv- och skenbar effekt, ström, spänning, frekvens och cosϕ på en generator och som kommunicerade vidare dessa värden till en PLC. Detta för att kunna lastfördela lasten mellan ett antal generatorer i kursen Tillämpad elteknik 15 hp där studenterna bygger en generatorinstallation med tre generatorer. Ett funktionsblock för lastfördelning skulle också programmeras. Prototypen som konstruerades baserades på en Arduino Ethernet och kommunikationen löstes med Modbus TCP/IP över Ethernet. Ett lastfördelningsprogram programmerades i form av ett funktionsblock som studenterna kunde importera till CoDeSys v2.3 och använda i sina installationer. Prototypen kunde läsa av värdena med ungefär samma noggrannhet som ett kommersiellt instrument som använder sig av samma mätteknik som prototypen. Uppdateringsfrekvensen var dock lägre än hos ett kommersiellt instrument. Kommunikationen med PLC:n fungerade utan problem. Då ingen undervisning hölls i arbetets slutskede kunde inte lastfördelningen testas på en fullskalig anläggning. Lastfördelningsprogrammet klarade dock av att hålla rätt frekvens på en ensam generator och fungerade som tänkt när programmet testades i en simulator. Prototypen gav fel mätvärden vid kapacitiv last. Vid jämförelse med en kommersiell tångamperemeter visade sig mätfelet bero på mätmetoden då båda gav liknande resultat. Som referens användes en professionell elkvalitetsanalysator. Alla uppdragsgivarens krav blev uppfyllda och arbetet kommer att kunna användas i undervisningen. / This thesis was ordered by Kalmar Maritime Academy. The request was for a device that could measure active, reactive and apparent power, as well as frequency, voltage, current and cosϕ on a generator. The measured values would be communicated to a PLC for use in a load sharing program between a number of generators in the course Tillämpad elteknik, 15 ECTS. In that course the students constructs a three-generator electric power grid. Included in the request was also to program a load sharing program. The prototype being constructed was based on the Arduino Ethernet, and the communication was enabled by means of the Modbus TCP/IP protocol over Ethernet. A load sharing program was created in the form of a function block which the student could import into the CoDeSys for use in the generator systems. The prototype could measure values with close to the same accuracy as a commercial available instrument that were using the same technique for measuring. The refresh rate was however lower than the commercial available instrument. Communication with the PLC worked without any issues. No full-scale testing could be done since no course was held during the final stages of the thesis, however the load sharing program could keep frequency on a single generator alone and worked in a simulated soft environment. Measuring errors occurred when measuring a capacitive load. When comparing to a commercial available clamp meter, the same errors occurred. As a reference a professional power and energy quality analyser was used. All the requests were fulfilled and the result of this thesis will be used in the educational programme at the Academy.

Estudo de um coletor solar, tipo tubo evacuado modificado, utilizando um concentrador cilíndrico parabólico (CPC) / Study of a modified evacuated tube solar collector using a compound parabolic concentrator (cpc)

