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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sir Thomas Tresham (1543-1605) and early modern Catholic culture and identity, 1580-1610

McKeogh, Katie January 2017 (has links)
What did it mean to be a Catholic elite in Protestant England? The relationship between the Protestant crown and its Catholic subjects may be examined fruitfully through a study of an individual and his world. This thesis examines this relationship through the example of Sir Thomas Tresham, who has often been seen as the archetypal Catholic loyalist. It is argued that the notion of Catholic loyalism must be reconfigured to account for the complexities inherent in the relationship between Catholics and the government. The duty to honour the monarch's authority was bound up with social and national sentiment, but it often accompanied criticisms of the practice of that authority, and the ways in which it encroached on personal experience. Intractable tensions lay behind expressions of loyalty, and this thesis travels in these undercurrents of cultural, social, religious, and political conflict to investigate the nuanced relationship between English Catholics and English society. Political resistance as classically understood - actions which directly opposed and undermined government policy - risks the exclusion of culture and identity, through which resistance was redefined. It is argued that Tresham's participation in elite activities became vehicles for resistance in the Catholic context. Book-collecting, reading, and the donation of books to an institutional library are framed as forms of resistance which countered the spirit of government legislation, and provided for the continuation of a robust tradition of Catholic scholarship on English soil. Through artistic and architectural projects, Tresham found ways to participate in elite culture which were not closed off to him, and in which Catholicism and gentility could sit side by side. These activities were also avenues for resistance, whereby the erection of stone testaments to Tresham's faith defied the government's attempts to redefine Englishness and gentility in Protestant terms, to the devastation of Catholicism. These artistic works combined piety, gentility, and resistance, and, together with Tresham's two Catholic libraries, they were to be his legacy.

La vente des biens nationaux dans le Vendômois (1789-1850) / The sale of "Biens nationaux" in Vendômois 1789-1850

Daviot, Marie-Françoise 24 September 2013 (has links)
Entre Beauce et Sologne, le Vendômois est en 1789, une région pauvre, souffrant de la disette, situation à laquelle l’administration révolutionnaire n’a pas su remédier. La vente des biens nationaux en augmentant la propriété foncière des notables qui ont déjà la mainmise sur les trois quarts du sol de la région et contrôlent désormais les institutions politiques et administratives, va asseoir leur influence sur les populations.Si sur le plan de l’agriculture, le système paternaliste disparaît, il n’en laisse pas pour autant place à une économie capitaliste florissante. Le retard dans ce domaine et dans ceux de l’industrie et du commerce, restera important au XIXème siècle. Le bilan des ventes nationales montre la disparition presque totale de la propriété ecclésiastique et la division par trois de la propriété noble. Le transfert de propriété aux paysans, qui peut paraître réel lors des premières ventes, est fortement atténué par le phénomène des reventes qui s’étalent sur les cinquante années suivantes. Le point remarquable, qui apparaît également dans cette étude, est la relative modération de la population vendômoise et des hommes politiques, quand elle a pu les désigner pour l’administrer localement. Attachée aux traditions, la population bien qu’elle ait participé aux acquisitions des biens dits nationaux, a su montrer de la résistance face aux comportements extrêmes des hommes politiques parisiens et blésois. Contrairement à beaucoup d’autres régions françaises plus urbaines, les persécutions et les destructions, qui ont marqué la période des ventes nationales, n’ont pas été systématiques en Vendômois, et c’est tout à son honneur. / In 1789, the traditional area of the Vendômois, bordered by the Beauce and Sologne regions, is poor and the revolutionary authorities have not succeeded in addressing the prevailing food shortage. By growing the landed property of the upper classes,who already had a stronghold on three quarters of the region’s real estate and who would now control the political and administrative system, the sale of “biensnationaux” would reinforce their influence over the population. Although the paternalistic system in the field of agriculture came to an end, it not made way for a flourishing capitalistic system. The lack of development in industry and agriculture will remain important throughout the XIXth century. The outcome of the sale has been an almost complete disappearance of church property whileownership by the nobility was divided by three. The transfer of ownership to the peasantry which might have seemed real at the times of the first sales was greatly diminished by the subsequent resales over the next fifty years. Another noteworthy point which emerges from this study is the sense of moderation of “vendômoise”population, and of those political leaders, when it was able to appoint to administer locally. Although the local population, which had a strong attachment to tradition, did take part in the acquisition of national lands, it resisted to extreme behaviour of the political leaders from Paris and Blois. Unlike what happened in many other more urban french regions, persecutions and destructions which characterized the period of the national sales were not systematic in the Vendômois, much to its credit.