Avallone, Elson [UNESP] 30 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-09T20:50:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-22T14:07:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-22T18:09:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-22T18:12:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-22T19:44:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T11:57:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T12:57:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T13:16:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T13:34:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T17:24:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-23T17:29:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-24T12:05:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-24T12:39:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-24T16:47:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-24T17:31:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-27T11:40:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-27T12:31:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Submitted by ELSON AVALLONE null (elson.avallone@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-11-27T13:03:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL.pdf: 8939449 bytes, checksum: d3102d236ab9125097867c5c875ded25 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Marlene Zaniboni null (zaniboni@bauru.unesp.br) on 2017-11-27T13:29:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 avallone_e_te_bauru_par.pdf: 1740865 bytes, checksum: 52bbabae7939012196c7f0891f214b58 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-27T13:29:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 avallone_e_te_bauru_par.pdf: 1740865 bytes, checksum: 52bbabae7939012196c7f0891f214b58 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-30 / As alterações climáticas tem fomentado a busca por fontes renováveis de energia. Assim, novos coletores solares têm sido o foco de pesquisadores em todo o mundo para novos concentradores, novas configurações de instalação e o estudo da estratificação térmica para melhorar o desempenho do sistema de armazenamento térmico. O sistema proposto, ou seja, utilizando concentrador solar com tubo evacuado, proporciona linearidade e constância na sua eficiência em relação aos coletores de placas planas. A alteração proposta, ou seja, tubo com duas aberturas, uma para entrada do líquido frio e outra para saída do líquido aquecido, elimina a interface física entre a água quente na região voltada para o fluxo de calor solar e a água fria na região inferior do tubo. Essa alteração provoca redução na eficiência térmica, porém aumenta o volume de água aquecida por dia. O concentrador CPC mostrou-se um importante equipamento do sistema, uma vez que a os raios solares incidem em uma região longitudinal definida no tubo coletor solar, direcionado pela geometria do CPC. Com a utilização desse equipamento elimina-se a necessidade de espelhos com seguidores solares, tornando o sistema vulnerável a oscilações elétricas, encarecendo o projeto e consumindo energia elétrica. O desempenho do coletor é avaliado a partir de testes experimentais utilizando a Primeira Lei da Termodinâmica como análise da eficiência. Esses resultados são comparados aos conceitos teóricos descritos na literatura científica. O espaço anular evacuado do tubo também se mostrou um importante aliado na linearidade do coletor, reduzindo a resistência térmica do ar. A estratificação térmica é avaliada tanto pelo número de MIX (Primeira Lei da Termodinâmica) como pela proposta de um novo coeficiente de estratificação utilizando a exergia (Segunda Lei da Termodinâmica). Das seis configurações propostas para o sistema estudado, a mais viável foi obtida na configuração 3, ou seja, tubo evacuado com CPC. / Climate change has encouraged the search for renewable energy sources. Thus, new solar collectors have been the focus of researchers around the world with new hubs, new installation settings and the study of thermal stratification to improve the performance of the thermal storage system. The proposed system, ie using evacuated tube solar concentrator provides linearity and stability of efficiency compared to flat plate collectors. The proposed change, i.e. a tube with two openings, one for cold liquid inlet and the other for hot liquid outlet, eliminates the physical interface between the hot water in the region facing the solar heat flow and the cold water in the lower region of the tube. This change causes a reduction in thermal efficiency, however increases the volume of water heated per day. Two radiometers were also developed, one thermal and the other optical, and the thermal radiometer was chosen because it had a similar behavior to the solar collectors, thus reducing the cost of the experimental bench. The CPC concentrator proved to be important equipment, once the concentration of sunlight focus on a longitudinal region defined in the solar collector tube, directed by the CPC geometry. Using this equipment eliminates the need for mirrors with solar trackers, making the system vulnerable to electrical oscillations, making the project more expensive and consuming electricity. The collector performance is evaluated from experimental tests using the First Law of Thermodynamics as an efficiency analysis. These results are compared to the theoretical concepts described in the scientific literature. The annular evacuated space in the tube also proved to be an important ally in the linearity of the collector, reducing the thermal resistance of the air. Thermal stratification is evaluated both by the MIX number (First Law of Thermodynamics) and by the proposal of a new stratification coefficient using exergy (Second Law of Thermodynamics). Of the six configurations proposed the most efficient was obtained in the complete configuration, i.e. evacuated tube with CPC.

LABVAE : uma solução para experimentação de aprendizagem eletrônica

Santos, Marcos Pereira dos 30 September 2014 (has links)
Due to the importance of laboratories for practical classes for students of engineering and computing, and because there is a considerable cost and bureaucratic process to keep these labs in operation, this research proposes the establishment of a laboratory for remote access, which will enable the experiments remotely, securely and cost reduction investments. Presents the design, development and evaluation of a hardware and software platform named Virtual Laboratory for E-Learning (LABVAE), to show the applicability of the remote laboratory, designated to education and collaborative courses in computer science, information systems, computer networks, to engineering and mechatronics. Tests were conducted in hardware and software for the validation of the platform and presented the results of use of network resources that enabled the survey necessary to estimate the needs and minimum features for their functionality. Regarding efficiency requirements and the results of performance evaluation, the technologies presented were satisfactory, for the LABVAE makes good use of the network, such a utilization of 97.57% of the total packets transmitted; 23.64 an average of packets per second; an average size of 875 bytes per second and a bandwidth of 24.28Mbps. Whereas the development of the proposed architecture is applicable from the points of view of usability, availability and functionality, you can confirm the hypothesis of this study, according to which the platform of virtual lab, designed to facilitate the practical concept of remote lab, promotes collaboration in research practice and in the teaching of remote experiments / Diante da importância dos laboratórios para as aulas práticas dos estudantes das áreas de engenharia e computação e do fato de que há um custo considerável e um processo burocrático para manter esses laboratórios em funcionamento, esta pesquisa propõe a criação de um laboratório de acesso remoto, que possibilitará a realização dos experimentos de forma remota, com segurança e redução de custos de investimentos. Esta dissertação apresenta a concepção, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma plataforma em hardware e software denominada Laboratório Virtual de Aprendizagem Eletrônica (LABVAE), visando mostrar a aplicabilidade do laboratório remoto, designada ao ensino e ao trabalho colaborativo nos cursos de ciência da computação, sistemas de informação, redes de computadores, mecatrônica e às engenharias. Testes foram realizados em nível de hardware e software para a validação da plataforma, bem como apresentados os resultados de uso dos recursos de rede que possibilitaram o levantamento necessário para estimar as necessidades e características mínimas para sua funcionalidade. No que diz respeito aos requisitos de eficiência dos resultados e de avaliação do desempenho, as tecnologias apresentadas foram satisfatórias, demostrando que o LABVAE faz um bom uso da rede, a exemplo de um aproveitamento de 97,57% do total de pacotes transmitidos; uma média de 23,64 pacotes por segundo; uma média de tamanho de 875 bytes por segundo e uma largura de banda de 24,28Mbps. Considerando que o desenvolvimento da arquitetura proposta é aplicável dos pontos de vista de usabilidade, disponibilidade e funcionalidade, pode-se confirmar a hipótese deste estudo, segundo a qual a plataforma do laboratório virtual, projetada para viabilizar o conceito prático de laboratório remoto, promove a colaboração na pesquisa prática e no ensino de experimentos remotos.

LABVAE : uma solução para experimentação de aprendizagem eletrônica

Santos, Marcos Pereira dos 30 September 2014 (has links)
Due to the importance of laboratories for practical classes for students of engineering and computing, and because there is a considerable cost and bureaucratic process to keep these labs in operation, this research proposes the establishment of a laboratory for remote access, which will enable the experiments remotely, securely and cost reduction investments. Presents the design, development and evaluation of a hardware and software platform named Virtual Laboratory for E-Learning (LABVAE), to show the applicability of the remote laboratory, designated to education and collaborative courses in computer science, information systems, computer networks, to engineering and mechatronics. Tests were conducted in hardware and software for the validation of the platform and presented the results of use of network resources that enabled the survey necessary to estimate the needs and minimum features for their functionality. Regarding efficiency requirements and the results of performance evaluation, the technologies presented were satisfactory, for the LABVAE makes good use of the network, such a utilization of 97.57% of the total packets transmitted; 23.64 an average of packets per second; an average size of 875 bytes per second and a bandwidth of 24.28Mbps. Whereas the development of the proposed architecture is applicable from the points of view of usability, availability and functionality, you can confirm the hypothesis of this study, according to which the platform of virtual lab, designed to facilitate the practical concept of remote lab, promotes collaboration in research practice and in the teaching of remote experiments / Diante da importância dos laboratórios para as aulas práticas dos estudantes das áreas de engenharia e computação e do fato de que há um custo considerável e um processo burocrático para manter esses laboratórios em funcionamento, esta pesquisa propõe a criação de um laboratório de acesso remoto, que possibilitará a realização dos experimentos de forma remota, com segurança e redução de custos de investimentos. Esta dissertação apresenta a concepção, desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma plataforma em hardware e software denominada Laboratório Virtual de Aprendizagem Eletrônica (LABVAE), visando mostrar a aplicabilidade do laboratório remoto, designada ao ensino e ao trabalho colaborativo nos cursos de ciência da computação, sistemas de informação, redes de computadores, mecatrônica e às engenharias. Testes foram realizados em nível de hardware e software para a validação da plataforma, bem como apresentados os resultados de uso dos recursos de rede que possibilitaram o levantamento necessário para estimar as necessidades e características mínimas para sua funcionalidade. No que diz respeito aos requisitos de eficiência dos resultados e de avaliação do desempenho, as tecnologias apresentadas foram satisfatórias, demostrando que o LABVAE faz um bom uso da rede, a exemplo de um aproveitamento de 97,57% do total de pacotes transmitidos; uma média de 23,64 pacotes por segundo; uma média de tamanho de 875 bytes por segundo e uma largura de banda de 24,28Mbps. Considerando que o desenvolvimento da arquitetura proposta é aplicável dos pontos de vista de usabilidade, disponibilidade e funcionalidade, pode-se confirmar a hipótese deste estudo, segundo a qual a plataforma do laboratório virtual, projetada para viabilizar o conceito prático de laboratório remoto, promove a colaboração na pesquisa prática e no ensino de experimentos remotos.

Framställning av mätmetod för att upptäcka defekta luftmunstycken : Framställa en säker och tillförlitlig mätmetod för att mäta mängd vatten i 50 provrör / Preparation of measurement method to detect defective air nozzles : Produce a safe and reliable measurement method for measuring the amount of water in 50 test tubes