Margaret Cavendish and Scientific Discourse in Seventeenth-Century England

Bolander, Alisa Curtis 06 May 2004 (has links)
Although the natural philosophy of Margaret Cavendish is eclectic and uncustomary, it offers an important critique of contemporary scientific methods, especially mechanism and experimentalism. As presented in Observations upon Experimental Philosophy and Blazing World, Cavendish's natural philosophy incorporates rationalistic and subjective elements, urging contemporary natural philosophers to recognize that pure objectivity is unattainable through any method of inquiry and that reason is essential in making sense and use of scientific observation. In addition to its scientific implications, Cavendish's three-tiered model of matter presents interesting sociopolitical associations. Through her own use of metaphor and her theoretical fusion of matter and motion, Cavendish confronts the masculinist metaphors and implications of mechanism. Through the dramatization of her model of matter in the narrative Blazing World, Cavendish exposes the theoretical failings of contemporary methods and legitimizes her alternative to pure experimentalism. By envisioning a new planet to place the utopia of Blazing World, Cavendish actively uses the rational functions of the mind, showing that reason and rational matter are above all else in natural philosophy. Although Cavendish's scientific theory in some ways promotes the participation of women in natural philosophy, it becomes complicated as she simultaneously reinforces her social biases and urges a traditional class system with a monarchical government. Cavendish actively separates the gender constraints in philosophical inquiry from the social limitations placed on the lower classes to promote herself and other aristocratic women in the pursuit of natural philosophy, urging that the rational realm, where all sexes are equal, should govern scientific investigation.

In the Company of Cheaters (16th-Century Aristocrats and 20th-Century Gangsters)

Murdock, Mark Cammeron 24 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This document contains a meta-commentary on the article that I co-authored with Dr. Corry Cropper entitled Breaking the Duel's Rules: Brantôme, Mérimée, and Melville, that will be published in the next issue of Essays in French Literature and Culture, and an annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources featuring summaries and important quotes dealing with duels, honor, honor codes, cheating, historical causality, chance, and sexuality. Also, several examples of film noir are cited with brief summaries and key events noted. The article we wrote studies two instances of cheating in duels: one found in Brantôme's Discours sur les duels and the other in Prosper Mérimée's Chronique du règne de Charles IX, and the traditional, as well as anti-causal, repercussions they had. Melville's Le Deuxième souffle is also analyzed with regards to the Gaullist Gu Minda and the end of the aristocratic codes of honor that those of his generation dearly respected but that were overcome by the commercial world of republican law and order.

Noble Venery: Hunting and the Aristocratic Imagination in Late Medieval English Literature

Judkins, Ryan R. 25 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Inneraristokratische asymmetrische Nahbeziehungen im antiken Griechenland / Studien zu Gesellschaft, Politik und patronalen Strukturen in archaischer und klassischer Zeit

Sicklinger, Frank 24 March 2022 (has links)
Asymmetrische Beziehungen im antiken Griechenland werden in der Literatur mit „Klientel“ oder „Patronage“ beschrieben. Dabei wird eine schichtübergreifende Asymmetrie vorausgesetzt, und diese Beziehungen werden vor allem als (instrumentelle) Austauschverhältnisse verstanden. Die Studie argumentiert, dass schichtübergreifende Bindungen auszuschließen sind, und untersucht stattdessen inneraristokratische asymmetrische Beziehungen im Hinblick auf performative, symbolische und instrumentelle Gehalte im Kontext einer stratifizierten Gesellschaftsordnung. In performativer Hinsicht orientiert sich die Zulassung zur Oberschichteninteraktion an der gesellschaftlichen Differenzierung und reproduziert diese damit. Wer aus ökonomischen Gründen seinen Status verliert, wird aus den Verkehrskreisen der Oberschicht ausgeschlossen, umgekehrt finden Aufsteiger leicht Aufnahme in die Aristokratie. Dem entspricht in symbolischer Hinsicht, dass Nahbeziehungen wesentlich zur Statusmanifestation der Aristokraten beitragen und aus diesem Grunde angestrebt werden. Aufrichtigkeit, Offenheit und wechselseitige Unterstützung werden zwar erwartet, diese Erwartungen werden aber häufig enttäuscht. In instrumenteller Hinsicht wird die Unterstützung durch asymmetrische Beziehungen als wichtiger, aber nicht zwingend entscheidender Einflussfaktor gesehen. In archaischer Zeit konnten die Beziehungspartner die Tyrannisaspiranten im Kampf mit den Konkurrenten unterstützen und durch Agitation Einfluss auf den Demos nehmen. In der Klassik verlegte sich die agitatorische Unterstützung in Friedensphasen in die rechtlichen und politischen Institutionen, während im Kontext der Stasis auch gewaltsame Aktionen gegen die konkurrierenden Aristokraten zu den typischen Einsatzmöglichkeiten gehörten. Inneraristokratische asymmetrische Nahbeziehungen erscheinen damit als wesentliches Strukturmerkmal der stratifizierten Gesellschaft und der politischen Ordnung. / Asymmetrical relationships in ancient Greece are described in the literature as “clientage” or “patronage”. Thereby, a cross-class asymmetry is assumed, and these relations are understood primarily as (instrumental) exchange relations. This study argues that cross-class ties are to be excluded, and instead examines intra-aristocratic asymmetrical relations in terms of their performative, symbolic, and instrumental contents in the context of a stratified social order. In performative terms, admission to upper-class interaction is oriented toward and thus reproduces social differentiation. Those who lose their status for economic reasons are excluded from the intercourse circles of the upper class; conversely, upwardly mobile people easily find admission to the aristocracy. In symbolic terms, this corresponds to the fact that personal relationships contribute significantly to the aristocrats’ manifestation of status and are sought for this reason. Sincerity, openness, and mutual support are expected, but these expectations are often disappointed. In instrumental terms, support through asymmetrical relationships is seen as an important, but not necessarily decisive, influencing factor. In archaic times, relational partners could support the aspirants to tyranny in their struggle with rivals and influence the demos through agitation. In the classical period, agitational support shifted to legal and political institutions during periods of peace, while in the context of stasis, violent action against competing aristocrats was also among the typical uses. Intra-aristocratic asymmetrical relations thus appear as an essential structural feature of stratified society and the political order.