Potros, Bashar January 2018 (has links)
För att upptäcka defekta luftmunstycken har Ecco Finishing AB i Skara tagit fram en ny provutrustning som ska ersätta en otillförlitlig och osäker befintlig provmaskin. Ecco Fi-nishing AB vill hitta en tillförlitlig och säker mätmetod som ska mäta mängd vatten i 50 provrör. Examensarbetets övergripande mål är att hitta en noggrann och repeterbar mätmetod för nivåmätning av vätska i provrören. Två mätmetoder utvärderades som är mest lämpliga för nivåmätningen, visionsystem och mätning genom vägning. Anledningen till att valet ham-nade på dessa två mätmetoder är provutrustningens provrör, dels att det är många mätpunkter och för att det är små provrör. Det gjordes tjugo experiment för visionsystem och tjugo ex-periment för vägningsmetod för att utvärdera och beskriva för - och nackdelar. Experimenten av visionsystem och vägning gjordes först i laborationsfas för att sedan testas på företagets befintliga provutrustning. Resultaten av mätningar sparades i ett Excel-ark som användes för att utvärdera insamlade data. Utvärderingarna jämfördes mot uppsatta mål, tillförlitlighet, noggrannhet, repeterbarhet, automatisk rapportering av resultat och tid för mätningen. Vis-ionsystem rekommenderas för fortsatt arbete och implementation på den befintliga provut-rustningen. / To detect defective air nozzles, Ecco Finishing AB in Skara has developed a new test equip-ment to replace an unreliable and uncertain existing test machine. Ecco Finishing AB wants to find a reliable and safe measurement method that will measure the amount of water in 50 test tubes. The overall goal of the thesis is to find a precise and repeatable measurement method for level measurement of fluid in the test tubes. Two measurement methods were evaluated that are most suitable for level measurement, vision systems and measurement by weighing. The reason for the choice of these two measurement methods is the test tubes of the test equipment, and that there are many measuring points and because of the small test tubes. Twenty experiments for vision systems and twenty experiments for weighing method were made to evaluate and describe pros and cons. The experiments of vision systems and weighing were first made in the laboratory phase and then tested on the company's existing test equipment. The results of measurements were saved in an Excel sheet used to evaluate collected data. The evaluations were compared to set goals, reliability, accuracy, repeatabil-ity, automatic reporting of results and time of measurement. Vision systems are recom-mended for continued work and implementation on the existing test equipment.

Um medidor de energia elétrica integrado em redes de comunicações / An electricity power meter integrated into communications networks

Cesário Júnior, José Maria, 1979- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Varese Salvador Timóteo, Francisco José Arnold / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Tecnologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T09:10:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CesarioJunior_JoseMaria_M.pdf: 2596300 bytes, checksum: 6b11eb547957a0632bbc647946da04ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A crescente evolução mundial dos sistemas de medição inteligentes, a liberação de regulamentações Brasileiras, incentivando a adoção de sistemas de medição de energia elétrica inteligentes, direcionaram a presente dissertação a propor um sistema composto de um equipamento eletrônico para medição, em tempo real, das grandezas de corrente, tensão e calcular a energia consumida e terá canais de comunicação com as tecnologias Wi-Fi, GSM/GPRS e GPS. As informações sobre consumo serão disponibilizadas para os usuários finais com o objetivo de mudar o padrão de consumo de energia elétrica, ou até reduzi-lo, através da conscientização e disponibilização das informações de consumo em tempo real / Abstract: The growing worldwide trend of smart metering systems, the release of Brazilian regulations, encouraging the adoption of smart electricity metering systems, guided this dissertation to propose a system composed of an electronic device for measuring, in real time, the magnitudes of current, voltage and calculate the consumed power and will have communication channels based on Wi-Fi, GSM /GPRS and GPS technologies. The consumption information will be made available to end users with the goal of changing the electricity consumption pattern, or even reduce it, through awareness and provision of consumer information in real time / Mestrado / Tecnologia e Inovação / Mestre em Tecnologia

Vývoj testovacího přípravku délkového snímače / Development of the testing device for length measurement

Kirchner, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is a verification of possibility to measure displacement in small range using sensor based on the principle of strain gauge. For testing purspose, an evaluating unit was designed, made and assembled. This unit contains analog/digital converter, LCD and it has an abbility to move measuring plane using stepper motor. Next part of this thesis is about testing new prototype of strain gauge sensor, including evaluation of results of measuring. The performed measurements were measuring linearity, time stability and repeatability. Based on the results of the measurements, the possibility of using this type of length measuring device was confirmed for further development.

Vestavný systém s komunikačním rozhraním NFC a Wi-Fi / Embedded System with Communication Interface NFC and Wi-Fi

Bugár, Loránt January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with communication system design via the NFC and Wi-Fi interface. The thesis has two basic goals. The first goal is to create a device that is capable of storing of data and its subsequent transfer via the NFC interface. The second aim is to utilize this device for measuring various physical variables. The IoT technology is employed to fulfill the aforementioned goal. IoT technology is capable of visualizing data in real time and make them accessible via the Internet. The result of this work is an universal device, that contains the most popular communication interfaces, such as I2C, SPI and that is capable of processing measurement data from digital, analogue, and wireless sensors.

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