Latinský západ v zrcadle byzantského dějepisectví (6.-8.stol.) / Latin West mirrored by the Byzantine historiography (6th-8th centuries)

Bakyta, Ján January 2014 (has links)
The basic aim of the thesis is to investigate whether the Romans of the East (Byzantines) during the 6th to the 8th centuries were interested in the Latin west and the imperial rule over it. In the first part of the work, the various discourses concerning the origins of the Justinianic conquest or reconquest of Africa and Italy articulated in the contemporary sources are identified and evaluated; the only one which cannot be shown or supposed to have been officially articulated is the discourse of a source of Pseudo-Zachariah Scholasticus which makes African and maybe also Italian exulants complaining in the imperial court about the local rulers responsible for the Vandal and Gothic wars. After some other preliminary studies (e.g. concerning the so-called problem of Theodericʼs constitutional position), it is concluded that the emperor Justinian was not interested in an ideologically founded restoration of the empire, but made the western wars because of his contacts with western aristocrats. In the second part of the thesis, the presentation of the Justinianic western wars and western events or realities in the works of the Byzantine historians from Marcellinus Comes and Procopius to Theophylactus Simocatta (the 6th to the early 7th centuries) is investigated and an attempt is made to explore...

Bruxelles et ses campagnes: croissance économique et actions aristocratiques, haut Moyen Age - XIIIe siècle / Brussels and its country: economic growth and aristocratic contributions, early middle ages - XIIIth century

Charruadas, Paulo 16 December 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse envisage les liens entre la ville de Bruxelles et ses campagnes, dans leurs aspects économiques et sociaux. Elle étudie l'impact de l'espace régional (partie de l'ancien pagus de Brabant) sur les conditions d'émergence de la ville et l'impact, ensuite, de la ville sur les structures régionales, en particulier aristocratiques. <p>Une première partie fait le point sur la croissance rurale et urbaine, sur ses protagonistes, ses modalités et sa chronologie. Que sait-on de l’espace régional avant l’an mil ?Comment se mettent en place les nouvelles structures seigneuriales laïques et ecclésiastiques attestées dans la région à partir du XIe siècle ?Comment se produisent les débuts du développement urbain pour la même époque ?Une deuxième partie tente de faire le point sur le rôle dans la région du prince territorial. Originaire de Louvain, mais implanté dans la région de Bruxelles dès le XIe siècle, quelle assise foncière y détenait-il ?Quelle politique monastique y a-t-il menée ?Quelle stratégie féodale et clientélaire a-t-il adoptée face à la société régionale en vue de construire et de développer son autorité seigneuriale ?Ce volet se consacre spécialement à l’étude et à l’évolution du groupe aristocratique traditionnel, notamment son rapport au prince et à la ville, de même qu’à l’émergence des nouveaux acteurs sociaux et à leur confrontation avec le prince et la société seigneuriale/The Ph.D Thesis considers the links between the city of Brussels and its countryside, in their economic and social aspects. It studies the impact of the regional space (part of the former pagus of Brabant) on the conditions for urbanisation and the impact of the city on regional structures, particularly aristocratic / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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